Columbia City Paper 09/07/2005
Columbia City Paper 09/07/2005
Columbia City Paper 09/07/2005
Volume 2 • Issue 20
September 7 - September 21
City Paper
Tours Disaster
2 Columbia citypaper September 7, 2005 Letters
Hardy Childers
Now accepting entries for the Send entries in DVD or VHS form to:
the ‘Cock
glad to be in this together.
It was a beautiful Wednesday morning
when I woke up for my 8am class. I smiled
by Lissey Schroeder at Ryan and he smiled back. He took my
Contributing Writer hand in his... and I got on.
That was a long time ago it seems. Win-
I remember the first time I ever rode the ter blew by with its dusting of snow, and
‘Cock. It was with my best friend Ryan dur- spring came around with wild daisies on
ing the second week of college. Normally the Horseshoe. With the new seasons and
it wouldn’t have taken this long, but I think new semesters, new class schedules and a
we were both pretty nervous to jump right change of majors, I stopped riding on Ryan’s
into that sort of thing. We were both new to ‘Cock.
the college and if you’re going to ride the It’s not the saddest story. We still see
‘Cock you should always make sure you’re each other in some classes and at the din-
doing it with someone you know and make ing hall. I tell Ryan about how I ride the
sure you know you’re riding the right one. red ‘Cock now, the bigger one that I always
There’s nothing worse than getting your used to envy when I saw it on campus last
‘Cocks mixed up and finding out you’re on year. He laughs and tells me he doesn’t even
the wrong one. ride at all anymore. He bought something
It was the over the sum-
early morning mer that makes
when we both riding the ‘Cock
decided we unnecessary. It
were going to says it gets him
do it. I had an where he needs
early class and to go faster and
so did Ryan he doesn’t have
and I remember to wait around
asking him if as long. He says
he thought we it’s always there
were doing the for him when
right thing. I he needs it and
know a lot of girls on campus don’t like to even on the weekends.
ride the ‘Cock and I thought maybe it might I still ride the ‘Cock once in a while
be weird the first time. Maybe a little dan- and I really advocate any college student to
gerous even. Why weren’t so many other do the same. Give it a try if you haven’t al-
girls out there doing it? And why did I feel ready.
like I wanted to? I didn’t know, but I was The USC Shuttle Cock is a very con-
ready to find out. venient service for Carolina students and I
We took all the necessary precautions, encourage everybody to take advantage of
Ryan and I. We read all the booklets and it. I wouldn’t be the woman I am today with-
pamphlets they had for us in the Russell out it.
House about riding the ‘Cock. We both
Girls: Order your “I Rode the Cock at USC” Shirt today! For $20, you can
be the hottest girl in Patterson, E-mail to place
you order.
Personal Finance Columbia citypaper September 7, 2005 7
Mr. 29061
Feeling Lucky! A 22-year old man got
caught stealing a whole bunch of “$100 Mil-
lion Cash Bonanza” lottery tickets and scan-
ning them to see if they were winners. Sorry,
dude, you are not a winner. We recommend
you not trying Russian roulette, 8000 block
Garners Ferry Road
During a physical altercation a 22-year old
man picked up a glass bottle and smashed it
across the face of the 25-year old other guy
at Club Tropical. What would Jimmy Buffet
Do? 700 block Garner’s Ferry Road
29002 29201
You’ll be seeing more of this I’m sure - Two dudes get caught smoking dope in a
Someone pumped $47.00 worth of gas in parked car. We’re wondering why they’re
the car and drive off. Call your congressman doing it in the car, but we just remembered
if you’re pissed about gas prices. Or just you can play Tony Hawk 2 in SUVs nowa- reported to the location. A woman told them block North Main Street
move out of Columbia, 1300 block Dutch days too, 2200 block Devine Street a bullet had entered her bedroom while she
Fork Road was in bed. Sweet dreams tonight, 900 block 29203
29201 Colleton Street While sitting on her porch talking on the
29045 Alcohol and firearms: Cops catch a guy who phone, all of a sudden a woman says her
A man says he went to pick up his child matches a description and it turns out he not 29203 neighbor started “screaming in a loud and
