GeM Bid AV Video Wall - Nalco
GeM Bid AV Video Wall - Nalco
GeM Bid AV Video Wall - Nalco
SUBJECT: Request for Quotation from suppliers for supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Video
Wall Display and Audio Solution at Plant Conference Room (Annex Building) at Smelter Plant of National
Aluminium Company Ltd. (NALCO) at Angul, Odisha.
1.0 The tender documents pertaining to the subject work are enclosed herewith, which contain the
Eligibility criteria Documentary Evidence as required
. a. The bidder should submit Work order / PO copies showing
1. The bidder should be an OEM/ Authorized Scope of Work, Bill of Quantity and other details if any for
Agent/dealer of Video walls and should assessment of technical criteria.
have experience of having successfully b. The bidder shall furnish Completion Certificate indicating
completed “Similar Works” during the last Contract/ PO reference and the period of contract should be
7 years ending on last day of the month obtained from Principal Owner of the work for whom the
previous to the one in which the NIT is work has been executed.
invited. c. The bidder shall furnish Performance certificate/ release
letter after completion of defect liability period from the
2. The Video wall installed by the bidder as client on the organization letter pad along with authorized
per Para 1 above should be in successful signature to support this requirement along with the
operation for at least 1 year since contract reference and contact details of the client/any
commissioning. other documents towards evidence for satisfactory
operation for a minimum period of one year for qualifying
“Similar Work” means “Successful execution against PQC.
of supply, installation and commissioning of d. The bidder shall furnish Proven Track Record (PTR) in the
at least one Video wall with the following enclosed format in support of meeting the Technical
specifications. Qualification Criteria.
1. Minimum Size: 8ftx4.5ft (+/-5%) Note : -
2. Illumination Technology: Direct 1. The documents submitted in support of above PQC shall be
LED/LCD LED/RPC LED/RPC Laser certified by Notary Public.
3. Floor mounting/ wall mounting 2. Nalco may use internal documents for evaluation of bids.
3. Failure to meet the above PQC shall render the bid to be
summarily rejected. Therefore, the bidder shall in his own
interest furnish complete documentary evidence in the first
instance itself, in support of their fulfilling the pre-
qualification criteria.
4. NALCO reserves the right to reject any offer, if information
submitted is ambiguous or not as per the terms of PQC/NIT.
5. "The Experience/Completion Certificates shall be considered
only when it bears the Name and Designation of Issuing
Authority. This is only applicable for Experience/Completion
Certificates issued after 30/06/2022".
Eligibility criteria Documentary Evidence as required
1) The average annual turnover of the vendor The bidders have to submit the copies of audited financial statements
for last three financial years ending 31st March and profit & loss accounts of the relevant years in support of both the
of the previous financial year in which NIT is qualifying criteria along with the bid.
invited should be minimum Rs. 7.5 Lacs.
(Rupees Seven lacs and fifty thousand only) (For bids received prior to 30th June of any year, the financial figure
for the previous to the previous year may also be considered for
Turn over shall be escalated @10% per annum evaluation. Whereas for bids submitted after 30th June, the bidder
(simple rate) to bring them at the current price may also submit financial statement for the previous year certified by
level. The turnover of the latest previous year Chartered Accountant/Auditor for consideration of their bid.)
shall not be considered for any weightage.
1 2 3
Name of Contract Person
Project / Location
Copy of Purchase Order
enclosed :Yes / No
Referred Video Wall with accessories
longsum Turn Key (LSTK) Package :
Yes / No
If no, reference of LSTK Package in
whichVideo Wall is a part
Size of Video Wall
Type of Mounting Floor mount /
Month & year of Commissioning
Any major/minor breakdown faced
If yes, Please provide details
Bidder’s Scope of supply and
servicesVideo Wall Package :
Erection , Testing & Commissioning
After sale services (Yes / No)
Performance certificate indicating at
least 01 year of satisfactory operation
since commissioning. (Yes/No)
Signature of Authorized
Personnel With Seal
3.1 The bidders intending to participate in the tender should furnish Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) for
₹20,000/- (Rupees twenty thousand only).
3.2 The offer must be accompanied by Earnest Money Deposit for value as mentioned above.
3.3 The EMD should be by way of Bank Guarantee and as per proforma enclosed (Annexure–IX) with
the Tender Documents. The BG should be furnished from any of NALCO approved Banks as per
the list enclosed with the Tender Document (Annexure–XI). The wording of BG should be strictly as
per proforma and no deviation to the same shall be permitted. Seller is required to ensure the same
from the issuing bank. The issuing Bank should be advised to send a direct confirmation to
NALCO, clearly indicating the Tender No., towards issue of the Bank Guarantee. The Bank
Guarantee for Earnest Money Deposit shall remain un-discharged for such a period as may
be specified for keeping the tender open. The EMD BG should have a validity of at least
09(nine) months beyond the period of validity of bid asked for in the tender document. The validity of
the EMD BG may have to be extended by the bidder on request of NALCO, till the tender is
The original Bank Guarantee is required to be sent in seal envelope directly by the Bank under
Speed Post or Registered Post to the following address. The Bidder shall submit copy of Bank
Guarantee duly self-certified mentioning dispatch reference of the Bank from where original Bank
Guarantee has been sent.
The sealed envelope should be super scribed with "EMD for tender ref. no.
SMLT/MMP/407/3000008357". The sealed envelope should be sent to the address given below
so as to reach us before the bid opening date and time.
ANGUL 759145. (ODISHA)
3.4 The tenderer may also deposit the EMD by way of DD drawn in favor of “National Aluminium Co.
Ltd” payable at SBI, Kandsar.
Bidders should upload the scanned copy of the BG/ DD along with their offer over GeM portal. The
original copy of the BG/ DD should be submitted to the address mentioned at Para – 3.3.
3.5 The tenderer may also deposit the EMD by way of NEFT/RTGS/E-transfer. Bidder(s) submitting the
EMD amount through NEFT/RTGS/E-transfer mode shall fill up the details of Annexure – XVI after
making the payment of EMD and send the scanned copy of the duly filled in and signed Annexure –
XVI along with the scanned copy of Transaction Slip/ receipt of the Bank on the same day of
payment by e-mail to ( with a copy marked to
The bidders should upload the scanned copy of the duly filled in and signed Annexure – XVI along
with the scanned copy of Transaction Slip/ receipt of the Bank with their offer in GeM portal.
