(11) EP 3 291 636 B1
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Description is a problem for both the service provider and the user
because the service provider would like to be able to
Field of the Disclosure provide service to its customer, and the user would like
to have the service.
[0001] This disclosure relates to a system and method 5
for providing inter-working between communication net- Summary of the Disclosure
works at a gateway.
[0006] Systems and methods for providing inter-work-
Background ing between communication networks at a gateway are
10 disclosed. In some embodiments, services and applica-
[0002] Wireless communication systems and net- tions are extended over a broadband network to a femto
works are used in connection with many applications, cell to one or more mobile nodes. The gateway can also
including, for example, satellite communications sys- provide handoffs from a femto cell to a macro base sta-
tems, portable digital assistants (PDAs), laptop comput- tion. In some embodiments, the gateway provides for in-
ers, and cellular telephones. One significant benefit that 15 ter-technology handoffs as well as between macro, fem-
users of such applications obtain is the ability to connect to, and enterprise networks.
to a network (e.g., the Internet) as long as the user is [0007] In some embodiments, a gateway is provided
within range of such a wireless communication system. that includes a femto gateway functionality residing in
[0003] Current wireless communication systems use the gateway that communicates with at least one femto
either, or a combination of, circuit switching and packet 20 cell and acts as a proxy for each femto cell with which
switching in order to provide mobile data services to a the femto gateway communicates by aggregating com-
mobile node. A mobile node can be a cell phone, a PDA, munications from the at least one femto cell and commu-
a Blackberry, a laptop computer with a wireless card, or nicating as proxy with a core network on behalf of the at
any other wireless device. Generally speaking, with cir- least one femto cell, a security gateway functionality re-
cuit-based approaches, wireless data is carried by a ded- 25 siding in the gateway that provides a secure connection
icated (and uninterrupted) connection between the send- and tunnels different protocols over a broadband network
er and recipient of data using a physical switching path. between each femto cell and the gateway, and the proxy
Once the direct connection is set-up, it is maintained for of the femto gateway functionality communicates with
as long as the sender and receiver have data to ex- other radio access network equipment to provide for a
change. The establishment of such a direct and dedicat- 30 handoff of a mobile node.
ed switching path results in a fixed share of network re- [0008] In certain embodiments, a method of providing
sources being tied up until the connection is closed. access to a communications network includes receiving
When the physical connection between the sender and a communication from a first femto cell to establish a
the receiver is no longer desired, it is torn-down and the connectivity to a gateway, establishing a secure connec-
network resources are allocated to other users as nec- 35 tion from the gateway to the first femto cell, wherein the
essary. secure connection provides a secure connection and tun-
[0004] Packet-based approaches, on the other hand, nels different protocols over a broadband network be-
do not permanently assign transmission resources to a tween each femto cell and the gateway, aggregating
given call, and do not require the set-up and tear-down communications from the first and a second femto cell
of physical connections between a sender and receiver 40 at the gateway and communicating as proxy with a core
of data. In general, a data flow in packet-based approach- network on behalf of the first and second femto cell, and
es is "packetized," where the data is divided into separate communicating with other radio access network equip-
segments of information, and each segment receives ment to provide for a handoff of a mobile node.
"header" information that may provide, for example, [0009] US 6993359 relates to a communication system
source information, destination information, information 45 formed by a private wireless network.
regarding the number of bits in the packet, priority infor- [0010] US 2007/243872 relates to a method and ap-
mation, and security information. The packets are then paratus for seamlessly providing voice and data services
routed to a destination independently based on the head- across a licensed wireless network.
er information. The data flow may include a number of
packets or a single packet. 50 Brief Description of the Drawings
[0005] Among other things mobile node users may be
faced with a situation where their mobile node does not [0011]
receive adequate service in their home or business. For
example, a company may provide mobile nodes to its FIGS. 1, 2, 14, 15, 16, 25, 32, 33, and 35 illustrate
employees so that they can receive emails, such as a 55 femto access networks architectures in accordance
Blackberry device. However, the coverage provided by with certain embodiments;
the service provider may not be adequate within the build-
ing or in certain areas due to cell tower coverage. This FIGS. 3, 4, 26, 27, and 28 illustrate interfaces and
3 EP 3 291 636 B1 4
various functions implemented in network devices in FIG. 24 illustrates setup of a voice path through a
a femto access network architecture in accordance convergence server in accordance with some em-
with certain embodiments; bodiments;
FIG. 5 illustrates a call flow diagram where a common 5 FIG. 29 illustrates femto cell discovery when the fem-
protocol provides protocol independent communica- to cell has no stored gateway address and performs
tion in accordance with certain embodiments; a gateway discovery procedure in accordance with
some embodiments;
FIGS. 6, 7, and 13 illustrate a common protocol tun-
neling setup in accordance with certain embodi- 10 FIG. 30 illustrates a femto cell registering with a serv-
ments; ing gateway in accordance with certain embodi-
FIG. 8 illustrates a signaling diagram for a simple IP
session setup in accordance with certain embodi- FIG. 31 illustrates a registration of a mobile node in
ments; 15 accordance with certain embodiments; and
FIG. 9 illustrates a signaling diagram for a proxy mo- FIG. 34 illustrates another femto based architecture
bile IP session setup in accordance with certain em- that supports legacy GSM networks in accordance
bodiments; with certain embodiments.
FIG. 10 illustrates a signaling diagram for a mobile Detailed Description
IP session setup in accordance with certain embod-
iments; [0012] Systems and methods are provided that allow
inter-working between communication networks for the
FIG. 11 illustrates a femto cell to femto cell fast hand- 25 delivery of service to mobile nodes in certain embodi-
off in accordance with certain embodiments; ments. In some embodiments, a gateway is provided that
allows a femto base station or femto cell that is positioned
FIG. 12 illustrates a femto cell to macro cell fast hand- by a user to extend service to an area that otherwise
off in accordance with certain embodiments; does not receive coverage from a service provider. For
30 example, a service provider, such as Verizon Wireless,
FIG. 17 illustrates call flow from a femto based mobile can sell or give a customer a femto cell for placement in
node to a macro based mobile node in accordance the customer’s home to extend service to the mobile node
with some embodiments; in, for example, a 50 meter area. The femto cell then can
communicate over a broadband connection to a gateway,
FIG. 18 illustrates call flow from a macro based mo- 35 which can integrate the call into the service provider’s
bile node to a femto based mobile node in accord- network. The benefits to a customer include reduced cost
ance with some embodiments; calls and the attractions of fixed-mobile-convergence
(FMC), such as the convenience of using a single device.
FIG. 19 illustrates a call flow between two femto cell The benefits to a service provider include the opportunity
based mobile nodes in accordance with certain em- 40 to increase average revenue per user and increase net-
bodiments; work capacity while reducing expenses by moving com-
munication flows from expensive outdoor macrocells to
FIG. 20 illustrates termination of a call flow between cheaper domestic systems, dropping the need for new
a femto cell based mobile node and a macro cell macrocell equipment and reducing the demand for back-
based mobile node in accordance with certain em- 45 haul and power.
bodiments; [0013] Femto based telephony systems provide for
mobile phone service over a very short distance. A femto
FIG. 21 illustrates signaling is used in femto cell au- cell provides an air interface for mobile nodes and trans-
thentication in accordance with certain embodi- mission of this information over a broadband connection.
ments; 50 A femto gateway (FGW) or femto network gateway
(FNG), which are implemented in a gateway, communi-
FIG. 22 illustrates signaling for mobile node authen- cates with one or more femto cells and provides access
tication including a global challenge and a location to the service provider’s network. The femto gateway can
update in accordance with certain embodiments; allow the femto cell to be a simple device to lower the
55 cost of manufacturing the unit. In some embodiments,
FIG. 23 illustrates registration of a mobile node the femto gateway acts on behalf of the femto cell to
through a convergence server in accordance with reduce the number of capabilities the femto cell might
certain embodiments; otherwise need to perform. For example, the femto gate-
5 EP 3 291 636 B1 6
way can create a logical packet control function (PCF) [0017] The femto gateway can also recognize the fem-
to exchange signal messaging with another PCF in the to cell as a distinct network entity for the purposes of
network to allow for a handoff. The femto gateway can charging or assigning a different rate structure and works
also act like an access network (AN) or base station con- with pre-paid tariffs, post paid tariffs, and provides ITC
troller (BSC), for example, to provide information to allow 5 for charging purposes. Various quality of service (QoS)
handoffs or other network signaling. features are provided by the femto gateway. The femto
[0014] The femto gateway can also provide a connec- gateway can provide performance targets and measure-
tion to the femto cell that allows the femto cell to provide ments of the service provided as well as signaling and
different air interfaces, for example, UMTS, GSM, and bearer separation and assurance. QoS relating to link
CDMA2000, while communications between the femto 10 layer mechanisms and mapped to IP layer can be pro-
gateway and the femto cell are in a common protocol. vided. Also QoE or quality of experience can be provided
This feature allows the development of femto cells that over an unmanaged FBI (feedback information) mecha-
can switch air interfaces as a subscriber switches from nism. Security features such as signaling and bearer en-
a service provider that supports UMTS to a service pro- cryption are provided by the femto gateway. Access au-
vider that supports CDMA2000. A multiple access tech- 15 thorization and mutual authentication between the net-
nology femto cell can also provide service to more than work and the femto cell can be provided. The femto gate-
one device. For example, in a family if the father has a way can allow service authorization for users including
business phone that was with one service provider and friends and family access control lists, denial of service
a personal phone that was with another service provider. prevention, and location management of a femto cell.
The femto cell could inter-operate with more than one 20 The location management can be tied to a macro cell, a
carrier, in some embodiments. radio access identifier (RAI), a location access identifier
[0015] The femto gateway supports existing 2nd gen- (LAI), or a cell global identification (CGI).
eration (2G) and 3rd generation (3G) mobile nodes such [0018] The femto gateway allows session manage-
as GSM, W-CDMA, UMTS, CDMA 2000, and WiMAX as ment in a femtozone. This can be provided by policies
well as emerging mobile node technologies and 2G/3G 25 that dictate, for example, whether to drop calls or allow
dual mode mobile nodes. The femto gateway also sup- best effort. The policies can be based on the time-of-day,
ports a number of handoffs and handover situations. For day-of-wcck, or other periodic points for access. There
example, in the same micro and macro radio access net- can be a local breakout of voice, an internet offload, and
work (RAN) transitions from and to femto cell/macro differentiation of policy application depending on the type
GSM, femto cell/macro W-CDMA, femto cell/macro CD- 30 of traffic. In some embodiments the placement of nodes
MA 2000, and femto cell/femto cell. Another example of in the operator’s public land mobile network (PLMN) can
the mobility provided by a femto gateway is a transition be with aggregation and IP-peering and/or co-location of
to/from a CDMA femto cell and WiMAX macro or a W- various nodes. The femto gateway also provides support
CDMA femto cell and GSM macro. The femto gateway for enterprise applications. This can include allowing mul-
provides service coverage and consistency in voice and 35 tiple femto cell operators, each with subscribers in a given
packet data, for example, in a transition to/from existing location and each operator using a separate path through
macrocellular services and femto cell RAN. The femto a broadband connection to their services domain. The
gateway can also provide local routing of data, in some femto cell can also be deployed in a number of coverage
embodiments, to avoid any delays that might be caused types with the femto gateway. For example, in indoor
by backhaul links. 40 settings at residences and/or businesses in single and
[0016] The femto gateway can provide timing and fre- multi-tenant deployments as well as in industrial settings.
quency synchronization in the femto cell RAN and the In outdoor settings, the coverage types can be private or
core network. New femto cell specific services are pro- public, for example. Collapsed radio arbitration and con-
vided by the femto gateway. These services can include nection management selection can be provided for col-
friends and family usage, sharing femto zone with friends 45 lapsed femto and WiFi cells in some embodiments. In
and family, providing closed user group in a femtozone, customer premise equipment (CPE), contention policies
local data/media access within a single femtozone, ac- between femto and WiFi for the broadband link can be
cess to femtozone local data/media from a macro RAN, provided. In certain embodiments, discrimination and op-
and providing data/media access between femtozones timization for QoS can be provided in mobile operator
of single/multiple operators. The femto gateway, in some 50 peering to broadband backhaul service.
embodiments, by virtue of its setup can reduce the com- [0019] The femto gateway can be configured to meet
plexity of the femto cell with which the femto gateway country specific regulations/standards such as lawful in-
communicates. This allows the femto gateway to provide tercept, health (e.g., ERP of femto cells), interference at
a femto cell that works with automatic discovery of the national borders, emergency service with location verifi-
femto gateway and automatic or minimal configuration 55 cation. In some embodiments, the femto gateway uses
of the femto access point. The femto gateway can also existing signaling and functions, and extends them to a
perform statistics gathering, optimizations, and software femto cell to provide backwards compatibility and broad
upgrades. support for devices, for example. The femto gateway sup-
7 EP 3 291 636 B1 8
ports a wide range of multimedia and data services and station (BTS), a base station controller (BSC), a nodeB,
can be agnostic to radio technologies in providing serv- and/or an eNodeB in certain embodiments. The Femto
ices. For example, code division multiple access (CD- access point 114 can also broadcast to mobile node 110
MA), CDMA2000, evolution data only (EVDO), global in a variety of licensed and unlincensed wireless spec-
system for mobile communications (GSM), universal mo- 5 trum and employing radio frequency (RF) technologies
bile telecommunications system (UMTS), long term ev- such as code division multiple access (CDMA),
olution (LTE), WiMAX, wireless local area network CDMA2000, universal mobile telecommunications sys-
(WLAN), iBurst, HIPERMAN, and WiBro can be support- tem (UMTS), long term evolution (LTE), global system
ed by the femto gateway. The UMTS supported can in- for mobile communications (GSM), iBurst, HIPERMAN,
clude E-UTRAN (evolved UMTS terrestrial radio access 10 WiMAX, WiBro, and Wi-Fi. In some embodiments, Femto
network), HSDPA (high-speed downlink packet access), access point supports more than one RF technology for
HSUPA (high-speed uplink packet access), Evolved various mobile nodes, for example, CDMA and Wi-Fi.
