Manual Bye Bike
Manual Bye Bike
Manual Bye Bike
• This manual should be con- • The vehicle pictured in this • Manufacturer reserves the • No part of this publication may
sidered a permanent part of the owner's manual may not match right to make changes at any be reproduced without written
vehicle and should remain with your vehicle. time without notice incurring permission.
the vehicle when it is resold. any obligation.
Welcome to the RIEJU family! dition for many years. In case of doubt, please contact
your RIEJU dealer.
As the owner of a BYE BIKE vehicle you are enjoying a
high quality product, carefully designed and manufactured in
Spain. RIEJU wishes you the best riding experiences in its
Please read this manual before operating your vehicle and compact but exciting RIEJU.
follow all recommendations. Information contained will help
you to safely enjoy your vehicle and keep it in perfect con- Sincerely,
Table of
1. Safety 18
2. Parts location 22
4. Pre-operation checks 34
5. Operation 36
6. Maintenance 40
8. Specifications 60
9. Index 62
Indicates a hazardous situation which,
if not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury.
Indicates special precautions that 1. Vehicle identification number (VIN)
must be taken to avoid damage to
the vehicle or other property.
Record the vehicle identification numbers
and dealer details in the spaces provided
below for assistance when ordering spare
parts or repairing your vehicle.
Vehicle identifica-
tion number
Engine identifica-
tion number
Warranty card and service record
Vehicle identification
Engine identification
DEALER The vehicle has been assembled and all components are working properly
Postcode City
State Country
This document properly completed must be sent to: RIEJU WARRANTY DEPT. It is the seller's responsibility to activate and send the warranty card to RIEJU in a week.
Ignoring this requirement may result in the loss of warranty.
Postcode City
State Country
Delivery date
Vehicle identification
Engine identification
DEALER The vehicle has been assembled and all components are working properly
Postcode City
State Country
Postcode City
State Country
Delivery date
Warranty Period
Warranty The warranty period begins on the date
of registration of the vehicle or, if the vehicle
remains without registering, from the date of Buyer obligations
sale. TG is entitled to deny any warranty if:
Thank you for choosing The seller is responsible for nonconformi- 1. The buyer has failed to submit the vehicle
Thank you for choosing RIEJU. As the ties that become apparent within the require-
ments of Law 23/2003 July 10 of Guarantees to any of the inspections and/or service work
owner of a vehicle you will enjoy a high
Sales of Consumer Goods and with Directive required in the user's manual and/or exceed-
quality product carefully designed and
ed the date set for such inspections or service
manufactured in Figueres (Girona, Spain). 1999/44/EC for Member States of the Euro-
pean Community. For countries outside the work. It also be excluded from the warranty
This Warranty Card and Service Record has
European Community, the warranty period any nonconformity that appeared before the
been designed to provide all the basic
shall be governed by the regulations thereof. date set for an inspection or service work
information about maintaining your vehicle in
and this inspection or service work was not
order that your RIEJU keep it working
However, if the nonconformity becomes carried out or it was carried out after the date
perfectly for many years. This document also apparent during the first six months after the set by RIEJU.
contains in-formation concerning the sale of the vehicle, it is assumed that the fault
warranty. 2. When an inspection, service work and/
existed when the vehicle was delivered; from
the sixth month, the consumer must prove or repair of the vehicle have been executed
You must ensure that warranty and delivery that the nonconformity existed when the vehi- by third parties not recognized by RIEJU.
files are properly completed. Keep your vehi- cle was delivered. During the first six months
cle in perfect condition and get maximum pro- 3. Any service work and / or repair has
tection under warranty by ensuring that your after the delivery of the repaired vehicle, the
vehicle receives regular care in accordance seller is liable against for the nonconformity been executed in violation of the technical
with the RIEJU recommendations. which led the repair. requirements, specifications and instructions
Any defects detected in the product must of the manufacturer.
be brought to the attention of an authorized
4. Spare parts not authorized by RIEJU
RIEJU dealer during the warranty period. If
the last day of the warranty period is a Sun-
day or public holiday, the warranty period will
be extended until the next business day.
been used in service works and / or repairs product influences.
or when fuels, lubricants and other liquids 5. Damage caused by nonconformities
(including cleaning products) that were not ex- and directly or indirectly expenses (commu-
pressly mentioned by the manufacturer have nication costs, accommodation expenses,
been used in the vehicle. car hire costs, public transport costs, courier
5. The vehicle has been in any way altered, costs...) and other damages (caused by the
modified or fitted with components that not loss of use of a vehicle, loss of revenue, loss
have been specifically authorized by TG. of time...).
