Thomson ETC009 - ETC010 Service Mode
Thomson ETC009 - ETC010 Service Mode
Thomson ETC009 - ETC010 Service Mode
1.3. Navigation:
- Press ”Up” and ”Down” key to select option;
- Press ”Left ” and ”Right ” key to adjust or select option.
- All change in service mode will be saved in EEPROM automatically
1.6.4. Reset
- Initialization before the set will took away from factory.
In factory mode, press ”INFO” (P<P) key, then "RESET" will be shown.
Press "ZOOM+", "BUSY" will be shown.
Initialization will be finished until "BUSY" disappear.
ETC009 - ETC010
First issue 01 / 06
3.2. RF AGC
U0C300C 1 . 8 2005. 07 . 20-01
3.2.1. Method 1 5VPOS 24
1) Input 60dB PAL BG , with half-Color Bar signal 5VAM 29
5VSL 38
2) Press key "2" to enter page 2 of factory mode (Fig.1) 5VL
5VSC 31
3) Select RF AGC with " up " or " down " key. . 5VSCL 34
RF AGC 14 Active
4) Press "ZOOM- "(left) and " ZOOM+ " (light) key AGCL 14
until the hint display just change from "Inactive" to
5) Adjust AGCL for SECAM L /L' same as the PAL.
Fig.1 page 2
3.2.2. Method 2
1) Apply RF signal of 210.25MHz (BG CH 10) modulated
with color bar at 3mVrmx to Tuner input chassis ETC009/ETC010
210.25 MHz
2) Tune to CH10 11
3mV Tuner IF
3) Go to factory mode, entry page 2 (Fig.1) & set
"RF AGC" to 00 (max IF output). antenna BG CH 10
4) Monitor 38.9MHz IF frequency response at Tuner input Monitor IF
pin11 with spectrum analyzer by using high impedance 38.9 MHz
probe or equivalent.
5) Increase RF AGC control until IF frequency response
8 +1/-2 d B down from maximum.
ETC009 - ETC010
First issue 01 / 06
Notes: - Alignment below should be done after 15 minutes warm up of TV.
ETC009 - ETC010
First issue 01 / 06
VOL 01 30
VOL 10 104
VOL 90 170 The 2nd gray scale
VOL 100 188
page 4
5VPOS (Vertical
(V-Position) Over scan)
page 2
* According to Software
5EWW End of
5WBR** Blanking
5EWP Start of
(Pincushion 5WBF** Blanking
ETC009 - ETC010
First issue 01 / 06
3.8.3. Adjustments
Signal : 4/3 test pattern - Cross hatch pattern (PAL or SECAM), NTSC signal to adjust NTSC geometry.
4/3 picture tube
Overscan V=107% , H=107%
Vertical adjustment : press ”2”
1- Check the Factory adjust 5VSC = 31; Adjust Vertical Slope : 5VSL
standard mode
Correct No correct
16 / 9
standard mode
Correct No correct
5 - Adjust 5WBF 4/3 and 5WBR 4/3to make the castellation just un-visible.
5 - Adjust 5WBF 14/9 and 5WBR 14/9 to make the castellation just un-visible.
When all item alignment is finished, please make the TV to RESET as 1.4.4.
ETC009 - ETC010
First issue 01 / 06
* No adjustable
5.1 Analog control adjustment
Press key "5" to enter analog adjustment.
Item ETC009 ETC010
CNTX Max. Contrast value 63 63
CNTN Min. Contrast value 1 3
BRTX Max. Brightness value 63 63
BRTN Min. Brightness value 15 15
COLX Max. Color value 50 50
COLN Min. Color value 0 0
TNTX Max. Tint value 63 63
TNTN Min. Tint value 0 0
SHPX Max. Sharpness value 63 63
SHPN Min. Sharpness value 0 0
Item ETC009 ETC010
CPFK PAL Peaking value 32 32
CFPEK PAL PAL peaking frequency & value 3.5M 143NS 3.5M 143NS
CFPEK NTS NTS peaking frequency & value 3.1M 160NS 3.1M 160NS
CFPEK YUV YUV peaking frequency & value 4.0M 125NS 4.0M 125NS
IFPL IF Offset 32 32
BBTC Base-band tint control (phase U,V signal) 32 32
PGR Original value of R 55 55
PGG Original value of G 55 55
PGB Original value of B 55 55
ON VAM (depends on tube) 3 ( depends on tube) 0
VG2BRI Brightness of V line when adjust G2 20 20
HDOL RGB drive gain. 3 4
Item Data
OSD BRI OSD brightness 8
CC BRI Teletext brightness 5
5CCD H Position for Teletext 11
5CCD V Position for Teletext 40
5OSD H OSD H position 9
5OSD V OSD V position 32
5MENU V Menu V. position 55
5MENU H Menu H. position 10
ETC009 - ETC010
First issue 01 / 06
5.4 - Option adjustment
Press key "8" to enter Option adjustment.