HSPA, and UMTS-TDD (UMTS time division duplexing). The Femto access point 114 can connect to a broadband
The femto gateway can also be agnostic to the core net- network 116 to transmit data received from one or more
work (CN) and can support 2G network switching sub- 15 mobile nodes. Broadband network 116 can be a cable
system (NSS), UMTS CN, CDMA CN, and common IMS network, a digital subscriber line, satellite based service,
CN for example. The femto gateway also provides inter- and fiber optic based service. Broadband network 116
working between different technologies and core net- provides communication between Femto access point
works. This allows operators to minimize core network 114 and gateway 118. Gateway 118, which is further de-
changes and can minimize the complexity of femto cells 20 scribed below, provides interworking between the com-
or femto access points deployed. munication networks and allow extension of services to
[0020] A femto cell or femto access point is a home mobile node 110. In some embodiments, gateway 118
BTS, nodeB or an e-nodeB, in some embodiments. Com- includes a femto gateway functionality.
bined with gateway supporting femto functioality, it acts [0022] Gateway 118 can be deployed in a service pro-
as a BSS/RNC for micro cellular environment. For 25 vider’s network to implement a femto gateway and pro-
CDMA2000, the combination acts as a PCF. The gate- vide communication to one or more femto cells. The fem-
way also provides a proxy functionality that when acting to cells can be located in a home network or an enterprise
like a RNC, for example, hides the femto cell from the network (e.g., a private branch exchange). Gateway 118
core network and handles the processing to remove com- establishes secure Internet Protocol (IP) sessions to fem-
plexity from the core network having to communicate with 30 to cell or femto access point 114. This secure session
many femto cells. Where applicable the gateway also can be using IP security (IPsec) ESP/IKEv2 or any other
provides seamless mobility between macro and femto applicable security mechanism. The session provided to
cellular network. A femto cell connects to the gateway mobile node 110 can include voice over IP (VoIP), video
over a Fixed Broadband transport using a security asso- applications and services, gaming services, email, web
ciation with the gateway. The security association be- 35 services, location based services, music services, as well
tween the femto cell and gateway is based on IPSec. as other data and video applications and services.
IKEv2 is used as an IPSec protocol. In some embodi- [0023] Gateway 118 can also provide inter-working be-
ments, all the user plane and management plane traffic tween a femto cell and a service provider’s network. This
between the femto cell and the gateway is encrypted and can include bridging or extending service over another
integrity protected. The gateway creates a security as- 40 network through protocols not commonly used by the
sociation with the femto cell to provide a secure transport service provider. For example, gateway 118 can receive
of signaling, bearer and management plane traffic. The data through an IPsec session and communicate the data
gateway also provides a radio access network (RAN) ag- in protocols used in the service provider’s network. Gate-
gregation function by including a signaling concentrator way 118 utilizes both bearer-based protocols and ses-
function. The signaling concentrator abstracts all the fem- 45 sion-based protocols to route and process sessions re-
to cells as a single radio network controller (RNC) to the ceived from the femto cell. The bearer-based protocols
public land mobile network core network (PLMN CN). and session-based protocols can be based on service
The Femto Gateway may implement a policy and charg- provider configured service policies. Service policies
ing enforcement function (PCEF) to provide policy and such as Quality of Service (QoS) can be extended over
charging control of subscriber service data flows. The 50 to the femto cell and can remain intact in a handoff to a
gateway also provides authorized QoS to the flows. The service provider base station. In other embodiments, dif-
gateway gets the policy and charging control (PCC) rules ferent service policies can be assigned to femto cell for
from a policy and charging rules function (PCRF). a mobile node, such as higher levels of QoS than with a
[0021] FIG. 1 illustrates a femto access network (FAN) service provider base station. The femto cell can also
in accordance with some embodiments. As shown, a 55 control service level agreements (SLA) set by the service
femto access point (FAP) or femto cell 114 is placed in provider to govern the session(s) running on gateway
a home or other structure 112. The femto access point 118.
114 can provide the functionality of a base transceiver [0024] In some embodiments, the gateway 118 pro-
9 EP 3 291 636 B1 10
vides secure and seamless mobile access to a mobile A1p signaling to session initiation procotol (SIP) and for-
node that connects to the service provider’s network via ward the data to a convergence server (not shown), for-
gateway 118. Gateway 118 uses both session-based ward CDMA data session packet flows to the packet core,
protocols and bearer-based protocols to route and proc- forward A2p/RTP to the voice network (e.g., media gate-
ess session based data and services. The bearer-based 5 way), offload Internet data sessions, and provide call lo-
protocols can be used to manage bearer traffic which calization for femto-to-femto sessions. The call localiza-
can include data, video, and voice. The bearer-based tion feature can involve bridging a voice call session at
protocols include real time protocol (RTP), file transfer the gateway 118 to remove the backhaul link when the
protocol (FTP), and hypertext markup language (HTML). gateway is handling a call session from a first mobile
Session-based protocols include session initiation pro- 10 node in its coverage area to a second mobile node in its
tocol (SIP), hypertext protocol (HTTP), and real time coverage area. The call localization feature is further ex-
streaming protocol (RTSP). plained in the published application US 2007025337, The
[0025] The femto access network includes femto ac- femto cell 114 provides one or more of the following func-
cess points (FAP) 114 and a home gateway 120 in two tions: establishes an IPsec tunnel to the femto gateway,
structures 112. The femto access point 114 can be used 15 supports one or more simultaneous mobile node ses-
to communicate with one or more mobile nodes 110 using sions to the femto gateway, and provides remote man-
radio frequencies and with a home gateway using wire- agement and configuration by the gateway 118 or anoth-
line or wireless communications. In some embodiments, er network device.
the femto access point 114 and the home gateway can [0027] FIG. 3 illustrates interfaces in a baseline femto
be implemented in a single device. The home gateway 20 architecture in accordance with certain embodiments.
120 can be implemented as a cable modem, a digital FIG. 3 includes a mobile node 110, a femto access point
subscriber line (DSL) modem, a router, a wireless router, or femto cell 114, a home gateway 120, a fixed broadband
a switch, a voice over IP (VoIP) analog telephony adapter interconnect 116, a femto gateway 118, a home public
(ATA), or a wireless access point. The home gateway land mobile network (HPLMN) radio access network
120 provides means of communicating between net- 25 (RAN) 174, a HPLMN core network 176, and a femto
works, and can communicate with an access node 122 management system 178. The HPLMN is the network in
in a fixed broadband interconnect (broadband network) which the subscriber’s profile is stored and mobility func-
116. The access node 122 can be a broadband remote tionality can be provided through the HPLMN. The
access server (BRAS) or a cable modem termination sys- HPLMN core network includes subscriber databases
tem (CMTS), for example. The fixed broadband intercon- 30 180, a circuit switched (CS) core (circuit/ATM based)
nect 116 may also include a multi-protocol label switching 182, a circuit switched core (ip based) 184, a packet
(MPLS) provider edge (PE) router 124 and an Internet switched (PS) core 186, and an IP multimedia subsystem
Protocol (IP) edge router 126. The gateway 118 commu- (IMS) core 188. The femto management system can in-
nicates with the fixed broadband interconnect 116 as well clude a femto access point-management system (FAP-
as the private land mobile network (PLMN) core 128 in 35 MS) 196 function and a femto gateway-management sys-
some embodiments as shown in FIG. 1. The PLMN core tem (FGW-MS) 198. The femto management system
128 can include a circuit switching domain 130, a packet may be implemented in a server computer, a Starent
switched domain 132, and an IP multimedia subsystem ST16 or ST40 intelligent mobile gateway, or any other
(IMS) domain 134. The femto gateway in gateway 118 applicable device.
can provide interworking between femto access network 40 [0028] The femto gateway includes a security gateway
and the PLMN core. (SeGW) function 190, a signaling transport converter
[0026] FIG. 2 illustrates a femto based service in ac- (STC) 192, a bearer transport converter (BTC) 192, and
cordance with certain embodiments. The network of FIG. a signaling interworking function (IWF) 194. The security
2 includes a femto cell or femto access point 114, a broad- gateway 190 can communicate between various security
band backbone 152, an internet backbone provider 154, 45 protocols and can provide a tunnel endpoint for security
a gateway 118, a mobile operator IP core 156, and next protocols and secure communications between the fem-
generation network (NGN) soft mobile switching center to access point and the HPLMN. The signaling transport
(MSC) core or IMS core network 158. As shown, the converter 192 can convert from one signaling protocol to
broadband network can be provided by a different service a second signaling protocol, e.g., lu (an interface from
provider than the mobile operator. Additionally, the femto 50 the radio network core to the core network) to ip and lu
cell can be implemented as a device that connects to the to ATM (asynchronous transfer mode). The bearer trans-
broadband backbone 152 and communicates with gate- port converter can convert from one bearer protocol to a
way 118. The broadband backbone 152 can be any type second bearer protocol, e.g., from VoIP to voice over
of wide area network (WAN), and can be in communica- time-division multiplexing (VoTDM) or VoIP to voice over
tion with the internet backbone 154, in some embodi- 55 asynchronous transfer mode (VoATM). The interworking
ments. The femto gateway in gateway 118 can provide function 194 provides a signaling interworking function
one or more of the following functionalities: terminate an that provides translation and communication between
IP security (IPsec) tunnel from the femto cell 114, convert different network entities. For example, between the ra-
11 EP 3 291 636 B1 12
dio access network application part (RANAP) used in and Fe. Fd can be, for example, CDMA2000, WCDMA,
UMTS signaling to IMS-SIP. The RANAP resides in the WiMAX, LTE, UMTS, EVDO, WiFi (radio layers), CS over
control plane of the radio network layer of the lu interance WiFi (signaling), and Uu (a radio interface). Ff can be,
in the UMTS protocol stack, while IMS resides in the con- for example, signaling for intra femto access node mo-
trol plane of the core network and can communicate in a 5 bility such as lur or A3/A7 relayed via the femto gateway.
