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Nguyen Thanh Hai
Digital transformation is taking place strongly
Thuongmai University, Hanoi, Vietnam. along with the rapid development of
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6315-4128 technology, which has created great changes
E-mail: nguyenthanhhai@tmu.edu.vn
for businesses of all different types and fields.
Received in: Approved in:
2021-08-15 2021-09-06 In the current context, digital transformation
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24115/S2446-6220202173A1424p.416-426 has become a mandatory fact for businesses to
participate in to be able to develop and survive. More and more businesses are participating
in digital transformation and achieving remarkable achievements.
As a developing country with quick and flexible access to technology, Vietnamese businesses
have many opportunities to catch up with the world's digital transformation trend. In
particular, Vietnamese SMEs are increasingly raising awareness and applying digital
technologies to activities such as internal management, production, purchasing, logistics,
marketing, sales and payment, etc. The current outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic, leading
to the limitation of contact and the implementation of social distancing measures, has forced
businesses in general and SMEs in particular to apply more digital transformation in
production, business and operation activities.
However, reality shows that there is a clear difference between the effectiveness of digital
transformation between the group of large-scale enterprises and the group of SMEs in
Vietnam today (THUY, 2021). According to the Law on Supporting Small and Medium
Enterprises in 2017, “small and medium enterprises include micro enterprises, small
enterprises and medium enterprises, with an average number of employees participating in
social insurance not exceeding 200 people per year. and meet one of the following two
criteria: a) Total capital must not exceed 100 billion VND; b) Total revenue of the preceding
year is not more than 300 billion VND” (Article 4, Clause 1). Basically, limitations on
investment capital, information technology infrastructure, human resources ... create barriers
and challenges for SMEs in the digital transformation process, thereby reducing the efficiency
of the process. this (NGHIA, 2021).
Stemming from the above issues, the author chooses the topic of: "Digital transformation
barriers for small and medium-sized enterprises in Vietnam today". The article aims to study
the current status of barriers to the digital transformation process of SMEs in Vietnam,
thereby proposing solutions for successful digital transformation and some
recommendations to business associations. industry and state agencies in supporting SMEs
in digital transformation.


According to Verhoef et al. (2021), digital transformation in businesses always requires
resources, structures, growth strategies, indicators and goals corresponding to each specific
stage. Digital transformation is a combination of complementary resources because it is a
social engineering process. The OECD (2017) asserts that, in order to successfully apply
information and communication technology in SMEs, it is essential to make optimal use of
additional knowledge-based assets, such as organization and human resources. set. These
assets allow SMEs to reduce their overreliance on any one technology or platform. Failure to
focus on investing in the human factor may slow down the application and diffusion of
technology in these businesses.
In another aspect, Rogers (2016) believes that digital transformation is not fundamentally
about focusing on technology, but on strategy. Verhoef et al (2021) agree with this view and
further assert that digital transformation is multidisciplinary in nature because this process
involves changes in strategy, organization, information technology, and supply chain. supply
and marketing. Stemming from this multidisciplinary perspective, the study of digital

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Nguyen Thanh Hai • 417

transformation according to the Resource-based view (RBV) (JAY, 1991; GRANT, 1991) will
provide a multi-dimensional view of the process. digital transformation of SMEs. According to
this theory, a firm obtains a competitive advantage through a combination of valuable,
scarce, inimitable and irreplaceable resources and capabilities. Based on the theory of
resources, we develop research hypotheses related to the relationship of three main
resources in SMEs, namely: IT barriers, human barriers, and strategic barriers.