Item Data
U0C300C 1 . 8 2005. 07 . 20-01 OP01 00001110
OP01 00001110 OP02 10000100
OP02 10000100
OP03 00010011 OP03 00010011
OP04 00000000 OP04 00000000
OP05 00100111
OP06 00001011 OP05 00100111 (10100111 for TDA12070/12072/H/N1F00)
OP07 11000011 OP06 00001011 (00000100 for TDA12070H/N1F00)
OP08 00000000
OP09 00001100 OP07 11000011
OP010 00110000
OP08 00000000
OP09 00001100
OPT010 00110000
00001110 Bit 0
Bit 7
Check the bytes values. They indicate the configuration of the chassis and are given for information only.
The default values are indicated in the follow table.
- Choose the item Op01 ,Op02 ... by pressing up/down key.
- Access to the selected Option adjustments by pressing ”Left” or ”Right” key
MVK Macro vision key active Bit 0 : MVK (Macro Vision Keying; 1: active).
FBC off with fix beam current
EVB Norman vertical blanking Bit 1 : FBC (switch-off with blanked RGB outputs or fixed beam current)
SLG 280uA Bit 2 : EVB (normal Vert. picture or extended vertical blanking)
ACL Not active
IFS Normal Bit 3-Bit 4 : SLG0-SLG1 (selection of AKB black current; 10: 280uA)
GD L I No group correction Bit 5 : ACL (control the ratio of chroma/color burst; 0: Not active).
Bit 6 : IFS (IF sensitivity; 0: Normal).
Bit 7 : GDLI (group correction/group delay correction switch for L and I.
0: No group correction).
ETC009 - ETC010
First issue 01 / 06
U0C300C 1 . 8 2005. 07 . 20-01 OP06 : default value : 00001011
U0C300C 1 . 8 2005. 07 . 20-01
OP07 : default value : 11000011
SOC0/1 0% above PWL
PWL ON PWL circuit active Bit 0-1-2-3 : PWL (peak white limit; default : 3)
GD BG DK Group delay correction
Bit 4-Bit 5 : SOC0/1 (% above PW level; 00: 0% above PWL).
Bit 6 : PWL ON (activation of the peak white limiting circuit; 1: active)
Bit 7 : GD BG DK (activation of the Group delay correction;
0: group correction)
U0C300C 1 . 8 2005. 07 . 20-01
No use OFF
OP08 : default value : 00000000
U0C300C 1 . 8 2005. 07 . 20-01 OP09 : default value : 00001100
AFG False
Bit 0 : AFG (AFC measurement; 0: AFC False)
TYUV1 False Bit 1 : TYUV1(Analog output selection for text; valid if TYUV0=1)
CLF True Bit 2 : BPBS (Enable bypass of sound filter at stereo mode)
BWYC False Bit 3 : CLF (Comb filter diode clamp; set to1)
CBPS False
SLD False Bit 4 : BWYC (Bandwidth of anti aliasing filter at YC mode of
OSB False 3.58MHz systems; 0: False)
Bit 5 : CBPS (Internal chroma bandpass filter mode; 0: False)
Bit 6 : SLD (Sleep mode detector status; 0: sleep enabled, False)
Bit 7 : OSB (width of Burstkey; 0: False burstkey=3.52us)
U0C300C 1 . 8 2005. 07 . 20-01 OP10 : default value : 00110000
BKC False Bit 0 : BKC (Internal burst key position; 0: False normal position)
TYUV0 False Bit 1 : TYUV0 (TXT/CC output selection; 0: False, RGB format)
QDT False
TCCON True Bit 2 : QDT (Q values of Second chroma trap; 0: False)
TCI2X True Bit 3 : FBC1 (Fixed beam current during switch off; 0: False, 1mA)
TXTS False
Blue SCN False Bit 4 : TCCON (Top sync. clamp control; 1: True , active)
Bit 5 : TCI2X (Top sync. clamp time constant; 1: True)
Bit 6 : TXTS (TXTS Mode : TEXT source; 0: False TXT from CVBS)
Bit 7 : Blue SCN (Blue screen with no signal; 0: False)
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First issue 01 / 06
5.5 - Mode adjustment
Press key "9" to enter Mode adjustment.
