Questions-Solution Mid 2020-21
Questions-Solution Mid 2020-21
Questions-Solution Mid 2020-21
(Autumn Mid)
Question Question
Q.No:2 a) Draw the internal architecture of 8085 MP and explain about Flag register.
b) Identify the addressing mode and name the machine cycles used to fetch
and execute each of the following instructions.
(i) ADD M (ii) STA 5000H (iii) CMA
Instruction Machine cycles Addressing Mode
ADD M Opcode Fetch, Memory Read Indirect
STA 5000H Opcode Fetch, Memory Read, Direct
Memory Read, Memory Write
CMA Opcode Fetch Implicit
DEN (Data Enable) - This signal is provided as enable for data flow
through the transceiver.
DT / R ; (Data Transmit / Receive) Controls direction of data flow.
Q.No:4 a) Discuss the various addressing modes of 8085 MP with a suitable example.
Ans: 1. Register addressing mode; Eg., MOV A, B
2. Direct addressing mode; Eg., STA 3700H
3. Indirect addressing mode; Eg., LDAX B
4. Immediate addressing mode; Eg., MVI B, 20H
5. Implicit addressing mode; Eg., CMA
b) Explain the operation of the following instructions with a suitable example.
(i) ADD B (ii) MOV M, A (iii) DAA
Instruction Operation Example
ADD B [A] <= [A] + [B] If [A]=10H&[B]=20H, then
after the execution of ADD B
[A] = 10H+20H=30H
MOV M, A [[HL]]<=[A] If [A]=30H & [HL] = 5000H,
then the content of memory
location 5000H=[[HL]]=30H
DAA Converts binary [A] = 25H=0010 0101
number into
[B] = 36H=0011 0110
BCD number.
+ [A] = 0101 1011= 5BH
Generally it is
used after After DAA
ADD/SUB [A] = 61H = 0110 0001
Q.No:6 a) If the clock frequency of a 8085 Microprocessor is 2 MHz, then find out the
exact time delay implemented with the following DELAY sub-routine.