Air Concab1200
Air Concab1200
Air Concab1200
The Cisco Aironet® 1200 Series Access Point (AP) provides the following physical
interface connections:
Ethernet 1 RJ-45
Console 1 RJ-45
Configurable part numbers for the Cisco Aironet 1200 are only available on the
Global Price List. The configurable option is best for those who are ordering the
product for a specific single customer or project. When choosing the “configurable”
option, the AP platform and radio module(s) must be selected. Although the AP
platform and radio module(s) are ordered separately through the configuration tool,
they will arrive fully assembled as a completely functional end product.
Preconfigured bundles are available on both the Global and Wholesale Price Lists.
Preconfigured bundles associate a unique SKU to a predefined product configuration
for AP platform and radio module. As with the configurable product, a preconfigured
bundle will arrive fully assembled.
2.4 GHz antennas are not included with the 802.11b or 802.11g radio modules in either version; they must be
identified under a separate order line item and purchased separately. Note, the 802.11a radio module is designed with
its antenna integrated to the radio module, and therefore no antenna selection is required or available.
Configuration Options
The following table identifies the Cisco Aironet 1200 configuration options. The choices for power cord and IOS
software image (for the AP1210 platform) are not listed in this table.
Platform Mini-PCI Radio Module1 CardBus Radio Module1 Power Injector Console Cable
Preconfigured Bundles
The following table identifies the available preconfigured bundles and its platform and radio module components.
Note that not all possible combinations of platforms and radio modules have been preconfigured. Only those
regulatory domains identified are available in a preconfigured bundle.
The Cisco Aironet 1200 Series access point platform is the basic electronic chassis of the AP. When populated with at
least one radio module, the platform then provides the infrastructure for a Wireless LAN.
The platform supports:
• Simultaneous, dual-band operations with interfaces for mini-PCI and CardBus radios
• Dual RP-TNC connectors for external 2.4 GHz antennas (antennas are sold separately)
• 10/100 Auto-Sensing Ethernet uplink
• Powering from Cisco in-line power over Ethernet (CDP) or local power supply
• Console access
The platform ships with a 110-220 VDC local power supply. It is available with either the VxWorks or Cisco IOS
operating systems.
Note: The VxWorks operating system does not support 802.11g. Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Points using the
VxWorks OS must be upgraded to Cisco IOS to support the 802.11g radio module.
Radio Modules
The radio module provides the radio frequency interface required for a wireless connectivity.
Power Injectors
The Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point may be powered with the local power supply included with the access
point or by using powering equipment capable of providing Cisco in-line power over Ethernet, such as Cisco Aironet
Power Injectors or Cisco in-line powered switches and routers. The powering equipment must be able to support the
power requirements of the access point, which depend on the product configuration as follows:
The Cisco Aironet Power Injectors listed below provide sufficient power for each possible configuration of the access
The power injectors are used in combination with the 110-220 VDC power supply that is shipped with the Cisco
Aironet 1200 Series access point platform and preconfigured bundles.
AIR-PWRINJ3 Cisco Aironet Power Injector for the 1100 and 1200 Series
access points
RJ-45 Ethernet LAN connection
Console Cable
This optional cable may be used in the initial installation and set-up of the access point.
When ordering the items listed in the above charts separately from the product, order using the spare part number
by appending an equal sign “=” to the part number. For example, order AIR-PWRINJ3= if ordering the Power
Injector under a separate order line item.
Regulatory domains are used to distinguish groups of countries that adhere to the same or similar regulations for
radio usage with regards to available channels and transmit power. Cisco Aironet radio products are set at the factory
to allow a particular channel set and maximum transmit power and are reflected in the part number as the single
character following the model number (for example, in AIR-AP1231G-A-K9, the regulatory domain is represented
by “-A-”. Customers must select the correct regulatory domain that corresponds to their particular country when
choosing a radio module for use in their access point or when choosing a preconfigured bundle.
The Cisco Aironet 1200 Series access point is certified for use in many countries around the world, but has not been
approved for use in all countries. Please refer to the following URL for current worldwide approval status of the
Cisco Aironet 1200:
The following table identifies the regulatory domains choices available for the radio modules:
A – FCC (Americas) X X X
E – ETSI (Europe) X X
I – Israel X X
J – TELEC (Japan) X X X
S – Singapore X X1 X1
T – Taiwan X X1 X1
1. That the absence of these regulatory domain designators does not necessarily mean that the product is not certified for use in the listed country.
Instead a different regulatory domain applies for the country. Please check your country compliance and the applicable regulatory domain designator
The 2.4 GHz radios for 802.11b and 802.11g support a flexible set of Cisco Aironet omnidirectional and directional
antennas that can be mounted on walls, ceilings or on masts. The 2.4 GHz radio does not come with antennas; the
antennas must be ordered separately. Note that the Cisco Aironet 1200 Series access point is certified for operation
only with Cisco Aironet antennas. To ensure regulatory compliance, select Cisco Aironet antennas for use with the
1200 Series access point.
The 5 GHz radio for the 802.11a is designed with an integrated diversity antenna system. Auxiliary 5 GHz antennas
are not required and are not available. A complete Antenna Reference Guide is available to assist users in selecting
the proper antenna for specific deployment requirements:
The Cisco Aironet 1200 Series access point will interoperate with all IEEE 802.11a/b/g (Wi-Fi) WLAN client
adapters. To take advantage of the end-to-end features, Cisco innovations and the award-winning Cisco Wireless
Security Suite, Cisco recommends that customers use Cisco client adapters or Cisco Compatible clients when
possible. For more information, including a complete listing of Cisco Compatible products, refer to the following
AIR-PCM352 PCMCIA card with integrated 2.4 GHz 802.11b Country Option1
diversity antennas
AIR-PCI352 PCI adapter with 2.2 dBi dipole 2.4 GHz 802.11b Country Option7
RP-TNC connector
AIR-LMC352 PCMCIA card with dual MMCX 2.4 GHz 802.11b Country Option7
AIR-WGB352R Workgroup Bridge with dual 2.4 GHz 802.11b Country Option7
RP-TNC connectors
1. The regulatory domains for these client adapters are not built into the SKU numbering structure. Instead, the appropriate regulatory domain is selected under
the Country Option for the SKU. The available options are A (Americas), E (ETSI), I (Israel), J (Japan), W (Rest of World).
Cisco Systems has more than 200 offices in the following countries and regions. Addresses, phone numbers, and fax numbers are listed on the
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