Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
2.1 Introduction
This chapter captured the concept of M&A, definitions of terms relevant to the study
such as Mergers, Acquisitions and Performance. The conceptual framework of the study as well
as the history, motives, processes, occurrences, and post M&A performances among others were
Retail customers
Forward integration
The Acquirer
Backwards integration
Raw materials
The concept of vertical integration
Forward integration refers to vertical integration that runs towards the customer base,
whereas backward integration refers to vertical integration that runs towards the supplier base.
Vertical integration offers several obvious advantages. Some of these advantages are listed
Combined processes. The production processes of most organisations carry fixed price
overheads. Typical examples include human resources and IT sup- port. Where
integration allows these overhead functions to become combined, there is, theoretically,
the prospect of increased support function efficiency.
Reduced risk and/or enhanced risk management. Vertical integration allows some of
the risk associated with suppliers to be removed. Obvious examples are sudden supply
price increased and late and/or defective deliveries. In many ways, the control of supply
products and raw materials passes to the acquirer.
Configuration management. The concept of configuration management is covered in
the EBS text Project Management. Configuration management is primarily concerned
with the efficient and effective flow of information both within and outside an
organisation. Information is generally much more easily and effectively controlled within
an organisation and vertical integration, therefore, acts to enhance the configuration
management system operated by a given organisation.
Quality management. This is an increasingly important consideration for most
organisations. A fully integrated production system provides the opportunities for an
enterprise-wide quality management system covering everything from raw mate- rials,
through production to sales. As with risk management, quality management is more
easily executed where supplies, production and sales are contained in-house rather than
Reduced negotiation. As suppliers are acquired the necessity for complex and
competitive negotiations decreases. The acquiring company is no longer required to
negotiate the best deals with suppliers as the suppliers become part of the parent
organisation. The obvious downside is that the acquired suppliers may lose their
competitive edge as they now have a guaranteed market and no longer need to compete at
the same level.
Proprietary and intellectual property protection. This can be an important
consideration in sectors that are characterised by rapid change and innovation.
Organizations that operate under these circumstances must give away a certain degree of
their organizational knowledge when specifying exactly what they want suppliers to
produce. In some cases, such specifications can be very revealing, and an uncontained
supplier could release proprietary and intellectual property to a third party.
Individualisation. Complete control of suppliers and customers can lead to a particular
classification of trading known as brand. To achieve and maintain brand status,
organisations must achieve and maintain a close degree of control over all aspects of
production and sales so that quality and image can be maintained. The evolution of a
brand allows organisations to charge a premium rate for their products.
Vertical integration also implies some disadvantages. By acquiring suppliers, the acquirer also
eliminates the direct competition that existed previously in the supply market. This can be
addressed to some extent by partial vertical integration, where selected key suppliers are
integrated while remaining non-key suppliers remain outsourced and open to competitive
pricing. There are also brand implications in vertical integration. Some companies have
successfully integrated along all sections of the production and distribution process. In fast food,
for example, a company might integrate all outlets and then award outlets operation to selected
and approved subcontractors through a system of controlled franchises. This practice protects the
brand from the point of manufacture through distribution and right up to the point of sale to the
consumer. Vertical integration is sometimes extended beyond suppliers to include customers as
well. Examples of this are particularly pronounced in the interaction between the entertainment
and fast-food industries. It is common practice for manufacturers of fast foods and drinks to
integrate with outlets such as cinemas and fast-food restaurants so that only their brand of food
or drink is offered for sale in that outlet. This practice, if successful, guarantees a steady and
depend- able outlet for the food or drink product concerned.
M&A is conglomerate if there is no connection, neither in the production line nor in the
production chain between the involved companies. This merger can occur mainly because
diversified companies try to reduce their risk. They aim is to build an efficient distribution
network as a fundamental for their strategy (Green, 1990). For instance, a telecommunication
company merging with a bank. According to Evans, Frank C and bishop, David M., 2001.
However, a concentric M&A affects the knowhow such as production technology and
delivery service as well as improvement and research capabilities of the participating companies.
Especially firms from emerging countries show big interest in the knowhow of enterprises from
developed countries (Straub, 2007). Significant is the financial acquisitions which is
uncommonly discussed when classifying M&As. Such acquisitions are driven by the financial
logic of transactions. They generally fall under Management Buyouts (MBOs) or Leverage
Buyouts (LBOs) (Ross, 2006).
2.5 Motives for Mergers and Acquisitions
There are several theories related to acquisition motives. Most of these theories are
closely related to each other and give most of the time similar motives for acquisitions. Ojanen,
Salmi and Torkkeli (2008) have classified the motives of M&A with the perspective of an
acquirer company:
i. Expansion and development which involve geographic and/or product expansion, client
following and redeployment of resources to or/and from target.
ii. Increase internal efficiency includes economies of scale.
iii. Improved competitive environment encompasses increase market share and power, gain size
to face global competition, defense mechanism, acquire a competitor, create a barrier to market
entry, decrease industry overcapacity, and benefit from cost disparities (for instance, labour).
iv. Financial motives comprises diversify risk; invest in fast-growth markets, and turnaround of a
failing target.
v. Personal motives include increased sales and asset growth, gain personal power and prestige,
cashing in on short-term stock market reactions (incentive system).
vi. Others include benefit from exchange rate differentials, and bypass protective tariffs, quotas,
among others.
Obviously, M&A may be motivated by more than one of those motives. Those motives
may also vary depending on the industry and the firm objectives (Ojanen et al., 2008).
Other factors affecting M&A change with changing political, economic, socio-cultural,
technological, and legal environments (Kaushal, 1995). Business organisation literature has
identified two main reasons associated with M&A that is efficiency and strategic rationale
(Neary, 2004). Efficiency gain means the merger will result into benefits in the form of
economies of scale and scope. Economies of scale and scope are achieved due to the integration
of the volumes and efficiency of both firms forming the combined entity. Next, strategic
rationale is derived from the point that M&A activities would lead to change in the structure of
the combined entity which would have an affirmative impact on the performance of the firm.
2.6 Merger and Acquisition Process
Considering different theories about the M&A process, a model had been proposed.
However, merging companies do not all the time compulsorily go through all the stages of the
process. The model is divided in three different major categories: Pre-merger process, during the
merger activities and post-merger integration. Each of these stages can be subdivided again into
two different steps. Hence the M&A process consist in six main steps (Paulsen and Huber, 2001)
which are depicted by the figure below.
Figure 1.2
Pre-merger process
Research and decision