Instruction Sheet Aluminum Shearbolt Connector

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Instruction Sheet

Aluminum ShearBolt Connector 05 JUL 06 Rev D

Shear Bolts (4)

Typical for Both Conductor Ends

Straight Conductor
Cut Insulation

Shear Bolts (6)


Connector Body Length

(Refer to Table)

NOTE: Not to Scale


in. [mm] RANGE in. [mm] SIZES in. [mm]
CATALOG NUMBER [mm] in. [mm] in. [mm]

2 AWG 4/0 AWG

3.9 1.22 11/16 Compact Stranded .268-.681 Standard Stranded
ASBS-2C-350 1.87 [47.6]
[100] [31] [17] to 350 kcmil [6.8-17.3] .528 [13.4]
Standard Stranded Diameter

350 kcmil 600 kcmil

6 1.52 3/4 Compact Stranded .616-.998 Compact Stranded
ASBS-350C-750 2.87 [73]
[152] [39] [19] to 750 kcmil [15.6-25.3] .813 [20.6]
Standard Stranded Diameter

600 kcmil 750 kcmil

8 1.75 7/8 Compact Stranded .813-1.152 Standard Stranded
ASBS-600C-1000 3.87 [98.4]
[203] [44.4] [22] to 1000 kcmil [20.6-29.2] .998 [25.3]
Standard Stranded Diameter

Figure 1
1. INTRODUCTION NOTE ShearBolt Connectors are designed to be

compatible will all Raychem cable accessories

This instruction sheet provides installation procedures and insulation products. For other applications,
for Aluminum ShearBolt Connectors ASBS–2C–350, please consult the manufacturer's installation
ASBS–350C–750, and ASBS–600C–1000 as shown instructions for compatibility.
in Figure 1. The aluminum shearbolt connector can
be used for Al–Al (aluminum–aluminum) and Al–Cu Reasons for reissue of this instruction sheet are
(aluminum–copper) applications. provided in Section 3, REVISION SUMMARY.

NOTE Dimensions in these instructions are in imperial

units [with metric units in brackets]. Figures are 2. INSTALLATION PROCEDURES

for reference only and are not drawn to scale.

2.1. Cable Preparation

To obtain information on energy products,
visit the Tyco Electronics Energy website at NOTE DO NOT use a conductor that has been previously terminated.

E 2006 Tyco Electronics Corporation, Harrisburg, PA ENERGY CUSTOMER CENTER 1-800-327-6996 This controlled document is subject to change. 1 of 2
All International Rights Reserved PRODUCT INFORMATION 1-800-522-6752 For latest revision and Regional Customer Service,

Tyco and Raychem are trademarks. *Trademark visit our website at LOC B
Other products, logos, and company names used are the property of their respective owners.
Aluminum ShearBolt Connector 408-8990

1. Ensure that each conductor end has a straight NOTE In case of two different conductor sizes, we

(right–angle) cut. Strip both conductor ends to the recommend to first insert the larger conductor

dimensions shown in Figure 1. into the connector barrel.

For Raychem HVS product applications, the strip

NOTE NOTE In case of Raychem HVS product applications,

length must be reduced by .125 in. [3.1 mm] to insert conductors so that insulation butts up

eliminate any gap between connector and against the end of connector.

3. Bolts are tightened in a three–step process:
2. Using a wire brush dedicated for use on
aluminum or copper conductors, thoroughly clean i) Hand–tighten the bolts to firmly grip
the bare surface strands of each conductor, then: conductors in place. Follow the tightening
sequence shown in Figure 2. Use the same
— for aluminum conductors, immediately apply an sequence when installing a four–bolt connector.
oxidation inhibiting compound to the conductors
to prevent reformation of insulation oxides ii) Using a wrench with a hexagonal socket,
tighten the bolts one to one and a half turns,
— for copper conductors, no oxidation inhibiting repeating the sequence in the previous step.
compound is required Bolts should remain unsheared. Prevent core
bending by using a holding tool (part number
2.2. Connector Installation 188072–000 or equivalent) as shown in
1. Determine conductor sizes that have to be Figure 2.
connected. Remove or keep inserts according to iii) Repeat the sequence (above), tightening
each application (see table in Figure 1 for details). each bolt until the head of the bolt shears off.
If insert removal is required, use a small
screwdriver to lift the insert from the connector 4. Smooth sharp edges of protruding bolts (use a
body. file for deburring bolt edges).
DO NOT remove inhibitor contained inside the
connector. 3. REVISION SUMMARY
2. Back out all bolts to give clearance for the S Updated document to corporate requirements
conductor in the connector body. Insert the S Changed dimension information in Figure 1
conductors into the connector until the conductor S Added new NOTES to Paragraphs 2.1.1 and
ends butt against the center stop of the connector. 2.2.2

Tightening Sequence

5 4
Head of Bolt

Sheared Off

3 6 Holding Tool

(Part Number


Figure 2

2 of 2 Rev D

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