Fitter Syllabus Sem 1

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components – Dowel pins, with appropriate instruments observing standard

screws, bolts, keys and procedure.
cotters; Different fastening Assemble different components using different fastening
tools-hand operated & components, tools and check the functionality.
power tools, Required
tolerance - ±0.02mm,
angular tolerance ± 10
min.] CSC/N0304

13. Make different gauges by Ascertain and select tools and materials for the job and
using standard tools & make this available for use in a timely manner.
equipment and checks for Plan work in compliance with standard safety norms.
specified accuracy. Produce gauge by observing appropriate method and as per
[Different Gauges – Snap specification of drawing.
gauge, Gap gauge; Perform Lapping of gauge to obtain required finish as per
Specified Accuracy - drawing.
±0.02mm] CSC/N0304 Check tolerance and specified accuracy of gauge with
appropriate measuring instruments as per drawing.
Avoid waste, ascertain unused materials and components
for disposal, store these in an environmentally appropriate
manner and prepare for disposal.

14. Apply a range of skills to Ascertain and select tools and materials for the job and
execute pipe joints, make this available for use in a timely manner.
dismantle and assemble Plan to Dismantle and assemble valves and pipe fittings.
valves & fittings with pipes Dismantle valves and fittings in pipes applying range of
and test for skills andcheck for defect as per standard procedure.
leakages.[Range of skills – Demonstrate possible solutions in case of defect and agree
Cutting, Threading, tasks within the team for repair or replacement.
Flaring, Bending and Assemble valves and various pipe fittings using range of
Joining ] CSC/N0304 skills and observing standard procedure.
Test for leakage and appropriate functioning of valves.
Avoid waste, ascertain unused materials and components
for disposal, store these in an environmentally appropriate
manner and prepare for disposal.

15. Make drill jig & produce Set up workplace/ assembly location with due
components on drill consideration to operational stipulation
machine by using jigs and Ascertain and select tools and materials for the job and
check for correctness. make this available for use in a timely manner.
CSC/N0304 Collect information related to standard procedure,
methods and tools to make drill jigs.
Mark the components as per drawing.


Make drill jigs by turning, drilling, reaming, filing, taping,

Test the functionality of jig.
Select suitable jigs for drilling considering desired result
and collecting necessary information.
Produce component by using jig observing standard
procedure and check the correctness of the job.
Comply with safety rules when performing the above

16. Plan, dismantle, repair and Select and ascertain tools and materials for the job and
assemble different make this available for use in a timely manner.
damaged mechanical Plan to dismantle, repair and assemble mechanical
components used components used for power transmission as per drawing
for power transmission & and collecting necessary information.
check functionality. Perform dismantling and appropriate repairing of
[Different Damage mechanical components with accuracy applying range of
Mechanical Components – skills and appropriate repairing processes.
Pulley, Gear, Keys, Jibs and Check the accuracy of the repaired components with
Shafts.] CSC/N0304 appropriate gauge & instruments.
Assemble the repaired mechanical components observing
standard procedure.
Comply with safety rules when performing the above
Check different parameters of power transmission e.g.
R.P.M, slackness of belts, matching of gears/ clutches, loss
of RPM etc.
Check for functionality of power transmission system or
any assembly as per standard parameters.

17. Identify, dismantle, replace Select and ascertain tools for the job and make this
and assemble different available for use in a timely manner.
pneumatics and hydraulics Identify different pneumatics and hydraulics components.
components. [Different Plan to dismantle and replace pneumatics & hydraulics
components – Compressor, circuit as per drawing and collecting necessary information.
Pressure Gauge, Filter Perform dismantling and replacing of different components
Regulator Lubricator, with accuracy applying range of skills and standard
Valves and Actuators.] operating procedure.
Assemble different components.
Check functionality of the components.

18. Construct circuit of Select and ascertain tools for the job and make this
pneumatics and hydraulics available for use in a timely manner.


observing standard Plan to construct pneumatics & hydraulics circuit as per

operating procedure& drawing and collecting necessary information.
safety aspect. Demonstrate possible solutions and agree tasks within the
team for constructing circuit.
Construct circuit of pneumatics and hydraulics observing
standard procedure.
Comply with safety rules when performing the above
Check different parameters and functionality of the system.

