Sample - Solution Manual For Process Control by Bequette
Sample - Solution Manual For Process Control by Bequette
Sample - Solution Manual For Process Control by Bequette
(f) Safety, environmental, economic factors: (f) Safety, environment, economics: Safety:
Potential for injury, overexertion Stability and mechanical limits prevent in-
jury to rider and others Environment: Trail
(g) Control: Feedback/Feedforward system. erosion, noise Economics: Health costs,
Oxygen level, heartbeat, fatigue all part of maintenance costs
determining action after the fact. Path,
weather are part of feedforward system (g) Control Structure: Feedback: Levels of ex-
ertion, bike performance are monitored and
Cycling ride is adjusted after the fact FeedForward:
Path is seen ahead and ride is adjusted ac-
(a) Objectives: cordingly.
• Ensure stability (don’t crash)
iii. A stirred tank heater
• Enjoy ride
• Prevent mechanical failure (a) Objectives
(b) Input Variables – Manipulated: • Maintain Operating Temperature
• Body Position • Maintain flow rate at desired level
• Steering (b) Input Variables:
g. Polymerization Reactor
Please see FCCU for a representative answer.
No solutions are required to work through Module 1
h. pH
Please see FCCU for a representative answer.
i. Beer Production a.
Please see FCCU for a representative answer. The main objective is to maintain the process fluid
outlet temperature at a desired setpoint of 300 C.
j. Paper Machine Headbox
Please see FCCU for a representative answer. b.
The measured output is the process fluid outlet tem-
k. Batch Chemical Reactor perature.
Please see FCCU for a representative answer.
1.3 The manipulated input is the fuel gas flowrate, specif-
ically the valve position of the fuel gas control valve.
a. Vortex–shedding flow meters
The principal of vortex shedding can be seen in the d.
curling motion of a flag waving in the breeze, or the Possible disturbances include: process fluid flowrate,
eddies created by a fast moving stream. The flag process fluid inlet temperature, fuel gas quality, and
outlines the shape of air vortices as the flow past the fuel gas upstream pressure.
pole. Van Karman produced a formula describing the
phenomena in 1911. In the late 1960’s the first vortex e.
shedding meters appeared on the market. Turbulent This is a continuous process.
flow causes vortex formation in a fluid. The frequency
of vortex detachment is directly proportional to fluid
This is a feedback controller.
velocity in moderate to high flow regions. At low
velocity, algorithms exist to account for nonlinearity. g.
Vortex frequency is an input, fluid velocity is an out- The control valve should be fail-closed. Increasing
put. air pressure to the valve will then increase the valve
position and lead to an increase in flowrate. Loss of
b. Orifice–plate flow meters
air to the valve will cause it to close. The gain of the
Please see vortex–shedding flow meters for a repre-
valve is positive, because an increase in the signal to
sentative answer.
the valve results in an increase in flow.
c. Mass flow meters
Please see vortex–shedding flow meters for a repre-
It is important from a safety perspective to have a
sentative answer.
fail-closed valve. if the valve failed open, there might
d. Thermocouple based temperature measurements not be enough combustion air, causing a loss of the
Please see vortex–shedding flow meters for a repre- flame - this could cause the furnace firebox to fill with
sentative answer. fuel gas, which could then re-ignite under certain con-
ditions. Although the combustion air is not shown, it
e. Differential pressure measurements should be supplied with a small stoichiometric excess.
Please see vortex–shedding flow meters for a repre- If there is too much excess combustion air, energy is
sentative answer. wasted in heating up air that is not combusted. If
there is too little excess air, combustion will not be
f. Control valves complete, causing fuel gas to be wasted and pollu-
Please see vortex–shedding flow meters for a repre- tion to the atmosphere. The process fluid is flowing
Figure 1-2: Liquid volume as a function of time An increase in the hot by-pass flow leads to a decrease
in the cold stream outlet temperature, so the gain is
negative. A fail-open valve should be specified.
meal. Feedback action occurs when a diabetic admin-
isters more or less insulin based on a blood glucose c.
measurement. It is important not to administer too An increase in the cold by-pass flowrate leads to a
much insulin, because this could lead to too low of a decrease in the outlet temperature, so the gain is neg-
blood glucose level, resulting in hypoglycemia. ative. A fail-open valve should be specified, so that
the outlet temperature is not too high or the air pres-
b. sure is lost.
A process and instrumentation diagram of an auto-
mated closed-loop system is shown in Figure 3 below. d.
For simplicity, this is shown as a pump and valve Strategy (c), cold by-pass, will have the fastest dy-
namic behavior because the effect of changing the by-
pass flow will be almost instantaneous. The other
strategies have a dynamic lag through the heat ex-
The anesthesiologist attempts to maintain a desired
setpoint for blood pressure. This is done by manipu-
lating the drug flowrate. A major disturbance is the
effect of an anesthetic on blood pressure.
a. Figure 1-5: Control block diagram of drug delivery
An increase in the hot stream flowrate leads to an in-
crease in the cold stream outlet temperature, so the
2.1 40.7
The modeling equation is
Outlet Temperature − C
= qi − β P − Ph
dt V V 40.4
= qi − β P − Ph = 0
dt V V 40.1
RT RT ode45
β Ps − Phs = qis 40
Ps = Phs + is2
β Figure 2-2: Plot for 2.2
Thus we can conclude that it is a self–regulating sys-
tem, as for a change in input it will attain a new the inlet and outlet flow rates are the same. Thus
steady–state. Fi
The sketch of the steady–state input–output curve (Ti − T ) + Q = 0
should look like figure 2-1. 100
(20 − 40) + Q = 0
Q = 4◦ C/min
Steady−state input−output curve
formula is
xk+1 = xk + ∆txk
xk = f (xk )