Woodlands Reglas

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Explorers of the Woodlands is a cooperative exploration and adventure game for 1 to 4 players lasting
approximately 40 minutes.

Game Summary (classic mode): During the game, players explore a forest, fight monsters, gain skills and
equipment, and try to defeat the forest boss.
The game is played in rounds until victory… or defeat!
4 red cubes (1 per player, used to 4 Plants
Components: track Heroes’ health points). 4 Spirits
6 blue cubes (1 per player and 2 for 4 Skeletons
1 rulebook the Bosses) They are used to track 4 Snakes
the amount of Orbs.
4 Hero boards 22 Forest tiles (representing places 5 Boss cards (1 for each type of
4 different Hero meeples that players explore) Monster)
23 Loot cards (9 Weapon cards and
4 6-sided red Hero dice 14 Item cards) 5 Chest markers
4 6-sided black Combat dice 3 Event markers
7 Event cards 5 Poison markers
4 Power dice as follows: 4 Hero Power cards 5 Thorns markers
4 Lair cards 4 Energy Well markers
1 6-sided purple die 1 Enraged Monsters card 1 Frost marker
1 6-sided green die X Quest markers as follows:
1 6-sided blue die 20 Monster markers: (work in progress)
1 6-sided orange die 4 Mushrooms

1 - Each player chooses their Hero and takes the corresponding Hero board, Power card and meeple along with
a cube in each color. They place each of the cubes on the following values:

Red track: Health Points ( ) – starting value: 5

Blue track: Orbs ( ) – starting value: 0

The Heroes’ Power cards are slid under each Hero board, so that they can be slid to the left.

Phase 1: You
Phase 2: Can help
can explore 1
an ally during
additional tile
combat from an
during Phase 1
adjacent, connected
(once per turn,
after the last
player’s turn).

2 - Take out the starting tile (it has a different back to make it easier to find) and the Boss tile.
Put the starting tile in the playing area within reach of all players. Then shuffle all the remaining Forest tiles.
Take 2 Forest tiles at random without looking at them. Add the Boss tile and shuffle these 3 tiles together. Put
them under the pile of Forest tiles.

Starting Tile Boss Tile

3 - Shuffle the Monster markers and put them face down near the playing area to form the Monster draw pile.

4 - Shuffle the Loot cards and put them in a pile face down and then do the same with the Event and Boss

cards, forming 3 piles (one for each type of card).

4.5 If you want to play with the Lairs mini-expansion: Shuffle the Lair cards and put them face down near the
playing area to form the Lair draw pile.

5 - Put all the game markers within reach of the players and put all the dice within easy reach of the players to
form the shared dice reserve.

6 - Let the game begin! The player who read the rules is the first player and starts the game. They start their
turn with Phase 1 (Exploration). Alternatively, you may choose the first player at random.

Game phases
Each round is composed of Phase 1: Exploration followed by Phase 2: Adventure.

Phase 1: Exploration
During the Exploration phase, the players will each take turns
revealing and placing 1 Forest tile per Hero.

Starting with the first player and moving clockwise, each player
draws a Forest tile, reveals it, and then adds it to the tiles already
in play, choosing how to position it. Each Forest tile must be
placed adjacent to a tile already in the playing area so that the
path connects to the already-present tile. If a player places their
tile adjacent to several already-present tiles, they must position
it so that as many paths as possible are connected. Players must
always try to avoid creating dead ends. If the tile cannot be
connected to the existing path, the tile is put back under the tile
draw pile and a new tile is drawn to replace it.

Example of an allowed placement: Each tile properly connects paths and allows
for movement from one tile to the next.

Once each player has played Phase 1, move on to Phase 2 (Adventure).

Phase 2: Adventure
2a) Activating Heroes
During the Adventure phase, play continues clockwise starting with
the first player. Each player becomes the active player in turn and will
roll and assign the 4 Hero dice and then control their Hero based on
the results they keep from the dice roll.

Before rolling the 4 Hero dice, the active player checks to be sure that there aren’t any Poisons to apply (see
Poisons, page X) and turns their activatable cards face up (see page X).

At the start of their turn, the active player rolls the 4 Hero dice and looks at the results.
The player may decide to keep the initial results or reroll some of the dice one time, provided they keep at least
1 die from the first roll. Once the final results have been obtained, the kept dice are put on the player’s Hero
board in the spaces matching the results; the dice cannot be rerolled after this.