19. Plan & perform basic day Ascertain preventive maintenance/repair procedure as per
to day preventive manual of machine and select appropriate tools &
maintenance, repairing equipment for undertaking job.
and check functionality. Interpret construction, alignment and assembly of different
[Simple Machines – Drill parts of machine.
Machine, Power Saw and Plan to carry out the preventive maintenance/repair task
Lathe] CSC/N0304 with appropriate accuracy of simple machine by collecting
necessary information.
Demonstrate possible solutions and agree tasks within the
Perform preventive maintenance/dismantle, repair parts
and assemble sub-assemblies of simple machine as per
layout plan and standard procedure.
Put the machine in operation complying Standard
operating procedure.
Check for proper functioning of repaired machine and
other parameters of simple machine as per manual after
Dispose unsalvageable materials as per standard

20. Plan, erect simple machine Ascertain erection procedure as per manual of machine
and test machine tool and select appropriate tools & equipment for undertaking
accuracy. [Simple job.
Machines – Drill Machine, Interpret construction, alignment and assembly of different
Power Saw and Lathe] parts of machine.
Set up workplace/ assembly location with due
consideration to operational stipulation
Plan to carry out the erection of simple machine by
collecting necessary information.
Demonstrate possible solutions and agree tasks within the
Erect simple machine as per layout plan and standard


Put the machine in operation complying Standard
operating procedure.
Check alignment of erected machine and other parameters
of simple machine as per manual after erection.
Dispose unsalvageable materials as per standard

21. Read and apply Read & interpret the information on drawings and apply in
engineering drawing for executing practical work.
different application in the Read &analyze the specification to ascertain the material
field of work. requirement, tools and assembly/maintenance parameters.
Encounter drawings with missing/unspecified key
information and make own calculations to fill in missing
dimension/parameters to carry out the work.

22. Demonstrate basic Solve different mathematical problems

mathematical concept and Explain concept of basic science related to the field of study
principles to perform
practical operations.
Understand and explain
basic science in the field of



Professional Skills
Reference Learning Professional Knowledge
Duration (Trade Practical)
Outcome (Trade Theory)
with Indicative Hours
Professional Plan and organize 1. Importance of trade All necessary guidance to be
Skill 212 Hrs; the work to make training, List of tools & provided to the new comers to
job as per Machinery used in the become familiar with the
Professional specification trade. (1 hr.) working of Industrial Training
Knowledge applying different 2. Safety attitude Institute system including
37Hrs types of basic fitting development of the stores procedures.
operation and Check trainee by educating them Soft Skills, its importance and
for dimensional to use Personal Protective Job area after completion of
accuracy following Equipment (PPE). (5 hrs.) training.
safety precautions. 3. First Aid Method and basic Importance of safety and
[Basic fitting training. (2 hrs.) general precautions observed
operation – marking, 4. Safe disposal of waste in the in the industry/shop
Hacks awing, materials like cotton floor.
Chiseling, Filing, waste, metal chips/burrs Introduction of First aid.
Drilling, Taping and etc. (2 hrs.) Operation of electrical mains
Grinding etc. 5. Hazard identification and and electrical safety.
Accuracy: ± 0.25mm] avoidance. (2 hrs.) Introduction of PPEs.
(Mapped NOS: 6. Safety signs for Danger, Response to emergencies e.g.;
CSC/N0304) Warning, caution & power failure, fire, and system
personal safety message. failure.
(1 hrs.) Importance of housekeeping
7. Preventive measures for & good shop floor practices.
electrical accidents & steps Introduction to 5S concept &
to be taken in such its application.
accidents. (2 hrs.) Occupational Safety & Health:
8. Use of Fire extinguishers. Health, Safety and
(7 hrs.) Environment guidelines,
9. Practice and understand legislations &regulations as
precautions to be followed applicable.
while working in fitting
jobs. (2 hrs.) Basic understanding on Hot
10. Safe use of tools and work, confined space work
equipments used in the and material handling
trade. (1 hrs.) equipment. (04 hrs.)