IT includes technological devices with computing capabilities that support an organization's
decision-making and information processing. IT is growing rapidly with many new
achievements such as social media and collaboration technology; mobile technology; data
and analytics; and cloud services. These achievements enable SMEs to communicate,
collaborate, and compute to facilitate the development of digital platforms and digital
infrastructure (NAMBISAN, 2017). These platforms and infrastructures include applications
and media assets that are central to developing innovative products and services, and
delivering new value propositions (BOUNCKEN et al., 2019). ). As such, IT allows SMEs to
optimize business processes to create value for customers and businesses, which is
considered a key goal of digital transformation in these businesses.
However, the application of IT by SMEs in the digital transformation process faces certain
barriers stemming from the limitations in size, finance, technical resources, etc. of these
enterprises. OECD, 2017). Even so, the development of software services allows SMEs to
access technology at a cost-effective price, while providing flexibility in the transition
between technologies on demand, thereby avoiding sunk costs and being limited by an IT
provider (OECD, 2017). This gives SMEs an unprecedented opportunity to develop high-
quality IT infrastructure that accelerates digital transformation.
On the basis of the above arguments, the paper proposes the first research hypothesis:
Hypothesis 1: IT infrastructure has a positive impact on digital transformation in SMEs.

Human barrier
Regarding the human barriers to digital transformation of SMEs, it mainly refers to issues
related to the knowledge and skills of human resources in these enterprises. Nguyen et al.
(2015) argue that one of the biggest barriers to digital transformation in SMEs is the lack of
human resources with the knowledge and skills to meet the requirements of the digital
transformation process. Basically, digital transformation significantly increases the complexity
and abstraction of the problems to be solved, thereby requiring digital skills in the human
resources in these enterprises.
Specifically, human resources in these enterprises need to have skills in developing, applying
and integrating new and existing IT systems, as well as skills in business, finance, project
management, engineering Contract negotiation and data integration skills. In addition to the
skill requirements, the human resources in SMEs also need to be fully equipped with
technical, mechatronics and IT knowledge. This enables the ability to use digital technology
effectively, which can be seen as a prerequisite for accelerating digital transformation in
SMEs. In addition, another human-related barrier that SMEs are facing in digital
transformation is limited knowledge and senior management skills. Digital transformation
projects in these enterprises often fail due to a lack of senior management teams with the
necessary knowledge and skills (ELLER et al., 2020).
Thus, the level of human resources is an important factor to promote and ensure the success
of the digital transformation process in SMEs. In addition to issues related to knowledge and
skills, some researchers believe that the level of human resources for digital transformation in
SMEs also includes the ability to share knowledge between different departments. in the
enterprise as well as the level of employee participation in implementing digital
transformation (NGUYEN et al., 2015). Tackling human barriers while taking full advantage of
flexibility will enable SME digital transformation to become easier and ensure solid success.

Laplage em Revista (International), vol.7, n. 3A, Sept. - Dec. 2021, p.416-426 ISSN: 2446-6220
• 418 Digital transformation barriers for small and medium enterprises in Vietnam today

On the basis of the above arguments, the paper proposes the second research hypothesis:
Hypothesis 2: Human resource qualifications have a positive impact on digital transformation
in SMEs.

Strategic barrier
Digital transformation of SME business processes and organizational structure requires a
clear and coherent digital strategy (KANE et al., 2015). Basically, for SMEs, digital strategy is
not only related to operations, purchasing and marketing, but also associated with
restructuring the business model (BOUNCKEN et al., 2019). Digital business strategy involves
transforming products and services combined with digital technology based on a business-
centric perspective. This strategy includes value creation, value capture mechanism, value
proposition, digital technology, organizational change as well as external and internal SME
The basic content of the digital business strategy in SMEs includes a key issue such as:
fundamental transformation of business processes or business models (e.g. development of
new business lines); improve customer experience and engagement; improve business
innovation; improve business decision making… To build a digital business strategy, SMEs
need to ensure four main aspects, which are: (1) using digital technology, (2) transforming
manufacturing mechanism values, (3) organizational change, and (4) financial planning
(GIOIA et al., 2013). Failure to develop a digital business strategy will lead to inaccurate
decisions and cause waste of resources in businesses.
A participatory and shared digital business strategy among organizational members can
facilitate digital transformation in SMEs. However, building a digital strategy is not a simple
process that is full of difficulties and challenges for SMEs. It is important for owners and
managers to consider conflict in their strategic priorities (GIOIA et al., 2013). Unmet
expectations and behaviors that are inconsistent with the business's digital transformation
goals can lead to conflicts among employees and create barriers to implementing digital
business strategies (BOUNCKEN et al., 2019).
On the basis of the above arguments, the paper proposes the third research hypothesis:
Hypothesis 3: Digital business strategy has a positive impact on digital transformation in
SMEs. Relation between digital transformation and business results of SMEs The OECD
(2017) argues that digital transformation brings many benefits to SMEs, allowing them to
expand their markets, access financial resources more widely, and enhance cooperation and
learning. In addition, digital transformation also helps SMEs to have easier access to
advanced technology, develop powerful products, and build a team of highly qualified
personnel. According to Verhoef et al (2021), thanks to digital transformation, SMEs can
apply digital technology to optimize existing business processes through improving the
efficiency of coordination between processes or create additional value for customers based
on improving user experience.
Bley et al. (2016) assert that building and implementing digital business processes increases
efficiency and reduces costs for SMEs. These scholars also point out that supplier- and
customer-focused digital transformation contributes to enhancing businesses' core
competencies and adoption of e-procurement systems, thereby having a positive impact. to
business results (ELLER et al., 2020).
On the basis of the above arguments, the paper proposes the fourth research hypothesis:
Hypothesis 4: Digital transformation has a positive impact on business results of SMEs.