The original copy of the duly filled in and signed Annexure – XVI along with the Transaction Slip/
receipt should be submitted to the address mentioned at Para – 3.3.
3.6 Offer without EMD may be liable for rejection. This deposit shall not carry any interest.
3.7 If the tenderer, after submitting his tender, revokes the offer or modifies the terms &
conditions thereof, in a manner not acceptable to the Purchaser, the EMD BG shall be
liable to be forfeited / enforced. In case the EMD has been paid in the form of DD, the EMD
amount will not be refunded back in case of forfeiture of EMD. Any forfeiture of EMD made by
NALCO will be with applicable GST.
3.8 State / Central Government organizations, Public Sector Undertakings, Firms registered with
DGS&D/ NSIC/ District Industries Centers (DICs)/ Khadi & Village Industries Commission (KVIC)/
Khadi & Village Industries Board (KVIB)/ Coir Board/ Directorate of Handicrafts & Handloom or any
other body specified by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (registered for the
tendered item) and NALCO’s Ancillary units and all start-ups recognized by deptt. of policy &
promotion, Ministry of commerce and Industry Govt. of India are exempted from furnishing EMD.
However, they must submit notarized (by a public notary) valid copy of their registration certificate
for claiming the exemption.
Bidders must upload the scanned copy of the notarized certificate. In the absence of such
certificate, the bidder’s offer may be liable for rejection.
After finalization of the tender, the EMD BG of unsuccessful tenderers will be returned. In case
the EMD was submitted in the form of DD, the EMD amount will be refunded through e- payment for
which the bidders will have to submit the duly filled in Bank Mandate Form (Annexure-XVII) attached
with the Tender Documents. The EMD of successful tenderer shall be returned after submission
of Contract - cum - Performance Bank Guarantee. If the successful bidder accepts the order but
fails to submit the CPBG, the EMD will be retained. In such case differential amount towards CPBG
and EMD may be deducted from the bills of vendor, which shall be released after receipt of
acceptable Contract- cum -Performance Bank Guarantee (CPBG). In the event of non-execution of
Order, the EMD shall stand forfeited.
4.0 Bidders are requested to submit the following documents along with their offer in GeM portal
(i) Proof of credentials, past experience, financial standing, and all documents required to fulfill the
Pre- Qualifying Criteria as per cl. no. 2 above.
(ii) All Technical details, Drawings, Data Sheets, Catalogues / Literatures etc. (As per Annexure – I)
(iii) Standard Terms & Conditions of tender as per Annexure-III is to be signed and stamped as token
of having accepted all the Terms & Conditions in toto.
(iv) Bidder compliance statement (as per Annexure-V) duly filled in.
(v) Acceptance to Environment, OHSAS Policy, SA: 8000 & Energy Policy (as per Annex. VI) and
Filled up statement towards General environmental requirement (Annexure - VII) and SA 8000
format (Annexure-VIII).
(vi) Duly filled in Annexure-XII for declaration of local content of the offered product
(vii) Duly filled in Annexure-XIII, Annexure-XIV & Annexure-XV
(viii) Tender documents dully signed as token of acceptance to tender’s terms & conditions.
(ix) Deviation statement if any as per Annexure-II & IV.
(x) EMD as per cl. no. 3 above
(x) Tender document including Corrigendum/Addendum, if any, and subsequent correspondences
duly stamped and signed on each page as a token of acceptance.
5.2 Any Corrigendum thus issued will become part of bidding document and bidder shall submit
original Corrigendum / compliance letter duly signed and stamped as token of his acceptance.
5.3 In order to afford prospective Bidders, reasonable time in which to take the amendment into
account in preparing their bids, NALCO may, at its discretion, extend the bid due date.
i) Before submission of their bids, the Bidders must make themselves fully conversant with the
Tender Document and other relevant information, so that no ambiguity may arise in any
respect subsequent to the submission of the bid.
ii) If any Bidder finds any discrepancies or omissions in the specifications and documents or is
in doubt as to the true meaning of any part, she/he shall at once request in writing for an
interpretation/ clarification to NALCO. However, for this reason, the tender opening date
shall not be extended.
iii) If the Bidder deliberately gives wrong information in his/her quotation to create
circumstances for the acceptance of his/her bid, NALCO reserves the right to reject such bid
at any stage.
v) No part of The contract nor any share or interest therein shall, in any manner or degree, be
transferred, assigned or sub-let by the contractor directly or indirectly to any person, firm or
corporation whatsoever without the consent of NALCO in writing.
vi) The tender documents are meant for the exclusive purpose of bidding against the subject
requirement and shall not be transferred, reproduced or otherwise used for the purposes
other than that for which these are specifically issued.
vii) NALCO reserves the right to conduct price negotiation, if necessary, and the same shall be
done with lowest acceptable tenderer only. Bidders are required to quote their lowest price in
view of the fact that price negotiation, if any, shall be held with the lowest acceptable bidder
viii) While comparing price, if the deviations taken can be quantified in monetary terms with
reasonable accuracy w.r.t. STC, then proper loading factor on the quoted rates shall be
considered for evaluation without any correspondence with bidders.
ix) No correspondence, whatsoever until & unless called for by the buyer, shall be entertained
after due date and time of receipt of tender and any uncalled for communication received
later from the tenderers will be ignored. Any efforts by a bidder to influence NALCO in its bid
evaluation, bid comparison or contract award decisions may result in rejection of the bidder’s
x) NALCO reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders and to extend the due date
for submission of Bids without assigning any reason thereof. However, a bidder may seek
clarification regarding the bidding document provisions, bidding process and/ or rejection of
his bid which shall be responded within a reasonable time.
xi) Incomplete offers and offer not confirming acceptance to NALCO’s terms and conditions in
toto, including validity period of offer, as stipulated in this tender may be liable for rejection.
7.0 Please confirm that you are not been banned or de-listed by any Government or Quasi Government
agencies or PSUs of India. If you have been banned or de-listed by any Government or Quasi
Government agencies or PSUs, then this fact must be clearly stated.
8.0 LIST OF PARTNERS/ DIRECTORS & DECLARATION: The bidders should furnish a list of its
Partners/ Directors and a declaration that such Partners/ Directors have no interest in any other
bidder(s) in respect of the same tender.
