Blades of The Inquisition (40k)
Blades of The Inquisition (40k)
Blades of The Inquisition (40k)
I NQUISITION 3. Entanglements. The team faces trouble from other factions or the environment.
4. Downtime Activities.
The activity reduce heat becomes reduce suspicion, but works the same way.
The activity indulge vice, is replaced by indulge corruption. They work the same way, but
the consequences for overindulging are chosen from this list:
CHARACTER CREATION follows the normal steps, except for: reputation is earned by completing operations. Whenever you complete an w Attract Trouble: Select or roll an additional entanglement.
w Step 3: Instead of choosing a background, roll a random imperial divination. When you operation, you gain reputation equal to the target’s Tier.
w Guilt: You know your weakness got the best of you. You seek atonement through prayer
assign action dots, one of them should reflect your interpretation of such divination. or flagellation. You may: skip the next operation (play a different character) / suffer level 1
salary is earned by completing operations. Whenever you complete an operation, harm “purged flesh”.
w Step 7: Instead of a vice, choose a corruption. This is an aspect of your person that is unfit each acolyte earns salary depending on how dangerous the job was:
for imperial society, and that could get you in trouble one day. w Rumors: People talk about your unwholesome activities. Take +2 suspicion.
w Normal: 1 salary. Investigating an unusual crime, capturing a mutant.
w Hard: 2 salary. Infiltrating a genestealer cult, fighting a psyker. ACTION RATINGS are the same, except for:
d6 d6 Divination w Heroic: 3 salary. Slaying a powerful daemon, foiling a planetary revolt. w Drive: Roll this to drive vehicles and transports, or handle artillery weapons.
1-3 1 Do not ask why you serve. Only ask how. w Skulk: This action incorporates both Finesse and Prowl.
suspicion reflects the scrutiny of the inquisitor you serve (they are distant, but
1-3 2 Trust in your fear. always watching) and the general perception of your actions by the other factions. w Warp: Roll this to channel and manipulate the energies of the Warp. This is a regular
action roll, with complications and harm usually coming from supernatural forces or
1-3 3 The wise man learns from the deaths of others. w A flawless operation: +0 suspicion. psychic phenomena. However, if all the dice you rolled show the same number, the GM
w Collateral damage, civilian casualties, slightly unhortodox choices: +1 suspicion. chooses one of the following options:
1-3 4 A suspicious mind is a healthy mind. w Severe damage, mayhem, acting against members of High Society: +2 suspicion.
w You take +1 suspicion.
1-3 5 Men must die so that Man endures. w Acting against Imperial authorities: +3 suspicion.
w You suffer level 1 harm.
1-3 6 Die if you must, but not with your spirit broken. w Mercy towards enemies of the Faith, heretical thought: +4 suspicion or more.
w Your Warp rolls have reduced effect until you get a 6 or a critical on a Warp roll.
4-6 1 A mind without purpose will wander in dark places. entanglements are determined by rolling your Tier (the more influential you This penalty can be resisted through a Resolve roll (or the Warp Control special ability).
are, the more people will want to see you bite the dust) and finding the column that matches
4-6 2 Truth is subjective. Note: This is why you should not use Warp unless you have two or more action dots in it.
your team’s current suspicion. If your Tier is zero, roll two dice and keep the lowest result.
Seriously, it’s going to be a mess.
4-6 3 Innocence is an illusion.
4-6 4 Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper suspicion 0-3 suspicion 4-5 suspicion 6+ OPERATION IDEAS Roll on the table (or pick one) if you need inspiration.
may judge what is sane. 1 A group of genestealer cultists is hiding within an asteroid mining network.
1-3: Unruly Cohort or 1-3: Unruly Cohort or 1-3: Flipped or
4-6 5 Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life. 1-3: Spreading Unrest 1-3: Questioning 1-3: Questioning 2 Smugglers are trafficking psy-resonating artifacts. Where do they come from?
4-6 6 Only in death does duty end. 4-5: Rivals or Vengeance 4-5: Spreading Unrest or 4-5: Nemesis or 3 A ruthless chirurgeon is vat-growing xeno organs to “improve” patients.
Vengeance Accusations
CREW CREATION follows the normal steps, except for: 4 Hive gangers have ceased their in-fighting, led by a heretical, rebellious figure.
