Fundamentals of Data Warehouses
Fundamentals of Data Warehouses
Fundamentals of Data Warehouses
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4 authors:
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Springer-Verlag, 2003
214 pages, list price EUR 39.95
ISBN: 3-540-42089-4
Review by:
Vernon Hoffner, Lawrence Technological University
College of Management
During the last decade the field of data section introduces data warehousing. The first
warehousing has grown significantly. Many chapter provides a definition and overview of
organizations are either actively looking at this the data warehouse and its components. It also
technology or have currently implemented one introduces the subject areas that will be covered
or more data warehouses or data marts to in more detail in the later chapters. The second
support corporate decision making. In today’s chapter presents areas and issues of relevant
economic environment, the competitive edge research. This chapter introduces a focus on
frequently comes from the proactive use of the modeling and measuring data quality and data
information that companies have been collecting warehouse quality, one of the strengths of the
in their operational systems. They are realizing text. These topics are covered in more detail in
the significant potential this information can the last section of the book.
have for their organization. The data warehouse The next section looks at the process of
provides users with access to these large obtaining the data and loading it into the data
amounts of integrated, nonvolatile, time variant warehouse. In chapter three the authors define
data that can be used to track business trends, source integration and how it can be applied to
facilitate forecasting and improve strategic the process of integrating the schemas of the
decisions. source data to construct an integrated enterprise
schema. We are reminded that this is a
Summary of the Book continuing process in order to maintain a quality
The authors state “this book is an introduction collection of data from the changing source
and sourcebook for practitioners, graduate systems. Source integration is also the
students, and researchers interested in the state foundation of the transformation and loading of
of the art and the state of the practice in data the data into the data warehouse, the topics of
warehousing.” There have been a wide variety the next chapter. Data warehouse refreshment is
of books written for practitioners on the topic of the process of integrating, cleansing, and
data warehousing in the last few years. transforming the source data in preparation of
However, this is the first book I have seen that physically loading it into the data warehouse.
focuses on the data warehousing from the point The authors discuss many techniques of data
of interest of researchers. Jarke et al. present a cleaning and provide references to the literature
good starting point and foundation for someone for more details on data cleaning and
interested in data warehousing and the related transformation. The final portion of the chapter
research issues. covers the process of loading the data into the
Consisting of 178 pages of text, this data warehouse, including the quality factors and
book is organized into four sections, each design choices necessary to insure a timely and
consisting of two chapters. The introductory accurate refreshment process.