6. The vehicle has been stored or trans- 6. Acoustic or aesthetic phenomena that do
ported not in agreement with the technical not significantly affect the use of the vehicle
requirements. (for example, small or hidden imperfections,
7. The vehicle has been used for a special noise or vibrations).
use other than the ordinary one, like races. 7. Nonconformities due to age of the vehicle ty period will end on the date of expiry of the
8. The vehicle has suffered an accident. (for example, discolouring of painting). warranty period of the product concerned.
1. If the repair of the nonconformity or 4. If a defect cannot be repaired and the
Warranty Exclusions
replacement of the affected part is out of pro- replacing has a disproportionate cost to the
The following items are excluded from the
portion, TG can decide in its sole discretion manufacturer, buyer will be entitled to cancel
whether to repair or to replace defective parts. the contract (compensation payment) or a
1. Wear parts including, without limitation,
2. The ownership of the replaced parts shall partial refund of the purchase price (discount)
spark plugs, batteries, fuel filters, air filter
pass to RIEJU without any other instead of repairing the vehicle.
elements, chain, engine output pinions,
consideration. The authorized RIEJU dealer
sprockets, air filters, brake discs or drums, 5. Warranty claims by the purchaser under
entrusted to repair the vehicle is not
pads or brake shoes, clutch discs, bulbs, fus-
authorized to do binding declarations on the contract of sale with the corresponding
es, footrest rubbers, tyres, tubes, cables and
behalf of RIEJU. authorized BYE BIKE dealer shall not be
other rubber components.
3. In case of doubt regarding the existence affected by this warranty. This warranty does
2. Lubricants (such as oil, grease, ...) and not affect any additional contractual rights of
of a defect or if a inspection is required,
working fluids (battery liquid, coolant...). the purchaser under the general conditions of
RIEJU reserves the right to request the return
3. Inspection, adjustment and other mainte- of the affected parts or to arrange an the authorized BYE BIKE dealer.
nance as well as all kind of cleaning jobs. inspection of the defect by an RIEJU expert.
4. Paint damage and consequent corro- Any additional warranty obligations for parts 6. If the purchaser resells the product within
sion due to external factors (such as stones, replaced free of charge or for any service
provided without charge under this warranty the warranty period, the terms and conditions
salt, exhaust gases and other environmental
shall be excluded. Warranty of the replaced of this warranty will be transferred to the new
impacts), improper cleaning or unsuitable
parts under warran- owner of the vehicle.
Install the parts (battery, mirror/s ...)
Check chain tension
Tyre pressure
Check all the bolts are tight
Oil level
Levers position
Position and operation of the throttle
Front and rear brake
Engine idle
Lights, turn signals and horn
Suspension operation
Clean the vehicle
Complete and submit manufacturer's warranty Adjust the drive chain Change transmission oil General grease
documents tension Fuel line inspection Test ride the vehicle
Check all the bolts are Inspect (and, if necessary,
tight clean) air filter element
Inspect the general operation Inspect (and, if necessary,
of the vehicle change) drive belt
Inspect (and, if necessary,
replace) variator rollers
Check brake operation
Check the steering bearings
Adjust the carburettor and the
engine idling
Inspect the operation of lights,
switches and horn.