A reminder is present on each die space indicating how many dice the space may contain:

: As many Hero dice of the requested value as desired can be put on this space.
: Only 1 Hero die of the requested value can be put on this space.

Example: Paul rolls 4 dice. He gets the following sides: Movement (1), Movement (3), (4) and (4). He decides to
keep only one of his (4) sides and rerolls the other 3 dice. After rerolling, he has Movement (1), Movement (1) and
Special Power (6), which he adds to the (4) from his previous roll.

Once this step is complete, the player uses the results of the dice roll to perform their actions based on the dice
they kept. Actions may be done in any order the player wishes. Each side of the dice corresponds to an action
described below:

Movement, Concentration, Special Actions, Summoning

MOVEMENT (the 1, 2, and 3 sides of the Hero dice)

For each die put on this space, the Hero may be moved to an adjacent tile.
Example: If 3 dice are placed on this space, 3 moves are possible. Discard each movement die after
it has been used. Reminder: Movements and actions may be done in any order the player wants.

As soon as a Hero moves onto a tile, they must apply the tile’s effects before they can move on to the next tile
(see Tiles, page X). A move may also trigger a battle (see Combat, page X).

High-Risk Exploration: If a player decides to move onto a space that does not
yet contain a tile, they draw, reveal and place a new tile adjacent to their current
position following tile placement rules (see page X) and making sure that at least
one path on the new tile connects to an existing path on the tile where the Hero
is located. Once the tile has been placed, the player moves their Hero to that tile
and continues their turn normally. The Hero gains 1 for each tile added to the
game in this way during this phase.

CONCENTRATION: (the 4+ sides of the Hero dice)

On this space on the Hero board, the players may put any of the 4 or higher dice from the
dice roll to earn 1 free at the end of their turn. This can be used starting on the
following turn. This can never be used during the turn in which it was obtained.

SPECIAL ACTIONS (the 5 and 6 sides of the Hero dice)

Each Hero has two unique special actions that can be used with the 5 and 6 sides of the
Hero dice. A full explanation of these special actions can be found on page X.

SUMMONING: (any side, 2 dice required)

Each Hero can assign any combination of two dice from the dice roll to
summon a Power die until the end of their turn. The two dice placed on this
space will not be available for the rest of the Hero’s turn.

A Power die obtained in this way is available for every battle during the Hero’s turn. This die is added to the
Hero’s available Combat dice and is put back in the shared dice reserve at the end of the turn. Each Power die
can only be used once per roll. For example, it is impossible to summon the green Power die and then use a
green Staff during the same battle.

Some Monsters have weaknesses, resistances or immunities to the Power dice (see page X).

Example: Xylia can use Summoning to get the green die for use during her turn by placing any 2 Hero dice from the
dice roll here. She then takes the green die from the reserve.
2b) Using Loot Cards
The Loot cards collected during the game can be used during the
Adventure phase. There are several types of Loot cards:

- Permanent Loot cards do not have icons and their effects are
always taken into account (e.g. the Heavy Armor card).

- Activatable cards have icons to clarify how they are used. Only
the active player can use them during their turn (see below).

Loot cards bearing this icon must be turned face down after they have been used. They will be available
again on that player’s next turn.

Loot cards bearing this icon must be discarded after they have been used.

Each Hero has 3 slots for Loot cards. If a player wants to collect a fourth Loot card, that card replaces one of
their current cards, which is discarded.

When two or more Heroes are on the same tile and no Monsters are present, the active player may
give one or more of their face-up items (they haven’t been used during the turn) to another Hero.

2c) The Orb Track and Using Orbs

The current position of the blue cube on your track indicates how many you currently have.

Reminder: Heroes start the game with 0 .

A Hero can never have more than 10 .

can be used to do three things:

Reroll Combat dice (see Combat, page X).

The active player can reroll 1 Combat die for each spent. cannot be used to reroll Power dice during

Make purchases from peddlers

(see the price on the peddler’s tile or card).

Spend to unlock unique Powers (see Heroes, page X):
Phase 1: You
Phase 2: Can help
can explore 1
an ally during
All Heroes have unique Powers that can be unlocked as follows: additional tile
during Phase 1
combat from an
adjacent, connected
(once per turn,
after the last

- As soon as a Hero’s track reaches 3 , the player can spend 3

player’s turn).

to get their first unique Power. If they do, they slide their Power card
to the left until the first Power is fully revealed.

