8 Friction
8 Friction
8 Friction
1. Explain why is it easier for the fish to swim in water.
2. When the two surfaces are pressed harder, friction increases. Explain why?
3. Why is it easier to move the box already in motion than to get it started?
The sliding friction is slightly smaller than the static friction. Explain why?
4. It is important to apply lubricants between the moving part of a machine. Why?
5. In some cases, we deliberately increase friction. Explain why?
6. Explain increasing and decreasing friction with suitable examples.
7. Justify the statement – Friction is both a friend and a foe.
8. Cartilage is present in joints of our body, which helps in their smooth movement. If cartilage wears
off, how would this affect the movement of joints?
9. Explain why handle of cricket bat or badminton racquet is rough?
10. Two identical metal sheets, A and B, are rubbed with paper and sand paper respectively. Which one
of them will shine more?
11. On Sunday Razak invited everybody to play carrom in his house. While playing, striker was not
moving properly from one place to another. Everybody thought it is their bad luck. But Razia, one of
the players, quickly got up and sprinkled some talcum powder on the board.
• Why did Razia sprinkle some talcum powder?
• Can you give some other examples which serve the same purpose?
12. Ram and Shyam while returning from school saw a labour pushing hard to move a heavy box. Ram
immediately ran to him and started helping him in pushing the box whereas Shyam brought two iron
bars and asked the labour to put them below the box and then to push the box.
• What are the factors that affect friction?
• Who will help the labour more-Ram or Shyam? How?
13. Two blocks of iron of different masses are kept on a cemented floor as shown in Fig. Which one of
them would require a larger force to move it from the rest position?
14. Two boys are riding their bicycles on the same concrete road. One has new tyres on his bicycle while
the other has tyres that are old and used. Which of them is more likely to skid while moving through
a patch of the road which has lubricating oil spilled over it?
15. Fig. shows two boys applying force on a box. If the magnitude of the force applied by each is equal,
will the box experience any force of friction?
16. Imagine that an object is falling through a long straight glass tube held vertical; air has been removed
completely from the tube. The object does not touch the walls of the tube. Will the object experience
any force of friction?
17. While playing tug of war (Fig.12.4), Preeti felt that the rope was slipping through her hands. Suggest
a way out for her to prevent this.
18. A marble is allowed to roll down an inclined plane from a fixed height. At the foot of the inclined
plane, it moves on a horizontal surface
(a) covered with silk cloth
20. Iqbal has to push a lighter box and Seema has to push a similar heavier box on the same floor. Who
will have to apply a larger force and why?
21. Why it is convenient to pull the luggage fitted with rollers?
Even a child can pull attaches and other pieces of luggage fitted with rollers. Why is it so?
22. What enables us to fix nails in a wall and knots to be tied?
23. Match the Column