Appendix C-Eng
Appendix C-Eng
Appendix C-Eng
To define the Competence Framework for HSE Professionals.
b. There are 11 HSE Professionals technical competences which are further described in
Requirement 4:
d. There are 2 Process Safety Competences required for Professionals in Process ( Technical) Safety
e. There are 2 CONTRACT HOLDER Competences required for HSE professionals who being
appointed as a Contract Holder.
b. The individual’s Line Manager shall carry out the competence assessment, as follows:
• Select the HSE Management Competence Elements and associated Proficiency Levels required
for the individual’s role, at the relevant job level (see Table 1).
• Select, where relevant, the HSE Specialist Competence Elements and associated Proficiency
Levels required for the individual’s role, at the relevant job level (see Table 1).
• Obtain support from competent colleague- HSE Competence Assurance Specialist in case:
- where a required specialist competence level is higher than the Line Manager’s own assessed
- where the Line Manager decides he/she does not have adequate proficiency in a competence
element to do a fair assessment
- where the Line Manager decides he/she does not sufficiently understand the assessment
• Assess the individual’s evidence against the Competence Elements.
• Carry out an interview to determine the individual’s level of competence.
• Explain any competence gap(s) to the individual and suggest ways of possible gap closure.
• Provide the validated assessment record to the HSE Competence Lead for record keeping.
c. Where the individual and Line Manager consider that a competence requirement specified in Table 1 is
not required or is set at too high or low a level, they may seek a Derogation\Exceedance. Such
Derogation\Exceedance shall be approved by the Technical Authority Level 1 (TA1) for HSE, documented
Competence Description: (This is for people who work with the Business) to coach and support the Line
to deliver leadership in HSE.
Support and coach business leaders, managers, and supervisors to achieve and apply the Line
«HSE Lead » competence.
Create and sustain a culture that drives the Company commitment of no harm to people and to
protect the environment.
Develop Objectives, Targets and Plans to Support the implementation of the company HSE
Commitment and Policy.
Establish and maintain an organization that enables compliance with HSE Control framework,
regulations and laws.
Review the effectiveness, adequacy and suitability of HSE Management System and take actions to
For Awareness level, for example, look for evidence that the person can describe in basic terms:
1. Helped to run a Hearts and Minds programme (or similar culture/leadership-related) such as
"Understanding your Culture", “Making Compliance Easier”, "Seeing Yourself as Others See You",
or “Effective Observation and Intervention”
2. Helped to run sessions for leaders such as Risk awareness, Intervention, Life Saving Rules and
Personal HSE Leadership Behaviors, Risk Management / HEMP
3. Helped leaders to champion HSE, e.g. Safety day, Leadership site visit schedule
4. Provided information, instruction, training and/or supervision to support HSE competence
5. Benchmarked targets and performance against competitors and advise leadership of changes
necessary to reach top quartile
6. Had active involvement and challenge in the review the HSE management system. This might
include proposals for change to the HSE-MS and suggestions of KPIs to measure performance
7. Reviewed stated compliance with laws and regulations and adopted HSE Standards
For Skill level, for example, look for evidence that the person has:
1. Led a Hearts and Minds programme (or similar culture/leadership-related) such as "Understanding
your Culture", “Making Compliance Easier”, "Seeing Yourself as Others See You", or “Effective
Observation and Intervention” for an Asset/Contract/Company
2. Run sessions for leaders such as Risk awareness, Intervention, Life Saving Rules and Personal
HSE Leadership Behaviors, awareness of HSE Policy & Commitment
3. Created a means for leaders to champion HSE, e.g. Safety day, Leadership site visit programme
Competence Description: (This is for people who work with the Business) to coach and support the Line
to prepare effective management of HSE risk.
Support business leaders, managers, and supervisors to achieve and apply the Line «HSE
Prepare» competence.
Identify HSE Hazards in the Business and document their effect on people, assets, environment
and reputation in a Hazards and Effects Register.