- After the first Power has been unlocked, as soon as a Hero’s track
reaches 5 they can spend 5 to get their second unique Power. Heroes Power Cards.
If they do, they slide their Power card to the left until the second Power is fully revealed.


Phase 1: You Phase 1: You

Phase 2: Can help Phase 2: Can help
can explore 1 can explore 1
an ally during an ally during
additional tile additional tile
combat from an combat from an
during Phase 1 during Phase 1
adjacent, connected adjacent, connected
(once per turn, (once per turn,
tile. tile.
after the last after the last
player’s turn). player’s turn).

When all the players have played a turn, Phase 2 ends and the first player starts a new round starting with Phase 1.

There are several types of tiles. Some contain battles, treasures and other surprises. If a tile has several icons
(e.g., Thorns and Monster), always start with the topmost icon and move downwards. The meaning of each
icon on the tiles can be found below.

Treasure: When a tile with this icon is revealed and put into play, put 1 Chest marker on the tile. An
active player whose Hero is on a tile containing a Chest marker (and no Monsters) can discard this
marker to immediately draw 1 Loot card at random.

Event: When a tile with this icon is revealed and put into play, put 1 Event marker on the tile. An active
player whose Hero moves onto a tile with an Event marker on it must discard the marker and draw 1
Event card at random. The player reads the card out loud and applies its effects. If an effect says to discard or
lose elements (e.g. ) and the player doesn’t have any, nothing happens.

Monster: When this tile is revealed and put into play, a Monster appears here. For each Monster icon present
on the tile, draw 1 Monster marker at random and put it on the tile face down. When a player moves onto this
tile for the first time, the Monster markers on the tile are revealed. An active player whose Hero starts their turn on or
moves onto a tile with one or more Monster markers on it must immediately go into battle. See Combat, page X.
Boss: When this tile is revealed and put into play, a Boss appears here. Draw 1 Boss card at random and
put it on this tile face down. It will be revealed when a player moves onto this tile for the first time. An
active player whose Hero starts their turn on or moves onto a tile with a Boss on it must immediately go into
battle. See Combat, page X.

Lair: A player located on a Lair tile may enter the lair for free during their turn. If one or more other
Heroes are on the same Lair tile, they may join in and explore the lair with the active player. See the Lairs
mini-expansion, page X.

Vortex: An active player whose Hero moves onto or is located on a Vortex tile may spend 1 to be
teleported to the starting tile.

Energy Well: When this tile is revealed, put as many Energy Well markers as there are players
in the game face down on it. An active player whose Hero moves onto or is located on an Energy
Well tile without any Monsters may take 1 Energy Well marker for free. They reveal the marker,
add the amount of indicated on the marker to their total , and keep the marker near their
Hero board. Each player can only obtain 1 such marker.

Campfire: An active player whose Hero ends their turn on a Campfire tile immediately recovers all their

Thorns: When a Hero moves onto this tile, the active player immediately rolls 1 die and
consults the Thorns card; they then apply the results of the die roll. If several Heroes
move onto the tile at the same time, the results of the die roll apply to all those Heroes.

Example: Michael is controlling Bethras and moves him onto a tile with the Thorns icon (or marker).
Before he can do anything else, he must roll 1 die. He rolls a 2. Bethras is immobilized for the rest of the

Runes: Some Events may tell the players to put Monsters on these runes. Runes are also used in the
advanced rules (see page X) and in the campaign scenarios (see page X).

Peddler Tile: When a Hero moves onto this tile for the first time in the game, draw 3 Loot cards and put
them face up next to the playing area. These cards are the items that the peddler is selling. Each card
costs 3 . These Loot cards stay in place until they are bought and are not replaced after the transaction.

You can also sell Loot cards to the peddler: Discard a Loot card and take 1 for each card sold.


Power Die: Xylia can get the green Power die.

Special Actions:
Ignores Thorns during her turn. Does not apply to allies. The die stays in place throughout the player’s turn as
a reminder.

Add +1 to Xylia’s Combat dice rolls for this entire turn. The die stays in place throughout the player’s turn
as a reminder.


Power Die: Klethor can get the purple Power die.

Special Actions:
If one or more other Heroes are on the same tile as him, Klethor can take them with him when he
moves during this turn if they agree to go with him. Klethor’s allies (the other Heroes) may agree to all
or some of the possible movement(s) to move with him. The die stays in place throughout the player’s turn as a
reminder. This special action can be used to move a Hero that’s been knocked down.