Provision of the order No.P-45021/2/2017-PP(BE-II) dtd. 04.06.2020 issued with Revised ‘Public
procurement (Preference to Make in India), Order 2017” dated 16.09.2020 shall be applicable for this
tender towards purchase preference.
The ‘Class-I local supplier’/ ‘Class II-local supplier’ as per this provision at the time of tender, bidding
or solicitation shall indicate percentage of local content and provide self-certification that the item
offered meets the local content requirement for ‘Class-I local supplier’/ ‘Class II-local supplier’, as the
case may be. They shall also give details of the location(s) at which the local value addition is made.
Declaration to be given in the format given in the Annexure XII of the tender document.
As per office order no. P-45021/102/2019-BE-II-Part(1), dated. 04/03/2021 of Ministry of Commerce
and industry, the bidder can’t claim themselves as class-I local supplier/class-II local suppliers by
claiming the services such as transportation, insurance, installation, commissioning, training and after
sales service support like AMC/CMC etc as local value additions.
Only "Class-I local suppliers and Class-II local suppliers", as defined under the order, shall be eligible
for participation against this tender. The offers of ‘Non-Local Suppliers’ shall not be considered for
evaluation against this tender.
10.1 Any bidder, hereinafter referred as “Principal”, who engages another entity (individual/ firm/
organization) to function, on their behalf, as Dealers/Resellers, hereinafter referred as
“Agent”, against any tender (single/ limited / open) must disclose the name and address of
such an agent in their offer or in course of tendering process prior to the placement of order
10.2 Agent who submits offer, on behalf of their principal, against a tender must submit Letter of
Authority of the Principal specifically authorizing the agent to make such an offer.
10.3 No entity can be allowed to function as agent on behalf of two principals against any
particular tender.
10.4 Failure to furnish correct and detailed information as called for in above paragraphs render
the concerned offer liable for rejection or in the event of a contract materializing; the same is
liable to termination by NALCO. Besides this, there would be a scope for imposing a penalty
of banning business dealings with NALCO and/or payment of a named sum as damages.
12.1 NALCO reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to annul the bidding process and
reject all bids, at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to
the affected Bidder or Bidders or; any obligations to inform the affected Bidder or Bidders of
the ground for the Owner’s action.
12.2 The submission of any bid connected with these documents and specifications shall constitute
an agreement that the Bidder shall have no cause for action or claim, against the Owner for
rejection of his bid. The Owner shall always be at liberty to reject or accept any bid or bids at
his sole discretion and any such action will not be called into question and the Bidder shall
have no claim in that regard against the Owner. However, a bidder may seek clarification
regarding the bidding document provisions, bidding process and/ or rejection of his bid.
NALCO shall respond to such queries within a reasonable time.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
For National Aluminium Company Limited
GM (Materials)
Supply of Video Wall Display and Audio Solution at
1 Plant Conference Room (Annex Building), Smelter
94801002009 SET 1
Plant, Angul as per specification enclosed in
All accessories for Video Wall integration & Audio
Integration as per Technical specification enclosed
2 94801004000 in Annexure - 2. SET 1
Annexure - 1
Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Video Wall Display and Audio solution at
Plant Conference Room (Annex Building), NALCO, Smelter Plant, Angul
1. Presentations from Windows/ Mac Notebook, Andriod device, Apple/ iOS device
2. Display of Video Conference proceedings (VC equipment provided by Nalco)
6 Resolution 1920x1080 (FHD) or better
7 Aspect Ratio 16:09
8 Viewing Angel (degree) 178x178 (+/- 10%).
9 Brightness 500 cd/sq m or higher
10 Contrast Ratio 1100:1 or higher
11 Life Time (Typical) 1,00,000 hrs or higher
12 Operation Hours/duty 24x7
13 Ease of Operation/ Automatic Colour & Brightness adjustment
Calibration without any manual intervention.
14 Inputs/Outputs All latest Inputs and Outputs to be provided
so as to achieve complete video wall
Functionality & communicate with individual
displays in the video wall through TCP/IP
(RJ45) and provide full functionality as per
the Design (Annexure-3)
15 Power Input 100-240V AC, 50/60 HZ
18 Environment Conditions Ambient: 0 to 40 deg, Humidity: 10-80%
19 Industrial Standard Safety: IEC/EN/UL 60950-1, EMC:FCC
Certifications ClassA/CE
20 Approved Brand BARCO/LG/SAMSUNG/MITSUBISHI/Christie
21 Technical Compliance Technical Compliance for the video wall
should be provided by the bidder on OEM
Letter Head signed & stamped by competent
authority of the OEM
22 Datasheet of Product Datasheet of the offered Display/Video Wall
should be available on the global website of
the OEM failing which the product will not be
technically evaluated and offer of the bidder
will be rejected.
Annexure - 2
2. Matrix Switcher Cum Scaler with Video Wall Functionality based on IP Based Technology.
(The Transmitter & Receiver should work as programmed) - 2 Nos
Latency : 1.5 Frames (25ms) or less
HDMI Inputs : 2 (HDMI 2.0, HDCP2.2)
HDMI Outputs : 1 (HDMI 2.0, HDCP2.2)
Audio Analog : Stereo Line In/Out (3.5mm TRS)
1G Ethernet : RJ-45
LAN : RJ-45 10/100/1000M PoE (PSE)
Video Support : Up to 4K2K 4:2:0 @ 60Hz
Audio Support : Up to 7.1 Channel
Video support Resolutions : Up to 4K2K 4:2:0 @60Hz HDR & 4K 4:4:4 30Hz or
Configuration: It should be possible to Configure for change of Encoder to Decoder
or Vice Versa.
