History of Philippine Literature

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History of Philippine Literature

Name the authors and literary works that shaped the
literary repertoire of the Philippines.
Sequence historical and cultural events in to show how
each period developed.


An Essay by Marlon T. Salvador


The essay gives us an overview of how Philippine

literature shaped and was shaped by our country’s
cultural traditions and socio-political histories. It
outlines the journey of Philippine literature through
different periods: Precolonial era, Spanish colonial
period, American colonial period, Japanese colonial
period, Martial Law regime, and the Contemporary

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If you could go back in time, what time and place would you visit? Why?

It is undeniable that no has read the duology book, Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo of our national hero Dr. Jose Rizal. Ever since 9th grade, when we
were tackling about it, it made me so interested to know every single detail part
of it, If I could in real -life. So, if I were given a chance to go back in time and place,
I would like it to be in the time where Dr. Jose Rizal exists. There is no profound
reason for this, it’s just that, I would love to experience and see it for myself the
time where my definition of the tagalog word ‘sinaunang panahon’ will come to
life. It may seem difficult to go back in time when Dr. Jose Rizal existed as we know
it is when the impending war against the Spaniard occurred and where the
revolution started. It encapsulated in my mind the texts I read, imagining what
really happened that time. The thought of tracing all the characters and places in
the book to real-life just hits different.


Literary period is basically defined as a span of time for literature that

shares intellectual, linguistic, religious, and artistic influences. In Philippine
context, describing the evolving patterns of our literary heritage prompts us to
recount also the socio-cultural milieu that produced it in the process. Philippine
historical and literary periods are: Precolonial Period, Spanish Colonial Period,
American Colonial Period, Japanese Regime, Martial Law Period, and
Contemporary Period.

Precolonial Period: The Philippines already had its own rich literary tradition,
written and oral, long before the Spaniards came. This oral literary tradition in
particular plays a crucial role in reproducing the structure of native society
(Quiros, 2019).

Spanish Colonial Period: Literature during this period may be classified as

religious prose and poetry, and secular prose and poetry (Godinez-Ortega). This
period also includes literature produced by the Propaganda Movement.

American Colonial Period: The introduction of free public instruction for all
children of school age, and the use of English as medium of instruction in all levels
of education in public schools encouraged literary production during this period

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Japanese Colonial Period: Philippine Literature was interrupted in its
development during this period. Philippine Literature in English came to a halt,
and most publications in English were stopped. The use of Filipino language was
also mandated.

Contemporary Period: The flowering of Philippine literature in the various

languages continues especially with the appearance of new publications after the
Martial Law years and the resurgence of committed literature in the 1960s and
the 1970s. Commission on Higher Education mandated the teaching of Philippine
Literature in all tertiary schools in the country emphasizing the teaching of the
vernacular literature or literatures of the regions (Godinez-Ortega).

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USE READING SKILLS: Analyze Sequence of Events

Sequence of events refers to the order of events as they happen. As you

read the essay, keep track of the sequence of events by completing the Sequence
Map below. Draw the order of events as they are explained. Include a short caption
under each image.

Sequence Map

oral literature like epics

and folksongs were chanted

1. In the Pre-colonial period, 2. Early forms of poetry 3. Literatures existing in

our forefathers had already consists of two lines of puzzle Philippines were destroyed by
their own literature called that rhyme and early drama conquerors. Pasyon by Gaspar
'oral literature'. Negritos, was in the form of paganistic Aquino de Belen replaced the
Indons, and Malays rituals led by babaylan. old epics. Literatures this time
contributed a lot to these. was filled with Spanish
influence like metrical
romance such as Florante at

4. The literary works in this 5. Numerous novels 6. When Rizal was captured,
time is mostly based on the supporting the propaganda many papers were formed to
Christian beliefs brought upon movement have been born campaign for freedom.
by the Spaniards such as the such as Ninay, Noli Me
Cenaculo and Santacruzan. Tangere, El Filibusterismo,
Dasalan, at Tocsolan.