Assess the Risk of identified Hazards for Worst-Case Credible Scenarios by using the HSE
Management System manual, subsection Risk Assessment Matrix (RAM) and document this
assessment of Risk in the Hazards and Effects Register.
Implement Controls and Recovery Measures for Hazards in blue, yellow and red areas of the RAM
in line with HSE&SP Management System manual, subsection Managing Risk.
Integrate HSE objectives and targets, plus requirements of the HSE Control Framework, into
Business Plans and Procedures.
Establish and maintain Common Risk Controls including Permit to work, Management of Change,
and Emergency Response.
For Awareness level, for example, look for evidence that the person can describe in basic terms:
1. Describe the Common Controls such as HSE Case, Emergency Response Plans, the Management
of Change process and Permit to Work Procedures
2. Explain how local operating procedures should take into account local risks and requirements and
comply with the HSE management system and Standards
3. Explain how to make local operating plans align with Business HSE Plans and local HSE risk profile
4. Explain how to identify the HSE controls required for the worksite tasks
5. Describe how to carry out a Hazards and Effects Register or Environmental Aspects Register, Bow-
tie analysis, risk assessment, ALARP determination and Remedial Action Plans, and the value of
For Knowledge level, for example, look for evidence that the person has:
1. Provide HSE input to and verification of Common Controls such as HSE Case, Emergency
Response Plans, the Management of Change process and Permit to Work Procedures
2. Verified that local operating procedures take into account local risks and requirements and comply
with the HSE management system and Standards, and engaged local staff to confirm
3. Confirmed that local operating plans align with Business HSE Plans and local HSE risk profile
4. Identified the HSE controls required for the worksite tasks
5. Had active involvement in the development and challenge of more than one of Hazards and Effects
Register or Environmental Aspects Register, Bow-tie analysis, risk assessment, HAZID, HAZOP,
ALARP determination and/or Remedial Action Plans
6. Helped to prepare HSE content for Asset/Project plans
For Skill level, for example, look for evidence that the person has:
1. Developed and verified the proper use of Common Controls such as HSE Case, Emergency
Response Plans, the Management of Change process and Permit to Work Procedures
2. Developed local operating procedures take into account local risks and requirements and comply
with the HSE Control Framework, and engaged local staff to confirm understanding
3. Tested that local operating plans align with Business HSE Plans and local HSE risk profile
4. Specified the HSE controls required for the worksite tasks
5. Led the development and challenge of more than one of Hazards and Effects Register or
Environmental Aspects Register, Bow-tie analysis, risk assessment, HAZID, HAZOP, ALARP
determination and/or Remedial Action Plans
6. Facilitated a workshop or meeting to support people working to achieve the “HSSE Prepare”
7. Prepared Job Descriptions and Organization Charts for an HSE Department (appropriate to the
business risk)
8. Established an HSE governance structure for monitoring performance, leading continuous
improvement plans, managing the skill pool and implementing the HSE requirements
9. Defined HSE roles, responsibilities and authorities to implement the HSE requirements and comply
with regulations and laws
10. Established HSE roles and responsibilities in plans, procedures, job descriptions, individual tasks
and targets
11. Calculated capacity and capability to deliver the HSE Plan and acted accordingly
12. Provided information, instruction, training and supervision so that people are competent to carry out
their work safely
13. Verified that the formal HSE competence assurance process has been applied and managed HSE
competence gaps of reporters through an agreed and documented plan
14. Established and maintained documented Management of Change Procedures
15. Identified the positions affected by changes in the Business or organization, and updated the HSE
competence requirements for these positions
16. Verified that all required HSE training and certification/licensing to meet legal requirements has been
17. Confirmed that Asset/Function operating plans align with Business HSE Plans and company HSE
risk profile
18. Verified that Asset operating procedures take into account Asset/Function risks and requirements
and comply with the HSE Management system and Standards
19. Engaged Asset/Function staff and verified their understanding of Asset/Function HSE Plans and
20. Provided HSE input to the Permit to Work (PTW) procedure and verified that the PTW procedure
meets the HSE requirements
21. Verified that the Management of Change process addresses HSE risks and requirements
Competence Description: (This is for people who work with the Business) to coach and support the Line
to apply effective management of HSE risk.
