Bellavita LF1209BVT Vestel F4 Python Serv
Bellavita LF1209BVT Vestel F4 Python Serv
Bellavita LF1209BVT Vestel F4 Python Serv
1. Specifications
1.1. Product Specifications
50 lt 55 lt 61 lt
Washing Efficiency A
600 rpm → E
800 rpm → D
Spinning Efficiency
1000 rpm → C
1200 rpm → B
Control Panel LED display
Wash Programs 15 settings
2. Installation Instructions
2.1. Moving and Installing
1. Do not install machine on rugs or similar surfaces. 5. Change the level by adjusting the feet upwards or
2. For machine to work silently and without any vibration, it downwards.
should be installed on a flat, non-slippery firm surface. 6. After level has been reached, tighten the plastic
Any suspended floor must be suitably strengthened. adjustment nut again by rotating it upwards
3. You can adjust the level of machine using its feet.
against the base of the cabinet.
4. First, loosen the plastic adjustment nut away from the
cabinet base. 7. Never put cartons, wooden blocks or similar
materials under the machine to balance
irregularities of the floor.
3. Operating Instructions
3.1. LCD Screen, Function Buttons & Knobs
1 Cotton 90°C
2 Cotton Prewash
3 Cotton Eco
4 Cotton 40°C
5 Eco 20°C
6 Easy Care
7 Wool
8 Rinse
9 Spin
10 Delicate / Hand Wash
11 Sports Wear
12 Mix 30
13 Blouses/ Shirts
14 Daily 60'
15 Rapid 15'
3.5. Child Lock
Deactivation 2. L4 and L5 wil make fast blink for 2 sec to indicate child
lock is activated.
1. Press the SW2 and SW3 buttons simulaneously for 3 sec.
In end condition
Child lock during the programme
1. When cycle is finished child lock is automatically
1. Machine does not respond to any pressing of buttons or deactivated.
changing position of program knob.When the user try to change
programme knob during child lock, for F2A, F2B and F2C
panels , Led 4 and L5 will make fast blink for 2 sec .
In Error Mode
4. Test Mode
4.1. Autotest
* This test is for quick checking of the product. You can not see the
failure codes.
2. After 3 sec, door will be locked and the auto test starts.
Step1: The pump is activated for 3 seconds and there is EPS Step3: The motor reduces speed to stop (depends on the motor
check , the frequency value should be between the 46.04 Hz and stop time) for 5 seconds. While it is slowing down it activates EV1
43.40 Hz. It checks the EPS and if it is OK it continues the autotest; and EV2 valve, concurrently.
if it is NOK then it should give E10 ERROR & cancels the autotest (
goes to the selection mode ). Also if any frequency can not be Step4: The motor turns to right.
detected, then it means there is problem with connection or EPS, so
it gives E10 which is EPS error and cancels the autotest. Step5: The motor turns to left for 5 seconds. Test is stopped. In
that period, the option 1 led makes fast blink.
Step2: The motor ramps to max spin for 15 seconds. While its
speed rising up to the maximum speed the EV1 (prewash valve) is
activated for 5 seconds and then the EV2 (wash valve) is activated
for 5 seconds.
Step8: Software will detect NTC's resistance value and will check
if the temperature is between 5°C < Tdetected < 40°C . If it is inside
the range, heating step will be done. If temperature value is outside
the range, then it means NTC is detecting the temperature in a
wrong way and heating step will be skipped.
For F1A, F1B, F2A,F2B and F2C ''End'' led will be fix on.
5. Service Mode
5.1. Service Autotest
End users can only see E1-E2-E3-E4. During service autotest, other failures can be seen.
1. To activate service autotest, Press SW4 button and simultaneously position program knob to 1.
2. After 3 sec, door will be locked , after door is locked, all leds will be fix OFF and machine will get into service autotest mode.
Step 1 : Step 3 :
Selector Position 1 will be “HEATER ON” Selector Position 3 will be 15 minutes test program.
Before heating it should take water till first level frequency then start So machine will make exactly the same algorithm of 15 minutes test
heating. program.
Heater will be on max. 8 minutes. If temperature doesn’t increase 2 ◦ At the end of 15 minutes test program “END” is visualized and door is
C in 8 minutes, machine will give NTC failure. (E05). unlocked. During test pressing other buttons makes no change.
Or if the NTC connection is broken then it should give again E05 NTC LD1 Start / Pause button Led → ON
failure. LD6 Wash Phase Led → Off
LD7 Rinse Phase Led → Off
At the end of heating, “SAU” visualization should make slow blink to LD8 Spin Phase Led → Off
indicate that the step is over. LD9 Door Lock Led → When the door is unlocked it will be off
LD2, LD3, LD4 → Off
Note : If user changes the selector position, machine will do what Display → “END”
is defined for the new selected position.