Inspect the operation of the
throttle and throttle cable
Customer signature Tyre and tyre pressure check
1. I have read the warranty terms and I agree with them.
Inspect, adjust and lubricate
2. Operating Instructions understood. the drive chain
3. Vehicle fitted and adjusted to my needs Check all the bolts are tight
Fuel line inspection throttle and throttle cable Fuel line inspection Inspect the operation of the Fuel line inspection throttle and throttle cable
throttle and throttle cable
Clean the air filter element Inspect the wheels Replace the air filter element Clean the air filter element Inspect the wheels
Inspect the wheels
Replace spark-plug Inspect the wheels bearings Replace spark-plug Replace spark-plug Inspect the wheels bearings
Inspect the wheels bearings
Inspect the battery Inspect the oil pump Replace transmission oil Inspect the battery Inspect the oil pump
Lubricate the centerstand
Check the brakes and the Lubricate the centerstand Inspect the battery Check the brakes and the Lubricate the centerstand
pads/discs condition Inspect, adjust and lubricate pads/discs condition
Inspect, adjust and lubricate Check the brakes and the Inspect, adjust and lubricate
the drive chain
Inspect and lubricate the brake the drive chain pads/discs condition Inspect and lubricate the brake the drive chain
levers and cables Tyres and tyre pressure check levers and cables
Tyres and tyres pressure Inspect and lubricate the brake Tyres and tyres pressure
Inspect the suspensions check levers and cables Check all the bolts are tight Inspect the suspensions check
Check the steering bearings Check all the bolts are tight Inspect the suspensions General grease Check the steering bearings Check all the bolts are tight
and the steering operation and the steering operation
General grease Check the steering bearings Test ride the vehicle General grease
Adjust the carburettor and the and the steering operation Adjust the carburettor and the
Test ride the vehicle Test ride the vehicle
engine idling engine idling
Adjust the carburettor and the
Inspect (and, if necessary, engine idling Inspect (and, if necessary,
change) drive belt change) drive belt
Inspect (and, if necessary,
Inspect (and, if necessary, change) drive belt Inspect (and, if necessary,
replace) variator rollers replace) variator rollers
Inspect (and, if necessary,
Inspect the operation of lights, replace) variator rollers Inspect the operation of lights,
switches and horn switches and horn
Inspect the operation of lights,
Inspect the operation of the switches and horn. Inspect the operation of the
Fuel line inspection Inspect the operation of the Fuel line inspection throttle and throttle cable Fuel line inspection Inspect the operation of the
throttle and throttle cable throttle and throttle cable
Replace the air filter element Clean the air filter element Inspect the wheels Replace the air filter element
Inspect the wheels Inspect the wheels
Replace spark-plug Replace spark-plug Inspect the wheels bearings Replace spark-plug
Inspect the wheels bearings Inspect the wheels bearings
Replace transmission oil Inspect the battery Inspect the oil pump Replace transmission oil
Lubricate the centerstand Lubricate the centerstand
Inspect the battery Check the brakes and the Lubricate the centerstand Inspect the battery
Inspect, adjust and lubricate pads/discs condition Inspect, adjust and lubricate
Check the brakes and the Inspect, adjust and lubricate Check the brakes and the
the drive chain the drive chain
pads/discs condition Inspect and lubricate the brake the drive chain pads/discs condition
Tyres and tyre pressure check levers and cables Tyres and tyre pressure check
Inspect and lubricate the brake Tyres and tyres pressure Inspect and lubricate the brake
levers and cables Check all the bolts are tight Inspect the suspensions check levers and cables Check all the bolts are tight
Inspect the suspensions General grease Check the steering bearings Check all the bolts are tight Inspect the suspensions General grease
and the steering operation Check the steering bearings Test ride the vehicle
Check the steering bearings Test ride the vehicle General grease
and the steering operation Adjust the carburettor and the and the steering operation
Test ride the vehicle
engine idling Adjust the carburettor and the
Adjust the carburettor and the
engine idling Inspect (and, if necessary, engine idling
change) drive belt Inspect (and, if necessary,
Inspect (and, if necessary,
change) drive belt Inspect (and, if necessary, change) drive belt
replace) variator rollers Inspect (and, if necessary,
Inspect (and, if necessary,
replace) variator rollers Inspect the operation of lights, replace) variator rollers
switches and horn Inspect the operation of lights,
Inspect the operation of lights,
switches and horn. Inspect the operation of the switches and horn.
Avoid carrying an excessive load. Tie
1.3. Before riding all luggage securely, balanced and close
to the centre of the vehicle. Do not attach
1. Safety Make sure that you are physically fit, items near the lights or the hot parts of the
mentally focused and free of alcohol and vehicle.
drugs. Check that you and your passenger
are both wearing an approved motorcycle 1.5. Carbon monoxide
Follow these guidelines to enhance your helmet and protective apparel. Wear a face
and third parties security. shield or glasses. Never wear loose-fitting All engine exhaust generate carbon mon-
clothes, otherwise they could catch on the oxide, a colourless, odourless and tasteless
1.1 Responsibility control levers or wheels and cause injury or poisonous gas. Breathing carbon monoxide
an accident. Make yourself more visible by can cause headaches, dizziness, drows-
As the vehicle’s owner, you are respon- wearing reflective or bright clothes. iness, nausea, confusion, and eventually
sible for the safe and proper operation of death.