11. Identification of tools Linear measurements- its

&equipment as per desired units, dividers, calipers,
specifications for marking & hermaphrodite, centre punch,
sawing. (4 hrs.) dot punch, prick punch their
12. Selection of material as per description and uses of
application. (1 hrs.) different types of hammers.
13. Visual inspection of raw Description, use and care of
material for rusting, scaling, ‘V’ Blocks, marking off table.
corrosion etc. (1 hrs.) Measuring standards (English,
14. Marking out lines, gripping Metric Units), angular
suitably in vice jaws, measurements.
hacksawing to given (04 hrs.)
dimensions. (9 hrs.)
15. Sawing different types of
metals of different sections.
(6 hrs.)
16. Filing Channel, Parallel. (5 Bench vice construction,
hrs.) types, uses, care &
17. Filing- Flat and square maintenance, vice clamps,
(Rough finish), (08 hrs.) hacksaw frames and blades,
18. Filing practice, surface specification, description,
filing, marking of straight types and their uses, method
and parallel lines with odd of using hacksaws.
leg calipers and steel rule. Files- specifications,
(5 hrs.) description, materials, grades,
19. Marking practice with cuts, file elements, uses. Types
dividers, odd leg calipers of files, care and maintenance
and steel rule (circles, ARCs, of files.
parallel lines). Measuring standards (English,
(4 hrs.) Metric Units), angular
measurements. (04 hrs.)
20. Marking off straight lines Marking off and layout tools,
and ARCs using scribing dividers, scribing block, -
block and dividers. (4 hrs.) description, classification,
21. Chipping flat surfaces along material, care & maintenance.
a marked line. (9 hrs.) Try square, ordinary depth
22. Marking, filing, filing square gauge, protractor- description,
and check using tri square. uses and cares.
(9 hrs.) Uses, care & maintenance of
cold chisels- materials, types,
cutting angles. (04 hrs.)
23. Marking according to Marking media, marking blue,
simple blueprints for Prussian blue, red lead, chalk
locating, position of holes, and their special application,


scribing lines on chalked description.

surfaces with marking tools. Use, care and maintenance of
(8 hrs.) scribing block.
24. Finding centre of round bar Surface plate and auxiliary
with the help of ‘V’ block marking equipment, ‘V’ block,
and marking block. (2 hrs.) angle plates, parallel block,
25. Joining straight line to an description, types, uses,
ARC. (08 hrs.) accuracy, care and
maintenance. (03 hrs.)
26. Chipping, Chamfering, Chip Physical properties of
slots & oils grooves engineering metal: colour,
(Straight). (08 hrs.) weight, structure, and
27. Filing flat, square, and conductivity, magnetic,
parallel to an accuracy of fusibility, specific gravity.
0.5mm. (07 hrs.) Mechanical properties:
28. Chip curve along a line- ductility, malleability
mark out, keyways at hardness, brittleness,
various angles & cut toughness, tenacity, and
keyways. (1 hrs.) elasticity. (04 hrs.)
29. Sharpening of Chisel. (2
30. File thin metal to an
accuracy of 0.5 mm. (3 hrs.)
31. Saw along a straight line, Power Saw, band saw, Circular
curved line, on different saw machines used for metal
sections of metal. (12 hrs.) cutting. (03 hrs.)
32. Straight saw on thick
section, M.S. angle and
pipes. (8 hrs.)
33. File steps and finish with Micrometer- outside and
smooth file to accuracy of ± inside – principle,
0.25 mm. (12 hrs.) constructional features, parts
34. File and saw on M.S. Square graduation, reading, use and
and pipe. (10 hrs.) care. Micrometer depth
gauge, parts, graduation,
reading, use and care. Digital
micrometer. (03 hrs.)
35. File radius along a marked Vernier calipers, principle,
line (Convex & concave) & construction, graduations,
match. (12 hrs.) reading, use and care. Vernier
36. Chip sheet metal (shearing). bevel protractor, construction,
(3 hrs.) graduations, reading, use and
37. Chip step and file. (3 hrs.) care, dial Vernier Caliper,
Digital Vernier caliper.


