CH 2 Fractions and Decimals
CH 2 Fractions and Decimals
CH 2 Fractions and Decimals
Topic : CH. 2 Fractions and Decimals No. of Periods: 11 Dates (19 th April-30th April, 1st June - 3th June)
Previous knowledge :
Students are aware of basics of Fractions and operations on fractions and their usage in daily life.
They should have a good grasp of what a fraction is and what its parts represent, and they should be able to write
equivalent fractions.
Students are aware of decimal numbers and addition and subtraction of decimals.
The students are able to
To acquaint students with different aspects of Mathematics used in daily life.
To develop necessary skills to work with modern technological devices and mathematical softwares.
Apply the knowledge and skills acquired to solve problems and wherever possible, more than one method.
Consolidate the mathematical knowledge and skills acquired at the upper primary stage
The students will be able to :
1. Recapitulate the concept of a fraction
2. Classify fractions as proper, improper and mixed.
3. Write equivalent fractions for a given fraction.
4. Add and subtract fractions.
5. Solve simple word problem on operations of addition and subtraction.
6. Multiply whole number by s fraction, fraction by a fraction.
7. Divide whole number by a fraction, fraction by a whole number and fraction by a fraction.
8. Apply the above concepts to solve simple word problem on operations of multiplication and division.
9. Recapitulate the concept of decimal numbers through place value system
10. Add and subtract decimals and apply the same to solve word problems.
11. Multiply decimals with multiples of 10
12. Multiply decimal with a whole number and decimal with a decimal.
13. Divide decimals by a whole number, whole number by a decimal, decimal by a decimal and decimal by
multiples of 10.
14. Apply the above concepts to solve questions of the textbook.
Module 1: Pd 1 Vocabulary Focus: Fundamental operations,
Specific Objectives: Students will be able to: Simplification of fractions, Comparison of
1. Recapitulate the concept of a fraction fractions
2. Classify fractions as proper, improper and mixed.
3. Write equivalent fractions for a given fraction.
HW/Plenary for the day:
4. Add and subtract fractions.
Ex 2.1
5. Solve simple word problem on operations of
addition and subtraction.
Teacher recapitulates basic concepts related to fractions: Relate comparing and ordering fractions to
Proper Fraction: A fraction that is less than one, with the comparing and ordering whole numbers, but don't
numerator less than the denominator. overlook the added complication of the
ex: 5/6, 2/3, 7/4etc. denominator.
Improper Fraction: A fraction in which the numerator is Materials: student-made fraction kits, colored pencils
greater than the denominator, such as 5/4, 7/6. or markers
Also, note- the improper fraction can 7/4 can be written Preparation: Provide each student with twelve
pieces of precut wax-paper squares or cut 6-inch
3 squares of tracing paper (they must be able to see
as 1 4 . This is a mixed fraction. through it). Say: Take one of your paper squares and
carefully fold it in half. Color one of the
Students should be able to compare and order whole parts.
numbers. They should have a good grasp of what a fraction is
and what its parts represent, and they should be able to write
equivalent fractions.
And accordingly ask some questions related to the activity Ask:
Say: Hold up any square that you folded
What part of your square is colored? What part is not colored?
1 1 into four segments.
( ‘ ) Students should easily see that they colored
2 2
Work with students to fold and color all of the remaining two fourths.
squares. Say: Place your two-fourths square over
Ask: What does one square represent? your one-half square.
Students should recognize that one square is one Say: Place your two-fourths square over
whole. your four-eighths square.
Ask: What does one segment represent? Students
Continue in this way, helping students to compare by
using words such as greater than and less than as well
should identify one segment of the four equal-size
as equal to and not equal to. Do this orally until
segments as representing .
students are comfortable with the language, and then
Ask: If you're holding the fourths square in which
remind them of the symbols they used to represent
you colored in two segments, what does the
these comparisons when they were working with
colored part represent?
whole numbers.
Students should easily see that they colored two
Say: Mix up your fraction squares. Take the
first four squares from the top of your stack
Ask: How do the fractions compare?
and put the rest out of the way. Put the
Students should notice that since the same portion
squares in order from least amount colored
of each square is colored in, equals . to greatest amount colored.