To test the research hypotheses, the author conducts research and analyzes documents
including books, newspapers, magazines, reports, domestic and foreign studies related to
digital transformation barriers. for SMEs in Vietnam today. Some of the research focus issues
are: the theoretical perspective of resources for SME's digital transformation, IT barriers,
human barriers, strategic barriers, the relationship between digital transformation and
business results of SMEs… The data is carefully collected and classified into specific contents

Laplage em Revista (International), vol.7, n. 3A, Sept. - Dec. 2021, p.416-426 ISSN: 2446-6220
Nguyen Thanh Hai • 419

to serve the research process. From there, the author builds a theoretical basis with the
following research scale:
Table 1. Research scale set
No Variables Sign Authors
1 IT infrastructure of SMEs CNTT Ross & Blumenstein
IT facilities (machines, networks) CNTT1 (2015); Bouncken et al
Mobile technology CNTT2 (2019); Eller et al (2020)
Databases and tools for collection and analysis CNTT3
Application of cloud computing technology, AI CNTT4
2 Qualifications of human resources of SMEs NNL Verhoef et al (2021);
Digital knowledge of human resources NNL1 Nguyen et al (2015);
Digital skills of human resources NNL2 Eller et al (2020)
Ability to share and collaborate by digital technology NNL3
Employee involvement in digital transformation NNL4
3 SME business strategy CLKD Kane et al (2015);
The relevance of business quality to the market CLKD1 Bouncken et al (2019)
Feasibility of CLKD in digital context CLKD2
Degree of digitization compared to the quality of competitors CLKD3
Flexibility of CLKD in the digital context CLKD4

4 Situation of digital transformation of SMEs CĐS Bouncken et al (2019);

Level of digital business innovation CĐS1 Bley et al (2016); Eller et
Degree of digitization of internal processes CĐS2 al (2020)
Degree of digitization of transactions, interactions, CĐS3
experiences with customers and partners
Level of business decision making from data and digital analytics CĐS4
5 Business results of SMEs KQKD Eller et al (2020) ; Bley et
Financial results KQKD1 al (2016)
Market results (market share) KQKD2
Strategic results (objectives) KQKD3
Source: Search data.
To reinforce the research data, the author conducts an investigation survey on digital
transformation barriers for SMEs in Vietnam today. After developing the questionnaire, the
author sent the questionnaire to SMEs mainly in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh to collect data. Due
to the complicated situation of the Covid-19 epidemic, the questionnaire was sent mainly via
email to businesses. The total number of questionnaires sent was 250, the number of
questionnaires received was 237, of which 9 responses were invalid. Thus, the number of
valid responses for the study is 228. The sample of the study is detailed in the table below.