SIP variant. In some embodiments, the transport con- Fw can be, for example, inter femto access node/macro
verters change how the underlying data is carried through cellular network mobility and use signaling such as lur or
the network without modifying the underlying data, while A3/A7. Fi can be signaling for a packet data interface to
the interworking function translates the substantive con- the internet such as Gi. Fp can be a policy interface such
tent of the underlying data or message from a first type 10 as Gx or Ty depending on the deployment. Fe can be a
or format to a second type or format. The femto gateway policy or QoS control interface to the access network
can provide interworking among a number of signals and such as Rq. The user control plane for the Fa reference
protocols and can include a proxy to enable interworking point for circuit switched (CS) services maps to A1p for
among and between protocols. CDMA2000, for UMTS it maps to Iu-CS, and for LTE it
[0029] FIG. 3 also illustrates various types of signaling 15 maps to SI-U & S1-MME. The user data plane for CS
that can be used in a variety of embodiments. The refer- services for CDMA2000 maps to A2p. The user control
ence point mappings include: Fa, Fb-CS-1, Fb-CS-2, Fb- plane for packet services for CDMA2000 maps to A11
PS, Fb-PS, Fb-IMS, Fr, Fl, Fm, and Ut. Fa can be, for while data plane for CDMA2000 maps to A10. For UMTS
example, 1) IOS A type signaling/internet protocol for use PS services the Fa interface maps to Iu-PS.
with 1xCDMA and high rate packet data (HRPD); 2) A/IP 20 [0031] FIG. 5 illustrates a call flow diagram where a
signaling for use with global system for mobile commu- common protocol provides protocol independent com-
nications (GSM), and 3) lu/IP signaling for use with uni- munication in accordance with certain embodiments.
versal mobile telephone system (UMTS). Fb-CS-1 can FIG. 5 includes a mobile node 110, a femto cell 114, and
be, for example, 1) A1,A2 over SS7(TDM) for CDMA, 2) a femto network gateway 118. Femto cell 114, in some
lu over ATM for UMTS, 3) A over SS7 (TDMt) for GSM. 25 embodiments, uses tunnels such as internet key ex-
Fb-CS-2 can be, for example, A1p, A2p over IP to a softs- change (IKE) and internet protocol security (IPSec) to
witch (MSCe) and media gateway (MGW) in a send and receive information with femto network gate-
CDMA2000 implementation, 2) lu over IP to MSC server way 118, which can provide for protocol independent
and CS-MGW (circuit swiched-media gateway) in a communication. An IKEv2 security association (SA) 216
UMTS implementation, and 3) A over IP to MSC in a 30 can be used to authenticate femto cell 114 and allow the
GSM core network implementation. Fb-PS can be, for setup of one or more IPSec security associations (such
example, 1) mobile IP (MIP) for HRPD, 2) lu-PS for as Base IPSec 218 and Data IPSec 220). Depending on
UMTS/GPRS, 3) S2a/S2b based on a trust model, 4) Gn the embodiment, a single IPSec SA can be used, or mul-
for UMTS/GPRS for a collapsed SGSN function, and 5) tiple IPSec SAs can be used. Using multiple IPSec SA
SIP to a convergence server. Fb-IMS can be, for exam- 35 allows for differentiated quality of service (QoS) for each
ple, Gm based signaling. Fr can be, for example, A12 mobile node. As shown, IKEv2 Informational-Notify-Sta-
signaling for HRPD with an access node authorization, tus messaging 222 can be used to exchange information
2) Wm/Wx signaling for UMTS and RADIUS for CDMA to setup a session for mobile node 110. When an attach
implementations. Fl can be, for example, unitversal plug request 224 is received from a mobile node, femto cell
and play (UPnP) signaling. Fm can be, for example, TR- 40 114 can send an IKEv2 222 message to femto network
069 signaling (broadband form specification to define an gateway 118. A point to point protocol (PPP) session 226
application layer protocol for remote management of end- is setup between mobile node 110 and femto gateway
user devices). Ut can be, for example, HTTP (hypertext 118, which can involve authentication of the mobile node
transfer protocol) signaling. and assignment of an IP address. The femto network
[0030] FIG. 4 illustrates a femto architecture with mo- 45 gateway 118 can initiate a child security association 228
bility in accordance with certain embodiments. FIG. 4 in- to provide an additional secure tunnel. Data 230, which
cludes a mobile nodes 110a and 110b, femto access can include voice and other information, then flows from
points 114a and 114b, home gateways 120a and 120b, the mobile node 110 to the femto network gateway 118
a fixed broadband interconnect 116, a femto gateway for routing and/or processing.
118, a femto management system178, the internet 210, 50 [0032] FIG. 6 illustrates how packet flows can be han-
a HPLMN RAN 174, and a HPLMN core network 176. dled where multiple tunnels and a common protocol is
The HPLMN core network 176 includes a policy control used with the femto network gateway. As shown, mobile
resource function (PCRF) 212, subscriber databases nodes based on different air interface technologies may
180, a circuit switched (CS) core 214 (e.g., IP, ATM, be used, and mobile nodes with different capabilities can
and/or circuit based), a PS core 186, and an IMS core 55 be used. Voice capable mobile nodes 250 send voice
188. FIG. 4 shows the signaling that can be used when data over an air interface to femto cell 114. This voice
mobile nodes 110 roam in various embodiments. The data can be sent in TDM (time division multiplex) using
reference point mappings include: Fa, Fd, Ff, Fw, Fi, Fp, a CDMA (code division multiple access) air interface
13 EP 3 291 636 B1 14
technology. Mobile nodes 252 send both PPP/mobile IP functionality 254, a voice application functionality 290, a
(MIP) signaling and data packets to femto cell 114 over data path 292, and an A-interface proxy and manage-
an evolution data only air interface. Although not shown, ment 294. The PPP/MIP signaling functionality 254 man-
other air interface technologies such as UMTS, LTE, ages a point to point protocol link between mobile node
WiMAX, WiFi, and GSM can be used along with the at- 5 282 and gateway 118 and the forwarding MIP signaling
tendant signaling protocols of each air interface technol- to the home agent. The PPP/MIP signaling functionality
ogies. The use of a common protocol, which can handle can also setup and teardown sessions with mobile node
different air interface technologies and protocols for mo- 282 and perform any processing necessary on the data.
bile communications, provides flexibility for the femto cell, The voice application 290 can handle voice calls, for ex-
while still maintaining secure communications. 10 ample, voice sent from the mobile in TDM including the
[0033] More than one tunnel can be setup between setup of call and the teardown of the call. The data path
femto cell 114 and femto network gateway 118. For ex- 292 can handle data sessions such as email content,
ample, an IKEv2 tunnel 256 can be setup to allow for key VoIP, web surfing, or any other content delivery. The data
exchange and exchange of information, such as setup path can forward the data on towards its destination and
or registration information. A base IPSec SA 258 can be 15 manage the providing of services or processing of the
used to communicate PPP/MIP signaling from mobile data. The services can include services provided inline
nodes 252 to PPP/MIP signaling module 254. Femto cell on the gateway. If call localization is implemented on
114 can also communicate commands and other infor- gateway 118, then the various functionalities communi-
mation regarding handoffs and other events through cate with a database on the gateway. This database in-
base IPSec tunnel 258. Voice data, which may be pack- 20 cludes information about the sessions and if the gateway
etized voice, but not voice over IP (VoIP) from mobile detects that at least the call sessions of two mobile nodes
nodes 250 can be communicated over a voice IPSec are passing through the gateway, it will perform any nec-
tunnel 260. The voice data can be converted to VoIP on essary processing on the call session and bridge the ses-
femto network gateway 118 or sent to another server for sions removing the backhaul link.
conversion. The voice data can also be processed for 25 [0036] The A-interfaces proxy and management 294
sending using protocols other than VoIP. Packet data is a function that communicates with a management func-
can also be communicated over one or more data IPSec tion 288 on femto cell 114. The proxy functionality allows
tunnels such as 262 and 264. the femto gateway to hide one or more femto cells from
[0034] In some embodiments, one IPSec SA can be the core network. The gateway 118 communicates with
used to communicate a variety of information. Generic 30 the core network as if it was a single radio access network
routing encapsulation (GRE) can be used to create mul- (RAN) and can forward all the signaling and data flows
tiple tunnels within the IPSec SA so that more than one onto the core network in a single protocol or a set of
type of data from more than one mobile node can be protocols used with a single radio access network. This
communicated using the IPSec SA. In some embodi- reduces the complexity of having the core network rec-
ments, a GRE key can be used to different among the 35 ognize a number of fetmo cells at the edge of the network
packet flows and to direct the packets to the mobile node and further reduces the complexity necessary to imple-
at the femto cell or the function at the femto gateway. ment the femto cell. The femto cell can be managed by
FIG. 7 illustrates a 1xRTT mobile node 280 (where 1xRTT management function 288, which is in communication
is a CDMA wireless technology) and an EVDO mobile with proxy and management function 294 on gateway
node 282 in communication with a femto cell 114 and a 40 118.
femto network gateway 118 in accordance with certain [0037] FIG. 8 is a diagram illustrating simple IP sign-
embodiments. An IKEv2 SA 284 can be used to ex- aling for a mobile node that desires to setup a session in
change information such as security keys and can be accordance with certain embodiments. FIG. 8 includes
used to setup an IPSec SA 286. As shown, multiple pack- a mobile node 310, a femto cell 114, a gateway providing
et flows are communicated within IPSec SA 286. Femto 45 a femto gateway 118, an authentication, authorization,
network gateway 118 can use hardware and software to and accounting (AAA) server 312, and a home agent
direct these packet flows. For example, a hash can be (HA) 314. First, the femto cell 114 can perform a DNS
setup in a network processor in femto network gateway lookup to get an IP address of femto gateway 118. An
118 so that when a packet including certain criteria or IKE initialization request 316 is sent from femto cell 114
information passes through the hash it is directed to a 50 to femto gateway 118 to setup an IKE security associa-
particular piece of software or application. Other packets tion. The IKE initialization request 316 includes informa-
can be directed using a software module called a demux tion used by femto gateway 118 to setup the association.
manager. The demux manager can be used to determine An IKE initialization response 318 is sent from femto gate-
how to pass along the packet(s). Other software and way 118 to femto cell 114 to provide information and allow
hardware functions can be implemented in femto network 55 for a IKE SA 320 to be setup. An optional step 322 is to
gateway, in certain embodiments. authenticate femto cell 114 with AAA 312. At 324, femto
[0035] Gateway 118, which can include femto gateway gateway 118 allocates a tunnel internal address (TIA)
functionality, can further implement a PPP/MIP signaling and an IPSec tunnel is setup 326. A data call or session
15 EP 3 291 636 B1 16
setup 328 is initiated between mobile node 310 and femto [0041] FIG. 11 is a diagram illustrating a femto cell to
cell 114. Femto cell 114 sends an A11 registration re- femto cell fast handoff in accordance with certain em-
quest 330 and receives a registration reply 332 to setup bodiments. FIG. 11 includes a mobile node 310, a femto
a PPP-link control protocol (LCP) 334. At this time, in cell 1 114a, a femto cell 2 114b, a gateway providing a
certain embodiments, femto cell 114 is acting like a PCF 5 femto gateway 118, and an authentication, authorization,
and FNG 118 is acting like PDSN for the A11 interface and accounting (AAA) server 312. In FIG. 11, IPSec tun-
messaging. PPP authentication 336 signaling includes nels are already established between femto cell 1 114a
password authentication protocol (PAP) and challenge- and femto gateway 118 with IPSec tunnel 390 as well as
handshake authentication protocol (CHAP). Radius/Di- femto cell 2 114b and femto gateway 118 with IPSec
ameter authentication 338 can occur between FNG 118 10 tunnel 392. A data call or session startup signaling 394
and AAA 312 to authenticate mobile node 310. PPP-in- between mobile node 310 and femto cell 114a is used
ternet protocol control protocol (IPCP) 340 can be used to startup the session or call. Femto cell 114a sends an
to configure, enable and disable internet protocol (IP) A11 registration request 396 with the phone number, for
elements on the ends of a PPP link. In 342, an IP address example, in digits. Femto gateway 118 sends an A11
is assigned to the mobile node 310. 15 registration reply 398. PPP-LCP signaling 400 can begin
[0038] FIG. 9 is a diagram illustrating proxy mobile IP between mobile node 310 and femto gateway 118. PPP
(PMIP) signaling for a mobile node that desires to setup authorization signaling 402 along with radius/diameter
a session in accordance with certain embodiments. FIG. authorization signaling 404 is used to authenticate the
9 includes a mobile node 310, a femto cell 114, a gateway mobile node 310. Femto gateway 118 assigns an IP ad-
providing a femto gateway 118, an authentication, au- 20 dress to mobile node 310 at step 406. PPP-TPCP sign-
thorization, and accounting (AAA) server 312, and a aling 408 can then establish an IP session with the IP
home agent (HA) 314. Femto gateway 118 can imple- address, in certain embodiments. The session is up and
ment a PMIP foreign agent (FA) for the purposes of sig- packet flow over the connection using the IP address in
naling and communication in the network. As shown, 410. At 412, mobile node 310 ranges into femto cell 2
some of the signaling was explained in conjunction with 25 114b. A data call or session setup 414 is begun between
FIG. 8. Mobile node 310 sends a PPP IPCP configuration mobile node 310 and femto gateway 118. An A11 regis-
request message 350 to PMIP user 352 within gateway tration request 416 is sent to femto gateway 118. At 418,
118. A mobile IP registration request 354 is sent to HA femto gateway 118 detects the old session and there is
314 and HA 314 assigns an IP address in step 356 to no need to renegotiate PPP. A registration reply 420 is
mobile node 310. The assigned IP address can be com- 30 sent to femto cell 114b providing it with information for
municated in a MIP registration reply 358. PPP IPCP the data session to continue with the same IP in 422.
signaling 360 negotiates the IP address assigned by HA Because PPP renegotiation is avoided, call setup latency
314, to provide mobile node 310 with an IP address. is greatly reduced, and the same IP address can be used.
