20 DPPolicy May 06 2021
20 DPPolicy May 06 2021
20 DPPolicy May 06 2021
A. AUTHORITY. Republic Act No. 10173, 1 Executive Order No. 2, s. 2016. 2 NPC Circular 16-01 3
and NPC Advisory No. 2017-01, 14 March 2017; 4
1. THE LAWS INVOLVED. Our Constitution expresses the policy that “the State shall adopt and
implement a policy of full disclosure of all its transactions involving public interest, subject to
reasonable conditions prescribed by law.” 5 Additionally, it recognizes “the right of the people to
information on matters of public concern.” 6 However, the same Constitution postulates that
“the State values the dignity of every human person and guarantees full respect for human rights” 7
and that the State also “guarantees the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses
and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures.” 8 The gist is that though the right to
information on matters of public concern is a fundamental right it finds a counter balance
in a person’s equally recognized fundamental right to privacy.
A legislation that permits the limited disclosure of public documents is Republic Act
No. 67139 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR). It stipulates that all public
documents must be made accessible to the public during office hours,10 except for certain
types of official information, records or documents.11
The more recent Data Privacy Act of 2012 upholds the State's twin policies of
protecting the right to privacy while ensuring the free flow of information for innovation
and growth. 12 This law, passed in June 6, 2012, seeks to implement the constitutional
provisions on protecting all forms of information, be it private, personal, or sensitive. It
sets certain parameters under which personal data may be processed (e.g., disclosed) in a
manner that conforms to data privacy principles. Consistent with the constitutional
provisions, it excludes from its scope information that fall within matters of public
concern. This law ensures that entities or organizations processing personal data establish
policies, and implement measures and procedures that guarantee the safety and security
of personal data under their control or custody, thereby upholding an individual’s data
privacy rights.
The latest on this subject is Malacañang’s 2016 Executive Order No. 2, providing that
there shall be a legal presumption in favor of access to information, public records and
official records and that no request for information shall be denied. It qualifies, though,
that such disclosure must clearly fall under any of the exceptions enshrined in the
Constitution, existing law or jurisprudence or those listed in the inventory annexed to the
E.O or its updated version. 13
Data Privacy Act of 2012
Operationalizing in the Executive Branch the People’s Constitutional Right to Information and the State Policies
to Full Public Disclosure and Transparency in the Public Service and Providing Guidelines Therefore.
Security of Personal Data in Government Agencies, 10 October 2016
Designation of Data Protection Officers
1987 Philippine Constitution, Article II, Section 28
Id. Article III, Section 7
Id. Article II, Section 11
Id. Article III, Section 2
Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees; 20 February 1989
Id. Rule VI
IRR, R.A 6813
Data Privacy Act of 2012, Sec. 2.
Annex A: Inventory of Exceptions Annexed to EO No. 2
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E.O No. 2 clarifies that “while providing access to information, public records, and official
records, responsible officials shall afford full protection to the right to privacy of the individual.”
For this purpose, it requires that each government office shall ensure that personal data
in its custody or control is disclosed or released only if it is material or relevant to the
subject-matter of the request and its disclosure is permissible under the DPA, EO or
existing law, rules or regulations, among others. 14
From the preceding discussions we comprehend that the processing of personal data,
including its use and disclosure, retention, and destruction are regulated. We also
understand that the determination of the applicability of any of the exceptions on the
disclosure of personal data shall be the responsibility of the head of the office that is in
custody or control of the information, public record or official record. 15
BSU respects and values data privacy rights, and makes sure that all personal data are
processed in adherence to the general principles of transparency, legitimate purpose, and
proportionality. As a consequence, it is imperative that guidelines be provided governing our
handling practices of personal data and against which they would be assessed to avoid
violations of data privacy laws, rules and regulations.
This Data Privacy Policy is adopted for a two-fold purpose: 1) to inform university
personnel of BSU’s data protection and security measures, and 2) to guide and assist all
University units engaged in the processing of personal data to meet their obligations under
the Data Privacy Law, its Implementing Rules and Regulations, related issuances by the
National Data Privacy Commission, and Executive Order No. 2, s. 2016, in the implementation
This Policy encapsulates the privacy and data protection protocols that need to be
observed and carried out within the University for specific circumstances (e.g., from collection
to destruction), directed toward the fulfillment and realization of the rights of all data subjects
without sacrificing data quality. As may be necessary, definite guidelines shall be issued for
specific offices with unique personal data handling processes.
E.0 2, Sec. 7
Loc. cit.