6: Cooperation 6: Accusations 6: Power Play
w Step 1: Your crew type is always Acolytes. You start at Tier 0, with weak hold and 0 5 Gruesome murders take place within a specific ward; all that is left of the victims
reputation. You start with no salary (you will not be able to influence the starting positive w Accusations: Someone influential persuades your master that your performance is less is their skin, scorched from the inside. Everything else is... gone.
and negative status with other factions), but with one basic boon (dark grey). than adequate. You may: admit your failures (lose 1 boon of your choice) / retort with 6 A disgraced noble accuses a poweful rival of consorting with the Ruinous Powers.
w Step 2: Instead of a lair, choose a base of operations. accusations of your own (take suspicion equal to their Tier) / sacrifice all reputation and
w Step 3: Instead of hunting grounds, choose a favored operation. salary from the next operation in order to prove your virtue. 1 Rogue hereteks are assembling an artificial intelligence. It is slowly developing
w Step 5: If you create cohorts, they can be adepts, combatants, infiltrators or preachers. w Cooperation: A +3 status faction asks you for a favor. You may: agree / lose rep equal to independent thought... and learning how to defend itself/evolve.
that faction’s Tier / lose 1 status with them. If you have no +3 factions, no entanglement. 2 Convicts within a high security prison go berserk. They are eating the guards,
SPECIAL ITEMS you might need to know about: w Flipped: One of the PC’s rivals arranges for one of your contacts to no longer trust you. other convicts, and chunks of their own flesh. Oh, the sweet painful hunger!
w Auspex: A device that can sense radiations, life signs, emissions and nearby movements. w Nemesis: One of the most dangerous factions that you have opposed in the sector decides
to crush you once and for all. You may: go to war against them / spend reputation or 3 A noble is hosting decadent parties. Anyone who participates finds themselves
w Bottle of Strong Amasec: Fine quality distilled liquor. Quite intoxicating. addicted to the strange pleasures.
salary equal to their Tier +2 in order to have someone else deal with them.
w Chameleoline Cloak: +1 effect when sneaking or hiding.
w Power Play: One of the highest authorities in the sector manages to turn everybody 4 Rumor has it a bizarre stellar phenomenon will herald the “New Truth”.
w Combat Drug Injector: Same as the Cutter's Rage Essence Vial. against you. How did they discredit you? And what’s their goal? You are their plaything; you
w Combi-tool: Versatile foldable tools used for repairing or sabotaging. may: buy their mercy with salary equal to your Tier +4 / face them (sacrifice all your 5 Everyone within a certain facility (building, prison, factory...) vanishes without
w Dataslate: A tablet computer, used for storing and visualizing information. reputation and 3 boons) / accept your judgement and be disbanded. trace. Where did they go? Was this their intention, or were they kidnapped?
w Diagnostor: Used for medical examination. Can identify any illness or toxin. w Questioning: Your master interrogates one of your contacts in order to know more about 6 A distress signal from a frontier outpost plagued by a pandemic. The locals refuse
w Force Weapon: When wielded by a psyker, this gains potency against targets. your conduct. Who do they think knows more about you? Make a fortune roll to see if they treatment and seem to be converging towards a ruin of ages past.
reveal something about your corruptions (1-3: +2 suspicion; 4-5: +1 suspicion; 6: none)
w Glow-globe / Stablight: A fist-sized sphere emitting light / a torch. or buy their silence with salary equal to your Tier +2. 1 A salvage team recovers a massive strange relic from within the wreckage of a
w Lascutter: A very cumbersome tool that can cut through almost anything. w Rivals: A neutral faction suddenly starts getting in your way whenever possible. You may: space hulk. Its very presence appears to be messing with people’s minds.
w Lho-sticks: Similar to cigarettes and mildly narcotic. ignore them (lose rep or coin equal to their Tier) / face them (lose 1 status with them). 2 A group of fanatical terrorists is attacking Imperial facilities and assassinating
w Magnoculars: Advanced digital binoculars. w Spreading Unrest: Rebellion and dissent are spreading across the sector, turning the members of high society. Who are they actually working for?
w Multikey: A device capable of opening most Imperial locks. populace against you. You may: ignore them (take suspicion equal to your Tier +1) /
spend reputation equal to your Tier +1 to have the authority deal with them / personally 3 A member of your master’s retinue, thought to be dead, is now back. Fishy.