Klethor dons his armor. Put the die on the space provided for it on his Hero board. The die is discarded
as soon as Klethor is attacked. This attack does not do any damage.


Power Die: Sha’Vi can get the blue Power die.

Special Actions:
Each Hero on Sha’Vi’s tile regains 1 . Discard the die after it’s been used.

Sha’Vi freezes an enemy on her tile: Put the Frost marker on the frozen enemy. The enemy does not do
damage and/or apply the “lost battle” effects after battles or retreats until the start of Sha’Vi’s next turn.
This special action can be used after a battle lost by Sha’Vi. Discard the die after it’s been used. A frozen enemy
can still be attacked. Bosses cannot be frozen.


Power Die: Bethras can get the orange Power die.

Special Actions:
Can remove one status marker (Poison, Thorns) from a Hero on his tile.

Has 1 extra Combat die for each die on this tile for this turn. Dice used in this way are discarded at the
end of the battle. Maximum: 4 dice.

As soon as a Hero is on a tile containing a Monster, a battle happens unless the Hero retreats, see below. Turn
over the Monster marker if it has not yet been revealed, and consult it to discover the Monster’s profile. There
are 5 categories of Monsters (Forest Spirits, Plants, Mushrooms, Skeletons and Snakes), each with its own

For example, the Monster above has the following profile:

You must roll a 4 or higher with any die during combat to do 1 damage to the
Monster. Dice results cannot be combined: each die represents a different attack.

If this Monster is attacked successfully two or more times during the same battle,
it is defeated. It is therefore impossible to defeat this Monster with only 1 die.

The amount of damage (here, 2) that this Monster does to the Hero if it isn’t
defeated or if the Hero decides to retreat.

Weaknesses, Resistances and Immunities

+1 Weakness (blue in this example): Add 1 to the result of the blue Power die against this Monster or Boss.

-1 Resistance (orange in this example): Subtract 1 from the result of the orange Power die against this
Monster or Boss.
Immunity (purple in this example): The purple Power die’s roll result does not count against this Monster or Boss.

In the example above, the Monster has a weakness against blue Power dice.
Example: Paul rolls a blue Power die and gets a 3. Against this Monster, the 3 is worth 4 and does 1 damage to the

The area indicates bonuses obtained if the Monster is defeated.

The area indicates the penalty if the battle is lost.

+1 In this example, if the Monster is defeated, the active player earns an .

In this example, an Event is triggered after the battle.

Finally, some Monsters have one of the special icons described below:

Special Poison Icon: This Monster spreads Poison. Losing a battle with this Monster or retreating from a
battle with this Monster poisons the Hero!
A poisoned Hero immediately takes a Poison marker and puts it on their Hero board. When a Poison marker is

on a player’s Hero board, the Hero loses 1 at the start of each of their turns (right before rolling the Hero dice
for Phase 2). Several effects (such as Antidotes and Bethras’s 5+ special action) can remove Poison markers. A
knocked-down Hero immediately discards their Poison marker if they have one.

Permanent Special Icon: This Monster marker is shuffled back into the Monster draw pile once the Monster
has been defeated.

When an active Hero goes into battle, they roll their available dice and compare the results to the Monster’s
profile. Note: Every Hero has 1 free Combat die for every battle. They can therefore always roll at least 1 die.

Example: Lara is controlling Bethras, who goes into battle against the Monster in the example above. During Phase
1, she had put 1 die on her Hero’s special action , giving her 1 extra Combat die.
She had also decided not to take a Power die for this turn. She therefore rolls 2 dice and gets a 2 with the first die
and a 5 with the second die. Since the Monster’s defense value was 4, she does 1 damage. Since this Monster has 2
, she does not win the battle. If she had defeated the Monster, she would have immediately gained 1 and would
have drawn 1 Event card.

If a Monster is not defeated in battle, it remains on its tile face up and recovers all its for the next battle. In
addition, the Monster does damage to and inflicts its penalty on the active player.
- It is possible to heal Heroes on a tile with a Monster after fighting the Monster.

When a Hero’s reach 0, the meeple is immediately laid on its side, the Hero’s status markers
(Poison, Thorns, etc.) are discarded, and the turn is over. But all is not lost for them.