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It must be stressed that the laws impose obligations on those persons engaged in the
processing of personal data, and prescribes stiff penalties for specific offenses. 16
This Data Privacy Policy is essentially an internal issuance and is meant for the use and
application of university personnel in all Campuses of the University. All BSU personnel,
regardless of the type of employment or contractual arrangement must comply with the terms
set out in this Privacy Policy. The public shall be guided by the University’s Privacy Notice,
which is a separate privacy document.
The burden of proving that this Policy is not applicable to a particular information falls
on those involved in the processing of personal data or the party claiming the non-
applicability. In all cases, the determination of any exemption shall be liberally interpreted in
favor of the rights and interests of the data subject.
3. Privileged Information – “any and all forms of information which, under the Rules of
Court and other pertinent laws, constitute privileged communication, such as, but not
limited to, information which a person authorized to practice medicine, surgery or
obstetrics may have acquired in attending to a patient in a professional capacity.”
5. Consent of the Data Subject - refers to any freely given, specific, informed indication of
will, whereby the data subject agrees to the collection and processing of personal
information about and/or relating to him or her. It shall be evidenced by written, electronic
or recorded means. It may also be given on behalf of the data subject by an agent
specifically authorized by the data subject to do so.
7. Personal Information Processor (PIP) - refers to any natural or juridical person or any
other body to whom a personal information controller may outsource or instruct the
processing of personal data pertaining to a data subject
See R.A No. 10173 (DPA of 2012), Chapter VIII; DPA-IRR, Rule XIII
Id. Chapter I, Sec. 3; IRR-Rule I, Sec. 3
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8. Data Processing Systems - refers to the structure and procedure by which personal data
is collected and further processed in an information and communications system or
relevant filing system, including the purpose and intended output of the processing.
10. Filing system - refers to any act of information relating to natural or juridical persons to
the extent that, although the information is not processed by equipment operating
automatically in response to instructions given for that purpose, the set is structured,
either by reference to individuals or by reference to criteria relating to individuals, in such
a way that specific information relating to a particular person is readily accessible.
11. Data sharing - refers to the disclosure or transfer to a third party of personal data under
the custody or control of BSU. The term excludes outsourcing, or the disclosure or transfer
of personal data by a personal information processor to a personal information controller.
12. Data Sharing Agreements – any written contract or agreement entered into by BSU and
a third party containing the terms and conditions of the sharing of personal data.
13. Data Processing - refers to any operation or any set of operations performed upon
personal data including, but not limited to, the collection, recording, organization, storage,
updating or modification, retrieval, consultation, use, consolidation, blocking, erasure or
destruction of data. Processing may be performed through automated means, or manual
processing, if the personal data are contained or are intended to be contained in a filing
14. Personal Data Breach – refers to a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful
destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, personal data
transmitted, stored, or otherwise processed.
15. Privacy Notice – a statement informing a data subject of how BSU processes personal data
from collection to destruction.
16. Security Measures – refers to the organizational, physical, and technical measures
employed to protect personal data from both natural and human dangers.
17. Security Incident - is an event or occurrence that affects or tends to affect data protection,
or may compromise the availability, integrity and confidentiality of personal data. It
includes incidents that would result to a personal data breach, if not for safeguards that
have been put in place
18. Data Center – refers to a designated centralized repository which may be physical or
virtual, may be analog or digital, used for the storage, management, and dissemination of
data. 19
19. Public document – are: (a) the written official acts, or records of the official acts of the
sovereign authority, official bodies and tribunals, and public officers, whether of the
Philippines, or of a foreign country; (b) documents acknowledged before a notary public,
DPA-IRR, Rule I, Sec. 3.f
NPC Circular 16-01 (10 October 2016), Rule I, Sec. 3.E and Rule II, Sec. 7
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except last wills and testaments; and (c) public records, kept in the Philippines, of private
documents required by law to be entered therein. 20
20. Data Protection Officer – refers to the duly designated officer/s accountable for the
university’s compliance with the DPA, its IRR, issuances by the NPC, any other
government-issued privacy rule or regulation, as well as the implementation of this
Privacy Manual. 21
21. Compliance Officer for Privacy - is an individual or individuals who perform some of
the functions of a DPO. 22
22. Data Breach Response Team – is a designated team responsible for ensuring immediate
action in the event of a security incident or personal data breach. 23
23. Head of Office (HO) – shall refer to the personnel who has direct supervision and control
over an office and its staff either by reason of position or designation. 24
A. DATA PRIVACY PRINCIPLES. 25 Processing of personal data shall be subject to compliance with
the requirements of the Data Privacy Law and other laws allowing disclosure of information
to the public, and adherence to the principles of transparency, legitimate purpose, and
1. Transparency. Data subjects or clients must be aware of the nature, purpose, and extent
of the processing of their personal data, including the risks and safeguards involved, their
rights as a data subject, 26 and how these can be exercised. Any information and
communication provided a data subject must always be in clear and plain language to
ensure that they are easy to access and understand.