w Preysense Goggles: Reveal thermal images of otherwise hidden targets.
take action against them. 4 A new drug is spreading throughout the sector. Its effects are almost... unnatural.
w Shock Maul: A melee weapon designed to incapacitate through electric shock.
w Unruly Cohort: One of your cohorts causes trouble due to their flaw(s). You may: publicly
apologize (lose rep equal to your Tier +1) / make an example of one of them / face reprisal 5 Several forbidden books have been stolen from the Ministorum archives. Given
WAR When at war with criminals or heretics, gain +1 rep per operation against them. from the wronged party. the level of security, this might very well have been an inside job.
When at war with authorities, traders, merchants or nobles, lose 1 hold (might knock you
w Vengeance: An NPC (from a previous operation or from a PC’s past) is seeking to hurt or 6 Belligerent Chaos cultists besieged a remote Sororitas fortress. You are sent to aid.
down one Tier), get only 1 free downtime action, and take +1 suspicion per operation.
hinder you. Hire someone to deal with this, or do it personally.
BLADES OF THE Agents of Imperial Justice,
serving under a powerful
quality ++++
weak impaired broken armor
weak strong M Emperor Protects: When you use Assault or Occult plans against a higher
quality ++++
Tier target, your Tier counts as +1.
weak impaired broken armor
true military M Enemies Within: Your cohorts have been trained to fight the enemy hidden
dedication training within Imperial society. They gain +1d to rolls against heretics, rebels and
favor FAVOR servitors
+1 reputation per +1d to engagement for
+1d to healing rolls. mutants.
successful operation. Assault operations.
M Enemies Without: Your cohorts have been trained to fight xenos and purge
the unholy spawn of Chaos. They gain +1d to rolls against aliens and daemons.
segmentum M
lost mechanicus
renown charts
grimoires supplies M Forged by Horror: Each PC has been toughened by terrifying experience.
favor +1d to acquire assets +1d to engagement for quality ++++
+1d to engagement +1d to acquire assets You get +1d to resistance rolls.
(if cohorts or services) Stealth and Transport weak impaired broken armor
for Occult operations. (if items or vehicles)
operations. M Friends in High Places: You have many contacts within the highest strata
of society. Take -1 suspicion during downtime and +1d to gather information
about members of the social elite.
raise Interrogation spy network M Immaculate: When you end downtime with zero suspicion, increase your
+1 salary per successful chamber +1d to gather reputation by 1.
favor operation (for each
+1d to engagement for
information on
+1d to Command and
Deception and Social
Acolyte). Sway when in your base.
operations. M Imperial Requisition: During downtime, you may spend reputation as if
it were salary.
quality ++++
weak impaired broken armor
You can increase your Tier only if your suspicion is 3 or lower.
E If your suspicion reaches 9, you lose a boon of your choice (you can later At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1 xp (or instead mark 2 xp if that
obtain it again as normal) and must face your inquisitor’s wrath: item occurred multiple times).
w If your hold is strong, it becomes weak.
w If your hold is weak, reduce Tier by 1. If Tier is already 0, you are w Successfully complete an operation.
w disbanded and condemned as traitors to the Imperial Creed. w Contend with challenges above your current station.
w Bolster your crew’s reputation.
u Loke, a brilliant techpriest artisan K Acolyte Rigging (2 free load of Base Quality
u Scythia, a master chirurgeon weapons or armor; comm-beads) K Cell K Documents
K Elite Adepts K Hidden K Gear & Kits
u Merovin, a PDF commander
K Elite Combatants K Laboratory K Combi-Tools
u Conferia, a Noble House matriarch K Quarters & Multikeys
K Elite Infiltrators
u Teveret, a renowned scholar K Elite Preachers K Secure K Weapons
u Magdala, an information broker K-K-K Determination (+1 stress box) K Servitors K Other _______
Favored Operations:
K K Transport K Other _______
Battle w Infiltration w Social w Terror
boons represent the many advantages your inquisitor can grant you. They can be gained the Training Cohorts
same way as special abilities, by filling your team xp tracker. You can obtain a boon only if it is K Insight Upgrade Costs
connected to a boon you already have, or if it is a basic boon (darker grey). K Prowess New Cohort: 2
favor is marked on your rep track. It reduces the rep cost to develop your team. K Resolve Add Type: 2
reputation When you successfully complete an operation, gain rep equal to the target’s Tier. K Personal
tier can be increased if your hold is strong and you have filled your rep tracker (no other cost). K-K-K-K Mastery
When you increase your Tier, reset rep to zero (but keep favor) and set your hold to weak.