Support business leaders, managers, and supervisors to achieve and apply the «HSE Apply»
Implement the HSE requirements embedded in Plans and Procedures, check compliance,
intervene and take corrective action when necessary.
Collect, verify and report HSE performance data that are relevant, consistent, transparent, accurate
and complete, for consolidation for internal review and public disclosure.
Establish and maintain a Data Controls Assurance Plan.
Log, notify and investigate incidents, review and apply learnings through the Learning from
Incidents (LFI) process, with particular emphasis on injurious and high value learning Incidents.
Provide assurance that the HSE Control Framework requirements are implemented and effective.
For Awareness level, for example, look for evidence that the person can describe in basic terms:
1. How to carry out site visits and inspections to confirm that staff are complying with all agreed HSE
2. How to follow up areas of non-compliance with management through meetings, formal notifications
and non-compliance reports
3. Explain how Supervisors, Managers and Leaders should confirm that staff know what is required of
them prior to start of work, through Pre Job Briefings and review of Job Hazard Analysis
4. Explain the process for collation and submission of HSE Performance data in line with company and
RF requirements
5. Describe the incident investigation and learning process
6. Describe the HSE Audit, including preparation, interviews and close-out meeting
For Knowledge level, for example, look for evidence that the person has:
1. Accompanied management on site visits and inspections to confirm that staff are complying with all
agreed HSE requirements
2. Followed up areas of non-compliance with management through meetings, formal notifications and
non-compliance reports
3. Tested that the Supervisors, Managers and Leaders have confirmed that staff know what is required
of them prior to start of work, through Pre Job Briefings and review of Job Hazard Analysis
4. Had active involvement in the collation and submission of HSE Performance data in line with
company and RF requirements
5. Taken part in investigation of incidents to determine immediate and underlying causes using
company approved tools
6. Used the Learning from Incident process to communicate learning and required actions
7. Taken part in HSE Audit, including preparation, interviews and close-out meeting
8. Prepared audit term of reference
9. Monitored the follow-up of actions from HSSE Audits and self-assessments
10. Tested that the Supervisors / Managers / Leaders have confirmed that staff know what is required of
them prior to start of work. This might be through attendance at the Pre Job
11. Tested that the Supervisors / Managers / Leaders have confirmed that staff are complying with
requirements allocated to them during work. This might be through management site inspections or
compliance reports
12. Intervened in the event of non-compliance with established requirements. This might be through an
intervene card or via line management through a meeting, request for disciplinary action, suggestion
for competence improvement or coaching
13. Logged or updated incidents in the Fountain Incident Management system.
14. Investigated incidents using the Topset methodology to determine immediate and underlying
causes and analysed them using approved tools e.g. TRIPOD Beta as team member
For Skill level, for example, look for evidence that the person has:
1. Organized and facilitated management site visits and inspections to confirm that staff are
complying with all agreed HSE requirements
2. Fixed areas of non-compliance with management through meetings, formal notifications and non-
compliance reports and gap closure action planning and follow up
3. Verified that the Supervisors, Managers and Leaders have confirmed that staff know what is
required of them prior to start of work, through Pre Job Briefings and review of Job Hazard Analysis
4. Analyzed HSE data to identify underlying trends and developed corrective action plans
5. Led or facilitated investigation of incidents using the Topset methodology to determine immediate
and underlying causes and analysed them using approved tools e.g. TRIPOD Beta, to analyses
weaknesses in the HSSE-MS and provide recommendations and corrective action.
6. Managed the Learning from Incident process to communicate learning and required actions
7. Led or facilitated HSE Audit, including preparation, interviews and close-out meetings
8. Coordinated the execution of HSE Audits
9. Carried out an HSE audit , including preparation, interviews and close-out Meeting
10. Had active involvement in the development of the Data Controls Assurance Plan and verified data
quality controls are in place and functioning to standard
HSE Technical
Competence description: (This is for people who work with the Business) to manage health risks.
