Jason Hickel
Jason Hickel
Jason Hickel
1. What is the main The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations are primarily aimed at
objective of the eliminating poverty. Over the past seventy years, growth in developing countries had been the primary
Sustainable means of promoting development and progress in all parts of the world, but it was unable to eradicate
Development Goals of poverty. As a result, the alternative solution had been suggested as the de-development of wealthy nations.
the United
2. What is the The standardized unit known as the Global Hectare (GHA) measures both the earth's biocapacity and the
standardized unit that demand for biocapacity, also known as the ecological footprint.
measures resource use This would serve as the foundation for regulating and balancing human consumption and waste of natural
and waste? resources.
3. What is the standard Growth is commonly used as a means of eradicating poverty. Over the past seventy years, growth had
response to eradicating become the primary goal of progress, but it did not appear to have reduced the number of families and those
poverty? in poverty.
4. What is the threshold Earth's threshold for adequately supporting life is 1.9 global hectares per year. Even with such a high level
of the Earth for of consumption, individuals can still live long and happy lives.
adequately sustaining
5. According to the Our society and the planet are in danger as a result of excessive consumption.
majority of people in Our planet is thrown off balance when we consume too much; It depletes and destroys Earth's life support
middle- and high- systems, putting our health in risk and putting our lives in risk.
income countries, what
the planet and society at
6. How many hectares Each of us ought to consume 1.8 global hectares annually based on our planet's available resources.
should each of us "determines the adequate resources for each individual who resides on our planet to consume," this is the
consume annually margin.
based on the resources
available in the planet?
7. What are two Life expectancy and happiness were the two indicators of a good life. These make it possible for us to
indicators of the quality maintain a sense of contentment and quality of life even if we have access to sufficient resources.
of life given in the
8. What crisis in the The crisis caused by climate change would prevent humans from overusing our natural resources. We can't
planet would force us to ignore the fact that nature's laws exist; Nature would still manage to prevent our destruction.
slow down if we do not Therefore, we should be prepared for the consequences of our actions if none of us wake up and voluntarily
do so voluntarily? slow down our consumption.
9. According to Hickel, Dr. Jason Hickel encourages and exhorts all of us, particularly those who reside in highly developed
what must be done nations, to de-development or "Catch Down" in order for less developed nations to keep up with the world's
instead of urging poor dramatic growth and change.
countries to “catch-up”
with rich ones?
10. How would the When it comes to the concept of de-development, I think that people in different parts of the world would
different areas of the have opposing viewpoints. People who live in wealthy, developed nations would find it difficult to accept
world react to the idea such a change and approach to fostering growth and progress. In contrast, implementing a plan that is based
of “de-development”? on the goal of development would be advantageous to those in less fortunate nations. However, despite
these disagreements, I remain of the opinion that, if sufficient information is disseminated, we can still
come to terms with the idea of de-development and accept its benefits for all of us, our environment, and
especially our natural environment. Even if we cut back on our consumption, we can still improve our lives
and incorporate quality into them.