BLADES OF THE A true master of lore,
possessing vast knowledge
salary K K K K K K K K K K K K
Each acolyte earns 1 to 3 Salary for every
of many subjects
I NQUISITION inquisitor
Adept successful operation (caps at 12).
lifestyle equals your current Salary
acolyte’s look M Careful Planning: During downtime, you may give yourself or another uuuu hunt
team member +1 downtime action. uuuu study
acolyte’s heritage: Feral World w Forge World w Highborn imperial divination
M Chirurgeon: You can Tinker with bones, blood, and bodily humours to treat uuuu tinker
wounds, or stabilize the dying. You may Study a malady or corpse. Everyone in
Hive World w Shrine World w Voidborn your team (including you) gets +1d to their healing treatment rolls.
M Coordinated Effort: Choose one of your action ratings. When you lead a uuuu drive
corruption: Crime w Decadence w Dissent w Forbidden Knowledge w Greed w Heresy w Mutation w Pleasure
group action using that action, you can suffer only 1 stress at most regardless of uuuu skirmish
the number of failed rolls. uuuu skulk
uuuu wreck
EEEEEEEEE Cold w Haunted w Obsessed w Paranoid
M Insightful: You may expend your special armor to protect a teammate, or to
push yourself when you gather information or work on a long-term project.
Reckless w Soft w Unstable w Vicious
uuuu command
M Loremaster: Two times per operation you can assist a teammate without
uuuu consort
E paying stress. Tell us how you applied your extensive knowledge to the situation.
need Project clock uuuu sway
help Perfect Memory: Through eidetic memory or the use of a memorance warp
M uuuu
implant, you perfectly recall everything you have seen in the past. You may Study
-1D or Survey these memories as if you were actually reliving them.
armor K
less heavy K M Researcher: You gain +1d to Study when you gather information on a PUSH YOURSELF (take
effect special K stress) - - accept a
target for an operation. You get +1d to the engagement roll for that operation.
p q Balfarius, a chirurgeon K Auto Quill and Parchment Sheets K One or Two Melee Weapons
p q Nyla, a Schola Progenium student K-K Diagnostor K A Laspistol or Autopistol
K Fine Clothing K A 2nd Laspistol or Autopistol
p q Rufus, a lexographer
K Servo-skull (cohort; expert: scribe) K-K A Large Weapon
p q Talcir, an eccentric nobleman K An Unusual Weapon
K Fine Calligraphy Kit
K-K Armor K-K-K +Heavy
p q Firenne, an antiquarian
K Concealed Laspistol
K Auspex
K-K Climbing Gear
w Everytime you roll a desperate action, mark xp in that action’s attribute. K Combi-Tool
At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1 xp (in your playbook or an K Dataslate
attribute) or 2 xp if that item occurred multiple times. K-K Demolition Kit
w You addressed a challenge with knowledge or expertise. K Disguise Kit
w You expressed your beliefs, drive, heritage, or faith in the Emperor. K Glow-globe or Stablight
w You struggled with issues from your corruption or traumas during the session. K Multikey
acolyte’s look
—engage a small group of enemies on equal footing in close combat. uuuu hunt
M Cyber-Mastiff Upgrade: Your cyber-mastiff has quality equal to your uuuu study
acolyte’s heritage: Feral World w Forge World w Highborn imperial divination
M Tier +2 (instead of Tier +1), and gains a cybernetic ability: sense link (can share uuuu
its senses with you), enhanced actuators (it is always quicker than its target), or uuuu tinker
Hive World w Shrine World w Voidborn feel no pain (it keeps fighting even when it would break). Take this ability again to
choose an additional cybernetic ability for your cyber-mastiff.
uuuu drive
corruption: Crime w Decadence w Dissent w Forbidden Knowledge w Greed w Heresy w Mutation w Pleasure
M Interrogator: You can always tell when someone is lying to you. This uuuu skirmish
doesn’t mean you also know exactly what they are lying about. uuuu skulk
Intimidating: When you unleash physical violence, it’s especially frightening. uuuu wreck
EEEEEEEEE Cold w Haunted w Obsessed w Paranoid
When you Command a frightened target, take +1d.
