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Instructor: Ninh Khanh Duy


Lecture 6.1: Introduction to speech signals

Lecture 6.2: Time-domain features and applications
Lecture 6.3: Frequency-domain features and applications
Duration: 6 periods
Lecture 6.1
Introduction to speech signals

! Outline:
1. Overview of speech signals
2. Basic properties of speech signals
Overview of speech signals

! Speech signals are obtained by a digital recording process

(sampling, quantizing, coding) of acoustic waves

“Các bạn trẻ …”

! Speech signals encode messages of speakers, which include

linguistic information such as phonemes, sentence types, etc
Overview of speech signals

! Acoustic wave at mouth and nose is the output of the air low
going from lung through human vocal tract
Mechanisms of phones and voicing

Air flow

/s/ /a/

" Speech (Output signal): include different phones and voicing

" Resonance cavities (System) ⇒ diff. phones: /a/, /m/, /s/, /z/
" Air flow after vocal cords (Input signal) ⇒ diff. voicing:
• Vocal cords vibrate: Quasi-periodic pulses ⇒ voiced phones: /a/, /m/
• Vocal cords close: Turbulence ⇒ unvoiced phones: /s/, /z/, /p/, /k/
Lecture 6.1
Introduction to speech signals

! Outline:
1. Overview of speech signals
2. Basic properties of speech signals
Basic properties of speech signals

! Randomness
" Speech (like most real-world signals) is random: impossible to
predict with certainty their future values from past values
# Deterministic signal: for each value of time we have a rule which
enables us to determine the precise value of the signal

" The value of a signal at any instant of time x(t) is a random

# The actual value of a signal is only known after observation

" A signal is assumed to be generated by a random process with a

structure that can be characterized and described
Basic properties of speech signals

! Variability
" Depend on different microphones
Basic properties of speech signals

! Variability
" Depend on different speakers (voices)
Basic properties of speech signals

! Variability
" Depend on dif. physical/emotional states of the same speaker
Basic properties of speech signals

! Characteristics are slowly varying in time

" Time/Frequency related features are quite stable within short
segments of 10-50 ms (duration to pronounce a phoneme)
Short-time processing technique

! Divide a signal into consecutive frames, each having a fixed duration

(e.g., 25 ms)

! Extract features frame-by-frame

! Combine extracted features into feature sequence (time axis is now

frame index)

1. Read Section 2 & 3 of “CS425 Audio and Speech Processing_Hodgkinson_2012”

2. Write a program to compute the energy and power of a recorded signal

following the formulas (2.1) & (2.2) in page 25 of the textbook
“Applied Digital Signal Processing -Theory and Practice_Manolakis-Ingle_2011”

Lecture 6.1: Introduction to speech signals

Lecture 6.2: Time-domain features and applications
Lecture 6.3: Frequency-domain features and applications
Duration: 6 periods
Lecture 6.2
Time-domain features and applications

! Outline:
1. Voiced/Unvoiced/Silence segmentation
2. Time-domain pitch estimation
Introduction to
Voiced/Unvoiced/Silence classification

! Recorded signal include speech & silence regions

" Speech: regions exhibit voice activities (producing phones)

" Silence: regions exhibit no phone except environmental noise

Introduction to
Voiced/Unvoiced/Silence classification

! A speech region is divided into voiced & unvoiced segments

" Voiced: exhibit strong periodicity, resulted by vibration of vocal folds

" Unvoiced: exhibit weak/no periodicity, resulted by closed vocal folds

Speech/Silence discrimination

! Problem statement
" Input: a signal

" Output: the signal with vertical boundaries between speech and
silence regions

! Constraint
" The minimum length of silence region is 300ms to exclude very
short pauses when speaking
Speech/Silence discrimination

! Observation

Level of silence is mostly lesser than that of speech segments,

except when
" Environmental noise may has level higer than that of unvoiced
fricatives (e.g., /s/, /z/)

" Recording environment has a high noise level (or low Signal-to-
Noise Ratio (SNR))