- The Healing Potion item lets you give 2 back to a knocked-down Hero. In addition, you can
use a Healing Potion on any Hero on your tile.

- Another Hero can come to their aid during their turn and perform first aid. To do so, the Hero
must join the knocked-down Hero on their tile and spend as many as there are Heroes in play
plus 1. Example: Xylia is laying down after losing a battle in a 3-player game. The player controlling
Bethras can move to her tile and spend 4 (3+1).
Xylia gets up and puts her red cube on 1 .

- Sha’Vi’s 5+ action does not let you stand up a knocked-down Hero.

- Klethor’s 6 special action can be used to move a knocked-down Hero.

If the entire group is knocked down, the game is lost.

If a Monster is defeated in battle, it is discarded face up next to the Monster draw pile (unless it’s a Spirit
Monster, see Spirit Monsters).

Rerolls: In battle, an active player may spend 1 per Combat die that they want to reroll. The Power dice
cannot be rerolled in this way.
There is no limit on the number of that can be spent to reroll dice during a battle. Players cannot use their
to reroll an ally’s dice. Only the active player can reroll Combat dice in this way.

Group Combat: During Phase 2, if 2 or more Heroes are located on the same tile and a battle happens, the
non-active players roll their Combat dice to support the active player. Non-active players cannot use their
Power dice and cards (except for permanent items) to support the active player.

Example: Max and Thomas are on the same tile. Max, the active player, goes into battle against a Monster. He rolls
his Combat dice as usual. In addition, Thomas rolls his Combat die and 1 die for his Mace. Each die with a value
equal to or greater than the Monster’s defense value does 1 damage.

During battle, all allied players can only take a maximum of 1 damage each. Only the active player takes all
damage inflicted by the enemy. In addition, only the Hero controlled by Max suffers the Monster’s penalty.
Finally, bonuses given by Monsters can be distributed among players who took part in the battle on the tile.

Example: Max and Thomas are on the same tile and have just defeated a Monster with a +2 bonus for victory in
battle. They may each take 1 or decide which of the two Heroes gets the 2 .

Group Battles and Heroes’ Powers:

- If Klethor’s Power is unlocked, he can reroll his Combat dice by using his Power even if he is not the active
- Xylia’s second Power lets her help the active player even from one tile away. When she does, Xylia cannot lose
or receive bonuses after the battle.

Retreat: If a Hero has the required moves available, they can leave a tile containing a Monster. Heroes can
retreat before a battle or after a battle. When a player retreats from battle, they lose the number of inflicted
by the Monster’s Attack points and apply the Monster’s penalty (if any). If the Hero retreats after a lost battle,
the Hero suffers the Monster’s attack and penalty a second time.

Groups of Monsters: If several Monsters are on the same tile, the active player always starts by battling the
Monster with the lowest defense score (indicated on the Monster’s shield). If several Monsters have the same
defense value, the active player chooses which Monster to battle first. The dice are rolled again for the next

Combat (Bosses)
As soon as a Hero is on a tile with a Boss, a battle must happen. If one or
more Monsters are present on the same tile as a Boss, they must be fought
before going into battle against the Boss. Watch out! Bosses are much
tougher adversaries than Monsters!

Bosses’ profiles are similar to Monsters’ profiles, with two main additions:

-a threat track
-a combat skills area

Threat Track:
When a Boss card is revealed, immediately put a blue cube on the first space of the Boss’s threat track to show
the Boss’s threat level.

The threat level can change in three ways:

- After each player’s turn while the Boss is still alive, move the cube on the Boss’s threat track one space to the right.
- After every round while the Boss is still alive, move the cube one space to the right on the threat track.
- Some game effects also trigger movement on the Boss’s threat track, for example the Boss’s 6th combat skill below.

Be careful! As soon as the blue cube on the threat track reaches the last available space, the battle is lost!

Bosses’ Combat Skills

Before each battle against a Boss, the active player must roll 1 die and apply the results described on the Boss’s
profile card to know what the Boss’s combat skill is.

Example Boss Profile Card:

The combat skills of the above Boss are as follows:
1- Add an enemy to the tile.
2- In this battle, this Boss is immune to the blue Power die.
3- In this battle, this Boss is immune to the green Power die.
4- In this battle, this Boss is immune to the purple Power die.
5- In this battle, this Boss is immune to the orange Power die.
6- The Boss steals 1 from each Hero taking part in the battle; this also
increases Boss’s threat level (see above) by the amount stolen.