your vehicle. You should obtain thorough
instructions from a competent source on all WARNING
aspects of vehicle operation, observe the Always wear an approved helmet and WARNING
warnings and maintenance requirements in protective apparel when riding your Carbon monoxide is toxic.
this owner’s manual, obtain qualified train- vehicle. Do not run engine indoors.
ing in safe and proper riding techniques,
obtain professional technical service as
indicated in this owner’s manual and use 1.4. Loading Do not run engine in poorly ventilated or
only original spare parts and accessories partially enclosed areas, carbon monoxide
from the manufacturer. Carrying extra weight affects your vehicle can rapidly reach dangerous levels.
handling, braking and stability.
1.6. Maintenance
1.2. Practice
Even if you have ridden other motorbikes, Maintenance is the owners responsibil-
Maximum weight capacity (including ity. All maintenance operations must be
practice riding in a safe place to become
driver, passenger, accessories and done in order to keep the vehicle in good
familiar with how this vehicle works and
cargo) is 150 kg. Do not exceed this condition.
handles, and to become accustomed to the
maximum load limit.
vehicle's size and weight. Do not ride if you
are not qualified and only lend your vehicle
to other qualified riders.
equipped technicians. Your authorised In order to maximize your vehicle's ser-
dealer meets all of these requirements and vice life we strongly recommend you to
can extend to the maximum your vehicle's use RIEJU genuine parts and accessories.
service life. Installing after-market products or having
other modifications performed to your
1.7. After-market parts, ac- vehi-cle that change any of the vehicle’s
cessories and modifications design or operation characteristics can put
your and others safety at risk.
Adding accessories or cargo to your
vehicle can adversely affect stability and 1.8. Safe-Riding
handling. We strongly advise that you do Follow these advices when riding your
not add any accessories that were not spe- RIEJU vehicle:
cifically designed for your vehicle by RIEJU
or make modifications to your scooter from • Start the engine and let it warm up.
its original design. Doing so can make it • Before start driving check that you can
unsafe. Modifying your vehicle may also be incorporated into the flow with ease.
void your warranty and make your vehicle
illegal to operate on public roads. Before • Ride where other motorists can see
deciding to install accessories on your ve- you and always signal before turning or
hicle be certain the modification is safe and changing lanes.
legal. Do not pull a trailer with, or attach a • Always obey the speed limit and never
sidecar to, your vehicle. Your vehicle was travel faster than warranted by road and
not designed for these attachments, and traffic conditions.
their use can seriously impair your vehicle's
handling. • Driver must take a natural posture, rear brakes together.
feet in stirrups and both hands on the
Road surfaces are slippery when wet.
CAUTION handlebars. Passenger (if the vehicle
Avoid hard breaking and acceleration
is approved for two) should be secured
Always use RIEJU genuine parts. and exercise extra caution when riding
with both hands on the handle (if avail-
Its quality and perfect fit ensures in wet conditions.
able) or on the driver's body and feet
excellent performance and will resting in stirrups. Be careful when passing parked cars.
extend your vehicle's service life.
• For full brake effectiveness close the A driver might not see you and open a
throttle and operate both the front and door in your path.
2.1. Controls and instruments
Parts location
1. Rear brake lever 4. Dashboard 7. Front brake lever
2. Left handlebar switches 5. Main switch 8. Throttle grip
3. 12V power outlet 6. Right handlebar switches
Parts location
2.3. Left view
Parts location
12. Headlamp 16. Air filter 20. Rear suspension
13. Front suspension 17. Transmission chain 21. Central compartment
14. Front brake 18. Chain adjuster 22. Rear brake lever
15. Centerstand 19. Rear brake
Instrument and control functions
ON (Ignition): All electrical circuits are 1. Speedometer: Speedometer: displays
3. Instrument supplied with power, the meter lighting
comes on, and the engine can be started.
the instantaneous speed in kilometres per
hour (Km/h) and in miles per hour (MPH).
and control The key cannot be removed.
functions 2. Odometer: Displays total distance
travelled in kilometres (Km).
