Performance Task 1 - Ucsp

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Directions: The class will be divided into groups with five (5) members each. Each group must write an editorial essay that explains the social,
political and cultural contexts of a particular phenomenon, issue or problem faced by Filipinos at present time. You should be able to explain
how the social sciences disciplines, namely Sociology, Anthropology and Political Science can help understand the issue. At the end of the
performance task, you should demonstrate an open and critical perspective on the importance of studying issues/ phenomenon through the use
of observation and reflection. You should be able to explain as well how issues/problems can be understood through the use of social, political
and cultural lens.

1. Groups must think of a phenomenon/issue/problem that they want to explore for their editorial essays.
2. Students must gather data and relevant information about the social, political and cultural contexts of the topic.
3. When writing the editorial essay, the group must synthesize the data gathered by the members. Use the following guide questions in
writing the group’s editorial essay:
a. What is the issue/problem/phenomenon that you chose?
b. What is the nature of the issue/problem/phenomenon? Why is it an issue/problem/phenomenon in the Philippines? Can you cite
statistics or give relevant data about the nature of the issue/problem/phenomenon?
c. Can you explain the social context of the issue/problem/phenomenon? How can Sociology help understand and address the issue/
d. Can you explain the social context of the issue/problem/phenomenon? How can Anthropology help understand and address the issue/
e. Can you explain the social context of the issue/problem/phenomenon? How can Political Science help understand and address the
issue/ problem?
f. Based from your analysis, how can the social sciences help explain and/or address the issue/problem/phenomenon?
4. At the end of the editorial essay discuss your conclusion or recommendations.
5. Submit your editorial essay next meeting.
Editorial Essay

Description 4 3 2 1

Introduction; Powerfully introduces claim and Clearly introduces a claim and Introduces a general or A claim is missing or the
CLAIM provides background information that provides background unclear claim and/or provides claim is difficult to
The text explains the issue well. The text information relevant to issue. background information only understand and/or
introduces a introduces a compelling claim that is The text introduces a precise partially related to issue. The provides background
clear, arguable clearly arguable and takes a purposeful claim that is clearly arguable text contains an unclear or information that is limited
claim that can position on an issue. The text has a and takes an identifiable emerging claim that suggests or unrelated to issue. The
be supported by structure and organization that is position on an issue. The text a vague position. The text text contains an
reasons and carefully crafted to support the claim. has an effective structure and attempts a structure and unidentifiable claim or
evidence. organization that is aligned organization to support the vague position. The text
with the claim. position. has limited structure and
Development Student supports their claim with Student supports their The text provides data and The text contains limited
; Reasons multiple clear and relevant examples statement with multiple clear evidence that attempts to data and evidence related
from credible sources using quotes and and relevant examples from back up the claim and to the claim and
citations. Evidence acknowledges and credible sources using quotes unclearly addresses counterclaims or lacks
refutes alternate or opposing points of and citations. Evidence counterclaims or lacks counterclaims. The text
view using quotes and citations. acknowledges and refutes counterclaims. The conclusion may fail to conclude the
alternate or opposing points merely restates the position. argument or position.
of view.
Sequence The text strategically uses words, The text uses words, phrases, The text contains limited The text contains few, if
of Ideas; phrases, and clauses to link the major and clauses to link the major words, phrases, and clauses to any, words, phrases and
sections of the text. The text explains sections of the text. The text link the major sections of the clauses to link the major
Cohesion the relationships between the claim and connects the claim and text. The text attempts to sections of the text. The
reasons as well as the evidence. reasons. The text links the connect the claim and reasons. text does not connect the
counterclaims to the claim. claims and reasons.
Conclusion Provides a forceful concluding Provides a clear concluding Attempts to provide a Does not provide a
statement that follows from the statement that follows from concluding statement that concluding statement;
argument presented; Strongly the argument presented; follows from the argument Does not provide a call to
provides a call to action that Provides a call to action that presented, but the statement action or it may not relate
clearly relates to the claim. relates to the claim. may not be clear; A vague call to the claim.
to action; may bring up new
evidence not addressed
Style & Essay is written with minimal Essay is written with several Essay is written with many Essay is difficult to
Convention errors in grade-appropriate errors in grade-appropriate errors in conventions and understand due to
conventions (capitalization, conventions and grammar. grammar. Errors significantly grammar, mechanics;
punctuation, and spelling) and Some may interfere with interfere with comprehension evidence of proofreading
grammar (complete sentences comprehension of what is of what is trying to be stated. is scanty, or nonexistent.
with varied sentence structures). trying to be stated.

/20 pts.

Title (in MLA format):

Creative (Avoid simply writing: Editorial Essay; the title should reflect critical thought and indicate some meaning of your position on the topic (5 pts.);
Centered; 12-point Times New Roman font; The title is not bolded, underlined, or italicized, with no quotation marks (5 pts.)
/10 pts.
Avoids plagiarism by Referencing Works
Sources are referenced within the sentence structure (Ex. “According to…”) (5 pts.)
Incorporated the appropriate internal notations; in-text citations (3 minimum to match the 3 sources in the works
cited page) (5 pts.) /10 pts.

Works Cited (begins on a new, separate page):

At least 3 credible sources cited (6 pts.)
Alphabetical order, correct format (4 pts.) /10 pts.


Late Work will lose -10 points per day

- Be creative (Must not be bolded, underlined or Italicized and no quotation marks).


- Should present the claim powerfully and gives background information on the issue/problem/
phenomenon chosen.


- Should answer the questions provided from the mechanics given.


- Synthesizes the result of the essay and gives clarity and recommendations (if necessary) on the
issue/problem/ phenomenon chosen.


- Cited authors and references from the argument or discussion.

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