Vernier height gauge: material

construction, parts,
graduations (English & Metric)
uses, care and maintenance.
(03 hrs.)
38. Mark off and drill through Drilling processes: common
holes. (5 hrs.) type (bench type, pillar type,
39. Drill and tap on M.S. flat. (8 radial type), gang and multiple
hrs.) drilling machine.
40. Punch letter and number Determination of tap drill size.
(letter punch and number (03 hrs.)
punch) (3 hrs.)
41. Practice use of different
punches. (5 hrs.)
Professional Manufacture simple 42. Marking of straight lines, Safety precautions to be
Skill 97Hrs; sheet metal items as circles, profiles and various observed in a sheet metal
Professional per drawing and join geometrical shapes and workshop, sheet and sizes,
Knowledge them by soldering, cutting the sheets with Commercial sizes and various
21Hrs brazing and riveting. snips. (12 hrs.) types of metal sheets, coated
(Mapped NOS: 43. Marking out of simple sheets and their uses as per
CSC/N0301) development (5 hrs.) BIS specifications. Shearing
44. Marking out for flaps for machine- description, parts
soldering and sweating. (4 and uses. (05 hrs.)
45. Make various joints: wiring, Marking and measuring tools,
hemming, soldering and wing compass, tin man’s
brazing, form locked, square tools, snips, types and
grooved and knocked up uses. Tin man’s hammers and
single hem straight and mallets type-sheet metal
curved edges form double tools, types, specifications,
hemming. (22 hrs.) uses. Trammel- description,
46. Punch holes-using hollow parts, uses. Hand grooves-
and solid punches. (5 hrs.) specifications and uses.
47. Do lap and butt joints. (12 Sheet and wire gauge. (07 hrs.)
48. Bend sheet metal into Stakes-bench types, parts,
various curvature form, their uses. Various types of
wired edges- straight and metal joints, their selection
curves. Fold sheet metal at and application, tolerance for
angle using stakes. (6 hrs.) various joints, their selection&
49. Make simple Square application. Wired edges. (04
container with wired edge hrs.)
and fix handle. (13 hrs.)


50. Make square tray with Solder and soldering:

square soldered corner. (11 Introduction-types of solder
hrs.) and flux. Composition of
51. Practice in soft soldering various types of solders and
and silver soldering. (7 hrs.) their heating media of
soldering iron. Method of
soldering, selection and
application-joints. Hard solder-
Introduction, types and
method of brazing. (05
Professional Join metal 52. Make riveted lap and butt Various rivets shape and form
Skill 19Hrs; components by joint. (6 hrs.) of heads, importance of
Professional riveting observing 53. Make funnel as per correct head size.
Knowledge standard procedure. development and solder Rivets-Tin man’s rivets types,
03Hrs (Mapped NOS: joints. (8 hrs.) sizes, and selection for various
CSC/N0304) 54. Drill for riveting. (1 hr.) works.
55. Riveting with as many types Riveting tools, dolly snaps
of rivet as available, use of description and uses. Method
counter sunk head rivets. (4 of riveting,
hrs.) The spacing of rivets. Flash
riveting, use of correct tools,
compare hot and cold riveting.
(03 hrs.)
Professional Join metal 56. Welding - Striking and Safety-importance of safety
Skill 21Hrs; component by arc maintaining ARC, laying and general precautions
Professional welding observing Straight-line bead. (21 hrs.) observed in a welding shop.
Knowledge standard procedure. Precautions in electric and gas
04Hrs (Mapped NOS: welding. (Before, during, after)
CSC/N0304) Introduction to safety
equipment and their uses.
Machines and accessories,
welding transformer, welding
generators. (04 hrs.)
Professional Cut and join metal 57. Making butt joint and joint- Welding hand tools: Hammers,
Skill 64Hrs; component by gas gas and ARC. (12 hrs.) welding description, types and
Professional (oxy-acetylene) 58. Do setting up of flames, uses, description, principle,
Knowledge (Mapped NOS: fusion runs with and method of operating, carbon
16Hrs CSC/N0304) without filler rod, and gas. dioxide welding. H.P. welding
(8 hrs.) equipment: description,
principle, method of operating
L.P. welding equipment:
description, principle, method
of operating. Types of Joints-


Butt and fillet as per BIS SP:

