Impulse 2 CM
Impulse 2 CM
Impulse 2 CM
2 My style p5
Starter Vocabulary: Free-time activities Vocabulary: Clothes
Grammar: Present simple and present continuous Grammar: Comparatives and superlatives
p86 Grammar
p87 Wordlist Reference p87 Wordlist
p88 p90 p91 pp92–93 p94
6 Describing works The passive: Talking about photos An article about a wildlife Performing arts
Bravo! of art • Selfies present and past photographer
Rozmowa na
podstawie ilustracji Uzupełnianie streszczenia
p102 Grammar
p103 Wordlist Reference p103 Wordlist
p104 p106 p107 pp108–109 p110
7 The media Reported speech A stimulus-based An article about advertising to Appearance
In the discussion teenagers
Rozmowa na Dobieranie nagłówków do
podstawie materiału akapitów
p118 Grammar stymulującego Advertising
p119 Wordlist Reference Word stress p119 Wordlist
p120 p122 p123 pp124–125 p126
8 Social media Second conditional Asking for and giving An article about online safety Technology-related
Stay advice problems
Wybór wielokrotny
Adjectives describing Online security and safety
bad mood
Odgrywanie ról
p134 Grammar
p135 Wordlist Reference p135 Wordlist
p136 Culture 1: Love British food p137 Culture 2: Time out p138 Culture 3: Against a brick wall p139 Culture 4: Work or leisure?
2 Contents
0.3 My memories p6 0.4 My planet p7
Vocabulary: Jobs Vocabulary: The environment
Grammar: Past simple Grammar: Articles
pp140–143 Speaking Tests pp144–153 Extra Grammar Practice p154 Irregular Verbs pp155–156 Communication
Contents 3