Admin and Dev Interview Questions01

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Q1. What are the types of Sandboxes?

1. Developer Sandbox

● It copy only configuration from the production environment.

● It won’t copy real time data.
● We can test the configuration changes with sample data
● Sample data limit is 200mb
● Refresh time interval is one day
● If we refresh all the sandbox contents will be replaced with production contents

2. Developer Pro Sandbox

● Copy configuration from the production environment.

● No real time data
● Sample data limit is 1GB
● Refresh time interval one day

3. Partial Data Sandbox

● Copy configuration from the production environment.

● Copy certain amount of real time data
● Real time data limit is 5GB
● For each table it can copy maximum of 10k records
● Refresh interval 5 days

4. Full Sandbox

● It is exact replica of the production

● Copy both configuration and entire real time data from the production
● Refresh time interval 29 days

Q2. What is the different between List and Set?

List is an order collection and Set is an unordered collection
List has index number and Set doesn’t have index number.

Q3. What is cloud computing?

Cloud Computing is nothing but the related to cloud that’s mean your data in cloud and when ever you want to access
your data you can access you data from any where with any device.
Example: Gmail

Q4. What is Salesforce?

Salesforce is a cloud computing and that provides a web based tool called Salesforce.
Example: SAAS (Software As A Service)
Providing Sales, Marketing and Call Center applications as a service

Q5. What is Production?

Production called live environment where we cannot do any changes.

Q6. What are the uses of Record Type?

Record types allow you to offer different business processes, picklist values, and page layouts to different
users based on their profiles. 
Example: Suppose we have 2-department 1.Hr Department and 2.Finance Department
Need to complete

Q7. What are the collections?

In Salesforce there is 3 type of collection
1. List
2. Set
3. Map

Q8. What are the types of Report?

In Salesforce there is 4 types of report
1. Tabular
2. Summary
3. Matrix
4. Joined

Q9. What are the uses of custom controller and standard controller?

Custom Controller:
Custom controller is an apex class that is used to implement business logic of visualforce page without
standard functionality

Standard Controller:
Standard controllers can provide all the functionality you need for a Visualforce page because they include the
same logic that is used for a standard page. For example, if you use the standard Accounts controller, clicking
a Save button in a Visualforce page results in the same behavior as clicking Save on a standard Account edit

Q10. Why we cannot use custom controller for custom object?

Q11. How to create custom report?

Q12. What is the difference between ISBLACK and ISNULL?

● ISBLANK () supports both number as well as text data types.
● ISNULL () works only for number data type fields.
● ISNULL () won't support TEXT data type fields because text fields never become null.

Q13. What is the architecture of Salesforce?

● MVC called Architecture of Salesforce. MVC stands for Model, View, and Controller.
● Model - It is the Database, which stores Meta-Data (Data about Data) --> Apps, Tabs, sObjects,
fields, Apex Classes, Visualforce pages, etc.
● View - It is the user interface (Apps, Tabs, Page Layouts, Fields and Record Types)
● Controller - Business Logic (Save, Edit, New, Cancel and Delete)

Salesforce Architecture is MVC. MVC stands for -

● M - Model (Database - Physical Existence of the Data)
● V - View (User interface which can be seen by the user)
● C - Controller (Business Logic)

Q14. What is the difference between 15 digits and 18 digits id in Salesforce?

● When you created a record an then in the URL user can see the id of the record which is of 15 digits
length and this is the Cases Sensitive id.
● If the users query the existing records from the database through Query Tools, it will always
return 18-digit id that is Case-Insensitive id.
● Last 3 digits of the 18 digits represent checksum of the capitalization of 15-digit id.

Q15. What are the types of Tabs?

● Custom tabs (create for objects)
● Web tabs (create to display a website)
● Visualforce tabs (create to display the visualforce page)

Q16. What is the validation rule?

Validation rule will help you to not enter wrong data into the Salesforce and if anyone entered
wrong data into Salesforce they will get an error message based on some condition and the
error message will show on top of the page or below to field.

Q17. What are the Governor Limits?

We know very well we are working on multitenant environment where is all the resources are
limited to use in Salesforce.
● Max. Number of Master Detail relationships per an object: 2
● Max. Number of Relationship Fields per an object: 40
● Max number of Roll-up Summary fields per an object: 25

Q18. What are the assignment rules?

Whenever any record is submitted for lead/case if specified condition in the Assignment rule
satisfied based on that we can decide the owner of the case/lead.

What is an External ID in Salesforce?

External IDs are commonly used to store unique record identifiers from external systems and allow
for routinely loading data into Salesforce without having to prepare your import file with existing or
related Salesforce record IDs each time

What is the use of External ID in Salesforce?

How to set a field as an External ID?

Which data type fields can be set as an External ID?

How many fields can be marked as an External ID in a single object?

When to generate “Debug Log” in salesforce?
Once we have entered into salesforce then whatever the activity we will perform then it will generate all the my activity.

How to generate/How to Work “Debug Log” in salesforce?

When we are doing any activity in salesforce from start to end work by this way it generate log in salesforce.

Why generate “Debug Log” in salesforce?

What are the “Debug Log” in salesforce?

A debug log can record database operation, system process, and occur when executing a transaction or running unit

Debug logs can contain information about: Database Changes.

 Database Changes
 HTTP callouts
 Apex Error
 Resource used by Apex
 Apex classes
 Apex triggers
 Activity of Developer Console
 trace debug level, start time, end time, and log type.

Automated workflow processes, such as:

 Workflow Rules
 Assignment Rules
 Approval Process
 Validation Rules

The following are the limits for debug logs.

 Each debug log must be 2 MB or smaller. Debug logs that are larger than 2 MB are reduced
in size by removing older log lines, such as log lines for earlier System.debug statements. The
log lines can be removed from any location, not just the start of the debug log.
 Debug logs are retained for 7 days.
 If you generate more than 250 MB of debug logs in a 15-minute window, your trace flags are
disabled. We send an email to the users who last modified the trace flags, informing them that
they can re-enable the trace flag in 15 minutes.

What are the tools should I used for debugging in salesforce?

From the IDE:
When you save a class, trigger or any file in the IDE the file is immediately compiled and any errors are
displayed in the IDE

From Salesforce:
[your name] > Setup > System Log
From there you can either execute the Apex code directly to call your classes/methods or use Salesforce and see the
debugging appearing.

You can also use developer console given by salesforce by default.

to use developer console follow these step:
1) click on dropdown icon at your name on the top
2) then click on developer console. Now developer console is open,

you can debug your code here by clicking at logs tab on button. this is very first tab in bottom. so by clicking on any log you
can debug your code.

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