$ Use signal level as the discrimination criterion

Speech/Silence discrimination

! Candidate attribute functions

" Short-Time Energy (STE): sum of square of the waveform values
over a finite number of samples belonging to a frame (20-25 ms)

n: frame index
m: sample index
N: frame length (samples)
Speech/Silence discrimination

! Candidate attribute functions

" Magnitude Average (MA): sum of absolute of the waveform values
over a finite number of samples belonging to a frame

n: frame index
m: sample index
N: frame length (samples)
" For practical uses, we rather use the N values centered around n,

from n−N/2 to n+N/2−1

Speech/Silence discrimination

! Candidate attribute functions

" Short-Time Energy (STE) vs. Magnitude Average (MA)

Both functions reflect the waveform envelope, but STE emphasizes large values
Speech/Silence discrimination

! Algorithm in general
" Based on some threshold of the attribute function to discriminate a
frame as speech or silence

" This threshold is to be found based on given training signals with

different environmental noise levels
Speech/Silence discrimination

! Algorithm to find the threshold

" Can be set manually or automatically

" Should be based on the distribution (histogram) of feature data

(STE/MA) of frames belong to speech or silence (no label needed),
or based on a binary search (label needed)

" Or should be based on simple statistics (mean & standard

deviation) (label needed) (assuming normal distribution)
Voiced/Unvoiced discrimination

! Problem statement
" Input: a signal including only speech region (assuming no silence)

" Output: the signal with vertical boundaries between voiced and
unvoiced segments

! If input signal includes some silence $ no problem because

silence is non-periodic & could be considered as unvoiced
Voiced/Unvoiced discrimination

! Same idea as previous task

" Look for attributes that characterise contrastingly the states to

" Setting for each state a threshold based on training signals

! Different point
" Combine several features to discriminate voiced vs. unvoiced
Voiced/Unvoiced discrimination

! Discriminatory attributes and functions

" STE or MA: unvoiced segments has level generally lesser than
voiced segments
Voiced/Unvoiced discrimination

! Discriminatory attributes and functions

" Zero-Crossing Rate (ZCR): the rate at which the waveform crosses
the zero-axis

" Unvoiced segments exhibit a denser waveform, more turbulent

than voiced segments $ UV has significantly higher ZCR than V
Voiced/Unvoiced discrimination

! Discriminatory attributes and functions

" Zero-Crossing Rate (ZCR): the rate at which the waveform crosses
the zero-axis

n: frame index
m: sample index
N: frame length
Voiced/Unvoiced discrimination

! Normalisation of attribute functions

" Useful when combine (e.g., adding) multiple attribute functions into

" Then a voicing threshold can be set for the composite function

" Otherwise, must set various thresholds for dif. attribute functions
Lecture 6.2
Time-domain features and applications

! Outline:
1. Voiced/Unvoiced/Silence discrimination
2. Time-domain pitch estimation
Pitch or Fundamental frequency (F0)

! A feature dedicated only for periodic signals (e.g., voiced segments)

! Definition

" Fundamental frequency (F0), inverse of the fundamental period, is

the number of signal cycles per seconds
• For speech: F0 is actually the vibration frequency of vocal cords

" Pitch is the perceptual counterpart of F0 (e.g, high/low-pitched


! Importance

" Pitch contour conveys the intonation of an utterance (rising/falling)

" For Vietnamese: 06 tones (ngang, huyền, ngã, hỏi, sắc, nặng)
Pitch/F0 estimation

! Problem statement
" Input: a signal (may including silence/voiced/unvoiced segments)

" Output: F0 contour of the signal (a F0 value for each frame)

! Constraint
" Valid F0 values for adult voices is from 70Hz to 400 Hz
Pitch/F0 estimation

! An example F0 contour extracted from signal

Pitch/F0 estimation

! Two time-domain methods

" Short-Time Autocorrelation function (ACF)

" Short-Time Average Magnitude Difference Function (AMDF)

! Both based on the following property of periodic signal

NT : pitch period/fundamental period (in samples)

! Voiced segments of speech are quasi-periodic

$ “=“ never occurs

Autocorrelation function (ACF)