3. Proportionality. Process only the data identified as needed to perform your job
responsibilities and in your approved records retention schedule. Only personal data that
is necessary, relevant, suitable and compatible with such declared, specified, and
legitimate purpose of your office shall be collected. Inaccurate or incomplete data must be
rectified, supplemented, destroyed or their further processing restricted.
1. COLLECTION. For each collection of personal data, it must be ensured that the data
processor has legal authority to do so and that the collection must be for a declared,
specified legitimate purpose; that data is processed fairly and lawfully, and that
processing should ensure data quality.
Rules of Court, Rule 132, Sec. 19
DPA, Sec. 21(b), IRR, Sec. 50(b), NPC Cir. 2016-01, Sec. 4
NPC Adv. Opinion 2017-01, 14 March 2017 (Designating DPOs)
NPC Cir. 16-03
Our definition
DPA-IRR, Rule IV, Sec. 17,
See Part VII.A below
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a. Identify the type of personal data that will be processed. Collect only the data for
which you are authorized and that is necessary, adequate, relevant, and compatible
with your declared, specified legitimate purpose and the discharge of the functions of
your office. 27 Do not consider data for future reference or possible later use.
b. Collect data directly from your data subject. Consent is required prior to the
processing of personal data, subject to exemptions provided by the DPA and other
applicable laws and regulations. A “Data Privacy Consent Form” 28 should first be
accomplished by a data subject before any processing of personal data. This shall form
part of the office documentation. The collection of personal data from third parties or
external sources must be specifically authorized by some law or rule.
c. Provide specific information to the data subject in clear and plain language regarding
the purpose and extent of processing including, where applicable, the automated
processing of his/her personal data for profiling or data sharing.
d. Personal data processing for research purposes is allowed when the personal data is
publicly available, or has the consent of the data subject. Provided, that the research is
intended for a public benefit and that it be subject to the requirements of applicable
laws, regulations, or ethical standards. 29 Provided further, that the researcher comply
with any code of ethics or any rules and regulations on research issued and
implemented by institutions involved in research. Provided, finally, that adequate
safeguards are in place, and no decision directly affecting the data subject shall be
made on the basis of the data collected or processed.
e. Uphold the rights of your data subject, 30 including the right to correct, refuse,
withdraw consent, or object. Should your data subject refuse consent, explain fully the
consequences. Processing shall be undertaken in a manner that ensures appropriate
privacy and security safeguards.
2. ACCURACY AND CORRECTION. Take reasonable steps to ensure that processed personal data
is accurate, complete and kept up-to-date before use or disclosure.
a. Establish measures to ensure that collected personal data is accurate, complete and
up to date. Inaccurate or incomplete data must be rectified, supplemented, destroyed
or their further processing restricted. Define a documented process for the correction
of personal data under your care and identify staff responsible for these or otherwise
keeping them up-to-date.
b. Access and correction rights by data subjects should form part of these measures.
3. USE AND ACCESS. Use personal data only for the purpose/s for which it is collected. If it is
to be used later for a purpose not indicated in A.2, consent of the data subject must first
be secured. Further processing beyond the original purpose should have adequate
Refer to definitions; this document
Annex B, Model Data Privacy Consent Form
IRR-DPA (RA No. 10173), 5(c)
DPA, Sec.16
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b. Restrict access to the Data Center to yourself or to assigned personnel that shall have
appropriate security clearance. Access should be enforced by a control system that
records when, why, and by whom the data center is accessed. The procedures shall be
reviewed regularly by the office concerned, the management or the DPO.
c. Data collected from parties other than the data subject for purpose of research shall
be allowed when the personal data is publicly available, or has the consent of the data
subject for purpose of research: Provided, that adequate safeguards are in place, and
no decision directly affecting the data subject shall be made on the basis of the data
collected or processed. The rights of the data subject shall be upheld without
compromising research integrity
4. RETENTION. Only the needed and necessary personal data should be retained and stored,
and only for the minimum period required by law. They should not be retained longer
than necessary. Reference shall be made to the BSU Records Disposition Schedule (RDS)
formulated under the supervision of the National Archives of the Philippines vis-à-vis
NAP General Circular No. 1. 31
a. Determine the retention periods for the personal data in your custody considering
the fulfillment of the declared, specified, and legitimate purpose for the processing;
the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims; and the legitimate business
purposes, which must be consistent with standards followed by the applicable
industry or approved by appropriate government agency.
b. Lay out procedures and documentation for the destruction, disposal, or de-
identification of the personal data. Personal data shall be disposed or discarded in a
secure manner that would prevent further processing, unauthorized access, or
disclosure to any other party or the public, or prejudice the interests of the data subject.
c. Personal data originally collected for a declared, specified, or legitimate purpose may
be stored for longer periods if these are to be processed further for historical, statistical,
or scientific purposes and in cases laid down in law. This is subject to the
implementation of the appropriate organizational, physical, and technical security
measures required by the DPA in order to safeguard the rights and freedoms of the
data subject.
