Unit 1 Robotics
Unit 1 Robotics
Unit 1 Robotics
Must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the
First or Second Law.
DEFINTION OF Automation:
Technology associated with electronic, mechanical and computer based system in
their process control operation and production environment.
1.1.1 Hard Automation
It is a type of fixed automation .
Periodic modification of the hardware may be required hence called as Hard
Provides limited flexibility.
Number of operations performed by the equipment are fixed.
Useful for mass production manufacturing
COST: Initial high investment
Hardware set up useful for one kind of product manufacturing.
1.1.2 Soft Automation
Preferred when production is high volume
Different kind of products to be manufactured in a short time period.
EX: Using computer control robotic manipulators can perform different
tasks such as spot welding, spray painting, etc.
Can be termed as Programmable automation
Preferred when different configuration of products to be designed and
Following figure shows that when robotic systems are less expensive,
production volume range volumes [v1, v2] expands continuously at the
production end spectrum.
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1.2 Classification
1.2.1 Drive Technologies
Most popular drive technologies:
1. Electrical
2. Pneumatic
3. Hydraulic
The volume in space that a robot‟s end-effector can reach, both in position and
Gantry Robot
Cylindricalrobots have a main axis that is in the centre of the operating envelope.
The second revolute joint swings the forearm back and forth about a vertical elbow
Thus the two revolute joints control motion in a horizontal plane.
The vertical component of the motion is provided by the third joint, a prismatic joint
which slides the wrist up and down.
Articulate coordinate robot
Articulated arm robots have at least three rotary joints. They are frequently called an
anthropomorphic arm because they closely resemble a human arm.
Note: 3 degrees of freedom are necessary for position (x, y, z) and 3 degrees of
freedom are necessary for orientation (α, β, ).
1.3 Application
Robots in Automobile Industries
In the automobile industry, robotic arms are used in diverse manufacturing processes
including assembly, spot welding, arc welding, machine tending, part transfer, laser
processing, cutting, grinding, polishing, deburring, testing, painting and dispensing.
Robots have proved to help automakers to be more agile, flexible and to reduce
production lead times.Robots are ideal for doing precise, repetitive or dangerous tasks.
Around 90% of robots are used in factories with half of these being used in the
automobile industry.
1.4 Specifications
Speed is the amount of distance per unit time at which the robot can move, usually
specified in inches per second or meters per second.
The speed is usually specified at a specific load or assuming that the robot is carrying a
fixed weight.
Actual speed may vary depending upon the weight carried by the robot.
Accuracy is the ability of a robot to go to the specified position without making a
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Tool Orientation
Position: The translational (straight-line) location of something.
Orientation: The rotational (angle) location of something. A robot‟s orientation is
measured by roll, pitch, and yaw
To specify the tool orientation, a
coordinate frame M= {m1, m2,
m3} is attached
to the tool and moves with the
tool. Initially,the mobile tool
frame M starts out coincident
with a fixed wrist coordinate
frame F
{f1, f2, f3}
Reach and Stroke
The horizontal reach maximum radial distance
be positioned from the vertical axis about which the robot rotates.
• The horizontal stroke defined as the total radial distance the wrist can travel.
• The vertical reach maximum elevation above the work
surface that the tool can reach.
The vertical stroke is defined as the total vertical distance the wrist can travel.
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1.5 Notations
The following is a column vector arranged in an
n X 1 array represented in square brackets.
Sets: Curly brackets or braces are used to enclose the components of vectors and matrices to
enclose members of a set.
Г = {x1, x2, …….,xn}
Represented by a 2 dimensional array with the scalar components as shown:
A= A11 A12
A21 A22
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Coordinate Transformation:
Coordinate frames are associated with the different parts of the robot arm, sensors and objects
in the workspace. RH orthonormal coordinate frame are associated with the links of the robot,
begins from 0 i.e. the base and ends with the link n, i.e. the tool as given
Lk = {xk,yk, zk} 0<k < n
Column vectors are denoted with lowercase letters.
Matrices and sets are denoted with uppercase letters.