Implement Control Framework and legal requirements for health risk management.
Apply the outcome of Health Risk Assessments.
Manage other health risks associated with the locations or activities, including Human
Factors Engineering, Health Impact Assessment, Product Health and Environmental Health risks
For Skill level, for example, look for evidence that the person has:
Competence description: (This is for people who work with the Business) to prevent Process Safety
incidents resulting from unintentional release of energy or hazardous material.
Verify that new assets and modifications made to existing assets are designed and constructed as
specified in the Design and Engineering Manual 1 (DEM1) and meet
Process Safety Basic Requirements as specified in the Design and Engineering Manual 2 (DEM2).
Perform Process Safety Reviews for new assets and for modifications to existing assets.
Verify that the procedures to operate HSE Critical Equipment within its operational limits are
Verify that the procedures to inspect and maintain the technical integrity of HSE Critical Equipment
are adequate.
For Skill level, for example, look for evidence that the person has:
Competence description: (This is for people who work with the Business) to manage personal safety
Review operations with personal safety risks and ensure the hazards are controlled by risk based
procedures, safe working practices according to the hierarchy of controls.
Demonstrate that personal safety risks are managed to as low as reasonably practicable.
Provide coaching and development for managers and supervisors of people performing tasks with
personal safety risks.
For Skill level, for example, look for evidence that the person has:
1. Had active involvement in identification of personal safety hazards and assessment of risks
2. Had active involvement in the selection of controls using the Hierarchy of Control
3. Integrated personal safety requirements into operating practices and procedures
4. Conducted management system audits to confirm personal safety hazards are adequately
5. Identified changes that may trigger the need for new personal safety controls
6. Regularly intervened in cases of non compliance and resolved the shortcomings
7. Facilitated the application of Safety Behavioural tools e.g. Making Compliance Easier workshops,
use of the Hearts and Minds tools e.g. Understanding Your HSE Culture
8. Supported the control of a variety of personal safety hazards and risks relevant to the Asset or
Function. This should include several of: embedding the Life Saving Rules, supervising or auditing
the Permit to Work process, planning and managing lifting and hoisting operations, work at height or
use of radioactive sources and selection of correct Personal Protective Equipment.
Competence description: (This is for people who work with the Business) to manage risk from
environmental aspects.
For Skill level, for example, look for evidence that the person has:
Competence description: (This is for people who work with the Business) to ensure that contracts
consistently and effectively cover the management of HSE risks, and to deliver effective management of
HSE risks during contracted activities.
Identify and assess the HSE risks associated with the contracted activities, and define how to
manage such risks.
Verify that the contract contains adequate HSE requirements (clauses) and potential
consequences for non-compliance.
Define the level of Company HSE performance monitoring required based on the capability of the
contractor and the Contract HSE risk.
Review and approve Contract HSE Plans and monitor that the contractor complies with the HSE
requirements of the contract.
Regularly review the management of HSE risks in contracted activities and, where necessary,
intervene and take actions for continuous improvement of HSE performance.
For Skill level, for example, look for evidence that the person has:
1. Had active involvement in identification and assessment of HSE risks associated with contracted
2. Had active involvement in the selection of management controls for contracted activities
3. Reviewed and endorsed Key Performance Indicators for contractors and the Contract HSE Plan
4. Executed pre-mobilization and mobilization activities
5. Assessed whether a contractor company has the capability and resources to manage the HSE risks
under the contract
6. Developed HSE requirements for contract clauses
7. Defined the level of Company monitoring and HSE supervision
8. Verified that the contractor company manages the HSE requirements of contracted activities
9. Monitored and assessed contractor HSE performance
10. Intervened in cases of non compliance and applied consequence management
11. Verified that the contractor has assessed and is managing subcontractor activities
Competence description: (This is for people who work with the Business) to manage health, safety,
environment during the life cycle of a project.