3. Low engine oil level warning
Never turn off the key while the ve-
3.1 Main switch light: This warning light comes on when
hicle is running, it may result in loss
The main switch/steering lock controls of control or an accident. the two stroke engine oil level is low. Stop
the ignition and lighting systems, and is as soon as possible and refill the oil tank
used to lock the steering. There are two with the 2T engine oil recommended oth-
positions: 3.2 Dashboard erwise engine may be seriously damaged.
Turning on the ignition key the warning light
will come on for a few seconds.
1 If the warning light comes on during
fuel. Turning on the ignition key the warning
for the high beam, and to for the low
light will come on for a few seconds.
Instrument and control functions
3.4 Brake levers
Rear brake
Front brake
3.5 Seat
Fuel tank closing
3.6 Fuel tank
To install the fuel tank cap, turn it clock-
Instrument and control functions
• Handy fuel only outdoors.
• Wipe up spills immediately.
1. Fuel tank cap.
• Do not fill with fuel above the filler neck.
The fuel tank cap is located under the
Use only unleaded petrol, otherwise
malfunction and engine damage
Fuel tank opening
may happen.
To remove the fuel tank cap, open the
seat (see above), turn it counter clockwise,
and then pull it off.
3.7 Engine oil tank Close the oil tank
1. Kickstarter.
3.9 Accessories Disassembling an accessory
1. Unscrew and remove the two side
fastening system
Instrument and control functions
Do not exceed the maximum load of
150kg for the vehicle.
Pre-operation checks
Item Check Page
4. Pre-operation • Check fuel level in fuel tank.
checks • Refuel if necessary.
• Check fuel line for leakage.
30, 39
Pre-operation checks
• Correct if necessary.
a RIEJU dealer before operating
the vehicle. Instruments • Check operation.
light and • Replace defective parts (bulbs) or visit a BIKE BYE dealer for 27, 52
switches replacement.
• Check for dirt on vehicle components and verify the correct
Cleaning visibility of lights, indicators and mirrors. 56
• Clean if necessary.
5.2 Starting the engine
5. Operation
starter motor, try using the kickstarter.
5.4 Acceleration
5.7 Refuelling • Avoid harsh braking and acceleration,
anticipate to traffic.
• Use only unleaded petrol with recom- • Avoid unnecessary loads.
mended octane number.
• Do not accelerate when starting your
• Do not use fuels containing a high con- vehicle, in addition to unnecessary fuel
centration of alcohol, oil-petrol mixture consumption can cause excessive wear
or contaminated or lapsed petrol. of engine parts.
• Avoid getting dust or water in the fuel
• Stop the engine during long stops (traf-
fic lights, jams...).
• Check the tyre pressure periodically
6.1 Safety on
6. Maintenance
Make sure that you have the tools, parts
and skills required to perform each task. In
Keeping your vehicle well-maintained is case of doubt, visit a Bye Bike dealer.
absolutely essential to your safety, protect Unless otherwise indicated in this man-
your investment and obtain maximum per- ual, turn off and cold the engine before
formance. Maintenance is the owner's re- performing any operation.
sponsibility. Be sure to inspect your vehicle 6.2 Service
before each ride and perform the periodic schedule
checks specified in the Service Schedule.
Most important points of inspection, ad-
justment, replacement and lubrication are
explained on the following pages.
The intervals given in the service
schedule should be simply considered as a
general guide under normal riding condi-
tions. However, depending on the terrain,
weather, geographical location and individ-
ual use, the service schedule may need to
be shortened.
From 11,000 Km repeat the service inter-
vals starting at 3,000 Km.
500 1.000 3.000 5.000 7.000 9.000 11.000 13.000 CHECK
6.3 Spark plug
Spark plug check 1
For the recommended spark plug see Access the air filter element
"Specifications" (Chapter 8). 1. Remove the screws that fasten the air
filter case cover.
2. Remove the air filter case cover and
Using spark plugs with an improp-
er heat range can cause engine the fastening grid
1. Electrodes gap.
3. Pull the air filter element out.
4. Refit all components in reverse order.
6. Make sure the plug washer is in good
1.Disconnect the park plug cap.
2.Clean any dirt from around the spark
7. With the plug washer attached, oil the
plug base.
spark plug.
3.Remove the park plug using an spark
8. Tighten the spark plug.
plug wrench.
4.Inspect the electrodes and centre
Spark plug tightening torque: 25Nm
porcelain for deposits, erosion or carbon
fouling. If the erosion or deposit is heavy,
replace the plug. Clean a carbon or wet- 9. Reinstall the spark plug cap.
fouled plug with a plug cleaner, otherwise
use a wire brush.