[0039] FIG. 10 is a diagram illustrating mobile IP (MIP) This provides a fast handoff.
signaling for a mobile node that desires to setup a session 35 [0042] FIG. 12 is a diagram illustrating a femto cell to
in accordance with certain embodiments. FIG. 10 in- macro cell fast handoff in accordance with certain em-
cludes a mobile node 310, a femto cell 114, a gateway bodiments. FIG. 12 includes a mobile node 310, a femto
providing a femto gateway 118, an authentication, au- cell 114, a macro cell 438, a gateway providing a femto
thorization, and accounting (AAA) server 312, and a gateway 118, and an authentication, authorization, and
home agent (HA) 314. As shown, some of the signaling 40 accounting (AAA) server 312. As shown, IPSec tunnel
was explained in conjunction with FIG. 8. Signaling 370 440 between femto cell 114 and femto gateway 118 as
can be performed to obtain an IP address for mobile node well as IPSec tunnel 442 between macro cell 438 and
310 from HA 314. femto gateway 118 are already setup. A data call or ses-
[0040] Femto gateway also facilitates fast handoffs, in sion startup signaling 444 between mobile node 310 and
some embodiments. The fast handoff can be inter-tech- 45 femto cell 114 is used to startup the session or call. Femto
nology as well as between a macro cell, a nano cell, or cell 114 sends an A11 registration request 446 with in-
a femto cell. In some embodiments, for example, in a formation relating to mobile node 310. Femto gateway
CDMA embodiment, the femto gateway can act like a 118 sends an A11 registration reply 448.
packet data serving node (PDSN) to the femto cell and [0043] As shown, PPP-LCP signaling 450 begins be-
a PPP session terminates at the femto network gateway. 50 tween mobile node 310 and femto gateway 118. PPP
This allows the femto gateway to use fast handoff pro- authorization signaling 452 along with radius/diameter
cedures of a PDSN when there is a handoff. The femto authorization signaling 454 is used to authenticate the
gateway allows handoffs between femto cells, for exam- mobile node 310. Femto gateway 118 assigns an IP ad-
ple, within an office building for mobile nodes such as a dress to mobile node 310 at step 456. PPP-IPCP sign-
Blackberry. Handoffs in other embodiments are also pos- 55 aling 458 can then establish an IP session with the IP
sible. For example, the femto gateway can act like a pack- address, in certain embodiments. The session is up and
et data network gateway (PDN gateway) or a serving packet flow over the connection using the IP address in
gateway (S-GW) in an evolved packet core (EPC). 460. At 462, mobile node 310 ranges into macro cell 438.
17 EP 3 291 636 B1 18
A data call or session setup 464 is begun between mobile 500. As shown, interoperability specification (IOS) based
node 310 and femto gateway 118. An A11 registration signaling can be used for each mobile node through an
request 466 is sent to femto gateway 118. At 468, femto IPSec tunnel. Each mobile node can use one or more
gateway 118 detects the old session and there is no need tunnels within IPSec 502. These one or more tunnels
to renegotiate PPP. A registration reply 470 is sent to 5 within map to the mobile node at the femto cell 114 and
femto cell 438 providing it with information for the data route the messaging to the function in the femto gateway
session to continue with the same IP in 472. A fast handoff function 500. For example, A10/A11 is mapped to a PD-
is provided as the same IP address is maintained and SN data function 504 which handles data and to a PDSN
PPP parameters do not need to be renegotiated, in some signaling function 506 to handle information from the mo-
embodiments. 10 bile nodes. An A-interface proxy 508 can be used to com-
[0044] In some embodiments, for a handoff, the femto municate with other network elements such as a PCF or
cell acts like a PCF and the femto gateway acts like a an AN. A-interface proxy 508 can act like an abstraction
PDSN. PPP renegotiation can be the most time consum- for the other A-interfaces that do not really terminate on
ing because of the authentication that takes place and the femto gateway function and the femto gateway prox-
the other messaging involved with setting up a PPP ses- 15 ies to other network elements. Operations, administra-
sion. When terminating in the core, rather than at the tive, maintenance, and provisioning (OAM&P) 498 can
edge, more handoffs will be with the same PDSN (or be used to manage and track things going on as well as
femto gateway) so this can reduce the number of setup allow for repairs, upgrades, accounting, and statistics.
steps the might otherwise need to occur in renegotiation, OAM&P 510 can also provide statistics, accounting, up-
causing delay. The femto gateway can receive raw voice 20 grades, and error notification, but may also be used in
(simply packetized voice) and convert for session initia- conjunction with OAM&P 498 to manage the proxy as-
tion protocol (SIP) or real-time transport protocol (RTP). pect of femto cell 114. The OAM&P 510 in communication
Voice getting converted in the femto gateway allows for with OAM&P 498 can allow for configuration of a femto
a simpler routing to a traditional network, in some em- cell 114 when initializing in the network and can provide
bodiments. 25 plug-in-play ability of the femto-cell 114. An IOS/SIP
[0045] In certain embodiments, the femto gateway gateway function 512 to interwork IOS signaling to SIP
simulates other network elements to act as a proxy for signaling is also provided.
the femto cell. This can allow the femto gateway to hide [0047] FIG. 14 is a diagram illustrating an IOS model
one or more femto cells from the network and allow the for a femto system architecture in accordance with some
femto cell to be a simpler device. The femto cell can send 30 embodiments. As shown, in the home network 526, mo-
the femto gateway commands and other information, for bile nodes 110 can communicate with a femto cell 114.
example, a simplified command set and the femto gate- The femto cell 114 can implement one or more of a base
way can use that information to simulate a logical com- station transceiver (BTS), a base station controller
ponent to communicate with other network elements. (BSC), an eNodeB, and a packet control function (PCF).
Providing a femto gateway that proxies commands for a 35 Communication with a femto network gateway can in-
number of femto cells also allows for scalability on the clude a number of A-interfaces using a IPSec SA 528.
service provider’s network. Exposing the femto cells to The functions shown in FIG. 13 are then used to com-
the network would not likely scale well in the network municate with various network elements, in some em-
because there is likely to be many femto cells given each bodiments. For example, A-interface proxy 508 commu-
femto cell’s small coverage area relative to a macro cell’s 40 nicates with BSC 530, AN 532, AN-AAA 534, and a CD-
coverage area. By having the femto gateway proxy com- MA softswitch center (MSCe) 536. Other functions, such
mands this allows for scalability to deploy a number of as PDSN data function 504 and PDSN signaling function
femto cells in the network. For example, a femto gateway 506 (of FIG. 13) can communicate with network elements
can proxy as a PCF and communicate with a real PCF. such as PDSN/FA 538, home agent 540, and core IP
The real PCF would not know that the femto gateway 45 network 542.
was proxying as a PCF, but only a single IP address can [0048] FIG. 15 is a diagram illustrating a session initi-
be exposed to the network. The femto gateway can also ation protocol (SIP) model for a femto system architec-
proxy as an enhanced NodeB (eNB), a nodeB, a radio ture in accordance with some embodiments. In a SIP
network controller (RNC), an evolved-UMTS terrestrial implementation, mobile nodes that are voice over IP
radio access network (E-UTRAN), a base transceiver 50 (VoIP) enabled such as mobile node 560 can communi-
station (BTS), and a base station controller (BSC). cate to femto cell 114 in VoIP. Further, IOS/SIP gateway
[0046] FIG. 13 is a diagram illustrating how some of function 512 (FIG. 13) can be used to communicate with
the proxy functions might look in a gateway providing a SIP network elements such as a convergence server
femto gateway function, in accordance with certain em- 562. In some embodiments, the VoIP data can be sent
bodiments. FIG. 13 includes 1xRTT mobile node 110a, 55 over RTP to a media gateway controller (MGC)/media
1xRTT mobile node 110b, a high rate packet data gateway (MGW) 564. FIG. 15 is a diagram illustrating a
(HRPD) mobile node 110c, a HRPD mobile node 110d, internet multimedia subsystem (IMS) modlc for a femto
a femto cell 114, and a femto network gateway function system architecture in accordance with some embodi-
19 EP 3 291 636 B1 20
ments. FIG. 16 illustrates a IP Multimedia Subsystem bile node in the ROUTREG response message. In call
(IMS) model for a femto system architecture in accord- flow part 5, the HLR sends the TLDN to the serving MSC
ance with some embodiments. FIG. 16 includes a policy in the LOCREQ response message. The MSC sends a
and charging rule function (PCRF) 570 and a call session ISUP (IAM) with the TLDN to the MGCF through the SS7
control function (CSCF)/border gateway control function 5 network in call flow part 6. The MGCF sends a SIP invite
(BGCF) 572. In some embodiments, IOS/SIP gateway message that includes the TDLN to the convergence
function 512 (FIG. 13) can be used to communicate with server in call flow part 7. In call flow part 8, the conver-
CSCF/BGCF 572. gence server replaces the TDLN with a MDN (mobile
[0049] FIG. 17 illustrates a call flow from a femto based directory number) of the destination mobile and sends
mobile node to a macro based mobile node in an IOS/SIP 10 the SIP invite message with the MDN to the femto gate-
model in accordance with some embodiments. FIG. 17 way. In call flow part 9, the femto gateway converts the
includes a CDMA capable mobile nodes 110a and 110b, SIP invite to an A1p paging request message and for-
a femto cell 114, a modem 120, a broadband carrier’s IP wards the message to the femto cell over a GRE/IPsec
network 152, an internet peering network 154, a femto tunnel. The femto cell terminates the GRE/IPsec tunnel
gateway 118, a mobile carrier’s IP core 156, a conver- 15 and A1p paging request message and sends a page mes-
gence server 562, a media gateway control function sage to the mobile node in the femto network.
(MGCF) and media gateway (MGW) 564, an SS7 net- [0051] FIG. 19 illustrates a call flow between two femto
work 610, a media controller (MC) 612, a home location cell based mobile nodes in accordance with certain em-
register (HLR) 614, a mobile switching center (MSC)/vis- bodiments. FIG. 19 includes two CDMA capable mobile
itor location registry (VLR) 616, a macro network 618, a 20 nodes 110a and 110b, two femto cells 114a and 114b,
base station controller (BSC) 530, and a macro radio two modems 120a and 120b, a broadband carrier’s IP
access network (RAN) 620. In call flow part 1, the mobile network 152, an internet peering network 154, a gateway
node sends a origination message to the femto cell. The including femto gateway functionality 118, a mobile car-
femto cell sends an A1p content management (CM) serv- rier’s IP core 156, a convergence server 562, and a home
ice request message to the femto gateway over a 25 location registrar (HLR) 614. In call flow part 1, the mobile
GRE/IPsec tunnel, in call flow part 2. In call flow part 3, node sends an origination message to the femto cell. The
the femto gateway terminates the GRE/IPSec tunnel and femto cell sends an A1p CM service request message
converts the A1p CM service request to a SIP invite re- to the femto gateway over a GRE/IPsec tunnel in call flow
quest and sends the SIP invite request to the conver- part 2. In call flow part 3, the femto gateway terminates
gence server. The convergence server terminates the 30 the GRE/IPsec tunnel and converts the A1p CM service
SIP invite send a SIP invite to the MGCF after checking request to a SIP invite request message and sends the
the supplementary service profile of the mobile in call SIP invite message to the convergence server. The con-
flow part 4. In call flow part 5, the media control function vergence server terminates the SIP invite message and
routes the call to a terminating MSC via SS7. The termi- sends a second SIP invite to the femto gateway after
nating MSC and BSC deliver the call to the mobile node 35 checking the supplementary service profile of the mobile
on the macro cellular network in call flow part 6. node in call flow part 4. The second SIP invite can include
[0050] FIG. 18 illustrates call flow from a macro based information obtained from the supplementary service
mobile node to a femto based mobile node in an IOS/SIP profile of the mobile node. The femto gateway converts
model in accordance with some embodiments. FIG. 18 the SIP invite message to an A1p paging request mes-
includes CDMA capable mobile node 110a, a femto cell 40 sages and forwards the message to the second femto
114, a modem 120, a broadband carrier’s IP network cell over a GRE/IPsec tunnel in call flow part 5. In call
152, an internet peering network 154, a gateway includ- flow part 6, the femto cell terminates the GRE/IPsec tun-
ing femto gateway functionality 118, a mobile carrier’s IP nel and A1p paging request message and sends a page
core 156, a convergence server 562, a media gateway message to the mobile node in the second femto network.
control function (MGCF) and media gateway (MGW) 564, 45 In call flow part 7, an RTP voice path is routed locally
an SS7 network 610, a mobile switching center within the femto gateway between the femto cells.