Reckless w Soft w Unstable w Vicious
M Relentless: You may expend your special armor to resist a consequence of uuuu command
surprise or mental harm (fear, confusion, losing track of someone) or to push uuuu consort
need Project clock yourself for combat or interrogation. uuuu sway
help warp
Unbreakable: Pain is temporary, duty is eternal. When you accept harm
-1D instead of resisting it, clear 2 stress. You get +1 stress box.
armor K
less heavy K M Urban Guerrilla: When your team executes an assault or transport PUSH YOURSELF (take
effect special K operation within a highly urbanized area, take +1d to the engagement roll. stress) - - accept a
down prey
I NQUISITION inquisitor
Assassin successful operation (caps at 12).
lifestyle equals your current Salary
acolyte’s look
avoid detection. uuuu hunt
M Ambusher: When you attack from hiding or spring a trap, you get +1d. uuuu study
acolyte’s heritage: Feral World w Forge World w Highborn imperial divination
M Angel of Death: When you push yourself, choose one of the following uuuu tinker
additional benefits: perform a feat of athletics that verges on the superhuman—
Hive World w Shrine World w Voidborn maneuver to confuse your enemies so they mistakenly attack each other.
M Infiltrator: You are not affected by quality or Tier when bypassing security uuuu drive
corruption: Crime w Decadence w Dissent w Forbidden Knowledge w Greed w Heresy w Mutation w Pleasure
measures. uuuu skirmish
uuuu skulk
M Know No Fear: You’re immune to the terror that some supernatural entities uuuu wreck
EEEEEEEEE Cold w Haunted w Obsessed w Paranoid inflict on sight. Take +1d to resistance rolls with Resolve.
Reckless w Soft w Unstable w Vicious M Poisoner: When you invent or craft a poison or toxin, take +1d to your roll.
uuuu command
You begin with one special formula already known. You are also immune to that
uuuu consort
E particular poison or toxin.
need Project clock uuuu sway
help Reflexes: When there’s a question about who acts first, the answer is you (two warp
M uuuu
characters with Reflexes act simultaneously).
armor K M Shadow: You may expend your special armor to resist a consequence from
less heavy K detection or security measures, or to push yourself for a feat of athletics or PUSH YOURSELF (take
effect special K stress) - - accept a
p q Garrit, a spy K One or Two Fine Melee Weapons K One or Two Melee Weapons
p q Shill, a smuggler K-K Fine Large Weapon K A Laspistol or Autopistol
K Chameleoline Cloak K A 2nd Laspistol or Autopistol
p q Camara, a retired guardsman
K Preysense Goggles K-K A Large Weapon
p q Naveen, a ruthless noble K An Unusual Weapon
K Light Climbing Kit
K-K Armor K-K-K +Heavy
p q Vipria, a zealot
K Fine Multikey
K Auspex
K-K Climbing Gear
w Everytime you roll a desperate action, mark xp in that action’s attribute. K Combi-Tool
At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1 xp (in your playbook or an K Dataslate
attribute) or 2 xp if that item occurred multiple times. K-K Demolition Kit
w You addressed a challenge with deception or violence. K Disguise Kit
w You expressed your beliefs, drive, heritage, or faith in the Emperor. K Glow-globe or Stablight
w You struggled with issues from your corruption or traumas during the session. K Multikey
acolyte’s look
hear your words—strike fear in the hearts of those who oppose the Imperial Creed. uuuu hunt
M Authority: When you execute a social plan, take +1d to the engagement roll. uuuu study
acolyte’s heritage: Feral World w Forge World w Highborn imperial divination
M Etiquette: You gain +1d to rolls when you gather information within the uuuu tinker
Hive World w Shrine World w Voidborn
M Influence: During downtime, you get +1 result level when you acquire an
asset or reduce suspicion. uuuu drive
corruption: Crime w Decadence w Dissent w Forbidden Knowledge w Greed w Heresy w Mutation w Pleasure
uuuu skirmish
Mentor: You may advance your team’s Tier even if your suspicion is 5 or
M uuuu skulk
lower (instead of it having to be 3 or lower). Who is your mentor? Why are they uuuu wreck
EEEEEEEEE Cold w Haunted w Obsessed w Paranoid helping you?
