Student Management System - Project-Synopsis
Student Management System - Project-Synopsis
Student Management System - Project-Synopsis
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Project category
Technologies used
Requirement specifications………………………………………..….2
Hardware requirement specification
Software requirement specification
Overall Description……………………………………………………4
Product Functions
Operating Environment
maintain the records of students easily. Achieving this objective is difficult using a
relevant information may be very time consuming. All these problems are solved
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Project Category:
Our project will develop web based where student will able to manage their personal
Technologies Used:
Software Requirements:
PHP 5.0
Visual studio for Front End Programming
Microsoft Windows or Linux
Hardware Requirements:
This project is made under an online project which works as a website, it includes
student information page, and control to admin to manage the page.
Admin Module
This is the first and the base module of the project by this module a admin is provided
to the project to manage the student module.
Student Module
The student first have to register themselves, the student will get a Mail id and a
password after being registered . Mail id and a password to login their profile. After
login the student is able to view and update their updatable information like Mobile
no, Email, Name, Father Name, Date of birth, address and profile pictures.
Project Functions :
There are two different users who will be using this project:
Administrator who can view and edit the details of any students
Students who can view their details as well as they can edit their details.
An Administrator can login into the system and perform any of the available operations.
Can edit students information to the database.
Can make search for a specific student.
Can access all the details of the student.
Operating Environment
The product can run on any browser (preferable to use Chrome browser).