5. DISCLOSURE AND SHARING. Personal data under the custody of the University shall be
disclosed only when allowed by law and pursuant to a lawful purpose and made to
identified and authorized recipients of such data.
a. Determine if your office is legally authorized to disclose personal data. If so, the
purpose of the disclosure and its means should be defined and, likewise, consonant to
the purpose of the collection.
b. Disclose only the personal data authorized and necessary for the indicated purpose
or relevant to the subject matter of the request.
National Archives of the Philippines; Rules and Regulations Governing the Management of Public Records and
Archives Administration; January 20, 2009
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c. Request for information shall not be denied unless it clearly falls under any of the
exceptions listed in the inventory or updated inventory of exceptions circularized by
the Office of the President through E.O No. 2. 32
d. When resolving a pending request for access to personal data you must consider the
The determination of the applicability of any of the exceptions to the request shall
be your responsibility as HO. In case of doubt, consult the Data Protection Officer.
e. Sharing or disclosure with other government agencies must always be for the
purpose of a public function or provision of a public service, 33 consistent with and
necessarily required under the general mandate of BSU and the agency concerned. 34
This should be covered by a Data Sharing Agreement. This subject is spelled out in
more detail in NPC Circular 16-02 of 10 October 2016. 35
a. Hard Copies. When handling hard copies such as paper printouts, CDs, DVDs, or Blu-
ray discs, shred the copy in order to completely destroy the data. Recycling hard
copies (e.g., use as scratch papers) is not prohibited, provided that they do not hold
personal data.
b. Soft Copies. When storing soft-copy data, organize files in such a way that they are
deleted when needed. Different types of electronic media demand specific methods of
destruction in order that secure destruction is effected. The greatest challenges in the
secure destruction of electronic records are keeping pace with the changes in
technology and the methodologies required to conduct complete destruction. The
irreversible destruction of data in electronic media devices (media sanitization) is a
must. It is strongly advised that the assistance of our information technology
See Annex A
NPC Advisory Opinion No. 2017-54; 11 September 2017
NPC Advisory Opinion No. 2017-52; 11 September 2017
Data Sharing Agreements Involving Government Agencies
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professionals be obtained to carry this out. Media destruction/disposal procedures, an
allied system in the university’s Records Disposition Schedule, shall be formulated.
1. Request for access to files, records or for other documents containing personal and
sensitive personal data shall be directly filed with or referred to the Head of Office. Where
the office receiving the request is not the primary custodian of the information/data being
sought, the request must be referred to the office that has primary custody of such
information or data.
2. Access to the data center shall be monitored by the HO. All those who enter and access
the data center must register in a logbook dedicated for the purpose which shall indicate
the name, date, time, purpose, and duration of each access.
3. If the data subject is the requesting party he/she shall accomplish a “Request for Issuance
of Documents/Information” designed by your Office. 36 The request shall be processed
under Republic Act No. 11032 otherwise known as the Ease of Doing Business and
Efficient Government Service Delivery (EODB-EGSD) Act of 2018.
4. If the requesting party be a person other than the data subject, the request shall be treated
under the procedures laid out in BSU’s Freedom of Information Manual. 37 Always verify
the requester’s identity and validity of requests.
a. Only those matters of public concern may be made available to the public as:
ii. personal data relating to the service performed by a current or former government
contractor; and
a. Physical documents. Photocopy the original document and using a black marker pen,
correction fluid, redaction tape, or other means, block out the concerned information
or by some tool physically remove it from the photocopied version. After the
concerned information has been redacted from the physical document, it must be
The form can be patterned after that of the HRMO request form
BOR Resolution No. 2611, s. 2017, Promulgated March 23, 2017
NPC Advisory Opinion No. 2019-026; 24 April 2019
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scanned again to produce an access version. Check the modified document to ensure
all the redacted information is unreadable before releasing it.
b. Digital or electronic documents. In redacting a digital document, the rule is to ensure that
sensitive information is not just visually hidden or made illegible, but is actually
removed from the source file. Redactions made to digital documents can in some
circumstances be reversed, therefore an edited version of an electronic document must
never be released. Call upon our IT experts for assistance when in doubt.
d. Before release of redacted document. Before the redacted information, official record, or
public record is released, the requesting party shall be required to sign a written
undertaking that he or she shall not share nor disclose the information obtained
through the FOI Program to any other person or entity, or use the information
obtained in a manner that is not in accordance with the purpose stated in the request.
