JOURNAL Marina Román T6

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Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Theory: Today we have worked on three methods of approaching English in schools

(CLIL, EMI y CBI), and from each one, I have learned the following:
EMI stands for English-Medium Instruction
This approach is based on the use of the English language to teach subjects in which the
first language (L1) of the majority is not English. The mastery of the contents is on the
part of the students and the linguistic objectives of increasing their English skills are not
CLIL stands for Content and Language Integrated Learning
This approach integrates language and content learning by planning, encouraging and
evaluating both, although the approach may change from one to the other. CLIL is also a
teaching method that relies heavily on constructivist and sociocultural notions of learning
to offer students opportunities for meaningful entry and exit into L2 and meaningful
engagement with content.
CBI stands for Content-Based Instruction
This approach is based on language teaching, in which content, texts, activities and tasks
enable students to acquire considerable linguistic information and to engage in the use of
the language.

Linguistics: The vocabulary learned has been as follows:

✓ FORESEEABLE: esperable/predecible
✓ ALONGSIDE: junto con
✓ LONGSTANDING: duradero
✓ APPROACHES: perspectiva/ punto de vista
✓ THUS: en consecuencia
✓ ENCOMPASS: abarcar
✓ CATER: abastecer
✓ STAKEHOLDERS: accionistas
✓ MAINSTREAM: popular
✓ LACK: carencia/ to lack: carecer
✓ For the acronyms: EMI stands for…(significa) Englihs-Medium Intruction

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Today we have seen a PDF called “Popular methodology”. In this class we have focused
on three terms that are methodology practice of English teaching: approaches, methods,
procedures and techniques.
After seeing their definitions, we have put ourselves by groups and what I have learned
theoretically talking about each of them has been the following:
o Approaches: is the output, like the result, the product.
o Method: do the practice of approach, is like the way.
o Procedure: sequence of activities.
o Techniques: the way in which the teacher decides how to carry out a certain

✓ Approach
✓ Method
✓ Procedure
✓ Technique

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Continuing with the PDF of the previous day, today we have learned different methods
to learn English. I have learned, linguistically, the following:
o Grammar-translation, Direct method and Audiolingualism:
⎯ Methods focus on grammar and traslation, I expose all the grammar and
explain it.
⎯ Translation: everything that is explained in the mother tongue.

o Presentation, practice and production:

⎯ You must teach the foreign language, class dynamics.
⎯ As in the previous one, teach grammar, but it changes that it does not
translate and in the previous one it does.

o Audio lingualism:
⎯ It arises in the mid-twentieth century, history since from that moment on
ways of recording appear.
⎯ It consists of listening and repeating, allowing each person to go at their
own pace.
⎯ Second language.

o PPP and alternatives to PPP:

PPP stands for Presentation, Practice and Production
⎯ The three steps are not independent, they feed each other, it is continuous
⎯ ESA stands for Engage Study and Activate. Engage relates to production:
Study with presentation; and activate with practice.

o TPR stands for Total Physical Response:

⎯ It consists of a learning of understanding.

o CLT:
We develop a linguistic competence that has several components:
⎯ Trying to give things to communicate
⎯ Use communicative situations
The Communicate Language Teaching is a method that consists in proposing
situations close to environment, of students and this student's must be able to
unfold in that context with communication skills without the reiteratly
intervention of the teacher. Methods only focus on grammar and traslation

o TBL: is the learning based on tasks.

✓ DRILL: taladrar
✓ ENGAGE: involucrar
✓ ESA: engage, study, activate.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

By groups, we have made a review of the different methods seen the day before, in my
group, we summarize what we learned as follows:

Afterwards, we talked about EFLT and said that when we teach a language, we also
convey the culture, the characteristics of that language and not just the grammar. From
here I learned that even if a country has a lower economy it doesn't matter, power doesn't
have a good language because many people can't go to school, for example. We have
negative terms, and this is transmitted by teaching a new language as one is selected over
the other. It also happens with the accent, and there doesn't have to be any discrimination
with any accent. Because for example, we believe that the American accent is better than
the Canadian.
I have learned these concepts:
✓ INPUT: like entry (entrada)
✓ OUTPUT: like exit (salida)

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

We watched a documentary individually at home: BBC Horizon - A Child's Guide to
Languages. Later in class we discussed it.
In short, he was talking about the fact that language acquisition is easier when the brain
is developing, which is enough to the plasticity of the brain during these ages. When
babies start talking, there are some levels. At the first level, the baby says individual
words, at the second level (around 18 months), the baby says a couple of words, and at
the third level, the child explains the language (speaks more fluently and these things).
At age 6, the child speaks English more fluently.
Another important aspect is that language is not taught very well, because we must give
more importance to the experience of speaking and less importance to corrections of
errors. In addition, the success of children learning a new language is an understandable
language, a stress-free environment, and no one forces them to speak until they are ready.
But for adults, it's not the same. Because they have a lot of pressure (correcting mistakes,
forced to speak, etc.).
Then, we got in groups and had to come up with an idea, we concluded that for the
children any language is more difficult than other.
Therefore, from this documentary I learned that what it wants to convey is the following
question: Are people able to learn the second language regardless their age? So, the global
question is: how do we learn a language?