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7. When America took over 8. Haiku became popular when 9. The Declaration of Martial
Philippines, the educational the outbreak of the World War Law affected the writers to
system changed. As a result, II caused scarcity of paper continue flourish as they
Filipino writers bagan writing since it only consists of three continue bringing social
in English. lines and a total of 17 syllables. reform and practicing their
freedom of expression.

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An Essay by Marlon T. Salvador

Before the Spaniards came to the Philippines,

Analyze Literature
our forefathers had already their own
literature, which can be described as oral
because they were handed down by word Literary Periods: Describe
of mouth from one generation to another. the kind of literature
The vagrant Negritoes contributed songs produced in precolonial times.
and superstitious beliefs. They did not have Identify also the contributions
a system of government unlike the Indons of the Negritoes, Indons, and
who brought literary genres or forms like Malays to the literary heritage
of the Philippines.
folktales, epics, paganistic faith, and
legends. The Malays contributed the
Oral literature was the existing
baybayin, the syllabary with seventeen literature produced in
symbols. They also brought legends, precolonial times because they
folktales, the “balangay” system of were handed down by word of
government, and the brief statements of mouth from generations.
practical wisdom called proverbs which are Negritoes contributed songs
based on long experience about life. and superstitious beliefs,
Indons brought literary genres
like folktales, epics, paganistic
faith and legends and Malays
contributed the baybayin.
Puzzles that usually consist of two lines that
rhyme called riddles are considered as the
early forms of poetry, which is now Culture Note
developed in various forms that usually Riddle or bugtong abounds in
appear in stanzas. Early drama, now many ethnolinguistic groups
performed onstage, was in the form of in the Philippines. Give one
paganistic rituals led by babaylan, a priest example of riddle from your
or priestess. culture or group.
Cebuano Tigmo
When the Spaniards set their feet on the “Baboy sa lasang, ang tunok
Philippine soil, they found out that puro lansang”
literature had been existing in two - nangka

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Use Reading Skills
forms: prose and poetry. The riddles, proverbs
and sayings were in the form of poetry , while Analyze Sequence of Events
the legends, fables and folktales were in Use the Sequence Map to write
prose. The conquerors destroyed written four events that occur on this
page of the essay. Write each
literature in perishable materials because
event in a complete sentence.
they believed that these were the handicraft
of evil. Later, the printing press was set up
and Doctrina Christiana was the first output
in 1593. The pasyon, which relates the life Note the Facts
and death of Christ, was used to replace
the old epics. The most popular of this type What literary genres or forms became
was Gaspar Aquino de Belen. There also popular during the Spanish Colonial
born forms of metrical romance of
European origin, namely: awit and corrido,
The most popular literature genres
examples of which are the Florante at Laura became popular during Spanish Colonial
and Ang Alamat ng Ibong Adarna. Period relates the life and death of Christ.
The most popular of such type was
The first printed literary work in Tagalog Gaspar Aquino de Belen. There also born
was the poem May Bagyo Ma’t May Rilim forms of metrical romance of European
(1605) while the first known published origin, namely: awit and corrido,
prose was in the form of letter, the examples of which are the Florante at
Ang Pagsusulatan ng Dalawang Binibini Laura and Ang Alamat ng Ibong Adarna.
na sina Urbana at Feliza by Modesto de
Castro. Meanwhile, the first recorded epic Analyze Literature
(only in 1889) was the Biag ni Lam-ang
among the Christian Ilokos. They noticed Literary Periods: Name authors and
their literary works during Spanish
that Filipinos were fond of plays so they
Colonial Period.
began to stage the Cenaculo, which depicts
• Florante at Laura
the life and passion of Christ; the
• Ang Alamat ng Ibong Adarna
Santacruzan, which portrays Reyna Elena’s • May Bagyo Ma’t May Rilim (1605)
search for the cross where Christ died; • Modesto de Castro- Ang Pagsusulatan
and others. ng Dalawang Binibini na sina Urbana
at Feliza
• Biag ni Lam-ang
In 1872, the three priest-martyrs were
• Pedro Paterno – Ninay
executed. From then, a clamor for change
• Jose Rizal- Noli Me Tangere and El
against Spanish abuses began to bloom. Filibusterismo
The event anchored the launching of the • Marcolo H. Del Pilar- Dasalan at
Propaganda Movement in Spain that aimed Tocsohan
to clarify issues, denounce abuses and
injustices, and refute accusations. Its
newspaper La Solidaridad became the organ
that projected the views of the group where

