Quiz-1-in-Math-6-1st-Q Final

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Marcos Highway, Cainta, Rizal
School Year 2022-2023

Activity Sheet/Quiz # 1 in MATHEMATICS 6


Name: Zhifriah Zyrine Ganza Date: 09/15/22

Grade and Section:6-C Score: ____________ __

General Directions Read, analyze, and follow the directions carefully.

You are expected to answer the given items with accuracy and submit the
activity on the specified date.

I. Directions: Read each statement carefully and identify what is being asked. Write the
letter of the correct answer. Choose from the box below.

A. Base F. One ( 1 )
B. Digits G. Ones
C. Factors H. Ten
D. Expanded Notation I. Zero ( 0 )
E. Exponent

F 1). It is the smallest counting number.

D 2). It uses both addition and multiplication.
I 3). It is the only period which is not read in a number.
E 4). It tells how many times a certain number is multiplied by itself.
B 5). They are the 10 symbols which are used in Hindu-Arabic numerals.

II. Directions: Write the following in standard from.

6) three million, six hundred fifty thousand, eight hundred two


7) Five hundred nine million, two hundred twenty thousand


8). 2,000 + 4,000,000 + 8 + 30,000 + 80 + 600 + 100, 000


9). ( 8 X 1,000,000) + ( 9 X 100,000 ) + ( 7 X 10,000) + ( 5 X 1,000) + ( 7 X 1 )

6 4 3 2 1
10). ( 4 X 10 ) + ( 7 X 10 ) + ( 8 X 10 ) + ( 3 X 10 ) + ( 9 X 10 ) + ( 4 X 1 )


III. Directions: Write the exponential notation of the following numbers on the space

11). 654, 824

5 4 3 2 1

(6x10) + (5x10) + (4x10) + (8x10) + (2x10) + (4x1)

12). 7, 550, 209

6 5 4 2
(7x10) + (5x10) + (5x10) + (2x10) + (9x1)

IV. Directions: Complete the table by supplying the missing item/s. Write the correct
answer inside the table.

Exponential Base Exponent Exponent Form Standard Form

Power (Repeated Multiplication)

10 8 10 8 13
13)10x10x10x10x10x10x10x10 100,000,000

26 2 14) 6 15) 2x2x2x2x2x2 64

5 16)3x3x3x3x3 17)243
3 3 5

4 18)5x5x5x5 19)625
5 5 4

73 20)7 3 7X7X7 343

Criterion 1 1/2
Accuracy Both answers are Only 1 answer is
correct. correct.

Self-Assessment (Interpretation)
20 ------ Excellent
13-19 ------ Very Good
7-12 ------ Good
1-6 ----- Needs Improvement/Practice More

Soaring 21st Century Mathematics 6 K to 12 Edition
References Our World of Math 6

Ms. Maria Cristina S. Dematera, Ms. Madelyn Rodrigo and Mr. Ryan N.
Prepared by Aboquita
Mathematics 6 Teacher

Note: Reproduction or sharing of any part of this learning material is strictly not allowed.

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