Step 2 :
5.2. Failure Codes
6. Troubleshooting Guide
All repairs which must be done on the machine should be done by authorized agents only. When a repair is required for machine or you are unable
to eliminate the failure with the help of the information given below:
7. Disassembly and Assembly
7.1. Top Plate
2. Pull the door up.
1. Remove two screws that fix the top-plate at the back.
7.2. Door
4. Put the door outside plastic with helping screwdriver as it is
1. Remove two screws that fix the door. (by using the T25) shown in the picture.
5. Remove the door inside plastic as it is shown in the picture. 8. Remove the door handle pim as it is shown in the picture.
7.3. Tub Bellows Seal
1. First remove the spring wire fixing the tub bellows seal by
using the small size screw driver.
Pull the tub bellows seal as it is shown in the picture.
3. Pull the control panel up.
4. Press the button as shown in the picture. 7. Remove electronic card as it is shown in the picture.
5. Remove the cable group as it is shown in the picture. 8. Push clips to remove to selection button as it is shown in the
6. Remove electronic card cover as it is shown in the picture by 9. Remove selection button as it is shown in the Picture.
using small screw driver.
7.6. Front Panel
3. Remove two screws fixing upper the front panel.
1. Remove the pomp cover as it is shown in the picture.
6. Lift upper support braket up slightly it it ishown in the
1. Remove the tub seal clamp by using the pliers, which is 5. Remove the detergent drawer housing assembly.
attached to the detergent drawer housing.
3. Pull the power cable group up as it is shown in the picture. 3. Remove the eps hose handcuffs and eps hose as it is shown
in the picture.
4. Remove parasite fitler fixing body group as it is shown in the 7.10. Door Lock
1. Remove the connector that is connected to the door lock.
2. Pull the EPS upward to remove as it is shown in the picture. 2. Remove pipe clip fixing the tub outlet hose.
3. Remove the connector that is connected to the pump motor. 7.13. Heater
1. Remove the four connectors that is connected to the heater.
2. Remove one nut fixing the heater slightly (box wrench size 8
3. Hold the heater and pull it out. 7.15. Transport Screw
1. Remove four transport screws (box wrench size 10 mm)
7.16. Upper Counterweight
2. Cut the five lead wire holders as shown the pictures.
1. Remove two screws fixing the upper counterweight by using
box wrench size 13 mm. a) b)
c) d)
3. Remove the four screws fixing the spring hanger sheet iron.
2. Remove the upper counterweight
7.18. Shock Absorber PIN
2. Remove the driven pulley it is shown the picture.
1. Remove two pins fixing the shock absorber as shown in the
7.24. Tub
7.22. Tub Entrance with Bellow Hose
1. Remove twenty four screws fixing tub using box wrench size
1. Remove the tub entrerance with bellow hose. 8 mm.
7.25. Drum
1. Remove the drum.
2. Remove the tub exit with bellow hose with ball by using box
wrench size 10 mm.
8. Component Specifications
8.1. Drain Pump
Drain pump is both a mechanical and elektrical component which is used to drain
water inside the washing machine. It has an synchronous motor inside. For
better performance maintanance, pump filter should be cleaned regularly.
Check the resistance value on the component with multimeter as shown in belows figures.
8.2. Resistance
Check the resistance value on the component with multimeter as shown in below pictures.
8.3. NTC
Component which sends signals to PCB about the water temperature inside the tub.
The Resistance (Ohm) value of the NTC decreases as the temperature increases.
8.4. Valve
Valve is an electrical and mechanical component which is designed to take water from the network
system into the washine machine. It is operated by PCB card.
Check the resistance value on the component with multimeter as shown in below pictures.
Each valve bobbin resistance values should be between 3,3 - 4.2 kohm .
8.5. Electronic Pressure Switch (EPS)
Electromagnetic field occurs as a result of the vibration of the membrane which is under pressure in the coil. The nucleus part is moved up and down by
the electromagnetic field. The water level is regulated by the frequency which is controlled by the PCB and changes according to the movement of the
nucleus part.
1. Push the door lock slider with screwdriver. 6. Cut off the energy input when the water intake finishes and
drum begins to rotate.
5. Select the 1st program and start the machine. 7. Check the water level inside the drum with ruler. It should be
10 cm ±1.
8.6. Motor
It is essential to check the motor for correct diagnosis and quick servicing. In the below
picture, socket points on the motor is shown to measure with multimeter.
Tacho and stator (full field-half field) ohm resistance values for the motor types are listed in the below table.
8.7. Door Lock
Door lock is activated at the beginning of the program in order to prevent the door
from opening. It can be unlocked approximately after 2 minutes of the program end.
This time delay is caused by the PTC which is assambled in the door lock.
Check the resistance value on the component with multi-meter as shown in below figures.
Resistance value on the PTC should be 1000 Ω ±50% at 25 °C. That resistance value can be measured from terminal 3-4 (See wiring diagram page 51
9. Wiring Diagram
9.1. Wiring Diagram (AC Motor Models)
9.2. Wiring Diagram (DC Motor Models)