from his estranged wife and she gave him a only has a gun on him but also some booze. Relationship in hot water: After a separation nasty voice,” at her. Stranger things have
bloody nose. We told the principal, 00 block We call that the “Columbia Combo,” 2000 from his girl this guy comes back to pick up happened I guess, 1700 block Cody Street
Scottsdale Road block Greene Street some personal stuff. The woman puts a pot
of water on the stove and tells him to leave 29203
29061 29201 or she’ll throw it on him. Any guesses on Officers find a man passed out drunk on the
After a short chase, cops catch the guy Fight in 5-Points: The fuzz on patrol find a what happened? That’s right folks, the bloke ground. Charles Bukowski wants his life
they’re after. He’s stooping down by a wood- guy in a fight with several other guys who got soaked, 2400 block Bently Court back, 4700 block Norman Street
en shed in a back yard and taking something run like girls when the lights go on. Show’s
out of his tennis shoes then tossing it. The over, back to Bates House, 700 block Hard- 29203 29203
officers found what it was. Any guesses? en Street While making a nightly deposit, a woman While conducting a safety checkpoint, of-
Come on it’s Columbia, this is easy. It was had a gun put to her side by a man in a gold ficers noticed a car totally disobeying the
CRACK! Mmmmm that’s good stuff, 1800 29203 striped shirt, black pants and brown hair. He checkpoint and nearly hitting an officer.
block Oceola Street After hearing several shots fired, officers got away with 16 grand that night, 6800 After pulling over the car the officers find
Crime Watch Columbia citypaper September 7, 2005 9
known man came in and robbed the store of the mall when another man came up and
of a whopping $50.00, 700 block Harden shot him one time in the left foot, 400 block
Street Bush River Road
29205 29210
23-year old dude say she lost his ID at Oh, the old sugar in the gas tank trick. Yes it
Sharkys. The kid says it was a Maryland WILL mess up a car as this poor guy found
ID but he says HE’S from New York. Yeah, out, 3300 block Harden Street
do the math on that one, 600 block Harden
Street 29210
Cops say a woman drove a vehicle into a
29205 building and that building’s ICE machine,
College kids with pot, alcohol and drugs? 800 block Bush River Road
Nahhh. But sure as hell the cops make a big
deal out of it. They probably would have 29210
been okay but the police could see the pot After hearing shots fired in a strip-mall park-
through the window and smell the smoke. ing lot, cops find several people loitering in
Next time try blowing through some dryer the parking lot. After spotting a spent bullet
sheets or...I mean no, no, don’t smoke at all, shell in the ground behind a car, the officer
you might someday grow up to be the Pope, searched the guy finding marijuana. Mari-
1800 block Greene Street juana and guns, don’t you remember that
commercial, 300 block Powell Drive
Someone gets caught keying a car, gets 29210
in trouble, it’s big news, 7000 block Two A woman tried giving a funny twenty to
Notch Road a car hop at a Sonic Drive Thru but was
foiled. She took off before the cops showed
29206 up, 3000 block Broad River Road
Funny Money: A guy tries to purchase some
stuff with a fake $20 but says he really 29223
didn’t know it was bogus. Cops say all his Victim complains that she’s received over
other bills look good so they just take the 75 phone calls that she doesn’t like. Most
Monopoly money and let him on his way, of them are hang ups, but there have been a
5400 block Forest Drive few who “speak negative about her charac-
ter,” 300 block Ross Road
A 26-year old man says he found his dog 29223
dead and then got a phone call by some- This guy says a girl just wont stop calling
one asking if he’d found the dog dead yet. him. Cops told her to knock it ff but she said
“That’s not all that’s going to die,” the caller his mom “better get ready to bury him,”
told him. After all that the man says the val- yikes, 1800 block Barbara Drive
ue of his dog was $50. Hell of a best friend
Old Yeller must have been, 900 block Arca- 29223
dia Lakes Someone vandalized a car by spraying “un-
known chemicals” all over the windshield.