Item Data
U0C300C 1 . 8 2005. 07 . 20-01 MODE 1 010110100
MODE 1 00110101 MODE 2 10011111 (10011011 for TDA12070/12072 without L standard)
MODE 2 10010111
MODE 3 00000000 MODE 3 00000000
MODE 4 11111101 MODE 4 11111101
MODE 5 11000000
MODE 6 10001100 MODE 5 01000000
MODE 7 01110010
MODE 8 00101000 MODE 6 10001100
MODE 9 11001000 MODE 7 01110010
MODE10 00100000
MODE 8 00000000
MODE 9 11001000
MODE 10 00110000
00001110 Bit 0
Bit 7
Check the bytes values. They indicate the configuration of the chassis and are given for information only.
The default values are indicated in the follow table.
- Choose the item MODE 1 ,MODE 2 ... by pressing up/down key.
- Access to the selected MODE adjustments by pressing ”Left” or ”Right” key
U0C300C 1 . 8 2005. 07 . 20-01 MODE1 : default value : 10110100
D-MODE Direct Key enter disabled Bit 0 : D-MODE (Direct enter D-mode (Service mode) with ”OK” key
AV OUT Always TV 0:enable 1:disable)
NO SIG. Mute when no signal
MUTE AV0 Don't mute AV-Out Bit 1 : AV OUT (0: Always TV - 1: Follow source)
NI ADISP OFF Bit 2 : No Signal (0: Demute when no signal - 1 mute when no signal)
TUNER CP OFF Bit 3 : MUTE AV0 (Mute AV-out)
TXT FIN OFF Bit 4 : NI ADISP (1: Nicam auto detection OSD display enable)
Bit 5 : SEARCH (Auto search speed setting)
Bit 6 : TUNER CP (CP bit selection of tuner)
Bit 7 : TXTFIN (TXT fine tuning selection)
ETC009 - ETC010
First issue 01 / 06
EQ BAR Equalizer Bar
BCFCHECK ON MODE 5 : default value : 01000000
Bit 0,1,2,3,4 : No use
Bit 5 : Radio (FM Radio 0:OFF)
Bit 6 : EQ BAR (User menu display (0: bass & Treble; 1:Equalizer)
Bit 7 : BCF CHEK (Beam current protection 1:ON)
U0C300C 1 . 8 2005. 07 . 20-01
U0C300C 1 . 8 2005. 07 . 20-01
MODE 7 : default value : 01110010
XRAY V 1.9V Bit 0 : No use
XRAY T 750ms
4:3 OSVE ON Bit 1 - Bit 2: X-RAY V (Detection voltage for X-ray protection; 01:1.9V)
DOLBY OFF Bit 3 - Bit 4: X-RAY T (Detect. time for X-ray protection; 10: 750ms)
Bit 5 : No use
Bit 6 : 4:3 OSVE (selection of vertical over scan; 1:ON)
Bit 7 : DOLBY (selection of DOLBY; 1:ON)
U0C300C 1 . 8 2005. 07 . 20-01
VMA ST off
SVM ST 50ns
SPR ST 0/-3/-3 MODE 8 : default value : 00101000
Bit 0-Bit 1 : VMA (Amplitude of SVM output ; 00 : ST OFF)
Bit 2,3,4 : SVM (Delay of RGB to SVM output; 010 : ST 50ns)
Bit 5,6,7 : SPR (Parabola on SVM output; 001 : 0/-3/-3)
U0C300C 1 . 8 2005. 07 . 20-01
VMA WK off
SVM WK 50ns
SPR WK -6/-3/-0 MODE 9 : default value : 11001000
Bit 0-Bit 1 : VMA (WEAK status 00: OFF)
Bit 2,3,4 : SVM (WEAK status 010: 50ns)
Bit 5,6,7 : SPR (WEAK status 110: -6/-3/-0)
ETC009 - ETC010
First issue 01 / 06
Press the ”Text” key and check the item values are as shown below.
ETC009 - ETC010
First issue 01 / 06