46-1988 specifications. Gases
and gas cylinder description,
kinds, main difference and
uses. (05 hrs.)
59. Make butt weld and corner, Setting up parameters for ARC
fillet in ARC welding (22 welding machines-selection of
hrs.) Welding electrodes. Care to be
taken in keeping electrode.
(05 hrs.)
60. Gas cutting of MS plates (22 Oxygen acetylene cutting-
hrs.) machine description, parts,
uses, method of handling,
cutting torch-description,
parts, function and uses.
(06 hrs.)
Professional Produce 61. Mark off and drill through Drill- material, types, (Taper
Skill 143Hrs; components by holes. (04 hrs.) shank, straight shank) parts
Professional different operations 62. Drill on M.S. flat. (1 hrs.) and sizes. Drill angle-cutting
Knowledge and check accuracy 63. File radius and profile to angle for different materials,
26Hrs using appropriate suit gauge. (10 hrs.) cutting speed feed. R.P.M. for
measuring 64. Sharpening of Drills. (1 hrs.) different materials. Drill
instruments.[Differe 65. Practice use of angular holding devices- material,
nt Operations - measuring instrument. (04 construction and their uses.
Drilling, Reaming, hrs.) (04 hrs.)
Taping, Dieing;66. Counter sink, counter bore Counter sink, counter bore
Appropriate and ream split fit (three and spot facing-tools and
Measuring piece fitting). (04 hrs.) nomenclature, Reamer-
Instrument –67. Drill through hole and blind material, types (Hand and
Vernier, Screw holes. (2 hrs.) machine reamer), kinds, parts
Gauge, Micrometer] 68. Form internal threads with and their uses, determining
(Mapped NOS: taps to standard size hole size (or reaming),
CSC/N0304) (through holes and blind Reaming procedure.
holes). (3 hrs.) Screw threads: terminology,
69. Prepare studs and bolt. (13 parts, types and their uses.
hrs.) Screw pitch gauge: material
parts and uses. Taps British
standard (B.S.W., B.S.F., B.A. &
B.S.P.) and metric /BIS (coarse
and fine) material, parts
(shank body, flute, cutting
edge). (03 hrs.)


70. Form external threads with Tap wrench: material, parts,

dies to standard size. (08 types (solid &adjustable types)
hrs.) and their uses removal of
71. Prepare nuts and match broken tap, studs (tap stud
with bolts. (15 hrs.) extractor).
Dies: British standard, metric
and BIS standard, material,
parts, types, Method of using
dies. Die stock: material, parts
and uses. (06 hrs.)
72. File and make Step fit, Drill troubles: causes and
angular fit, angle, surfaces remedy. Equality of lips,
(Bevel gauge accuracy 1 correct clearance, dead
degree). (12 hrs.) centre, length of lips. Drill
73. Make simple open and kinds: Fraction, metric, letters
sliding fits. (08 hrs.) and numbers, grinding of drill.
(04 hrs.)
74. Enlarge hole and increase Grinding wheel: Abrasive,
internal dia. (2 hrs.) grade structures, bond,
75. File cylindrical surfaces. (5 specification, use, mounting
hrs.) and dressing. Selection of
76. Make open fitting of curved grinding wheels. Bench grinder
profiles. (15 hrs.) parts and use.
(04 hrs.)
77. Correction of drill location Gauges- Introduction,
by binding previously drilled necessity, types. Limit gauge:
hole. (04 hrs.) Ring gauge, snap gauge, plug
78. Make inside square fit. (16 gauge, description and uses.
hrs.) Description and uses of gauge-
types (feeler, screw, pitch,
radius, wire gauge). (05 hrs.)

