Biology Investigatory Project Final
Biology Investigatory Project Final
Biology Investigatory Project Final
044 Biology
Submitted by
REG NO:04405
Coimbatore – 641006
2021 – 2022
Date: Signature:
This is to certify that t he project work entitled “Kidney disease and its
preventions” submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement s for the award
of AISSCE certificate is a bonafied work submitted by Devakavya.G with Reg no.:
Place: Coimbatore
I thank the almighty, without whose grace, my work would not have been
I express my sincere gratitude to our Principal Mrs. Pricilla Rani, Sri Ramakrishna
central School, Coimbatore for extending her support in completing this project.
I also extend my sincere thanks to all faculty members of the department for their
appropriate suggestions and sustained cooperation.
Date: Signature:
In this project it mainly aims about the kidney diseases and its prevention .this
project contains the detailed explanation about what is kidney disease, what are
the types of kidney diseases, what are the causes of kidney disease also it
contains the details of chronic kidney disease like what is mean by chronic
disease, what are the stages of chronic diseases, what are the symptoms, what
are the causes and what are the preventive measures that have to be taken .so
this entire project express about the kidney problems and its preventive
methods .also in this project I have attached many facts and tips related to this
topic. Even many ways of keeping our health tips has been given here. This main
focus to gives awareness to all about the kidney problems. Also we can come to
know about the various treatments we have to take for different types of kidney
diseases. And also what are the methods we should use to take these treatments.
Thus we can come to know about how this disease starts, what are the
symptoms, how it can be cured, its treatment and its preventive measures to be
What is kidney disease?
What are the types and causes of kidney disease?
Chronic disease stages
How can we prevent the chronic kidney disease?
How is chronic kidney disease treated?
The facts about chronic kidney disease.
What causes chronic kidney disease?
What are the symptoms of CKD?
Kidney stones
Types of kidney stones
How is Glomerulonephritis treated?
Polycystic kidney disease
Symptoms of polycystic kidney disease
Urinary tract infections
Symptoms of urinary tract kidney disease
Prevention of urinary tract kidney disease
What are the symptoms of kidney disease?
What are the risk factors for developing kidney disease?
How is kidney disease diagnosed?
Glomerular filtration rate
What is the normal GFR?
How is the test performed?
Ultrasound or computed tomography (CT) scan
Kidney biopsy
Why would a kidney biopsy done?
Urine test
Blood creatinine test
How is kidney disease treated?
Drugs an medication
Dietary and lifestyle changes
Dialysis and kidney disease
Peritoneal dialysis
What is the long term outlook for someone with kidney disease?
How can kidney disease prevented?
Be careful with over the counter drugs
Get tested
Limit certain foods
What can I do to keep my kidneys healthy?
Make healthy food choices
Tips for making healthy food choice
Make physical activity part of your routine
Aim for a healthy weight
Get enough sleep
Manage diabetes ,high blood pressure and heart disease
Kidney Disease
shaped organs.
of a fist.
Your kidneys filter extra water and wastes out of your blood and make
Kidney disease means your kidneys are damaged and can’t filter blood the
You are at greater risk for kidney disease if you have diabetes or high blood
Other kidney problems include acute kidney injury, kidney cysts, kidney
This damage can cause wastes to build up in your body. CKD can also cause
other health problems.
Your kidneys are located in the middle of your back, just below your
The kidneys’ main job is to filter extra water and wastes out of your blood
to make urine.
To keep your body working properly, the kidneys balance the salts and
minerals—such as calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and potassium—that
circulate in the blood. Your kidneys also make hormones that help
control blood pressure, make red blood cells, and keep your bones strong.
Chronic kidney disease
The most common form of kidney disease is chronic kidney disease. Chronic
kidney disease is a long-term condition that doesn’t improve over time. It’s
commonly caused by high blood pressure.
High blood pressure is dangerous for the kidneys because it can increase the
pressure on the glomeruli.
Glomeruli are the tiny blood vessels in the kidneys where blood is cleaned.
Over time, the increased pressure damages these vessels and kidney function
begins to decline.
Kidney function will eventually deteriorate to the point where the kidneys can
no longer perform their job properly.
In this case, a person would need to go on dialysis. Dialysis filters extra fluid
and waste out of the blood.
Dialysis can help treat kidney disease but it can’t cure it. A kidney
transplant may be another treatment option depending on your
Diabetes is also a major cause of chronic kidney disease. Diabetes is a group of
diseases that causes high blood sugar.
The increased level of sugar in the blood damages the blood vessels in the
kidneys over time. This means the kidneys can’t clean the blood properly.
Chronic kidney disease stages the stages of chronic kidney disease include:
Diabetes and high blood pressure are the most common causes of CKD.
If you have diabetes or high blood pressure, working with your doctor to keep
your blood sugar and blood pressure under control is the best way to prevent
kidney disease.
Living a healthy lifestyle can help prevent diabetes, high blood pressure and
kidney disease, or help keep them under control.
Follow these tips to lower your risk for kidney disease and the problems that
cause it:
You may even be able to stop the damage from getting worse.
Do not smoke
or use
Limit alcohol.
Talk to your doctor about medicines that can help protect your kidneys.
37 million American adults have CKD and millions of others are at increased
kidney failure.
Heart disease is the major cause of death for all people with CKD.
Two simple tests can detect CKD: blood pressure, urine albumin and serum
Most people may not have any severe symptoms until their kidney disease
is advanced. However, you may notice that you:
feel more tired and have less energy
have trouble concentrating
have a poor appetite
have trouble sleeping
have muscle cramping at night
have swollen feet and
have puffiness around
your eyes, especially
in the morning
have dry, itchy skin
Need to urinate more often, especially at night.