Single subscripts denote scalar components of column vectors
Double subscripts denote scalar components of matrices.
In the case of matrices:
The first subscript is the index of the row
The second subscript is the index of the column.
Entity Notation Examples
Given vector of joint variables of a robotic manipulator, determine the position and
orientation of the tool with respect to a coordinate frame attached to the robot base.
Two vectors x and y in R n are orthogonal if and only if x.y=0
An orthogonal set of vectors {x1, x2, x3,Xn} in R n is complete if and only if
y.xk = 0 for 1< k <n y=0
Dot product
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Let x and y be the arbitrary vectors in R 3 and let theta be the angle from x and y
Cross Product:
Coordinate Transformation:
F and M are coordinate frames for Rn
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2.3 Rotations
2.3.1 Fundamental Rotations
A fixed frame „f‟ is attached to the base of the robot, where as a mobile co-ordinate frame is
attached to the tool.
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Equivalent Angle-Axis:
F , M= 2 orthonormal coordinate frames in R3
M initially coincident with F
U= unit vector
M is rotated about u by an angle ϕ The
equivalent angle axis rotation matrix R(ϕ ,u)
In which M maps coordinates into F
coordinates is
Case11: Rotate the mobile coordinate frame by an amount angle ϕ about the kth unit vector
of F. In terms of homogenous coordinates, we obtain the following 4 X 4 matrix called as the
fundamental homogenous rotation matrix.
Screw Transformations:
The threading and the unthre3ading operation is called as a screw transformation in which
there is a linear displacement along an axis in combination with an angular displacement
about the same axis.
• Joint angle: the angle of rotation from the Xi-1 axis to theXiaxis about the Zi-1 axis. It is the
joint variable if joint i isrotary.
• Joint distance : the distance from the origin of the (i-1)coordinate system to the intersection
of the Zi-1 axis andthe Xi axis along the Zi-1 axis. It is the joint variable if joint I is
• Link length : the distance from the intersection of the Zi-1axis and the Xi axis to the origin
of the ith coordinatesystem along the Xi axis.
• Link twist angle : the angle of rotation from the Zi-1 axis tothe Ziaxis about the Xi axis.
[q]k-1 = [q]k
Using the D-H algorithm steps 8 to 12 we obtain the following set of kinematic parameters.
d5 = tool length which can vary from robot to robot depending on which tool is installed.
Values for the joint distances d and link length a of the Rhino XR-3 robot are as follows:
d1=26.04cm, d5= 16.83 cm
a2=22.86 cm, a3= 22.86 cm, a4 = 0.95cm
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The arm matrix from base to the tool for the 5-axis articulated – coordinate robot is as
The final expression depends on all the kinematic parameters and if we evaluate the arm
matrix with the soft home position we obtain the following:
Following is the link coordinate diagram based on the Denvait Hartenberg algorithm.
Using the steps from 0 to 7 we obtain the link coordinate diagram for the four-axis SCARA
Next we need to apply D-H algorithm steps 8 to 13 in order to obtain the kinematic
parameters as shown below:
Such robots are mostly used in applications of assembly operations where components are
required to insert in the circuit boards.
2.9 Six axis robot
Following is the link coordinate diagram for the six axis Intelledex 660 manipulator which is
a high precision light –assembly industrial robot used for applications like assembly, material
handling applications,etc.
By applying the D-H algorithm steps 0 to 7 we construct a link coordinate diagram as shown
Next we need to apply D-H algorithm steps 8 to 13 in order to obtain the kinematic
parameters as shown below:
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d6= tool length varies which depends on the type of tool installed.
d1= 373.4 cm, d6= 228.6 mm
a3=304.8cm, a4=304.8 mm
In order to obtain the arm matrix equation, we divide the arm equation into two parts:
= Transformation provides the position and orientation of the L3 frame i.e. elbow
relative to the L0 frame i.e. base frame.
= provides the position and orientation of the tool –tip frame to the elbow i.e. from L3
frame to L6 frame
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Following equations are for the position and orientation of the tool frame relative to the base
frame for a 6-axis articulated –coordinated robot