7-10'11 Leadership Genesis 25 E&J

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Season of Pentecost Leadership

July 10, 2011

The season of Pentecost begins fifty days after Easter and marks the occasion when Christs disciples were visited by the Holy Spirit.

Gathering as the People of God

Music for Gathering Passing the Peace of the Risen Christ The Spirit in Me Greets the Spirit in You The spirit in me greets the spirit in you, Alleluia! Gods in us and were in God, Alleluia! Jim Strathdee

Welcoming One Another Please sign the registration pads that the ushers will distribute so we can stay in touch with you. If you brought a guest or have met a visitor, please introduce them to the congregation. Sharing Opportunities for Ministry
(If you have a ministry opportunity to bring to the community, please coordinate with the worship leader before the service.)

*Call to Worship One: We bring our hopes and fears, our struggles and our lives as they are, into the presence of the One who leaves doors and futures open to gracious possibilities. All: Gods word lights the paths before us. One: May this time of worship empower us to make faithful choices. All: Gods word lights the paths before us. One: May this time of worship renew and restore our relationships with God and each other. All: Gods word lights the paths before us. *Opening Song Prayer of Confession Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah Large Hymnal #127

I invite you to consider matters and situations in your own life, in the life of this community, and in the life of the world, that seem blurred, distorted,or unsettling. Bring those matters into the silences provided in this prayer of confession.
One: Two: One: Two: One: Two: One: Two: For hatreds between peoples, for violence among nations, for breakdowns in civility, we pray. (silence) Why does it have to be this way, O God? What choices of ours could bring change? (silence) For estrangement within families, for tensions among neighbors, we pray. (silence) Why does it have to be this way, O God? What choices of ours could bring change? (silence) For divisions in the Christian Church, for conflict within our own community, we pray. (silence) Why does it have to be this way, O God? What choices of ours could bring change? (silence) For our own inner struggles with inflated ego, or deflated self-worth, we pray. (silence) Why does it have to be this way, O God? What choices of ours could bring change? (silence)

Hear these Words of assurance Hear the promise of God. Through all these times, amidst all these conditions, God offers the Spirits transformative power for our companion, guide, and hope. ALL: Thanks be to God! 1

Hearing the Word of God

Time with Our Children It Takes a Whole Village It takes a whole village to raise one child In love and beauty undefiled; To grow in wisdom or to run wild; It takes a whole village to raise one child. Listen to the Word Listen to the word that God has spoken; listen to the One who is close at hand; listen to the voice behind creation; listen even if you don't understand. Jim Strathdee

Preparing for Gods Word

Canadian; tr. John L. Bell

Hearing Gods Word Reflecting on God's Word Witness to the Word

Genesis 25:19-34 Pew Bible, p. 20-21 When Cain Killed Abel Judith Muench, solo Mary Nelson Keithahn & John D. Horman Pastor Catiana

Responding to the Word of God

You are invited to respond to Gods Word by writing your prayer of petition or intercession on the yellow prayer card in your pew. The ushers will collect your prayer card if you lift your hand. Prayers will be read for the congregation, unless you indicate otherwise. Prayer Song Prayers of the People Prayer of Jesus Ministry Moment Offering our Gifts
It is our tradition for the ushers to come forward and remain in place as you bring forward your gifts and offerings.

Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying

Small Hymnal #2193 Althea Teamer

Lord's Prayer repeat each phrase after song leader Pastor Kiyimba Brown, Uganda

Jim Strathdee

Singing Our Thanksgiving

Praise, God From Whom All Blessings Flow Large Hymnal #94 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Prayer of Dedication Loving God, We bring our lives and gifts to you as a sign of our new life and new hope in You. May all that we say, and all that we do, be in response to your love - a love offered freely to all people through Christ our Lord. Amen 2

Going Into the World with God

*Closing Song Spirit of God vss. 1,2,4,5 Small Hymnal #2117

*Blessing & Sending Forth _________________________________________________________________________________________

Music reproduced by permission: Onelicense.net#A704739; Desert Flower license #101503M4; CCLI #2848738. Liturgy: Liturgy adapted from Seasons of the Spirit, RCL Year A, 2011; and NRSV Bible

Assisting in Worship today: Sound: Eric Will Worship Leader: David Carroll

Song Leader: Keyboard:

Jan Graves Mark Bowman

Sunday Adult Bible Study Lectionary Based Worship and Celebration Community Feast Service of Prayer, Scripture & Song Tuesday Ibeji & United Church Arts sewing class Summer Solutions (10-12 yrs old) Adult Study group ONE Youth Training Summer Solutions (8-9 yrs old) Summer Kids Camp Kickoff 9:30-10:45 AM 11 AM 5 PM 6 PM 11 AM-2 PM 3:30-5 PM 10 AM-noon 4 7 PM 3:30-5 PM 5 PM 7PM 10 AM- 2 PM 11 AM-2 PM 3:30-5 PM 4-7 PM 1-3 PM 11 AM-2 PM Blue Room, 2nd floor Sanctuary Overdier Hall Sanctuary Ibeji Room Garden 2nd floor- Computer