CASS-DELL | Literature of the Philippines 7

essay found its place. Meanwhile, in 1885,
Pedro Paterno published the first novel
Ninay which awakened national
Use Reading Skills
consciousness. It became the precedent for
Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere and its sequel, the Analyze Sequence of Events
El Filibusterismo. Marcelo H. del Pilar’s Use the Sequence Map to write
Dasalan at Tocsohan is considered as his five events that occur on this
most daring work against the friars. page. Write each event in a
complete sentence.
When Rizal was captured and exiled in
Dapitan, the Katipunan was formed with
its paper Kalayaan where Katapusang Note the Facts
Hibik ng Pilipinas and Pag-ibig sa
Tinubuang Lupa were printed to campaign
What poems were published
for freedom. by the Katipunan during the
Spanish Colonial Period?
In 1899, the Spaniards formally turned
The poems were Katapusang
over the Philippines under the governance
of America in conformity with the Treaty Hibik ng Pilipinas and Pag-ibig
of Paris. The first group of American Sa Tinubuang Lupa.
teachers known as Thomasites who were
aboard a ship named Thomas, arrived and
brought changes to the educational system.
Hence, Filipino writers began writing in Note the Facts
English because The Philippine Free Press
What event ended Spanish Rule in the
(1905) and the College Folio (UP school organ,
1910) had been circulated.
It was the Treaty of Paris when the
The outbreak of the World War II caused the Spaniards formally turned over the
scarcity of paper. In this period, the haiku Philippines under the Governance of
became popular because it does not need much America.
space for it only contains three lines and a total
of seventeen syllables. Analyze Literature

Literary Periods: Which

The Declaration of Martial Law in 1972 greatly
literary period is considered
affected literature. From this period to the the Golden Age of Filipino
present, writers and different artists continue to literature where in writing in
flourish with the aim of bringing social reform English was prohibited and
and subscribing to freedom of expression. writers in Filipino and in
All this just proves that the history of a nation vernacular languages
affects its literature. flourished?

Japanese Colonial Period_

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Name: Chirrelyn N. Sunio_ Subject: Literature of the Philippines

Yr/Cr/Sec: 3 BSMA-B Date: February 27, 2022


A. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is considered the earliest form of drama in Philippine

literary history?
A. folksongs C. cenaculo
B. rituals D. legends

2. Which historical and literary period in the Philippines is considered the Epic
A. Precolonial C. American
B. Spanish D. Contemporary

3. Which of the following is the Christian epic which talks about the life and
suffering of Christ?
A. pasyon C. bodabil
B. cenaculo D. awit

4. Which of the following is NOT a product of the Spanish period?

A. Doctrina Christiana C. Footnote to Youth
B. Dasalan at Tocsohan D. Urbana at Feliza

5. Who among the following propagandists used the pen name Plaridel?
A. Marcelo H. del Pilar C. Jose P. Rizal
B. Pedro Paterno D. Graciano Lopez Jaena

6. Which of the following is NOT a work of Jose Rizal?

A. Noli Me Tangere C. Sa Aking Mga Kabata
B. El Filibusterismo D. Ninay

7. Who wrote Katapusang Hibik ng Pilipinas and Pag-ibig sa Tinubuang Lupa?

A. Marcelo H. del Pilar C. Pedro Paterno

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B. Andres Bonifacio D. Apolinario Mabini

8. Who among the following are the first American teachers in the Philippines?
A. Dominicans C. Thomasites
B. Augustinians D. Jesuits

9. Which of the following did NOT emerge during the Pre-Spanish period?
A. Haiku C. Proverbs
B. Folksongs D. Riddles

10. Which of the proverbs does NOT talk about hypocrisy?

A. She seems to be a saint, but her heart is naughty.
B. The ant is where the sugar is.
C. When she turns her back she looks like a virgin, but when she faces you
she looks like a ‘sigbin’.
D. It is hard to wake a person who pretends to be asleep.