29209 Cops say it was an “oily film.” Interesting,
drugs and guns. Yo, some rapper write a 29204 A man in his mid thirties walked into the 6300 block Stachford Road
song about it, 1000 block Charlton Street Guy says he heard knocking at his back door Sunoco and jacked eight 18-Packs of Bud
and when he opened it he got punched in the Light. Guess what though, you were on 29223
29203 face. We hope the real story doesn’t sound camera, 7200 block Garner’s Ferry Road. After someone broke some windows in a
How would YOU like 22.9 grams of cocaine anything like the one our intern always house he was only scared off when the po-
valued at $2,290.00? Well, Probably not too tells that starts “Yo, this one time, I was on 29209 lice dogs showed up, 100 block Stonegate
much if you got caught with it like this blow shrooms...” 2200 block Laurel Street A 51-year old man says five black men Drive
head did, 1100 block Charlton Street came through his yard cursing and kicking
29205 his fence. One of them took a piece of the 29223
29204 A 19-year old woman’s bike was stolen from fence and threw it through his window, 3600 Someone started a house fire by burning
A patient comes into the hospital emergency her apartment but she swears she locked it block Trowler Lane some tall grass in the back yard, 600 block
room complaining of chest pains and when up. Either way cops describe the bike like Brickyard Road
she’s told she has to wait she gets angry. Af- this: “Handlebars have extra handlebars 29210
ter she’s told to take a seat, she says she’s above the handlebars,” so if you do see MURDER: Officers responded to Mildred 29229
going to “blow up the hospital.” Take a this mutant bike, let them know, 600 block Street to find two people dead at the loca- Someone busted out every window of a 20-
wrong turn at the psych ward? 5 Medical Meadow Street tion, 4200 block Mildred Street year old man’s car with a lug wrench. He
Dark Drive has no idea who would have done this, 200
29205 29210 block Fure Ave.
The clerk at Strictly Running says an un- Dance! A 24-year old man was walking out
10 Columbia citypaper September 7, 2005 Food Review
sion disorder,” and that’s a horse-f*cker of
a different color. So, yeah, I would describe She Who Needs Sleep
you as fucked up and order you to get your
sorry butt into therapy. Stop worrying about protecting your
by Dan Savage For a second opinion we turn now to Da- brother and start worrying about protect-
vid Jay: ing yourself. He’s sexually assaulting you,
“Show me anyone, sexual or asexual, SWNS, and he’s using your fear of embar-
who isn’t in some way f*cked up and I’ll rassment to keep you silent! You’re being
gag,” says Jay. “The question she should be manipulated and abused--get angry! Tell
asking herself is not, ‘Am I fucked up?’ but, your parents what’s going on, buy a lock
‘Do I need sex to be happy?’ It doesn’t sound for your door, and if your brother somehow
like she does, but the question is probably manages to get into your room despite the
Ser ving the Vista Since 2000
worth exploring with a best friend and a six- lock, scream your f*cking head off.
pack. If she concludes that she needs sex in Your brother needs help--not because
How can I tell if I’m asexual? Is it a le- her life, then there’s an industry that will be he’s a foot fetishist, SWNS, there’s nothing FREE
gitimate orientation or am I just a seething more than happy to serve her.” wrong with that. He needs help because he’s
ball of neuroses?