IR : Bi-Directional (3.5mm TRS)
Interface : IR or Keyboard via OSD, Web Server
Housing : Aluminum Enclosure
Approved Make : Aurora, Extron, Kramer, Crestron, Lightware, Harman (AMX)
5. Speakers-06 Nos
Ultra-Compact Indoor / Outdoor
Background/Foreground Speaker
Wall mounting
1/2” diaphragm tweeter with fluid cooling or better technology
Two Way 3" to 4" Speaker
Coverage Angle: (100° to 120°) x (100° to 120°)
Frequency Range: 70 Hz to 20 kHz
Nominal Impedance : 8 ohms
Power Rating : 200W Peak (each)
Maximum SPL:109 peak
Should have 70/100V Transformer Taps
Enclosure Material : High Impact Polystyrene
10 | P a g e
Should be supplied with all required mounting accessories
Approved Make : Bose, Harman, QSC, Extron, Creston
6. Equipment Rack-1 No
Dimension : 800mm x 600mm
Size : 32U
Front Glass door with lock
Required PDU with 5 Amp socket
Required ventilation Fan
Lockable 4 caster wheel
Approved make : VALRACK/ NETRACK
D. General Requirements
1. The supply, installation & commissioning of the Video wall system for the
conference room (Annex building) is in the scope of the vendor.
2. Onsite warranty for 5 years from the date of commissioning.
3. The proposed AV Layout for the Conference Room is enclosed herewith at
Annexure-I. The Accessories are to be supplied as per the BOQ in the
specification. The vendor must confirm to the AV Layout/ Connectivity diagram.
However, if anything extra (hardware, software, cables, connectors, mounting
arrangements or accessories) are required beyond this to complete the installation
in all respect is in the scope of the vendor.
4. Product data sheets/ printed technical catalogs of the offered models must be
enclosed along with the offer for technical evaluation. Otherwise, the offer will be
5. Onsite training for trouble free operation during installation shall be provided to
05 Nalco Personnel for 02 days.
6. All cables & connectors required to complete the installation in all respect
including one no. of HDMI cable of 10 meter length is in the scope of the vendor.
7. Instruction Manuals, Operation & Maintenance manuals in English (soft copy
format) for the products must be submitted.
8. Integration with the existing Audio System & Polycom Group series Video
Conference System is in the scope of the vendor.
9. The software (if any) required to complete the installation in all respect shall be
supplied with valid licenses. The same shall be loaded & configured in the laptop
provided by M/s Nalco.
11 | P a g e
Annexure - 3
12 | P a g e
If the Bidder has got any deviation from technical specification, bidder shall tabulate those deviations
in this schedule. Attach more sheets, if necessary. It is confirmed that except those deviations, as
tabulated hereunder, the complete offer is in agreement with the specification requirement.
1. Deviation to Technical Specification (Annexure-I), if any, shall be indicated only in this schedule.
2. Deviation listed elsewhere shall not be taken cognizance of and shall be ignored.
3. No separate printed terms and conditions shall be considered and shall be totally rejected.
4. Deviations shall only be discussed during the tender discussions, if felt necessary, and no fresh
additional deviations shall be entertained.
5. In respect of deviations, if any, on the Critical Provisions, the Bid shall be rejected without any
6. In case of contradiction/ conflicting version found by NALCO at different places of quotation, NALCO
can choose any version or the bid may be rejected without any indications.
Sl. Clause No./ & Page No. Technical Deviation taken Reasons for
No. Reference of of NIT Specification of NIT deviations
13 | P a g e
Annexure - III
1. PRICE :
Prices on GEM portal are inclusive of all cost component i.e. GST, freight, P&F, insurance etc. Any other
condition mentioned anywhere in the attachment shall be ignored.
Unless otherwise specified all prices quoted must remain firm except for statutory variation in taxes
and duties during contractual delivery period. Any increase in taxes and duties after expiry of the
delivery period will be to supplier’s account.
(B) Rate variation in Taxes and any new promulgated taxes after last date of the submission of price
bid only on the goods and/or services applicable to invoices raised on NALCO within the contractual
delivery date /period (including extension approved if any) shall be on NALCO’s Account against
submission of documentary evidence.
(C) The bidder will be under obligation for quoting/charging correct rate of tax as prescribed under
the respective Tax Laws. Further the bidder shall avail and pass on benefits of all
exemptions/concessions/benefits/waiver or any other benefits of similar nature or kind available
under the Tax Laws. In no case, differential Tax Claims due to wrong classification of goods and/or
services or understanding of law or rules or regulations or any other reasons of similar nature shall
be entertained by NALCO.
(D) To enable NALCO to avail ITC, the bidder/supplier shall submit any and all certificates,
documents and declarations as are required by NALCO to avail of the ITC with respect to GST
reimbursed by NALCO on materials sold to NALCO.
(E) The HSN Code under which the goods/service will fall should be clearly mentioned along with
the Rate at the time of submission of invoice for releasing payment.
(F) In case, NALCO is not able to avail Input Tax Credit due to any
noncompliance/default/negligence of the seller, the same shall be recovered from the pending
bills/dues (including security deposit, BG etc.).
(G) Seller shall be responsible to indemnify NALCO for any loss, direct or implied, accrued to
NALCO on account of supplier’s failure to discharge his statutory liabilities like paying taxes on time,
filling appropriate returns within the prescribed time etc.
14 | P a g e
Inspection & testing shall be carried out by NALCO at NALCO, Smelter site and the result shall be
binding on the supplier on whom order shall be placed.
8. WARRANTY: Supplied system shall have onsite warranty for a period of 05 (five) years from the date
of successful commissioning of video wall at Annex building of Smelter plant against defective
design, faulty materials of construction, poor workmanship and unsatisfactory performance.
Manufacturer's warranty certificate to this effect shall be submitted by the vendor along with supply
of the material.
The CPBG shall be submitted within 30 days from the effective date of contract. If supplier fails to
submit CPBG after placement of order, the equivalent amount shall be recovered from their bill(s).
Subject to any deduction which Nalco is authorized to make, CPBG shall be released after
satisfactory completion of guarantee/warranty period. On the breach of the contract by the supplier,
CPBG shall be forfeited/encashment whether or not the Company has suffered a loss on this
account and purchase order shall be rescinded. Forfeiture/encashment of CPBG does not prejudice
Nalco's rights to make risk and cost purchases and recover damages on account of such risk and
cost purchases.
11.4 ENGINEER IN-CHARGE: DGM (E&I), CRG shall be the Engineer-In-charge and he or his
representative shall be the certifying officer from NALCO for all requirements including Bill payment.
He shall be the overall coordinating officer for the execution of contract.
15 | P a g e
14. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT: NALCO shall have the right to terminate the contract by giving 60
days notice without assigning any reasons thereof. However, in the event of any breach of terms of the
contract, NALCO shall have right to terminate the contract by written notice to the Seller.
