Cabusao M1 M2 M3 Ta1
Cabusao M1 M2 M3 Ta1
Cabusao M1 M2 M3 Ta1
M1, M2, M3
Section: TR31
To find the number of airports from the countries table for a supplied country_name.
Based on this number, display a customized message as follows:
Write a PL/SQL block to read through rows in the countries table for all countries in region
5 (South America region). Country name must be entered by the user. For each selected
country, display the country_name, national_holiday_date, and national_holiday_name.
Use a record structure (user defined) to hold all the columns selected from the countries
A. Add an exception handler to the following code to trap the following predefined Oracle
Server errors:
B. Now test your block a third time using substring: al. There is exactly one language_name
beginning with
“Al”. Note that language_id 80 (Arabic) already exists. Explain the output. (5 pts)
Tried testing the above code with <substring> = al - Then it gives error DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX as record
with language id 80 already exists in the languages table.
C. Now (keeping the substring as “al”), add a non_predefined exception handler to trap then
encountered oracle exception code. Rerun the code and explain the result. (5 pts)
The code gives error message ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("languages"."language_name")
Added non-predined exception named e_insert_excep to handle NULL value insertion in language name
column of language table.