Sex does nothing for me. I can’t orgasm
But if you conclude that sex just isn’t for
you, Jay would advise you to take stock of
obviously developed--through absolutely
no fault of yours--a thing for abusing, ma-
(even when I attempt masturbation), so my your situation from a nonsexual standpoint. nipulating, and terrorizing women. Your
husband doesn’t go there. That’s fine by me. “You’ve got what sounds like a great hus- continued silence in the face of this abuse
I HATE my people-parts; I find them utterly
icky. At any rate, I apparently perform good
band who you love and great friends. Instead
of focusing your energy on worrying about
isn’t helping you or your brother, SWNS,
but making it more likely that he will at-
fellatio, so the no-intercourse thing isn’t sex (which up to now has been nothing tempt this with other women one day. If
such an issue. My marriage seems fine; we but boring), focus on further exploring the your brother doesn’t get help NOW he’s ei- Shuffle Board
laugh and share the same lefty values and things that you actually find pleasurable.” ther going to wind up in jail or dead on the
cuddle on the couch. When he has needs he And your husband’s needs? bedroom floor of a woman who sleeps with
fondles my breasts and nuzzles me; this in- “I wouldn’t be that worried about your a gun under her pillow.
dicates “go down on me now, please.” So I
do. However, I feel nothing.
husband,” Jay says. “If he had some over-
whelming need to have more sex he prob- Kudos to you for your love of the Dres-
Is that normal? I’m well-adjusted oth- ably would have mentioned it by now.” den Dolls. But check them out live if you get
erwise, a productive member of society and Hmm, I respectfully dissent. While it’s the chance! There’s nothing more enjoyable
possible that your husband is content with
all that. I am cheerful, good-humored, and
pretty, too. Are some people simply not wired the odd perfunctory blowjob, it’s more likely
than hearing the lyrics in “Coin-Operated
Boy” change from “I can even take him in PGA Tour Golf
to be into sex? I’m certainly into love. I feel that he doesn’t press the matter because he the bath” to “I can even f*ck him in the ass”
very passionate about my husband and my loves you. But he probably misses women’s during the live show. Brilliant!
friends, but it’s completely cerebral. If it’s of people-parts, Lisa, and one day the opportu-
any use, I’m 31 and I dislike pooping, too. nity to fuck the shit out of another woman’s Nick Mega Touch
Basically: Am I f’d up? Is it okay to not people-parts is going to present itself and
be sexual? Should my sorry butt be in ther- he’ll seize it. And this, I think, will be the ul- Thanks for the heads up, Nick, but I
apy? timate test of your asexual cred. If you don’t discovered that the Dresden Dolls change
think sex is important, then it shouldn’t mat-
ter to you if your husband does this hugely
“I can even take him in the bath” to “I can
even fuck him in the ass” during their live
unimportant thing with someone else every shows all on my own. I love them so much
After the results of a study on asexual- once in a while. I bought their live CD, which I took home Mon - Fri
ity were published in the Journal of Sex and listened to while my 7-year-old son was
Research in August 2004, a new sexual mi- Hi. I’m a 16-year-old girl whose 20- in the room. This resulted in me having to 4pm - Until
nority group began taking its turn up on the year-old brother has a foot fetish. Normally, explain to him what “f*ck him in the ass”
wicked stage. Everyone from the BBC to this wouldn’t bother me. However, he comes meant 18 years earlier than I had planned.
Salon to the New Scientist weighed in on into my room at 2:00 in the morning and (Where’s Tipper Gore when you need her?)
the 1 percent of the population that, accord-
ing to U.K. researchers, “had never felt sex-
slips his hands under the covers to touch my
feet. The other night I woke up and he was
Still, I love the Dresden Dolls, and anyone
who wants to see the Dresden Dolls change
Sat and Sun
ually attracted to anyone at all.” The go-to
guy for quotes and insights into asexuality
licking my foot. Sometimes he’ll rub his pe-
nis between my toes. I love my brother, but
that lyric live should check out their website,, for their upcoming
was David Jay, a 23-year-old asexual from this makes me uncomfortable. He comes in tour dates in the U.S. and Canada.