(MSC)/VLR 616, a home location registrar (HLR) 614, a [0052] FIG. 20 illustrates termination of a call flow be-
macro network 618, a base station controller (BSC) 530, tween a femto cell based mobile node and a macro cell
a macro radio access network (RAN) 620, and a mobile based mobile node in accordance with certain embodi-
node communicating with the macro RAN 110b. In call 50 ments. FIG. 20 includes CDMA capable mobile node
flow part 1, the mobile node in the macro network initiates 110a, a femto cell 114, a modem 120, a broadband car-
a call to a mobile in the femto cell network. The serving rier’s IP network 152, an internet peering network 156, a
MSC sends a LOCREQ message (location request) to gateway including femto gateway functionality 118, a mo-
the HLR in call flow part 2. The HLR sends a ROUTREQ bile carrier’s IP core 152, a convergence server 562, and
messages (route request) to the convergence server in 55 a home location registrar (HLR) 614, a base station con-
call flow part 3. In call flow part 4, the convergence server troller (BSC) 530, and a mobile node in the macro RAN
provides a TLDN (top level domain name or temporary 110b. In call flow part 1, the mobile node sends an orig-
location directory number) to reach the destination mo- ination message to the femto cell. The femto cell sends
21 EP 3 291 636 B1 22
an A1p CM service request message to the femto gate- femto cell 114 communicates with gateway 118 to setup
way over a GRE/IPsec tunnel in call flow part 2. In call a secure tunnel. An internet key exchange (IKE) security
flow part 3, the femto gateway terminates the GRE/IPsec association (SA) initialization request message 316 can
tunnel and converts the A1p CM service request to a SIP be sent to gateway 118 to setup a security association
invite request message and sends the SIP invite mes- 5 to secure the broadband network. An IKE SA initialization
sage to the convergence server. The convergence server response 318 sent from the gateway 118 to the femto
terminates the SIP invite message and sends a second cell 114 can prompt the femto cell to send authentication
SIP invite to the femto gateway after checking the sup- information to the gateway. The femto cell can send an
plementary service profile of the mobile node in call flow IKE Authentication and configuration request message
part 4. The second SIP invite can include information 10 628. Gateway 118 in response to message 628 sends a
obtained from the supplementary service profile of the RADIUS or DIAMETER request 630 to AAA server 312.
mobile node. In call flow part 5, the femto gateway con- AAA server 312 responds with a RADIUS or DIAMETER
verts the SIP invite to an A1p paging request message response 632 and gateway 118 responds to femto cell
and forwards this message to the BSC supporting A1p. 114 with IKE authentication and configuration response
The BSC sends a page message to the mobile node in 15 message 634. The configuration response message 634
the macro RAN in call flow part 6. In call flow part 7, a can include challenge information from AAA server 312.
two-way A2p (RTP) voice path is routed locally within the The femto cell 114 supplies the requested information in
femto gateway between the macro network and the femto IKE authentication and configuration message 636 to
cell. gateway 118. Gateway 118 sends the information in a
[0053] FIGS. 21, 22, and 23 illustrate authentication 20 RADIUS or DIAMETER message 638. AAA server 312
and registration in accordance with some embodiments. responds with a RADIUS accept or DIAMETER answer
In this process generally a tunnel is setup, a channel is message 640. Gateway sends configuration reply or EAP
setup, a location update occurs, SIP registration occurs, success message 642 to femto cell 114 to inform the
and authentication/registration notification occurs. In tun- femto cell of the successful security association negoti-
nel setup, the femto cell and the gateway communicate 25 ation. Messaging 644 and 646 is used to exchange in-
to setup a secure tunnel. This secure tunnel can be an formation such as a TIA to setup IPSec tunnel 648 be-
IPSec tunnel over a broadband network. The femto cell tween femto cell 114 and gateway 118. Gateway 118
communicates with the mobile node to setup a channel then sends a RADIUS or DIAMETER message 650 to
between the mobile node and the femto cell. After the start accounting procedures at AAA server 312 and re-
channel is setup, the femto cell updates the network 30 ceives a confirmation message 652.
about the location of the mobile node (and its attachment [0056] FIG. 22 illustrates signaling for mobile node au-
point to the network). SIP registration of the mobile node thentication including a global challenge and a location
occurs between gateway 118 and convergence server update in accordance with certain embodiments. FIG. 22
526. Authentication and registration notification commu- includes a mobile node (MN) 110, a femto cell (FC) 114,
nication occurs between the convergence server 562 and 35 an internet 116, a gateway including a femto gateway
the home location register (HLR)/authentication center (FG) 118, a convergence server 562, a media gateway
(AuC)/home subscriber service (HSS) 614. control function/media gateway (MGCF/MGW) 564, and
[0054] FIG. 21 illustrates signaling is used in femto cell a home location register (HLR) 614. The authentication
authentication in accordance with certain embodiments. and location update is shown in a network architecture
FIG. 21 includes a femto cell (FC) 114, an internet 154, 40 using a convergence server 562 and a gateway 118 to
a gateway 118, an IPsec tunnel, and an authentication, provide interworking to a SIP protocol. Gatway 118 sends
authorizing, and accounting (AAA) server 312. The gate- a set control channel parameters message 670 to femto
way can include a security gateway function (not shown) cell 114, which prompts femto cell 114 to send a access
that can receive and transmit messages relating to se- parameter message 672 to mobile node 110. Mobile
cure transmissions and authentication. The femto gate- 45 node sends a registration message 676 to femto cell 114
way can communicate with the AAA server 312 to provide with information such as RANDC, AUTHR, and COUNT.
identifying information that is received from the femto cell Femto cell 114 sends a location update request message
114 to the AAA server 312 to verify and provide the femto 678 including this information to gateway 118. Gateway
cell with key information from the AAA server to setup a 118 performs interworking on the message and changes
secure tunnel. A femto cell 114 can be plug-in-play ca- 50 the message to a SIP registration message 680, which
pable by performing discovery and obtaining an IP ad- is sent to convergence server 562. The convergence
dress from the network. In 624, femto cell 114 obtains server 562 sends authorization request to HLR/AuC/HSS
an IP address from the network and a domain name serv- 614. A SIP 100 trying message 684 is sent from the con-
er (DNS) address. vergence server 562 to the gateway 118. The
[0055] The network, including gateway 118 in some 55 HLR/AuC/HSS 614 sends an authentication access ac-
embodiments, can provide femto cell 114 with a gateway cept message 686 back to the convergence server 562.
address for the femto cell 114 to attach. To provide se- Convergence server 562 sends a registration notification
curity across an otherwise insecure broadband network, (regnot) message 688 to HLR/AuC/HSS and receives a
23 EP 3 291 636 B1 24
regnot access accept message 690 back. Convergence ment request message 722 which is sent to femto cell
server 562 sends a SIP 200 OK message 692 to gateway 114. The femto cell uses this information in setting up
118, which triggers interworking at the gateway and a the service connection to the mobile node 110. An as-
sending of a location update accept message 694 to fem- signment complete message 724 is sent from the femto
to cell 114. A SIP acknowledgement message 696 is sent 5 cell 114 to indicate when the process is complete. A ring-
to convergence server 562. Femto cell 114 sends a reg- back tone is sent from the mobile node 110 in 726 and
istration accept order 698 to mobile node 110. In 700, a voice path between the mobile node 110 and the
mobile node authentication is complete. MGCF/MGW is setup in 728.
[0057] FIG. 23 illustrates registration of a mobile node [0060] FIG. 25 illustrates a network architecture for a
through a convergence server in accordance with certain 10 UMTS based network femtocell implementation in ac-
embodiments. FIG. 23 includes a mobile node 110, a cordance with certain embodiments. FIG. 25 includes
femto cell 114, a broadband network 116, a gateway 118 mobile nodes 110a, 110b, 110c, and 110d, a UTMS ca-
including a femto gateway functionality 118, a conver- pable femto cell 114, a home gateway 120, a broadband
gence server 562, a HLR/AuC/HSS 614, and media gate- network 152, an internet 154, a gateway 118 implement-
way control function (MGCF)/media gateway (MGW) 15 ing various functions, a policy and charging rules function
564. As shown, an IPSec tunnel is setup 704 between 570, a serving gateway support node (SGSN) 750, a
mobile node 110 and gateway 118, which provides se- gateway GPRS support node (GGSN) 752, a charging
cure communications between the devices. Femto cell gateway function 754, a home nodeB gateway manager
114 sends a channel negotiation message 706 to mobile 756, a home nodeB manager 758 a mobile data services
node 110 and the mobile node 110 sends a registration 20 server 760, a radio network controller 762, a nodeB 764,
message 708 back to femto cell 114. This triggers an an AAA server 312, a HLR 614, and a MSC/VLR 616.
update request to register the mobile node with The gateway 118 provides a femto gateway functionality
HLR/AuC/HSS 614 as described in connection with FIG. which provides network connectivity of the femto cell 114
22. or home NodcB (HNB) to the core network. The gateway
[0058] FIG. 24 illustrates setup of a voice path through 25 118 appears as a legacy radio network controller (RNC)
a convergence server in accordance with some embod- to the core network (using existing Iu interfaces for core
iments. FIG. 24 includes a mobile node 110, a femto cell network connectivity) and connects the femto cell 114
114, a broadband network 116, a gateway 118 including using the Iu-h interface. Functionalities, such as the man-
a femto gateway functionality 118, a convergence server agement of the legacy UTRAN identifiers (LAI, SAI, RND-
562, a HLR/AuC/HSS 614, and media gateway control 30 Id, etc) towards the core network, and Iu-h interface man-
function (MGCF)/media gateway (MGW) 564. The con- agement, are performed by gateway 118.
vergence server, HLR, and MGCF/MGW can be included [0061] The femto cell 114 acting as a HNB can provide
in the NGN soft MSC core in some embodiments. As a standard radio interface (Uu) for mobile node connec-
shown in the signaling diagram of FIG. 24, the femto gate- tivity. Femto cell 114 uses the Iu-h interface over un-
way can convert direct transfer application part 35 trusted IP networks to provide access to the core network
(DTAP)/base station management application part through gateway 118. Femto cell 114 supports both the
(BSMAP) to SIP messaging. The femto gateway can also BTS and RNC like functions in a low cost plug-n-play
aggregate two or more femto cells hiding the femto cells form factor. The femto cell 114 can also support GSM
from the core network as part of the interworking the fem- based mobile nodes. The functionality provided by gate-
to gateway provides. 40 way 118 can also be split to allow other network devices
[0059] In FIG. 24, a voice call is being setup from a to provide the functionality such as management of the
phone that is attached to the network via a femto cell femto cell or other services. The femto cell manager 758
114. An IPSec tunnel is already setup between mobile can be provided for management of the gateway and
node 110 and gateway 118 and the mobile node is reg- femto cell using the Iu-hm reference point to communi-
istered with the network as well. When a voice call is 45 cate with the femto cell via the gateway. In other embod-
going to be placed from mobile node 110, channel ne- iments, this functionality is provided in the gateway 118.
gotiation/setup messaging 710 begins between femto The Iu-hm reference point can use existing device man-
cell 114 and mobile node 110. Femto cell 114 also sends agement techniques as described in DSL Forum techni-
a service request message 712 to gateway 118 to setup cal specifications TR-069, in some embodiments. Also
a voice path. Gateway 118 provides interworking from 50 as shown, gateway 118 can communicate with many dif-
DTAP/BSMAP to SIP messaging and sends SIP invite ferent network devices. For example, gateway 118 can
714 to the convergence server 562. The convergence provide access to the circuit switched network through
server 562 sends a SIP invite message 716 to the the IuCS interface, can provide access to the packet
MGCF/MGW 564. A SIP ringing message 718 is sent switched network through the Iu-PS, and can communi-
from the MGCF/MGW 564 which can provide information 55 cate with a GGSN 752 through the Gn’ interface.
to setup the voice path, e.g., assignment information. The [0062] FIG. 26 illustrates a functional view of an inte-
gateway 118 receives SIP ringing message 720 and pro- grated gateway that provides femto services in accord-
vides interworking to change the message to an assign- ance with some embodiments. FIG 26 includes a mobile
25 EP 3 291 636 B1 26
node 110, a femto cell (FC) 114, a broadband network and GAN controller function 804. The basis of the archi-
116, a gateway 118 that provides many functionalities, tecture of the FIG. 27 is a functional architecture utilizing
a call session control function (CSCF) 778, a mobile generic access network (GAN) Iu interface mode. In this
switching center (MSC) 780, an AAA server 312, a SGSN embodiments, the femto cell providing HNB (home
750, a GGSN 752, a HLR 614, a serving mobile location 5 NodeB) services is responsible for the radio aspects and
center (SMLC) 782, cell broadcast center (CBC) 784, the gateway 118 is responsible for CN (core network)
femto cell manager 786, and element management sys- connectivity. Further, the femto gateway is decomposed
tem (EMS) 788. The gateway provides a number of func- into two functional elements, where the GAN Gateway
tionalities including a security gateway (SeGW) 190, a (GAN-GW) 802 provides Security Gateway Function 190
proxy-call session control function (P-CSCF)/border 10 and CS/PS Bearer Function 802, and a GAN Controller
gateway function (BCF) 770, a IuH Proxy 772, a SGSN (GAN-C) 804 provides CS/PS (circuit switch/packet
function 774, and a GGSN function 776. The P- switch) control function.