Table 2. Survey sample

Criteria No Ratio Criteria No Ratio
Year established 228 100% Labor size 228 100%
< 3 yrs 15 6,58% < 10 people 6 2,63%
3 – 5 yrs 99 43,42% 10-49 people 22 9,65%
6 – 10 yrs 79 34,65% 50-99 people 84 36,84%
11 – 20 yrs 24 10,53% 100-149 people 97 42,54%
> 20 yrs 11 4,82% 150-199 people 19 8,33%
Fields 228 100% Revenue size 228 100%
Agri-Forestry-Fishery 33 14,47% < 10 b 8 3,51%
Construction 49 21,49% 10 – < 50 b 28 12,28%
Commerce - service 77 33,77% 50 - <100 b 44 19,30%
Industrial 59 25,88% 100 – < 200 b 84 36,84%
Others 10 4,39% 200 – < 300 b 64 28,07%
Source: Survey survey results
The majority of SMEs participating in the survey have operated for 3 to 5 years, accounting
for 43.42%. Enterprises mainly operate in the fields of trade - services (33.77%) and industry
(25.88%). In terms of labor size, up to 42.54% of enterprises participating in the survey have
employees ranging from 100-149 people. In terms of revenue scale, the majority of
enterprises have revenue from 100 to less than 200 billion, accounting for 36.84%. In this
study, the author uses the SEM (structural equation modeling) method of network modeling
on AMOS 24 software to evaluate the relationship of the resource variables of SMEs,
Laplage em Revista (International), vol.7, n. 3A, Sept. - Dec. 2021, p.416-426 ISSN: 2446-6220
• 420 Digital transformation barriers for small and medium enterprises in Vietnam today

including: IT infrastructure, human resources resources, and business strategies to digital

transformation in these enterprises. At the same time, on the basis of analyzing the SEM
model, the study also clarifies the impact of digital transformation on the business results of
SMEs today. It is one of the most complex and versatile techniques used to analyze complex
relationships in causal modeling and is widely used in research fields.

The results of the SEM model analysis are as shown in the table and figure below. The
obtained conformity indexes (CMIN/DF = 1.452; IFI = 0.979; TLI rho2 = 0.975; CFI = 0.979;
RMSEA = 0.045; PCLOSE = 0.744) all gave standard values, allowing to confirm that the SEM
model was successful. confidence level.

Table 3. SEM model results

Estimate S.E. C.R. P
CĐS <--- CLKD 0,111 0,041 2,682 0,007**
CĐS <--- NNL 0,080 0,039 2,033 0,042*
CĐS <--- CNTT 0,291 0,062 4,729 0,000***
KQKD <--- CĐS 0,369 0,095 3,865 0,000***
CLKD <--> NNL 0,038 0,191 0,202 0,840
NNL <--> CNTT -0,016 0,132 -0,118 0,906
CLKD <--> CNTT -0,477 0,132 -3,609 0,000***
Chi-square = 210,537 CMIN/DF = 1,452; IFI = 0,979;
Degrees of freedom = 145 TLI = 0,975; CFI = 0,979;
Probability level = 0,000 RMSEA = 0,045; PCLOSE = 0,744
*statistics meanings p < .05; **statistics meanings p < .01; ***statistics meanings p < .001.
Source: Amos 24

Figure 1. SEM model results

Source: 24 . Amos Processing

According to the SEM model results, at the 95% confidence level, IT infrastructure (IT
variable) has a positive impact on the digital transformation (CST variable) of SMEs with the
coefficients of Estimate = 0.291 and Sig. = 0.000. Thus, hypothesis H1 is confirmed. This
result corroborates the role of IT infrastructure in the digital transformation of SMEs. For SMEs
to successfully implement digital transformation, appropriate IT infrastructure is required.
Currently, investment in IT infrastructure has contributed to strongly promoting the digital
transformation process of SMEs in Vietnam. Businesses tend to invest heavily in improving
online payment technology, big data analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.