St. Louis, Missouri, and the founder of the almost every night, and when he wakes me Finally, a lot of readers--smokers and
Asexual Visibility and Education Network up, I can’t get back to sleep for at least an nonsmokers alike--took exception to my
( hour. I’m so tired in the morning, and my advice for the woman whose boyfriend has $1 Natural
We’ll get to Jay’s insights into your case mom blames me saying I stay up too late. a smoking fetish. Go to link.thestranger.
in a second, Lisa, but first I have to say that
asexuality, as I understand it, is an indif-
What should I do? I’ve tried confronting my
brother (sometimes when he wakes me up
com/1155 to read their feedback. Lights
ference to sex. Reading your letter, Lisa, I
didn’t sense indifference, just disgust--with
I’ll tell him to get out of my room). He has to
be really dense to think I don’t know. I don’t
Dan Savage’s new book, The Commit-
ment: Love, Sex, Marriage, and My Family,
All the Time!
people-parts, with pooping, with blowjobs. want to tell my mom or dad because I don’t goes on sale September 22.
12 Columbia citypaper September 7, 2005 The Columbia Beet
it Hurts
certainly a testament to the actor’s talent.
Monday • September 19 Nobody hurled a soda at the screen, which is
surprising, since everyone knows how sour
New Brookland Tavern A Review of The moments like these can go. Remember the
Escape This infamous animal cracker fiasco in the movie
Endwell Constant Gardener about the big meteor? Imagine Ben Affleck
Diemona in a tub with Liv Tyler and a webcam. Grue-
Red Letter Suicide by Brian Ray some.
7:00pm To Gardener’s detriment, Mairelles
The Blue Dogs British diplomat Justin Quayle (Ralph tends to diffuse and pacify the inherent ten-
9:00pm Fiennes) hunts down the evil profit mongers sion between his lovers. Whatever tussles
Tuesday • September 20 who blew up his wife—an activist who’d that do occur between them never last lon-
Minglewood followed him to Africa out of love and other, ger than a day. By nightfall they’re trading
The Red Belly Band The Boiler Room politically-motivated reasons. Back story: tongues, each time leaving viewers in ques-
Blacklisted Once in Africa, Tessa Quayle stumbled onto tion of why Tessa doesn’t just follow her pas-
New Brookland Tavern Down to Nothing the plans of a drug company to make mil- sion instead of arguing, and in some cases,
Cast Aside lions off the sales of a still-dangerous medi- begging like she does for “independence.”
Where It Ends cation for Tuberculosis. It turns up later in the film that Tessa is just
Brain Freeze Sounds like a dozen other plots. Man 24 years-old. That might explain why she’s
7:00pm meets girl. Sex. Murder. Revenge. But this is a tough and courageous activist one minute
an intellectual film sans shootouts and chase and a scared little girl the next. But this alley
New Brookland Tavern scenes that manages, still, to keep viewers of characterization needs a spotlight, not a
Man Alive in their seats. Not only that, but Brazilian flashlight.
The Evan Anthem director Fernando Meirelles (City of God) Once she’s been blown up by henchmen,
7:00pm possesses a gift for soaking his films with Tessa returns several times in ghostly imag-
The Juliana Theory the local color and culture, making audienc- ery to, apparently, club the audience over
Lovedrug es inhabit his the head with
The Goodwill Wednesday • September 21 world. an emotional
All Good Citizens Critics are mallet. Her
5:00pm Headliners already call- image floats
Sam Fisher ing it “one of on screen, so
9:00pm the year’s best to speak, at the
Saturday • September 17 films.” May- precise mo-
Minglewood be. While it’s ments when
Art Bar Rudy Rodriquez Group worth the price it should be
The Last Dance of admission Fiennes alone.