15. INSURANCE: The seller shall arrange for insurance of equipment and materials, included under the
scope of contract, to cover the risk in transit by road between seller’s works to purchaser’s site.
In any new Tax/Taxes is introduced on sale of goods/services, either in lieu of existing tax/ taxes or as
separate tax/taxes, then the overall incidence of tax/taxes on the Vendor on account of its inputs and
outputs wherever less than the incidence of existing taxes, then the vendor shall pass on to Owner, the
benefits thereof by way of commensurate reduction in the basic price w.r.t Input tax benefits and
reduction in Tax chargeable to ‘Nalco’ w.r.t Output Tax benefits in connection with goods and/or
services provided.
If on the other hand, the incidence of tax/taxes is in excess of the incidence of existing tax/taxes, the
Owner on submission of satisfactory proof, shall reimburse the Vendor the additional incidence of tax
provided they are within the contractual completion date.
The vendor has to provide a declaration (as per Annexure-XII) along with the tender that they will abide
by the requirements under Cl 171 of CGST Act,2017
16 | P a g e
All the clauses of Order No. F.No. 6/18/2019-PPD dated 23.07.2020 & OM Dtd.08.02.2021 issued
by Ministry of finance (dept of Expenditure) shall be applicable against the tender. The same is
available at website
All the bidders are required to submit compliance certificate as asked in the above order No. F.No.
6/18/2019-PPD dated 23.07.2020 & OM Dtd. 08.02.2021. The model certificate is given below:
If the above certificate given by a bidder whose bid is accepted, is found to be false, this would be a
ground for immediate rejection of bid/termination of contract and further legal action in accordance
with law.
NALCO, being Buyer (under Section 194Q inserted in the Income Tax Act, 1961 vide Finance Act
2021) having total sales. gross receipts, or turnover from business above Rupees Ten Crores during
the last Financial Year, will deduct TDS under Section 194Q, w.e.f. 01.07.2021, at the prescribes
rate of 0.1% on the purchase value of any goods, aggregate of which is exceeding the threshold
limit of Rs.50 Lakhs in a Financial year.
Accordingly, Vendors/Sellers are not to collect tax at source under section 206C (1H) of the Act
w.e.f. 01.07.2021, in case provisions of section are applicable to them.
The above is as per the current status and is subject to modification(s) based on
amendments/notifications under Income Tax Act, 1961, from time to time.
Income Tax TDS, as applicable at the prevailing rate on the gross amount billed shall be deducted
from the contractor’s bills.
17 | P a g e
h) The tenderer has to comply with the Environmental, Social Accountability and Energy policy of
i) During evaluation of bid, NALCO may, at its discretion, ask the bidder for clarifications on the bid.
The clarifications shall be sought by registered/speed post/E-mail and the bidder has to
respond/comply within the specified date mentioned in the communication. In case of
noncompliance, his bid will liable to be rejected and will not be considered further. No change in
prices or substance of the bid shall be sought, offered or permitted. No post bid clarification at the
initiative of the bidder shall be entertained. So far as the submission of documents is concerned
with regard to qualification criteria, after submission of the bid, only related shortfall documents
may be asked for and considered. For example, if the bidder has submitted a supply/ works
order/contract document without its completion/performance certificate, the certificates can be
asked for and considered. However, no new supply /works order/contract document shall be
considered to qualify the bidder.
We agree to all the above 22 points of the ‘STANDARD TERMS & CONDITIONS OF TENDER OF NALCO’S
Tender Ref. No: SMLT/MMP/407/3000008357.
18 | P a g e
Annexure – IV
If the Bidder has got any deviation from the standard terms & conditions of NIT, bidder shall tabulate
those deviations in this schedule. Please attach more sheets, if necessary. It is confirmed that except those
deviations, as tabulated hereunder, the complete offer is in agreement with the NIT requirement.
1. Deviation to the standard terms & conditions (Annexure-III) and bidder compliance statement
(Annexure-V), if any, shall be indicated only in this schedule.
2. Deviation listed elsewhere shall not be taken cognizance of and shall be ignored.
3. No separate printed terms and conditions shall be considered and shall be ignored.
4. In respect of deviations, if any, the Bid shall be rejected without any indications.
5. In case of contradiction/ conflicting version found by NALCO at different places of quotation, NALCO
can choose any version or the bid may be rejected without any indications.
Sl. Annexure Clause Page No. Deviation Taken Reasons for deviation
No. No. No. of NIT against NIT condition
Date: Name:
19 | P a g e
Annexure - V
1. All commercial terms except the deviations to Standard Terms & Conditions and other attachments
to NIT must be given in this questionnaire itself and not elsewhere in the quotation. In case of
contradiction, the terms given below shall prevail. The deviations to Terms & Conditions and other
attachments to NIT, if any, must be listed in a Deviation Annexure.
Sl. Vendor’s
No. Confirmations
1. (i) We M/s._________________________ (please specify your
company name) have understood the complete technical
requirements and scope as per Annexure-I of the NIT. The
intent of Nalco for this project is clearly understood and
(ii) Acceptance of Technical specifications and scope of work as
per attached Annexure – I
(iii) In case of deviations, confirm that the same has been
highlighted in Deviation schedule as per Annexure-II.
2. PRICE (as per Clause No.1.0 of Annexure-III): Confirm that the
quoted prices are based on F.O.R. destination point / free delivery
at NALCO, Smelter site basis including packing & forwarding, taxes
& duties, freight, insurance etc. up to NALCO, Smelter site.
(ii) Indicate dispatching station.
3. PRICE FIRMNESS: Confirm that quoted prices are firm and fixed
till complete execution of the order except for statutory variations
in Taxes and duties within the contractual delivery period which
will be paid at actual against submission of documentary
4. VALIDITY: Confirm that the quoted prices are valid for acceptance
up to 120 days from the date of opening of tender.
5. DELIVERY: Confirm acceptance to delivery condition as
mentioned in Annexure III Cl. No. 4.
DELIVERY (as per Annexure-III Cl. No. 5): Confirm acceptance of
Price Reduction Schedule for delay in deliveries.
7. RISK & COST PURCHASE (as per Annexure-III Cl. No. 6):
NALCO reserves the right to procure the material from alternate
sources at the Risk & Cost of the supplier, giving 15 days notice.
Confirm your acceptance.