CSCF/BGF 770, IuH proxy 772, SGSN function 774, and [0065] The architecture of FIG. 27 provides co-exist-
GGSN function 776 can act as proxies for the femto cells ence with the UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network
by aggregating signals and communicating on behalf of 15 (UTRAN) and interconnection with the Core Network
the femto cells to hide the femto cells from the core net- (CN) via the standardized interfaces defined for UTRAN:
work, while performing other functions as well. a Iu-cs interface for circuit switched services, Iu-ps inter-
[0063] The SMLC 782 is either a separate network el- face for packet switched services, Iu-pc interface for sup-
ement or integrated functionality in the BSC (Base Sta- porting location services, and Iu-be interface for support-
tion Controller) that contains the functionality required to 20 ing cell broadcast services. The femto cell implementing
support LCS (LoCation Services). The SMLC 782 can a HNB provides a standard radio interface (Uu) for mobile
manage the overall co-ordination and scheduling of re- node connectivity and provides the radio access network
sources needed for the location of a mobile. It also cal- connectivity to the mobile node using the GAN Iu mode
culates the final location estimate and estimates the Up interface as defined in TS 43.318, The gateway uti-
achieved accuracy. The SMLC 782 may control one or 25 lizes a Generic Access Network Controller (GAN-C) de-
more LMU (Location Measurement Unit) for the purpose fined for GAN Iu operation. The functionality of the GAN-
of obtaining radio interface measurements to locate or C defined for GAN Iu operation is modified to allow a the
help locate the mobile node subscribers in the area that HNB (as opposed to a dual mode mobile node) to be
it serves. The CBC 784 is the functional entity within the connected over the generic IP access network.
network that is responsible for the generation of cell 30 [0066] The gateway provides interworking between
broadcast information. The Starent Web Element Man- the Iu interfaces and the GAN Iu mode Up interface using
agement System, or EMS 788, is a centralized service the following control plane and user plane functionality.
and network element management functionality that can The gateway provides security gateway function 190 for
controls the multimedia core platforms in a gateway. Star- the set-up of a secure IPSec tunnel to the femto cell for
ent Web EMS is a multi-service element manager, which 35 mutual authentication, encryption and data integrity, and
provides fault, configuration, accounting, performance a SEGW Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)
and security functions through a graphical user interface. processing of Up interface control plane packets. The
Starent Web EMS enables mobile operators to monitor, gateway and GAN controller 804 can provide GAN Dis-
manage and control the performance of the ST16 and covery support and Default gateway assignment. The
ST40, as well as integrate and interoperate with other 40 GAN-C 804 can provide GAN Registration support in-
components and network management systems. The cluding provision of GAN system information to the femto
Starent Web EMS also provides a variety of performance cell and possible redirection to a different gateway (e.g.,
and operation records based on mobile operator defined Serving HNB-GW), management of GAN bearer paths
parameters. for CS and PS services, including the establishment, ad-
[0064] FIG. 27 illustrates a functional view of a gateway 45 ministration, and release of control and user plane bear-
that provides femto services using a controller function ers between through the interworking of Up and IuCS/PS
in accordance with certain embodiments. FIG. 27 in- control plane (e.g. RANAP), support for paging and
cludes a mobile node 110, a femto cell (FC) 114, a broad- handover procedures, and transparent transfer of L3
band network 116, a gateway 118 that provides many messages (i.e., NAS protocols) between the mobile node
functionalities, a home public land mobile network 50 and core network.
(HPLMN)/visited public land mobile network (VPLMN) [0067] In the user plane functionality, the gateway can
806, a mobile switching center (MSC) 780, a proxy AAA provide Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) process-
server 810, a SGSN 750, a HLR 614, location services ing of Up interface user plane packets, interworking of
782, cell broadcast services 784, femto cell manager CS bearers between the Up interface (RTP/AMR) and
756, and femto gateway manager 758. Gateway 118 can 55 the Iu-CS user plane interface Iu-UP, and interworking
provide functionalities such as generic access controller of packet switched user data between the Up interface
gateway (GAN-GW) signaling gateway and circuit and the Iu-PS interface (GTP-U). GAN Gateway 800 can
switched user plane function 802, security gateway 190, also provide interworking between RTP/UDP and the CS
27 EP 3 291 636 B1 28
bearers over the Iu-CS interface which supports either FIG. 27 and gateway 118 interacts with the core network
ATM (AAL2) or IP (RTP) transport. This inter-working is (HPLMN/VPLMN) in a similar fashion.
controlled by the GAN-Controller 804 via H.248.1 proto- [0071] In some embodiments, a gateway discovery
col and relevant packages. mechanism is provided. The gateway discovery mecha-
[0068] As shown in FIG. 27, transaction control (e.g. 5 nism provides an automatic way for the gateway and fem-
CC, SM) and user services are provided by the core net- to cell to determine the most appropriate serving gateway
work (e.g. MSC/VLR and the SGSN/GGSN), however in to provide femto gateway services in the HPLMN of the
some embodiments, as shown in FIG. 26, these features femto cell. The serving gateway is the gateway handling
can be provided by the gateway in an integrated fashion. a particular femto cell. The discovery mechanism ac-
AAA server 810 is used to authenticate the femto cell 10 counts for parameters such as the femto cell identity and
when it sets up a secure tunnel and the Wm interface location. The gateway discovery service is one of the
can be used for these communications. The femto cell functions provided by all or a subset of the gateways in
management system (HNB mngmt. System) 756 man- the service provider network. Both the gateway and femto
ages the configuration of femto cells in a scalable manner cell can be preconfigured with the network address as-
and can be channeled via the Up interface’s secure tun- 15 sociated with the gateway discovery service (e.g., an
nel. FQDN that is DNS-resolved to the IP address of one of
[0069] The GAN operation is modified to support an the gateways providing gateway discovery services). It
interface between the HNB femto cell and the gateway. is also possible to derive the gateway discovery service
For example, the GA-RC REGISTER REQUEST mes- network address using the femto cell credentials such as
sage is modified with an additional IE to include HNB 20 the IMSI or other information, in some embodiments.
femto cell identity (e.g. IMSI). The GAN Classmark IE is [0072] FIG. 29 illustrates femto cell discovery when the
updated with additional device types for femto cell/femto femto cell has no stored gateway address and performs
cell-MN and also an Emergency Call request flag (for a gateway discovery procedure in accordance with some
unauthorized MN emergency call registration). The RAB embodiments. FIG. 29 includes a femto cell 114, a public
Configuration attribute in GA-RRC ACTIVATE CHAN- 25 DNS 930, and a gateway 118. In messaging 1, the femto
NEL and GA-RRC ACTIVATE CHANNEL ACK message cell 114 may derive a FQDN of the gateway discovery
is extended to transparently relay radio attributes be- service, and perform a DNS query (via the generic IP
tween HNB femto cell and CN via the gateway. The GA- access network interface) to resolve the FQDN to an IP
RRC RELOCATION INFORMATION message is ex- address. In messaging 2, the DNS Server returns a re-
tended to relay radio attributes between HNB femto cell 30 sponse including the IP Address of a gateway that pro-
and the gateway. The GA-RRC SECURITY MODE COM- vides gateway discovery service. Alternatively, if the fem-
MAND is extended to include CK, IK so that the HNB to cell 114 already has the IP address for the gateway
femto cell can protect the air interface. Additionally, the discovery service, the messaging 1 and 2 may be omit-
use of a single IPSEC tunnel between HNB femto cell ted. In step 3, the femto cell establishes a secure tunnel
and gateway for multiplexing separate mobile node ses- 35 to the gateway utilizing IPsec. In messaging 4, the femto
sions is provided. cell sets up a reliable transport session to a port on the
[0070] FIG. 28 illustrates a functional view of a gateway gateway. If a GAN interface is used, the transport session
that provides femto services using a controller function is TCP and if IuH is used, SCTP is the transport session
and a Iu-H interface in accordance with certain embodi- protocol. In messaging 5, the femto cell queries the gate-
ments. FIG. 28 includes a mobile node 110, a femto cell 40 way with the discovery service for the address of the serv-
(FC) 114, a broadband network 116, a gateway 118 that ing gateway, using the DISCOVERY REQUEST mes-
provides many functionalities, a home public land mobile sage. There arc differences between Up and IuH inter-
network (HPLMN)/visited public land mobile network face embodiments. In the IuH interface, the femto cell
(VPLMN) 806, a mobile switching center (MSC) 780, a provides location information via use of one or more of
proxy AAA server 810, a SGSN 750, a HLR 614, location 45 the following mechanisms: 1) detected macro coverage
services 782, cell broadcast services 784, femto cell information (e.g. GERAN or UTRAN cell information), 2)
manager 756, and femto gateway manager 758. Gate- geographical co-ordinates (e.g. via use of GPS, etc), 3)
way 118 can provide functionalities such as generic ac- Internet connectivity information (e.g. IP address or DSL
cess controller gateway (GAN-GW) function 802, secu- Line Identifier). It is possible that none of the aforemen-
rity gateway 190, GAN controller function 804, CS bearer 50 tioned information is available, so the discovery mecha-
function 820, and PS bearer function 822. In FIG. 28 a nism supports femto cell assignment to a default gateway
Iu-H interface is used between femto cell 114 and gate- for such cases. Alternately, discovery of serving gateway
way 118 along with the GAN controller. Additionally, a can be denied until valid location information is provided.
circuit switched (CS) bearer function is provided for han- In messaging 6, the gateway returns the DISCOVERY
dling CS bearer traffic to the core network and a packet 55 ACCEPT message, using the information provided by
switched (PS) bearer function is provided for handling the femto cell to determine the address of the most ap-
PS bearer traffic to the core network. The GAN controller propriate serving gateway. The DISCOVERY ACCEPT
functions in the way described above with reference to message may also indicate whether the serving gateway
29 EP 3 291 636 B1 30
address information is stored by the femto cell for future particular femto cell is allowed to operate in a given lo-
access (i.e., versus performing gateway discovery each cation, etc). If the gateway accepts the registration at-
time the femto cell is power-cycled). Alternatively, if the tempt it shall respond with a REGISTER ACCEPT mes-
gateway cannot accept the DISCOVERY REQUEST sage and includes the necessary system information for
message in messaging 7, the gateway returns a DIS- 5 the femto cell functionality (e.g. Location Area informa-
COVERY REJECT message indicating the reject cause. tion, network operation mode, etc). In messaging 6, the
In messaging 8, the secure tunnel to the gateway is re- gateway may reject the request (e.g. due to network con-
leased. gestion, blacklisted HNB, unauthorized location, etc). In
[0073] After the femto cell determines the serving gate- this case, it shall respond with a REGISTER REJECT
way to establish a femto session with, the femto cell at- 10 indicating the reject cause. Alternatively, in messaging
tempts to register with that serving gateway. Registration 7, if the gateway is going to redirect the fento cell to (an-
can inform the serving gateway that a femto cell is now other) serving gateway (not shown), it responds with a
connected and is available at a particular IP address REGISTER REDIRECT message to provide information
when the interface IuH is used between the femto cell about the target gateway. In messaging 8, the femto cell
and the gateway. If GAN-Iu is used, then the femto cell 15 114 releases the transport session as well as the secure
can inform the GAN-Controller of the serving gateway. tunnel if it does not receive a REGISTER ACCEPT mes-
The serving gateway or GAN-Controller provides the sage in response.
femto cell with the network operating parameters (such [0075] Registration of the mobile node to a serving
as LAI, RNC-Id, network operating mode, etc) associated gateway by a femto cell serves the following purposes.
with the femto cell service at the current location which 20 It informs the gateway that a mobile node is now con-
is coordinated between the femto cell and serving gate- nected through a particular femto cell and is available at
way. The femto cell utilizes the information to transmit a particular IP address. The gateway keeps track of this
these network operating parameters to the mobile node information for the purposes of "directed paging" (e.g. for
as part of the System Information Broadcast. This allows mobile-terminated calls). Registration of the mobile node
the access network to provide a network based service 25 allows the gateway to provide network based service ac-
access control (SAC) (e.g., femto cell restriction and lo- cess control (SAC) functionality. The gateway provides
cation verification). It also provides a mechanism to re- authorization and enforcement based on the operator’s
direct the femto cell to a different serving gateway (e.g. service access control polices. Network based SAC can
based on incoming location, current load on the gateway, be used to insure that a particular mobile node is indeed
etc). 30 authorized service over a particular femto cell. It allows
[0074] FIG. 30 illustrates a femto cell registering with the gateway to provide mobile node specific service pa-
a serving gateway and obtains network operating param- rameters to the femto cell (e.g. differentiated billing for
eters based on a specific location and specific serving home users versus guest users). Registration of the mo-
gateway in accordance with certain embodiments. FIG. bile node provides a mechanism for indicating emergen-
30 includes a femto cell 114, a public DNS 930, and a 35 cy service. With this explicit indication, the gateway can
gateway 118. In messaging 1, if the femto cell 114 does override the normal service access controls for this mo-
not have stored information on the serving gateway 118, bile node but the gateway may still restrict the mobile
it performs the gateway discovery procedure as de- node to only emergency services for fraud prevention. In
scribed with reference to FIG. 29. In messaging 2, the addition, this emergency services indicator allows the
femto cell 114 establishes a secure tunnel to the serving 40 gateway to support emergency call-backs by targeting
gateway 118. This step may be omitted if a secure tunnel the correct femto cell over which the emergency call orig-
is being reused from an earlier discovery or registration inated.