6.4 Air filter
5.Check the spark plug gap using a wire-
type feeler gauge. If adjustment is neces- The air filter element should be cleaned/
1. Screws. 2. Filter cover.
sary, bend the side electrode carefully. replaced at the intervals specified in the
service schedule. The air filter in your vehi- Air filter element. 4. Filter fastening grid.
cle is wet type, we recommend you
contact a RIEJU dealer for maintenance.
6.5 Carburettor
The electrodes gap should be
0,7 to 0,9 mm.
6.6 Throttle grip 6.7 Transmission
free play
Drive chain free-movement adjustment
5. Check the drive chain free-movement.
Drive chain free-movement adjustment
requires advanced mechanical skills,
there-fore this task should be left to a
RIEJU dealer.
Cleaning and lubrication Tyre air pressure check
Clean and lubricate the chain regularly
to prevent premature wear and ensure Visually inspect your tyres and use an air
1. Drive chain tensioner. smooth and safe operation of your vehicle. pressure gauge to measure the air pres-
2.Rear axle nut. Clean the chain using a chain cleaner and sure at least once a month or any time you
a soft cloth. Rotate the rear wheel during think the tyres look low. Always check air
cleaning to remove all traces of dirt and pressure when your tyres are cold.
2. Inspect the tyres for signs of abnormal
wear on the contact surface.
Rear tyre
2½-17'' or 2¾-17'
Brake levers and cables lubrication Cable lubrication:
1. Remove the handlebar controls by
loosening screws.
2. Slide the cable cover.
3. Apply GRO Multispray. 6.11 Brake shoes
4. Reassemble all the elements and ad-
just the levers/throttle grip free play.
Improper free play in the brake levers
could indicate a problem in the brake
system. Do not use your vehicle
until a RIEJU dealer inspect the
Brake levers and cables lubrication. brake system.
The operation of all control cables and Brakes are provided with a wear indica-
the condition of the cables should be tor, which allows you to check the brake
checked before each ride, and the cables shoe wear without having to disassemble
and cable ends should be lubricated if nec- the brake.
essary. If a cable is damaged or does not To check the brake shoe wear, check the
move smoothly, have a RIEJU dealer position of the wear indicator (1) while ap-
check or replace it. For cables lubrication plying the brake. If a brake shoe has worn
use a Multispray. to the point that the wear indicator reaches
the wear limit mark (2), have a RIEJU
dealer replace the brake shoes.
6.12 Centerstand 6.13 Suspensions
The operation of the centerstand should Front suspension presents a 28mm tele-
be checked at the intervals specified on the scopic fork while rear suspension presents
service schedule, and the pivots should be two 24 mm shock-absorvers. Periodically
lubricated if necessary. check the suspension operation is smooth
and there are no leaks.
Centerstand recommended lubricant: If any damage is found or the front
Lithium-soap-based grease fork does not operate smoothly, have a
RIEJU dealer check or repair it. Front
fork should be inspected at the intervals
de-scribed on the service schedule.
Rear suspension
The condition and operation of the rear
suspension can be checked as follows:
1. Check the inner tubes for scratches,
damage and excessive oil leakage.
2. Place the vehicle on a level surface
Front fork.
and hold it in an upright position.
Front fork
1. Centerstand. The condition and operation of the front 3. While applying the rear brake, push
fork can be checked as follows: down hard on the rear part of the vehicle to
1. Check the inner tubes for scratches, check if the rear suspension compresses
CAUTION damage and excessive oil leakage. and rebounds smoothly.
If the centerstand does not move up 2. Place the vehicle on a level surface
and down smoothly, have a BYE BIKE and hold it in an upright position. If any damage is found or the suspen-
dealer check or repair it. Otherwise, the 3. While applying the front brake, push sion does not operate smoothly, have a
centerstand could contact the ground down hard on the handlebars several times RIEJU dealer check or repair it. Rear
resulting in a possible loss of control. to check if the front fork compresses and suspension should be inspected at the in-
rebounds smoothly. tervals described on the service schedule.
Worn or loose steering bearings may
cause danger. Therefore, steering must be
checked as follows at the intervals specified
in the service schedule.
Wheels bearings check.