Ask: How do the fractions compare? Ask: Can you write the names of your
Students should notice that since the same portion fractions from least to greatest?
of each square is colored in, equals . This should be an easy task. If it is not, find
Continue in this way, helping students to compare by some time later to work with any student who
using words such as greater than and less than as well is having trouble.
as equal to and not equal to. Do this orally until Ask: Can you use your fraction squares to help
students are comfortable with the language, and then you put the fractions in order from
remind them of the symbols they used to represent least to greatest? , ,
these comparisons when they were working with Students should be able to pick out the appropriate
whole numbers. models visually and use them to order the fractions
Say: Mix up your fraction squares. Take the first four Students should be able to pick out the appropriate
squares from the top of your stack and put the 1 5 1
rest out of the way. Put the squares in order from models visually and use them to order the
2 8 2
least amount colored to greatest amount colored. Example: Which is larger: 5/6 or 13/15?
Ask: Can you write the names of your fractions The Least Common Multiple of 6 and 15 is 30. So, let's
from least to greatest? do some multiplying to make each denominator equal
This should be an easy task. If it is not, find some to 30 :
time later to work with any student who is having
×5 ×2
Ask: Can you use your fraction squares to help you put
the fractions in order from least to greatest? , 5 25 13 26
, = & =
6 30 15 30
×5 ×2
Now we can easily see that 26/30 is the larger
Sometimes we need to compare two fractions to discover which fraction
is larger or smaller. There are two easy ways to compare so 13/15 is the larger fraction.
fractions: using decimals; or using the same denominator Few unsolved Questions for practise
The Same Denominator Method Q1. Arrange the given fractions in ascending order i)
5/17, 4/9, 7/12 ii)3/4, 5/12, 9/16
Q2. Arrange the following fraction in descending
i) 5/7, 3/8, 9/14, 20/21 ii) 13/18, 8/15,
Q3 Insert 2 fractions in between 11/16 and 12/18
The denominator
is the bottom
If two fractions have the same denominator then they are
number in a Solved example related to BODMAS RULE
easy to compare: fraction. Example: Add the fraction value 1 /3 with the
How to Make the Denominators the Same It shows how whole number 5.
The trick is to find the Least Common Multiple many
of the equal
two parts The steps to be followed to add the fraction value
denominators. In the previous example, the Least Common
the item is 1 /3 with the *
Multiple of 8 and 12 was 24. divided into
Then it is just a matter of changing each fraction to make it's
= 1 /3 + 5 3/ 3 (multiply and divide the number 3
denominator the Least Common Multiple.
with the given whole number 5 to convert it into
For example:
fraction value).
Q.1 Arrange the fractions 5/6, 11/16, 13/18
Solution: Lets take the L.C.M of the three denominators. 6,
= 1 /3 + 15/ 3
16, 18, = 2 x 3 x 8 x 3 =144
Now, write the given fractions as equivalent like fractions
5/6 = 5x24/6x24 = 120/144 = 1+15 /3(take the number 3 as the common
11/16 = 11x9/16x9 = 99/144 divisor for both)
13/18 = 13x8/ 18x8 =104/144
As, = 99/144 < 104/144 < 120/144 = 16 /3 (it is also a fraction value)
11/16 < 13/8 < 5/6
2. A herd of cows gives 4 litres of milk each day. But each cow The students will try questions on simplification of
gives one-third of total milk each day. They give 24 litres milk fractions from the examples and exercise questions.
in six days. How many cows are there in the herd?
‘Let's say you are baking cookies and the recipe requires 1/2
cup of sugar for one batch. But you want to make 4 batches.
So, you would need 4 times the amount of sugar. To figure The students will listen to the statements carefully,
out how much sugar you need altogether, you convert the same into mathematical equations and
could add 1/2 cup 4 times: solve to get answers.
The first step when multiplying fractions is to The students will follow the steps and will try
multiply the two numerators. question from examples and textbook exercise
The second step is to multiply the two
Finally, simplify the new fractions.
