1.2 Understanding The Basic Concepts in ICT
1.2 Understanding The Basic Concepts in ICT
1.2 Understanding The Basic Concepts in ICT
At the end of this module, you should be able to:
• Define conceptually or operationally terms that are basic to the understanding of ICT
• Use the concepts and terms in communicating with peers for further understanding
Here are some terms and concepts that you need to know and understand.
1. Technology refers to a mix of process and product used in the application of knowledge. It
includes tools from pencil and paper to the latest electronic gadgets and tools for practical
2. Information and Communication Technology Literacy or ICT Literacy is the use of digital
technology, communication tools and/or networks to access, manage, integrate, evaluate,
create and communicate information in order to function in a knowledge society (Guro 21,
3. Educational Technology refers to the use of technology in teaching and learning.
Educational technology includes both the non-digital (flip charts, pictures, models, realias,
etc.) and digital (electronic tools: hardware, software and connections, etc.).
4. Digital Literacy is the ability to find, evaluate, utilize, share and create contents using
information technologies and the Internet (Cornell University). According to American
Library Association (2018), digital literacy is the ability to use information and
communication, requiring both cognitive and technical skills (https:// edweek.org,
downloaded 06 03-18).
5. Digital learning is any type of learning that is accompanied by technology or by instructional
practice that makes effective use of technology. It encompasses the application of a wide
spectrum of practices which include blended or virtual learning. It can come as online or off-
line which utilizes digital technology.
6. Online digital tools and applications use an Internet connection to access the information
needed. A common example is Skype. It is a telecommunication application software
product that specializes in providing video chat and voice calls between computers, tablets,
mobile devices via Internet and to regular telephones.
7. Off-line digital tools and applications can still be used even if there is no internet access.
Among these are Canary Learning. Pocket, Evertone, ibooks, KA LITE (Gupta, Prinyaka, 2017)
downloaded in edtech review (July 03, 2017).
8. Instructional technology is the theory and practice of design, development, utilization,
management, and evaluation of the processes and resources for learning (Association for
Educational Communications and Technology, Seels, B.B. & Richey, P. C. 1994).
9. Software refers to program control instructions and accompanying documentation, stored
on disks or tapes when not being used in the computer. By extension, the term refers to any
audiovisual materials (Smaldino, 2005).
Caramoan, Camarines Sur
1st Semester A/Y 2021-2022
Caramoan, Camarines Sur
1st Semester A/Y 2021-2022
for developing blogs and wikis; and Google docs is used for sophisticated word processing
and editing of the document.
22. Vlog is a video blog where each entry is posted as a video instead of the text.
23. Facebook is a popular social networking site used by students and adults worldwide to
present information on themselves and to the world.
1. These are only few of the many terms found in our word cloud. With your partner, explore in
the web or reference book how other terms are defined and understood. You can also go over
the module and discover that there are many terms that we have not included in the list.
2. Make a glossary of terms of at least 20 ICT-related terms with each having a conceptual or
operational definition or description. Cite the source of your definition.
Choose at least 3 important concepts that you can discuss with your friend. Record your
thoughts in the discussion and also your friend’s thoughts. Are they similar or different? If they differ,
Concepts Identified My Thoughts about the Concept My Friend’s Thought about the
Concept (Ask your friend to get
an answer)
Example: Concept about
borderless classroom because
of technology
Concept A
Concept B
Concept C