June 27

Blue Room Garden Morris Grounds All Church Ibeji Room Garden Overdier Hall Blue Room Ibeji Room


Summer Kids Camp Ibeji & United Church Arts sewing class Summer Solutions (10-12 yrs old) June 27 ONE Narcotics Anonymous meeting (OPEN) Ibeji & United Church Arts sewing class


Summer Camp Kickoff

Hot Dogs and Summer Camp registration on the church lawn (an outreach for families who haven't signed up yet)! We're hoping to have some of YOU and others from our church to interact with families and children as they stop by to see what's up! A missions group from North Carolina will be here to help with camp and they will help us with this event! Help is needed to: grill hotdogs/vegie burgers serve food set up and oversee games provide music or run a sound system for CD's register kids for camp It will be a lot of fun! Please let me know if you can help and what you'd like to be involved with! See you there! Sue Spreiter, (847-708-8166). 3

JOIN US WED. July 13th



July 10, 2011

New Prayers: Prayers for those persecuted & bullied; job and blessings for Concetta; David Carrolls co-worker, Mark Cruz undergoing testing; Elains friend Dave-hospitalized; Carol Gloors childhood friends, Mary Sier, Bob Alsaker and Hank Lisowski- illness and loss; Delois sister Sue Windham receiving blood transfusion; for the son of Elaines neighbor, Helen Lamb, who is suffering from a brain tumor; Miguel Salas for health and ankle surgery; for Brahn Bassford at the loss of his sister, Jill; healing for devoted soup kitchen volunteer, Vickie Winters husbandwho has pneumonia; Carissas grandmother, recovering from surgery and her friends daughter suffering from anorexia; Ronnie Smith- wisdom, hope, faith &health; Sue for family gathering; Rev. Ernest Singh, recovering from heart surgery; Prayers for seniors who love their independence, but allow people to help them as they need; and Lance & Carissa- prayers for a baby! Wed also like to pray for Northas friend Vivien, a double-lung transplant recipient (she celebrated 10 years with her new lungs last September), who is currently recovering from pneumonia. Prayers of thanksgiving for: those who walked in the Hunger Walk and supported the walk; Gay Pride Parade on June 27th; Falons birthday on July 3rd; thanksgiving for all present; Rosie Donaldson graduated from high school and is en route to college in Florida. All the children in United Church, with the success of VBS and our upcoming Children's camp; Red Line Ministries and its supporting congregations Epworth UMC, Granville Ave. UMC, and United Church of Rogers Park UMC Thank you God for the work we do together! We continue to pray for: Jean Nance multiple falls; Elaines neighbor, Sheila recovery from surgery; Jeans aunt Mildred and cousin, Kimberly who is caring for her; for Bernice for the loss of her daughter Margie who we surround with prayers and love; for Juana Coley and her new living situation; Elaines friend Josephine in rehab after knee surgery; surround Judiths daughter Erin with prayer for discernment; Carol Zs friend, Kate Krakowski in a nursing home; prayers for Phillips son, Ethan and young adult concerns; Kims mother, Rosetta, and Kims son in the middle East; and prayers for the Metcalf family; for reconciliation between members of Sues family; DeLoiss son Rodney who serves in the US Navy in Japan; Northas sister, Ruby, recovering from a serious car accident; Edvettes healing for his broken ankle; healing for both Merle and her sister Myra; Lillie Buies health and need for senior housing; prayers for Althea Teamers cousin Christopher Moore and the crew aboard the US Ronald Reagan in the waters outside Japan; healing and strength for Judy Eyring (lungs); Tom Harris sister and niece in Oklahoma and their husband/father in Iraq; health for Northas friend Ed, and peace for Barry; friends with marriage struggles; Elaines friend Susan; prayers for Marco, Katrinas friend; Aleta with an aneurism; Janes friend Heidi in the hospital; Juanas friend June (car accident); Cindy Ihms missionary cousin with serious health issues; Billy & Rickys grandson; continued healing for Selena Awoleye; Prayers for Bruce MacCabee; Robert John Brugess; Erin; Eric Will and Liz Stuparitz, both quitting smoking; Northa Johnson; Ivorie Chavours and her daughters, Desiree and Destiny Parramore; Brians mother in medical treatments; Mary Crosss family and Larry & Mother Edna Whistler; Debbies daughter, Olivia; Barbara Wrencher and her family; Charlie & Patty Lytle; Danae, Brahm and step-son, Dennis; Darlene Speer; and Hattie and Messiah Windham; Lynn Whitcombs mother and uncle; Margo Williams; Mariya Yagudinas family; Moniqua Walker; Edith Nunez; Tricia; Bob Carlock; Addy Martinez; Lamonica Windbushs family; Katrina, Katherine, and Brownie; Marian Sanders; Margaret Derrys son Sean; Sues sister struggling with migraines; Helen Pooles health; Niki and her son Stefan; and Spirit-guided staffing transitions at Community Feast and increased Community Feast support especially through the challenging summer season. Prayers for those with cancer: Earls sister-in-law, Carmelia in Minneapolis, her son and husband with cancer; Grandmother Geneva Knox and mother Renee Williams breast cancer; Julie Auer with non-Hodgkins lymphoma prayers for her and John and their family; Pat Doyles friend; Jeans friend Beulah with Parkinsons disease and pancreatic cancer; Tracy Crawford, with breast cancer; Julie -breast cancer; Sues friend Ernie, with liver cancer, and Barb as she supports him; Jane Conleys aunt in India treatment for cancer; Delois Windhams brother Sammy Lovett with prostate cancer is also on a waiting list for a new heart; Tita Josie brain cancer; Prayers of Thanksgiving for Gildas Group. We lift up the wider community: Those suffering from recent tornados; floods, and devastating storms in several states; the people of Japan; continued prayers for peace in Israel/Palestine; prayers for the people of the Middle East and North Africa, people of Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Syria, & the Ivory Coast; continued prayers for Pakistan, Sudan, &Haiti. Prayers for all our elected leaders may Gods compassion be their guiding force; prayers for shut-ins and elderly; those with disabilities & their caretakers; restoration of relationships and property; safety, compassion and good stewardship of Gods planet and animals; workers everywhere; safety for bicyclists; peace and love towards Muslims in our country and elsewhere; power to overcome anger, and peace to know Gods presence; peace in our families; those suffering from eating disorders and any addiction; all prisoners; victims of violence or torture; everyone struggling to pay bills; our healthcare