Establish, maintain and execute HSE Plans and SP Plans throughout the life cycle of projects.
Obtain and maintain required certifications, permits and licenses.
Manage Impact assessments covering environmental, social and health aspects.
Integrate HSSE & SP in Project decisions.
Identify the need to engage with external Stakeholders, and consequently engage in line with the
Reputation Standard.
For Skill level, for example, look for evidence that the person has:
1. Had active involvement in identification and assessment of HSE risks associated with a project
2. Had active involvement in the selection of controls for a project
3. Reviewed and endorsed Key Performance Indicators for a project and the Project HSE Plan
4. Assessed whether a project has the capability and resources to manage the HSE risks
5. Integrated HSE into project decisions
6. Managed the Project HSE risk register
7. Established, maintained and executed the Project HSE Plan
8. Carried out or commissioned an Impact Assessment
9. Approved and applied the Impact Assessment deliverables
10. Verified that the project manages the HSE requirements
11. Monitored and assessed project HSE performance
12. Intervened in cases of noncompliance and applied consequence management
13. Checked that the project has assessed and is managing contracted activities
14. Developed and implemented a Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Competence description: (This is for people who work with the Business) to manage the risk of driving
and transport of people and goods on Company Business.
Verify that vehicles, whether Company owned, leased or contracted, are selected, used and
maintained in line with requirements.
Verify that drivers, professional or otherwise, are selected and trained in line with requirements,
and use vehicles and manage journeys and Road Safety High Risk Areas in line with requirements.
Periodically question and review the number of road journeys, with the intent to eliminate journeys
and lower the risk.
Use data to analyze and improve the planning and performance of road transport, provide regular,
formal feedback to drivers and apply consequence management where required.
For Skill level, for example, look for evidence that the person has:
1. Developed and analyzed inspection reports for checks on vehicles and provided feedback on gaps
2. Provided input to contracts around management of transport risks
3. Developed and analyzed reports for checks on driver fitness to work, in particular driver fatigue
4. Reviewed journey management plans, both pre-trip and post-trip, and followed up
5. Specified and implemented IVMS systems
6. Analyzed reports derived from IVMS systems and provided feedback to supervisors and drivers
recognizing good behaviors and areas for improvement
7. Analyzed and applied statistical analysis of road incidents to identify causes and risk mitigation
8. Organized and led vehicle incident investigations
9. Organized and led vehicle incident review panels
10. Reviewed Defensive Driver Programmes and monitored attendance
11. Assessed and managed contracted vehicle activities
12. Identified road safety high risk areas and implemented mitigation measures
13. Intervened in cases of vehicle noncompliance and applied consequence management
Competence description: (This is for people who work with the Business) to manage the risk from
transport of people and goods by air, road, maritime and rail methods.
Challenge the transportation mode or mix (air, road, maritime and rail) to minimize the overall
safety risk.
Use data to analyze and improve the planning and performance of transportation.
Establish controls for owned, operated or contracted transport and transport facilities including,
where appropriate, compliance with adopted international standards.
For Skill level, for example, look for evidence that the person has:
1. Reviewed the number and types of journeys with the intent to eliminate journeys and lower the
exposure and risk
2. Developed and applied administrative and procedural controls for driver / captain / pilot /crew and
passenger behavior
3. Implemented a Journey Management Plan and followed up to check compliance, particularly around
route changes
4. Used data from IVMS or equivalent to analyze and improve driver behaviors and performance, and
to allow recognition of good behaviors
5. Provided regular reviews of overall management of transport safety risks
6. Determine through Risk Assessment the most effective modes and blend of transport to reduce risks
7. Applied the Shell Maritime Safety Requirements for Design, Engineering and Operations
8. Applied the Shell Group Requirements for Aircraft Operations
9. Conducted inspections and audits to confirm compliance to transport requirements
10. Intervened in cases of non-compliance to transport requirements and resolved shortcomings
11. Worked with the Authorized Subject Matter Experts in Transport Safety
12. Worked with the Authorized Subject Matter Expert in Aviation Safety
HSE Technical
Competence description: (This is for people who work with the Business) to manage Social Impacts.