Professional Make different fit of 79. Make sliding ‘T’ fit. (21 hrs.) Interchange ability: Necessity
Skill 126Hrs; components for in Engg, field definition, BIS.
assembling as per Definition, types of limit,
Professional required tolerance terminology of limits and fits-
Knowledge observing principle basic size, actual size,
28Hrs of interchange ability deviation, high and low limit,
and check for zero line, tolerance zone
functionality. Different standard systems of
[Different Fit – fits and limits. British standard
Sliding, Angular, Step system, BIS system. (05 hrs.)
fit, ‘T’ fit, Square fit 80. File fit- combined, open Method of expressing


and Profile fit; angular and sliding sides. tolerance as per BIS Fits:
Required tolerance: (08 hrs.) Definition, types, description
±0.04 mm, angular 81. File internal angles of each with sketch. Vernier
tolerance: 30 min.] 30minutes accuracy open, height gauge: material
(Mapped NOS: angular fit. (12 hrs.) construction, parts,
CSC/N0304) graduations (English & Metric)
uses, care and maintenance.
(04 hrs.)
82. Make sliding fit with angles Pig Iron: types of pig Iron,
other than 90o (21 hrs.) properties and uses.
Cast Iron: types, properties
and usesWroughtiron:-
properties and uses.
Steel: plain carbon steels,
types, properties and uses.
Non-ferrous metals (copper,
aluminium, tin, lead, zinc)
properties and uses. (05 hrs.)
83. Scrap on flat surfaces, Simple scraper- flat, half
curved surfaces and parallel round, triangular and hook
surfaces and test. (04 hrs.) scraper and their uses. Blue
84. Make & assemble, sliding matching of scraped surfaces
flats, plain surfaces. (12 (flat and curved bearing
hrs.) surfaces). Testing scraped
85. Check for blue match of surfaces: ordinary surfaces
bearing surfaces- both flat without a master plate. (04
and curved surfaces by wit hrs.)
worth method. (5 hrs.)
86. File and fit combined radius Vernier micrometer, material,
and angular surface parts, graduation, use, care
(accuracy ± 0.5 mm), and maintenance. Calibration
angular and radius fit. (15 of measuring instruments.
hrs.) Introduction to mechanical
87. Locate accurate holes & fasteners and its uses.
make accurate hole for stud Screw thread micrometer:
fit. (2 hrs.) Construction, graduation and
88. Fasten mechanical use. (05 hrs.)
components / sub-
assemblies together using
screws, bolts and collars
using hand tools. (5 hrs.)


89. Make sliding fits assembly Dial test indicator,

with parallel and angular construction, parts, material,
mating surface. (± 0.04 graduation, Method of use,
mm)(21 hrs.) care and maintenance. Digital
dial indicator. Comparators-
measurement of quality in the
cylinder bores. (05 hrs.)
Professional Produce 90. Lathe operations- Safely precautions to be
Skill 95 Hrs; components 91. True job on four jaw chuck observed while working on a
involving different using knife tool. (5 hrs.) lathe, Lathe specifications, and
Professional operations on lathe 92. Face both the ends for constructional features. Lathe
Knowledge observing standard holding between centres. main parts descriptions- bed,
15 Hrs procedure and check (06 hrs.) head stock, carriage, tail stock,
for accuracy. 93. Using roughing tool parallel feeding and thread cutting
[Different turn ± 0.1 mm. (06 hrs.) mechanisms. Holding of job
Operations – facing, 94. Measure the diameter between centres, works with
plain turning, step using outside caliper and catch plate, dog, simple
turning, parting, steel rule.(1 hr.) description of a facing and
chamfering, roughing tool and their
shoulder turn, applications. (04 hrs.)
grooving, knurling, 95. Holding job in three jaw Lathe cutting tools-
boring, taper chuck. (2 hrs.) Nomenclature of single point
turning, threading 96. Perform the facing, plain & multipoint cutting tools,
(external ‘V’ only)] turn, step turn, parting, Tool selection based on
(Mapped NOS: deburr, chamfer-corner, different requirements and
CSC/N0110) roundthe ends, and use necessity of correct grinding,
form tools. (08 hrs.) solid and tipped, throw away
97. Shoulder turn: square, type tools, cutting speed and
filleted, beveled undercut feed and comparison for
shoulder, turning-filleted H.S.S., carbide tools. Use of
under cut, square beveled. coolants and lubricants.
(08 hrs.) (03 hrs.)
98. Sharpening of -Single point
Tools. (1 hr.)
99. Cut grooves- square, Chucks and chucking the
round, ‘V’ groove. (08 independent four-jaw chuck.
hrs.) Reversible features of jaws,
100. Knurl the job. (1 hr.) the back plate, Method of
101. Bore holes –spot face, clearing the thread of the
pilot drill, enlarge hole chuck-mounting and
using boring tools. (9 dismounting, chucks, chucking
hrs.) true, face plate, drilling -
method of holding drills in the
tail stock, Boring tools and


enlargement of holes. (02 hrs.)