B. Identify the period of Philippine literature which is characterized by items 1-10.

Write the letter on your answer on the space provided before each number.

A. Precolonial B. Spanish C. American D. Japanese E. Contemporary

A Literature was handed down by word of mouth.

B Pre-colonial epics were changed.
A First work of prose was written.
D Short story flourished.
B There were metrical romances.
B There were religious and rebellious literatures.
D The short poem of three lines was known.
_____8. Liwayway magazine was under strict supervision.
E Filmmaking has become the most popular art form.
_____10. There are vast literary works in different literary forms.

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Name: Chirrelyn N. Sunio_ Subject: Literature of the Philippines
Yr/Cr/Sec: 3 BSMA-B Date: February 27, 2022

USE READING SKILLS: Analyze Sequence of Events

1. Review the Sequence Map you created. Briefly retell the sequence of events in
writing as they occur.

In the Pre-colonial period, our forefathers had already their own literature
called 'oral literature'. Negritos, Indons, and Malays contributed a lot to these. The
early forms of poetry consist of two lines of puzzle that rhyme and early drama
was in the form of paganistic rituals led by babaylan. In the Spanish Colonial
Period, the literatures existing in Philippines were destroyed by conquerors.
Pasyon by Gaspar Aquino de Belen replaced the old epics. Literatures this time
was filled with Spanish influence like metrical romance such as Florante at Laura
and in the Alamat ng Ibong Adarna. Some of the literary works in this time is
mostly based on the Christian beliefs brought upon by the Spaniards such as the
Cenaculo and Santacruzan. In the times of the propaganda movement numerous
novels made by influential people have been born such as Ninay by Pedro Paterno,
Noli Me Tangere, El Filibusterismo, Dasalan, at Tocsolan by Marcelo H. Del Pilar.
When Rizal was captured, many papers were formed to campaign for freedom.
When the Treat of Paris was signed, the America took over Philippines, the
educational system changed. As a result, Filipino writers bagan writing in English.
During the Japanese colonization period, haiku became popular when the
outbreak of the World War II caused scarcity of paper since it only consists of three
lines and a total of 17 syllables. The Declaration of Martial Law affected the writers
to continue flourish as they continue bringing social reform and practicing their
freedom of expression.

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2. After looking into the events that shaped Philippine literary landscape, we may
find that we have become a society of various or heterogeneous traditions. Is this
an advantage or disadvantage? Explain your answer.

It is natural for our country which is made up of hundreds of islands, to

have a diverse culture and traditions. We've also had a lot of colonization, with
each country leaving us with different traditions, cultures, and literary styles.
Because there are so many things to look at and understand, being a country with
a rich culture and heritage is an advantage. There are a lot of facts that are known
about us. But what good would it be if most of us aren't familiar with our own
literature? Learning will become dull if these civilizations, these literary
masterpieces can only be observed in textbooks. In light of this, I don't believe that
having a society with many customs, culture, and literary styles is advantageous.
Especially when the current generation has not been well introduced to it. I think
the government’s effort, our society’s effort to keeping these traditions alive is still
not enough to keep our fellow Filipino interested. What I would suggest to keeping
our traditions alive is through libraries open on our communities. As I observed,
libraries are most likely forgotten by some local government. This is one of many
issues that I believe our administration has failed to solve. To recapitulate, living
in a community with many different traditions will only be a disadvantage if
citizens are not properly introduced to and educated about them since they will
fade away with time.

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