City of Calapan ) S.S
Province of Oriental Mindoro)
legal age, Filipino citizens, and residents of Pola, Oriental Mindoro, after being sworn in accordance with the
law, hereby depose and state:
1. We are the parties in Deed of Donation involving a parcel of land covered by TCT No. 133305 with an
area of 2.0002 (hectares), more or less, located at Casiligan, Pola, Oriental Mindoro or declared
under Tax Declaration (TD) No. 2015-100017-00006;
2. The application for the issuance of Land Transfer Clearance (LTC) is not contrary to law because both
of us are qualified to dispose and acquire the land described above. In addition, the said land is neither
covered under the agrarian reform program npr within the CARPER LAND Balance, and that
deed/contract will not violate the retention limit provided under the law;
3. In support thereto and in compliance with DAR A.O No. _____, Series of 2020, the mandatory
documents are hereto attached and made integral parts hereof as (please check appropriate box):
4. Having submitted/attached hereof the mandatory documents as required under DAR A.O. No. ____,
Series of 2020, I/We hereby file this instant application/request to facilitate the issuance of the
corresponding Certificate on LTC.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set out hands this ___ day of _______2021 at Calapan City,
Oriental Mindoro, Philippines.
of legal age, Filipino citizens, and residents of Gloria, Oriental Mindoro, after being sworn in accordance with
the law, hereby depose and state:
1. We are the parties in Deed of Absolute Sale involving a parcel of land covered by TCT No. RT-129 (T-
36738) Lot F, Psd-58982 with an area of 1.3199(hectares), more or less, located at Maragooc, Gloria,
Oriental Mindoro or declared under Tax Declaration (TD) No. 2015-060021-00338;
2. The application for the issuance of Land Transfer Clearance (LTC) is not contrary to law because both
of us are qualified to dispose and acquire the land described above. In addition, the said land is neither
covered under the agrarian reform program npr within the CARPER LAND Balance, and that
deed/contract will not violate the retention limit provided under the law;
3. In support thereto and in compliance with DAR A.O No. _____, Series of 2020, the mandatory
documents are hereto attached and made integral parts hereof as (please check appropriate box):
4. Having submitted/attached hereof the mandatory documents as required under DAR A.O. No. ____,
Series of 2020, I/We hereby file this instant application/request to facilitate the issuance of the
corresponding Certificate on LTC.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set out hands this ___ day of _______2021 at Calapan City,
Oriental Mindoro, Philippines.
of legal age, Filipino citizens, and residents of Gloria, Oriental Mindoro, after being sworn in accordance with
the law, hereby depose and state:
1. We are the parties in Deed of Absolute Sale involving a parcel of land covered by TCT No. RT-185 (T-
35651) Lot C, Psd-58982 with an area of 1.3200(hectares), more or less, located at Maragooc,
Gloria, Oriental Mindoro or declared under Tax Declaration (TD) No. 2015-060021-00339;
2. The application for the issuance of Land Transfer Clearance (LTC) is not contrary to law because both
of us are qualified to dispose and acquire the land described above. In addition, the said land is neither
covered under the agrarian reform program npr within the CARPER LAND Balance, and that
deed/contract will not violate the retention limit provided under the law;
3. In support thereto and in compliance with DAR A.O No. _____, Series of 2020, the mandatory
documents are hereto attached and made integral parts hereof as (please check appropriate box):
4. Having submitted/attached hereof the mandatory documents as required under DAR A.O. No. ____,
Series of 2020, I/We hereby file this instant application/request to facilitate the issuance of the
corresponding Certificate on LTC.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set out hands this ___ day of _______2021 at Calapan City,
Oriental Mindoro, Philippines.
legal age, Filipino citizens, and residents of Gloria, Oriental Mindoro, after being sworn in accordance with the
law, hereby depose and state:
1. We are the parties in Deed of Absolute Sale involving a parcel of land covered by TCT No. RT-83 (T-
36654) Lot D, Psd-58982 with an area of 0.3200(hectares), more or less, located at Maragooc,
Gloria, Oriental Mindoro or declared under Tax Declaration (TD) No. 2015-060021-00354;
2. The application for the issuance of Land Transfer Clearance (LTC) is not contrary to law because both
of us are qualified to dispose and acquire the land described above. In addition, the said land is neither
covered under the agrarian reform program npr within the CARPER LAND Balance, and that
deed/contract will not violate the retention limit provided under the law;
3. In support thereto and in compliance with DAR A.O No. _____, Series of 2020, the mandatory
documents are hereto attached and made integral parts hereof as (please check appropriate box):
4. Having submitted/attached hereof the mandatory documents as required under DAR A.O. No. ____,
Series of 2020, I/We hereby file this instant application/request to facilitate the issuance of the
corresponding Certificate on LTC.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set out hands this ___ day of _______2021 at Calapan City,
Oriental Mindoro, Philippines.
