Asaan Accountopening
Asaan Accountopening
Asaan Accountopening
VISA Debit Card Yes No Gold Silver (VISA Debit Card Conditions Apply)
I/We hereby solemnly declare that the information regarding my/our source of income is complete and true.
I/We understand that the Bank may at its option, participate as an investor by commingling its funds & the
funds of other customers as well as amount deposited in current account, as and when required.
I/We declare and confirm that I/we have received and read and understood the Bank's Account
Opening Form with Terms and Conditions governing this account which have been signed by me/us in
acceptance thereof. I/We agree to observe and remain bound by the said Terms and Conditions and
any changes supplements or modifications thereto that may be made by the Bank from time to time.
Furthermore, I/we acknowledge having received a copy of this APPLICATION Form including these
Terms and Conditions with salient features in Urdu.
Customer Signature 1. 2.
Bank Copy
(13 (2
.2 .1
Customer Copy
VISA Debit Card Yes No Gold Silver (VISA Debit Card Conditions Apply)
I/We hereby solemnly declare that the information regarding my/our source of income is complete and true.
I/We understand that the Bank may at its option, participate as an investor by commingling its funds & the
funds of other customers as well as amount deposited in current account, as and when required.
I/We declare and confirm that I/we have received and read and understood the Bank's Account
Opening Form with Terms and Conditions governing this account which have been signed by me/us in
acceptance thereof. I/We agree to observe and remain bound by the said Terms and Conditions and
any changes supplements or modifications thereto that may be made by the Bank from time to time.
Furthermore, I/we acknowledge having received a copy of this APPLICATION Form including these
Terms and Conditions with salient features in Urdu.
Customer Signature 1. 2.
Customer Copy
(13 (2
.2 .1
Please sign within the box provided.
It is confirmed that the name of applicant(s) / entity is searched and not found in SDN/OFAC/UNSCR / NAB / Banned list.
BM’s Signature
I, hereby undertake that I have fulfilled all Account Opening requirements of the Meezan Asaan Account
and have personally met the customer in person.