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Nguyen Thanh Hai • 421

This technology is especially useful for SMEs in the retail sector with a large customer base. In
addition, SMEs are also investing in automation and blockchain, to reduce labor-intensive
operations such as in manufacturing, warehousing, and transportation.
However, according to Cisco's 2019 report, SMEs in Vietnam are facing the barrier of lack of
a strong enough IT platform to enable digital transformation, accounting for 16.7%.
Vietnamese SMEs are still behind the world in terms of technology and have not yet mastered
the core technologies of digital transformation and basic foundation systems. Therefore,
digital transformation at these enterprises is still using technologies available in the world.
Regarding the level of human resources (variable human resources) of SMEs, the SEM results
show that, at the 95% confidence level, this variable positively affects the degree of
transformation (the variable variable) of SMEs with the Estimate = 0.080 and Sig. = 0.042.
Thus, hypothesis H2 is confirmed correctly, The results confirm the importance of human
resource quality, especially in IT, in the current digital transformation context. Vietnamese
SMEs are increasingly aware of the key role of human resources in digital transformation
operations. Therefore, in recent years, businesses have actively cultivated necessary skills for
their human resources, especially technology mastery skills, creative capacity and the ability
to quickly adapt to the environment. constantly changing technology field; change mindset
and culture to join together and be determined towards the goal of digital transformation. As
a result, the digital transformation process at SMEs has made significant progress.
However, according to a report by Cisco in 2019, in Vietnam, SMEs are facing a barrier of lack
of digital skills and human resources (17%) in the digital transformation process. This is also
reflected in the Vietnam E-commerce Index Report 2020. Specifically, the percentage of
Vietnamese enterprises that have difficulty recruiting skilled workers in e-commerce and
information technology in Vietnam. relatively high level, only about 30% of enterprises can
meet this demand for human resources. On average, each year Vietnam lacks about 90,000
human resources to develop the digital economy and digital society because the domestic
information technology training programs have not yet met the demand. Therefore, in the
coming time, businesses need to be more proactive in improving human resources to
promote the success of the digital transformation process.
Regarding the impact of business strategy (variable quality), data from the analysis of SEM
models show that this variable positively affects the degree of transformation (collateral
variable) of SMEs, at the 95% confidence level, with the system. Estimate = 0.111 and Sig. =
0.007. Thus, hypothesis H3 is confirmed. This result shows that the digital transformation
process in SMEs is bound by business strategy. A remarkable result is the existence of a
negative relationship between two variables of business quality and IT, showing that the
better the IT infrastructure, the lower the role of business quality in SMEs and vice versa.
Currently, Vietnamese SMEs are gradually changing from traditional business strategies to
digital business strategies, focusing on applying modern technologies and new business
processes to create new products and services or improve Improve existing products and
services, bring them to market faster, at lower costs, and in more innovative ways. In addition,
in some enterprises, IT has effectively implemented a few activities related to the business
strategy of enterprises such as supporting planning, monitoring implementation and
evaluating strategy...
However, the current business strategy is also one of the major barriers to the digital
transformation of Vietnamese SMEs. Because the development and implementation of this
strategy in SMEs is greatly influenced by the perception of managers. In many SMEs today,
the implementation of a business strategy with a budget for digital transformation is still
short-term. This has somewhat reduced the positive impact of business strategies on the
digital transformation process of businesses.
Regarding the role of digital transformation (convertible variable) in SMEs, the results show a
positive impact of this variable on business results (business results variable) of SMEs, at the
95% confidence level, with the Estimate = 0.369 and Sig. = 0.000. Thus, hypothesis H4 is
confirmed. This result corroborates the important and urgent role of digital transformation in

Laplage em Revista (International), vol.7, n. 3A, Sept. - Dec. 2021, p.416-426 ISSN: 2446-6220
• 422 Digital transformation barriers for small and medium enterprises in Vietnam today

the production and business activities of SMEs in the context of Industry 4.0 and the current
epidemic crisis.
With the advantage of small scale and few employees, Vietnamese SMEs have more
favorable conditions than large enterprises with cumbersome apparatus in applying digital
transformation to change their operating and production systems. in the enterprise. In
addition, the application of digital transformation has contributed to optimizing operations,
increasing efficiency, reducing costs, increasing competitiveness, improving governance and
business models; increase experience, connect customer relationships... As a result, digital
transformation has been positively impacting the business results of Vietnamese SMEs in
three main aspects, which are financial results, market results. market (market share), and
strategic outcomes (objectives).
According to the report "Digital Development Index of SMEs in Asia - Pacific" by Cisco, in
2020, up to 72% of SMEs in Vietnam are looking to digital transformation to bring new
products and services. to the market. This is considered a significant increase compared to
2019 (32%). Also according to this report, the digital transformation of SMEs in Vietnam is
predicted to contribute between $24-30 billion in gross domestic product (GDP) in 2024 and
contribute to economic recovery. post-Covid-19 pandemic.

