SED 105 M1 Overview
SED 105 M1 Overview
SED 105 M1 Overview
1 Learning in Science
Education: An Introduction
Course Code: SED 105/ SED 105.1
Course Title: Technology for Teaching and Learning in Science Education (Lecture and Lab)
Welcome to SED 105! where we will indulge ourselves in different technologies that are
appropriate for our future students. As a future science educator, you must be acquainted
with and master not only one technology but also countless innovative materials for in-
depth learning science experiences. In this module, you must first be familiar with basic
concepts and theories of educational technology, social, ethical and legal responsibilities of
technology and ICT policies. As Uncle Ben said to Peter Parker, “With great power, comes
great responsibilities.”
Course Materials:
There are a few main materials in this module. The materials are mostly
composed of readings and exercises. Reference books are referred to in
different parts of the Activities. There will be supplementary videos that you can
refer to from time to time, although they are not necessarily required to be
This Learning Guide is designed such that it can be used remotely and online.
Thus, there will be a lot of teacher-independent tasks such as reading by
yourself, watching videos, reflections and others. Brace yourself.
Educational Technology: An Overview
Watch (Optional):
Digital Citizenship
Social, Ethical and Legal Responsibilities in the use of Technological Tools and
1. Activity 1: Forum/Discussion
- This activity aims to assess your perception on technology to Science.