The fractions can also be simplified
before multiplying by factoring out common
factors in the numerator and denominator.
The teacher will use the following examples below to
further explain multiplication of a fraction with a
The students will work in pairs to solve related
questions from ex 2.2, 2.3
Step 2:
Divide each whole shape according to the fraction’s
denominator. The denominator of a fraction tells you how
many pieces a whole is divided into. Divide each whole shape
into its fractional parts.
For example, if you are dividing by 3/4, the 4 in the
denominator tells you to divide each whole shape into
Step 3:
Shade in groups representing the fraction. Since you are
dividing the whole number by the fraction, you are looking to
see how many groups of the fraction are in the whole number.
So, first, you need to create your groups. It might be helpful to
shade each group a different color, since some groups will have
pieces in two different wholes.
Leave any leftover pieces unshaded.
For example, if you are dividing 5 by 3/4, you would color 3
quarters a different color for each group. Note that many
groups will contain 2 quarters in one whole, and 1 quarter in
another whole.
Step 4:
Count the number of whole groups. This will give you the
whole number of your answer.
For example, you should have created 6 groups of
3/4 among your 5 circles.
The students will work in pairs to solve related
questions from ex 2.3 and will ask doubts from the
teacher if need be.
Step 5:
Interpret leftover pieces. Compare the number of pieces you
have left over to a complete group. The fraction of a group that
you have left over will indicate the fraction of your answer.
Make sure you do not compare the number of pieces you have
to a whole shape, as this will give you the wrong fraction.
For example, after dividing the 5 shapes into groups of 3/4 you
have 2 quarters, or 2/4 left. Since a whole group is 3 pieces,
and you have 2 pieces, your fraction is 2/3.
Step 6:
Write the answer. Combine your whole number of groups with
your fractional number of groups to find the quotient of your
original division problem.
i.e. 5 ÷ 3/4= 62
Division of a fraction by a whole number:
The teacher will explain the concept in simple steps by
taking the following example:
The teacher will assess the effectiveness of teaching learning process by making students solve Exercise 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4
The teacher will ask the students to come up with what did they learn in the class.
Specific Objectives: Students will be able to: Ex 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7
6. Recapitulate the concept of a fraction
7. Classify fractions as proper, improper and mixed.
8. Write equivalent fractions for a given fraction.
9. Add and subtract fractions.
Solve simple word problem on operations of addition and
The teacher will recapitulate the concept of decimal
numbers by taking some examples.
Further, she will re-explain comparison of decimal
numbers by the following diagrams:
The students will solve questions on comparison of
decimals and addition and subtraction of decimals.
Post explaining the comparison, she will encourage students
to solve simple questions and word problems on addition and
subtraction of decimals and will explain the .
To add two decimal numbers, first check if they have the same
number of digits to the right of the decimal point. If they
don't, add zeros to the right of one of the numbers until they
2. Multiply each digit in the top number by each digit in the The students will perform activity on graph to try
bottom number (like whole numbers) multiplication of decimals.
3. Add the products, and mark off decimal places equal to the
sum of the decimal places in the numbers being multiplied.
The teacher will use the grid method (using graph colouring)
to explain the concept further(Grid attached in the end)
For examples:
Division of Decimals:
The teacher will take cases and explain the same in simple
steps as follows:
Move the decimal point in the divisor all the way to the
right (to make it a whole number).
Move the decimal point in the dividend the same
number of places.
The students will perform activity on graph to try
2. Divide as usual. If the divisor doesn't go into the decimal of decimals by a whole number.
dividend evenly, add zeroes to the right of the last
digit in the dividend and keep dividing until it comes
out evenly or a repeating pattern shows up.
3. Position the decimal point in the result directly
above the decimal point in the dividend.
4. Check your answer: Use the calculator and multiply
the quotient by the divisor. Does it equal the
The teacher will assess the effectiveness of teaching learning process by making students solve Exercise 2.2,
2.3 and 2.4
The teacher will ask the students to come up with what did they learn in the class.
Multiplication of Decimals: