Mass Communication
Mass Communication
Mass Communication
Mass communication is the process of imparting and exchanging information through mass
media to large segments of the population. It is usually understood for relating to various forms
of media, as its technologies are used for the dissemination of information, of which journalism
and advertising are part. Mass communication differs from other types of communication, such
as interpersonal communication and organizational communication, because it focuses on
particular resources transmitting information to numerous receivers. The study of mass
communication is chiefly concerned with how the content of mass communication persuades or
otherwise affects the behavior, the attitude, opinion, or emotion of the people receiving the
Through mass communication, information can be transmitted quickly to many people who
generally stay far away from the sources of information. Mass communication is practiced
multiple mediums, such as radio, television, social networking, billboards, newspapers,
magazines, books, film, and the Internet. In this modern era, mass communication is being used
to disperse information at an accelerated rate, often about politics and other charged topics.
There are major connections between the media that is being consumed, via mass
communication, and our culture, contributing to polarization and dividing people based on
consequential issues.[1]
Field of study
In the United States, the study of mass communication is often associated with the practical
applications of journalism, television and radio broadcasting, film, public relations, corporate or
advertising. With the diversification of media forms, the study of mass communication has
extended to include social media and new media, which have stronger feedback models than
traditional media sources.
The history of communication stretches from prehistoric forms of art and writing through
modern communication methods such as the Internet. Mass communication began when
humans could transmit messages from a single source to multiple receivers. Mass
communication has moved from theories such as the hypodermic needle model (or magic bullet
theory) through more modern theories such as computer-mediated communication.
Advertising includes the use of paid, earned, or owned media. Paid media is directly through
advertising and various business sponsorship campaigns. Earned media occurs through word of
mouth, and online social media posts or trends. Owned media is brand websites and other
owned content by the business producing the product.[4]
Journalism is the production and distribution of reports on events for presentation through the
media. The study of journalism involves analyzing the dissemination of information to the public
through media outlets such as newspapers, news channels, radio stations, television stations,
and, more recently, e-readers and smartphones.
Alternative journalism deviates from established or dominant types of media in terms of their
content, production, or distribution. Alternative journalism utilizes the same media outlets as
mainstream journalism, to advocate the interests of those excluded from the mainstream.
Civic journalism (also known as "public journalism") is the idea of integrating journalism into the
democratic process. The media not only informs the public, but it also works towards engaging
citizens and creating public debate.
Citizen journalism is based upon public citizens actively producing news and information. Citizen
journalism deals with the distribution of news by the public, often through the Internet.
Public relations
Public relations is the process of providing information to the public in order to present a specific
view of a product or organization. Public relations differs from advertising in that it is less
obtrusive, and aimed at providing a more comprehensive opinion to a large audience in order to
shape public opinion. Unlike advertising, public relations professionals only have control until the
message is related to media gatekeepers who decide where to pass the information on to the
Social media
Social media, in its modern use, refers to platforms used on both mobile devices and home
computers that allow users to interact through the use of words, images, sounds, and video.[5]
Social media includes popular sites such as Facebook and Instagram, as well as sites that can
aid in business networking such as LinkedIn.The use and importance of social media in
communications and public relations has grown drastically throughout the years and is now a
staple in advertisements to mass audiences. For many newer companies and businesses geared
towards young people social media is a tool for advertising purposes and growing the brand.
Social Media provides additional ways to connect and reach out to ones targeted audience.[6]
There are multiple social-networking sites that have the ability to visualize and share ones
personal social life. Even though the first social networking sites were created several years ago,
the rise of both Myspace and Facebook took over and cancelled out the previous social media
sites. As of today, Facebook is one of the most popular social media websites for multiple types
of communication. Generally, Facebook is used for communication with relatives and friends
along with people who share interests.[7]
Social media have introduced new difficulties into relationships. One way this has occurred is
through catfishing. The term catfish refers to a person who uses a false online profile on a social
media platform. Most commonly, a catfish communicates with another online profile to get them
to fall in love with the false persona they created. The MTV reality show Catfish: The TV Show has
brought mainstream attention to this issue.[5] The goal of these episodes is to keep track of
people who have fallen in love with someone they interacted with online, but never met in person.
As catfishing has become a mainstream term, people have wondered how and why it continues
to happen. Nev Schulman, host of the show, has said "I think people will always be looking to fall
in love. People will always hope for things to get better. For better, or worse, there will always be
people who may or may not look to take advantage of that."[8]
Audio media
Recorded music
Recordings, developed in the 1870s, became the first non-print form of mass communication.
The invention of the phonograph by Thomas Edison in the late 19th century, the graphophone by
Alexander Graham Bell and Charles Tainter, and the gramophone by The Victor Talking Machine
Company were the first competing mass media forms that brought recorded music to the
masses.[5] Recording changed again in the 1950s with the invention of the LP (long play) vinyl
record, then eight track-tapes, followed by vinyl, and cassettes in 1965. Compact discs (CDs)
followed and were seen as the biggest invention in recorded arts since Edison.[9]
Radio is considered the most widely accessible form of mass communication in the world and
the medium used to the greatest degree in the United States.[5] Internet radio has now become
increasingly more popular, as radio stations are streaming content through their websites and
other applications. Music streaming services such as Apple Music and Spotify, have also
integrated radio features onto the platform.[10] Spotify Radio is a feature that allows Spotify to
continuously create a playlist for its users with tracks and podcast segments based on any artist
or playlist they wish.
Integrated communication
Integrated Communication refers to the process of bringing together several types of mass
communication to function across the mediascape. Usinge "Paid," "Owned" and "Earned" media
(PESO)[13] or "Shared," "Owned," "Earned" and "Paid" (SOPE)[14] as its principal framework, the
process considers all methods of communication distribution strategically.
The film industry began with the invention of the Kinetoscope by Thomas Edison. His failure to
patent it resulted in two brothers, Louis and Auguste Lumiere creating a portable camera that
could process film and project images.[5] The invention quickly gained notoriety when the
Lumiere brothers debuted a series of 60-second clips screened outdoors to a Parisian audience.
Despite the ever-growing popularity of moving images, the Lumiere Brothers did not seek to
revolutionize the style of the film, but stuck to documenting daily life in France. This set the
grounds for future film revolutionaries, including George Melies, who sought to create narrative
sequences in his films through the use of special effects.[5]
In the 1970s, television began to change to include more complicated and three-dimensional
characters and plots. PBS launched in 1970, and was the home for programming that would not
be suitable for network television. It operates on donations and little government funding, rather
than having commercials. On January 12, 1971, the sitcom All in the Family premiered on CBS,
and covered the issues of the day and portrayed a bigot named Archie Bunker.[5] By 1972, the
sales of color television sets surpassed that of black-and-white sets. In the 1980s, television
became geared towards what has become known as the MTV Generation, with a surge in the
number of cable channels.[15]
Photography plays a role in the field of technology and mass communication by demonstrating
facts or reinforcing ideas. Although the photos are altered digitally, it is still considered a proof to
expose and communicate.[5]
History of photography
Camera obscura was one of the first techniques that lead to creating photos. It could create an
image on a wall or piece of paper. Joseph Niepce was a French inventor that took the first photo
in 1827 that required 8 hours of exposure. In 1839, Louis Daguerre introduced the daguerreotype
that reduced exposure time to about thirty minutes. As the years progressed, so did photography
techniques, including creating better image quality, adding color to an image, and reduced
exposure time.
Contemporary photography industry
The modern industry has dramatically changed with the development of digital, as phones and
digital cameras have made film-based cameras a niche product. Kodak discontinued making a
color film in 1999 and declared Bankruptcy in 2012. Other companies like Fujifilm adapted
despite a downturn in sales.[5]
Interactive media
Video games
Video game genres are a classification assigned to a video game based on its game play rather
than a visual or storytelling differences. A video game genre is defined by a set of game play
challenges and are classified independently of when and where the game takes place.
The violence of video games relates to ethics in interactive media because it brings on
aggressive attitude and behavior that impacts the social lives of the people playing these video
games.[17] Furthermore, behavioral targeting ties into the ethics of interactive media because
these websites and apps on our phones contain personal information which allow the owners or
the ones running the companies to receive it and use them for themselves.[18] Interactive media
influences advertising because by society using social media or any websites, we are able to see
that there's advertising in everything we view especially when your scrolling through Instagram or
those pop up ads that come up on your screen reading an article on your computer.
eBooks have changed how people read. People are able to download books onto their devices.
This allows consumers to track what they read, to annotate, and to search for definitions of
words on the internet.[19] With e-books in education, the increased demand for mobile access to
course materials and eBooks for students corresponds with the increased number of
smartphones.[20] E- readers such as the Amazon Kindle have advanced over the years. Since its
launch in 2007, the Kindle has expanded its memory from 4 GB to 8 GB. In addition, the Kindle
has added accessories including games, movies, and music.
Majority theories
Communication researchers have identified several major theories associated with the study of
mass communication. Communication theory addresses the processes and mechanisms that
allow communication to take place.
