Adminjalmansa RFM 21 1 Rev - Art
Adminjalmansa RFM 21 1 Rev - Art
Adminjalmansa RFM 21 1 Rev - Art
RTOG 0813
SBRT Co-Chair
Robert D. Timmerman, M.D.
University of Texas Southwestern
5801 Forest Park Road, NF3.302B
Dallas, TX 75390-9183
214-645-7651/ FAX 214-645-7622
RTOG 0813
RTOG 0813 Title Page (Continued)
Document History
Version/Update Date Broadcast Date
Update April 12, 2012 April 12, 2012
Amendment 4 February 9, 2011 February 17, 2011
Amendment 3 August 20, 2010 September 30, 2010
Amendment 2 July 27, 2010 September 30, 2010
Amendment 1 February 16, 2010 February 28, 2010
Update May 7, 2009 May 7, 2009
Update February 2, 2009 February 2, 2009
Activation February 2, 2009 February 2, 2009
RTOG Headquarters
1-800-227-5463, ext. 4189
This protocol w as designed and dev eloped by the Radiation Therapy Oncology
Group (RTOG) of the American College of Radiology (ACR). It is intended to be
used only in conjunction w ith institution-specific IRB approval for study entry.
No other use or reproduction is authorized by RTOG nor does RTOG assume
any responsibility for unauthorized use of this protocol.
RTOG 0813
Eligibility Checklist
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
8.0 Surgery
RTOG 0813
RTOG 0813
Escalating dose levels; at all levels, patients will receive q 2 day fractionation X 5 fractions over 1.5-2 weeks
Dose Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 †Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9
Dose per 8 Gy 8.5 Gy 9 Gy 9.5 Gy 10 Gy 10.5 Gy 11 Gy 11.5 Gy 12 Gy
Total Dose 40 Gy 42.5 Gy 45 Gy 47.5 Gy 50 Gy 52.5 Gy 55 Gy 57.5 Gy 60 Gy
†Protocol treatment begins at Lev el 5. Lev els 1-4 w ill be employed if dose-limiting toxicity is seen w ith
the Level 5 (10 Gy) starting dose.
See Section 5.0 for pre-registration requirements; see Section 6.0 for details of radiation therapy planning and
RTOG 0813
RTOG Institution #
Case # (page 1 of 3)
(Y) 1. Does the patient have a pathologically (histologically or cytologically) proven diagnosis of non-
small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)?
(Y) 2. Is the patient AJCC stage T1-2, N0, M0, tumor size ≤ 5 cm, prior to registration, based upon the
minimum diagnostic workup specified in Section 3.1?
(Y) 4. Was the patient evaluated by an experienced thoracic cancer surgeon within 12 weeks prior to
(Y) 5. Was the pre-treatment imaging (CT scan with contrast; PET using FDG) done within 8 weeks
prior to registration?
(Y) 6. Was the Zubrod performance status 0-2 within 4 weeks prior to registration?
(Y) 8. Is the tumor within or touching the zone of the proximal bronchial tree (as defined in Section
3.1.5)? [Note: Tumors that are immediately adjacent to mediastinal or pericardial pleura (PTV
touching the pleura) also are considered central tumors and are eligible for this protocol.]
(Y) 10. Was pleural effusion absent, or, if present, was pleural effusion deemed too small to tap under
CT guidance and not evident on chest x-ray? [Note: pleural effusion that appears on chest x-
ray will be permitted only after thoracotomy or other invasive procedure(s).]
(Y/NA) 11. If female, was there a negative serum or urine pregnancy test performed within 72 hours prior
to registration for women of childbearing potential?
(Y/NA) 12. If the patient is a woman of childbearing potential or a male participant, did the patient agree to
use a medically effective means of birth control throughout the patient’s participation in the
treatment phase of the study and until at least 60 days following the last study treatment?
(Y) 13. Did the patient provide study-specific informed consent prior to any protocol-specified
(N) 14. Has the patient had prior invasive malignancy within the past 2 years (other than non-
melanomatous skin cancer) (e.g., carcinomas in situ of the breast, oral cavity, or cervix are
permissible)? [Note: previous lung cancer, if the patient is disease-free for a minimum of 2
years is also permitted.]
(N) 15. Has the patient received prior radiotherapy to the region of the study cancer that would result in
overlap of radiation therapy fields?
RTOG 0813
RTOG Institution #
Case # (page 2 of 3)
(N) 16. Does the patient plan to receive other local therapy (including standard fractionated
radiotherapy and/or surgery) while on this study, except at disease progression?
(N) 17. Does the patient plan to receive systemic therapy (including standard chemotherapy or biologic-
targeted agents) while on this study, except at disease progression?
4. Date the study-specific Consent Form was signed? (must be prior to study entry)
5. Patient’s Initials (First Middle Last) [May 2003; If no middle initial, use hyphen]
6. Verifying Physician
7. Patient’s ID Number
8. Date of Birth
9. Race
11. Gender
15. Will any component of the patient’s care be given at a military or VA facility?
RTOG 0813
RTOG Institution #
Case # (page 3 of 3)
(Y/N) 18. Have you obtained the patient's consent for his or her tissue to be kept for use in
research to learn about, prevent, treat, or cure cancer?
(Y/N) 19. Have you obtained the patient's consent for his or her blood to be kept for use in
research to learn about, prevent, treat, or cure cancer?
(Y/N) 20. Have you obtained the patient's consent for his or her urine to be kept for use in research
to learn about, prevent, treat, or cure cancer?
(Y/N) 21. Have you obtained the patient's consent for his or her tissue to be kept for use in
research about other health problems (for example: causes of diabetes, Alzheimer's
disease, and heart disease)?
(Y/N) 22. Have you obtained the patient's consent for his or her blood to be kept for use in
research about other health problems (for example: diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, or
heart disease).
(Y/N) 23. Have you obtained the patient's consent for his or her urine to be kept for use in
research about other health problems (for example: causes of diabetes, Alzheimer's
disease, and heart disease)?
(Y/N) 24. Have you obtained the patient's consent to allow someone from this institution to contact
him or her in the future to take part in more research?
The Eligibility Checklist must be completed in its entirety prior to registering the patient by phone. The completed,
signed, and dated checklist used at study entry must be retained in the patient’s study file and will be evaluated
during an institutional NCI/RTOG audit.
Completed by Date
Assigned SBRT dose NOTE: If the patient does not received the assigned dose, the institution
must contact RTOG RTQA as quickly as possible, 215-574-3219.
RTOG 0813
1.1 Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers, and the leading cause of cancer deaths in men
and women in North America and other developed countries, as well as many developing
In 2005 in the United States there were 172,570 new lung cancer cases diagnosed, and an
estimated 163,510 deaths as a result of lung cancer. The most common types of lung cancer,
affecting 75-80% of patients with lung cancer, are grouped under the term “non-small cell lung
cancer (NSCLC)”. Approximately 15-20% of NSCLC patients present with early or localized
disease, with the primary tumor in the lung, and no nodal involvement, or metastases elsewhere.1
With increasing evidence that screening with computed tomography (CT) can detect lung cancers
at an earlier stage, the number of patients diagnosed with stage I NSCLC is expected to rise
significantly in the next several decades.
Surgical resection of centrally located stage I (T1-2, N0) NSCLC, specifically a lobectomy or
pneumonectomy, results in 5-year survival rates of approximately 60-70%2-3 and is the treatment
of choice for this stage of lung cancer. However, some patients with early-stage NSCLC are not
suitable surgical candidates for a number of reasons: poor pulmonary reserve, cardiac
dysfunction, diabetes mellitus, vascular disease, general frailty, or other co-morbidities. In the
case of poor pulmonary reserve, less extensive surgical resection (e.g., wedge or segmental
resection) are not usually options for patients with centrally located tumors.4 Many of the co-
morbidities impact on the anesthetic and peri-operative risk, and thus, preclude any surgical
procedure. These patients are typically considered for radiotherapy, with the aim of eradicating
the primary tumor.
(2/9/11) Reports of conventional radiation describe inferior results when compared to surgical
series, with 5-year survival rates ranging from 10-30%.5-6 This is partially due to lower rates of
tumor eradication and resultant higher rates of local failures with RT, and partially due to less
rigorous staging and selection of less fit patients for RT treatment, when compared to surgically
treated patients. Conventional RT typically consists of 50-66 Gy total dose in 1.8-2.0-2.5 Gy per
fraction, or occasionally higher fraction size. Some studies demonstrate a benefit to dose
escalation;7 other studies suggest that draining lymph nodes not known to contain tumor need not
be included in the RT field.8 These uncontrolled RT series provide the rationale for increasing the
RT dose and confining the fields to the primary tumor only, thus reducing the side-effects and
toxicity of RT. However, even with significant dose escalation of conventionally fractionated RT,
such as in the University of Michigan study,9 in which dose was escalated to as high as 103 Gy,
local failures within the irradiated area represented more than 70% of all failures. Therefore,
novel technological and clinical approaches are required, to increase the RT dose to tumors.
1.2 Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) for Lung Cancer (8/20/10)
Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) is a technique that allows delivery of very high doses
of radiation, usually in several large fractions (hypofractionated), by multiple co-planar and non-
coplanar beams and guided by a set of coordinates (“stereotactic”). These coordinates are set in
relationship to the precise location of the tumor, rather than a set of external marks (tattoos) or
anatomical landmarks (such as bony structures). The principles of SBRT are an adaptation of the
principles and experience gained from stereotactic brain radiation therapy. SBRT requires a
precise definition of the target, assessment and/or management of target motion (i.e., the
respiratory excursion of the target), identification of a relatively tight planning target volume
(PTV), conformal RT planning, and daily high quality set-up verification prior to each treatment. It
was developed in the early 1990s in the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden,10 and is used
as an accepted alternative treatment for patients with early stage lung cancer in many centers in
Japan11 and a number of centers in Germany, the U.S.,12 and elsewhere, where it is typically
employed for patients who are not candidates for surgery. A number of fractionation schedules
have been employed, including single fractions of 20-26 Gy (currently used particularly in centers
in Germany) and various hypofractionated, regimens (commonly 3, 5, or more fractions).
1 RTOG 0813
aspects of SBRT planning that differ among institutions and protocols and limit comparison of
results include: a) selection of patients (often not clearly described); b) how patients are
simulated (and particularly how respiratory motion is assessed, accounted for and/or controlled);
c) how the target volumes are outlined (GTV alone or with a margin for CTV); d) how the plan is
generated (only co-planar beams or also non-co-planar, lung heterogeneity correction or not; if
yes, what correction algorithm is being used); e) where the prescribed dose is defined (which
isodose is chosen and how, what amount of GTV is covered by the prescription dose); and f)
what doses are allowed for the organs at risk. Just as important and just as much a source of
variability, are the different aspects of SBRT delivery process: how are the patients immobilized;
how are the stereotactic coordinates defined and assured; what quality of image guidance is
used; and how to assure that patients will not move during the (often long) treatment time of large
fraction SBRT treatment.
In addition to these technical aspects, another critical factor in being able to confidently apply the
information from the literature is whether patients have been followed rigorously and for long
enough, as both primary tumor control and toxicity are expected to, and indeed have been
demonstrated to get worse with longer follow up. Therefore, formal prospective studies,
particularly with an independent data safety monitoring committee, are more reliable than a single
institution retrospective review of that institution’s SBRT experience. This is especially true for
studies that include patients who are frail or have significant co-morbidities, as these patients
may be more likely to be lost to follow up or to have their symptoms attributed to their other
illnesses. Thus, despite emerging reports in the literature on the results of SBRT for early stage
NSCLC, it is still not clear which schedules are best in terms of tolerable toxicity and highest
rates of primary tumor control.
The only dose finding study of SBRT for lung tumors was reported by Timmerman, et al. from
Indiana. They conducted a phase I study of dose escalation of a three fraction regiment,
starting with 8 Gy x 3, and escalating to 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 and 22 Gy x 3 fractions, in patients
with potentially resectable NSCLC but who were not surgical candidates for medical reasons
(“medically inoperable”). Doses were calculated without correction for tissue inhomogeneity.
Patients were enrolled into three separate dose escalation groups based on tumor size. While
dose-limiting toxicity (DLT) was observed in one or two patents at several dose levels, the
protocol-defined maximum tolerated dose (MTD) was only observed in patients with large T2
tumors (5-7 cm in size) at 22 Gy x 3. In other tumor size groups, dose escalation was stopped
prior to reaching the MTD (20-22 Gy x 3). Greater than 90% primary tumor control was observed
with 20 Gy x 3; this total dose of 60 Gy corresponds to a biologically equivalent dose (BED) [if
expressed in 2 Gy/fraction] of 180 Gy if using the formula BED = nd (1+d/alpha/beta), where n =
number of fractions; d = dose per fraction; and alpha/beta = 10 for acute reacting tissue),
although it is not clear how applicable this conversion is to highly hypofractionated treatments.
In a subsequent single institution phase II study of this SBRT regiment, Timmerman and
colleagues treated 70 patients with early stage (T1-2, N0) inoperable NSCLC with 60 Gy in 3
fractions for T1 and 66 Gy in 3 fractions for T2. That study allowed enrollment of patients with
tumors located anywhere within the lung, and confirmed high rates of primary tumor control: 95%
at 2 years. After median follow up of 17.5 months, three patients demonstrated a local
recurrence. The study was particularly instructive in terms of local toxicity: 8 patients were
deemed by the data safety monitoring board to have grade 3 or 4 adverse events resulting from
SBRT; the adverse events were primarily respiratory (decline in pulmonary function, pneumonia,
pleural effusion, apnea) and/or skin reaction; they occurred a median of 7.6 months after
completion of SBRT. Six patients may potentially have had grade 5 (i.e., fatal) toxicity. In five
patients, these grade 5 adverse events were respiratory: one fatal hemoptysis (associated with a
local recurrence) and four infectious pneumonias; the sixth patient died of complications from a
pericardial effusion. These deaths occurred a median of 10.4 months after SBRT (range 0.6-19.5
mo). Tumor location was a strong predictor of toxicity, with hilar or pericentral tumors showing an
11-fold increased risk in grade 3-5 adverse events when compared to more peripheral tumors
(p=0.004). 2-year freedom from severe adverse events was 54% for these central tumors, as
compared to 83% for the peripheral tumors, defined as outside the “zone of the proximal
bronchial tree”, which is a 2 cm radius around the main tracheo-bronchial tree: trachea; left and
right main stem bronchi; right upper, middle, and lower lobe bronchus; and left upper, lingular,
and lower lobe bronchus. The only other variable that was a predictor of toxicity, although not as
2 RTOG 0813
strong as tumor location, was the size of gross tumor volume (GTV), with > 10 cc tumors showing
greater toxicity than smaller GTVs.
On the basis of these two studies, 60 Gy in 3 fractions was chosen as the dose for the RTOG-led
phase II multicenter study, RTOG 0236, but patients with tumors within the above-described zone
of proximal bronchial tree were excluded from the study. As in the prior phase I and II studies, the
doses were calculated without correction for tissue inhomogeneity. The study was activated in
May 2004 and opened in 8 sites, after those sites had completed the credentialing process.
RTOG 0236 was closed October 2006. Of 55 evaluable patients, 44 had T1 and 11 had T2
tumors. With median follow up of 8.7 months, there was one (2%) grade 4 and 7 (13%) grade 3
pulmonary/upper respiratory adverse events reported as related to protocol treatment. Two of the
7 patients reported pulmonary function test decreased, 1 patient reported cough/dyspnea, 1
patient reported hypoxia, 1 patient reported pneumonitis, 1 patient reported cough/forced
expiratory volume, and 1 patient reported pneumothorax. There also was a grade 3 dermatitis
and a grade 3 syncope reported as related to protocol treatment. No treatment related deaths
have been reported. An analysis was done to determine the actual dose delivered using
inhomogeneity corrections. Therefore, the treatment-related morbidity with SBRT using an
ablative total dose of 54 Gy in 3 fractions, corrected for tissue inhomogeneity, appears to be
acceptable in a population of frail patients.
The RTOG Lung Committee will be further exploring lung SBRT as it offers potentially curable
treatment for patients with localized lung cancer. A phase II trial of the SBRT schedule of 60 Gy
in 3 fractions for peripheral tumors, in potentially resectable patients (RTOG 0618) will explore
SBRT as a potential alternative to surgery. However, the tumors within the zone of proximal
bronchial tree continue to be excluded from these SBRT schedules, both on trial and off trial.
Thus, it is not known what SBRT dose and fractionation schedule would be most efficacious
while still safe in patients with these more centrally located tumors. This seamless phase I/II
study aims to answer that clinical question and to establish the maximum tolerated dose of SBRT
for centrally located NSCLC in patients who are not operative candidates.
1.3 Justification for Proposed Study Design
Phase I/II oncology trials are intended to determine the maximum tolerable dose (MTD) of a
single or combined modality and to make a preliminary assessment of the efficacy of that
treatment. The design of a phase I/II trial is acceptable if it: a) does not expose participants in the
trial to unacceptable risk; b) has a reasonable probability of identifying a dose that is close to that
which is associated with the highest clinically tolerable probability of dose-limiting toxicity; and c)
has at least modest statistical power to demonstrate that the efficacy of the treatment under study
maybe superior to standard therapy, if the experimental therapy does in fact have a significant
clinical advantage.
The proposed study employs a relatively new but advantageous statistical approach: continuous
reassessment methodology (CRM).16-18 rather than the conventional phase I design of 3 patients
per each dose level. Utilizing CRM, the dose level for the next patient will be determined based
on any dose-limiting toxicities experienced in the previous patients. In that way, more patients will
be spared dose-limiting toxicities and more patients will be entered on the dose level that
eventually will be chosen as the most appropriate one. Therefore, rather than a classical phase I
study proceeding to a phase II study, this will be a seamless phase I/II study, in which all patients
will contribute to finding the dose level that is most appropriate and all will contribute to the
information about the efficacy of that dose level, within one trial. Statistics for this phase I/II
study, and the RT dose level for each patient, is based on the Time-to-Event Continual
Reassessment (TITE-CRM)19-20 methodology. TITE-CRM is a refinement of the CRM design that
allows for continual accrual of patients when delayed adverse events may be observed. Details of
this methodology are provided in Section 13.3.
The primary endpoint of the study is the maximal tolerated dose (MTD) of a SBRT schedule of 5
fractions, administered on alternate days, over 1½ - 2 weeks, for stage I NSCLC tumors that are
touching or within the zone of the proximal bronchial tree (Figure 1 below) or are adjacent to
mediastinal or pericardial pleura (as these are also dose-limiting organs for high dose SBRT).