8. INSPECTION & TESTING: Confirm acceptance of relevant terms
of PDI & testing as per NIT. Annexure III cl. No. 7.
9. WARRANTY: Confirm acceptance to submit Guarantee certificate
as per NIT Annexure-III cl. No. 8.
10. CPBG: Confirm that Contract cum Performance/ Performance
Bank Guarantee wherever required will be furnished for value and
terms & conditions as per annexure-III cl. No. 9.
11. PAYMENT TERM: Confirm acceptance of relevant terms of
payment as per the NIT documents attached. Annexure-III Cl. No.
12. EFFECTIVE DATE OF CONTRACT: Confirm effective date of
contract shall be the date of acceptance of the purchase orders as
well as service purchase order as per annexure-III cl. No. 13.
13. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT (as per Annexure-III cl. No. 14):
Confirm acceptance of relevant terms of termination of contract.
14. INSURANCE (as per Annexure-III cl. No. 15): Please confirm that
transit insurance has been excluded in the quoted prices.
20 | P a g e
Sl. Vendor’s
No. Confirmations
15. FORCE MAJEURE (as per Annexure-III cl. No. 18): Only those
events of Force Majeure which impedes the execution of the
contract at the time of its occurrence shall be taken in to
cognizance. Please confirm acceptance.
16. ARBITRATION (as per Annexure III cl. No. 19): Subject to
Bhubaneswar Jurisdiction only based on Indian Arbitration Act
17. Confirm in case of delay on a/c of vendor, any new or additional
taxes and duties imposed after contractual delivery shall be to
vendor’s account.
18. Confirm that quoted prices are inclusive of all inspection & testing
charges as per NIT.
19. (i) All other Commercial terms & conditions shall be as per
attached Annexure - III with the tender. Confirm.
(ii) In case of deviations, confirm clause wise comments have
been specified in a separate Annexure.
(iii) All the terms & conditions have been indicated in this
format including Annexure and have not been repeated
elsewhere. It is noted that terms & conditions indicated elsewhere
shall be ignored.
20. Anti –Profiteering Clause (Sec 171 of CGST Act) (as per Clause
17 of Annexure-III). Pl. confirm the clause and submission of
required declaration (as per Annexure-XIII)
21. i). Provision for PREFERENCE TO MAKE IN INDIA (as per Cl.
9.0 General information to Tenders & Clause 16 of Annexure-III):
Pl. Confirm your acceptance to the said provision.
22. (ii). Declaration by the bidder of percentage of local content
(as per Cl. 9.0 General information to Tenders): Please confirm
submission of signed copy of Declaration by the bidder of
percentage of local content as per Annexure-XII.
23. The vendor is required to state whether any of the Directors of
vendor is a relative of any of the Directors of Owner or the vendor
is a firm in which any Director of Owner or his relative is a partner
or the vendor is a Private Company in which any of the Directors of
Owner is a member or Director.
24. Confirm submission of a list of partners/ Directors and
declaration that such partners/ Directors have no interest in any
other bidder with respect to same tender.
25. SHARING LAND BORDER WITH INDIA: Confirm submission of
declaration as per Clause 20 of Annexure-III.
26. INCOME TAX / BILLING CLAUSES: Confirm relevant terms of
income tax clause and billing clause as per Clause 21 of Annexure
27. The bidder or its Proprietor/ Partner(s)/ Director(s) of the firm
should not have been convicted by a court of Law for an offence
involving moral turpitude in relation to business dealings during the
past seven (7) years. Please confirm.
28. Please confirm that you have not been banned or de-listed by any
Government or Quasi Government agencies or PSU.
29. Bidder should not be under liquidation, court receivership or similar
proceeding. Certificate/Undertaking in this respect in bidder's
official letterhead duly signed by the authorised signatory with
official seal to be submitted.
30. Dully filled in declaration for implementation of integrity
submitted as per format at Annexure - XIV.
31. Import permit/ License, if required shall be the responsibility of the
Seller and any expenditure towards the same shall be borne by
you. Please confirm.
21 | P a g e
Sl. Vendor’s
No. Confirmations
32. In case of any Imported supply, same to be quoted in INR only.
Please confirm that all variations in Customs duty and Foreign
Exchange till complete execution of the contract shall be to Seller’s
33. REJECTION OF OFFER: NALCO reserves the right to reject the
offer, in case the bidders past performance in any of the NALCO’s
previous contract is not found to be satisfactory.
34. PACKING: Standard roadworthy packing shall be given by the
supplier for the materials to avoid damage during transportation
and also for suitability to withstand outdoor condition from dispatch
up to installation at site.
INSURANCE, LABOUR LAWS: All persons engaged by you at
NALCO site shall be adequately insured by you as per the statutory
norms and under the workmen compensation insurance policy/
personal accidental insurance policy, etc. The supplier shall comply
with all applicable labour laws including payment of wages, etc.
Please confirm that the quoted prices are inclusive of all statutory/
contingency insurance coverage e.g. third party liability, ESI,
workman compensation, etc.
36. SAFETY: The supplier shall comply with all the statutory safety
provisions and get safety clearance from the Safety Department for
all the necessary jobs. You will take all necessary safety measures,
at your own cost, to avoid any harm or injury to your workers &
staff from the equipments, facilities, etc.
37. INCIDENTAL EXPENSES: During execution of the contract, the
travel, boarding, lodging & other incidental expenses of
the personnel and representatives assigned by the supplier/
contractor for the execution of the contract/ PO shall be borne by
the supplier/ contractor.
Place: Signature:
Date: Name :
Designation :
22 | P a g e
Annexure - VI
23 | P a g e
Annexure - VII
DGM (Materials),
National Aluminium Company Ltd.,
Smelter plant, Angul, Odisha, India
III. We confirm that our product(s) packaging will use materials of bio-degradable nature
or re-cyclable nature to the maximum possible extent, and will not use environmentally
damaging or hazardous materials.
IV. We confirm that our product(s) packaging will be adequate for preventing leaks/ spills/
exposure during handling or transportation.
Packaging brief description: ____________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________ _
__ __________ ________________________________________________________________
V. We confirm that our product(s) labeling and marking shall be as per recognized
national/international standards and will include all relevant symbols/instructions for
handling, safety, disposal etc as needed.