! The ACF of a signal gives an indication of how alike itself a

signal is when shifted

! Definition

n: lag/shift
m: sample index

! Application: for a periodic signal x, the ACF is globally

maximal at every lag that is an integer multiple of the period
" For quasi-periodic signal$ local maximal (peak)
Autocorrelation function (ACF)

! Short-time ACF of a frame:

n: lag (samples)
m: sample index
N: frame length (samples)
! The ACF should be normalized to obtain maximum value of 1
by dividing by largest autocorrelation value at lag zero xx[0]

! Complexity per frame: O(N2)

Short-Time Autocorrelation function

(Kondoz, 2004)
Short-Time Autocorrelation function

The normalized height of highest local peak is propotional

to degree of voicing $ can be used for V/U decision
(for a frame)

(Trần Văn Tâm, 2019)

Short-Time Autocorrelation function

! Autocorrelation peak detection

! Determine a suitable threshod for V/U decision

! Reducing the scope of the search

" F0 is from 70Hz to 400 Hz $ searching range of maximum lag
Short-Time Autocorrelation function

! Be careful with virtual pitch values

Lucky frame $ correct F0

Short-Time Autocorrelation function

! Be careful with virtual pitch values

Unlucky frame $ incorrect F0

Average Magnitude Difference Function

! The AMDF of a signal gives an indication of how different a

signal itself is compared to its shifted version

! Definition

(n: lag, m: sample index)

! Application: for a periodic signal x, the AMDF is zero at every

lag that is an integer multiple of the period of the waveform
" For quasi-periodic signal$ local minimal (dip)
Average Magnitude Difference Function
(Ex. w/ 4 frames)

(Kondoz, 2004)
Average Magnitude Difference Function

! Short-time AMDF of a frame

n: lag (samples)
N: frame length (samples)

! Computationally much cheaper than the ACF

! Have similar algorithm & problems to the ACF

Các thành viên mỗi nhóm thảo luận và phân công nhiệm vụ,
ghi rõ SV nào làm task nào (ko được trùng nhau):
- 1a (phân đoạn speech vs. silence)
- 1b (phân đoạn voiced vs. unvoiced)
- 2a (tính F0 dùng hàm tự tương quan)
- 2b (tính F0 dùng hàm AMDF).
Nhập task (1a/1b/2a/2b) vào link danh sách nhóm.
Hạn cuối: trước buổi học tuần sau.
Sau hạn này SV nào ko nhập coi như ko tham gia làm BT
nhóm và nhận 0 điểm thi GK.

Lecture 6.1: Introduction to speech signals

Lecture 6.2: Time-domain features and applications
Lecture 6.3: Frequency-domain features and applications
Duration: 6 periods
Lecture 6.3
Frequency-domain features & applications

! Outline:
1. Frequency-domain pitch (F0) estimation
Theory of CTFS

A periodic signal x(t) has a line spectrum with uniform spacing

F0 = 1/T0 (F0: fundamental frequency of x(t))
F0 = 1/T0
Main idea

Spectrum of a periodic signal has a harmonic structure with the

distance between harmonics being the F0

$ The frame-based solution includes 2 steps:

! Estimate the spectrum using FFT (fast computation of DFT)

! Detect the spacing of adjacent harmonics (i.e., spectral lines)

Spectrum estimation using FFT

! Important parameters when using function fft(x,N)

" Window function to reduce spectral leakage (Hamm/Hann)

" # of FFT points (# of frequency-domain sampling points)

% Spectral resolution = Sampling frequency / N

% larger N to have better resolution $ more accurate F0 estimates

% But too large $ over-detailed spectrum $ harder to detect harmonics

% Should be chosen with high care

! Log magnitude spectrum should be used for low dynamic

range between spectral peaks
Harmonics spacing detection

! Detect all of harmonic peaks based on estimated spectrum

! Measure the F0 as either the common divisor of these

harmonics or the spacing of adjacent harmonics

! Note:
" Harmonic peaks appear clearer in low-frequency range (<2 kHz)

! Algorithm:
" Self-proposed (searching for spectral peaks in low-frequency range)

" Harmonic product spectrum (HPS)

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