John Zorn

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1972 Canon to Stravinsky (fl, cl, bsn, vla)

Christabel (five solo flutes and viola)

The Book of Heads (1978), Guitar

Dead Ringer (1982), Piano
Road Runner (1986), Acordeon
Cat O' Nine Tails (1988), String Quartet
For Your Eyes Only (1989), Orchestra
The Dead Man (1990), String Quartet
Carny (1991), Piano
Memento Mori (1992), String Quartet
Angelus Novus (1993), ob (2), cl (2), bsn (2); hn (2)
Aporias: Requia for Piano and Orchestra (1994), Piano Concerto
Dark River (1995), four bass drums
Kol Nidre (1996), String Quartet
Kol Nidre (1996), clarinet quartet
Kol Nidre (1996), String Orchestra
Music For Children (1996), vln; perc, pno
Orchestra Variations (1996), Orchestra
Shibboleth (1997), vln, vla, vcl; perc, clavichord
Rituals (1998), solo mezzo-soprano; fl (picc, a. fl), cl (e-flat cl, b. cl), bsn;
trb; perc (2), pno (cel, org, hpd); vln, vcl, cb
Untitled (1999), Cello
Le M�mo (1999), vln; pno
Amour Fou (1999), vln, vcl, pno
Contes de F�es (1999), Violin Concerto
Gri-Gri (2000), solo percussion
La Machine de l'etre (2000), solo soprano; 3 (2 and 3 doub bass fl)/3 (3 doub eng
hn)/3 (2 and 3 doub bass cl)/3; 4/3/3/1; perc (4), hp, pno (cel, hpschd), str (12-
Chimeras (2001), soprano (1); fl, cl; perc, kybd; vn, vc
Goetia (2002), Violin
Sortil�ge (2002), 2 bass clarinets
Necronomicon (2003), String Quartet
Hermeticum Sacrum (2003), sop, mezzo, alto, ten, bar, bass; org (2); perc (4); hp
Orph�e (2004), fi; vla; hp, cel/ hpschd, perc, electronics
Walpurgisnacht (2004), vn, va, vcl
Frammenti del Sappho (2004), five female voices
.�. (fay �e que vouldras) (2005), Piano
Cadenza: Ligeti�s Violin Concerto (2005), Violin
Evocation of a Neophyte and How the Secrets of the Black Arts were Revealed unto
Her by the Demon Baphomet (2005), solo soprano; sop (3), mezzo (3), alto (3), ten
(3), bar (3), bass (3); hp; cbn; perc (2)
�loges - odes and epitaphia for guitar and medieval ensemble (2006) , sop. mezzo,
alto; hurdy-gurdy, harp, viola de gamba, percussion, and improvising arch-top
guitar (or lute)
777 (2007), 3 cellos
The Prophetic Mysteries of Angels, Witches and Demons (2007), flute, perc.(2), live
Shir ha-Shirim (The Song of Songs) (2007),five female voices
L�-Bas (2009), Organ
A Rebours (2010), Cello Concerto (solo vc, fl, cl, perc(3), hp, vn, va, vc )
Illuminations (2010), solo piano with improvising bass and drums
The Alchemist (2011), String Quartet
Passagen (2011), Violin
Ceremonial Magic (2011), Violin
Ceremonial Magic (2011), vn, perc / drum set
Bateau Ivre (2011), fl, cl, vib, pno, vn, va, vc
The Steppenwolf (2012), solo clar in A
Apophthegms (2012), vln (2)
All Hallows' Eve (2012), vn, vla, vcl
Missa Sine Voces (2012), pno., hp., vib., chimes, perc.
The Tempest (2012), fl, cl (bass cl), perc (drum set)
Suppots et Suppliciations (2012), Orchestra
The Temptations of St. Anthony (2012), Piano Concerto (solo pno; fl, eng h, cl,
bsn, hn; vn, vla, vcl, cb )
Earthspirit (2012), three female voices
The Holy Visions (2012), five female voices
Jumalatteret (2012), sop, pno
Antiphonal Fanfare for the Great Hall (2013), six trumpets
In Lovely Blueness (2013), solo piano with improvising bass and drums
Maldoror (2013), solo piano with improvising bass and drums
Novalis (2013), Piano
Babel: the confusion of tongues (2013), solo amplified cello
Occam's Razor (2013), vcl; pno
Zeitgeh�ft (2013), vl, vcl
Hexentarot (2013), vln, vcl; pno
In Excelsis (2013), piccolo trpt, 2 trpt in Bb, hn, 3 trbns, tba
Baudelaires (2013), fl (bass fl), bass cl, bsn; hpschd; gtr; vn, vla, vcl
Oviri (2013), fl (picc, alto fl, bass fl) Eb clar (bass cl); hn, trb, tb; 2 perc;
elec guitar; live electronics
Madrigals�Book I (2013), six female voices
Pandora's Box (2013), soprano; vn (2), vla, vcl
The Aristos (2014)
Nijinsky (2014), Piano
A Prayer for Nossis (2014), Piano
Trilogy (2014), piano with improvising bass and drums
Ouroboros (2014), 2 celli
Harlequin (2014), fl., cl., bsn., vla.
Il n'y a plus de firmament (2014), fl (picc, alto fl, b. fl), ob (eng hn), cl (e-
flat cl, b. cl), bsn, hn
Divagations (2014), piano with improvising bass and drums
Madrigals�Book II (2014), six female voices
Autumn Rhythm (2015), Cello
Scaramouche (2015), piano with improvising bass and drums
The Remedy of Fortune (2015), String Quartet
Ghosts (2015), vln, vcl; pno
Pulcinella (2015), Brass Quintet (2 tpts in C, hn, trb, bass trb)
Commedia dell'arte (2015)

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