The Four Models of Organizing Behavior
The Four Models of Organizing Behavior
The Four Models of Organizing Behavior
• Introduction
• Autocratic Model
• Custodial Model
• Collegial Model
• Implementation of the four models in
Corporate Sector (The Coca Cola Company)
• Conclusion
Organizational behaviour reflects the behaviour of the people and
management all together, it is considered as field study not just a discipline.
A discipline is an accepted science that is based upon theoretical
foundation, whereas OB is an inter-disciplinary approach where knowledge
from different disciplines like psychology, sociology, anthropology, etc. are
included. It is used to solve organizational problems, especially those
related to human beings.
There are four different types of models in OB. We will throw some light on
each of these four models.
Nowadays the model is not applicable in strict sense because there are minimum
wage laws in most countries.
• Under autocratic model, the employee’s orientation is obedience to the boss; they
need not be respectful to him. The bosses have absolute power to hire fire and
perspire employees. The employees depend upon the boss and are paid minimum
wages for minimum performance. This theory of scientific management was
developed by F.W. Taylor as the conventional view of management. The
employees sometimes give minimum performance, though reluctantly because
they have to satisfy the subsistence needs of themselves and their families. Some
employees give higher performance because of a drive to overcome challenges.
According to the research of David C. McClelland of Harvard University, “some
people like to work under strong authority because they feel that their boss is a
natural born leader.
• The autocratic model has been successful in some situations where the workers are
actually lazy and have a tendency to shirk work. It is also required in the situation
where the work to be done is time bound. The threat generally used by the
managers is that the reward or wages will be withheld if the workers do not obey
• The leadership in an autocratic model is negative because the employees are
uninformed, insecure and afraid.
• Nowadays, this model is not applicable in strict sense because there are minimum
wages laws in most of the countries. Thus, the managers cannot threaten to cut
down the wages or rewards of the workers. Moreover, the workers are educated
and organized, thus they cannot be dictated to by the managers all the time.
Collegial Model
To overcome the shortcomings of the Autocratic model, the custodial model came
into existence. The insecurity and frustration felt by the workers under the
autocratic model sometimes led to aggression towards the boss and their families.
To dispel this feeling of insecurity and frustration, the need was felt to develop a
model which will improve the employer-employee relations. The custodial model
was used by the progressive managers.
Supportive Model
The supportive model has originated from the ‘Principles of Supportive Relationships.”
According to Rensis Likert -“The leadership and other processes of the organisation must
be such as to ensure a maximum probability that in all interactions and all relationships
with the organisation, each member will, in the light of his background, values and
expectations, view the experience as supportive, and one which builds and maintains his
sense of personal worth and importance
Collegial Model
The collegial model is an extension of the supportive model. The Dictionary meaning of
collegial is a body of persons having a common purpose. As is clear from the meaning, this
model is based upon the partnership between employees and the management.
This means that employees depend on each other cooperatively and work as a team to do
the task.
Everyone will be having a normal enthusiasm self – discipline, and responsible behaviour
towards their tasks.
Autocratic model
Basis is power with managerial assimilation of authority.
Coca Cola company gets benefits by using this model when it approaches to guide managerial behavior
when there were no well-known alternatives.
Coca Cola also uses this model under some supreme situations such as organizational disaster.
Custodial model
The basis of this model is economic assets with a managerial assimilation of money. Following this
model Coca Cola provide security and benefits to employees. Employee feels with reasonable
contentment. And because of this entire employee’s performance result is passive cooperation.
As company take care of their employees, gives benefits to motivate them and as a result of these
employees’ psychological result also comes in the favor of the company i.e., employee’s dependance
on organization
Supportive model
The basis of this model is leadership with a managerial assimilation of help or support.
With help of this model Coca Cola make their employees participate in the organization’s activities and
also task investment in the organization.
Coca Cola organization help their workers and thus employees are greatly motivated because their status
and identification requirements are better met, thus they have alerted drive for work.
Collegial model
The basis of this model is partnership with a managerial assimilation of team cooperation.
Coca Cola follows this model so that the employees feel needed and useful and in result employees give
responsible behaviour and self-discipline to the organization.
After studying all the four models it becomes very clear that there is no single model which is best
suited to the requirements of all the organisations. The managers will have to make use of a combination
of models depending upon the circumstances of the case. But keeping in view the emergence of
professional management, we can say that the use of Supportive and Collegial will be more as compared
to the Autocratic and Custodial Models.