This can be integrated as part of the “Request for Issuance of Documents/Information”
mentioned earlier.
6. Facsimile technology, email, internet, web and wireless transmissions shall not be used
for transmitting documents containing personal data.
7. Where documents or media containing personal data is transmitted by mail or post, the
HO shall ensure the use of registered mail or, where appropriate, guaranteed parcel post
service. He/She shall establish procedures that ensure that such documents or media are
delivered only to the person to whom they are addressed, or his or her authorized
representative: Provided, that similar safeguards shall be adopted relative to documents or
media transmitted between offices or personnel within the agency.
If found necessary, data processing units should formulate more detailed and specific
guidelines adapted to their particular working environment or functions. Once this is
cleared by the University Data Protection Officer, it should be posted in a conspicuous
place in the office for the information, guidance, and appreciation of other employees and
of the public.
All personal data maintained by the University shall be secured, as far as practicable, with
the use of the most appropriate standard recognized by the information and communications
technology industry, subject to the DPA and other issuances of the Commission. Thus, the
University shall allow only data processors providing sufficient guarantees to implement
appropriate security measures in such a manner that processing will meet the requirements of
the DPA ensuring the protection of the rights of data subjects. To this end, reasonable
organizational, physical, and technical security measures must be taken by University data
processors to maintain the availability, integrity, and confidentiality of personal data. These
security measures must be intended for the protection against natural dangers (accidental loss or
destruction) and human dangers (unauthorized access, use, modification, etc.) of personal data,
taking into account the nature of the record to be protected.
DPA, Chapters V & VII; DPA-IRR, Rules V & VI
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A. ORGANIZATIONAL SECURITY MEASURES. The system’s environment, particularly to the
individuals carrying them out. Implementing the organizational data protection policies aim
to maintain the availability, integrity, and confidentiality of personal data against any
accidental or unlawful processing (i.e. access control policy, employee training, surveillance,
a. Mandatory Designations. Pursuant to the provisions of the law, the University has a
duly designated Data Protection Officer who shall be responsible for overseeing the
university’s compliance with the DPA and such other data privacy laws, rules and
regulations. Compliance Officers for Privacy (COP) are designated each for the
Buguias and Bokod Campuses. The COPs shall be under the supervision of the DPO.
Their contact details are as follows:
b. Position of the DPO or COP. The DPO or COP should be full-time or organic
employee of BSU in either a career or appointive position. They must be independent
in the performance of their functions, and should be accorded a significant degree of
autonomy by the University and not assigned functions that may give rise to any
conflict of interest.
c. Duties and Responsibilities of the DPO and COP. A DPO shall, among others:
1) Oversee the University’s compliance with the DPA, its IRR, issuances by the NPC
and other applicable laws and policies. For this purpose, he or she may:
Annex C
NPC Advisory Opinion No. 2017-01; 14 March 2017
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o ascertain renewal of accreditations or certifications necessary to maintain the
required standards in personal data processing; and
o advice the university as regards the necessity of executing a Data Sharing
Agreement with third parties, and ensure its compliance with the law;
3) Advice the University regarding complaints and/or the exercise by data subjects
of their rights (e.g., requests for information, clarifications, rectification or deletion
of personal data);
4) Ensure proper data breach and security incident management by the University,
including the latter’s preparation and submission to the NPC of reports and other
documentation concerning security incidents or data breaches within the
prescribed period;
5) Inform and cultivate awareness on privacy and data protection within the
organization, including all relevant laws, rules and regulations and issuances of
the NPC;
7) Serve as the contact person of the University vis-à-vis data subjects, the NPC and
other authorities in all matters concerning data privacy or security issues or
8) Cooperate, coordinate and seek advice of the NPC regarding matters concerning
data privacy and security; and
9) Perform other duties and tasks that may be assigned by the University that will
further the interest of data privacy and security and uphold the rights of the data
Except for items 1) to 3), a COP shall perform all other functions of a DPO. Where
appropriate, he or she shall also assist the supervising DPO in the performance of
the latter’s functions.
The DPO or COP must have due regard for the risks associated with the processing
operations of the University, taking into account the nature, scope, context and
purposes of processing. Accordingly, they must prioritize their activities and focus
their efforts on issues that present higher data protection risks.
d. Protection. To strengthen the autonomy of the DPO or COP and ensure the
independent nature of their role in the organization, the University should not directly
or indirectly penalize or dismiss the DPO or COP for performing his or her tasks. It is
not necessary that the penalty is actually imposed or meted out. A mere threat is
sufficient if it has the effect of impeding or preventing the DPO or COP from
performing their tasks. However, nothing shall preclude the legitimate application of
administrative, civil or criminal laws against the DPO or COP, based on just or
authorized grounds.