3 RTOG 0813
Figure 1
Five fractions were chosen because this short, practical schedule is suitable for patients with co-
morbidities and/or patients traveling from a distance to an SBRT center, as well as being within
the definition of SBRT as accepted by regulatory bodies; it has potential radio-biological
advantages of the 3 fraction schedule as repair of sub-lethal damage occurs after each fraction.
Thus, more repair and greater tolerance of normal structures would be expected, particularly in
the penumbra region of the high dose with 5 rather than with 3 fractions.22
The MTD for this schedule will be assessed by the adverse events within the first 12 months
following study entry. This was felt to be more clinically relevant than the classical 90 day toxicity,
as the dose-limiting toxicity of SBRT to central thoracic structures may be acute (within a month
of SBRT) but is more likely to be sub-acute (1-6 months post SBRT) and chronic (more than 6
months post SBRT).
The starting RT dose for the study will be 10 Gy x 5 fractions every 2 days, over 1½ - 2 weeks
(total dose [TD] of 50 Gy). The subsequent dose levels will escalate dose by 0.5 Gy per fraction
(i.e., a 2.5 Gy total dose) to a maximum dose of 12 Gy x 5 fractions (TD 60 Gy in 5 fractions).
Several lower dose levels will be employed if unacceptable dose-limiting toxicity (DLT) is seen
with the planned starting dose of 10 Gy. All treatment plans will have to respect the organ-at-risk
doses as outlined in the protocol and discussed below.
1.3.1 Critical Organ Dose-Volume Limits
The aim of this study is to determine the toxicity (i.e., the MTD) of SBRT for centrally located
lung tumors. The thoracic organs that are at risk for RT injury (i.e., organs at risk [OARs]) from
high SBRT doses and are expected to be determinants of dose-limiting toxicity are lung, central
airway/bronchi, esophagus, heart, great vessels, spinal cord, and nerves (as detailed in
Section 6.5). If the RT dose-volume limits of these critical organs exposed to high dose per
fraction RT were known, there would be no need to perform this dose-seeking study. There is a
large body of knowledge on the RT tolerance of those organs to conventionally fractionated RT
(1.8-2 Gy per fraction), describing the RT tolerance in terms of volume of the organ irradiated to
a certain dose (e.g., V20, volume irradiated to 20 Gy or more) or as mean RT dose to the
entire organ.23 There are clinical studies reporting experience with somewhat hypofractionated
RT (e.g., 2.5-3 Gy per fraction),24 but it is not clear how those dose-volume limits can be
converted into limits suitable for this study in which much smaller volumes are irradiated to
much higher doses per fraction. Although BED formulas are used to compare different RT
dose-fractionation schedules, these formulas may not be appropriate for the extreme
hypofractionation (in conjunction with very small volumes irradiated).25-26 Of more relevance,
particularly in terms of airway tolerance, is the longstanding experience with endobronchial
brachytherapy,27 which demonstrated the safety of large doses per fraction (in the range of 10-
15 Gy) to the airway and surrounding structures, with low incidence of radiation bronchitis
and/or bronchial stenosis (6% -12%)28-29 and isolated cases of fatal hemoptysis in patients with
associated progression of their cancer in the airway.
4 RTOG 0813
There are several SBRT trials specifically for centrally located tumors; a phase I SBRT study
for centrally located tumors is actively accruing at the Washington University School of
Medicine, St Louis, MO (PI: Jeffrey Bradley, MD). As of September 2007, five patients had
completed the first dose level of 9 Gy x 5 fractions, with a minimum follow up of 5 months, and
no observed toxicities. The only OAR dose limits in this study are spinal cord (20 Gy )
esophagus (30Gy), brachial plexus (25 Gy) and heart (30 Gy). It did not prove to be possible to
respect these OAR limits for bronchus in 1 patient (of the 5) who had a tumor immediately
adjacent to a central structure, and the protocol was amended so that these dose constraints
are now guidelines rather than actual limits (with the exception of the spinal cord). Dr. Bradley’s
study is now accruing patients at 10 Gy x 5 fractions. Another SBRT center, VU University
Medical Center in Amsterdam, treats patients with central tumors with 60 Gy in 8 fractions (PI:
Frank J. Lagerwaard, MD). As of May 2007, 25 lesions were treated with the dose prescribed
at the PTV encompassing 80% isodose and with no upper limit on dose allowed to bronchus or
pericardium but avoidance of hot spots and limitation to volume irradiated (for esophagus and
spinal cord, a limit of 18 Gy). At Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia, PA, 10 patients
were treated with 12 Gy x 4 fractions, with a median follow up of 1 year, and no dose-limiting
toxicity (PI: Benjamin Movsas, MD)
Given that volumes of critical organs being irradiated in SBRT are smaller than for
conventionally planned RT, the conventionally used metrics to express dose-volume limits
(such as mean dose or volume receiving a certain “threshold” dose, such as V20) are not as
useful in determining allowable dose limits.31 Since fraction size is large, the relevant dose
limits for critical organs, such as cord and brachial plexus derived from conventionally
fractionated schedules, do not apply; the dose limits are considerably lower. Building on the
experience from RTOG 0236, this study will require careful contouring of the OAR, respecting
strict limits of dose on the most critical organs (spinal cord, brachial plexus) and limiting the
volume of normal structures receiving high doses.31
A variable that will influence the dose to the organs at risk is the location of the tumor. Even
though all the tumors need to be within a 2 cm radius around airway or mediastinal pleura,
there will nevertheless be some tumors that are in more immediate proximity to a critical organ
(typically, only one or two organs, not all of the organs listed above). For example, a tumor may
be within millimeters of proximal airway and/or esophagus, but far away from the spinal cord
and brachial plexus. In that case, the PTV will include a portion of that critical structure, and it is
not technically possible to give the full dose to the PTV and not give the same dose to the
(small) part of the critical organ that is so close to the tumor. For other tumors that are further
away from critical organs, conformal planning techniques, use of non-coplanar beams, and if
necessary, IMRT, will ensure that critical organs receive a far lower dose than the prescription
dose. Thus, rather than dose limits, we are proposing volume limits and dose guidelines in the
protocol, which we expect to be observed for cases in which the tumor is not in the immediate
vicinity of a critical organ. For tumors that involve a critical organ, we expect that the volume of
that organ that gets a higher dose than limits suggest will be limited to the wall of the organ that
is in immediate vicinity of the tumor and that the contralateral wall of the organ will not exceed
the proposed limit. The only organ for which the limit is required is the spinal cord, as RT
complications can lead to paralysis, a devastating consequence.
Given that some of the tumors may be so close to OAR, there is a strong rationale to utilize
IMRT (Intensity Modulated RT) in order to allow for better sparing of normal tissues in close
vicinity of the target. IMRT is an acceptable technology in other current RTOG lung studies
(specifically RTOG 0617, the study of 60 Gy vs. 74 Gy RT with concurrent chemotherapy in
locally advanced, unresected NSCLC); centers will be required to have appropriate
credentialing (see Section 5.3). IMRT cannot be planned without the plans being corrected for
tissue heterogeneity, i.e., correcting for lower density of lung tissue. There are now several
algorithms for dose calculation that provide much more accurate dose calculations and allow
for better determination of dose to OAR. As this is the fundamental question in this trial, it is
required that all dose calculations be done with correction for tissue heterogeneity, as in RTOG
0617. This is not being done in the other SBRT lung study, RTOG 0618, but that study treats
peripheral tumors, where the dose to OAR is less of a concern and for which IMRT is not being
5 RTOG 0813
used. Thus the argument for the use of heterogeneity corrections is much stronger for the
current study.
1.4 Comorbidity
Patients enrolled in this study will be ineligible for surgery for various reasons, including lack of
adequate respiratory reserve, cardiac dysfunction, diabetes mellitus, vascular disease, general
frailty, or other comorbidities. They represent a diverse population with varying prognoses.
Comorbid conditions have been shown to affect prognosis in a variety of clinical situations and
are independent of functional status.32-34 Firat, et al. evaluated the effect of comorbidity on
survival in 141 patients with stage I NSCLC treated with either surgery or radiation therapy. The
presence of significant comorbidity and KPS of < 70 were both found to be important independent
prognostic factors in Stage I NSCLC.33 Comorbidity and KPS assessment are recommended
when analyzing the prognostic effects of tumor or treatment-related factors on overall survival.
Although comorbid conditions influence a clinician’s decision regarding cancer therapy, these
judgments are subjective and therefore, vary from physician to physician. In this study, we will
objectively evaluate comorbid conditions with the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) and
Cumulative Illness Rating Scales for Geriatrics (CIRS-G) and evaluate the effect of comorbidity
on survival.
The CCI and the CIRS-G are validated scales35-37 that will be used to determine the level of
comorbidity burden of individual patients. Both scales can be completed from review of detailed
past medical history and physical examination.37-38 Neither scale correlates with functional status,
and each provides independent information.37
1.5 Translational Research (8/20/10)
Patients with similar stage of disease respond to treatment differently in tumor control and normal
tissue toxicity. Although historical comparisons have shown that SBRT has generated a much
better tumor control rate than traditional 3D-CRT, local failures are noted in 10-30% of patients.
Similarly, patients are different in their risk of developing treatment-related toxicities. Although
severe toxicity is limited in the majority of reports, clinically significant toxicities such as
aggravated dyspnea and radiation pneumonitis may occur in 20-40% patients.14,39 Also, due to
the large fraction size used in SBRT, late normal tissue toxicities such radiation pneumonitis and
lung fibrosis are worth studying.
With advancement in the field, we have recently learned that expression of many specific
molecules in the tumor were associated with the prognosis and predictive of responsiveness to
certain treatments. Zhang, et al. evaluated the prognostic value of the protein expression of
excision repair cross-complementation group 1 (ERCC1) and RRM1 (regulatory subunit of
ribonucleotide reductase) in tumors of early stage NSCLC treated with surgical resection alone.40
High expressions of both of these two specific proteins were significantly associated with
improved survival. The tumoral RRM1 expression was a major predictor of tumor response to
gemcitabine/platinum chemotherapy.41 Most interestingly, changes in blood nucleosomal DNA
fragments, cytokeratin-19 fragments (CYFRA 21-1), ERCC1 protein polymorphisms, or serum
carcinoembryonic antigens specifically identify a subgroup of patients with insufficient therapy
response at the early treatment phase and were shown to be valuable for disease
management.41-44 The EGFR mutation status in the blood was consistent with that in the tumor
tissue, suggesting the potential value of studying biomarkers in the blood.45-46
To predict normal tissue toxicities, transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGFβ ) has been most
extensively studied for pneumonitis47 and non-lung toxicities.48 Researchers from Duke University
reported that the plasma TGFβ level at the end of radiation correlated with symptomatic lung
toxicity in patients treated with definitive radiation therapy.48-49 Kong, et al. further demonstrated
that the loss of a tumor suppressor gene, mannose 6-phosphate insulin-like growth factor-2
receptor, contributed to increased TGFβ levels and subsequent radiation-induced pneumonitis
in patients with NSCLC.50 In patients with lung cancer treated with an escalated dose of radiation,
Anscher, et al. found a significant correlation between TGFβ levels and late non-pulmonary
grade 3 radiation toxicity.51 A recent study from the University of Michigan has shown that
6 RTOG 0813
radiation-induced elevation during the course of external beam conformal radiation therapy is
highly correlated with occurrence of grade 2 or above radiation pneumonitis.52 Other cytokines
also are involved in lung toxicity. Interleukin-6 (IL-6), a major mediator of the acute-phase
inflammatory response, synthesized by a variety of cells in the lung parenchyma including the
alveolar macrophages, type II pneumocytes, T lymphocytes, and lung fibroblast, also has
increased mRNA expression in macrophages and a trend toward increased plasma
concentrations after thoracic RT.51-53 IL-6 actively participates in the inflammatory process of
lymphocytic alveolitis (radiation pneumonitis) both in experimental models and in human lung
diseases by stimulating inflammatory cells, particularly lymphocytes and macrophages. Others
reported that pretreatment IL-6 level may serve as a predictor for radiation pneumonitis.53-54
Serial plasma IL-6 was consistently higher for the pneumonitis group. A recent study also showed
promising results concerning the associated of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) of several
specific genes of white blood cells with radiation induced acute and late toxicities.55-56 There are
many other molecules involved in the processes of tumor response and radiation normal tissue
toxicity. The advances in cytokine arrays and proteomic and genomic techniques have now made
it possible to evaluate many of these proteins and genes together for their associations with
treatment outcome.
The primary goal of this correlative translational analysis is to examine if any proteomic or
genomic markers in the blood before completion of the last dose of SBRT are predictive of
primary tumor control outcome or late radiation toxicity. Specifically, we will: 1) explore the
correlation of cytokine array, proteomic analysis, and genomic analysis of blood samples with 2-
year local control; 2) explore the correlation of TGFβ , IL-6 (and many other cytokines),
proteomic profile, and yet-to-be identified proteins, genomic profiles, and molecular specific SNPs
in the blood prior to and during the course of SBRT with the occurrence of grade ≥ 2 pulmonary
adverse events and with occurrence of grade ≥ 2 non-pulmonary adverse events after completion
of SBRT. The data will be analyzed in conjunction with other lung SBRT studies, including
operable and inoperable patients.
2.1 Primary Objective
2.1.1 Phase I Portion
To determine the maximal tolerated dose (MTD) of SBRT for centrally-located NSCLC and the
efficacy of that dose in patients who are not operative candidates
2.1.2 Phase II Portion (8/20/10)
To estimate the primary tumor control rate at the MTD of SBRT
2.2 Secondary Objectives (8/20/10)
2.2.1 To estimate rates of ≥ grade 3 CTCAE, v. 4 adverse events other than a dose-limiting toxicity
(DLT) which is possibly, probably, or definitely related to treatment and which occurs within 1
year from the start of SBRT;
2.2.2 To estimate rates of late (> 1 year from start of SBRT) adverse events;
2.2.3 To estimate the primary tumor control and progression-free and overall survival rates for
patients treated with this regimen;
2.3 Tertiary Objectives (Exploratory) [8/20/10]
2.3.1 To study if molecular markers (proteomic or genomic) in the blood circulation prior to, during
the course of treatment (between the third and fourth dose of SBRT), and at the first follow-up
after SBRT predict 2-year primary tumor control, the occurrence of treatment-related grade ≥ 2
pulmonary adverse events, or the occurrence of treatment-related grade ≥ 2 non-pulmonary
adverse events; data will be analyzed in conjunction with other lung SBRT studies, including
operable and inoperable patients.
2.3.2 To analyze the prognostic significance of comorbidity status; data will be analyzed in
conjunction with other SBRT studies, including operable and inoperable patients;
2.3.3 To document tumor motion and inter-fraction (setup) errors.
7 RTOG 0813
3.1 Conditions for Patient Eligibility (8/20/10)
3.1.1 Pathologically (histologically or cytologically) proven diagnosis of non-small cell lung cancer
3.1.2 Stage T1-2, N0, M0 (AJCC Staging, 6th Ed.), tumor size ≤ 5 cm, prior to registration, based
upon the following minimum diagnostic workup: History/physical examination within 4 weeks prior to registration; Evaluation by an experienced thoracic cancer surgeon within 12 weeks prior to registration;
the primary tumor must be deemed technically resectable by an experienced thoracic
cancer clinician, with a reasonable possibility of obtaining a gross total resection with
negative margins, defined as a potentially curative resection (PCR). However, the patient
must have underlying physiological medical problems that would prohibit a PCR due to a low
probability of tolerating general anesthesia, the operation, the post-operative recovery
period, or the removal of adjacent functioning lung. These types of patients with severe
underlying health problems are deemed “medically inoperable.” Standard justification for
deeming a patient medically inoperable based on pulmonary function for surgical resection
of NSCLC will include any of the following: Baseline FEV1 < 40% predicted, post-operative
FEV1 < 30% predicted; severely reduced diffusion capacity; baseline hypoxemia and/or
hypercapnia; exercise oxygen consumption < 50% predicted; severe pulmonary
hypertension; diabetes mellitus with severe end organ damage; severe cerebral, cardiac, or
peripheral vascular disease; or severe chronic heart disease. Imaging as follows:
CT scan with contrast (unless medically contraindicated) within 8 weeks of registration.
The CT scan will include the entirety of both lungs, the mediastinum, liver and adrenal
glands; the primary tumor dimensions will be measured on CT. Note: Patients with
lesions that cannot be visualized by CT scan are not eligible for the study.
Whole body positron emission tomography (PET) scan within 8 weeks of registration,
using FDG with adequate visualization of the primary tumor and draining lymph node
basins in the hilar and mediastinal regions.
Patients with hilar or mediastinal lymph nodes ≤ 1 cm and no abnormal hilar or mediastinal
uptake on PET will be considered N0. Mediastinal lymph node sampling by any technique is
allowed but not required. Patients with > 1 cm hilar or mediastinal lymph nodes on CT or
abnormal PET (including suspicious but nondiagnostic uptake) may still be eligible if directed
tissue biopsies of all abnormally identified areas are negative for cancer.
3.1.3 Zubrod Performance Status 0-2 within 4 weeks prior to registration;
3.1.4 Age ≥ 18;
3.1.5 (2/16/10) Tumor within or touching the zone of the proximal bronchial tree, defined as a volume
2 cm in all directions around the proximal bronchial tree (carina, right and left main bronchi,
right and left upper lobe bronchi, intermedius bronchus, right middle lobe bronchus, lingular
bronchus right and left lower lobe bronchi). [See figure below] Tumors that are immediately
adjacent to mediastinal or pericardial pleura (PTV touching the pleura) also are considered
central tumors and are eligible for this protocol.
8 RTOG 0813
3.1.6 Patients must have measurable disease.
3.1.7 Pleural effusion, if present, must be deemed too small to tap under CT guidance and must not
be evident on chest x-ray. Pleural effusion that appears on chest x-ray will be permitted only
after thoracotomy or other invasive procedure(s).
3.1.8 (2/16/10) Negative serum or urine pregnancy test within 72 hours prior to registration for
women of childbearing potential;
3.1.9 Women of childbearing potential and male participants must agree to use a medically effective
means of birth control throughout their participation in the treatment phase of the study (until at
least 60 days following the last study treatment);
3.1.10 Patients must provide study-specific informed consent prior to any protocol specified
3.2 Conditions for Patient Ineligibility
3.2.1 Prior invasive malignancy (except non-melanomatous skin cancer) unless disease free for a
minimum of 2 years (e.g., carcinomas in situ of the breast, oral cavity, or cervix are
permissible); previous lung cancer, if the patient is disease-free for a minimum of 2 years is
3.2.2 Prior radiotherapy to the region of the study cancer that would result in overlap of radiation
therapy fields;
3.2.3 Prior chemotherapy for the study cancer;
3.2.4 Plans for the patient to receive other local therapy (including standard fractionated radiotherapy
and/or surgery) while on this study, except at disease progression;
3.2.5 Plans for the patient to receive systemic therapy (including standard chemotherapy or biologic
targeted agents), while on this study, except at disease progression.
9 RTOG 0813
and fax the form to RTOG Headquarters, 215-574-0300. RTOG Headquarters will respond
to the site’s application within 2 business days.
Sites must receive written approval of submitted applications from RTOG Headquarters prior
to registering patients on study.
5.1.2 Institutions that are approved to participate will have their data quality continuously monitored.
Participation privileges for an institution will be suspended whenever the institution has two
violations at any time based on the following criteria:
1. Treatment chart (T5) must be received < 1 week from the completion of RT;
2. Adverse Event form (AE) must be received either a) +/- 2 weeks from 1 year from the
start of RT if no adverse event was experienced or b) within 24 hours of discovery of
the adverse event.
After the delinquent data are submitted and judged to be complete, the institution may have its
participation privileges restored depending upon the site’s prior history with data submission.
5.2 Regulatory Pre-Registration Requirements (2/9/11)
5.2.1 U.S. sites and Canadian sites must fax copies of the documentation below to the CTSU
Regulatory Office (215-569-0206), along with the completed CTSU-IRB/REB Certification
Form,, prior to
registration of the institution’s first case:
IRB/REB approval letter;
IRB/REB approved consent (English and native language versions*)
*Note: Institutions must provide certification of consent translations to RTOG
IRB/REB assurance number Translation of documents is critical. The institution is responsible for all translation costs. All
regulatory documents, including the IRB/REB approved consent, must be provided in
English and in the native language. Certification of the translation is optimal but due to the
prohibitive costs involved, RTOG will accept, at a minimum, a verified translation. A verified
translation consists of the actual IRB/REB approved consent document in English and in the
native language, along with a cover letter on organizational/letterhead stationery that
includes the professional title, credentials, and signature of the translator as well as signed
documentation of the review and verification of the translation by a neutral third party. The
professional title and credentials of the neutral third party translator must be specified as
5.2.2 Pre-Registration Requirements FOR NON-CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS For institutions that do not have an approved LOI for this protocol:
International sites must receive written approval of submitted LOI forms from RTOG
Headquarters prior to submitting documents to their local ethics committee for approval. See For institutions that have an approved LOI for this protocol:
All requirements indicated in your LOI Approval Notification must be fulfilled prior to enrolling
patients to this study.
5.3 Pre-registration Requirements for SBRT
Participating Institutions must be credentialed for stereotactic body radiation therapy and
heterogeneity corrections by the Advanced Technology Consortium (ATC) prior to enrolling
patients on this study. Institutions wishing to submit IMRT plans must also be credentialed for
intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) by the Advanced Technology Consortium (ATC) prior to
enrolling patients on this study. Sites using CyberKnife™ equipment must be credentialed for
dose painting IMRT prior to enrolling patients on study.
As it pertains to this study, the ATC includes the Image-Guided Therapy Center (ITC) at
Washington University, St. Louis; the Radiological Physics Center (RPC) at MD Anderson
Cancer Center; and RTOG RT Quality Assurance.
10 RTOG 0813
previously credentialed (i.e., fundamentally change methods like changing from tracking to
abdominal compression for motion control) must be re-credentialed with their new systems.
5.3.1 (2/16/10)Each participating institution must complete the 3D QA Facility Questionnaire for
SBRT available on the ATC web site, Each institution must submit the
completed Facility Questionnaire by e-mail, fax, or mail to:
Each institution must demonstrate its ability to transfer patient-specific material and
treatment planning parameters including CT-based dose deposition representations, dose-
volume matrices and parameters, and stereotactic targeting representations to the ITC.
5.3.2 Each institution must perform a verification study demonstrating their ability to reproducibly
register daily IGRT information with a planning CT dataset (i.e., the gross tumor volume falls
within the CT simulation defined PTV). The patient used for this study must have a target in the
lung that is similar to the lesions that will be treated for patients entered on this study. The
information submitted must include 3 IGRT datasets (from 3 different fractions) for a single
anonymized patient and must employ the method that will be used for respiratory control for
patients entered from a particular institution. This information with a spreadsheet (the
spreadsheet is available on the see ATC web site, will be reviewed by the
Medical Physics Co-Chair, Dr. Lech Papiez. Upon approval of the images and spreadsheet by
Dr. Papiez, RTOG Headquarters will notify the institution that it is credentialed.
5.3.3 (2/16/10) Each participating institution must contact the ITC ( and request an
SFTP (The ITC is now using Secure FTP [SFTP]) and this should now be the term used in all
cases of electronic submission to the ITC.) account for digital data submission.
5.3.4 Each participating institution must irradiate a standardized phantom provided by the
Radiological Physics Center (RPC) at MD Anderson Cancer Center. Instructions for requesting
and irradiating the phantom are available at the RPC web site,
by selecting “Credentialing” and “RTOG.” The phantom simulates a lung tumor within lung
tissue equivalent material. The irradiation must be within tolerances specified in Section 6.0.
The treatment plan for irradiation of the phantom must be submitted electronically to the ITC
(see Section 5.1.2).
5.3.5 Each participating institution must successfully complete and submit a protocol-specific Dry-
Run Test, the treatment plan for the first patient to be treated at the site on this protocol PRIOR
TO DELIVERING ANY PROTOCOL TREATMENT. The plan will be reviewed centrally at the
ITC, and suggestions regarding protocol compliance will be forwarded to the participating
institution. The treatment plan for subsequent patients enrolled at a site will not be required to
be centrally reviewed prior to treatment, but will be reviewed for protocol compliance at a later
11 RTOG 0813
5.4 Dial-in Registration Only
Note: Patients cannot be web registered for this study.
Patients can be registered only after eligibility criteria are met. The Eligibility Checklist must be
completed in its entirety prior to calling RTOG. The completed, signed, and dated Checklist used
at study entry must be retained in the patient’s study file and will be evaluated during an
institutional NCI/RTOG audit.
Patients can be registered prior to any protocol therapy by calling RTOG Headquarters at (215)
574-3191, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST. Patients will be assigned to an
SBRT dose level based on the data available through the previous day. For further details, see
Section 13.3.
The starting dose lev el will be dose lev el 5: 10 Gy x 5 fractions, i.e., 50 Gy /5 fractions.
The dose per fraction for each patient will be provided at the time of registration based on the
toxicity experience of the previous patients on study.
The dose per fraction is to be prescribed to the prescription line at the edge of the PTV.
12 RTOG 0813
7 11 Gy 55 Gy
8 11.5 Gy 57.5 Gy
9 12 Gy 60 Gy
†Protocol treatment begins at Lev el 5, 10 Gy . Levels 1-4 will be employed if dose-limiting
toxicity is seen with the Level 5 (10 Gy) dose.
6.1.3 Premedications
Corticosteroid premedication will not be mandated, although it can be used at the discretion of
the treating oncologist (in which case, its use needs to be reported). Analgesic premedication to
avoid general discomfort during long treatment durations is recommended when appropriate.
6.2 Technical Factors
6.2.1 Physical Factors
Only photon (x-ray) beams with photon energies 4-10 MV will be allowed. Cobalt-60 and
charged particle beams (including electrons, protons, and heavier ions) are not allowed.
Photon beam energies > 10 MV but not > 15 MV will be allowed only for a limited number (≤ 2)
beams that must travel more than a cumulative distance of 10 cm through soft tissue (not lung)
to reach the isocenter.
6.2.2 Minimum Field Aperture (Field Size) Dimension
Because of uncertainties in beam commissioning resulting from electronic disequilibrium within
small beam apertures, a minimum field dimension of 3.5 cm is required for any field used for
treatment delivery. It is understood that this may exceed the technical requirements listed in
Section 6.4 for small lesions (< 2.5 cm axial GTV dimension or < 1.5 cm craniocaudal GTV
dimension). In such cases, the prescription dose is still prescribed to the edge of the defined
PTV. This minimum field dimension does not apply to centers using tomotherapy or multiple
pencil beam delivery systems.
6.2.3 Dose Verification at Treatment
Personal dosimeter measurements (e.g., diode, TLD) may be obtained for surface dose
verification for accessible beams as per institutional preference. This information is not
required by the protocol.
6.3 Localization, Simulation, and Immobilization
6.3.1 Patient Positioning
Patients will be positioned in a stable position capable of allowing accurate reproducibility of the
target position from treatment to treatment. Positions uncomfortable for the patient should be
avoided so as to prevent uncontrolled movement during treatments. A variety of immobilization
systems may be used, including stereotactic frames that surround the patient on three sides
and large rigid pillows (conforming to patients’ external contours) with reference to the
stereotactic coordinate system (see Section 6.1). Patient immobilization must be reliable
enough to ensure that the gross tumor volume (GTV) does not deviate beyond the confines of
the planning treatment volume (PTV) as defined in Section 6.4 with any significant probability
(i.e., < 5%).
6.3.2 Inhibition of Effects of Internal Organ Motion
Special considerations must be made to account for the effect of internal organ motion (e.g.,
breathing) on target positioning and reproducibility. Acceptable maneuvers include reliable
abdominal compression, accelerator beam gating with the respiratory cycle, tumor tracking,
and active breath-holding techniques. All systems used to account for internal organ motion
must be validated and accredited by the Principal Investigator and Study Co-Chairs before
enrolling or treating patients on this trial. Internal organ inhibition maneuvers must be reliable
enough to insure that the GTV does not deviate beyond the confines of the PTV as defined in
Section 6.4 with any significant probability (i.e., < 5%).
6.3.3 Localization
Isocenter or reference point port localization images (anterior/posterior and lateral) should be
obtained at each treatment on the treatment unit (or patients should undergo a tomographic
imaging study using the linear accelerator couch, if available) immediately before treatment to
ensure proper alignment of the geometric center (i.e., isocenter) of the simulated fields.
Verification CT scans and portal films may be taken at the discretion of the participating
institution but are not required for protocol participation. The localization verification images will
be submitted for quality assurance (QA) purposes to the ITC. Centers with tomographic
imaging study capability using the linear accelerator couch should create digitally reconstructed
radiograph (DRR) images of the anterior/posterior and lateral alignment to be submitted for QA
purposes to the ITC.
13 RTOG 0813
6.4 Treatment Planning/Target Volumes
6.4.1 Image Acquisition
Computed tomography will be the primary image platform for targeting and treatment planning.
The planning CT scans must allow simultaneous view of the patient anatomy and fiducial
system for stereotactic targeting and must be done with IV contrast unless the patient has
allergic problems with contrast or has renal insufficiency. Contrast will allow better distinction
between tumor and adjacent vessels or atelectasis. Axial acquisitions with gantry 0 degrees
will be required with spacing ≤ 3.0 mm between scans in the region of the tumor. Images will
be transferred to the treatment planning computers via direct lines, disc, or tape.
Helical and four-dimensional CT (4DCT) is permitted for the study. Using either approach, the
target lesion will be outlined by an appropriately trained physician and designated the gross
tumor volume. The target will generally be drawn using CT pulmonary windows; however, soft
tissue windows with contrast may be used to avoid inclusion of adjacent vessels, atelectasis, or
mediastinal or chest wall structures within the GTV. This target will not be enlarged
whatsoever for prophylactic treatment (including no “margin” for presumed microscopic
extension); rather, include only abnormal CT signal consistent with gross tumor (i.e., the GTV
and the clinical target volume [CTV] are identical).
An additional 0.5 cm in the axial plane and 1.0 cm in the longitudinal plane (craniocaudal) will
be added to the GTV to constitute the PTV for centers acquiring image datasets using helical
scanning. The methodology employed for centers incorporating 4DCT image datasets into
target definition and treatment planning must first be approved through the process described
in Section 5.3.2. Institutions using 4DCT must provide on a per-person basis the following
information: method of image acquisition, utilization of the 4DCT image datasets, and the
expansion margin to define the PTV. In addition, for each plan the target motion measured from
4DCT must be submitted.
There are many valid approaches to defining target volumes and margins using multiple
datasets representing different phases of the breathing cycle. These include but not limited to:
a. the ITV (Internal Target Volume) concept from ICRU 62 with an appropriate margin
accounting for geometric uncertainties (uniform 5 mm recommended) to define the PTV;
b. the mean target position with an appropriate margin to account for target motion and
geometric uncertainties to define the PTV;
c. two helical scans, one scan with the patient at inhale breath-hold and the second scan
with patient at exhale breath-hold.
14 RTOG 0813
rotation techniques, a minimum of 340 degrees (cumulative for all beams) should be utilized.
For this protocol, the isocenter is defined as the common point of gantry and couch rotation
for the treatment unit. Field aperture size and shape should correspond nearly identically to
the projection of the PTV along a beam’s eye view (i.e., no additional “margin” for dose
buildup at the edges of the blocks or MLC jaws beyond the PTV). The only exception will be
when observing the minimum field dimension of 3.5 cm when treating small lesions (see
above). As such, prescription lines covering the PTV will typically be the 60-90% line (rather
than 95-100%); however, higher isodoses (hotspots) must be manipulated to occur within
the target and not in adjacent normal tissue. The isocenter in stereotactic coordinates will
be determined from system fiducials (or directly from the tumor in the case of volumetric
imaging) and translated to the treatment record.
The treatment dose plan will be made up of multiple static beams or arcs as described
above. The plan should be normalized to a defined point corresponding closely to the
center of mass of the PTV (COMPTV). Typically, this point will be the isocenter of the beam
rotation; however, it is not a protocol requirement for this point to be the isocenter.
Regardless, the point identified as COMPTV must have defined stereotactic coordinates and
receive 100% of the normalized dose. Because the beam apertures coincide nearly directly
with the edge of the PTV (little or no added margin), the external border of the PTV will be
covered by a lower isodose surface than usually used in conventional radiotherapy planning,
typically around 80% but ranging from 60-90%. The prescription dose will be delivered to
the margin of the PTV and fulfill the requirements below. As such, a “hotspot” will exist
within the PTV centrally at the COMPTV with a magnitude of prescribed dose times the
reciprocal of the chosen prescription isodose line (i.e., 60-90%). Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT)
IMRT is allowed in this study, provided that the participating institution is credentialed by the
RTOG for intra-thoracic IMRT treatments. The NCI Guidelines for the Use of IMRT can be
found on the RTOG homepage,
The use of IMRT in this study is at the discretion of the participating institution. However,
IMRT should be considered only when target coverage, OAR dose limits, or dose spillage
are not achievable with 3D conformal planning. In addition, IMRT plans should follow the
same planning principles as discussed above for 3D conformal planning. The number of
segments (control points) and the area of each segment should be optimized to ensure
deliverability and avoid complex beam fluences. Ideally, the number of segments should be
minimized (2-3 segments per beam should be adequate), and the area of each segment
should be maximized (the aperture of one segment from each beam should correspond to
the projection of the PTV along a beam’s eye view). Dose Calculations
For purposes of dose planning and calculation of monitor units for actual treatment, this
protocol will require tissue density heterogeneity correction (RTOG 0236 did not allow
heterogeneity correction). The particular algorithm used for such correction must be
approved by the RTOG Physics Committee in advance.
Successful treatment planning will require accomplishment of all of the following criteria:
1. Normalization: The treatment plan should be normalized such that 100% corresponds to
the center of mass of the PTV (COMPTV). This point will typically also correspond (but is
not required to correspond) to the isocenter of the treatment beams.
15 RTOG 0813
2. Prescription Isodose Surface Coverage: The prescription isodose surface will be chosen
such that 95% of the target volume (PTV) is conformally covered by the prescription
isodose surface and 99% of the target volume (PTV) receives a minimum of 90% of the
prescription dose.
3. Target Dose Heterogeneity: The prescription isodose surface selected in number 2
(above) must be ≥ 60% of the dose at the center of mass of the PTV (COMPTV) and ≤
90% of the dose at the center of mass of the PTV (COMPTV). The COMPTV
corresponds to the normalization point (100%) of the plan as noted in number 1 above.
4. High Dose Spillage:
a. Location: Any dose > 105% of the prescription dose should occur primarily within the
PTV itself and not within the normal tissues outside the PTV. Therefore, the
cumulative volume of all tissue outside the PTV receiving a dose > 105% of
prescription dose should be no more than 15% of the PTV volume.
b. Volume: Conformality of PTV coverage will be judged such that the ratio of the volume
of the prescription isodose meeting criteria 1 through 4 to the volume of the PTV is
ideally < 1.2 (see table below). These criteria will not be required to be met in treating
very small tumors (< 2.5 cm axial GTV dimension or < 1.5 cm craniocaudal GTV
dimension) in which the required minimum field size of 3.5 cm (see Section 6.2)
results in the inability to meet a conformality ratio of 1.2.
5. Low Dose Spillage: The falloff gradient beyond the PTV extending into normal tissue
structures must be rapid in all directions and meet the following criteria:
a. Location: The maximum total dose over all fractions in Gray (Gy) to any point 2 cm or
greater away from the PTV in any direction must be no greater than D2cm where
D2cm is given by the table below.
b. Volume: The ratio of the volume of 50% of the prescription dose isodose to the
volume of the PTV must be no greater than R50% where R50% is given. See Table 1
6. Respect all critical organ dose-volume limits listed in Section 6.5.1 below.
16 RTOG 0813
6.5 Critical Structures
6.5.1 Critical Organ Dose-Volume Limits (2/16/10)
Table 2 lists maximum dose limits to a point or volume within several critical organs. These are
absolute limits, and treatment delivery that exceeds these limits will constitute a major protocol
violation (See Section 6.7). The dose is listed as total over 5 fractions and per fraction.
The esophagus, trachea, bronchi and heart may be situated adjacent to the treated GTV/PTV.