On the basis of research results, the study proposes a number of solutions and
recommendations to SMEs, business associations and state agencies, specifically as follows:
• Proposing solutions for SMEs for successful digital transformation
For successful digital transformation, SMEs need to actively invest resources in developing
high-quality IT infrastructure to promote the digital transformation process. Businesses also
need to strengthen their digital mindset and build a digital transformation schedule.
Connecting digital technologies in the transformation process is essential. In addition, human
resources play an important role in the digital transformation process, so SMEs need to have
a plan to attract, train and retain talents, especially employees with skills and knowledge in
digital transformation. change number. In addition, businesses also need to actively train
digital skills, provide financial resources for human resource development. SMEs can
consider changing the operating model of their business through the combination of human
resources and digital resources. This is the premise that allows businesses to implement
digital transformation more easily and effectively.
In addition, SMEs need to focus on building and implementing digital business strategies to
ensure successful digital transformation. The change from a traditional business strategy to a
digital business strategy requires the participation of the entire staff in the enterprise,
focusing on some important contents of the digital business strategy such as: basic business
processes, business model transformation; enhance customer experience and engagement;
… Another key solution is that businesses need to have a plan to implement digital
transformation clearly, in each specific stage in order to have the right investment in each
stage, with a specific assessment as follows. each stage to ensure the success of digital
• Proposals to business associations:
To promote the success of digital transformation in SMEs in Vietnam today, the role of
business associations is very important. In the coming time, associations need to have a plan
to support and promote digital transformation in SMEs in each specific period, in terms of IT
infrastructure, human resources... Especially, business associations Businesses need to
actively create an ecosystem of services and products with long-term sustainable value,
connecting SMEs in the digital transformation process. This will create opportunities for
Vietnamese SMEs to have a connection during the digital transformation process to create
synergy, support businesses to develop and grow, and overcome difficulties and barriers of
number conversion.
• Proposing recommendations to state agencies on supporting SMEs in digital
Laplage em Revista (International), vol.7, n. 3A, Sept. - Dec. 2021, p.416-426 ISSN: 2446-6220
Nguyen Thanh Hai • 423

To ensure the success of digital transformation in SMEs, the support of state agencies is
important. The government needs to closely accompany the digital transformation process of
SMEs through specific supporting mechanisms and policies to meet the practical
requirements of digital transformation of SMEs. In addition, the Government should promote
simplification and reduction of business conditions, create a favorable and equal business
environment for all economic sectors, and support the development of SMEs; at the same
time creating favorable conditions in terms of capital, technology, etc., so that these
enterprises can be bolder when entering the digital transformation process. In the context of
the Covid-19 epidemic, the Government needs to deploy credit packages to support SMEs
to overcome difficulties, thereby promoting these businesses to participate strongly in digital
transformation. In addition, relevant ministries and sectors should actively coordinate with
domestic and foreign agencies to implement projects to support businesses in digital
transformation to contribute to promoting the process of digital transformation in SMEs. This
should focus on raising awareness about digital transformation; improve the quality of
resources for digital transformation...

The article studies theoretical and practical issues related to digital transformation barriers for
SMEs in Vietnam today. The author approaches from the perspective of resource theory to
study the digital transformation of SMEs, and at the same time clarifies the digital
transformation barriers of this group of businesses. On that basis, the author develops
research hypotheses about the relationship between enterprise resources and digital
transformation of SMEs as well as the relationship between digital transformation and
business results of these enterprises.
Due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic, survey surveys were conducted mainly via email
(email) and phone for SMEs in Vietnam, to collect data for research. Then, the SEM network
model is used to analyze the collected data to clarify the above relationships. Research
results show that three main resources (IT infrastructure, people and business strategy) have
a positive impact on the digital transformation of SMEs; However, these factors are also
barriers to enterprises' digital transformation. In addition, the role of digital transformation is
also confirmed, having a positive impact on business results of SMEs.
From there, the article proposes a number of solutions to SMEs, business associations and
state agencies to ensure successful digital transformation. In particular, SMEs need to actively
invest resources in developing high-quality IT infrastructure to promote the digital
transformation process. At the same time, SMEs need to have a plan to attract, train and
retain talents, especially employees with skills and knowledge in digital transformation. The
focus on building and implementing a digital business strategy also needs attention. In
addition, the support of business associations and state agencies is important in promoting
and facilitating the digital transformation of SMEs today.