Engage effectively with neighbors, impacted communities and other stakeholders to identify and
manage Social Impacts arising from business activities at every stage of the Project cycle.
Define the Social Environment, identify and assess Social Impacts and develop strategies and
plans to mitigate negative impacts and enhance positive impacts.
Integrate and align Social Performance plans and activities with those of other functions and the
For Skill level, for example, look for evidence that the person has:
HSE Technical
Competence description: (This is for people who work with the Business) to manage the HSE
regulatory and legislative interface on behalf of a project or operation.
Incorporate regulatory requirements in to HSE risk management, including local HSE procedures.
Communicate the implications of current and forthcoming legislation and the actions to be taken to
maintain compliance.
Engage with regulators and inspectors to understand their requirements.
Monitor the development of legislation, directives and regulations.
For Skill level, for example, look for evidence that the person has:
HSE Technical
Competence description: (This is for people who work with the Business:) to manage the risk
associated with Greenhouse Gases and energy use.
For Skill level, for example, look for evidence that the person has:
Competence description: Establish process to identify and mitigate hazards. Plan, develop, apply and
evaluate a risk assessment relevant to one’s field of practice to ensure no harm to internal and external
stakeholders (customers, employees, contractors and communities).
Advise Business on how to interpret outcome of a risk assessment and propose remedial action.
Identify relevant hazards and assess Risks by using recognized and approved process and
Develop mitigation plans to address identified risks according to company, RF and globally
accepted standards.
Advice and support businesses on risk management measures.
Conduct audit of the Risk Management System Update and communicate modified Risk
Assessment, in the event of change in Business, or in relevant Law and Regulations.
Monitor and provide advice on risk assessment conducted by external organizations.
Competence description: Develop plans, support, manage and/or evaluate appropriate health- and
environment -related incidents or issues in order to reduce injuries, disability, diseases, and damage to
the environment.
Plan and implement incident recovery and/or health and environmental issue management to mitigate
their consequences and, where appropriate, enable the resumption of normal operations.
Plan and manage health care delivery.
Develop, implement and maintain written routine health care delivery, incident response and /or
issue management plans that are aligned with risk profile and applicable regulatory requirements.
Apply technical knowledge to contribute to the provision of health care services and health or
environmental incident recovery or issue management.
Work with external service providers or external agencies to ensure that they have up-to-date and
appropriate health care procedures and incident recovery plans.
Investigate incidents and issues and report learnings.
Locate, evaluate and interpret information about the key requirements of local and regional
healthcare systems and/or relevant legislation.
Conduct audit of local health facilities, laboratories, and/or local emergency response
arrangements and review and share learnings.
Competence description: Identify, initiate, implement and evaluate health and environment
interventions that contribute to the health of employees, other stakeholders and the environment.
Define local or regional programmes by identifying emerging threats before they begin to impact
company operations, employees and reputation.
Apply the principles of company programme planning to design programmes that contribute to
improvements in health and the environment.
Plan and implement health and or environmental programmes across business with external and
internal stakeholders.
Evaluate and report the outcome of the programmes and describe the added value to the business.
Contribute to audit of health and/or environmental programs and projects across all lines of
business to control effectiveness and ensure compliance with local regulations.
Review and evaluate the adequacy of programmes and approaches and improve programme
design and delivery when required.
Description of the 2 Supply Change management competences for HSE Professionals in Contract
Holder’s role:
Competence description: Identifies the appropriate “Go to market” sourcing strategy (e.g. in source
/outsource balance, proactive or reactive sourcing, allocation of risk to contractor, reward structure,
contractor selection criteria, market approach etc) and the associated tactics required to successfully
achieve the strategy, for the goods and/or services under consideration using a thorough evaluation of
their different characteristics and the market place.