Cultivation theory, developed by George Gerbner and Marshall McLuhan, discusses the long-
term effects of watching television, and hypothesizes that the more television an individual
consumes, the more likely that person is to believe the real world is similar to what they have
seen on television.[21] Cultivation is closely related to the idea of the mean world syndrome,
which asserts people who watch the news frequently are more likely to believe the world is a
'mean' place.[22]
Contingency theory informs organizations how to communicate ethically with their publics,
especially during crisis.[23]
Agenda setting theory centers around the idea that media outlets tell the public "not what to
think, but what to think about." Agenda setting hypothesizes that media have the power to
influence the public discourse, and tell people what are important issues facing society.[24]
The spiral of silence, developed by Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann, hypothesizes that people are
more likely to reveal their opinion in public if they believe that they are of the majority opinion,
for fear that revealing an unpopular opinion would subject them to being a social outcast. This
theory is relevant to mass communication because it hypothesizes that mass media have the
power to shape people's opinions, as well as relay the opinion that is believed to be the
majority opinion.[25]
Media ecology hypothesizes that individuals are shaped by their interaction with media,[26] and
that communication and media profoundly affect how individuals view and interact with their
Semiotics considers language to be a system. A system that has many different individual
parts, these parts are called signs (words, images, gestures, and situations). The system of
language changes over time, but what semiotics does is it analyses a system at a certain
place in time.[28]
Mass communication had evolved into something that has gone down an unforeseen path where
it has become something extremely complicated and has major unintentional repercussions on
people. Theorist such as Neil Postman, George Gerbner and authors such as Nicholas Carr have
all written extensive pieces on how the overindulged and reliant have become consumed by
mass communication and the mediums it utilizes. Upon this reliance there are many
complications and issues that have seeped into an increasingly technical and connected society.
Attention span
As the multitude of mass communication outlets increases daily the availability of very niche
and broad outlets have also increased. This availability and countless opinions being accessed
can lead to a skimming activity [29] where authors such as Nicholas Carr have noticed that they
have a shorter attention span and are more prone to only skimming an outlet rather than being
attentive. This habit is very common as the multitude of sources permit us to only take things at
face value. Mass communication began as a term covering radio, print, and television but it was
coined before the creation of the Internet, or the “Universal Medium”.[29] The Internet has taken
all the risks and complications of the three aforementioned mediums and has incorporated and
built further upon them. The ability to have infinite sources of information has created a Peek-A-
Boo World[30] effect where the constant flow and availability of information makes certain events
be very popular but quickly fizzle out.
This method of perception was coined by the communications scholar George Gerbner and is
associated with the impact of mass communication on one's thoughts of the world they live
in.[31] It was characterized to explain how people who are constantly subjected to the evils of the
world, now made readily available through mass communication, have the sentiment that the
world is only evil. Gerbner specifies that context of the violence within a story is also important, it
is not the quantity that is the issue, but rather it matters more about how it adds up to tell said
story.[31] This conditioning can provoke a reaction of displeasure with the world as it can alter
world views and represents the power and darker side of mass communication. The ability to
have any form of information to reach anybody around the world in minutes through the internet
has only amplified this lens.
Mass communication is necessary for improving awareness and education surrounding public
health issues. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, mass communication has been crucial for
educating the general public about precautionary measures needed to combat the spread of
illness. Mass communication methods surrounding the establishment of effective public health
programs include news stories, paid media, and social and digital media.
Components for an effective communications campaign, as per the CDC’s requirements include
specific individualized training, guidance, and technical assistance. Included in those is a
development of a plan for communication, analysis and awareness of key audiences, the
development and preliminary testing of messages and materials, selecting communication
channels: print, broadcast, or digital, and communication categories: earned, paid, social or
digital media. Along with providing training for the spokesperson, and conducting audience
Methods of study
Communication researchers study communication through various methods that have been
verified through repetitive, cumulative processes. Both quantitative and qualitative methods have
been used in the study of mass communication. The main focus of mass communication
research is to learn how the content of mass communication affects the attitudes, opinions,
emotions, and ultimately behaviors of the people who receive the message. Several prominent
methods of study are as follows:[33]
Studying cause and effect relationships in communication can only be done through an
experiment. This quantitative method regularly involves exposing participants to various
media content and recording their reactions. To show causation, mass communication
researchers must isolate the variable they are studying, show that it occurs before the
observed effect and that it is the only variable that could cause the observed effect.
Content analysis (sometimes known as textual analysis) refers to the process of identifying
the categorical properties of a piece of communication, such as a newspaper article, book,
television program, film, or broadcast news script. This process allows researchers to see
what the content of communication looks like.
Professional organizations
The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication is the major
membership organization for academics in the field,[34] offering regional and national
conferences and refereed publications. It is a non-profit, educational association for educators,
students, and media professionals with annual conferences that specialize in education,
research, and public services of various facets of journalism and mass communication.[34] The
American Society of Journalists and Authors is the largest organization of independent
nonfiction authors, and offers professional development services: which include benefits,
conferences, workshops, and advocacy for the entirety of the freelance and publishing
communities to develop adequate ethical standards within this field.[35] The National
Communication Association is another major professional organization, which aids scholars and
researchers within the field by promoting free and ethical communication, and recognizing the
study of all forms of communication through inquiry rooted in humanist, social science-based,
and aesthetic means.[36] Each of these organizations[37] publishes a different refereed academic
journal that reflects the research that is being performed in the field of mass communication,
and offers resources for researchers and academics within the field.
Communication rights
Communication studies
Cross-cultural communication
History of communication
Intercultural communication
Media influence
Media studies
Proactive communications
Social science
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