John Gadbury
John Gadbury
John Gadbury
But I would not have an Artist prostitute his Art to every Vulgar or Mechanical desire; for by such means, he will beslave himself, and render his Art contemptible. The Art it self is too sacred to be made common: and I did not hope to pleasure some worthy and deserving Persons with these my labours; it would repent me that I have taken the pains to publish so much of Art to the other sort of people in the World. For an Artist to respond to every trifle, or endeavour to satisfie the curiosity of every Beef-Braind Questionist, is every whit as dishonourable, as for an intelligent Lawyer to Moot with a Bear, or for a Divine to Preach to a Herd of Hoggs. Let it therefore be the Artists Prudence, to judge only of Questions considerable, and such as are serious and fit to be propounded. For, although the Question of this last Section (suddenly considered) favoureth of Levity; yet, excellent use may be made thereof, as I have often proved: therefore, I would not have any, to an idle end, wrest the Rules of Art. Whether a woman shall have Children? 1. In the resolution of this Question, behold the Ascendant, and his Lord, and MOON, and see if either of them be joyned to the Lord of the fifth, (which is the House of Children) for if they be, the Querent shall have children. And if neither of these bejoyned together, see if some other planet transfer the light of the Lord of the Ascendant to the Lord of the Fifth; For that is an Argument, that the Querent may have children. 2. Consider also, if the Sign of the Fifth be fruitful, and if the Lord of the fifth, the Moon, the Ascendant, and his Lord, be in prolifical Signs also, it is an assured Argument that the Querent shall have Issue. 3. If the Lord of the Ascendant, of MOON, shall be posited in the fifth House, say the Querent shall have children; And if the Lord of the fifth House shall be in the Ascendant, it declares the same. 4. But, if neither the Lord of the Ascendant, or MOON, apply to the Lord of the fifth, yet if there be a translation of light and vertue between them, the Querent need not to doubt of having children. 5. If all the Significators be in sterile signs, and defective degrees of those Signs, the Querent will rarely have Issue. 6. If Venus the general Significator of children or Issue be afflicted, either by the presence of Saturrn, Mars, or >, or Combust of the Sun, the Querent will hardly have children. 7. Saturn, or > in the fifth or afflicting the Lord of the Fifth, generally denies Issue; if Saturn or Mars shall be in 90 or 180 to the fifth House or his Lord, it portends the same. 8. Moreover, behold Jupiter, which bath naturally signification of children; if you finde him in the fifth, third, first, ninth, or eleventh Houses, free from all the abovesaid impediments, say that the Querent may judge the same. Shall a Person remain in the employment he possesses? 1. When a Person is in an Employment, Office &c. and is jealous of being turned out of the same; see if the Lord of the Ascendant or Moon, and the Lord of the Tenth, are going to Conjunction, or to any friendly Aspect, viz, a 60, or 120; or if there be any reception between the two chief Significators; you may conclude that the Querent shall hold and keep the Employment he at the present possesses, or makes enquiry after.
2. If the Lord of the Ascendant shall be in 60 or 120 to either of the two fortunes in the tenth House, and no affliction happen unto him from the infortunes, you may conclude the Querent shall enjoy the place he at present possesses. 3. The Lord of the Ascendant in the Tenth, or the Lord of the Tenth in the Ascendant, prenotes the Querent to keep and remain in the place he at present possesses.
4. But if the Lord of the Ascendant or Moon, shall be in 90 or 180 with any Planet or Planets, and the same Planets in 0, 60 or 120 with the Lord of the Tenth, or the Sun you may conclude that the Querent will lose the Employment he possesses; and tell him that such and such Persons, that are Signified by the Planets in 0, 60 or 120 with the Lord of the Tenth, or the Sun, are endeavouring his prejudice in the business.
5. The Lord of the Ascendant Retrograde and Combust of the Sun, shews the Querent to have incurrd the displeasure of those that have power over him, and that they will take away the Office or Employment he holds from him therefore. 6. If the Moon or Lord of the Ascendant shall be in 90 or 180 , (and voyd of all manner of reception) with the Lord of the Tenth or the Sun, it portends the Querent in danger to lose the Office or Employment he holds or possesses. 7. The Lord of the Ascendant or Moon, separating from the Lord of the Tenth or the Sun, declares the Querent in danger of losing the Office or Employment he holds; chiefly, if from their separation they apply to the malicious Aspects of the Infortunes.
A related problem is Lilly's use of his predecessors. Usually he is a good reporter and interpreter of the tradition. But on some issues he does not represent the "real" astrology of his predecessors. An example is Frawley's use of Lilly's definition of reception. Frawley/Lilly understands reception as being in a sign or degree where another planet has dignity (e.g., Mars in Aquarius is "received" by Saturn because Saturn rules Aquarius). And Frawley has interesting and helpful things to say about how to interpret such a situation in a horary chart. But this is not the truly traditional definition of reception. Traditional reception usually required that (a) the two planets aspect each other, and that (b) reception had to be by domicile, exaltation, or two of the minor dignities. What Frawley is really describing is disposition, which is very important but not the same as reception. For example, if you are in my house while I am away, you are subject to my house, its rules, and what is in it. But I am not "receiving" you as a guest unless I recognize you or invite you. Aspects between the planets are like an invitation or recognition. That is different from you simply being there while I am gone (disposition). This is more than a merely academic point: if we are dealing with a mundane chart and the issue is whether or not there will be a war, true reception between key planets may avoid the war. But mere disposition will not. As mentioned in an earlier post, these include Charles Jayne ('Parallels: Their Hidden Meaning'), L. Furze Morrish ('The Parallel in astrology' or similar title), K. T. Boehrer ('Declination: the Other Dimension') and Leigh Westin ('Beyond the Solstice by Declination'). 2
If anyone wants to explore this topic further I highly recommend the book 'Declination in Astrology' by Paul Newman, published by Wessex Astrologer in the United Kingdom.