The front and rear wheel bearings must
be checked at the intervals specified in
the service schedule. To check the wheels
Steering check
bearings, place the vehicle on the cen-
terstand, hold front fork legs (for the front
wheel) or the swing-arm (for the rear wheel)
Electrolyte check:
1. Place the scooter on a level surface
6.16 Battery and hold it in an upright position.
The battery is located on the top centre 2. Remove the engine compartment top
of the chassis. Remove the top panel of the
engine compartment to access the battery.
3. Check the electrolyte level in the
Remove the central cover: battery.
1. Remove the screw.
1. Battery. 4. If the electrolyte is at or below the mini-
2. Remove the central cover.
mum level mark, add distilled water to raise
Check the electrolyte level it to the maximum level mark.
5. Check and, if necessary, tighten the
battery lead connections and correct the
1 breather hose routing.
Use only distilled water, as tap water
contains minerals that are harmful
to the battery.
Electrolyte is poisonous and dan-
gerous since it contains sulphuric
acid, which causes severe burns.
Avoid any contact with skin, eyes or
clothing and always shield your eyes
when working near batteries.
than two months, check the specific gravity
In case of external contact: flush with
of the electrolyte at least once a month and
plenty of water.
fully charge the battery whenever neces-
In case of ingestion: drink large
quantities of water or milk and imme-
diately call a doctor. 3. Fully charge the battery before instal-
In case of contact with eyes: flush 6.17 Fuse
with water for 15 minutes and seek
prompt medical attention. 4. After installation, make sure that the
Fuses protect the electrical circuits on
battery leads are properly connected to your vehicle. If something electrical on your
the battery terminals and that the breather vehicle stops working, check the fuse and
hose is properly routed, in good condition, replace it if necessary.
Batteries produce explosive hydro- and not obstructed.
gen gas. Therefore, keep sparks,
flames, cigarettes, etc., away from the CAUTION Replacing the fuse
battery and provide sufficient ventila-
tion when charging it in an enclosed When removing the battery, be sure The fuse holder is located besides the
space. the key is turned to “OFF”, then battery. Remove engine compartment top
disconnect the negative lead before panel to access the fuse. If the fuse is
disconnecting the positive lead. blown, replace it as follows:
Storing the battery CAUTION 1. Turn the key to "OFF" and turn off all
1. If the vehicle will not be used for more
than one month, remove the battery, fully Vehicle could suffer structural and electrical circuits.
charge it, and then place it in a cool, dry external damages if is exposed to 2. Remove the blown fuse, and then in-
place. electrolyte or gas, expelled from the
2. If the battery will be stored for more battery. stall a new fuse of the specified amperage.
6.18 Bulbs
Headlight bulb
If the headlight bulb burns out, replace it
as follows:
1. Turn the key to the "OFF".
2. Remove the front cover by removing
the screws.
Fuse location.
Do not use a fuse of a higher am-
perage rating than recommended to
avoid causing extensive damage to
the electrical system. 1. Headlight. 2. Bulb cover.
4. Remove the burnout bulb by pushing it
in and turning it counter-clockwise.
5. Insert a new bulb into the socket -push
Tail light 6.19 Additional
1. Tail light.
Change your fuel supplier if you
notice a performance loss or engine
If the tail / brake light does not work or malfunction.
does not work properly contact a RIEJU
dealer. The tail/brake light is composed by Main switch
LED lamps. The tail/brake light also serves If you leave the main switch connected
as license plate light. with the engine off, the battery will dis-
The odometer backs to 0 when it exceeds
99999.9 km.
Clean and care
After a normal use
Remove dirt with warm water, a mild de-
7. Clean and care tergent, and a soft, clean sponge, and then
rinse thoroughly with clean water. Use a
toothbrush or bottle-brush for hard-to-reach
areas. Stubborn dirt and insects will come
Frequent cleaning and polishing is im- off more easily if the area is covered with a
portant to ensure the life of your BYE BIKE wet cloth for a few minutes before cleaning.
vehicle. A clean vehicle makes it easier to
spot potential problems. CAUTION
Store your the vehicle in a cool and dry CAUTION
place and, if necessary, protect it against Avoid products that contain harsh
dust with a porous cover. Check that the detergents or chemical solvents.
Do not use high-pressure washers
engine and exhaust system are cool before These can damage the metal, paint,
or steam-jet cleaners. They can
covering the vehicle. and plastic on your vehicle.
damage electric components and
moving parts.