As such, there is no specified limit as tumors that are immediately adjacent to that organ will
not be able to be treated to any of the prescription doses without irradiating a small volume of
that organ to the prescribed dose. In such a case, the planning needs to be done so that there
is no hot spot within that organ, even if that organ is part of the PTV, i.e., that no part of any
OAR receives more than 105% of the prescribed dose (see Figure 2 below). In addition, the
volume of the OAR in question needs to be minimized, both in length and in the width (i.e.,
circumference), with efforts made to reduce the dose to the contralateral wall of the organ. In
Table 3, suggested volume limits are listed for these organs to be used for treatment planning
purposes. Since the tumor and normal tissue may not allow strict avoidance, the volume limits
(columns 2 and 3) will not be scored as protocol violations if exceeded. However, the maximum
point dose limits (column 4) must be respected.
For tumors that are not immediately adjacent to any OAR, centers are encouraged to observe
prudent treatment planning principles in avoiding unnecessary radiation exposure to critical
normal structures; we expect that the OAR doses will be as low as achievable (ideally,
< 6 Gy/fraction).
Figure 2
17 RTOG 0813
Table 2
Serial Tissue Volume Volume Max (Gy) Max Point Dose Avoidance
(Gy) Endpoint
Spinal Cord <0.25 cc 22.5 Gy (4.5 30 Gy (6 Gy/fx) myelitis
<0.5 cc Gy/fx)
13.5 Gy (2.7
Ipsilateral Brachial <3 cc 30 Gy (6 Gy/fx) 32 Gy (6.4 Gy/fx) neuropathy
Skin <10 cc 30 Gy (6 Gy/fx) 32 Gy (6.4 Gy/fx) ulceration
Parallel Tissue Critical Critical Volume Avoidance
Volume Dose Max (Gy) Endpoint
Lung (Right & Left) 1500 cc 12.5 Gy (2.5 Basic Lung
Gy/fx) Function
Lung (Right & Left) 1000 cc 13.5 Gy (2.7 Pneumonitis
Table 3
Serial Tissue* Volume Volume Max (Gy) Max Point Dose Avoidance
(Gy) Endpoint
Esophagus, non- <5 cc 27.5 Gy (5.5 105% of PTV stenosis/fistul
adjacent wall Gy/fx) prescription a
Heart/Pericardium <15 cc 32 Gy (6.4 Gy/fx) 105% of PTV pericarditis
Great vessels, non- <10 cc 47 Gy (9.4 Gy/fx) 105% of PTV aneurysm
adjacent wall prescription
Trachea and <4 cc 18 Gy (3.6 Gy/fx) 105% of PTV stenosis/fistul
ipsilateral prescription a
bronchus, non-
adjacent wall
*The volume maximum column shows suggested limits for these structures for planning
purposes. Exceeded these limits is not a protocol violation. However, exceeding the
Maximum Point Dose column is a violation per Section 6.7.2.
18 RTOG 0813 Heart
The heart will be contoured along with the pericardial sac. The superior aspect (or base) for
purposes of contouring will begin at the level of the inferior aspect of the aortic arch (aorto-
pulmonary window) and extend inferiorly to the apex of the heart. Trachea and Proximal Bronchial Tree
The trachea and proximal bronchial tree will be contoured as two separate structures using
mediastinal windows on CT to correspond to the mucosal, submucosa and cartilage rings
and airway channels associated with these structures. For this purpose, the trachea will be
divided into two sections: the proximal trachea and the distal 2 cm of trachea. The proximal
trachea will be contoured as one structure, and the distal 2 cm of trachea will be included in
the structure identified as proximal bronchial tree. Proximal Trachea
Contouring of the proximal trachea should begin at least 10 cm superior to the extent of
the PTV or 5 cm superior to the carina (whichever is more superior) and continue inferiorly
to the superior aspect of the proximal bronchial tree. Proximal Bronchial Tree
The proximal bronchial tree will include the most inferior 2 cm of distal trachea and the
proximal airways on both sides as indicated in Figure 1 in Section 3.1.7. The following
airways will be included according to standard anatomic relationships: the distal 2 cm of
trachea, the carina, the right and left mainstem bronchi, the right and left upper lobe
bronchi, the intermedius bronchus, the right middle lobe bronchus, the lingular bronchus,
and the right and left lower lobe bronchi. Contouring of the lobar bronchi will end
immediately at the site of a segmental bifurcation. If there are parts of the proximal
bronchial tree that are within GTV, they should be contoured separately, as “proximal
bronchial tree GTV”, not as part of the “proximal bronchial tree”. Whole Lung
Both the right and left lungs should be contoured as one structure. Contouring should be
carried out using pulmonary windows. All inflated and collapsed lung should be contoured;
however, gross tumor (GTV) and trachea/ipsilateral bronchus as defined above should not
be included in this structure. PTV Plus 2 cm
As part of the QA requirements for “low dose spillage” listed in Section 6.4, a maximum dose
to any point 2 cm away in any direction is to be determined. To facilitate this QA
requirement, an artificial structure 2 cm larger in all directions from the PTV is required.
Most treatment planning systems have automatic contouring features that will generate this
structure without prohibitive effort at the time of treatment planning. Proximal Bronchial Tree Plus 2 cm
As part of adhering to the eligibility requirements for enrolling patients with tumors in the
zone of the proximal bronchial tree, the RTOG SBRT protocols defined an artificial structure
2 cm larger in all directions from the proximal bronchial tree. If the GTV falls within this
structure, the patient is eligible for this protocol. Most treatment planning systems have
automatic contouring features that will generate this structure without prohibitive effort at the
time of treatment planning. This structure is not required by the protocol, but its construction
is suggested to facilitate appropriateness of patient selection. Alternately, participating sites
may use ruler tools in the treatment planning software to ensure protocol compliance. Skin
The skin will be defined as the outer 0.5 cm of the body surface. As such it is a rind of
uniform thickness (0.5 cm) which envelopes the entire body in the axial planes. The cranial
and caudal surface of the superior and inferior limits of the planning CT should not be
contoured as skin unless skin is actually present in these locations (e.g., the scalp on the
top of the head). Great Vessels
The great vessels (aorta and vena cava, not the pulmonary artery or vein) will be contoured
using mediastinal windowing on CT to correspond to the vascular wall and all muscular
layers out to the fatty adventitia. The great vessel should be contoured starting at least 10
cm above the superior extent of the PTV and continuing on every CT slice to at least 10 cm
below the inferior extent of the PTV. For right sided tumors, the vena cava will be
contoured, and for left sided tumors, the aorta will be contoured.
19 RTOG 0813 Non-adjacent Wall of a Structure
For the esophagus, trachea and proximal bronchial tree, and great vessels, the non-
adjacent wall corresponds to the half circumference of the tubular structure not immediately
touching the GTV or PTV, These contours would start and stop superiorly and inferiorly just
as with the named structure. The half lumen of the structure should be included in this
NOTE: If for any reason the assigned course of treatment cannot be completed, RTOG
RTQA must be notified at 215-574-3219 on the day the patient stops radiation. The
treatment record must be submitted to RTOG v ia FAX (215-940-8831, Attn: RTQA) on the
last day of the patient’s treatment.
6.7 Compliance Criteria
6.7.1 Accreditation Compliance
All criteria listed in Sections 5.1-5.1.4 must be completed to the satisfaction of the Principal
Investigators and Study Co-Chairs in order to be accredited. Upon completion of the criteria, a
letter will be sent to institutions informing them of accreditation for the study. No institution will
be allowed to enroll patients without accreditation.
6.7.2 Dosimetry Compliance
Section 6 describes appropriate conduct for treatment planning dosimetry. The Image-Guided
Therapy Center (ITC) will evaluate plans as described in Section 6.8. Criteria for both major
and minor deviations are provided in the table in Section 6.4. In addition to the criteria in
Section 6.4, the table in Section 6.5 lists dose volume limits for specific organs and structures.
Exceeding these limits by more than 2.5% constitutes a minor protocol violation. Exceeding
these limits by more than 5% constitutes a major protocol violation.
6.7.3 Intra-fraction Setup Errors Reports
1. For particular platform of patient setup utilized at any given center (pre-treatment CT
matching with anatomy from planning stage; KV OBI-DRR matching in one or two filmed
directions; 2D CBCT-DRR matching; 3D CBCT-TPS CT matching, etc.) keep a tally of
target setup adjustment before each treatment. Describe the method used to correlate
anatomy in predefined setup position with actual anatomy as observed before treatment,
describe criteria for shifts/rotations of the anatomy to achieve no error matching and
estimate the error after final matching (justify the estimates).
2. Report all values for shifts/rotations for all patients treated, including days of treatment.
3. When data for some patients/treatment fractions is not collected the record of the missing
measurement has to be kept and reported. If there is a clinical reason for not collecting
data, it needs to be reported as well.
4. It is preferable to have information on shifts/rotations before and after each treatment if
6.8 R.T. Quality Assurance Reviews
Treatment planning images and dosimetry planning information in accepted format will be
submitted to the Image-Guided Therapy Center (ITC), Washington University, St. Louis, MO, for
QA purposes in all cases. See Section 12.1 for data submission.
The Principal Investigator, Dr. Bezjak, assisted by Radiation Oncology Co-Chairs Drs. Bradley
and Gaspar, will perform an RT Quality Assurance Remote Review after complete data for the
first 18 cases enrolled have been received at ITC. Drs. Bezjak, Bradley, and Gaspar will perform
the next review after complete data for the next 18 cases have been received. The final cases will
be reviewed within 3 months after this study has reached the target accrual or as soon as
complete data for all cases enrolled have been received at ITC, whichever occurs first.
6.9 (2/16/10) Radiation Therapy Adverse Events
The rationale for this phase I/II study is to determine the safe SBRT dose schedule for centrally-
located NSCLC, i.e., within the proximal bronchial tree. There is concern about RT effects on
organs at risk, most notably central airway, esophagus and heart/pericardium, as these organs
20 RTOG 0813
will be in immediate proximity to the centrally-located tumors. See Section 13.1.1 for definitions
of dose-limiting toxicities for this study.
6.9.1 Cardiac and Pericardial Injury
Although cardiac and pericardial injury is uncommon in the conventionally fractionated course
of RT, with large doses per fraction of SBRT a number of possible side-effects can be seen.
6.9.2 Gastrointestinal/Esophageal Injury
The radiation effects on the esophagus can be acute: esophagitis (i.e., dysphagia, causing pain
on swallowing, typically relatively soon after RT course is completed, and typically resolves on
its own within days to a week or longer), or chronic, typically manifesting with dysphagia due to
stenosis, or esophageal ulceration, with perforation in the extreme cases.
6.9.3 Central Airway/Bronchial Injury
This bronchial injury with subsequent focal collapse of lung may impair overall pulmonary
status. It also makes further assessment of tumor response more difficult as the collapsed lung
approximates the treated tumor. Because atelectatic lung and tumor have similar imaging
characteristics, radiology reports will often describe the overall process as progressive disease
while the actual tumor may be stable or shrinking. Investigators are referred to the strict criteria
for progressive disease in Section 11 of this protocol to avoid such mis-characterization.
(7/27/10) The consequences of bronchial toxicity, e.g., cough, dyspnea, hypoxia, impairment of
pulmonary function test parameters, pleural effusion or pleuritic pain (associated with collapse),
should all be graded according to the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events
(CTCAE), v. 4; MedDRA, v. 12.0.
6.9.4 Lung Injury
Radiation pneumonitis is a subacute (weeks to months from treatment) inflammation of the end
bronchioles and alveoli. Radiation fibrosis is a late manifestation of radiation injury to the
irradiated lung. Giv en the small amount of l ung that is ty pically included in the SBRT
portals, lung toxicity has not been as dose-limiting as in conv entionally fractionated
large field RT, but it is nev ertheless seen, can be sy mptomatic, and may be confused
with other causes of respiratory deterioration, including infections, and tumor
recurrence. It is very important that a Radiation Oncologist participate in the care of the
patient, as the clinical picture may be very similar to acute bacterial pneumonia, with fatigue,
fever, shortness of breath, nonproductive cough, and a pulmonary infiltrate on chest x-ray. The
infiltrate on chest x-ray should include the area treated to high dose, but may extend outside of
these regions. The infiltrates may be characteristically “geometric” corresponding to the
radiation portal, but may also be ill defined.
Patients reporting symptoms as above will be promptly evaluated and treated. Mild radiation
pneumonitis may be treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents or steroid inhalers.
More significant pneumonitis will be treated with systemic steroids, bronchodilators, and
pulmonary toilet. Supra- and concurrent infections should be treated with antibiotics.
Consideration of prophylaxis of opportunistic infections should be considered in
immunocompromised patients.
6.9.5 Changes in Pulmonary Function Tests (7/27/10)
Patients enrolled to this study are allowed to have some degree of impaired pulmonary function
as measured by pulmonary function tests (PFTs), including Forced Expiratory Volume in 1
second (FEV1), Forced Vital Capacity (FVC), and Diffusing Capacity for Carbon Monoxide
(DLCO). The Common Toxicity Criteria (CTCAE), v. 4 includes specified criteria for grading
adverse events related to these PFT parameters under the system organ class of
Investigations. The grading criteria for these PFT changes use the “percent predicted” values
from 0-100% which are recorded on the patient’s PFT report. A percent predicted of 90%
conveys that the patient is able to perform the PFT test to a result that is 90% of what would be
expected for the normal general population of the same height, age, and sex. The CTCAE
version 4 specified grading criteria for PFTs assumes that all patients have normal baseline
pulmonary function. This assumption is not appropriate for this protocol enrolling patients with
abnormal baseline function.
As a remedy to monitor treatment effects on PFTs, we will define a protocol specific toxicity
classification for PFTs that adjusts for baseline abnormalities. Changes that occur after
therapy will be referenced to the baseline for a given patient, which will be abnormal for most
patients. We have defined a proportional decline from the baseline. Grade 1 toxicity will be a
21 RTOG 0813
decline from baseline to a level 0.90 times the baseline, grade 2 will be a decline to a level 0.75
of baseline, grade 3 will be a decline to a level 0.5 of baseline, grade 4 will be a decline to a
level 0.25 of baseline, and grade 5 will be death. This scheme is depicted in the table below
and graphically represented in the figure below.
As an example, a patient who enters the study with a percent predicted DLCO of 55% who
experiences a post treatment decline to a percent predicted DLCO of 40% would have a grade
3 event in the original CTCAE version 4 criteria; however, under this modified PFT toxicity
classification for patients with abnormal baseline, his decline would constitute a decrease to
0.72 of the baseline value which is between 0.75 and 0.5 or a grade 2 event.
100 Baseline
Grade 1
Percent Predicted
75 Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
22 RTOG 0813
6.10 Radiation Therapy Adverse Event Reporting
6.10.1 Adverse Events (AEs) and Serious Adverse Events (SAEs) Reporting Requirements
Adverse events (AEs) as defined in the tables below and all serious adverse events
(SAEs) will be reported to the Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program (CTEP) via the
Adverse Event Expedited Reporting System (AdEERS) application as directed in this
Definition of an AE: Any unfavorable and unintended sign (including an abnormal laboratory
finding), symptom, or disease temporally associated with the use of a medical treatment or
procedure regardless of whether it is considered related to the medical treatment or procedure
(attribution of unrelated, unlikely, possible, probable, or definite). [CTEP, NCI Guidelines:
Adverse Event Reporting Requirements. January 2005;]
Definition of an SAE: Any adverse experience occurring during any part of protocol treatment
and 30 days after that results in any of the following outcomes:
A life-threatening adverse experience;
Inpatient hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization;
A persistent or significant disability/incapacity;
A congenital anomaly/birth defect.
Important medical events that do not result in death, are not life threatening, or do not require
hospitalization may be considered an SAE experience, when, based upon medical judgment,
they may jeopardize the patient and may require medical or surgical intervention to prevent one
of the outcomes listed in the definition.
Pharmaceutically supported studies will require additional reporting over and above that which
is required by CTEP.
SAEs (more than 30 days after last treatment) attributed to the protocol treatment (possible,
probably, or definite) should be reported via AdEERS.
Note: All deaths on study require both routine and expedited reporting regardless of
causality. Attribution to treatment or other cause must be provided. “On study” is
defined as during or within 30 days of completing protocol treatment.
The descriptions and grading scales found in the revised NCI Common Terminology Criteria for
Adverse Events (CTCAE) version 4 will be utilized for AE reporting beginning October 1, 2010.
All appropriate treatment areas should have access to a copy of the CTCAE version 4. A copy
of the CTCAE version 4 can be downloaded from the CTEP web site,
Adverse Events (AEs) and Serious Adverse Events (SAEs) that meet the criteria defined
above experienced by patients accrued to this protocol must be reported to CTEP as
indicated in the following tables using the AdEERS application. AdEERS can be accessed
via the CTEP web site
($.startup). Use the patient’s
case number without any leading zeros as the patient ID when reporting via AdEERS. In order
to ensure consistent data capture, AEs and SAEs reported using AdEERS must also be
reported to RTOG on the AE case report form (see Section 12.1). In addition, sites must
submit CRFs in a timely manner after AdEERS submissions.
Certain SAEs as outlined below will require the use of the 24 Hour AdEERS Notification:
23 RTOG 0813
Phase II & III Studies: All unexpected potentially related SAEs;
Phase I Studies: All unexpected hospitalizations and all grade 4 and 5 SAEs
regardless of relationship.
Any event that meets the above outlined criteria for an SAE but is assessed by the
AdEERS System as “expedited reporting NOT required” must still be reported for safety
reasons. Sites must bypass the “NOT Required” assessment and complete and submit
the report. The AdEERS System allows submission of all reports regardless of the
results of the assessment.
Phase 1 and Early Phase 2 Studies: Expedited Reporting Requirements for Adv erse
Events that Occur on Studies under an IND/IDE w ithin 30 Days of the Last Administration
of the Investigational Agent/Intervention 1, 2
NOTE: Investigators MUST immediately report to the sponsor (NCI) ANY Serious Adverse Events, whether or not
they are considered related to the investigational agent(s)/intervention (21 CFR 312.64)
An adverse event is considered serious if it results in ANY of the following outcomes:
1) Death
2) A life-threatening adverse event
3) An adverse event that results in inpatient hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization for ≥ 24
4) A persistent or significant incapacity or substantial disruption of the ability to conduct normal life functions
5) A congenital anomaly/birth defect.
6) Important Medical Events (IME) that may not result in death, be life threatening, or require hospitalization
may be considered serious when, based upon medical judgment, they may jeopardize the patient or
subject and may require medical or surgical intervention to prevent one of the outcomes listed in this
definition. (FDA, 21 CFR 312.32; ICH E2A and ICH E6).
ALL SERIOUS adverse events that meet the above criteria MUST be immediately reported to the NCI via AdEERS
within the timeframes detailed in the table below.
