Small Ruminant Goat and Sheep Production
Small Ruminant Goat and Sheep Production
Small Ruminant Goat and Sheep Production
J’ Boy P. Maravilla
Faculty, ASU-CAFES, An. Sci. Dept.
Goat and Sheep Breeds
Goat and Sheep Basic
Stock Selection
Breeding and
Management Practices
Known as "biological herbicide" due to its
browsing ability (browser).
Diet: 40% grasses and 60% forbs (shrubs
and herbs) Capable of nibbling bark of
Mobile lips
Walk long distance in search for food
Selective in term of feed preference (eats
young shoot first)
Pen-barn type
Stall barns (individual confinement)
Confined housing (group pens for same sires of
Provision for feed and water shall be placed and
protected from spoilage and will not mess up the pen.
Minimum floor space requirement in intensive
Pen facilities:
Feeding trough and hay racks
Watering trough: 300mm space per 15 -25 head
1 bowl or nipple per 50 head
Computation for the total floor space area
Number of breeding females; Reproductive parameters;
and Minimum floor space requirement.
Reproductive parameters:
Conception rate (80%)
Kidding interval (8 mos.)
Ave. Kidding size (1.5)
Disposal age (at 1 yr age)
Annual replacement rate (20%)
Livability rate (to 1 yr age)
Cogon and nipa roofing materials are preferable in hot
and humid areas.
Ventilation is of utmost importance. Majority of pneumonia
causes can be traced to excessively warm and humid
interior and sudden changes in temperature.
Allow a 0.5 to 1 ft., clearance between floor to wall and
wall to beam to create an adequate air circulation and
to lower draft.
It is desirable to maintain interior temperature of 28° to
It has been established that above 30°C, ruminants
are inhibited from eating.
Lighting may also be provided in the barns during the
night. Goats consume up to 30% of the day's intake during
the night when light is provided.
Nine-eye hog wire is the cheapest and most
effective fencing available locally.
Post must be staked every 2 meters. Goats are fond
of pounding their feet and scraping their bodies on
fences so it must be sturdily built.
Barbwire fencing requires a minimum of four strands
so it becomes more costly besides making goats
prone to wounds
Breeding characteristics