Reckless w Soft w Unstable w Vicious M Purity and Faith: You may expend your special armor to resist fear or
uuuu command
deception, or to push yourself for combat or leadership.
uuuu consort
need Project clock M Warrior Priest: When you fight alongside your cohorts in combat, they uuuu sway
help get +1d for teamwork rolls (setup and group actions). All of your cohorts get the warp
Devouts type for free.
armor K M Zealot: You gain an additional xp trigger: You brought searing justice upon
less heavy K the servants of Chaos. If your team helped you with this sacred crusade, also mark PUSH YOURSELF (take
effect special K stress) - - accept a
team xp.
p q Lavinia, a sister of battle K Fine Laspistol or Autopistol K One or Two Melee Weapons
p q Casthe, a trader K Flamer Pistol K A Laspistol or Autopistol
p q Mordicai, a missionary K - K Scary Heavy Weapon K A 2nd Laspistol or Autopistol
K Fine Cleric Robes K-K A Large Weapon
p q Araleen, a devout noblewoman K An Unusual Weapon
K Holy Imperial Texts
K-K Armor K-K-K +Heavy
p q Irissa, a “retired” inquisitor
K Imperial Purity Seal
K Auspex
K-K Climbing Gear
w Everytime you roll a desperate action, mark xp in that action’s attribute. K Combi-Tool
At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1 xp (in your playbook or an K Dataslate
attribute) or 2 xp if that item occurred multiple times. K-K Demolition Kit
w You addressed a challenge with authority or influence. K Disguise Kit
w You expressed your beliefs, drive, heritage, or faith in the Emperor. K Glow-globe or Stablight
w You struggled with issues from your corruption or traumas during the session. K Multikey
acolyte’s look M Commander: When you Command a cohort in combat, they continue to uuuu hunt
fight when they would otherwise break (they are not taken out when they suffer uuuu study
acolyte’s heritage: Feral World w Forge World w Highborn imperial divination
level 3 harm). They gain potency and 1 armor. uuuu
uuuu tinker
M Group Tactics: When you perform a group action, you may count multiple
Hive World w Shrine World w Voidborn 6s from different rolls as a critical success.
M Hard to Kill: Penalties from harm are one level less severe (though level 4 uuuu drive
corruption: Crime w Decadence w Dissent w Forbidden Knowledge w Greed w Heresy w Mutation w Pleasure
harm is still fatal). uuuu skirmish
uuuu skulk
M Look Out Sir!: When you protect a teammate, take +1d to your resistance uuuu wreck
EEEEEEEEE Cold w Haunted w Obsessed w Paranoid roll. When you gather information to anticipate possible threats in the current
situation, you get +1 effect.
Reckless w Soft w Unstable w Vicious
uuuu command
M Saboteur: When you Wreck, the work is much quieter than it should be and
uuuu consort
E the damage is hidden from casual inspection.
need Project clock uuuu sway
help Sharpshooter: When you push yourself, choose one of the following warp
M uuuu
additional benefits: make a ranged attack at extreme distance beyond what’s
-1D normal for the weapon—unleash a barrage of rapid fire to suppress the enemy.
armor K
less heavy K M Strong Back: Your load limits are higher. Light: 5. Normal: 7. Heavy: 8+. PUSH YOURSELF (take
effect special K stress) - - accept a
acolyte’s look
M Arcane Lore: When you execute an occult plan, take +1d to the engagement
roll. Take +1d when you gather information about the supernatural. uuuu hunt
uuuu study
M Biomancy: You can Warp to do one of the following: perform a superhuman survey
acolyte’s heritage: Feral World w Forge World w Highborn imperial divination
feat of strength or agility—channel energy to harm or enfeeble enemies—channel uuuu tinker
energy to heal an ally.
Hive World w Shrine World w Voidborn
M Divination: You can Warp to do one of the following: use your precognition to
aid your allies or hinder your enemy—peer into an object’s past—see and hear as if uuuu drive
corruption: Crime w Decadence w Dissent w Forbidden Knowledge w Greed w Heresy w Mutation w Pleasure
you were somewhere else, for a brief moment. uuuu skirmish
uuuu skulk
M Pyromancy: You can Warp to do one of the following: shroud your foes in uuuu wreck
EEEEEEEEE Cold w Haunted w Obsessed w Paranoid searing flames—create a towering wall of fire—unleash a blinding flash of light.