VI. A ‘buy-back’ scheme is available for the type of product(s) on offer which is enclosed
Presently, no ‘buy-back’ scheme is available for the type of product(s) on offer.
24 | P a g e
Annexure - VIII
Social Accountability 8000 Compliance Format
A. Basic information
Telephone No
Name of the Proprietor
Nature of Business
License Number and date of
Employees Staff (Total Number) Workmen (Total Number)
Incase of non-performance of any employee, how do you deal with such situations?
How do you ensure that your employees are not discrimination on the basis of cast creed, gender, religion,
age and dieses?
26 | P a g e
How many shift you have? _______ shifts
In case, it is yes, what are the general reasons for such deduction?
27 | P a g e
If yes, what steps you have taken to ensure that they get similar level of protection as afforded to directly
employed employees?
Have you taken care to look into issues related to child labor Yes/No
Forced labor, health & safety, working hours and remuneration
of your suppliers
We do hereby declare that our organization is committed to social accountability. We will promptly implement
remedial/corrective actions identified against the requirement and promptly inform your organization. We also declare
that the sub-contractors/sub supplier’s performances are monitored by us. Moreover, we declare that if invited, we
shall participate in awareness program as well as monitoring program organized by you.
28 | P a g e
(To be executed on non-judicial stamped paper of appropriate value)
B. G. No._____________ Date: _____________
1. WHEREAS M/s National Aluminium Company Limited (A Government of India Enterprise), having its
Unit/Office at .........................................(UNIT/OFFICE ADDRESS ISSUING THE TENDER)
(hereinafter called “The Company” which expression shall unless repugnant to the subject or context
includes its legal representatives, successors and assigns) has issued Tender paper vide its Tender
No…………………………….. dt.........…………for ...........................(hereinafter called “the said tender”)
to M/s. ……………………………(hereinafter called the said Tenderer(s)” which expression shall unless
repugnant to the subject or context includes their legal representatives, successors and assigns and as
per terms and conditions of the said tender, the tenderer shall submit a Bank Guarantee for `
…………….(Rupees ……………..only) towards earnest money in lieu of cash.
2. WE …………………Bank having its branch office at ……………… hereby undertake to pay the
amount due and payable under this guarantee without any demur, merely on a demand from the
Company stating that in the opinion of the company which is final and binding, the amount claimed is
due because of any withdrawal of the tender or any material alteration to the tender after the opening
of the tender by way of any loss or damage caused to or would be caused or suffered by the Company
by reason of any breach by the said tenderers(s) of any of the terms and conditions contained in the
said tender or failure to accept the Letter of Intent Agreement or that the amount covered under this
Guarantee is forfeited. Any such demand made on the Bank by the Company shall be conclusive as
regards the amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee. However, our liability under
this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding `……… (Rupees………………..only).
3. We undertake to pay to the Company any money so demanded not withstanding any dispute or
disputes raised by the tenderer(s) in any suit or proceeding pending before any office, court or tribunal
relating thereto our liability under this present guarantee being absolute and unequivocal. The payment
so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for payment there under. Our
liability to pay is not dependent or conditional on the Company proceeding against the tenderer.
4. The guarantee herein contained shall not be determined or affected or suspended by the liquidation or
winding up, dissolution or change of constitution or insolvency of the said tenderer(s) but shall in all
respect and for all purposes be binding and operative until payment of all money due or liabilities under
the said contract(s)/ Order(s) are fulfilled.
5. WE ……………..Bank Ltd. further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force
and effect during the period that would be taken for the finalization of the said tender and that it shall
continue to be enforceable till the said tender is finally decided and order placed on the successful
tenderer(s) and or till all the dues of the company under or by virtue of the said tender have been fully
paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till a duly authorised officer of the company certifies that
the terms and conditions of the said tender have been fully and properly carried out by the said
tenderer(s) and accordingly discharges the guarantee.
29 | P a g e
6. That the Company will have full liberty without reference to us and without affecting this guarantee to
postpone for any time or from time to time. The exercise of any of the power of the Company under the
7. Notwithstanding anything contained herein before, our liability shall not exceed Rs………………….
(Rupees…………………………only) and shall remain in force till……………..Unless a demand or claim
under this Guarantee is made on us within three months from the date of expiry, we shall be
discharged from all the liabilities under this guarantee.
8. We ………………. Bank, further agree that this Guarantee shall be invocable at our place of business
at Angul/Bhubaneswar (Bank Name),………………………………………..….(Branch name and address
of the Branch), Odisha, Pin-751…
9. We…………………Bank, lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with
the previous consent of the Company in writing. We further undertake to keep this Guarantee renewed
from time to time at the request of Consultant.
Date………. ………………………….Bank
Corporate Seal of the Bank By its constitutional Attorney
IFS Code: ………………………………
Address for Correspondence: -------------
Telephone & Fax No.
E-mail :
Note: -
1) BGs to be furnished from any of the approved banks of NALCO and processed through SFMS.
2) BG confirmation must be sent to our Banker through SFMS with the followings details.
- IFSC Code : SBIN0008279
30 | P a g e
Date………. ………………………….Bank
Corporate Seal of the Bank By its constitutional Attorney
Signature of duly Authorised person
On behalf of the Bank With seal & signature code
32 | P a g e
Any domestic Guarantee issued by PSU Bank (or) Private Bank (or) Foreign Bank operating in India
must be operational and invocable in Bhubaneswar only. For Guarantee to be operational in
Bhubaneswar the issuing bank must designate a specified Bank Branch in Bhubaneswar.
6 Indian Bank
33 | P a g e
14 Doha Bank DOHB QA QA
15 FirstRand Bank Ltd. FIRN ZA JJ
16 Industrial Bank of Korea IBKO KR SE
17 Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Limited ICBK CN BJ
18 JP Morgan Chase Bank CHAS US 33
19 KEB Hana Bank KOEX KR SE
20 Krung Thai Bank Public Company Ltd. KRTH TH BK
21 Mashreqbank PSC BOML AE AD
22 Mizuho Bank Ltd. MHCB JP JT
23 National Australia Bank Ltd. NATA AU 33
24 Sberbank SABR RU MM
25 Shinhan Bank SHBK KR SE
26 Societe Generale SOGE FR PP
27 Sonali Bank Ltd. BSON BD DH
28 Standard Chartered Bank SCBL GB 2L
29 Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation SMBC JP JT
30 The Bank of Nova Scotia NOSC CA TT
31 The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. BOTK JP JT
32 The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp.Ltd. HSBC HK HH
33 The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC RBOS GB 2L
34 United Overseas Bank Ltd. UOVB SG SG
35 Westpac Banking Corporation WPAC AU 2F
36 Woori Bank HVBK KR SE
34 | P a g e
ORDER NO. P-45021/2/2017-PP (BE-II) DT. 16.09.2020
35 | P a g e
so on and contract shall be awarded accordingly. In case none of the ‘Class-I Local supplier’ within the
margin of purchase preference matches the L1 price, the contract may be awarded to the L1 bidder.