102. Turn taper (internal and General turning operations-
external). (10 hrs.) parallel or straight, turning.
103. Turn taper pins. (5 hrs.) Stepped turning, grooving, and
104. Turn standard tapers to shape of tools for the above
suit with gauge. (5 hrs.) operations. Appropriate
method of holding the tool on
tool post or tool rest, Knurling:
- tools description, grade,
uses, speed and feed, coolant
for knurling, speed, feed
Taper – definition, use and
method of expressing tapers.
Standard tapers-taper,
calculations Morse taper. (03
105. Practice threading using Screw thread definition – uses
taps, dies on lathe by and application. Square,
hand. (2 hrs.) worm, buttress, acme (
106. Make external ‘V’ thread. nonstandard-screw threads),
(8 hrs.) Principle of cutting screw
107. Prepare a nut and match thread in centre lathe –
with the bolt. (10 hrs.) principle of chasing the screw
thread – use of centre gauge,
setting tool for cutting internal
and external threads, use of
screw pitch gauge for checking
the screw thread. (03 hrs.)
Professional Plan & perform 108. Simple repair work: Maintenance
Skill 63 Hrs; simple repair, Simple assembly of -Total productive maintenance
overhauling of machine parts from -Autonomous maintenance
Professional different machines blueprints. (10 hrs.) -Routine maintenance
Knowledge and check for 109. Rectify possible assembly -Maintenance schedule
12Hrs functionality. faults during assembly. -Retrieval of data from
[Different Machines (14 hrs.) machine manuals Preventive
– Drill Machine, 110. Perform the routine maintenance-objective and
Power Saw, Bench maintenance with check function of Preventive
Grinder and Lathe] list (08 hrs.) maintenance, section
111. Monitor machine as per inspection. Visual and
routine checklist (3 hrs.) detailed, lubrication survey,
112. Read pressure gauge, system of symbol and colour
temperature gauge, oil coding. Revision, simple
level (1 hr.) estimation of materials, use of


113. Set pressure in pneumatic handbooks and reference

system (2 hrs.) table. Possible causes for
assembly failures and
Installation, maintenance and
overhaul of machinery and
engineering equipment (10
114. Assemble simple fitting Assembling techniques such as
using dowel pins and tap aligning, bending, fixing,
screw assembly using mechanical jointing, threaded
torque wrench. (15 hrs.) jointing, sealing, and
torqueing. Dowel pins:
material, construction, types,
accuracy and uses. (02 hrs.)
Engineering Drawing: 40 Hrs.
Professional Read and apply Engineering Drawing:
Knowledge engineering drawing Introduction to Engineering Drawing and Drawing Instruments –
ED- 40 Hrs. for different • Conventions
application in the • Sizes and layout of drawing sheets
field of work. • Title Block, its position and content
• Drawing Instrument
Lines- Types and applications in drawing Free hand drawing of –
• Geometrical figures and blocks with dimension
• Transferring measurement from the given object to the
freehand sketches.
• Free hand drawing of hand tools and measuring tools.
Drawing of Geometrical figures:
• Angle, Triangle, Circle, Rectangle, Square, Parallelogram.
• Lettering & Numbering – Single Stroke.
• Types of arrowhead
• Leader line with text
• Position of dimensioning (Unidirectional, Aligned)
Symbolic representation –
• Different symbols used in the related trades.
Concept and reading of Drawing in
• Concept of axes plane and quadrant
• Concept of Orthographic and Isometric projections
• Method of first angle and third angle projections
(definitionand difference)
Reading of Job drawing of related trades.