Anyone can get chronic kidney disease at any age. However, some people
are more likely than others to develop kidney disease. You may have an
increased risk for kidney disease if you:
have diabetes
have high blood pressure
have a family history of kidney failure
are older
Kidney stones
2. Uric acid:
3. Struvite:
4. Cystine:
Glomeruli are extremely small structures inside the kidneys that filter the blood.
Urinary tract infections don't always cause signs and symptoms, but when they do
they may include:
Urine that appears red, bright pink or cola-colored — a sign of blood in the
Kidney disease is a condition that can easily go unnoticed until the symptoms
become severe. The following symptoms are early warning signs that you might
be developing kidney disease:
difficulty concentrating
trouble sleeping
poor appetite
muscle cramping
swollen feet/ankles
Severe symptoms that could mean your kidney disease is progressing into
kidney failure include:
loss of appetite
fluid retention
anemia (a decrease in red blood cells)
People with diabetes have a higher risk of developing kidney disease. Diabetes is
the leading cause of kidney disease, accounting for about 44 percent Trusted
Source of new cases. You may also be more likely to get kidney disease if you:
are elderly
Your doctor will first determine whether you belong in any of the high-risk
groups. They will then run some tests to see if your kidneys are functioning
properly. These tests may include:
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
This test will measure how well your kidneys are working and determine the
stage of kidney disease.
GFR—Glomerular filtration rate is the best test to measure your level of
kidney functions and determines your stage of kidney disease.
Your doctor can calculate it from the results of your blood creatinine test,
your age, race, gender and other factors.
The earlier kidney disease is detected, the better the chance of slowing or
stopping its progression.
What is the normal GFR?
GFR of 60 or higher is
30–39 107
40–49 99
50–59 93
60–69 85
How the Test is Performed
A blood sample is needed.
The blood sample is sent to a lab. There, the creatinine level in the blood sample
is tested. Creatinine is a chemical waste product of creatine. Creatine is a
chemical the body makes to supply energy, mainly to muscles.
The lab specialist combines your blood creatinine level with several other factors
to estimate your GFR. Different formulas are used for adults and children. The
formula includes some or all of the following:
Ultrasound or computed
tomography (CT) Scan
Ultrasounds and CT
scans produce clear images of
your kidneys and urinary tract.
The pictures allow your doctor
to see if your kidneys are too
small or large.
They can also show any tumors or structural problems that may be present.
Kidney biopsy
This is to diagnose a suspected kidney problem. It may also be used to see how
serious a kidney condition is, or to monitor treatment for kidney disease.
Urine test
• quit smoking
Peritoneal dialysis.
Peritoneal dialysis
Some risk factors for kidney disease — such as age, race, or family history — are
impossible to control. However, there are measures you can take to help prevent
kidney disease:
quit smoking
• Ask your doctor about getting a blood test for kidney problems. Kidney
problems generally don’t
cause symptoms until
they’re more advanced.
• A basic metabolic panel
(BMP) is a standard blood
test that can be done as
part of a routine medical
• It checks your blood for creatinine or urea. These are chemicals that leak
into the blood when the kidneys aren’t working properly.
• A BMP can detect kidney problems early, when they’re easier to treat.
• You should be tested annually if you have diabetes, heart disease, or high
blood pressure.
excessive sodium
• try to have less than 10 percent of your daily calories come from added sugars.
. • choose veggie toppings such as spinach, broccoli, and peppers for your pizza.
• gradually work your way down from whole milk to 2 percent milk until you’re
drinking and cooking with fat-free (skim) or low-fat milk and milk products.
• eat foods made from whole grains—such as whole wheat, brown rice, oats, and
wholegrain corn—every day.
• use whole-grain bread for toast and sandwiches; substitute brown rice for
white rice for home-cooked meals and when dining out.
• read food labels. Choose foods low in saturated fats, Tran’s fats, cholesterol,
salt (sodium), and added sugars.
• slow down at snack time. Eating a bag of low-fat popcorn takes longer than
eating a slice of cake. Peel and eat an orange instead of drinking orange juice.
• try keeping a written record of what you eat for a week. It can help you see
when you tend to overeat or eat foods high in fat or calories.
Make physical activity part of your
• add more activity to your life with these tips to help you get active.
• If you are overweight or have obesity, work with your health care provider or
dietitian to create a realistic weight-loss plan.
• view more weight control and physical activity resources to help you get and
stay motivated.
Get enough sleep
• If you drink alcohol external link, limit yourself to one drink per day if you are a
• 12 ounces of beer
• 5 ounces of wine
• Learning how to manage stress NIH external link, relax, and cope with problems
can improve emotional and physical health.
• Physical activity can help reduce stress, as can mind and body practices such as
meditation NIH external link, yoga NIH external link, or tai chi NIH external link.
• Your health care team may want you to test your blood glucose one or more
times a day.
• talk with your health care provider about certain blood pressure medicines,
called ace inhibitors and arbs, which may protect your kidneys.
NIH external link and naproxen NIH external link, can damage your kidneys.
• To help prevent heart attacks and stroke, keep your cholesterol levels in the
target range.
• There are two kinds of cholesterol in your blood: LDL and HDL.
• LDL or “bad” cholesterol can build up and clog your blood vessels, which can
• HDL or “good” cholesterol helps remove the “bad” cholesterol from your blood
• A cholesterol test also may measure another type of blood fat called
disease and the types of kidney diseases. Also I am sure that I gave so much of
information about kidney diseases and how serve are these diseases .Also I
believe that I also gave the preventive measures that has to be taken care to get
rid of these diseases. Even I believe that all can understand the seriousness of
these diseases. And the common measures to prevent us from kidney diseases
are as follows:
Some risk factors for kidney disease — such as age, race, or family history — are
impossible to control. However, there are measures you can take to help prevent
kidney disease:
Quit smoking