TC906D Eclipse™ Series: Intelligent Duct Smoke Detector and DNRECL Housing
TC906D Eclipse™ Series: Intelligent Duct Smoke Detector and DNRECL Housing
TC906D Eclipse™ Series: Intelligent Duct Smoke Detector and DNRECL Housing
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The Honeywell Eclipse™ Series Duct Smoke Detector sam-
ples air currents passing through a duct and gives dependable
performance for shutdown of fans, blowers and air conditioning
systems — preventing the spread of toxic smoke and fire
gases through the protected area. The Eclipse TC906D Series
Photoelectric Air Duct Smoke Detectors are capable of sens-
ing smoke in air velocities from 300 to 4000 feet per minute • Continuous sensitivity monitoring from the panel.
(91.44 to 1219 meters per minute). The Eclipse Series duct
housing has a twist-in, twist-out head for quick and easy clean- • Intelligent photo isolator head with twist-in/twist-out
ing or application changes without removing the duct housing. removal.
• Easy to clean.
The Honeywell Eclipse Series of intelligent fire sensors utilize
a peer-to-peer, all digital protocol that provides faster device • Meets requirements for UL 268A.
response time with more flexibility than ever possible before. In • Transparent cover for convenient visual inspection.
addition, this digital, peer-to-peer protocol is more resilient • Outputs for remote LED display, remote test.
than other types of systems because of its significantly high
• No auxiliary power needed.
noise immunity. The Eclipse Series is compatible with the Hon-
eywell XLS-ELCM-320 Eclipse Loop Control Module and the • Powered outputs for remote LED and remote test.
Honeywell XLS-ELEM-320 Eclipse Loop Expander Module. • Remote test station and remote annunciator accessories.
When used with the XLS3000 Fire Alarm Control Panel • Communicate with devices via hand-held wireless configu-
(FACP), the Eclipse system distributes intelligence to the net- ration tool.
worked devices. In fact, Eclipse turns every networked device
into a peer capable of generating messages readable by the Specifications
entire system. Additionally, with Eclipse, no special communica-
tion cables are required, making it ideal for retrofit applications. Models: TC906D1006 Eclipse Series Intelligent Duct Smoke
Detector; DNRECL Eclipse Series Intelligent Duct Smoke
All of these sensors have on-board short-circuit isolators to Detector Housing. Detector and housing meet UL 268A stan-
prevent shorts on the signaling line circuit (SLC) from disabling dards.
all devices on the intelligent loop.
This intelligent sensor communicates and is continuously mon-
itored through the communication line. Detector sensitivity Temperature rating: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C).
changes caused by dirt, temperature, or humidity are reported Humidity rating: 10% to 93% RH, non-condensing.
to the panel allowing compensation algorithms to maintain the
sensor’s set sensitivity. An advance indication at the panel Duct air velocity rating: 300 to 4000 ft/min. (91.44 to 1219 m/
specifies the sensor address allowing for selected mainte- min.).
nance to be performed as needed. Dimensions: 5.0" (127 mm) wide x 14.5" (368 mm) high x
Remote alarm annunciation can be accomplished by using the 4.0" (102 mm) deep.
RA100Z Remote Annunciator, or the RTS151 or RTS151KEY SLC compatibility: XLS-ELCM-320 and XLS-ELEM-320
Remote Test Station. These devices allow testing of the detec- Eclipse Loop Control/Expander Modules.
tor from a remote location.
Shipping weight (with DNRECL): 1.6 lbs (0.73 kg).
The Eclipse Series is designed for simplified installation and
easy maintenance. Refer to NFPA 72 and 90A for additional DNRECL HOUSING:
duct smoke detector application information. Electrical ratings (using no accessories): Power supply
voltage: 14 to 30 VDC. Standby current: 360 μA maximum.
CONFIGURATION TOOL Alarm current: 7 mA maximum at 24 VDC (LEDs on).
The EA-CT is a remote control which communicates with
Temperature rating: -4°F - 158°F (-20°C to 70°C).
Eclipse devices via infrared signals at line-of-sight distances
up to 30 feet (9 meters). The remote control provides the user Alarm response time: 30 seconds.
with the ability to communicate with the panel and other Power-up time: 2 seconds.
devices through any selected device on the loop. The EA-CT
can read device information such as type, loop, and address Self-test initiation time: 1 second.
along with set loop, address, branch, and service date. It can Accessory current loads @ 24 VDC: For RA100Z: Standby
also initiate a walk test and a device test. The EA-CT features 0 mA, Alarm 4.6 mA maximum. For RTS151/RTS151KEY:
a 16-character liquid crystal display and a 17-button keypad. Standby 0 mA, Alarm 4.6 mA maximum.
Terminal connections: strip and clamp suitable for 18 AWG
Features to 2 AWG (0.821 mm² to 3.31 mm²) wiring.
• Built-in isolation.
• Air velocity rating from 300 to 4000 feet per minute (91.44 to
Temperature rating: 32°F to 122° F (0°C to 50°C).
1219 meters per minute).
• Operates from the control panel communication line. Humidity rating: 10% to 90% RH, non-condensing.
Communication range: Up to 30 ft. (9 m). EA-CT: Eclipse Series configuration tool (two “AA” batteries
Battery life: 168 hours (typical usage). required, not included).
NOTE: Inlet tube (DST-___, below) is required and must be pur-
Dimensions: 2.25" (57 mm) wide x 1.313" (33 mm) high x
chased separately. Order one inlet tube for each duct smoke
7.75" (197 mm) deep. detector ordered.
DST1(A): Metal sampling tube duct width up to 1 ft (0.3m)
Agency Listings and Approvals
DST1.5(A): Metal sampling tube duct widths up to 1 ft to 2 ft
The listings and approvals below apply to the Eclipse Series (0.3 to 0.6 m)
Intelligent Duct Smoke Detector and Housing. In some cases,
certain modules or applications may not be listed by certain DST3(A): Metal sampling tube duct widths up to 2 ft to 4 ft (0.6
approval agencies, or listing may be in process. Consult fac- to 1.2 m)
tory for latest listing status. DST5(A): Metal sampling tube duct widths up to 4 ft to 8 ft (1.2
• UL: S1196. to 2.4 m)
• ULC: .S6959 DST10(A): Metal sampling tube duct widths up to 8 ft to 12 ft
• CSFM: 7272-1130:0281. (2.4 to 3.7 m)
• MEA: 7-05-E Vol. 2. RA100Z(A): Remote annunciator alarm LED.
• FM approved. RTS151(A): Remote test station. Mounts in single-gang box.
• City of Chicago. Includes red alarm LED and magnet test switch.
RTS151KEY(A): Key-activated remote test station.
Product Line Information P48-21-00: Replacement end cap for metal sampling tube.
NOTE: “A or “CDN” suffix indicates ULC listed model. ETX: Metal exhaust tube duct, width 1 ft (0.3 m).
TC906D1006(CDN): Eclipse Series intelligent duct smoke M02-04-00: Test magnet.
detector head.
DNRECL: Eclipse Series intelligent duct smoke detector hous-
ing. Order TC906D1006(CDN) seperately.
This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific
applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice.
Eclipse™ is a registered trademark of Honeywell International Inc.
©2012 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this document is strictly prohibited.