Reckless w Soft w Unstable w Vicious M Telekinesis: You can Warp to do one of the following: move items with your
uuuu command
mind—hurl force projectiles at an enemy—create a force barrier.
uuuu consort
need Project clock M Telepathy: You can Warp to do one of the following: influence a target’s uuuu sway
help emotions—cause the enemy to forget about your presence—send or receive thoughts. warp
-1D M Warp Control: You may expend your special armor to resist a supernatural
armor K consequence, or to push yourself when you deal with supernatural forces.
less heavy K PUSH YOURSELF (take
effect special M M M Veteran: Choose a special ability from another source. stress) - - accept a
K or
of Imperial society
I NQUISITION inquisitor
Scum successful operation (caps at 12).
lifestyle equals your current Salary
acolyte’s look M Despicable: When you indulge your corruption, you may roll your lowest uuuu hunt
attribute rating twice and take the highest roll. Ignoring your corruption now uuuu study
acolyte’s heritage: Feral World w Forge World w Highborn imperial divination
causes you stress equal to your trauma +1. uuuu
uuuu tinker
M Dirty Trick: When you use a disguise or other form of covert misdirection,
Hive World w Shrine World w Voidborn you get +1d to rolls to confuse or deflect suspicion. When you throw off your
disguise, the resulting surprise gives you the initiative in the situation. uuuu drive
corruption: Crime w Decadence w Dissent w Forbidden Knowledge w Greed w Heresy w Mutation w Pleasure
M Scoundrel: When you push yourself, choose one of the following additional uuuu skirmish
benefits: your enemies lose sight of you for a brief moment—people listening to you uuuu skulk
think you are being completely honest. uuuu wreck
EEEEEEEEE Cold w Haunted w Obsessed w Paranoid
Streetwise: You gain +1d to Consort when you gather information on a
Reckless w Soft w Unstable w Vicious M
target for an operation. You get +1d to the engagement roll for that operation. uuuu command
uuuu consort
E M Thief: You may spend a downtime action to earn 1 salary.
need Project clock uuuu sway
help Thrill-Seeker: When you roll a desperate action, you get +1d to your roll if warp
M uuuu
you also take -1d to any resistance rolls against consequences from your action.
armor K M You’ve got the Wrong Guy: You may expend your special armor to
less heavy K resist a consequence from suspicion or persuasion, or to push yourself PUSH YOURSELF (take
effect special K stress) - - accept a
for subterfuge.
acolyte’s look M Analyst: During downtime, you get two ticks to distribute among any long uuuu hunt
term project clocks that involve investigation or learning a new design plan for uuuu study
acolyte’s heritage: Feral World w Forge World w Highborn imperial divination
tools, vehicles and weapons. uuuu
uuuu tinker
M Autosanguine: Your implants constantly repair minor injuries. Permanently
Hive World w Shrine World w Voidborn fill in one of your healing clock segments. Take +1d to healing treatment rolls.
M Item Compartments: Your items can be easily stored within compartments uuuu drive
corruption: Crime w Decadence w Dissent w Forbidden Knowledge w Greed w Heresy w Mutation w Pleasure
that appear to be part of your very anatomy. You can now carry +2 load. uuuu skirmish
uuuu skulk
M Machine Speaker: When you Tinker with something, the GM will tell you uuuu wreck
EEEEEEEEE Cold w Haunted w Obsessed w Paranoid one useful fact about it, its creator, or whoever last used it.
Reckless w Soft w Unstable w Vicious M More Machine than Man: You may expend your special armor to resist
uuuu command
a consequence of fatigue, weakness, or chemical and toxic effects, or to push
uuuu consort
E yourself when working with technical skill.
need Project clock uuuu sway
help Transport Engineer: When you go into conflict aboard a vehicle, you warp
M uuuu
gain +1 effect for vehicle damage and speed, and the vehicle gains 1 armor.
armor K M Spare Parts: You tend to hoard an unwieldy amount of bits and components.
less heavy K When you roll to acquire an asset, take +1d if it is an item or vehicle. PUSH YOURSELF (take
effect special stress) - - accept a
K or