Other Bosses have the following combat skills:

5 If this combat skill is activated, the shield indicated in the combat skill replaces the Boss’s usual shield for
the current turn.

1 If this combat skill is activated, this Boss immediately does 1 damage to each Hero on the Boss’s tile.

+1 If this combat skill is activated, the Boss’s threat level (see above) immediately increases by 1.

If this combat skill is activated, each Hero on the Boss’s tile must turn over one of their equipped cards bearing
this icon. These cards are therefore not available for the full round. If that’s not possible, nothing happens.

If this combat skill is activated, roll 1 die and consult the results on the Thorns card as usual.

Put a Leaf Shield marker on this Boss. The first time an attack on this Boss is
successful, the Leaf Shield marker absorbs the damage and is destroyed. This Boss
can have several Leaf Shield markers.

Solo Games
To play Explorers of the Woodlands solo, use a two-Hero team. Rounds progress in the same way as in a two-
player game.

Advanced Rules: Enraged Monsters

After you’ve played a few games, we recommend adding the Enraged Monsters
card to your games. This card indicates the Enraged ability of each Monster,
modifying the Monsters’ abilities.

Spirit Monsters: Enraged Spirit Monsters are put back into play immediately after they’ve been
defeated the first time. They must be fought a second time right away. If the Monster is defeated again
in the second battle, it is then discarded and not put back in the pile.

Snake Monsters: Enraged Snake Monsters poison every Hero on their tile that takes part in a battle
against them, no matter how the battle ends.

Skeleton Monsters: You cannot reroll Combat dice against enraged Skeleton Monsters.

Plant Monsters: Enraged Plant Monsters have a Leaf Shield. When this Monster appears on a tile,
immediately put a Leaf Shield token on their marker. The first time an attack on this Monster is
successful, the Leaf Shield marker absorbs the damage and is destroyed.

Mushroom Monsters: Enraged Mushroom Monsters always attack first and do damage no matter
how the battle ends.

Game Variant: Enraged Monsters

If you want to lower the difficulty level with Enraged Monsters, apply the rule below.
Each Monster has an Enraged ability that is only triggered if the Monster is on a tile with a rune in the
Monster’s color.

Mini-Expansion: Lairs

A player located on a Lair tile may enter the lair for free during their turn. If one or more other
Heroes are on the same Lair tile, they may join in and explore the lair with the active player.

If a player decides to enter a Lair:

Draw and reveal a Lair A card and read its introduction and its special rule. Then draw and reveal a Lair B card
and put the two cards together to create a Lair.
The A cards represent the Lair The B cards represent the Lair’s
entrance and are composed of: exit and are composed of:
1 1 an Introduction 5 dice roll spaces
2 a Special Rule that applies 6 the next spaces on the
to the entire Lair (each Lair progress track
consists of an A card and a B 7 the bonuses from the Lair
3 card) 8 the Lair penalty
5 3 spaces to hold dice roll
4 the first space on the
progress track After the first
6 Event is done, the player(s)
4 move on to the B card.
7 8
To complete a Lair, a set number of Events (3) must be completed.

For each Event, roll 1 die and put it on the corresponding space (1, 2 or 3 depending on how much progress
you’ve made). Then consult the associated Event. Once the Event is over:

- If it was successful: Reroll the die and repeat the operation until you’ve completed the number of Events
indicated on the Progress track.

- If it was a failure: Your adventure in this Lair ends immediately. Apply the penalties described on the B card.
This Lair is no longer available.
Some Events indicate changes to the Progress track. When they do, move the die as indicated and continue
exploring the Lair.

In all cases, once you’ve finished exploring the Lair, apply the possible bonuses or penalties and then discard the
cards making up the Lair. These cards are inaccessible for the rest of the game.
Campaign Mode

Game Design: Geoffrey Wood
Illustrations: Jiahui Eva Gao
Graphic Design: From the Woods Studio

Thank you to everyone who helped me proofread the rules, tested the game, and provided constructive
feedback. Raph R, Eugénie, June, Matthis G, Sunday, Tien, Lara A, Romain L, Rodolphe C, Tom V, Brieuc F,
Maxime M, Charles B, Chris & Laura, Alexis B, Théo R, Laura & Olivier

Thank you to the entire Matagot team and Michael from Meeple on Board Vanguard as well for their fantastic
work, and to our partner editors for the versions in other languages!


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