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Detailed Lesson Plan in Css

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Republic of the Phhilippines

Commission on Higher Education

Region V
Governor Mariano E. Villafuerte Community College
Pambuhan, Garchitorena, Camarines Sur

Detailed Lesson Plan in Computer Hardware System (CSS)

At the end of the 1-hour discussion, atleast 75% of the students should be able to:
A. Identify the different devices of a computer hardware components,
B. Classify the different hardware components of a computer system, and
C. Distinguish the different parts of computer hardware according to their functions.


A. Topic: Computer Hardware System
B. Reference/s: www.techopedia.com, www.techtarget.com, ICGI, Inc. Computer System
Servicing NCII Module
C. Material/s: Laptop, Projector, Manila Papers, Bond Papers
D. Concepts: Hardware is all the elements or pieces that make up physical components of
the computer.
E. Values Integrated: Teamwork and Participation
F. Methodology: 4 A’s ( Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, Application)
G. Time Frame: 1 hour


Time Teaching Hints Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity IMs

15 1.Greetings Good morning Class! Good morning Sir! (the students
second respond in unison)
15 2.Prayer Remain standing and let us pray (the ( a student will lead the prayer )
second teacher will ask someone to lead the
s prayer)
15 3. Securing of Alright class, before you take your seats, ( the students will follow )
second the cleanliness make sure to check and pick up all the
s pieces of dirt under and around your
15 4. Checking of Are there absentees today? None Sir! (few students respond)
second the attendance
10 5. Checking of Did I give assignment last meeting? Yes Sir!
second Assignments
s Okay, Pass it forward. I will be the one to
check it later.
5 B. Recall To start, let’s have a brief recall of what we
minute have discussed last meeting.
What was our topic last time? Students’ expected answer:
Our topic last meeting is all about
the different hand tools used in
inspecting and troubleshooting a
computer hardware.

Very good, what are these hand tools? Students’ expected answers:
Side Cutter Pliers, Long Nose Pliers,
Crimping Tool, Tweezers, Cutter,
Phillips Screw Driver, Flashlight,
Paint Brush, Magnifying Glass
Volt-Oms-Millimeter (VOM), LAN
Tester, Anti-Static Wrist Wrap,
Soldering Pencil, Desoldering Tool

Very good class! I hope our next topic will

be easy nuts for you.
5 C. Motivation But before that let us have an activity. Powe
minute I assume that most of you have been rpoin
s watching It’s Showtime of ABS-CBN t
For those who were watching it’s ntati
showtime, our activity will be on,
advantageous to you because this will be Visua
the game entitled “ Name It to Win It”, a l Aids
segment from It’s Showtime.

Let us first have you divided into two ( the students group themselves into
groups. We’re going to have team A and two )
Team B.

Count 1 and 2 continously until the last

person reach the count.

All number 1 will be the group A, group ( The students form their group
yourselves in the right side and all number according to their respective
2 will be the group B, gather yourselves in numbers)
the other side.
Okay class! Before we begin let me just
refresh to you the mechanics.

Yes Sir! (Team A responds)

*Each group have a minute to construct a
name from the five sets of pictures to be
flashed on the screen.

*You are free to pass a set of pictures if you

feel so.
*Your score will be based on the number of
sets that you name correctly and if ever
both teams happen to name all the five
sets of pictures on or before the time
expires, the winner will be determined on
the time that they managed to name all the
set of pictures.

All the members of a group are allowed to

voice out their thoughts or answers during
your time on the game.

Alright! Let’s get started. Are you ready

Team A?

Your time starts now!




Thank you Team A! Let’s give a big hand for

Team A.

It’s now your turn Team B, are you all


You may now begin!



I think sir it has something to do

with the hardware component of a

Thank you Team B. Once again, give

yourselves a big hand.

Based from the names that you

constructed from the game. I’m expecting

that these things provided you an idea

about our topic for today.


Very good evaluation

30 D.Presentation Now class, go back to your seats.

second of the lesson
s Okay class, if you are quite familiar with
computers, you would notice that these
answers or names of these sets of pictures
are what we called the parts of computer
hardware system.
30 E.Presentation Here are the objectives of our lesson. At the end of our 1-hour discussion Powe
second of Objectives Kindly read them loud and clear. at least 75% of the students should rPoin
s be able to: t
A. Identify the different devices Prese
of a computer hardware ntati
components, on
B. Classify the different
hardware components of a
computer system, and
C. Distinguish the different
parts of computer hardware
according to their functions.

3 F.Unlocking of Volatile Powe

minute Term/s Is used to describe memory content that is Point
s lost when the power is interrupted or Prese
switched off. ntati
2 G.Lesson
minute Proper
s 1. Pre-activity At this point, before I discuss to you about
Discussion our topic let me assess first your prior
knowledge or how much do you already
know about computer hardware system.

We will be having again an activity. Kindly

count from 1 to 3 continously until the (The students assemble three new
count reaches the last person. Group groups)
yourselves according to your respective
Now appoint your leaders and I will inform
you the mechanics.
3 b. Activity
minute Proper The instructions are simple. I have here
s names of computer parts which are each
written on a bond paper.

All you have to do is to paste these bond

papers with written computer parts names
on the board under the three categories
that you see.

You are free to pick whether where you

feel to put these names under these three
categories on the board.

Are my instructions clear? Yes Sir!

I will give each team 15 seconds to stick

these papers on the board.

Team A leader get these papers and (The Team a leader follows)
distribute these to your members

Team A, you have 15 seconds, you may (The Team A rushes up to the board
now start. and simultaneously attach their
papers on the board)

Good job Team A. It’s now your turn Team

B. Team leader, Get these papers and (The Team B leader follows)
disseminate these to your members.
You all got 15 seconds, you may go on the
board. (Team B rushes up to the board and
simultaneously attach their papers
Very good Team B. on the board)

And now, Team c leader, get these paper

and give these to your members. (Team B follows)

Are you ready?

Yes Sir!
Alright, your 15 seconds start now.
(Team C rushes up to the board and
simultaneously attach their papers
on the board)
20 c. Post-activity Alright class, you may go back to your
minute Discussion respective seats.
To check whether you have placed these
names correctly on their respective
category or not, let me first discuss to you
the hardware components of a computer.

Our topic for today is one of the basic

elements of computer system, the
hardware components

Let us discuss first what is the Computer

hardware system. Computer Hardware System is all
Please read…. the elements or pieces that make up
the physical components of the
Thank you! We have the key hardware computer.
components, what are these?
The key hardware components are
the CPU, Memory and Pheriperals
(Input and Output Devices).

CPU is often called the brain of the

computer because it does all the
thinking, receives program
instructions, performs arithmetic
Alright, thankyou, next we have the and logical operations and controls
memory or the storage. It has two types, other computer components.
the primary and secondary memory.

What is a primary memory? Please read…

Primary Memory is a component of

the computer that holds data,
programs and instructions that are
currently in use. Data can be read
Thank you! We have three kinds of primary from and written to primary storage
memory. First, we have the Random extremely quickly.
Access Memory, please read…

Next, we have the cache memory, kindly It is the hardware in a computing

read… device where the operating system
(OS), application programs and data
in current use are kept so they can
It is also a type of RAM but is 10 times the be quickly reached by the device’s
speed of the RAM in transferring data to processor.
the CPU because it saves the frequently
used data and located just beside the CPU. It is a chip-based computer
component that makes retrieving
Last but not the least is the non-volatile data from the computer’s memory
primary storage, the Read-only Memory. more efficient.

Please read what is ROM…

It has 3 types, the Programmable Read-only

Memory (PROM) which is a first generation
ROM. It is non-erasable and non-rewritable
which means computer can only read the
data in it. It is a type of computer storage
containing non-volatile, permanent
Then we have the Erasable Programmable data that, normally, can only be
Read-only Memory. It is erasable and read, not written to.
reusable. Its data can be erased by shining
intense ultraviolet rays.

Then we have the Electrically Erasable

Programmable Read-only Memory which is
user-modifiable ROM. Its data can be
erased or reprogrammed repeatedly by
applying electrical voltage which is higher
than normal.

Then we have the secondary memory/

Please read it…

Okay! Thank you!

Secondary Memory-a computer
There are three kinds of Secondary memory that is non-volatile and
Memory. The Solid-State Storage, Optical persistent in nature and is not
Storage Device and Magnetic Storage directly accessed by
Device. computer/processor.

What is a Solid-State Storage device?

The Solid-State Device is a non-volatile

computer storage that stores and retrieves
digital information using only electronic
circuits without any involvement of
mechanical parts.
It is a type of computer storage
Some examples of these are Flash Drive media that stores data electronically
and MicroSD card. and has no moving parts.

Next is the Optical Storage Device. Can you

tell us about the device?

The differences in reflectivity determines

the 0s and 1s. CD and DVD are some of its

And we have also the Magnetic Storage It is any storage type in which data is
Device. What is Magnetic Storage? written and read with a laser.

A storage device that uses a magnetization

process to write, rewrite and access data.
Some common examples of this type are
the Hard Disk Drive and Floppy Disk Drive.
The Basic Unit of a Memory is a bit (1 or 0) It is a storage device that uses a
magnetization process to write,
Let us proceed to the Peripherals. rewrite and access data.
Kindly read its definition…

Thank you! We have two kinds of computer

peripherals the Input and Output Devices. Any various devices (including
sensors) used to enter information
Input devices are Keyboard, Mouse, and instructions into a computer for
Microphone and etc. storage or processing and to deliver
the processed data to a human
While Output Devices are PC monitor, operator or in some cases, a
Speaker, Printer, Projector and many machine controlled by the computer

There you have it class. Do you have any

None Sir!

4 2. Analysis Very well, let us go back to our activity (The students can already
minute before our lesson. Can you rectify your distuinguish what are the parts of a
s answers? Go to the board and check where computer hardware by rectifying
you went wrong. their works on the board)
5 3. Abstraction At this juncture, let us have a clearer
minute picture of our lesson.
Alright class, can you see the hardware Yes sir!
components of a computer?

But can you feel and touch them? Yes Sir!

Therefore, how would you describe a Computer Hardware Components

computer hardwire? are the physical parts of a computer.

Very good!

And to describe the functions of the 3 main

components of the hardware system based
from what they are called regarding with
what they do on the different data and

What does the CPU do on the data or It processes them sir!

information it gets from the memory?

And what’s the purpose of having the data To create a storable output visible
processed by the CPU? and audible to human sir!

Good Job!
So, what then is the function of the
memory regarding with the dataor
information? Its acts as the data’s what? It acts as the data’s storage sir!

And how are those data or information

gets into the computer and stores in the
memory and made visible and audible for
human use? What key hardware
component is responsible for this action?
The input and output devices or the
Alright class, it seems you really got the computer peripherals sir.
concept of a computer hardware system.

10 4. Application Let us have another activity. Mani

minute la
s Go back to your respective teams. Pape
Now what you’re going to do is make a
Venn Diagram and write what you think or
observed similarities and differences of the
one key hardware component that
assigned to you with human organs or body
parts or characteristics.

You will do it here in a manila paper that I

will be providing you. And after 5 minutes (The students start working on their
the representatives from each group will activity)
explain your work.

(5mins later)
Alright class, that’s enough, post your (Each representative discusses their
works here on the board and discuss your work)
works one after another.

Okay! Now we found out that there are

many similarities between computer’s and
human’s physical parts regarding on how
both works. In terms of receiving, storing,
processing and executing data or
information to form an output. That’s why
class as we cans see in our modern world.
Technology has been quite domineering in
all aspects of life. Scientists, computer
developers and inventors has been
persistent in building machines and robots
that are more human-like and can do more
human jobs.

So, now we get the idea that we have now

these kinds of robot and machines that
mimic or copy the way we work because of
they have some the same functionalities
from us.
3 F.Generalizatio So, from our discussion, anyone who can
minute n summarize our topic?
s Anyone? (A student will summarize the topic)

Very well said! I hope that all of you

learned and understand the lesson well.

Thank you for your cooperation and effort,

let us have a quiz.

IV. EVALUATION (10 minutes)

A. Complete the Organizational Chart below.

B. Define the following:

1. Computer Hardware
2. CPU
3. Memory
4. Input Device
5. Output Device

Answer Key:
1. CPU
5. RAM

V. Assignment (1minute)

1. Write about what parts of a hardware component which you find interesting and why?

2. Search about the different parts of a CPU?

Prepared by:

Gherson B. Escobal

Demonstration Teacher


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