New Brookland Tavern and an hour’s He needs
Headliners The Supervillians worth of con- space—and
Stretch Armstrong Samwise versation after- time—to
Testing Ground The Maladroit Mafia ward, this one mourn and
Hopes Fall 8:00pm seems to lack the fairy dust that would pro- weep without the assistance of flashbacks
Burns Out Bright pel it into the world of Crash, Downfall, or and other technical fireworks. Fiennes is
The Varsity Broken Flowers. As a political protest film, strangled by such gimmicks. The best move
6:00pm Thursday • September 22 suspense thriller, and potshot at pharmaceu- with an actor this strong is to let him do his
tical companies, Gardner wins. But as a love job. This especially becomes problematic in
Minglewood Art Bar story, it falls far short. the film’s closing minutes, as Justin speaks
Almost Jason Cooter Scooters As an aloof government official who’d to his dead wife. The moment would’ve
Yukos the Crude rather plant flowers than fight social injus- stung like hornets had he pronounced his
New Brookland Tavern Minx Flux tice, Fiennes fills his role well. As a young love to thin air instead of Tessa’s ghost, her
Guitar Show 9:00pm mover-and-shaker with a fire in her gut, image, or her whatever, which sits right be-
Midnight Train Rachel Weisz delivers a convincing perfor- side him. In any case, the acting is superb.
Another Castle Minglewood mance. The tension between these two is The dialogue is sharp. The cinematography
Flashbulb Memories Green Light captivating. Especially riveting, is their first is evocative and the script, adapted from the
6:00pm encounter. At a press conference where he novel by John le Carre, serves up an engag-
New Brookland Tavern supposedly speaks for Britain. Justin ends ing, affecting story.
MMS Battle of the Bands up defending a tenacious activists when While many critics are no doubt very
Sunday • September 18 If All Else Fails her outbursts of opinion cause everyone to excited to write about a movie that “takes
TBA leave. Justin stays to apologize for the unfair on” pharmaceutical companies, the con-
New Brookland Tavern 8pm words and they hit it off, throw back a few spiracy at hand seems simply to drive the
New Music Night at a bar, and then go to his place. You know murder mystery. While we all love to hate
Deleveled what that means. big corporations and uncaring governments,
Tentacles of the Octopus But the love scenes that populate the rest this story just can’t give us the kindling for
High School Speeding of the film smack of sap. All throughout, social commentary in the sense that “Hotel
Mercury Radio Theater Maurielles dumps one cheese-laced mo- Rwada” does. Gardner might aspire to do
Brian Kenney Fresno ment onto another when he simply ought this, but it seems happily wrapped up with
Teen Pop Sensation to allow the audience to fill in the blanks its espionage and intrigue.
Just R Luck of the bedroom. Case in point: a scene in
14 Columbia citypaper September 7, 2005 Cartoons and Horoscopes
Spray Tanning
Over 4 years
Body wraps
June 22 - July 22
Close the door behind you. The air-condi-
November 22 - December 21
Every minute counts today, especially if
by Gov. Sanford* tioning is on. you’re a stockholder.
March 21 - April 19
Watch out for old debts and create new ones Leo Capricorn
without looking. July 23 - August 22 December 22 - January 19
The goals of you life are non-existent and Run away from your problems and don’t
that’s probably why you’re reading these. look back, or just walk backwards quickly.
April 20 - May 20 Virgo Aquarius
Do not judge others. Unless of course you August 23 - September 22 January 20 - February 18
work in a courtroom or are a clerk at Circle- A family figure will come in contact with You feel uncomfortable in your desk chair
k checking IDs. you and you will want them to go away. because you realize if your ansestors hadn’t
killed all the indians; you probably wouldn’t
be sitting there.
Gemini September 23 - October 22
May 21 - June 21 The past is catching up with you. purchase a Pisces
Don’t be afraid to make conversation today, enw pair of tennis shoes. February 19 - March 20
people like you. Also, try to be everywhere You should stay with your husband, he hits
at once. you because he loves you. When he throws
bread at you, he really wants to hug you, he
Scorpio just doesn’t know how to express it.
*DISCLAIMER: October 23 - November 21
Gov. Sanford does not actually write these horoscopes, Libra is prominent and so is someone with
we just think he is a man of vision. Since he is a public the initials A, D or F, or letters H through
figure, we have decided to PhotoShop him blue, com-
ing out of a genie’s bottle.
Cartoons and Crossword Puzzle Columbia citypaper September 7, 2005 15
Coming Soon
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