4.5 ‘Class-II local supplier’ will not get purchase preference in any procurement undertaken by procuring
5.0 Verification of local content.
5.1 The ‘Class-I local supplier’/ ‘Class II-local supplier’ at the time of tender, bidding or solicitation shall be
required to indicate percentage of local content and provide self-certification that the item offered
meets the local content requirement for ‘Class-I local supplier’/ ‘Class II-local supplier’, as the case may
be. They shall also give details of the location(s) at which the local value addition is made. Declaration to
be given in the format given in the following format.
5.2 In case of procurement for a value in excess of Rs. 10 Crores, the ‘Class-I local supplier’/ ‘Class II-local
supplier’ shall be required to provide a certificate from the statutory auditor or cost auditor of the
company (in the case of the companies) or from a practicing cost accountant or practicing chartered
accountant (in respect of suppliers other than companies) giving the percentage of local content.
5.3 Decisions on complaints relating to implementation of this order shall be taken by the competent
authority which is empowered to look into procurement-related complaints relating to the procuring
6.0 Only "Class-I local suppliers and Class-II local suppliers", as defined under the order, shall be eligible
for participation against this tender. The offers of ‘Non-Local Suppliers’ shall not be considered for
evaluation against this tender.
7.0 However as per office order no. P-45021/102/2019-BE-II-Part(1), dated. 04/03/2021 of Ministry of
Commerce and industry, the bidder can’t claim themselves as class-I local supplier/class-II local
suppliers by claiming the services such as transportation, insurance, installation, commissioning,
training and after sales service support like AMC/CMC etc as local value additions.
GM (Materials) ,
M/s. National Aluminium Company Limited,
Smelter Plant
Dist.- Angul, Odisha-759145
Dear Sir,
We, M/s. __________________________________ , the statutory auditor(or as the case may be) of M/s
_________________(the bidder)hereby certify that M/s ___________ (the bidder) having its registered
office at ___________________(address) has quoted vide offer no
________________________________, Dt _________________ against NALCO’s tender no
_____________________, Dt____________ and the percentage of local content in the said bid is ____%
Signature with Date and name of person representing the statutory auditor(or as the case may be)
with seal of the audit firm.
36 | P a g e
Anti-Profiteering Clause (Sec 171 of CGST Act) (Applicable for Indian Bidders)
If any new Tax/Taxes is introduced on sale of goods/services, either in lieu of existing tax/taxes or as separate tax/taxes,
then the overall incidence of tax/taxes on the Vendor on account of its inputs and outputs wherever less than the
incidence of existing taxes, then the Vendor shall pass on to Owner, the benefits thereof by way of commensurate
reduction in the basic price w.r.t. Input Tax benefits and reduction in Tax chargeable to 'Nalco' w.r.t. Output Tax
benefits in connection with goods and/or services provided.
If on the other hand, the incidence of tax/taxes is in excess of the incidence of existing tax/taxes, the Owner on
submission of satisfactory proof, shall reimburse the Vendor the additional incidence of tax provided they are within the
contractual completion date.
The Vendor has to provide a declaration along with the Tender that they will abide by the requirements under CI 171 of
CGST Act, 2017.
37 | P a g e
Tender Ref:_________________________________
I/We ( Name of the Bidder ) commit to take all measures necessary to prevent corrupt
practices, unfair means and illegal activities during any stage of his bid or during any pre-contract or
post-contract stage in order to secure the contract. I/ We further undertakes that
- Will not offer, directly or through intermediaries, any bribe, gift, consideration, reward, favour, any
material or immaterial benefit or other advantage to any official of the Buyer, connected directly or
indirectly with the bidding process, evaluation, contracting and implementation of the Contract.
- will not collude with other parties interested in the contract to impair the transparency, fairness and
progress of the bidding process, bid evaluation, contracting and implementation of the contract.
- will not accept any advantage in exchange for any corrupt practice, unfair means and illegal
- will commits to refrain from giving any complaint directly or through any other manner without
supporting it with full and verifiable fact.
- will not instigate or cause to instigate any third person to commit any of the actions mentioned
Yours faithfully
38 | P a g e
SIGNATURE __________________________
NAME __________________________
DESIGNATION __________________________
39 | P a g e
Bidders submitting the EMD in INR should send the scanned copy of the duly filled in and signed
Annexure – XVI along with the scanned copy of Transaction Slip/ receipt of the Bank on the same
day of payment by e-mail to ( with a copy marked to
( .
The bidders should upload the scanned copy of the duly filled in and signed Annexure – XVI along
with the scanned copy of Transaction Slip/ receipt of the Bank with their offer.
The original copy of the duly filled in and signed Annexure – XVI along with the Transaction Slip/
receipt should be submitted to the address mentioned at para 3.3.
40 | P a g e
National Aluminium Company Limited,
Dear Sir,
Sub: Authorization for release of payment due from NALCO, through RBI-EFT/Internet / RTGS.
Refer Order No__________ dt___________ and/or Tender/Enquiry/Letter No__________ dt_______
(Please fill in the information in CAPITAL LETTERS. Please TICK wherever it is applicable)
I hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct and complete. If any transaction is
delayed or not effected for reasons of incomplete or incorrect information, I shall not hold National
Aluminium Company Limited responsible. I also undertake to advise any change in the particulars of my
account to facilitate updating of records for purpose of credit of amount through RBI EFT/ Internet/ RTGS.
Place: ____________
Date: _____________
Signature of the vendor/Authorized Signatory
Certified that particulars furnished above are correct as per our records
Bank’s Stamp:
Date: ____________
(Signature of the Authorized Official from the Banks)
41 | P a g e