Thank you editors, friends and brothers to assist this publishing.

Laplage em Revista (International), vol.7, n. 3A, Sept. - Dec. 2021, p.416-426 ISSN: 2446-6220
• 424 Digital transformation barriers for small and medium enterprises in Vietnam today

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Laplage em Revista (International), vol.7, n. 3A, Sept. - Dec. 2021, p.416-426 ISSN: 2446-6220
• 426 Digital transformation barriers for small and medium enterprises in Vietnam today

Digital transformation barriers for small and medium enterprises in Vietnam today

Barreiras de transformação digital para pequenas e médias empresas no Vietnã hoje

Barreras de transformación digital para las pequeñas y medianas empresas en Vietnam hoy

Resumo Abstract Resumen

Este artigo estuda hoje as barreiras This article studies the digital Este artículo estudia las barreras de
de transformação digital para transformation barriers for small transformación digital para las
pequenas e médias empresas (MEEs) and medium enterprises (SMEs) in pequeñas y medianas empresas
no Vietnã. Para realizar o estudo, Vietnam today. To carry out the (PYME) en Vietnam hoy en día. Para
realizamos um levantamento sobre study, we conducts a survey on llevar a cabo el estudio, realizamos
pequenas e médias empresas no small and medium-sized una encuesta sobre pequeñas y
enterprises in Vietnam, then uses medianas empresas en Vietnam,
Vietnã e, em seguida, utilizamos o
the SEM model to analyze the luego utiliza el modelo SEM para
modelo SEM para analisar os dados
collected data. Our research results analizar los datos recopilados. Los
coletados. Nossos resultados de show that three main resources resultados de nuestra investigación
pesquisa mostram que três recursos (including IT, human resources and muestran que tres recursos
principais (incluindo TI, recursos business strategy) have a positive principales (incluyendo TI, recursos
humanos e estratégia de negócios) impact on the digital transformation humanos y estrategia empresarial)
têm impacto positivo na of SMEs; however, these factors are tienen un impacto positivo en la
transformação digital das MEEs; no the barriers to the digital transformación digital de las
entanto, esses fatores são as transformation of these enterprises. pymes; sin embargo, estos factores
barreiras para a transformação In addition, digital transformation son las barreras para la
digital desses empreendimentos. has a positive impact on the transformación digital de estas
Além disso, a transformação digital business results of SMEs. From empresas. Además, la
there, the article proposes some transformación digital tiene un
tem impacto positivo nos resultados
recommendations to small and impacto positivo en los resultados
de negócios das MEEs. A partir daí, o
medium enterprises, business de negocio de las pymes. A partir
artigo propõe algumas
associations and state agencies for de ahí, el artículo propone algunas
recomendações para pequenas e the success of the digital recomendaciones a pequeñas y
médias empresas, associações transformation. medianas empresas, asociaciones
empresariais e agências estatais para empresariales y agencias estatales
o sucesso da transformação digital. para el éxito de la transformación

Palavras-chave: Transformação Keywords: Digital transformation. Palabras-clave: Transformación

digital. Barreiras. Pequenas e médias Barriers. Small and medium digital. Barreras. Pequeñas y
empresas (SMEs). Tecnologia da enterprises (SMEs). Information medianas empresas (SEMEs).
informação. Vietnam. technology. Vietnam. Tecnología de la información.

Laplage em Revista (International), vol.7, n. 3A, Sept. - Dec. 2021, p.416-426 ISSN: 2446-6220

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