24 RTOG 0813
Serious adverse events that occur more than 30 days after the last administration of investigational
agent/intervention and have an attribution of possible, probable, or definite require reporting as follows:
Expedited 24-hour notification followed by complete report within 5 calendar days for:
All Grade 3, 4, and Grade 5 AEs
Expedited 10 calendar day reports for:
Grade 2 AEs resulting in hospitalization or prolongation of hospitalization
For studies using PET or SPECT IND agents, the AE reporting period is limited to 10 radioactive half lives,
rounded UP to the nearest whole day, after the agent/intervention was last administered. Footnote “1” above
applies after this reporting period.
NOTE: Deaths clearly due to progressive disease should NOT be reported via AdEERS but rather should be
reported via routine reporting methods (e.g., CDUS and/or CTMS).
25 RTOG 0813
Pleural effusion
Pulmonary fibrosis
Changes in Pulmonary Function Tests per the SBRT Pulmonary Toxicity Scale (see
Section 6.9.5), Grade 3-5
FEV1 decline
Forced Vital Capacity decline
Any Grade 5 adverse event attributed to treatment
The descriptions and grading scales found in the revised NCI Common Terminology Criteria for
Adverse Events (CTCAE) version 4 will be utilized for AE reporting beginning October 1, 2010.
All appropriate treatment areas should have access to a copy of the CTCAE version 4. A copy
of the CTCAE version 4 can be downloaded from the CTEP web site,
Adverse Events (AEs) and Serious Adverse Events (SAEs) that meet the criteria defined
above experienced by patients accrued to this protocol must be reported via AdEERS. SAEs
must be reported within 24 hours of discovery of the event. Contact the CTEP Help Desk
if assistance is required.
All supporting source documentation being faxed to NCI, must be properly labeled with
the RTOG study/case numbers and the date of the adverse event and must be faxed to
the RTOG dedicated AE/SAE FAX, 215-717-0990, before the 5- or 10-calendar-day
deadline. All forms submitted to RTOG Headquarters also must include the RTOG study/
case numbers; non-RTOG intergroup study and case numbers must be included, when
applicable. AdEERS Reports are forwarded to RTOG electronically via the AdEERS system.
Use the patient’s case number as the patient ID when reporting via AdEERS.
Any late death (more than 30 days after last treatment) attributed to the protocol treatment
(possible, probable or definite) should be reported via AdEERS within 24 hours of discovery. An
expedited report, if applicable, will be required within 5 or 10 calendar days.
6.10.3 Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) or Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) [2/9/11]
AML or MDS that is diagnosed during or subsequent to treatment in patients on NCI/CTEP-
sponsored clinical trials must be reported via the AdEERS system within 30 days of AML/MDS
diagnosis. If you are reporting in CTCAE v 4, the event(s) may be reported as either: 1)
Leukemia secondary to oncology chemotherapy, 2) Myelodysplastic syndrome, or 3)
Treatment-related secondary malignancy.
Not applicable to this study.
26 RTOG 0813
(2/16/10) Patients must be offered the opportunity to participate in the tissue/specimen component of the
study. If the patient consents to participate in this component, the site is required to submit the patient’s
specimens (blood, urine, and tissue, if adequate tissue is available) as specified in this section. Note:
Sites are not permitted to delete the tissue/specimen component from the protocol or from the sample
consent form.
For patients who have consented to participate in the submission of tissue, urine, and blood for
the study (See Appendix I)
(5/7/09) The RTOG Biospecimen Resource at the University of California San Francisco acquires and
maintains high quality specimens from RTOG trials. Tissue from each block is preserved through careful
block storage and processing. The RTOG encourages participants in protocol studies to consent to the
banking of their tissue. The RTOG Biospecimen Resource provides tissue specimens to investigators for
translational research studies. Translational research studies integrate the newest research findings into
current protocols to investigate important biologic questions.
In this study, tissue and urine will be submitted to the RTOG Biospecimen Resource for the purpose of
tissue banking, and blood will be submitted for translational research.
10.1 Tissue/Urine Submission for Banking (Optional and Highly Recommended) [8/20/10]
Note: Lack of tissue block, core, or slides should not exclude the collection and submission of
10.1.1 Sites may submit the following specimens for banking: Tissue submission is highly recommended but not required. For lung cancer trials, core
biopsies are encouraged. If adequate tissue available, a paraffin-embedded tissue block of
the tumor or a 1.5 mm diameter core of tissue, punched from the tissue block containing the
tumor with a punch tool should be submitted in a plastic tube labeled with the surgical
pathology number. If minimal tissue is available, 3-7 unstained slides can be substituted for
the punch biopsy or the tissue block. NOTE: A kit with the punch tool, tube, and instructions
can be obtained free of charge from the Biospecimen Resource (see Appendix VI). Block or
core must be clearly labeled with the pathology identification number that corresponds to the
Pathology Report. At least 10 ml of clean-catch urine collected at the following time points:
Within 3 days of delivering the first dose of SBRT;
Ideally after the third and before the fourth doses of SBRT, but at least before the fifth
dose of SBRT;
At the 6 week follow-up visit.
10.1.2 If the patient consents to the submission of his/her tissue, the site must provide the following in
order for the case to be evaluable for the Biospecimen Resource: One H&E stained slide A Pathology Report documenting that the submitted block or core or slides contain tumor.
The report must include the RTOG protocol number and patient’s case number. The
patient’s name and/or other identifying information should be removed from the report. The
surgical pathology numbers and information must NOT be removed from the report. A Specimen Transmittal Form clearly stating that tissue is being submitted for the RTOG
Biospecimen Resource; if for translational research, this should be stated on the form. The
form must include the RTOG protocol number and patient’s case number. A Specimen Transmittal Form documenting the date and time of collection of the urine; the
RTOG protocol number and the patient’s case number. Note: The method of storage, (for
example, stored at -80° C) must be included.
10.1.3 (4/12/12) Submit materials for banking as follows:
U.S. Postal Serv ice Address: Only for non-urgent, ambient specimens: FFPEs, slides,
RTOG Biospecimen Resource
University of California San Francisco
27 RTOG 0813
Campus Box 1800
(2340 Sutter Street, Room S341)
San Francisco, CA 94143-1800
Courier Address (FedEx, UPS, etc.): For all Frozen, Overnight, or Trackable Shipments
RTOG Biospecimen Resource
University of California San Francisco
2340 Sutter Street, Room S341
San Francisco, CA 94115
As discussed in Section 1.5, recent studies have shown correlations of genomic mutations (such
as EGFR) between blood and tumor tissue and between expression of certain genes/proteins
(such as ERCC1) and tumor responses to chemotherapeutic regimens. For radiation toxicity
prediction, the levels of cytokine/proteomic markers and presence of certain specific gene
polymorphisms57-58 in the blood as well as the changes of the levels during and after treatment
were correlated with radiation induced lung toxicity after completion of conventional fractionated
3D-CRT.57 These levels also may be predictive of treatment outcomes in tumor control and
treatment toxicity after SBRT. We hypothesize that changes in the expression of blood markers
will reflect tumor response and normal tissue damage at the molecular level, and thus, predict 2-
year tumor control, post-treatment pulmonary toxicity, and post-treatment non-pulmonary toxicity.
10.3 Blood Collection for Translational Research (Optional and Highly recommended) [2/9/11]
Note: Lack of tissue block, core, or slides should not exclude the collection and submission of
blood samples.
10.3.1 Blood samples for translational research will be collected per protocol requirements (See
Appendix VI). Note: A blood collection kit including materials, instructions, and a pre-paid
return label can be obtained from the Biospecimen Resource at Plasma, serum
and whole blood (for DNA) will be collected at the following time points:
Within 3 days before delivering the first dose of SBRT; Note: If a site misses collecting
whole blood at this time point, the site may collect the sample at any of the time points
listed below, but this information must be provided on the Specimen Transmittal Form.
Ideally after the third and before the fourth doses of SBRT, but at least before the fifth dose
of SBRT;
At the 6 week follow-up visit.
10.3.2 The following materials must be provided in order or the case to be evaluable: A Specimen
Transmittal Form documenting the date of collection of the plasma, serum, whole blood; the
RTOG protocol number, the patient’s case number, time point of study, and method of storage,
(for example, stored at -80° C) must be included. Storage Conditions
Store frozen specimens at –80° C (-70°C to -90°C) until ready to ship. If a -80°C Freezer is
not available:
Samples can be stored short term in a -20° C freezer (non-frost free preferred) for up
to one week (please ship out Monday-Wednesday only).
Samples can be stored in plenty of dry ice for up to one week, replenishing daily (ship
out Monday-Wednesday only).
Samples can be stored in liquid nitrogen vapor phase (ship out Monday-Wednesday
28 RTOG 0813
Please indicate on Specimen Transmittal Form the storage conditions used and time stored.
10.3.3 (4/12/12) Submit blood samples for translational research to:
Courier Address (FedEx, UPS, etc.): For all Frozen, Overnight, or Trackable Shipments
RTOG Biospecimen Resource
University of California San Francisco
2340 Sutter Street, Room S341
San Francisco, CA 94115
For any study-specific questions regarding the blood sample handling protocol, contact
the Translational Research Co-Chair, Dr. Kong at 734-936-7810 or by e-mail: or
29 RTOG 0813
Resource or other designated repository/laboratory that appropriate materials have been
received, RTOG Clinical Trials Administration will authorize payment according to the schedule
posted with the Reimbursement and Case Credit Schedule found on the RTOG web site
( Biospecimen payments will be
processed quarterly and will appear on the institution’s summary report with the institution’s
regular case reimbursement.
10.6 Confidentiality/Storage
(See the RTOG Patient Tissue Consent Frequently Asked Questions, for further details.)
10.6.1 Upon receipt, the specimen is labeled with the RTOG protocol number and the patient’s case
number only. The RTOG Biospecimen Resource database only includes the following
information: the number of specimens received, the date the specimens were received,
documentation of material sent to a qualified investigator, type of material sent, and the date
the specimens were sent to the investigator. No clinical information is kept in the database.
10.6.2 Specimens for tissue banking will be stored for an indefinite period of time. Specimens for
translational research will be retained until the study is terminated, unless the patient has
consented to storage for future studies. If at any time the patient withdraws consent to store
and use specimens, the material will be returned to the institution that submitted it.
The longest diameter (LD) for the target lesion will be calculated from the treatment planning
CT scan using pulmonary windowing and reported as the baseline LD. The baseline LD will be
used as a reference by which to characterize the objective tumor. For follow-up assessment,
diagnostic CT scans performed using a 5 mm contiguous reconstruction algorithm using
pulmonary windowing taken as part of scheduled protocol follow-up are preferred as the
method of evaluation for response. When CT scans are not available, chest x-ray
determination will be allowed as long as the target lesion is clearly visible. Changes in serum
tumor markers will not be allowed for assessment of either local tumor progression or
metastatic progression.
Local treatment effects in the vicinity of the tumor target may make determination of tumor
dimensions difficult. For example, bronchial or bronchiolar damage may cause patchy
consolidation around the tumor that over time may coalesce with the residual tumor. In cases
30 RTOG 0813
in which it is indeterminate whether consolidation represents residual tumor or treatment effect,
it should be assumed that abnormalities are residual tumor
All other lesions (or sites of disease) that appear after treatment (e.g., regional lymph nodes
and distant metastases) should be identified as non-target lesions and should also be
recorded at the point of their appearance and with each follow-up. Non-target lesions should
constitute measurable disease, which by definition requires having an appearance suspicious
for carcinoma and having a dimension of at least 1.0 cm. Assessment of regional lymphatic or
metastatic progression will be made in comparison to the required pretreatment staging studies
or any other pretreatment imaging evaluations available. Only non-target lesions appearing at
the margin of the PTV (i.e., within 1.0 cm) will have recorded measurements (see Marginal
Failure in the table below). Recorded measurements of all other non-target lesions are not
required, but the presence or absence of each should be noted throughout follow-up.
31 RTOG 0813
Local Control (LC) The absence of Local Failure
Regional Failure Refers to the appearance after protocol therapy of measurable tumor within
(RF) lymph nodes along the natural lymphatic drainage typical for the location of the
treated primary disease only with dimension of at least 1.0 cm on imaging studies
(preferably CT scans) within the lung, bronchial hilum, or the mediastinum.
Equivocally appearing enlarged lymph nodes should be positive on PET imaging
or biopsied to confirm involvement with carcinoma.
Metastatic Refers to the appearance after protocol therapy of cancer deposits characteristic
Dissemination (MD) of metastatic dissemination from non-small cell lung cancer. Appropriate
evaluations for making this determination include physical examination and
imaging studies. PET scan OR biopsy to confirm MD is encouraged but not
*If a data form is available for web entry, it must be submitted electronically.
Patients will be identified by initials only (first middle last); if there is no middle initial, a hyphen will be
used (first-last). Last names with apostrophes will be identified by the first letter of the last name.
Item Due
Demographic Form (A5) Within 2 weeks of study entry
Initial Evaluation Form (I1)
Pathology Report (P1)
Slides/Blocks (P2)
Charlson Comorbidity Index (CN) and
Comorbidity Recording Sheet
32 RTOG 0813
Lung Adverse Event Form (AE) Within 24 hours of identification of an adv erse
event, fax to 215-940-8830 ; also at 12 months
after start of SBRT.
12.2 Summary of Dosimetry Digital Data Submission (Submit to ITC; see Section 12.2.1) [2/16/10]
Item Due
Preliminary Dosimetry Information (DD)
†Digital Data Submission – Treatment Plan submitted to ITC Within 1 week of start of RT
via SFTP account exported from treatment planning machine
by Physicist.
Digital data submission includes the following:
CT data, critical normal structures, all GTV, CTV, and
PTV contours
Digital beam geometry for initial and boost beam sets
Doses for initial and boost sets of concurrent treated
Digital DVH data for all required critical normal
structures, GTV, CTV, and PTVs for total dose plan
33 RTOG 0813
12.2.1 Digital Data Submission to ITC (2/16/10)
Digital data submission may be accomplished using media or the Internet.
For network submission: The FTP account assigned to the submitting institution by the ITC
shall be used, and e-mail identifying the data set(s) being submitted shall be sent to:
For media submission: Please contact the ITC about acceptable media types and formats.
Hardcopies accompanying digital data should be sent by mail or Federal Express and should
be addressed to:
Image-Guided Therapy Center (ITC)
ATTN: Roxana Haynes
4511 Forest Park, Suite 200
St. Louis, MO 63108
FAX 314-747-5423
34 RTOG 0813
Changes in Pulmonary Function Tests per the SBRT Pulmonary Toxicity Scale (see
Section 6.9.5), Grade 3-5
FEV1 decline
Forced Vital Capacity decline
Any Grade 5 adverse event attributed to treatment
All reported serious adverse events (SAEs) listed above will be reviewed by 1 of 3 designated
senior radiation/medical oncologists who have expertise in the treatment of lung cancer and
who are not associated with this study within 2 business days of receipt of all supporting
documentation. The determination of those SAEs as a study DLT will be made by the
designated independent reviewer. All reported SAEs listed above will be considered DLTs until
reviewed by the designated independent reviewer.
13.1.2 Primary Endpoint of Phase II Portion (8/20/10)
Two-year primary tumor control rate at the MTD of SBRT (See Section 11.3.3)
13.1.3 Secondary Endpoints Progression-Free Survival (see Section 11.3.3); Overall Survival (see Section 11.3.3); Local Progression (see Section 11.3.3); Regional nodal progression (see Section 11.3.3); Distant metastases (see Section 11.3.3); Any grade 3 toxicity other than a DLT occurring within the first year; Late grade 3 toxicity.
13.1.4 Tertiary Endpoints (Exploratory) [8/20/10] To study if molecular markers (proteomic or genomic) in the blood circulation will predict 2-
year primary tumor control rate, or the occurrence of grade ≥ 2 pulmonary adverse events,
or the occurrence of grade ≥ 2 non-pulmonary adverse events; To study the prognostic significance of comorbidity status; To describe the medical physics endpoints of tumor motion and inter-fraction (setup) errors.
13.2 Justification of Design (7/27/10)
Since this trial will provide an estimate of efficacy for the MTD dose, it can be thought of as a
seamless phase I/II trial. Monte Carlo simulation is used to assess the operating characteristics
of this trial with respect to each of these metrics in turn. Three simulations were performed for the
true dose-conditional probability of toxicity, which are described in Table 13.1. Scenario 1 (DLT-
td) is the initial trial design for true dose-conditional probability of toxicity. Scenario 2 (DLT+) is
approximately twice as toxic as assumed by the trial design. Scenario 3 is more than twice as
toxic as the trial design, with rapidly increasing toxicity at dose Levels 7 and higher (DLT++).
These scenarios are used to assess the robustness of the design to mis-specification of the
probabilities of toxicity. The trial assumes that a patient has the same risk of developing a DLT at
any point during the 1-year observation period (flat hazard rate). Because of this, the cumulative
observation time across patients is acceptable. Within each scenario, this assumption is tested
by assessing the operating characteristics of trials where: DLT is equally likely across 1 year
(trial assumption); DLT is substantially more likely early in the trial; DLT is substantially more
likely late in the trial (see insets, Figure 13.1 below). In 2 completed RTOG trials, 0236 and 0324,
which used CTCAE, v. 3.0, the timing of the DLTs as defined in this study was examined during
the first year. In both trials, there was no suggestion that the DLTs were more likely to occur later
in the risk period. (see Appendix VII for further details). Two hundred and fifty trials were
simulated for each of the nine sets of experimental conditions derived from the 3 scenarios and
the 3 different hazard rates. The numbers of DLTs, estimated target doses, distribution of doses,
and statistical power to identify at least 1 dose as possibly being superior to standard therapy are
graphed in Figures 13.1 and 13.2 (below).
13.2.1 Expected Number of Observed DLTs
The distributions of the number of DLTs observed (out of 75 treated and evaluable patients) for
the simulated trials are described in the box plots in Figure 13.1. The boxes indicate the 75th,
50th, and 25th percentiles (from top to bottom), and the stems extend to the 95th and 5th
percentiles. The plus indicates the mean. The median number of DLTs ranges from 11
(14.7%) to 18 (24%). If the design assumptions about P(DLT) are correct (DLT-td), over 85% of
the simulated trials have less than 15 DLTs (20%), and at least 99% have less than 18,
irrespective of the hazard rate. If P(DLT) is under-estimated as in scenarios DLT+ and DLT++,
the median number of toxicities for simulated trials in either scenario does not exceed 18, and
35 RTOG 0813
the third quartile does not exceed 20 (26.7%). The number of toxicities observed is relatively
insensitive to the mis-specification of the hazard rate.