Professional Demonstrate basic WORKSHOP CALCULATION & SCIENCE:

Knowledge mathematical Unit, Fractions
WCS- 38 concept and Classification of unit system
Hrs. principles to perform Fundamental and Derived units F.P.S, C.G.S, M.K.S and SI units
practical operations. Measurement units and conversion
Understand and Factors, HCF, LCM and problems
explain basic science Fractions - Addition, subtraction, multiplication & division
in the field of study. Decimal fractions - Addition, subtraction, multiplication &
Solving problems by using calculator
Square root, Ratio and Proportions, Percentage
Square and square root
Simple problems using calculator
Applications of Pythagoras theorem and related problems
Ratio and proportion
Ratio and proportion - Direct and indirect proportions
Percentage - Changing percentage to decimal and fraction
Mass, Weight, Volume and Density
Mass, volume, density, weight and specific gravity
Related problems for mass, volume, density, weight and specific
Speed and Velocity, Work, Power and Energy
Work, power, energy, HP, IHP, BHP and efficiency
Heat & Temperature and Pressure
Concept of heat and temperature, effects of heat, difference
between heat and temperature, boiling point & melting point of
different metals and non-metals
Concept of pressure - Units of pressure, atmospheric pressure,
absolute pressure, gauge pressure and gauges used for
measuring pressure
Basic Electricity
Introduction and uses of electricity, molecule, atom, how
electricity is produced, electric current AC,DC their comparison,
voltage, resistance and their units
Area and perimeter of square, rectangle and parallelogram
Area and perimeter of Triangles
Area and perimeter of circle, semi-circle, circular ring, sector of
circle, hexagon and ellipse
Surface area and volume of solids - cube, cuboid, cylinder,
sphere and hollow cylinder
Finding the lateral surface area, total surface area and capacity
in litres of hexagonal, conical and cylindrical shaped vessels


Levers and Simple machines

Simple machines - Effort and load, mechanical advantage,
velocity ratio, efficiency of machine, relationship between
efficiency, velocity ratio and mechanical advantage
Measurement of angles
Trigonometrical ratios
Trigonometrical tables

In-plant training / Project work



Professional Skills
Reference Learning Professional Knowledge
Duration (Trade Practical)
Outcome (Trade Theory)
with Indicative hrs.
Professional Make & assemble 115. Make ‘H’ fitting. (13 hrs.) Screws: material, designation,
Skill 255Hrs; components of 116. Power tools: Practice specifications, Property
different mating operation of power tool classes (e.g. 9.8 on screw
Professional surfaces as per for fastening. (5 hrs.) head), Tools for tightening/
Knowledge required tolerance by 117. Tightening of bolt/ screw loosening of screw or bolts,
70Hrs different surface with specified torque. (2 Torque wrench, screw joint
finishing operations hrs.) calculation uses.
using different 118. Selection of right tool as Power tools: its
fastening for Tightening or constructional features, uses
components, tools loosening of screw/bolt & maintenance. (06 hrs.)
and check as per accessibility. (1 hr.)
functionality. 119. Assembly sliding for using Locking device: Nuts- types
[Different Mating keys, dowel pin and (lock nut castle nut, slotted
Surfaces – Dovetail screw, ± 0.02 mm nuts, swam nut, grooved nut)
fitting, Radius fitting, accuracy on plain surface Description and use.
Combined fitting; and testing of sliding Various types of keys,
Different surface fitting job. (13 hrs.) allowable clearances &
finishing operations – 120. File & fit angular mating tapers, types, uses of key
Scraping, Lapping and surface within an pullers. (06 hrs.)
Honing; Different accuracy of ± 0.02 mm &
fastening components 10 minutes angular
– Dowel pins, screws, fitting. (12 hrs.)
bolts, keys and
cotters; Different 121. Drill through and blind Special files: types (pillar,
fastening tools-hand holes at an angle using Dread naught, Barrow,
operated & power swivel table of drilling warding) description & their
tools, Required machine. (09 hrs.) uses.
tolerance - ±0.02mm, 122. Precision drilling, reaming (07 hrs.)
angular tolerance ± 10 and tapping and Test-
min.] Job. (12 hrs.)
(Mapped NOS: 123. Make Dovetailed fitting Templates and Radius/fillet
CSC/N0304) and radius fitting. (18hrs.) gauge, feeler gauge, hole
gauge, and their uses, care
and maintenance.
(05 hrs.)


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