WE, MARY GRACE S. LABAY, married, of legal age, Filipino and resident of Pinamalayan,
Oriental Mindoro and ELWARD J. JABAT, married, of legal age, Filipino citizen, and resident of Socorro,
Oriental Mindoro, after being sworn in accordance with the law, hereby depose and state:
1. We are the parties in Deed of Absolute Sale involving a parcel of land covered by TCT No. 064-
2019000373 with an area of 3.1930.52(hectares), more or less, located at Bacungan, Pinamalayan,
Oriental Mindoro or declared under Tax Declaration (TD) No. 2015-090005-00418;
2. The application for the issuance of Land Transfer Clearance (LTC) is not contrary to law because both
of us are qualified to dispose and acquire the land described above. In addition, the said land is neither
covered under the agrarian reform program npr within the CARPER LAND Balance, and that
deed/contract will not violate the retention limit provided under the law;
3. In support thereto and in compliance with DAR A.O No. _____, Series of 2020, the mandatory
documents are hereto attached and made integral parts hereof as (please check appropriate box):
4. Having submitted/attached hereof the mandatory documents as required under DAR A.O. No. ____,
Series of 2020, I/We hereby file this instant application/request to facilitate the issuance of the
corresponding Certificate on LTC.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set out hands this ___ day of _______2021 at Calapan City,
Oriental Mindoro, Philippines.
ID No. ID No.
Date Issued: _______________ Date Issued: _________
Place Issued: _______________ Place Issued: _____________
Republic of the Philippines ) LTC No. ___________________
City of Calapan ) S.S
Province of Oriental Mindoro)
MARY ANN SENATIN, single and PERLA SENATIN, married, of legal age, Filipino citizens, and
residents of Pola, Oriental Mindoro, after being sworn in accordance with the law, hereby depose and state:
1. We are the parties in Deed of Sale of a Portion of Land involving a parcel of land covered by TCT No.
T-14837 with an area of 1.5316(hectares), more or less, located at Bacungan, Pola, Oriental
Mindoro or declared under Tax Declaration (TD) No. 2015-100003-00100;
2. The application for the issuance of Land Transfer Clearance (LTC) is not contrary to law because both
of us are qualified to dispose and acquire the land described above. In addition, the said land is neither
covered under the agrarian reform program npr within the CARPER LAND Balance, and that
deed/contract will not violate the retention limit provided under the law;
3. In support thereto and in compliance with DAR A.O No. _____, Series of 2020, the mandatory
documents are hereto attached and made integral parts hereof as (please check appropriate box):
4. Having submitted/attached hereof the mandatory documents as required under DAR A.O. No. ____,
Series of 2020, I/We hereby file this instant application/request to facilitate the issuance of the
corresponding Certificate on LTC.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set out hands this ___ day of _______2021 at Calapan City,
Oriental Mindoro, Philippines.
MARY ANN SENATIN, single and PERLA SENATIN, married, of legal age, Filipino citizens, and
residents of Pola, Oriental Mindoro, after being sworn in accordance with the law, hereby depose and state:
1. We are the parties in Deed of Sale of a Portion of Land involving a parcel of land covered by TCT No.
T-14837 with an area of 1.0000(hectares), more or less, located at Bacungan, Pola, Oriental
Mindoro or declared under Tax Declaration (TD) No. 2015-100003-00100;
2. The application for the issuance of Land Transfer Clearance (LTC) is not contrary to law because both
of us are qualified to dispose and acquire the land described above. In addition, the said land is neither
covered under the agrarian reform program npr within the CARPER LAND Balance, and that
deed/contract will not violate the retention limit provided under the law;
3. In support thereto and in compliance with DAR A.O No. _____, Series of 2020, the mandatory
documents are hereto attached and made integral parts hereof as (please check appropriate box):
4. Having submitted/attached hereof the mandatory documents as required under DAR A.O. No. ____,
Series of 2020, I/We hereby file this instant application/request to facilitate the issuance of the
corresponding Certificate on LTC.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set out hands this ___ day of _______2021 at Calapan City,
Oriental Mindoro, Philippines.