13.2.2 Accuracy of Selection of Target Dose
The distributions of target doses that the trial selects are presented in the right column of
Figure 13.1. If the design assumptions about P(DLT) are correct (DLT-td), the trials
overwhelmingly pick the correct target dose, indicated by the asterisk (Level 9). If P(DLT) is
underestimated as in scenario DLT+ , the target dose is picked within one level of the true
target dose (i.e., with 0.15 ≤P(DLT) ≤0.30) in over 90% of the simulated trials. If the P(DLT) is
more severely underestimated as in scenario DLT++ , that proportion is higher.
13.2.3 Estimation of Primary Tumor Control (8/20/10)
The average number of patients treated at each dose is displayed in the left column of Figure
13.2. Again, the target dose is denoted by an asterisk. In the DLT-td cases, 7-14 patients are
treated at Levels 5-8 due to the starting dose (level 5, 10 Gy) and escalation restrictions. In the
DLT+ simulations, 8-14 patients on average are treated on either of the 2 dose levels (8 and 9)
with P(DLT) > 0.3, which result, on average in 3-5 DLTs. In the DLT++ simulations, 8-15
patients on average are treated on 1 of 3 dose levels (7, 8, and 9) with P(DLT) > 0.3 which
result on average in 4-8 DLTs.
Primary tumor control was modeled as a function of dose by logistic regression model. A one-
sided test with a significance level of 0.05 was employed, which is appropriate for a Phase II
proof-of-concept trial. The right column of Figure 13.2 (below) assesses the power of the test
of the null hypothesis that P (primary tumor control) < 0.7 at the chosen target dose. For all the
simulations, it was assumed that pl=P (primary tumor control | dose level) increased linearly in
the regression model between 60% of p9 at the lowest level, and p9, where p9 is graphed on
the lower axis (for instance, trials labeled 0.9 indicated P (primary tumor control) increased
linearly from 0.54 at Level 1 to 0.9 at Level 9, and equaled p6=0.83 at the true target dose). It
is seen that, for the (DLT-td) trials, where the most efficacious dose has acceptable toxicity, the
power exceeds 80% when p9 is 0.89 or greater, but that estimated power is more modest for
the DLT+ or DLT++ simulations, where the selected target dose, and hence the efficacy at that
dose, is lower. For example, with the DLT+ simulations, level 6 was the most frequently
selected target dose (~ 40%), while dose levels 8 and 9 were uncommon (~4.5% and ~1.0%)
This is an appropriate outcome, because these would be trials where adequate efficacy can
only be achieved at unacceptably toxic doses.
36 RTOG 0813
Figure 13.1: Operating characteristics for observed toxicity and selection of target dose from
simulated trials. Inset describes hazard function. DLT-td, DLT+, and DLT++ are specified in
Table 13.1. Asterisks indicate true target dose.
37 RTOG 0813
(4/12/12) Figure 13.2: Distribution of doses and power functions for simulated trials
Hazard function changes from top to bottom as in Figure 13.1. DLT-td, DLT+, and DLT++ are
specified in Table 13.1 Left column indicates the expected number of patients treated at each
dose, while the right-hand column indicates the power to test the null hypothesis that P(primary
tumor control) < 0.7 at the target dose, as the P (primary tumor control) at Level 9 increases
from 0.7 to 0.99 (see Section 13.2.3 for a more detailed description).
38 RTOG 0813
13.3 Sample Size (8/20/10)
This trial will accrue 75 patients fully evaluable for the DLT toxicity analysis.
Monte Carlo simulation was used to assess the operating characteristics of this design. Complete
trials (2,250 for each trial scenario considered) were simulated using 3 different assumptions
about the true probabilities of dose-limiting toxicity at each dose: 1) as assumed; 2) somewhat
more toxic than assumed; 3) more toxic than assumed with significant increase in toxicity
between doses 6 and 7. Among the operating characteristics considered in the sample size were
the expected number of dose-limiting toxicities, the probability of selecting the correct dose (that
associated with a 20% probability of DLT) as the target dose at the end of the trial, the time
required to complete the trial, and the number of patients treated at or near the target dose.
Sample sizes from 30 to 120 were evaluated, as were different rates of patient accrual. A sample
size of 75 patients was determined to have acceptable probability of correctly selecting a dose
with acceptable toxicity and enough patients treated about the target dose for characterization of
the efficacy endpoints, while being feasible for completion of accrual within 4 years.
Patients who complete protocol treatment but have progressive disease and no DLT within 1 year
are still considered at risk for a DLT even if they receive chemotherapy. It is not likely that the
addition of chemotherapy will greatly affect the occurrence of a SBRT-related DLT, and we did
not want to exclude patients at risk of DLT.
A patient who does not complete protocol treatment because of non-protocol, treatment-related
toxicity; non-protocol, treatment-related death; or refusal to complete protocol treatment will not
be evaluable.
Patients who complete protocol treatment but cannot be observed for a DLT for 1 year (e.g., due
to death from other than toxicity or patient refusal) will not count towards the accrual goal, but
their data will be used to allocate doses to subsequent patients and in the final analyses for
toxicity, primary tumor control and survival, they will be weighted, as appropriate, by the
proportion of the observation period they have completed. Note: Patients, who have experienced
a DLT, are fully weighted.
It is anticipated that average accrual will be 2 patients per month. Based upon RTOG 0236
(another RTOG trial utilizing SBRT), it is projected that 80% of patient entries will be evaluable for
DLT analysis. So to accrue 75 evaluable patients, a total of 94 patients will have to be entered,
and this will take 4 years to complete.
13.4 Allocation of Participants to Doses
13.4.1 The Weighted Dose-Toxicity Model
Doses will be allocated to patients by means of the Time-to-Event Continual Reassessment
Method (TITE-CRM) Phase I trial. A logistic dose-toxicity model was used for this trial with
rescaled dose1 d (=log(po /(1-po))-3).
p(d)=e3+αd/(1+e3+αd), (eq. 1)
In the logistic dose-toxicity model, the prior distribution of the dose-toxicity parameter α is
Gaussian with mean 1 and standard deviation of 0.3 which is based upon experience with other
trials using this model. α=1.0 represents our initial assumption about the toxicity of treatment,
as displayed in the third column of Table 13.1
39 RTOG 0813
The weight function reflects the amount of information available from a patient. If a DLT is
observed, the full information from this patient is available and the weight will be 1. Otherwise,
the uniform weight function ranging from 0 to 12 months will be used. Each patient will be
followed for DLT until the patient either reaches one year (12 months) from the start of SBRT
without experiencing a DLT or experiences a DLT, whichever comes first. Let the time to a DLT
of patient be Ui , then the weight function, w (u) = u/12.
This is translated into the following:
A) Patients who have enrolled in this trial but have not experienced a DLT have a weight
equal to the proportion of the 12 months observation period they have completed.
B) Patients who have experienced a DLT before 12 months from the start of SBRT or
complete protocol treatment without a DLT have a full weight, 1.
The goal of the trial is to determine the fraction size (dose) for SBRT most closely associated
with a 0.20 probability of a DLT (specified as the target rate). As patients present for
enrollment, they are assigned the highest dose associated with an estimated probability of a
DLT less than or equal to the target rate of 0.2. The initial estimates of the probability of a DLT
at each dose (column 3 of Table 13.1) are updated with the accumulated patient information
using a Bayesian paradigm so that the estimation of the target dose, and, thereby, the
assignment of the next dose, is based upon all the information available at the time of
enrollment. To allow the trial to remain open to new patient entries without pause, while using
the maximum available information, data from patients who have been enrolled but have not
completed the 1 year observation period are weighted according to the proportion of the
observation period the patient has completed (data from patients who have experienced a DLT
are fully weighted).
Probability of Toxicity
DLT per trial
Dose SBRT Fraction design (DLT-
Level Dose (Gy) Design (po) td) DLT+ DLT++
1 8.0 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02
2 8.5 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.05
3 9.0 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.08
4 9.5 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.13
5 10.0 0.08 0.08 0.15 0.18
6 10.5 0.10 0.10 0.20 0.30
7 11.0 0.14 0.14 0.30 0.40
8 11.5 0.17 0.17 0.35 0.60
9 12.0 0.20 0.20 0.45 0.80
40 RTOG 0813
of cumulative observation will be monitored, and appropriate action will be taken, such as not
increasing to a new dose level, should the number of patients be deemed too excessive.
Under these rules, it is not possible to state in advance the number of patients who will be
treated at each dose, but estimated distributions of dose allocations under several different
assumptions about dose-toxicity models are presented in Figure 13.2.
Note: Due to technical reasons, a patient assigned to a dose level may actually have been
treated at a lower dose level. As soon as this information becomes available, the patient will be
analyzed at the lower dose level received prior to any calculations for the next patient’s dose
assignment in the next patient.
13.5 Analysis Plan
13.5.1 Analysis of the Primary Endpoints (8/20/10)
All patients evaluable per Section 13.3 will be used in the DLT analysis (the primary endpoint of
the phase I portion), which will be performed after they have been potentially followed for the 1
year observation period. The patients treated at the MTD of SBRT will be used to estimate the
2-year primary tumor control rate (the primary endpoint of the phase II portion), which will be
performed after they have been potentially followed for 2 years. Patients not evaluable will be
reported separately. For each such patient, the reason for exclusion, protocol treatment
received, and toxicities reported during the first year will be listed. Analysis of Dose-limiting Toxicities (7/27/10)
The maximal tolerated dose (MTD) of SBRT radiation associated with a 0.20 probability of
dose-limiting toxicity (DLT) will be determined as that dose having P(DLT) closest to the
target rate of 0.20. DLT is defined as any grade 3 or worse toxicity (per CTCAE, v. 4,
MedDRA, v. 12.0), that occurs within 1 year from the start of SBRT, is possibly, probably, or
definitely related to treatment, and is related to the specific symptoms in Section 13.1.1).
Markov Chain Monte Carlo will be used to estimate the probability of DLT at each dose,
along with 95% posterior intervals, using the logistic dose-toxicity model (eg 1) described in
Section 13.5.1. The observed proportion of patients experiencing a DLT will be calculated.
The distribution of all toxicities will be tabulated by grade and category, as well as the
following information:
I) Analysis by Assigned Dose Level
a. Total number of patients assigned to that dose level
b. Number of patients who received the assigned dose level
i. Number of patients still in treatment
ii. Number of patients not evaluable for DLT analysis
iii. Number of patients evaluable for DLT analysis
1. Number of patients who experienced a DLT
2. Number of patients still at risk for a DLT
3. Number of patients who completed the risk interval without a DLT
c. Number of patients who did not receive the assigned dose level but who received a
lower dose level
i. Number of patients still in treatment
ii. Number of patients not evaluable for DLT analysis
iii. Number of patients evaluable for DLT analysis
1. Number of patients who experienced a DLT
2. Number of patients still at risk for a DLT
3. Number of patients who completed the risk interval without a DLT
II) Analysis by Actual Dose Delivered
a. Number of patients still in treatment
b. Number of patients not evaluable for DLT analysis
c. Number of patients evaluable for DLT analysis
i. Number of patients who experienced a DLT
ii. Number of patients still at risk for a DLT
iii. Number of patients who completed the risk interval without a DLT
In addition, for those patients who did not receive the assigned dose level, the following
information will be reported:
1. Dose level actually received
2. Assigned dose level
41 RTOG 0813
3. Reason for dose modification 2-year Primary Tumor Control Rate at MTD (8/20/10)
Primary tumor control is the absence of local progression (defined as local enlargement
confirmed by PET or biopsy which occurs within 2 years from the start of treatment).
Marginal failures, which are mentioned in Section 11.3.3, will be considered events for local
progression. Distant metastases from the index lung cancer or a second primary tumor are
not considered local progression. Patients who die with lung cancer but no documented
local progression will be considered non-failures and will be censored on the day of their
death. Patients who die without progressive lung disease and have no documented local
progression will be considered non-failures and will be censored on the day of their death.
Cumulative incidence method59 will be used to estimate the 2-year primary tumor control
rate at the MTD of SBRT. Using this confidence interval, the null hypothesis that the
probability of 2-year primary tumor control at the selected target dose (MTD) is 0.7 or less
will be tested. Ninety percent confidence interval for the probability of response will be
constructed by bootstrapping.
13.5.2 Analysis of Secondary Survival Endpoints Progression-Free Survival and Overall Survival (8/20/10)
The same patients used for DLT analysis will be used in these analyses, which will be
performed after they have been potentially followed for 2 years. The failure event for
progression-free survival (PFS) is defined as the first occurrence of local and/or regional
disease progression, distant metastases, second primary tumor, or death due to any cause.
Time to PFS is measured from the date of randomization to the date of the failure event for
PFS. Overall survival (OS) time is measured from the date of randomization to the date of
death due to any cause.
Kaplan-Meier estimation60 will be used to calculate OS and PFS rate at each radiation dose
level. Cox proportional hazards regression61 will be used to characterize PFS and OS as a
function of dose. As in the analysis of 2-year primary tumor control, possible confounding
baseline demographic or clinical variables will be included in the regression model if there is
evidence of significant imbalance between doses. Local Progression, Regional Failure, and Distant Metastases
The same patients for DLT analysis will be used in these analyses, which will be performed
after they have been potentially followed for 2 years.
The failure event for local progression (LP) is defined as local enlargement confirmed by
PET or biopsy or a marginal failure per Section 11.3.3. The failure event for regional failure
(RF) is defined as the first appearance of regional nodal disease. The failure event for
distant metastases (DM) is defined as the first appearance of a distant metastases. The time
to failure for these secondary endpoints (LP, RF, and DM) will be measured from the date of
randomization to the date of the failure event.
The cumulative incidence method59 will be used to estimate the rates of each endpoint. The
treatment effect on these failures may impact the observable measures of outcomes, and
other competing risks may dilute the sensitivity. Therefore, Fine and Gray’s proportional
hazards regression62 will be used to characterize LP, RF, and DM as a function of dose.
Possible confounding baseline demographic or clinical variables will be included in the
regression model if there is evidence of significant imbalance between doses.
13.5.3 Analysis of Secondary Toxicity Endpoints Any Grade 3 or Worse Toxicity Other Than a DLT Occurring Within the First Year (7/27/10)
This endpoint is defined as any grade 3 or worse toxicity (per CTCAE, v. 4) other than a DLT
occurring within the first year that is possibly, probably, or definitely related to treatment
and occurs within 1 year from the start of SBRT. The distribution of this toxicity will be
tabulated by grade and category for each assigned dose level and actual dose received. If
the number of applicable toxicities is adequate for analysis, logistic regression63 will be used
to model the distribution of acute adverse events with and without adjustment for
demographic or clinical variables. Late Grade 3 or Worse Toxicity (7/27/10)
This endpoint is defined as any grade 3 or worse toxicity (per CTCAE, v. 4) that is possibly,
probably or definitely related to treatment and occurs after 1 year from start of SBRT. The
distribution of this toxicity will be tabulated by grade and category for each assigned dose
42 RTOG 0813
level and actual dose received. If the number of applicable toxicities is adequate for
analysis, logistic regression63 will be used to model the distribution of acute adverse events
with and without adjustment for demographic or clinical variables.
The time to late grade 3 or worse toxicity will be measured from the time protocol treatment
starts to the time of the worst late grade 3 or worse toxicity after 1 year from start of SBRT. If
no such late toxicity is observed until the time of the analysis, the patient will be censored at
the time of the analysis. Death without late grade 3 toxicity will be considered as the
competing risk for the events and the distribution of time to late grade 3 or worse toxicity will
be estimated using the cumulative incidence method.
13.5.4 Analysis of Tertiary Endpoints (Correlative Studies)
The results from the analyses of tertiary endpoints (Section 13.1.4) will not provide definitive
answers to any related research questions. In some instances, the questions concerning the
medical physics endpoints of tumor motion and inter-fraction (setup) errors have not yet been
clearly defined. Rather, these results will be considered exploratory to generate future
hypotheses, for the following reasons: First, the study was not statistically powered for any
tertiary endpoint, and secondly, patient participation in submission of specimens for study of
the molecular marker is not mandatory in this trial.
The incidence rate of the local progression rate at 2 years will be analyzed with respect to
molecular markers (proteomic or genomic) in the blood circulation. They are collected at
baseline, during the course of treatment (between the third and fourth dose of SBRT), and at
the first follow-up after SBRT. The time to first reported occurrence of grade ≥ 2 pulmonary
adverse events and the first reported occurrence of grade ≥ 2 non-pulmonary adverse events
will be separately analyzed with respect to molecular markers. The logistic and the proportional
hazard regression models could be utilized to adjust for other possible confounding covariates.
13.5.5 Interim Reporting
Interim reports will be prepared every 6 months until the initial manuscript reporting the
treatment results has been submitted. The usual components of this report are:
a. the patient accrual rate with a projected completion date for the accrual phase;
b. accrual by institution;
c. the distribution of pretreatment characteristics;
d. the frequency and severity of the toxicities.
To monitor the safety of this study, it will be officially reviewed by the RTOG Data Safety
Monitoring Board for Phase I and II studies twice a year in conjunction with the RTOG semi-
annual meeting and on an “as needed” basis between RTOG meetings.
13.5.6 Clinical Data Update System (CDUS) Monitoring
This study will be monitored by the Clinical Data Update System (CDUS) version 3.0.
Cumulative CDUS data will be submitted quarterly by electronic means. Reports are due
January 31, April 30, July 31, and October 31.
13.5.7 Reporting DLT analysis
This analysis will occur after all evaluable patients have been potentially observed for 1 year.
The report will include:
43 RTOG 0813
13.6 Inclusion of Women and Minorities
In conformance with the National Institute of Health Revitalization Act of 1993 with regard to
inclusion of women and minorities in clinical research, we have also considered the possible
interaction between race and treatments. Some investigators have shown gender to be a
prognostic factor in NSCLC. However, the RTOG did not show this to be the case in a recent
analysis.64 Furthermore, an analysis of race did not indicate an association with outcome.65 The
projected gender and minority accruals are provided in Table 13.2 below.
Ethnic Category Females Males Total
Hispanic or Latino 2 3 5
Not Hispanic or Latino 38 51 89
Ethnic Category: Total of all subjects 40 54 94
Racial Category Females Males Total
American Indian or Alaskan Native 1 3 4
Asian 1 3 4
Black or African American 3 2 5
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 0 0 0
White 35 46 81
Racial Category: Total of all subjects 40 54 94
44 RTOG 0813
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17. Piantadosi S, Fisher J, Grossman S. Practical implementation of a modified continual reassessment method
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45 RTOG 0813
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19. Cheung K, Chappell R. Sequential designs for phase I clinical trials with late-onset toxicities. Biometrics.