Prepares robust written sourcing strategies for the endorsement and approval by the relevant
accountable stakeholders /governance structures (TB). Within the sourcing strategy chooses the most
appropriate sourcing tactics (e.g. prequalification on line bid, terms and conditions, tender/ negotiate,
lump sum/reimbursable, international/local) that address the sourcing strategy and maximize the potential
value to Sakhalin Energy.
Explains using the correct terminology the key activities within the process (e.g. resource
balancing, budgeting). Establish a long list of potential suppliers, provide criteria to reduce to a
short list (including HSES assessment), create a cost estimate, develop a tender document with
performance drivers, a tender plan and TECHNICAL evaluation criteria, review tender and
qualification, seek approval and execute award.
Determine the HSES risks related to the scope of work and develop risk assessment matrix (RAM)
and risk register.
Achieves operational excellence by effectively applying their knowledge of sourcing strategy and
tactics formulation for medium complexity goods and/or services, built up through experience and
contacts with subject matter expert’s e.g. CP, commercial, HSES.
Effectively applies knowledge of the sourcing strategy and tactics development. Understand the
supplier’s market and other similar work scopes within the company. Develop a cost model and
identify main areas of cost, develop a contract strategy, compile a tender plan and determine
individual contract performance drivers, determine a bidders short list (including HSES
assessment), tendering strategy and evaluation criteria upon which to recommend to award.
Actively manages identified risks and issues, develop a risk register
Competence description: Manages the contract over its life and develops and implements the
appropriate contract performance management activities to assure the performance standards, as stated
within the contract, are met or exceeded by the supplier. These include the contract initiation kick-off
meeting, setting of mutually acceptable SMART (i.e. simple, measureable, achievable, realistic and
timely) performance targets, ensuring objective performance measurement, (indirect) supervision,
inspection and auditing arranging regular performance review meetings dealing with current performance
issues and the setting of new targets.
Develop and agree with supplier a schedule to review performance based on jointly agreed key
performance indicators and criteria, risk and issues. Maintain a current list of key personnel for
regular communication between the company and supplier. Emphasis the HSE requirements and
life saving rules and regularly review and update the contract management plan and risk mitigation
measures. Manage contract changes/variations and disputes quickly to avoid disruption.
Undertake compliance checks on process and contract against work / services received.
Ensure all outstanding works within the contract scope are completed and variations/ disputes/
claims are closed. Review the final account, release used Budget and close SAP for further
payments. Review the suppliers performance and provide a high level close out report of the
contract file/ archive.
Achieves operational excellence by effectively applying their knowledge of effective contract value
delivery for a medium and high complexity contract and successfully manages its lifecycle
improving or maintaining the value of the contract while following the specified governance / control
frameworks, including issue escalation procedures and risk management.
Proactively manages a contract including HSES, technical, CP and finance experts who provide
input from external sources and feedback. Improvement measures include challenging the
demand/ specification and price elements, arranging contract optimization reviews (CORs) and
conducting a business performance review (BPR) with the supplier including input and
benchmarking data from the category managers.
Undertakes compliance checks on the process and contract against work / services / goods
Ensures the contract closes out requirements are planned within three months of contract
completion or expiry date. Supports the transitioning of the work/services to an operating
environment or transition to a new supplier. Ensures all the work/services are complete and the
supplier has demobilized from site with reinstatement requirements completed. Reviews the
financial accounts and SAP reconciliations with CP and Finance in order to close all variations/
claims, and close SAP for future payments and release remaining budgets. A contract close out
and final release certificate is issued to the supplier for signature and securities are adjusted to
reflect warranty obligations or final completion. Conducts a review of the contractors performance
and complete an assessment of the suppliers performance on elements such as HSES (including
adjustment of contract HSE stoplight banding), quality, planning and delivery, project management,
skills and training, commercial management and interfaces, all of which is included in the Sakhalin
Energy databases as market intelligence and shared with the category managers.