procedure. In messaging 3, the femto sets up a reliable [0076] FIG. 31 illustrates a registration of a mobile
transport session (TCP or SCTP connection) to a well- node in accordance with certain embodiments. FIG. 31
defined port on the serving gateway 118. The femto cell 45 includes a mobile node 110, a femto cell 114, a serving
114 then attempts to register with the serving gateway gateway 118, and a core network. The registration can
using a REGISTRATION REQUEST message. The mes- be triggered when the mobile node attempts to access
sage includes registration type, location information, and the femto cell the first time with an initial NAS (network
fcmto cell identity. The registration type indicates the end access server) message (i.e., Location Update Request).
device being registered. The location information indi- 50 In messaging 1, the mobile node 110 initiates a LU (lo-
cates physical location and can provide the information cation update) procedure by establishing an RRC (radio
using one of the following mechanisms: detected macro resource control) connection with the femto cell (it is as-
coverage information, geographical co-ordinates, inter- sumed that the femto cell has a location area that is dis-
net connectivity information. The femto cell 114 identity tinct from its neighboring femto cell and macro cells to
is, for example, the IMSI of the (U)SIM associated with 55 trigger an initial message upon camping on the femto
the femto cell. In messaging 5, the gateway may use the cell). The mobile node then transmits a NAS message
information from the REGISTER REQUEST message to carrying the Location Updating Request message with
perform access control of the femto cell (e.g. whether a some form of identity (IMSI/TMSI). The femto cell re-
31 EP 3 291 636 B1 32
quests the IMSI (or other identity information) of the mo- some embodiments, an ACS 952 is used to auto-config-
bile node in an identity request message. (Note: For net- ure the femto cell when plugged in. The ACS 952 can
works supporting network mode 1, the mobile node could utilize TR-069 to setup femto cells connected to the net-
trigger a combined Routing Area and Location Area up- work and can provide plug-in-play capabilities. The ACS
date request instead of the initial LU request). The femto 5 can enforce location and direct the femto cell to the ap-
cell may also optionally perform local access control for propriate gateway (such as gateway 956). In other em-
faster rejection of those mobile nodes not authorized to bodiments, as mentioned above, this functionality can be
access the particular femto cell. Unauthorized mobile handled by a gateway. The femto gateway 956 can pro-
node are permitted registration with the gateway. vide connectivity to the CS domain 130 through MSC 780
[0077] In messaging 2, the femto cell establishes a 10 and the PS domain 132 through SGSN/PDSN/HA 958.
separate reliable transport session (e.g. TCP or SCTP The decomposed architecture of FIG. 32 can be imple-
connection) for each mobile node. In messaging 3, the mented with two gateways with only some functionalities
femto cell attempts to register the mobile node 110 on enabled in each gateway device to implement the de-
the serving gateway 118 over the mobile node specific composed architecture.
transport session by transmitting the REGISTER RE- 15 [0079] FIG. 33 illustrates a security gateway architec-
QUEST. The message can include registration type, mo- ture in communication with an IMS domain in accordance
bile node identity, and femto cell identity. In messaging with certain embodiments. FIG. 33 includes a mobile
4, the serving gateway 118 may perform access control node 110, a femto cell 114, a broadband network 116, a
for the particular mobile node attempting to utilize the gateway implementing a security gateway 950, an auto-
specific femto cell. If the serving gateway accepts the 20 configuration server (ACS) 952, an ATM or IP backbone
registration attempt it responds with a REGISTER AC- network 954, a call session control function (CSCF) 960,
CEPT message back to the femto cell. In messaging 5, a GGSN/HA 962, a PS domain 132, an IMS domain 964,
the femto cell does a NAS relay of the Location Updating a convergence server 562, and a MSC 780. The security
Request message from the mobile node to the serving gateway 950 can communicate with a CSCF 960, which
gateway 118 via the mobile node transport session es- 25 can be implemented in a gateway, and establish connec-
tablished in messaging 2. In messaging 6, the serving tivity to the IMS domain 964. A convergence server 562,
gateway 118 establishes a SCCP connection to the core which can also be implemented in a gateway, can estab-
network and forwards the Location Update request (or lish connectivity with various network devices such as
the combined RA/LA update request) NAS PDU to the MSC 780. The security gateway 950 can also communi-
core network using the RANAP Initial UE Message. Sub- 30 cate with a GGSN/HA 962 to establish connectivity to a
sequent NAS messages between the mobile node and PS domain. A gateway, which provides various function-
core network are sent between the serving gateway 118 alities such as a security gateway 950, can also imple-
and core network using the RANAP Direct Transfer mes- ment a SGSN or a PDSN functionality to allow connec-
sage. In messaging 7, the core network authenticates tivity directly to a GGSN/HA 962.
the mobile node using standard authentication proce- 35 [0080] FIG. 34 illustrates another femto based archi-
dures. The core network also initiates the Security Mode tecture that supports legacy GSM networks in accord-
Control procedure. The NAS messages are relayed ance with certain embodiments. FIG. 34 includes mobile
transparently by the serving gateway 118 and femto cell node 110, femto cell 114, home gateway 120, gateway
114 between the mobile node and the core network. In 118, internet 970, web server 972, SGSN 782, HSS 614,
messaging 8, the core network indicates it has received 40 and legacy GGSN 752. A secure tunnel is established
the location update and it will accept the location update between femto cell 114 and gateway 118, which allows
using the Location Update Accept message to the serv- communications from mobile node 110 to the mobile op-
ing gateway 118. In messaging 9, the serving gateway erator and the internet 970. The gateway 118 can direct
118 relays the LU accept NAS message to the femto cell. packet switched (PS) traffic to internet 970 and web serv-
In messaging 10, the femto cell 114 relays the LU accept 45 er 972. The gateway 118 can also direct call session
message over the air interface to the mobile node. traffic to the mobile operator’s PLMN and provide regis-
[0078] FIG. 32 illustrates a decomposed architecture tration of the mobile node.
where one gateway acts as a security gateway and an- [0081] The challenges inherent in using packet net-
other gateway implements a femto gateway in accord- works for interactive voice communications arise from
ance with certain embodiments. FIG. 32 includes a mo- 50 the real-time characteristics of speech. The three most
bile node 110, a femto cell 114, a broadband network important factors that affect speech quality are packet
116, a gateway implementing a security gateway 950, loss, delay, and jitter. The very nature of public infrastruc-
an auto-configuration server (ACS) 952, an ATM or IP ture such as the Internet implies that the level of packet
backbone network 954, a gateway implementing a femto loss and the amount of delay and jitter vary greatly with
gateway 956, a MSC 780, a SGSN/PDSN/HA 958, a cir- 55 the network, location, and time. Packet losses can create
cuit switched domain 130, and a packet switched domain gaps in the voice communication resulting in clicks and
132. The security gateway 950 can provide secure com- muted or unintelligible speech. Packet loss may be
munications over an un-secure broadband network. In caused by several sources. For example, a router may
33 EP 3 291 636 B1 34
intentionally discard a packet because it was damaged In some embodiments, an access gateway, a packet data
during transmission or timed out of a queue due to con- serving node (PDSN), a foreign agent (FA), or home
gestion problems. Congestion can also contribute to la- agent (HA) can be implemented on a chassis. Other types
tency and jitter, which can make two-way voice conver- of functionalities can also be implemented on a chassis
sation difficult. Such QoS problems inherent to voice- 5 in other embodiments are a Gateway General packet ra-
over-Internet, can be improved by providing robustness dio service Serving Node (GGSN), a serving GPRS sup-
to packet loss, delay, and jitter at the edge devices in the port node (SGSN), a packet data inter-working function
femto cell and gateway. Some functionalities provided (PDIF), an access service network gateway (ASNGW),
by the femto cell and gateway to provide QoS are pro- a base station, a access network, a User Plane Entity
viding a payload format supporting transmission of mul- 10 (UPE), an IP Gateway, an access gateway, a session
tiple channels, multiple frames per payload, and use of initiation protocol (SIP) server, a proxy-call session con-
fast codec. Error correction codes (e.g., forward error trol function (P-CSCF), and an interrogating-call session
correction (FEC), RTP redundancy, and frame inter-leav- control function (I-CSCF), a serving gateway (SGW), and
ing) implemented by the femto cell and gateway can pro- a packet data network gateway (PDN GW). In certain
vide robustness against packet loss. Unequal error pro- 15 embodiments, one or more of the above-mentioned other
tection and detection (UEP and UED) can be used to types of functionalities are integrated together or provid-
provide robustness against bit errors over IP networks. ed by the same functionality. For example, an access
[0082] In some embodiments, the consumer broad- network can be integrated with a PDSN. A chassis can
band connection may have a limitation on the uplink include a PDSN, a FA, a HA, a GGSN, a PDIF, an
bandwidth that it can support, which can restrict the 20 ASNGW, a UPE, an IP Gateway, an access gateway, or
number of simultaneous mobile nodes communicating any other applicable access interface device. In certain
through the secure tunnel. This can be solved by multi- embodiments, a chassis is provided by Starent Networks,
plexing multiple mobile node sessions over the same se- Corp. of Tewksbury, Massachusetts in a ST16 or a ST40
cure tunnel by transporting several RTP/NbFP/codec multimedia platform.
payloads of different user plane connections within one 25 [0085] The features of a chassis that implements a
packet. The multiplexing can occur with packets of the gateway, in accordance with some embodiments, are fur-
same destination address and DiffServ class. Additional ther described below. FIG. 36 illustrates positioning of
bandwidth reduction can be accomplished by supporting cards in the chassis in accordance with some embodi-
RTP header compression. Another option is to attempt ments. The chassis includes slots for loading application
to hand-out voice calls that are not supported by uplink 30 cards 990 and line cards 992. A midplane 994 can be
restrictions to other suitable neighboring cells (i.e., other used in the chassis to provide intra-chassis communica-
macro or femto cells) that are available. The gateway tions, power connections, and transport paths between
can initiate the hand-out based on the degradation of the the various installed cards. The midplane 994 can include
voice quality (e.g., packet loss). The gateway also sup- buses such as a switch fabric, a control bus, a system
ports a policy server interface to control provide QoS pol- 35 management bus, a redundancy bus, and a time division
icies across a population of femto subscribers. multiplex (TDM) bus. The switch fabric is an IP-based
[0083] FIG. 35 illustrates a femto architecture that sup- transport path for user data throughout the chassis im-
ports long term evolution (LTE) networks in accordance plemented by establishing inter-card communications
with certain embodiments. FIG. 35 includes mobile node between application cards and line cards. The control
110, femto cell 114, a gateway implementing a security 40 bus interconnects the control and management proces-
gateway and serving gateway 980, a gateway imple- sors within the chassis. The chassis management bus
menting a packet data network gateway(PDN GW)/mo- provides management of system functions such as sup-
bility management entity (MME) 982, public land mobile plying power, monitoring temperatures, board status, da-
network (PLMN) 984, and Internet 986. The gateway can ta path errors, card resets, and other failover features.
implement a serving gateway that is in communication 45 The redundancy bus provides transportation of user data
with a PDN GW/MME 982 to provide access to an and redundancy links in the event of hardware failures.
evolved UMTS terrestrial radio access network (E- The TDM bus provides support for voice services on the
UTRAN). In this embodiments, femto cell 114 is providing system.
eNobeB coverage to mobile nodes and providing access [0086] The chassis supports at least four types of ap-
to the E-UTRAN over a broadband network. In some em- 50 plication cards: a switch processor card, a system man-
bodiments, security gateway can provide a secure tunnel agement card, a packet service card, and a packet ac-
to provide connectivity to a serving gateway function over celerator card. The switch processor card serves as a
a broadband network 116. Other features provided by a controller of the chassis and is responsible for such things
gateway, described herein are also available for the gate- as initializing the chassis and loading software configu-
way providing LTE architecture connectivity. 55 rations onto other cards in the chassis. The packet ac-
[0084] The gateway described above is implemented celerator card provides packet processing and forward-
in a chassis in some embodiments. This chassis can im- ing capabilities. Each packet accelerator card is capable
plement multiple and different integrated functionalities. of supporting multiple contexts. Hardware engines can
35 EP 3 291 636 B1 36
be deployed with the card to support parallel distributed [0090] Individual tasks that run on processors in the
processing for compression, classification traffic sched- application cards can be divided into subsystems. A sub-
uling, forwarding, packet filtering, and statistics compila- system is a software element that either performs a spe-
tions. The system management card is a system control cific task or is a culmination of multiple other tasks. A
and management card for managing and controlling oth- 5 single subsystem can include critical tasks, controller
er cards in the gateway device. The packet services card tasks, and manager tasks. Some of the subsystems that
is a high-speed processing card that provides mutli- can run on a chassis include a system initiation task sub-
threaded point-to-point, packet data processing, and system, a high availability task subsystem, a recovery
context processing capabilities, among other things. control task subsystem, a shared configuration task sub-
[0087] The packet accelerator card performs packet- 10 system, a resource management subsystem, a virtual
processing operations through the use of control proc- private network subsystem, a network processing unit
essors and a network processing unit. The network subsystem, a card/slot/port subsystem, and a session
processing unit determines packet processing require- subsystem.