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25. Fowler JF, Tome WA, Welsh JS. Estimation of required doses in SBRT. In: Kavanagh BD, Timmerman RD,
eds. Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2005.
26. Kavanagh BD, Timmerman RD, Benedict SH, et al. How should we describe the radiobiological effect of
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27. Speiser BL, Spratling L. Remote afterloading brachytherapy for the local control of endobronchial carcinoma.
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28. Speiser BL, Spratling L. Radiation bronchitis and stenosis secondary to high dose rate endobronchial
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29. Kelly JF, Delclos ME, Morice RC, et al. High-dose-rate endobronchial brachytherapy effectively palliates
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31. Park C, Papiez L, Zhang S, Story M, Timmerman R. The unifying (hybrid) survival curve and single fraction
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32. Exterman M, Overcash J, Lyman GH, et al. Comorbidity and functional status are independent in older cancer
patients. J Clin Oncol. 16: 1582-1587, 1998.
33. Firat S, Bousamra M, Gore E, Byhart R. Comorbidity and KPS are independent prognostic factors in stage I
non-small cell lung cancer. Int J Radiat Biol Phys. 52: 1-47-1057, 2002.
34. Firat S, Byhardt R, Gore E. Comorbidity and Karnofsky Performance Scale are independent prognostic
factors in stage III non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): An international analysis of NSCLC patients treated
on four RTOG studies. Int J Radiat Biol Phys. 54(2): 357-64, 2002.
35. Deyo RA, Cherkin DC, Ciol MA. Adapting a clinical comorbidity index for use with ICD-9-DCM administrative
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36. D’Hoore W, Sicotte C, Tilquin C. Risk adjustment in outcome assessment: The Charlson Comorbidity Index.
Methos Inf Med. 32: 382-387, 1993.
37. Parmelee PA, Thuras PD, Katz IR, Lawton MP. Validation of the Cumulative Illness Rating Scale in a geriatric
residential population. J Am Geriatr Soc. 43: 130-137, 1995.
46 RTOG 0813
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38. Inouye SK, Peduzzi PN, Robison JT, Hughes JS, Horwitz RI, Concato J. Importance of functional measures
in predicting mortality among older hospitalized patients. JAMA. 279: 1187-1193, 1998.
39. Paludan M, Traberg Hansen A, Petersen J, Grau C, Hoyer M. Aggravation of dyspnea in stage I non-small
cell lung cancer patients following stereotactic body radiotherapy: Is there a dose-volume dependency? Acta
Oncol. 45(7): 818-22, 2006.
40. Zheng Z, Chen T, Li X, Haura E, Sharma A, Bepler G. DNA synthesis and repair genes RRM1 and ERCC1 in
lung cancer. NEJM. 356(8): 800-8, 2007.
41. Bepler G, Kusmartseva I, Sharma S, Gautam A, Cantor A, Sharma A, Simon G. RRM1 modulated in vitro and
in vivo efficacy of gemcitabine and platinum in non-small-cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol. 24(29): 4731-7, 2006.
Epub 2006 Sep 11.
42. Holdenrieder S, Stieber P, Von Pawel J, Raith H, Nagel D, Feldmann K, SeidelD. Early and specific prediction
of the therapeutic efficacy in non-small cell lung cancer patients by nucleosomal DNA and cytokeratin-19
fragments. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1075: 244-57, 2006.
43. Park SY, Hong YC, Kim JH, Kwak SM, Cho JH, Lee HL, Ryu JS. Effect of ERCC1 polymorphisms and the
modification by smoking on the survival of non-small cell lung cancer patients. Med Oncol. 23(4): 489-98,
44. Ardizzoni A, Cafferata MA, Tiseo M, Filiberti R, Marroni P, Grossi F,Paganuzzi M. Decline in serum
carcinoembryonic antigen and cytokeratin 19 fragment during chemotherapy predicts objective response and
survival in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Cancer. 107(12): 2842-9, 2006.
45. Tas F, Duranyildiz D, Oguz H, Camlica H, Yasasever V, Topuz E. Serum vascular endothelial growth factor
(VEGF) and interleukin-8 (IL-8)levelsin small cell lung cancer. Cancer Invest. 24(5): 492-6, 2006.
46. Moran T, Paz-Ares L, Isla D, et al. High correspondence between EGFR mutations in tissue and in circulating
DNA from non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients (p) with poor performance status (PS). J Clin Oncol.
2007 ASCO Proc. Part I. Vol 25, No. 18S (June 20 Supplement), 2007. Abstract 7505.
47. Kong FM, Ten Haken R, Eisbruch A, Lawrence TS. Non-small cell lung cancer therapy-related pulmonary
toxicity: An update on radiation pneumonitis and fibrosis. Semin Oncol. 32(2 Suppl 3): S42-54, 2005. Review
48. Anscher MS, Marks LB, Shafman TD, et al. Risk of long-term complications after TFG-beta1-guided very-
high-dose thoracic radiotherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 56(4): 988-95, 2003.
49. Anscher MS, Kong FM, Andrews K, Clough R, Marks LB, Bentel G, Jirtle RL. Plasma transforming growth
factor beta1 as a predictor of radiation pneumonitis. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 41(5): 1029-35, 1998.
50. Kong FM, Anscher MS, Washington MK, Killian JK, Jirtle RL. M6P/IGF2R is mutated in squamous cell
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51. Vujaskovic Z, Marks LB, Anscher MS. The physical parameters and molecular events associated with
radiation-induced lung toxicity. Semin Radiat Oncol. 10(4): 296-307, 2000.
52. Zhao L, Sheldon K, Chen M, et al. The predictive role of plasma TGF-beta1 during radiation therapy for
radiation-induced lung toxicity deserves further study in patients with non-small cell lung cancer. Lung
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53. Chen Y, Rubin P, Williams J, Hernady E, Smudzin T, Okunieff P. Circulating IL-6 as a predictor of radiation
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55. Damaraju S, Murray D, Dufour J, et al. Association of DNA repair and steroid metabolism gene
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56. Chang-Claude J, Popanda O, Tan XL, et al. Association between polymorphisms in the DNA repair genes,
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57. Kong FM, Ao X, Wang L, Lawrence TS. Using blood markers to individualize radiation therapy for lung
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58. Kong FM, Anscher MS, Jirtle RL. TGFß: A plasma marker. In Hanausek and Walaszek, eds. Methods in
Molecular Medicine. Vol 14: Tumor Marker Protocols. NJ: Humana Press, Inc; 1997: 417-430.
59. Gray RJ. A class of K-sample tests for comparing the cumulative incidence of a competing risk. Annual
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64. Graham,M, et al. Comparison of prognostic factors and survival among black patients and white patients
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65. Scott C, et al., Recursive partitioning analysis of 1592 patients on four RTOG studies in inoperable non-small
cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer. 17(suppl 1): S59-S74, 1997.
48 RTOG 0813
RTOG 0813
Seamless Phase I/II Study of Stereotactic Lung Radiotherapy (SBRT) for Early Stage,
Centrally Located Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) in Medically Inoperable Patients
This is a clinical trial, a type of research study. Your study doctor will explain the clinical trial to you. Clinical
trials include only people who choose to take part. Please take your time to make your decision about taking part.
You may discuss your decision with your friends and family. You can also discuss it with your health care team.
If you have any questions, you can ask your study doctor for more explanation.
You are being asked to take part in this study because you have early stage, centrally located non-small cell lung
cancer that cannot be removed surgically due to medical problems.
The usual treatment for early stage lung cancer is to remove the cancer with surgery. However, some patients
may not be able to have standard surgery. Some patients cannot have surgery because of the location of their
tumors. Some patients cannot have surgery because of other serious health problems like emphysema, diabetes,
or heart disease.
Patients who cannot have surgery can receive radiation therapy. Standard radiation therapy involves several
weeks of daily treatment sessions. While this therapy is sometimes successful at killing the cancer, it is not as
effective as surgery and may seriously damage normal surrounding lung tissue.
Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) is a newer radiation treatment that gives fewer but higher doses of
radiation than standard radiation. It uses special equipment to position the patient and guide focused beams
toward the cancer and away from normal surrounding lung tissue. The higher dose technique may work better to
kill cancer cells potentially with fewer side effects than standard radiation therapy. SBRT has not been used very
often with patients who have centrally located early stage lung cancer.
The purpose of this study is to test the safety of SBRT at different dose levels with patients who have centrally
located early stage lung cancer. We want to find out what effects (good and bad) SBRT has on you and your
In addition, this study also will gather information about your health and hospitalization history. This information
will be used to find out if there are factors that can predict recovery or outcome of patients with lung cancer.
At the beginning of the study, patients will be treated with a lower SBRT dose. If this dose does not cause bad
side effects, the SBRT dose slowly will be made higher as new patients take part in the study. Your doctor will
discuss the SBRT dose you will receive with you.
A total of 94 patients are the most that would be able to take part in this study.
49 RTOG 0813
What will happen if I take part in this research study?
You will need to have the following exams, tests or procedures to find out if you can be in the study. These
exams, tests or procedures are part of regular cancer care and may be done even if you do not join the study. If
you have had some of them recently, they may not need to be repeated. This will be up to your study doctor.
A physical exam by several doctors
Checking your weight
Evaluation of your ability to carry out daily activities
A chest x-ray (and CT scan: see “Before radiation treatment begins” below)
A PET scan of your body: A small amount of radioactive material is injected into a vein, and a scanner
makes a detailed picture of areas inside the body
Blood tests, including a blood test to find out how much oxygen is delivered to the tissues beyond your
Tests of your lung function
For women who are able to have children, a test to see that they are not pregnant
If the exams, tests and procedures show that you can be in the study, and you choose to take part, then you will
need these tests and procedures that are part of regular cancer care. They are being done more often because
you are in this study.
After the treatment planning session, you will receive a total of five radiation treatments, one treatment every
other day for 1½ to 2 weeks. Each treatment will last about an hour and will be given in a particular position to
help guide the beams of radiation toward your cancer.
50 RTOG 0813
Every 3 months in years 1-2, every 6 months in years 3-4 and then annually:
Physical examination
Checking your weight
Evaluation of your ability to carry out daily activities
Evaluation of any side effects from treatment you may be having
At 6 and 12 months
Tests of your lung function
A blood test to find out how much oxygen is delivered to the tissues beyond your lung
Study Plan
Another way to find out what will happen to you during the study is to read the chart below. Start reading at the
top and read down the list, following the lines and arrows.
Radiation Treatment
Yes. You can decide to stop at any time. Tell the study doctor if you are thinking about stopping or decide to
stop. He or she will tell you how to stop safely.
It is important to tell the study doctor if you are thinking about stopping so any risks from the SBRT can be
evaluated by him/her. Another reason to tell your study doctor that you are thinking about stopping is to discuss
what follow-up care and testing could be most helpful for you.
The study doctor may stop you from taking part in this study at any time if he/she believes it is in your best
interest; if you do not follow the study rules; or if the study is stopped.
51 RTOG 0813
What side effects or risks can I expect from being in the study?
You may have side effects while on the study. Everyone taking part in the study will be watched carefully for any
side effects. However, researchers don’t know all the side effects that may happen. Side effects may be mild or
very serious. Your health care team may give you medicines to help lessen side effects. Many side effects go
away soon after SBRT is finished. In some cases, side effects can be serious, long lasting, or may never go
away. There also is a risk of death.
You should talk to your study doctor about any side effects that you have while taking part in the study.
Very Likely
Tiredness for no apparent reason, which is temporary
The skin in the treatment area may become reddened and/or dry, and chest hair in the treatment
area may fall out and may not grow back.
Less Likely
Difficulty breathing
Irritation of the esophagus, which may result in heartburn or pain on swallowing
Chest wall discomfort or pain
Rib fracture, which may cause pain
52 RTOG 0813
Chest radiotherapy can cause changes in normal lungs. These changes can be as unimportant as small
amounts of "scarring" seen on x-rays that does not cause symptoms. Sometimes chest radiotherapy can cause
lung damage that leads to symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, cough, or fever. Rarely, these
symptoms can be severe or life threatening. Treatment for this lung damage involves pain medicines, anti-
inflammatory medicines (corticosteroids), and rarely, oxygen therapy, which may be permanent. You should tell
your doctors immediately if you have any of these symptoms.
Risks related to Corticosteroids (if your doctor gives you these medicines)
These anti-inflammatory medicines are usually well tolerated if used for a short period of time (as in this study).
They can irritate the stomach. Less likely, but serious risks (if used for a longer period of time) include swelling
due to fluid in the tissues; increased blood sugar; and/or increased blood pressure.
Reproductive Risks
You should not become pregnant or father a baby while on this study because the radiation therapy in this study
can affect an unborn baby. If you are a woman able to have children and have not been surgically sterilized
(tubal ligation or hysterectomy), you must have a pregnancy test before enrolling in this study. Women should not
breastfeed a baby while on this study. It is important you understand that you need to use birth control while on
this study. Check with your study doctor about what kind of birth control methods to use and how long to use
them. Some methods might not be approved for use in this study.
For more information about risks and side effects, ask your study doctor.
Talk to your study doctor about your choices before you decide if you will take part in this study.
Data are housed at RTOG Headquarters in a password-protected database. We will do our best to make sure
that the personal information in your medical record will be kept private. However, we cannot guarantee total
privacy. Your personal information may be given out if required by law. If information from this study is published
or presented at scientific meetings, your name and other personal information will not be used.
Organizations that may look at and/or copy your medical records for research, quality assurance, and data
analysis include:
The Radiation Therapy Oncology Group
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) and other government agencies, like the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA), involved in keeping research safe for people
53 RTOG 0813
A description of this clinical trial will be available on, as required by U.S.
Law. This Web site will not include information that can identify you. At most, the Web site will include a
summary of the results. You can search this Web site at any time.
[Note to Informed Consent Authors: the above paragraph complies with the new FDA regulation found at 21 CFR
50.25(c) and must be included verbatim in all informed consent documents. The text in this paragraph cannot be
[Note to Local Investigators: The NCI has recommended that HIPAA regulations be addressed by the local
institution. The regulations may or may not be included in the informed consent form depending on local
institutional policy.]
For more information on clinical trials and insurance coverage, you can visit the National Cancer
Institute’s Web site at You can print a
copy of the “Clinical Trials and Insurance Coverage” information from this Web site.
Another way to get the information is to call 1-800-4-CANCER (1-800-422-6237) and ask them to send you
a free copy.
You will get medical treatment if you are injured as a result of taking part in this study. You and/or your
health plan will be charged for this treatment. The study will not pay for medical treatment.
Taking part in this study is your choice. You may choose either to take part or not to take part in the
study. If you decide to take part in this study, you may leave the study at any time. No matter what
decision you make, there will be no penalty to you and you will not lose any of your regular benefits.
Leaving the study will not affect your medical care. You can still get your medical care from our
We will tell you about new information or changes in the study that may affect your health or your
willingness to continue in the study.
A Data Monitoring Committee will be regularly meeting to monitor safety and other data related to phase I and
phase II RTOG clinical trials. The Board members may receive confidential patient information, but they will not
receive your name or other information that would allow them to identify you by name.
In the case of injury resulting from this study, you do not lose any of your legal rights to seek payment by
signing this form.
54 RTOG 0813
Who can answer my questions about the study?
You can talk to your study doctor about any questions or concerns you have about this study. Contact
your study doctor __________________ [name(s)] at __________________ [telephone number].
For questions about your rights while taking part in this study, call the ________________________ [name
of center] Institutional Review Board (a group of people who review the research to protect your rights) at
__________________ (telephone number). [Note to Local Investigator: Contact information for patient
representatives or other individuals in a local institution who are not on the IRB or research team but take calls
regarding clinical trial questions can be listed here.]
*You may also call the Operations Office of the NCI Central Institutional Review Board (CIRB) at 888-657-
3711 (from the continental US only). [*Only applies to sites using the CIRB.]
Please note: This section of the informed consent form is about additional research that is being done
with people who are taking part in the main study. You may take part in this additional research if you
want to. You can still be a part of the main study even if you say ‘no’ to taking part in this additional
You can say “yes” or “no” to the following study. Below, please mark your choice.
Consent Form for Use of Tissue, Urine, and Blood for Research
We would like to keep some of the tissue that is left over for future research.
In addition to the tumor tissue, we would like to collect some blood and urine for research. You will be asked to
provide about 1-2 teaspoons of blood and about 2-5 teaspoons of urine at the following time points: Within 3 days
before the first radiation treatment, between the third and fourth radiation treatment, and at six weeks from the
start of radiation treatment. Some of the blood will be drawn at a time when you would not require any blood tests
for your medical condition. You may experience some discomfort and pain related to the blood drawing, as a
result of participation in this part of the study. The risk of any other side effects related to blood drawing, such as
bleeding or infection, is extremely small.
If you agree, this tissue, urine, and blood will be kept and may be used in research to learn more about cancer
and other diseases. Please read the information sheet called “How is Tissue Used for Research” to learn more
about tissue research. This information sheet is available to all at the following web site:
The research that may be done with your tissue, urine, and blood is not designed specifically to help you. It might
help people who have cancer and other diseases in the future.
Reports about research done with your tissue, urine, or blood will not be given to you or your doctor. These
reports will not be put in your health record. The research will not have an effect on your care.
55 RTOG 0813
If you decide now that your tissue, urine, and blood can be kept for research, you can change your mind at any
time. Just contact us and let us know that you do not want us to use your tissue, urine, or blood. Then any tissue,
urine, or blood that remains will no longer be used for research and will be returned to the institution that
submitted it (tissue) or destroyed (urine or blood).
In the future, people who do research may need to know more about your health. While the doctor/institution may
give them reports about your health, it will not give them your name, address, phone number, or any other
information that will let the researchers know who you are.
Sometimes tissue, urine, or blood is used for genetic research (about diseases that are passed on in families).
Even if your tissue, urine, or blood is used for this kind of research, the results will not be put in your health
Your tissue, urine, or blood will be used only for research and will not be sold. The research done with your
tissue, urine, or blood may help to develop new products in the future.
The benefits of research using tissue, urine, or blood include learning more about what causes cancer and other
diseases, how to prevent them, and how to treat them.
The greatest risk to you is the release of information from your health records. We will do our best to make sure that your
personal information will be kept private. The chance that this information will be given to someone else is very small.
