2-Metal Semiconductor Contacts
2-Metal Semiconductor Contacts
2-Metal Semiconductor Contacts
Microelectronics Devices
(MEL G631 )
Arnab Hazra
Email: arnab.hazra@pilani.bits-pilani.ac.in
Module 02
Metal Semiconductor Contacts
All integrated circuit communicate with rest of the
electrical system via-metal-semiconductor Contacts.
With a small-signal ac bias added to the fixed dc bias Va, the junction shows a
capacitive behavior that can be calculated by using the above Equation
Measurements of the small-signal capacitance are useful even in cases where the
semiconductor doping varies with distance.
Space charge in non-uniform doping
For a given dc (reverse) bias (Va < 0), the space-charge layer is of width Xd. A
small increase in the magnitude of Va causes a small increase in Qs where
Space charge in non-uniform doping
The width of the region is at least a few electronic mean-free paths and
that the field strength is less than that at which the drift velocity
Current-Voltage (J-V) characteristics
Schottky Barrier (Diffusion Model)
Current-Voltage (J-V) characteristics
Schottky Barrier (Diffusion Model)
Current-Voltage (J-V) characteristics
Mott Barrier (Non-uniform doping)
Current-Voltage (J-V) characteristics
Ideal Diode Equation
Tunnel Contact
Number of e- produce by
surface states are enough to
reach equilibrium