ments; receives and transmits user data frames to/from [0091] The system initiation task subsystem is respon-
various physical interfaces; makes IP forwarding deci- 15 sible for starting a set of initial tasks at system startup
sions; implements packet filtering, flow insertion, dele- and providing individual tasks as needed. The high avail-
tion, and modification; performs traffic management and ability task subsystem works in conjunction with the re-
traffic engineering; modifies/adds/strips packet headers; covery control task subsystem to maintain the operation-
and manages line card ports and internal packet trans- al state of the chassis by monitoring the various software
portation. The control processors, also located on the 20 and hardware components of the chassis. Recovery con-
packet accelerator card, provide packet-based user serv- trol task subsystem is responsible for executing a recov-
ice processing. The line cards when loaded in the chassis ery action for failures that occur in the chassis and re-
provide input/output connectivity and can also provide ceives recovery actions from the high availability task
redundancy connections as well. subsystem. Shared configuration task subsystem pro-
[0088] The operating system software can be based 25 vides the chassis with an ability to set, retrieve, and re-
on a Linux software kernel and run specific applications ceive notification of chassis configuration parameter
in the chassis such as monitoring tasks and providing changes and is responsible for storing configuration data
protocol stacks. The software allows chassis resources for the applications running within the chassis. Resource
to be allocated separately for control and data paths. For management subsystem is responsible for assigning re-
example, certain packet accelerator cards can be dedi- 30 sources (e.g., processor and memory capabilities) to
cated to performing routing or security control functions, tasks and for monitoring the task’s use of the resources.
while other packet accelerator cards are dedicated to [0092] Virtual private network (VPN) subsystem man-
processing user session traffic. As network requirements ages the administrative and operational aspects of VPN-
change, hardware resources can be dynamically de- related entities in the chassis, which include creating sep-
ployed to meet the requirements in some embodiments. 35 arate VPN contexts, starting IP services within a VPN
The system can be virtualized to support multiple logical context, managing IP pools and subscriber IP addresses,
instances of services, such as technology functions (e.g., and distributing the IP flow information within a VPN con-
a PDN GW, SGW, PDSN, ASNGW, PDIF, HA, GGSN, text. In some embodiments, within the chassis, IP oper-
or IPSG). ations are done within specific VPN contexts. The net-
[0089] The chassis’ software can be divided into a se- 40 work processing unit subsystem is responsible for many
ries of tasks that perform specific functions. These tasks of the functions listed above for the network processing
communicate with each other as needed to share control unit. The card/slot/port subsystem is responsible for co-
and data information throughout the chassis. A task is a ordinating the events that occur relating to card activity
software process that performs a specific function related such as discovery and configuration of ports on newly
to system control or session processing. Three types of 45 inserted cards and determining how line cards map to
tasks operate within the chassis in some embodiments: application cards. The session subsystem is responsible
critical tasks, controller tasks, and manager tasks. The for processing and monitoring a mobile subscriber’s data
critical tasks control functions that relate to the chassis’ flows in some embodiments. Session processing tasks
ability to process calls such as chassis initialization, error for mobile data communications include: A10/A11 termi-
detection, and recovery tasks. The controller tasks mask 50 nation for CDMA networks, GSM tunneling protocol ter-
the distributed nature of the software from the user and mination for GPRS and/or UMTS networks, asynchro-
perform tasks such as monitor the state of subordinate nous PPP processing, packet filtering, packet schedul-
manager(s), provide for intra-manager communication ing, Difserv codepoint marking, statistics gathering, IP
within the same subsystem, and enable inter-subsystem forwarding, and AAA services, for example. Responsi-
communication by communicating with controller(s) be- 55 bility for each of these items can be distributed across
longing to other subsystems. The manager tasks can subordinate tasks (called managers) to provide for more
control system resources and maintain logical mappings efficient processing and greater redundancy. A separate
between system resources. session controller task serves as an integrated control
37 EP 3 291 636 B1 38
node to regulate and monitor the managers and to com- evolved UMTS terrestrial radio access network (E-
municate with the other active subsystem. The session UTRAN) from a mobile node communicating through
subsystem also manages specialized user data process- a femto cell.
ing such as payload transformation, filtering, statistics
collection, policing, and scheduling. 5 4. The gateway of claim 1, further comprising a man-
[0093] In some embodiments, the software needed for agement functionality residing in the gateway that
implementing a process or a database includes a high provides plug-in-play capabilities for the femto cell.
level procedural or an object-orientated language such
as C, C++, C#, Java, or Perl. The software may also be 5. The gateway of claim 1, wherein the secure connec-
implemented in assembly language if desired. Packet 10 tion uses IP security (IPSec) to establish a secure
processing implemented in a chassis can include any tunnel.
processing determined by the context. For example,
packet processing may involve high-level data link con- 6. A method of providing access to a communications
trol (HDLC) framing, header compression, and/or en- network comprising a gateway comprising:
cryption. In certain embodiments, the software is stored 15 a femto gateway functionality residing in the gateway
on a storage medium or device such as read-only mem- that communicates with at least one femto cell and
ory (ROM), programmable-read-only memory (PROM), a macro cell, wherein during a handoff of a mobile
electrically erasable programmable-read-only memory node between the femto cell and the macro cell the
(EEPROM), flash memory, or a magnetic disk that is gateway is configured to receive a session setup,
readable by a general or special purpose-processing unit 20 and is further configured to recognize from the ses-
to perform the processes described in this document. sion setup a session previously established for the
mobile node and use the session in establishing a
new connection with the mobile node.
25 7. The method of claim 6, further comprising receiving
1. A gateway in a communications network comprising: communications in a first protocol at the gateway
and changing the communications to a second pro-
a femto gateway functionality residing in the tocol to provide interoperability between networks.
gateway that is configured to communicate with
at least one femto cell and a macro cell; 30 8. The method of claim 6, further comprising providing
the gateway being configured to establish a ses- connectivity to an evolved UMTS terrestrial radio ac-
sion with a mobile node, cess network (E-UTRAN) from a mobile node com-
wherein during a handoff of the mobile node be- municating through a femto cell.
tween the femto cell and the macro cell the gate-
way is configured to receive a session setup and 35 9. The method of claim 6, further comprising providing
is further configured to recognize from the ses- plug-in-play capabilities for the femto cell.
sion setup the session previously established
for the mobile node and use the session in es- 10. The method of claim 6, wherein the secure connec-
tablishing a new connection with the mobile tion is established with IP security (IP Sec).
node. 40
11. A computer readable medium comprising instruc-
2. The gateway of claim 1, further comprising a security tions for implementing the method of any of claims
gateway functionality configured to provide a secure 1 to 10.
connection and tunnel different protocols over a
broadband network between each femto cell and the 45
gateway; wherein the femto gateway functionality is Patentansprüche
configured to act as a proxy for each femto cell, and
the proxy of the femto gateway functionality commu- 1. Gateway in einem Kommunikationsnetzwerk, wel-
nicates with other radio access network equipment ches Folgendes aufweist:
to provide for a handoff of a mobile node, further 50
comprising an interworking function residing in the eine Femto-Gateway-Funktionalität, die in dem
gateway that receives communications in a first pro- Gateway liegt, die zum Kommunizieren mit min-
tocol and changes the communications to a second destens einer Femtozelle und einer Makrozelle
protocol to provide interoperability between net- konfiguriert ist;
works. 55 wobei das Gateway zum Herstellen einer Sit-
zung mit einem mobilen Knoten konfiguriert ist,
3. The gateway of claim 1, further comprising a serving wobei während einer Übergabe des mobilen
gateway functionality to provide connectivity to an Knotens zwischen der Femtozelle und der Ma-
39 EP 3 291 636 B1 40
krozelle das Gateway zum Empfangen eines tion zu einem zweiten Protokoll aufweist, um Inter-
Sitzungsaufbaus konfiguriert ist und ferner zum operabilität zwischen Netzwerken bereitzustellen.
Erkennen aus dem Sitzungsaufbau der vorher
hergestellten Sitzung für den mobilen Knoten 8. Verfahren nach Anspruch 6, das ferner das Bereit-
und zum Verwenden der Sitzung beim Herstel- 5 stellen von Konnektivität an ein Evolved UMTS Ter-
len einer neuen Verbindung mit dem mobilen restrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN) von ei-
Knoten konfiguriert ist. nem mobilen Knoten, der durch eine Femtozelle
kommuniziert, aufweist.
2. Gateway nach Anspruch 1, das ferner eine Sicher-
heits-Gateway-Funktionalität aufweist, die zum Be- 10 9. Verfahren nach Anspruch 6, das ferner das Bereit-
reitstellen einer sicheren Verbindung und zum stellen von Plug-and-Play-Fähigkeiten für die Fem-
Durchtunneln verschiedener Protokolle über ein tozelle aufweist.
Breitbandnetz zwischen jeder Femtozelle und dem
Gateway konfiguriert ist; wobei die Femto-Gateway- 10. Verfahren nach Anspruch 6, wobei die sichere Ver-
Funktionalität zum Agieren als Proxy für jede Fem- 15 bindung mit IP-Sicherheit (IP Sec) eingerichtet wird.
tozelle konfiguriert ist und der Proxy der Femto-
Gateway-Funktionalität mit einer anderen Funkzu- 11. Computerlesbares Medium, aufweisend Anweisun-
gangsnetzeinrichtung kommuniziert, um eine Über- gen zum Implementieren des Verfahrens nach ei-
gabe eines mobilen Knotens bereitzustellen, ferner nem der Ansprüche 1 bis 10.
aufweisend eine Interworking-Funktion, die in dem 20
Gateway liegt, die eine Kommunikation in einem ers-
ten Protokoll empfängt und die Kommunikation zu Revendications
einem zweiten Protokoll ändert, um die Interopera-
bilität zwischen Netzwerken bereitzustellen. 1. Passerelle dans un réseau de communication,
25 comprenant :
3. Gateway nach Anspruch 1, das ferner eine Gateway-
Funktionalität aufweist, um einem Evolved UMTS une fonctionnalité de passerelle de femtocellule
Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN) Kon- résidant dans la passerelle qui est configurée
nektivität von einem mobilen Knoten, der durch eine pour communiquer avec au moins une femto-
Femtozelle kommuniziert, bereitzustellen. 30 cellule et une macrocellule ;
la passerelle étant configurée pour établir une
4. Gateway nach Anspruch 1, das ferner eine Verwal- session avec un nœud mobile,
tungsfunktionalität, die in dem Gateway liegt, auf- dans lequel pendant un transfert du nœud mo-
weist, die Plug-and-Play-Fähigkeiten für die Femto- bile entre la femtocellule et une macrocellule la
zelle bereitstellt. 35 passerelle est configurée pour recevoir un éta-
blissement de session et est en outre configurée
5. Gateway nach Anspruch 1, wobei die sichere Ver- pour reconnaître à partir de l’établissement de
bindung IP-Sicherheit (IPSec) verwendet, um einen session la session préalablement établie pour
sicheren Tunnel einzurichten. le nœud mobile et utiliser la session pour l’éta-
40 blissement d’une nouvelle connexion avec le
6. Verfahren zum Bereitstellen eines Zugangs zu ei- nœud mobile.
nem Kommunikationsnetzwerk, das ein Gateway
aufweist, welches Folgendes aufweist: 2. Passerelle selon la revendication 1, comprenant en
eine Femto-Gateway-Funktionalität, die in dem outre une fonctionnalité de passerelle de sécurité
Gateway liegt, das mit mindestens einer Femtozelle 45 configurée pour fournir une connexion sécurisée et
und einer Makrozelle kommuniziert, wobei während créer un tunnel de différents protocoles sur un ré-
einer Übergabe eines mobilen Knotens zwischen seau à large bande entre chaque femtocellule et la
der Femtozelle und der Makrozelle das Gateway passerelle ; dans lequel la fonctionnalité de passe-
zum Empfangen eines Sitzungsaufbaus konfiguriert relle de femtocellule est configurée pour agir comme
ist und ferner zum Erkennen aus einem Sitzungs- 50 un serveur mandataire pour chaque femtocellule, et
aufbau der vorher hergestellten Sitzung für den mo- le serveur mandataire de la fonctionnalité de passe-
bilen Knoten und zum Verwenden der Sitzung beim relle de femtocellule communique avec d’autres
Einrichten einer neuen Verbindung mit dem mobilen équipements de réseau d’accès radio afin de fournir
Knoten konfiguriert ist. un transfert d’un nœud mobile, comprenant en outre
55 une fonction d’interfonctionnement résidant dans la
7. Verfahren nach Anspruch 6, das ferner das Empfan- passerelle qui reçoit des communications selon un
gen einer Kommunikation in einem ersten Protokoll premier protocole et modifie les communications en
an dem Gateway und das Ändern der Kommunika- un second protocole afin de fournir une interopéra-
41 EP 3 291 636 B1 42
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