1) effectively communicate to its personnel, the designation of the DPO or COP and
their functions;
2) allow the DPO or COP to be involved from the earliest stage possible in all issues
relating to privacy and data protection;
4) grant the DPO or COP appropriate access to the personal data it is processing,
including the processing systems;
5) where applicable, invite the DPO or COP to participate in meetings of senior and
middle management to represent the interest of privacy and data protection;
6) promptly consult the DPO or COP in the event of a personal data breach or security
incident; and
7) ensure that the DPO or COP is made a part of all relevant working groups that
deal with personal data processing activities conducted inside the organization, or
with other organizations.
3. CONDUCT OF PRIVACY IMPACT ASSESSMENT (PIA). The University shall undertake a Privacy
Impact Assessment (PIA) for every processing system that involves personal data as
otherwise provided in this Manual.
4. CONDUCT OF TRAININGS OR SEMINARS. The University shall sponsor, from time to time,
trainings or seminars to keep personnel, especially the DPO and CPOs, updated vis-à-vis
developments in data privacy and security. It shall conduct a mandatory training on data
privacy and security at least once a year for personnel directly involved in the processing
of personal data. Management shall ensure their attendance and participation in relevant
trainings and orientations, as often as necessary.
5. REVIEW OF PRIVACY POLICY. This Manual shall be reviewed and evaluated annually.
Privacy and security policies and practices within the university shall be updated to
remain consistent with current data privacy best practices. There shall be periodic reviews
of procedures adopted by and being implemented in the various personal data processors
of the University.
B. PHYSICAL SECURITY MEASURES. Policies and procedures should be instituted that shall
monitor and limit access to and activities in the office, room, workstation or facility containing
personal data. It shall include guidelines that specify the proper use of and access to electronic
media (i.e. locks, backup protection, workstation protection, etc.), physical design of office
space, permissible means of transfer, etc.
1. FORMAT AND MEDIUM OF PERSONAL DATA. Define the format and medium of the personal
data to be processed and where these are to be stored. Be guided by the university’s
2. STORAGE TYPES AND LOCATION. It must be certain that all types of personal data are
secured and protected in whatever form they are processed: physical, digital or electronic.
The classification conducted by the Office Document Custodians of the various university
units/offices in relation to the BSU Records Management System and BSU FOI Manual
with the assistance of the OQAA would be of assistance.
3. DATA CENTERS. Centralized repositories shall be established by the University within all its
campuses that shall henceforth be referred to as “Data Centers”, 42 which may be physical
or virtual, may be analog or digital, used for the storage, management, and dissemination
of data.
4. ACCESS PROCEDURE FOR BSU PERSONNEL. Only authorized personnel shall be allowed
inside the Data Center and who shall be entrusted with and have custody of the access
key. Other authorized staff may be given a duplicate of the key. Other University
personnel may be granted access to the room upon approval of the Office Head. Only the
individuals actually authorized shall be in the data room at any given time
a. Protect personal data in the processing system against any accidental or unlawful
destruction, alteration and disclosure as well as against any other unlawful processing.
Regulate the manner of access to and examination of the files, records and other
documents to avoid damage and loss, prevent undue interference with the duties of
office personnel, and assure the exercise of the same constitutional right by other
persons. 43 Only the data subject and the authorized personnel of the University shall
be allowed to access such personal data, for any purpose, except for those contrary to
law, public policy, public order or morals.
b. Physical media. If personal data is stored in paper files or any physical media these
should be physically secured (lock and key). An office log must be maintained from
which it can be ascertained which file was accessed, including when, where, and by
whom. Such log shall also indicate whether copies of the file were made. The log
records, including all applicable procedures, shall be regularly reviewed. 44
b. Maintain the integrity of data. Persons involved in personal data processing shall
always maintain confidentiality and integrity of personal data. They are not allowed
to bring their own gadgets or storage device of any form when entering the data
storage room or Data Centers.
6. OFFICE SPACE AND/OR WORK STATION. Personnel shall be assigned office space or work
stations with the least volume of foot traffic to minimize risk of breach and other security
incidents. Computers shall be positioned with considerable space between them to
maintain privacy and protect the personal data processing.
NPC Circular 16-01 (10 October 2016), Rule I, Sec. 3.E and Rule II, Sec. 7
Legaspi vs. Civil Service Commission, G.R. No. L-72119 (29 May 1987)
Id. Rule III, Sec. 22
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C. TECHNICAL SECURITY MEASURES. This involves the technological aspect of security in
protecting personal information (i.e. computer network, encryption, data center policies, data
transfer policies, software security, authentication, etc.).
