Philippine Folk Dances Infographic
Philippine Folk Dances Infographic
Philippine Folk Dances Infographic
F olk
Contemporary Philippine arts from the regions
Maglalatik Banga
The Banga or pot dance is a
This dance depicts the fight
between the Moros and the performance of Kalinga of the
Christians over the 'latik'. Mountain Province in the
The 'latik' is the residue that is left after Philippines. This dance
the coconut milk has been cooked and illustrates the languid grace of
boiled. This dance is composed of a a tribe. Heavy earthen pots,
four-part performance and the first two as many as seven or eight at
performance of the dance is called as a time, are balanced on the
the 'Palipasan' and the 'Baligtaran'. heads of maidens.