PR1 U01 Vocabulary Practice Standard

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1 Vocabulary practice – standard

1 Complete the text with the phrases in the boxes. 4 Circle the correct prepositions.
discover its tourist attractions  visit popular resorts  1 They had an amazing adventure sailing down the Amazon.
Now they want to make it out of / into a film.
wander around
2 I hope they do up / away with the tourist tax here. It’s making
Visit Bogotá a lot of tourists angry.
I f you have never been to Bogotá in Colombia, now is the 3 There was a lot of writing on the monuments, but we
time to go. Bogotá is more popular with people who like couldn’t make out / into what it said because it was so old.
adventure and culture than those who normally prefer to 4 I’ve heard they want to do away / up the central train station
(1)  on the coast. First, you should and improve it with lots of new shops and cafés for travellers.
(2)  like the famous Botero Museum 5 We were sure that our tour guide was making up / out the
and the Gold Museum of Bogotá. Next, you should go to story about the hotel being haunted.
the Spanish colonial neighbourhood La Candelaria where
you can (3)  the streets and see the
5 Read the statistics about tourism in a city. Then
lovely architecture. complete the sentences using the correct words
in brackets.
fit your budget  hunt for souvenirs  City tourism statistics 2010 to 2018
soak up the atmosphere  spend vast sums 1 Unemployment 5%
2 Number of tourists 72%
 fterwards, sit in one of the city’s many cafés, have a
3 Price of a hotel room 6%
Colombian coffee and (4)  . La 
4 Number of tourists using Airbnb 70%
Candelaria is also a good place to (5) 
5 Number of tourists using Uber 150%
for friends and family back at home in one of the many
small shops. After that, you can go jewel shopping in the 6 Number of tourists using taxis 125%
Emerald District. People (6)  of 1 Unemployment in the tourism industry
money on these beautiful green gemstones here. But if during the period.
buying emeralds doesn’t (7)  , admire (fell / rose) (sharply / slightly)
them and then go to Plaza Bolívar for some authentic hot 2 However, tourism at the same time.
chocolate – delicious! (increased / decreased) (slightly / considerably)
3 The price of hotels .
2 Match the adjectives (1–3) to the definitions (a–c). (increased / decreased) (slightly / sharply)
Then match the verbs (4–7) to the definitions (d–g). 4 The statistics show that tourists’ use of Airbnb
1 adamant .
2 enriching (rose / fell) (slightly / considerably)
3 blessed 5 Tourists’ use of Uber cars at this time.
a lucky, fortunate (fell / rose) (slightly / sharply)
b determined not to change your belief or decision 6 While tourists’ use of local taxis .
about something (decreased / increased) (slightly / sharply)
c something that is made better or more enjoyable
6 Can you remember this vocabulary from the unit?
4 venture out
Write the words and phrases. Use the letters to
5 refurbish
help you.
6 further
1 a phrasal verb that means meet a friend or family member
7 enrol
by accident r i s
d help the progress of something so that it is more likely to 2 a phrasal verb that means be successful or bring benefits
be successful p o
e go somewhere unpleasant, dangerous or exciting 3 a phrase that means travel by walking g
f improve a room or building by cleaning and painting it a o f
g put your name on a list to be included in an activity or course 4 a phrasal verb that means fill a particular amount of time
t u
3 Write the phrases in the correct column. 5 a phrasal verb that means find yourself in a particular situation
or place because of doing something e u
a decision  a difference  a reservation 
6 a synonym for increase r
friends  good use of  your best
7 an activity when you swim under water with a container of
make do air on your back and a tube for breathing through
s d
8 a phrasal verb that means end or stop something
d a w

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