After we learn a difference between two process of learnning:
- Language learning: conscious, intentional, all our life, school, planned, instruction,
L2/FL, stress. We may learn a language with a different purpose.
- Language acquisition: unconscious, unintentional, very young, life/everywhere,
natural/spontaneous, social exposure to the language, mother tongue/L1 and maybe L2,
stress-free. Getting the language for its own sake.


Thursday, September 30, 2021

Today we worked with an article “Is younger better?” that reflected the opinion of an
author (Carol Read) of whether she agreed whether teaching English from a young age
was better or not.
From this article I learned and reflect the following: there are cases in which learning a
foreign language at an early age does work but believe that better results are shown in
advanced ages because people acquire a better development of grammar, basic concepts
and be able to practice it, in addition to having a greater cognitive maturation.
Therefore, adult learners are easier to learn than children as they learn faster and put in a
lot of effort and motivation.

✓ STAKE: en juego
✓ VESTED: establecido
✓ DRIPFEED: alimentar poco a poco

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

We have analyzed a question about the teaching and learning of the language.
The questions were:
1. Languages are learned mainly through imitation
What I have learned: Some children imitate a great deal as they acquire their L1,
but it is difficult to find support for this argument as learners produce many novel
sentences they could not have heard before.

2. Parents usually correct young children when the make grammatical errors.
What I have learned: Parents tend to focus on meaning rather than form when they
correct children´s speech (L1). Older children can acquire a great deal of language
without any formal instruction (L2).

3. People with high IQs are good language learners.

What I have learned: Learners with a wide variety of intellectual abilities can be
successful language learners.

4. The most important factor in second language acquisition success is

What I have learned: Differences in language learning aptitude and in how the
instruction interacts with individual learners´ styles and preferences for learning.

5. The earlier a second language is introduced in school programs, the greater

the likelihood of success in learning.
What I have learned: Depends if the objective is native (in L2, exposure to the
language as early as possible) or basic communicative skill for all students (more
efficient to begin L2 teaching later).

6. Most of the mistakes which second language learners make are due to
interference from their first language.
What I have learned: The transfer of patterns forms the native language is
undoubtedly one of the major sources of errors in learner language. Other causes
for errors are the overgeneralization of target-language rules.

7. Teachers should present grammatical rules one at a time, and learners should
practice examples of each one before going on to another.
What I have learned: the students should have an opportunity to discover how
different language features compare in normal language use.

8. Teachers should teach simple language structures before complex ones.

What I have learned: is important the speech accommodation.

9. Learners´ errors should be corrected as soon as they are made to prevent the
formation of bad habits.

What I have learned: errors are a natural part of language learning, so it is useful
to bring the problem to the learners’ attention because excessive feedback can
have a negative effect on motivation and teachers must be sensitive to the way
their students react to correct.

10. Teachers should use materials that expose students to only those language
structures which they have already been taught.
What I have learned: also need to deal with “real” or “authentic” material if they
are eventually going to be prepared for language use outside the classroom.

11. When learners are allowed to interact freely (for example in group or pair
activities), they learn each others´ mistakes.
What I have learned: they don´t produce any more errors in their speech when
talking to learners at similar levels than they do.

12. Students learn what they are taught.

What I have learned: students learn everything they are taught and, they eventually
know only what they are taught.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Today I learned the concept of classroom management. First, a definition of its own and
then the general one.
Owns definition: The classroom management is the process teachers go through to ensure
that classroom lessons develop without problems that compromise teaching. The layout
of the class, the grouping of students and the materials used are important concepts for
this classroom management.
The general definition: classroom management is the way in which teacher organizes the
classroom layout, arranges and groups the students and manages the materials to ensure
that the environment is methodologically favorable for learning. It is a set of skills that
teachers can develop.
I consider this organization very important because without it, learning can be expensive
if the management is not adequate, involving both the students, as well as us, material,
environment, etc.

✓ CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT: gestión de la clase.