system; those in lands devastated by occupation, wars, natural disasters and hunger; everyone who is unemployed and underemployed; for the homeless; everyone looking for housing; the uninsured; all troops and families of those serving overseas; unity in the church; peace in the world; prayers for President Barack Obama, his family and his administration.

Find Family which includes all Gods children: gay, lesbian, straight, bisexual, transgender, many races, different abilities together. Create Community as we gather in worship, workshops, fellowship, and small groups. Break Bread and connect within the amazing diversity of our identities to behold a common vision of justice and intentional inclusion. Share Stories of faith and hope that sustain and inspire our journey. Mobilize for Mission, turning our faith into action, seeking peace, ending poverty and affirming peoples rights in our church and world. Sing! Sing a new song! Sing of that great day when all will be one! God will reign and well walk with each other as sisters and brothers united in love. from We Are Called by David Haas Sing a New Song is a partnership event between Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN) and Methodist Federation for Social Action (MFSA) creating a common vision of justice and intentional inclusion for our church and the world. In our collaboration we draw the circle wider still in a larger movement that embodies peace-making in global and local relationships and justice for persons of all races, ages, gender identities, and sexual orientations, and abilities. MAKE PLANS TO JOIN SOME of your United Church family for this amazing gathering. FLYERS ARE ON THE SANCTUARY ENTRANCE TABLE!

If you are unable to attend, please consider contributing to a scholarship fund so someone else from our congregation may attend. Please indicate on your gift: SING A NEW SONG FUND

EPIPHANY COUNSELING CENTER - available by appointment. Call the church (773) 761-2500 and ask for extension 11 where you can leave a message for pastoral counselor Joan Schuitema, who will contact you. Upcoming Worship Highlights: July 17th: gospel artist Cynthia Wilson singing THANK YOU TO ALL WHO MADE VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL A SUCCESS!!

UMCOR's mission is to alleviate human sufferingwhether caused by war , conflict, or natural disasterwith open minds and hearts to all people. 2001 SPRING STORMS The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) underscored its "absolute commitment" to communities that have been impacted by this year's historic spring storm season, even though the organization's US Disaster Response funds are extraordinarily tight. One hundred percent of your gift to 2011 Spring Storms, UMCOR Emergency Advance #3021326, brings hope to survivors of these devastating storms. UMCOR UPDATE - www.umc.org Pacific Emergency UMCOR Advance # 3021317 ALL UMCOR DONATIONS: PLEASE MAKE SURE TO WRITE YOUR CHECKS OUT TO: United Church of Rogers Park And on the MEMO Line write UMCOR #............

Northern Illinois Conference, - HARVEST 2020 CORE VALUES We believe the Gospel changes everything We develop outward-facing communities We practice social healing We give thanks for Gods abundance We foster and grow the United Methodist Movement


mer Matching Funds Appeal (through August)

Special Envelopes are in pews & entrance.

Thank you for your consistent monthly financial support. We are greatly blessed by your generosity. However due to the cost of unexpected building repairs and long winter heating expenses, we need additional funds at this time. A couple of families have agreed to match up to $6,000 in contributions. This will give us a total of $12,000 which will meet our current expenses. Your finance team has a long range plan underway to provide additional funds for the future. Your staff and your leadership teams will also participate in up-coming stewardship training. We will keep you informed on our progress. Please help if you can & your contribution will be doubled. 6

Your servants in Christ, your Finance Team

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