No matter what you decide to do, it will not affect your care.
1. My specimens may be kept for use in research to learn about, prevent, or treat cancer, as follows:
Tissue Yes No
Urine Yes No
Blood Yes No
2. My specimens may be kept for use in research to learn about, prevent or treat other health problems (for
example: diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, or heart disease), as follows:
Tissue Yes No
Urine Yes No
Blood Yes No
3. Someone may contact me in the future to ask me to take part in more research.
Yes No
You may call the National Cancer Institute’s Cancer Information Service at:
1-800-4-CANCER (1-800-422-6237)
56 RTOG 0813
You may also visit the NCI Web site at
You will get a copy of this form. If you want more information about this study, ask your study doctor.
I have been given a copy of all _____ [insert total of number of pages] pages of this form. I have read it or it
has been read to me. I understand the information and have had my questions answered. I agree to take
part in this study.
Participant ________________________________
Date _____________________________________
57 RTOG 0813
APPENDIX II: STUDY PARAMETER TABLE (*See Sections 11.2 for details) [8/20/10]
58 RTOG 0813
APPENDIX III (2/16/10)
2 Ambulatory and capable of all self-care but unable to carry out any work
activities. Up and about more than 50% of waking hours
5 Death
59 RTOG 0813
AJCC Staging
Lung, 6th Edition, 2002
TX Primary tumor cannot be assessed, or tumor proven by the presence of malignant cells in sputum or
bronchial washings but not visualized by imaging or bronchoscopy
T0 No evidence of primary tumor
Tis Carcinoma in situ
T1 Tumor 3 cm or less in greatest dimension, surrounded by lung or visceral pleura, without bronchoscopic
evidence of invasion more proximal than the lobar bronchus,* (i.e., not in the main bronchus)
T2 Tumor with any of the following features of size or extent: More than 3 cm in greatest dimension; Involves
main bronchus, 2 cm or more distal to the carina; Invades the visceral pleura; associated with atelectasis or
obstructive pneumonitis that extends to the hilar region but does not involve the entire lung
T3 Tumor of any size that directly invades any of the following: chest wall (including superior sulcus tumors),
diaphragm, mediastinal pleura, parietal pericardium; or tumor in the main bronchus less than 2 cm distal to
the carina, but without involvement of the carina; or associated atelectasis or obstructive pneumonitis of the
entire lung
T4 Tumor of any size that invades any of the following: mediastinum, heart, great vessels, trachea, esophagus,
vertebral body, carina; or separate tumor nodules in the same lobe; or tumor with a malignant pleural
*Note: The uncommon superficial tumor of any size with its invasive component limited to the bronchial wall,
which may extend proximal to the main bronchus, is also classified T1.
**Note: Most pleural effusions associated with lung cancer are due to tumor. However, there are a few patients
in whom multiple cytopathologic examinations of pleural fluid are negative for tumor. In these cases, fluid is
non-bloody and is not an exudate. Such patients may be further evaluated by videothoracoscopy (VATS)
and direct pleural biopsies. When these elements and clinical judgment dictate that the effusion is not
related to the tumor, the effusion should be excluded as a staging element and the patient should be staged
T1, T2, or T3.
60 RTOG 0813
APPENDIX IV (Continued)
AJCC Staging
Occult Carcinoma TX N0 M0
Stage 0 Tis N0 M0
Stage IA T1 N0 M0
Stage IB T2 N0 M0
Stage IIA T1 N1 M0
Stage IIB T2 N1 M0
T3 N0 M0
Stage IIIA T1 N2 M0
T2 N2 M0
T3 N1 M0
T3 N2 M0
Stage IIIB Any T N3 M0
T4 Any N M0
Stage IV Any T Any N M1
61 RTOG 0813
Comorbidity Scoring
The Recording Sheet and CCI must include the RTOG study number and case number; institution name and
number; name of person completing the form; phone number of that person; and date of completion. The
patient-specific label may be used; however, all pages must have a label affixed. Comorbidity data will be
submitted to RTOG Headquarters at the same time point as the initial assessment data (see Section
62 RTOG 0813
APPENDIX V (Continued)
63 RTOG 0813
APPENDIX V (Continued)
Myocardial infarct 1
Ulcer disease 1
Hemiplegia 2
Leukemia 2
Lymphoma, MM... 2
Total points: ____________
64 RTOG 0813
APPENDIX V (Continued)
Completing the Comorbidity Recording Sheet
Examples of conditions in each category are listed below. The list is not all-inclusive.
Please list other conditions that are present. All conditions, including ab values, are before the start
of therapy.
65 RTOG 0813
APPENDIX V (Continued)
RTOG 0813
RTOG Institution Name/Number:__________________________________________________________
Patient Initials (First Middle Last):______________RTOG Patient Case Number:___________________
Name of Person Completing Sheet:_____________________________Phone Number:_____________
Date Completed:__-___-_____
Comorbidities Score
(Add TR if related to tumor or its treatment)
Vascular (Hemoglobin:_______)
Upper GI
Lower GI
Renal (Creatinine: )
Medications (PRN/scheduled)
66 RTOG 0813
APPENDIX VI (4/12/12)
Shipping Instructions:
U.S. Postal Service Mailing Address: For FFPE or Non-frozen Specimens Only
RTOG Biospecimen Resource
University of California San Francisco
Campus Box 1800
(2340 Sutter Street, Room S341)
San Francisco, CA 94143-1800
Courier Address (FedEx, UPS, etc.): For Frozen, Overnight, or Trackable Shipments
RTOG Biospecimen Resource
University of California San Francisco
2340 Sutter Street, Room S341
San Francisco, CA 94115
FFPE Specimens:
o Slides should be shipped in a plastic slide holder/slide box. Place a small wad of padding in top of the
container. If you can hear the slides shaking it is likely that they will break during shipping.
o FFPE Blocks can be wrapped with paper towel, or placed in a cardboard box with padding. Do not wrap
blocks with bubble wrap. Place padding in top of container so that if you shake the container the blocks
are not shaking. If you can hear the slides shaking it is likely that they will break during shipping.
o Slides, Blocks, or Plugs can be shipped ambient or with a cold pack either by United States Postal
Service (USPS) to the USPS address (94143) or by Courier to the Street Address (94115). Do NOT
ship on Dry Ice.
Frozen Specimens:
o Multiple cases may be shipped in the same cooler, but make sure each one is in a separate bag and
clearly identified.
o Place specimens and absorbent shipping material in Styrofoam cooler filled with dry ice (at least 7 lbs).
There should be plenty of dry ice under and above the specimens. If the volume of specimens is
greater than the volume of dry ice then ship in a larger Styrofoam box, or two separate boxes. Any
Styrofoam box can be used, as long as it is big enough.
o Specimens received thawed due to insufficient dry ice or shipping delays will be discarded and the site
will be notified.
o Send frozen specimens via overnight courier to the address above. Specimens should only be shipped
Monday through Wednesday (Monday-Tuesday for Canada) to prevent thawing due to delivery delays.
Saturday or holiday deliveries cannot be accepted. Samples can be stored frozen at -80 C until ready
to ship.
For Questions regarding collection/shipping please contact the RTOG Biospecimen Resource by
e-mail: or phone: 415-476-7864
67 RTOG 0813
APPENDIX VI (Continued)
This kit allows sub-sampling of an FFPE block for submission to the RTOG Biospecimen Resource. The plug kit
contains a shipping tube and a punch tool.
Step 1
If the block is stored cold, allow it to equilibrate for 30 minutes at room
temperature. Place the punch tool on the paraffin block over the selected
tumor area. (Ask a pathologist to select area with tumor.) Push the punch
into the paraffin block. Twist the punch tool once around to separate the
plug from the block. Then pull the punch tool out of the block. The punch
should be filled with tissue sample.
Step 2
Label punch tool with proper specimen ID. DON’T remove specimen from
the punch.
Use a separate punch tool for every specimen. Call or email us if you have
any questions or need additional specimen plug kits.
Step 3
Once punch tool is labeled, place in shipping tube and mail to address
below. Please do not mix specimens in the same tube.
We will remove core specimen from the punch, embed in a paraffin block, and label with specimen ID. *NOTE: If
your facility is uncomfortable obtaining the plug but wants to retain the tissue block, please send the entire block
to the RTOG Biospecimen Resource and we will sample a plug from the block and return the remaining block to
your facility. Please indicate on the submission form the request to perform the plug procedure and return of the
Ship specimen plug kit, specimen in punch tool, and all paperwork to the address below. For Questions
regarding collection/shipping or to order an FFPE Specimen Plug Kit, please contact the RTOG
Biospecimen Resource by e-mail: or call 415-476-7864/Fax 415-476-5271.
U.S. Postal Service Address: Only for non-urgent, ambient specimens: FFPEs, slides, blocks
RTOG Biospecimen Resource
University of California San Francisco
Campus Box 1800
(2340 Sutter Street, Room S341)
San Francisco, CA 94143-1800
Courier Address (FedEx, UPS, etc.): For all Frozen, Overnight, or Trackable Shipments
RTOG Biospecimen Resource
University of California San Francisco
2340 Sutter Street, Room S341
San Francisco, CA 94115
68 RTOG 0813
69 RTOG 0813
APPENDIX VI (Continued)
This Kit is for collection, processing, storage, and shipping of serum, plasma, or whole blood (as specified
by the protocol):
Kit contents:
One Red Top tube for serum (A) Styrofoam container (inner)
One Purple Top EDTA tube for plasma (B) Cardboard shipping (outer) box
One Purple Top EDTA tube for Whole Blood (C) Kit Instructions
Twenty-five (25) 1 ml cryovials Specimen Transmittal Form (STF)
Absorbent shipping material (3) UN1845 DRY Ice Sticker
Biohazard bags (3) UN3373 Biological Substance Category B
Preparation and Processing of Serum, Plasma and Whole Blood: Blood samples for proteomic analysis
should be handled gently and carefully to avoid platelet degradation or contamination. In addition, needles of
large gauge (19-21 G) should be used to minimize platelet contamination from hemolysis. Keep tubes at 4C until
samples are processed.
A) Serum (if requested): Red Top Tube
Label as many 1ml cryovials (up to 10) as necessary for the serum collected. Label them with the
RTOG study and case number, collection date, time, and time point, and clearly mark cryovials
1. Allow one red top tube to clot for 30 minutes at room temperature.
2. Spin in a standard clinical centrifuge at ~2500 xG for 30 minutes at 4C (preferred). If sites are unable to
process samples at 4C then spinning at room temperature is acceptable if done within 2 hours of draw
but must be noted on the STF.
3. Aliquot 0.5 ml serum into as many cryovials as are necessary for the serum collected (5 to 10) labeled
with RTOG study and case numbers, collection date/time, protocol time-point collected (e.g.
pretreatment, post-treatment), and clearly mark specimen as “serum”.
4. Place cryovials into biohazard bag and immediately freeze at -70 to -90 C, and store frozen until ready to
ship. See below for storage conditions.
5. Store serum at -70 to -90 C until ready to ship on dry ice. See below for storage conditions.
PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT EVERY SPECIMEN IS LABELED, and include collection time point on STF.
1. After collection, invert tube(s) gently 1 to 2 times to ensure adequate mixing of EDTA. Store the blood
on ice or at 4C within a few minutes.
2. Centrifuge specimen(s) within one hour of collection in a standard clinical centrifuge at ~2500 xG for 30
minutes at 4C (preferred). If sites are unable to process samples at 4C, then spinning at room
temperature is acceptable if done immediately after draw but that must be noted on the STF.
3. If the interval between specimen collection and processing is anticipated to be greater than 10 minutes in
room temperature, put specimen on ice as soon as possible until centrifuging is performed. Note the
duration of room temperature on the STF.
4. Carefully pipette and aliquot 0.5 ml plasma into as many cryovials as are necessary for the plasma
collected (5 to 10) labeled with RTOG study and case numbers, collection date/time, time point
collected and clearly mark specimen as “plasma”. Avoid pipetting up the buffy coat layer.
5. Place cryovials into biohazard bag and immediately freeze at -70 to -90C
6. Store frozen plasma until ready to ship on dry ice.
7. See below for storage conditions.
PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT EVERY SPECIMEN IS LABELED, and include collection time point on STF.
70 RTOG 0813
APPENDIX VI (Continued)
RTOG Blood Kit Instructions Continued
C) Whole Blood For DNA (If requested): Purple Top EDTA tube #2
Label as many 1 ml cryovials (3 to 5) as necessary for the whole blood collected. Label them with the
RTOG study and case number, collection date/time, and time point, and clearly mark cryovial(s) “blood”.
1. After collection, invert tube(s) multiple times to ensure adequate mixing of EDTA. Blood can also be
mixed for 5 minutes on a mixer at room temperature.
2. Carefully pipette and aliquot 1.0 ml blood into as many cryovials as are necessary for the blood collected
(3 to 5) labeled with the RTOG study number, case number, collection date/time, time point collected, and
clearly mark the specimen as “blood”.
3. Place cryovials into biohazard bag and freeze immediately at -70 to -80 Celsius.
4. Store blood samples frozen until ready to ship on dry ice.
5. See below for storage conditions.
PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT EVERY SPECIMEN IS LABELED, and include collection Timepoint on STF.
Ship specimens on Dry Ice overnight Monday-Wednesday (Monday-Tuesday from Canada) to
prevent thawing due to delivery delays. Saturday and holiday deliveries cannot be accepted.
Include all RTOG paperwork in a sealed plastic and tape to the outside top of the Styrofoam box.
Wrap frozen specimens of same type (i.e., all serum together, plasma together and whole bloods
together) in absorbent shipping material and place each specimen type in a separate biohazard bag.
Place specimen bags into the Styrofoam cooler and fill with plenty of dry ice (7-10 lbs/3.5kg
minimum). Add padding to avoid the dry ice from breaking the tubes.
Place Styrofoam coolers into outer cardboard box, and attach shipping label and UN3373 and
UN1895 stickers to outer cardboard box.
71 RTOG 0813
APPENDIX VI (Continued) [4/12/12]
RTOG Blood Kit Instructions Continued
Multiple cases may be shipped in the same cooler, but make sure each one is in a separate bag and
that there is enough room for plenty of dry ice. Add padding to avoid the dry ice from breaking the
For questions regarding collection, shipping or to order a Blood Collection Kit, please e-mail or call 415-476-7864
Shipping Address:
Courier Address (FedEx, UPS, etc.): For all Frozen, Overnight, or Trackable Shipments
RTOG Biospecimen Resource
University of California San Francisco
2340 Sutter Street, Room S341
San Francisco, CA 94115
For questions, call 415-476-7864 or e-mail:
72 RTOG 0813
APPENDIX VI (Continued) (4/12/12)
This Kit is for collection, processing, storage, and shipping of urine specimens.
Kit Contents:
One (1) Sterile Urine collection cup Two 15 ml polypropylene centrifuge tubes
Two 7 ml disposable pipets Biohazard bags
Absorbent paper towel Parafilm for sealing outside of tubes
collection date/time, and time point collected (e.g. pretreatment, post-treatment).
Ship specimens on Dry Ice overnight Monday-Wednesday (Monday-Tuesday from Canada) to prevent thawing
due to delivery delays. Saturday and holiday deliveries cannot be accepted.
Include all RTOG paperwork in a sealed plastic and tape to the outside top of the Styrofoam box.
Place sealed specimen bags into the Styrofoam cooler and fill with plenty of dry ice (7-10 lbs/3.5kg minimum). Add
padding to avoid the dry ice from breaking the tubes.
Place Styrofoam coolers into outer cardboard box, and attach shipping label and UN3373 and UN1895 stickers to
outer cardboard box.
Multiple cases may be shipped in the same cooler, but make sure each one is in a separate bag and that there is
enough room for plenty of dry ice. Add padding to avoid the dry ice from breaking the tubes.
Samples received thawed will be discarded, and a notification will be sent immediately to the Principal Investigator
and Clinic Research Assistant of the submitting institution. The institution should send a subsequent sample,
collected as close as possible to the original planned collection date.
For questions regarding ordering, collection, or shipping of a Urine Collection Kit, please e-mail or call (415)476-7864 or fax (415) 476-5271.
Shipping Address: FedEx/UPS/Courier address (For all frozen, overnight, or trackable shipments)
RTOG Biospecimen Resource at UCSF
2340 Sutter Street, Room S341, San Francisco, CA 94115
Contact Phone: (415) 476-7864
73 RTOG 0813
Timing of Dose Limiting Toxicities (DLTs) During the First Year in Two Completed RTOG Lung Trials
RTOG 0236, “A Phase II Trial of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) in the Treatment of Patients with
Medically Inoperable Stage I/II Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer”
Study population: Patients with T1, T2 (≤ 5 cm), T3 (≤ 5 cm), N0, M0 medically inoperable non-small cell lung
cancer; patients with T3 tumors chest wall primary tumors only; no patients with tumors of any T-stage in the zone
of the proximal bronchial tree*. Patients with T3 tumors based on mediastinal invasion or < 2 cm toward carina
invasion are not eligible.
Total accrual: 60, with 55 analyzable patients (Timmerman R, Paulus R, Galvin J., et al. Toxicity analysis of
RTOG 0236 using stereotactic body radiation therapy to treat medically inoperable early stage lung cancer
patients. In Proc Amer Soc Thera Rad Onc (ASTRO), Paulus R, ed. 69: S86. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. Los
Angeles, CA: Elsevier; 2007.
RTOG 0324, “A Phase II Study of Cetuximab (C225) in Combination with Chemoradiation in Patients with Stage
IIIA/B Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)”
Study population: Histologically or cytologically documented NSCLC; Patients must be MO. Patients with T1-T2
with N2 or T3N1-2 are eligible, if inoperable. Patients withT4 with any N or any T with N2 or N3 disease are
eligible if unresectable.
Treatment: Loading dose C225; Paclitaxel/Carboplatin/C225; RT: 63 Gy/7 weeks/35 daily fractions;
Consolidation chemotherapy and C225
Total accrual: 93 with 87 analyzable patients (Blumenschein GR, Paulus R, Curran WJ, et al. A phase II study of
cetuximab (C225) in combination with chemoradiation (CRT) in patients (PTS) with stage IIIA/B non-small cell
lung cancer (NSCLC): A report of the 2 year and median survival (MS) for the RTOG 0324 trial. J Clin Oncol. 26:
Abstract 7516, 2008.
Timing of Dose Limiting Toxicities During the First Year in RTOG 0236 and 0324
74 RTOG 0813