Thursday, October 14, 2021
Continuing with classroom management, today we have seen the role that the teacher
plays, and I have learned different attitudes that they must have. On the one hand the
personality since it must be dynamism, patience or imagination. The attitude will
determine how much attention we pay to the multiple aspects of teaching and learning,
and how we decide to act upon them.
Also, teacher becomes the focus of the class. They can be seen and heard by all the
students, who can see gestures or facial expressions. Teacher can see and hear what
everyone does or says, maintain control, adjust their activity.
On the other hand, , if the students are engaged in pair or group work, or working
individually, the teacher can move around the classroom unobstrusively, checking that
instructions have been understood correctly, that the task is being done, and giving help
if necessary. But also, there are some occasions on which the teacher’s presence or
movement may distract them: when they are listening, reading, or at some moments
during pair or groupwork (teacher stands aside).
The gesture and facial expression is very important
The voice of the teacher.

➢ SCAFFOLDING: andamiaje
➢ EXPOSURE: the opportunities for the learners to hear.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

First, we have done a questionnaire about what kind of language we should use to teach
English. Lesson target language, which is to show what we are teaching while explaining
it or teaching language which is a teaching through routines, instructions, corrections.
Then we saw a PDF with different games to make in children and then we got in groups
to choose one.
We chose the one called "Tell me off" which consisted of the students should only copy
if the action and what the teachers says is the same.
In this session I learned the importance of how to transmit the language since the way in
which we do it has a lot of weight, and we must choose the one that best serves for students
to learn.
I didn't learn new vocabulary.

Thursday, October 21, 2021
We have learned about the physical environment of a class. It is very important because
for there to be learning, the environment must have a good environment. Some seating
arrangements are:
• Rows
• Circles and horseshoes
• Clusters
I have also learned some ways of grouping students:
• Whole class
• Pair work
• Groupwork
• Solo work
Then we looked at the teaching practices in groups, and each one made a concept map.
What was learned was the following:
• Classroom routines
⎯ Sense of security
⎯ Routines nace Children feel confident
⎯ We have to try not to make the routines boring
⎯ Routines are time-savers

• Discipline
⎯ Respect the students as an individual
⎯ Sometimes rules must be changed or adapted
⎯ Create a disrupted environment

• Motivation
⎯ First ímpetus
⎯ Teacher adopt a critical attitude
⎯ Short + varied activties
⎯ Balance of exciting- calming activities
⎯ Activities in pairs, groups or whole class

• Time management
⎯ Plot realistic timings
⎯ Have activities “up your sleeve” (songs, puzles, games…)

• Ways of developing a positive classroom atmosphere

⎯ A sense of security (establish rules for the classroom)
⎯ A sense of self-esteem and confidente (Positive feed back: confidence to
take risks in future. Children with low-self-esteem: feel frightened of
revealing their feelings in case they are laughed at or rejected. Influence
and respect classmates)

➢ ROW: fila
➢ HORSESHOES: herradura (mesas en forma de U)
➢ PRAISE: alabar
➢ SELF-STEEM: the value someone places on him or herself.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Today each group has shown the game they had chosen, and we have been playing all
together. From this class I take the importance that this has in children since at the same
time they have fun, they are learning. We can work anything, for example on our own
("Tell me off") is intended to be able to associate an action with what is being said.

➢ EXPRESSIONS: take a turn on yourself, walk backwards, walk forwards, jump
up, take a step, etc.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Today we have made groups, and we had to agree and choose if we prefer a teacher with
a high level of English but without any experience teaching, or with a great
experience in the classroom but with a normal level of English.
Cada grupo aportó sus ideas y lo que he aprendido, a rasgos generales, ha sido:
If they have very Good english is a quality input to expose Children and they learn
through imitation. Also they acquiring pronuncuation and they can train this
inexperienced teacher. But i thik that a great experiencia is important because has the
personality, acttitude and abilities. His/Her personality is formed and is very difficult to
change. As he/she has had a lo of experience, that means that he/she has been selected a
lot of times so he/she would have a good personality, a lot of abilities. I mean, if he/she
has been hired several times, it´s because he/she is efficient.
➢ HIRED: contratado

Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Today was the first day in which we all returned to face-to-face. The goal was to get to
know each other better.
From this session I take away the importance of communication when transmitting a
message, receiving it and knowing it. In addition, the disposition in the classroom, that
we all see each other and that there is an affective environment. Finally, the role of the
teacher, staying aside and walking around.

Thursday, November 16, 2021

Today we worked on lesson planning. But first, I have learned the order that the four
language skills should have. First listening, then speaking, then reading and finally
On lesson planning, in this session, I learned that to organize we must consider the
learning objective that we express to the students (walt), and that we want to focus on as
teachers (wilf). Also, the language I want to use and that the activities are balanced.
When teaching English to very young children we have to think about the integral
development of the child and not only about their linguistic competence.
Then, in groups, each an area of the curriculum, we made a lesson planning with the
theme of Christmas, for 5 years. It was in a general way, and these were our objectives
with their activities from area 1: Grow in Harmony.
OBJECTIVE: to know their own body.
ACTIVITY: draw Santa Claus, dance to Christmas carols.
OBJECTIVE: promote healthy habits.
ACTIVITY: prepare healthy Christmas recipes.