2. DATABASE/SERVER SECURITY. Where possible, staff handling personal data shall not be
allowed to save files on a local computer (individual PC) but directed to save files only to
their allocated network drive created in assigned data center. 45 Where University
computers, laptops, and other devices are used in the processing of personal data these
shall be protected by passwords or passcodes. Passwords or passphrases used to access
personal data should be of sufficient strength to deter password attacks. A password
policy should be adopted and enforced. 46
3. BACK-UPS. A backup file for all personal data under custody should be maintained. In the
event of a security incident or data breach, it shall always compare the backup with the
affected file to determine the presence of any inconsistencies or alterations resulting from
the incident or breach.
4. ENCRYPTION AND AUTHENTICATION. The University shall adopt means for the encryption
of personal data with the most appropriate encryption standards during storage and while
in transit; authentication processes, and other technical security measures that control and
limit access.
6. REVIEW OF SECURITY POLICIES. The University shall review security policies, conduct
vulnerability assessments and perform penetration testing on regular schedule to be
prescribed by the appropriate department or unit.
1. CREATION. The University has in place a Data Breach Response Team responsible for
ensuring immediate action in the event of a security incident or personal data breach.
The team shall conduct an initial assessment of the incident or breach in order to
ascertain the nature and extent thereof. It shall also execute measures to mitigate the
adverse effects of the incident or breach.
2. FUNCTIONS. The team must be ready to assess and evaluate a security incident, restore
integrity to the information and communications system, mitigate and remedy any
NPC Circular 16-01 (Security of Personal Data in Gov’t. Agencies), Rule II, Sec. 7, Rule III, Sec. 19
Id., Rule II, Sec. 8
NPC Circular 16-03, Personal Data Breach Management
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resulting damage, and comply with reporting requirements. It shall be responsible for
the following:
2. NOTIFICATION PROTOCOLS. The Data Breach Response Team shall prepare and
circularize detailed notification and reporting protocols for incident or breach in
accordance with the DPA and its IRR, and any other issuance of the NPC.
3. BREACH REPORT. The Data Breach Response Team shall prepare a detailed
documentation of every incident or breach encountered, as well as an annual report,
to be submitted to management and the NPC, within the prescribed period.
Always maintain a backup file for all personal data under your custody. In the
event of a security incident or data breach, always compare the backup with the affected
file to determine the presence of any inconsistencies or alterations resulting from the
incident or breach. Take the required action to preserve the integrity of the personal data.
3. The processing shall be governed by a contract or other legal act that binds the PIP to
BSU. The contract or legal act shall set out the subject-matter and duration of the
processing, the nature and purpose of the processing, the type of personal data and
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categories of data subjects, the obligations and rights of the parties, and the geographic
location of the processing under the subcontracting agreement.
1. The contract or legal act shall set out the subject-matter and duration of the processing,
the nature and purpose of the processing, the type of personal data and categories of data
subjects, the obligations and rights of the personal information controller, and the
geographic location of the processing under the subcontracting agreement.
2. The contract or other legal act shall stipulate, in particular, that the Personal Information
Processor shall:
a. Process the personal data only upon the documented instructions of the University,
including transfers of personal data to another country or an international
organization, unless such transfer is authorized by law;
c. Implement appropriate security measures and comply with the DPA, its IRR, and
other issuances of the Commission;
d. Not engage another processor without prior instruction from BSU: Provided, that any
such arrangement shall ensure that the same obligations for data protection under the
contract or legal act are implemented, taking into account the nature of the processing;
e. Assist BSU, by appropriate technical and organizational measures and to the extent
possible, fulfill the obligation to respond to requests by data subjects relative to the
exercise of their rights;
f. Assist BSU in ensuring compliance with the DPA, its IRR, other relevant laws, and
other issuances of the Commission, taking into account the nature of processing and
the information available to the personal information processor;
g. At the choice of BSU, delete or return all personal data to her after the end of the
provision of services relating to the processing: Provided, that this includes deleting
existing copies unless storage is authorized by the DPA or another law;
h. Make available to BSU all information necessary to demonstrate compliance with the
obligations laid down in the DPA, and allow for and contribute to audits, including
inspections, conducted by BSU or another auditor mandated by the latter;
i. Immediately inform BSU if, in its opinion, an instruction infringes the DPA, its IRR, or
any other issuance of the Commission.
C. DUTY OF BSU. BSU shall comply with the requirements of the DPA, its IRR, other applicable
laws, and other issuances of the Commission, in addition to obligations provided in a contract,
or other legal act with a personal information controller.