7.1 Cleaning CAUTION After riding in the rain, near the sea or on
Before cleaning Improper cleaning can damage plas- salt-sprayed roads
1. Allow the engine, exhaust and other tic parts and the muffler. Use only a Sea salt or salt sprayed on the roads dur-
high-temperature parts to cool soft, clean cloth or sponge with wa- ing winter are extremely corrosive in com-
2. Cover the muffler outlet with a plastic ter to clean plastic. However, if the bination with water, carry out the following
bag. plastic parts cannot be thoroughly steps after each ride in the rain, near the
3. Make sure that all caps and covers as cleaned with water, diluted mild de- sea or on salt-sprayed roads.
well as all electrical couplers and con- tergent with water may be used.
7.3 Transporting
the vehicle
If your vehicle needs to be transported, it
should be carried on a motorcycle trailer or
a flat-bed truck or trailer that has a loading
ramp or lifting platform, and motorcycle tie-
down straps. Never try to tow your vehicle
with a wheel or wheels on the ground.
Towing your vehicle can cause
serious damage to the transmission.
Dimensions Spark plug - electrodes gap: 0,7 to 0,9 Tyre air pressure
Length: 1.858 mm mm 0 to 90 kg loading
Width: 689 mm (without rear-views) Choke: automatic Front tyre: 245 kPa
Height: 1.098 mm Clutch: centrifugal, automatic (2,45 kgf/cm2, 35,5 psi, 2,45 bar).
Seat height: 801 mm Air filter: wet element Rear tyre: 245 kPa
Wheelbase: 1.216 mm Fuel tank capacity: 4,2 litres (including a (2,45 kgf/cm2, 35,5 psi, 2,45 bar).
Minimum ground clearance: 187 mm 0,5 litres fuel reserve) 91 to 150 kg loading
Recommended fuel: unleaded gasoline Front tyre: 260 kPa
Weight with a octane number of 90 or higher (2,60 kgf/cm2, 37,7 psi, 2,60 bar).
Empty weight: 63 kg Engine oil tank capacity: 1,3 litres Rear tyre: 260 kPa
Passengers: A rider (BYE BIKE One) or a Recommended engine oil: GLOBAL RAC- (2,60 kgf/cm2, 37,7 psi, 2,60 bar).
rider and a passenger (BYE BIKE One+) ING OIL (GRO) Scooter Oil 2T
Maximum load: 150 kg Secondary transmission: Chain (415 / 98 Wheels
steps) Front wheel: Light alloy rim, with inner
Frame Drive chain free-movement: 10 to tube, 1,4x17''
Type: Mixed (pressed steel / tubular) 15 mm Rear wheel: Light alloy rim, with inner
Caster angle: 25'7º Drive chain recommended lubricant: tube, 1,4x17'' or 1,6x17''
Engine Engine sprocket: 13T Brakes
Type: Single cylinder, 2T Rear sprocket: 40T Front brake: 110 mm drum
Displacement: 49,9 cc Transmission oil: GLOBAL RACING OIL Rear brake: 110 mm drum
Bore/stroke: 39,88 x 40mm (GRO) Gear Trans 85W140 Brake levers lubricant: Lithi-
Compression: 9,5:1 um-soap-based grease
Ignition: electronic (CDI) Tyres Brake cables lubricant: GLOBAL RACING
Starting: Electric / kick Front tyre measurements: 2½-17'' or 2¾- OIL (GRO) Multispray
Lubrication: Separated/automatic 17''
Carburettor: Dell'Orto PHVA 12 Rear tyre measurements: 2½-17'' or 2¾- Centerstand
Spark plug: NGK BR7ES 17'' Lubricant: Lithium-soap-based grease
8. Specifications
Front suspension: helical spring fork Notes
with 28 mm oil shock absorbers
Rear suspension: Two 24mm shock
absorbers with helical spring
Type: GT4L-BS (12V, 4.0 Ah)
Type: 15A
Headlamp: HS1 12V 35/35W (x1)
Brake / tail light: LED (x5)
Front turn signals: R19/10 12V 10W (x2)
Rear turn signals: R19/10 12V 10W (x2)
Torque specifications
Spark plug: 25 Nm
9. Index
Borrassa, 41-45
17600 Figueres (GI) Spain
+34 972500850