➢ WALT: we are learning to
➢ WILF: what I am looking for

Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Once we have seen lesson planning, today we have focused on evaluation, how to
evaluate children.
From this session, I learn that the progress of children should not only resort to traditional
tests, but also, when evaluating, consider creativity, the taste for play, songs, rhymes, etc.
since they are teaching methodologies as well. Therefore, when we talk about evaluating,
we do not have to think only about stress, but see it as a learning that helps the formation,
autonomy of the child and a critical reflection, transmitting positive attitudes.
After this, we saw different examples of rubrics that seemed to me a very good way of
evaluating and gave me many ideas for the future. In addition, following the theme of
Christmas the previous day and based on the activities proposed, each group made a
rubric, showing what we wanted to evaluate and through icons, if it was achieved to a
greater or lesser degree.
➢ SKILL: like ability to achieve particular purposes through actions.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Today we talked about storytelling. Different formats, types, practical tips...
Storytelling is an essential resource in children. This helps us that while we learn, we
capture the attention of children. We can work on something new or review something
already seen.
What I take away from this session as a learning is the importance of the way it is told.
That it is true that it is a process since at the beginning you do not have the same ability
but with practice and rehearsal, you can get a good narrative. Therefore, I take many
techniques that we saw to be able to apply them in the future. Some of them are:
o Make sure everyone can see you and the illustrations and hear you clearly.
o Read slowly and clearly.
o Involve the children: make them predict, answer questions…
o Interact with the images
o Use gestures, mime and facial gestures to convey meaning.
o Etc.
Then we put it into practice and the teacher read us a story. I really liked it because he
gesticulated, put histself in different contexts, left the class, etc.
Then, in groups, we chose a story and analyzed it, such as the language it uses, the
illustrations, the text, if it was suitable for children, if it attracted attention, etc.

➢ FOAM: goma eva.
➢ REHEARSAL: practicar.
➢ CONVEY: transmitir.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

• Today we have learned different aspects about songs, role-play, puppets, ITC and
• Songs: are a chance to work and as a tool to develop the intelligences (musical,
logical-mathematical, interpersonal, naturalistic, etc.)
• Role-plays: encourage communication, repetition and memorization, realia,
when possible, roles, be creative, etc.
• Puppets: fun, encourage shy children´s participation, capture the child´s
attention, etc. Also, we can create our own puppets.
• ICT: Information & Communication Technology: communicating, developing
listening skills, searching information, etc.
• Games: fun activity which gives young learners the chance to practice the foreign
language in a relaxed and enjoyable way.

➢ PUPPETS: marionetas.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Today we talked about visual aids in EFLT. From this class I have learned that they are
very important because they stimulate students' interests, help to remember and retain
knowledge, and they convey meaning and context, avoiding the habit of translation.
Also, how to choose them: for example, the content of the picture should capture the
interest and imagination of the class; the picture should be appropriate of the lesson; the
significant should be cultural understanding; see the relevant details of the picture.

Then, in groups we used the flashcards and each one with a theme we had to make a
game. The themes were:
• Animals, who made a game of memorizing. We would turn around,
remove some animals and we had to remember what it was.

• Food, they made a game like the handkerchief. Divided into two groups,
we each had a paper with a meal and the one they said had to go out and
take the flashcard. The first one who took it won. In the end, the team with
the most flashcards were the winner.

• Professions, we did a bingo. First, we went over all the professions so that
they recognized it and then we were saying one by one. The first to
complete all the career boxes, he won.

• Parts of the body, which consisted of knowing how to recognize them.

They took out a card with a body part and we had to say their name, then
we pointed them out with our body.
I found this activity very interesting, and I liked it a lot because it is a very useful resource
in children with which you can work on various topics and learn from them through play.
It is also a very visual resource, something that in children allows you to capture their
➢ APPEAL: atraer, llamar la atención.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Today a storytelling teacher has come. He told us a little about his experience and then
told us the story of The Three Little Pigs.
I liked it a lot because you could see a great experience, while he told it I was very
attentive and involved in the story, and in the end, that is the goal, to capture all the
attention. He used puppets, in a clean and visual space, he used many tones of voice for
each situation, etc.
Therefore, I liked this session a lot, and apart from taking the experience, I also take
learning to apply in my future because when doing something you like, you do it with
desire, motivated, and that is something essential.


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