1. RESPONSIBILITY FOR PERSONAL DATA. BSU and its data processors shall be responsible for
any personal data under their control or custody, including information that have been
outsourced or transferred to a PIP or a third party for processing, whether domestically
or internationally, subject to cross-border arrangement and cooperation.
2. PROCESSING BY PIPs. BSU and its data processors shall be accountable for complying with
the requirements of the DPA and its IRR, and other issuances of the NPC. It shall use
contractual or other reasonable means to provide a comparable level of protection to the
personal data while it is being processed by a PIP or third party.
3. COMPLIANCE OFFICER. The Head of the data processing unit shall automatically be a
Compliance Officer and accountable for compliance with the DPA. The identity of the
Head of Office shall be made known to a data subject upon request.
1. PERSON LIABLE. University personal data processors who fails to comply with this Manual,
the DPA and its IRR, and other issuances of the NPC, shall be liable for such violation,
and shall be subject to its corresponding sanction, penalty, or fine, without prejudice to
any civil or criminal liability, as may be applicable.
2. PROSECUTION. In case of criminal acts and their corresponding personal penalties, the
person who committed the unlawful act or omission shall be recommended for
prosecution by the NPC based on substantial evidence.
A. RIGHTS OF A DATA SUBJECT. 51 Every data subject has the following rights as provided under
the DPA and other privacy laws.
1. RIGHT TO BE INFORMED. The data subject has a right to be informed whether personal data
pertaining to him/her shall be, are being, or have been processed, including the existence
of automated decision-making and profiling.
The data subject shall be notified and furnished with information indicated hereunder
before the entry of his or her personal data into the processing system of the personal
information processor via the university’s Data Privacy Notice, or at the next practical
b. Purposes for which they are being or will be processed, including processing for direct
marketing, profiling or historical, statistical or scientific purpose;
c. Basis of processing, when processing is not based on the consent of the data subject;
Id., Rule XII
NPC Privacy Tool Kit, 3rd Edition
DPA, Chapter IV; Rule VIII, id.
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e. The recipients or classes of recipients to whom the personal data are or may be
f. Methods utilized for automated access, if the same is allowed by the data subject, and
the extent to which such access is authorized, including meaningful information about
the logic involved, as well as the significance and the envisaged consequences of such
processing for the data subject;
i. The existence of their rights as data subjects, including the right to access, correction,
and object to the processing, as well as the right to lodge a complaint before the
2. RIGHT TO OBJECT. Data subjects have the right to indicate their refusal to the processing of
their personal data. Once they have served notice of the withholding of consent, further
processing of their personal data will no longer be allowed, unless:
b. The collection and processing is undertaken pursuant to any lawful basis or criteria or
where the data is not covered by the DPA.
3. RIGHT TO ACCESS. Data subjects may be given access to or a copy of their personal data
upon request. They also have the right to request access to the circumstances relating to
the processing and collection of their personal data, insofar as allowed by law. They may
be charged a small fee for this service.
4. RIGHT TO RECTIFICATION. They have the right to request us to immediately correct any
inaccuracy or error in their personal data or to complete the information they believe is
incomplete. Upon request, and after correction has been made, inform any recipient of the
personal data of its inaccuracy and the subsequent rectification that was made.
5. RIGHT TO ERASURE OR BLOCKING. In the absence of any other legal ground or overriding
legitimate interest for the lawful processing of personal data, or when there is substantial
proof that personal data is incomplete, outdated, false, or has been unlawfully obtained,
they may request us to suspend, withdraw, or order the blocking, removal, or destruction
of their personal data from our filing system. We may also notify those who have
previously received their processed personal data.
6. RIGHT TO DATA PORTABILITY. In case their personal data was processed through electronic
means and in a structured and commonly used format, they have the right to obtain a
copy of such personal data in such electronic or structured format, subject to the
guidelines of the National Privacy Commission with regard to the exercise of such right.
8. LIMITATION ON RIGHTS; MANNER OF EXERCISE. The rights mentioned under this item are not
applicable if personal data are processed only for scientific and statistical research
purposes, and without being used as basis for carrying out any activity or taking any
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decision regarding them as the data subject. Their rights as data subjects are also subject
to other limitations provided by law. It is required that they exercise their rights as
described in this Notice in a reasonable and non-arbitrary manner, and with regard to the
rights of other parties.
All requests, demands or notices which they may make under this Notice or applicable
law must be made in writing and will only be considered received when done so by the
University Data Protection Officer.
B. PROCEDURES. The processing units shall adopt procedures for inquiries and complaints that
will specify the means through which concerns, documents, or forms submitted shall be
received and acted upon. These should include a confirmation with the complainant of
receipt of the complaint.