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Los MeDanos Community Healthcare District Report

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EDITORIAL NOTE: Contra Costa County attorneys redacted what they considered private and
personal information of the complainants, the subject of the complaint, and the witnesses. They also
redacted identifying information of some witnesses and information that is highly personal in
nature. Those redactions are shown in white.

Bay Area News Group does not generally identify victims of sexual harassment without their
consent. In this case, one of the complainants, Jocelyn Munoz, agreed to have her name used and
the other did not. The second person is identified in redactions in black as COMPLAINANT.


Executive DirectorLamarThorpe

Submitted April 12, 2022

Lisa Banayat, Pl UC #188065




Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................3
Executive SUIIllllaiy......................................................................................................................................3
Methodology .................................................................................................................................................3
Analysis and Findings ...................................................................................................................................4
Allegation #1 ........................................................................................................................................................................
Allegation #2 ........................................................................................................................................................................
Allegation #3 ........................................................................................................................................................................
Witness Advice .............................................................................................................................................8
Witnesses futerviewed .................................................................................................................................8
Inte1view Surnmaries ................................................................................................................................... 9
Exhibits .......................................................................................................................................................29



On September 15, 2021, Public Safety Advisor Lisa Banayat was designated to conduct an
investigation of allegations of sexual harassment based on written complaints by two employees.
The initial info1mationthat se1ved as a basis for this investigation was provided verbally by
Bobbi Bennett of Regional Government Se1vices (RGS).

Executive Summary

On September 3, 2021, Jocelyn Munoz of the Los Medauos Community Healthcare District
(LMCHD) authored a letter to Patt Young, the President of the Board of Directors ofLMCHD
alleging she was subjected to hostile work environment and harassment dming the comse of her
employment with LMCHD. Several of her allegations pe1iained to Executive Director Lamar
Thorpe. On September 7, 2021, COMPLAINANT ofLMCHD authored a letter to Patt Young,
alleging harassment and inappropriate conduct by Tho1pe.

Attorney Gaiy Bell, representing LMCHD, agreed to have fuvestigator Lisa Banayat (PI LIC
#188065) ofRGS conduct the investigation. RGS began conducting inte1views which did show
that Tho1pe's behavior towards Munoz and COMPLAINANT was inappropriate.

The following methods were employed to conduct this investigation:

The investigation was initiated on September 24, 2021. In person inte1viewswith the complainants
were recorded and conducted at the fronhouse Sanitaiy District conference room, 450 Walnut
Meadows Drive, Oakley, CA. An in-person inte1view with the respondent was conducted at the
LMCHD boai·d room at 2311 Loveridge Road, Pittsbmg, CA.

The following documents were provided by the paiiies involved and reviewed by the investigator.

The following was received from COMPLAINANT

• Text messages dated July 12 and 22, 2021 between COMPLAINANT and Tho1pe


• Screenshots ofFacebook message with Tho1pe's comments from July 27, 2021
• Text messages between Th01pe, COMPLAINANT and Munoz dated August 31, 2021 and
September 1, 2021

The following was received from Jocelyn M1moz;

• Text messages from between Thoipe and Munoz dated June 11 ,2021
• Text messages in a group which included Tho1pe, Munoz, COMPLAINANT and

The following was received from Lamar Th01pe's attorney Kevin Sullivan:

• Letter dated September 3, 2021 from Th01pe to Sullivan

• Emails from December 21, 2021 and December 23, 2021 between investigator and Sullivan
• Signed Lybarger admonition for Lamar Tho1pe

These documents are attached as exhibits.

Analysis and Findings

The following findings have been prepared based on the info1mation collected during interviews
with the complainant and witnesses, and a review of the docun1ents/materials collected during the

Allegation #1: On J1me 11, 2021, Executive Director Lamar Th01pe grabbed Jocelyn Munoz
bare leg while they were at a bar, and commented that it was sexual harassment.

This allegation is sustained.

After carefully reviewing the statements and documentation provided, including those from the
witness and the complainant, there is sufficient evidence to support this allegation.


In Munoz' written complaint and in her inte1view with the investigator, Munoz said she was just
getting off work around 3:00 p.m. on June 11, 2021. Tho1pe invited her and her boyfriend,
, to hang out via text. Munoz said she had to go home first, and later received a
text at 4:35 p.m. from Th01pe asking where she was. Munoz said she would be on her way.
Munoz later provided the text message which is attached as an exhibit.

When Munoz and anived, Tho1pe akeady seemed like he had a few drinks and was
talking to other people at the bar. A shoit time later, Tho1pe walked over to Munoz and stood
between Munoz and . Munoz was wearing knee length pants, and her calf was bare.
Tho1pe reached down and grabbed Munoz's calf with his hand. Tho1pe said, 'This is sexual
harassment I should stop." Munoz said, "Dude, what the hell, why are you being crazy?" Tho1pe
said, "I shouldn't have done that" then walked away. Munoz believed Tho1pe was drnnk because
he was super animated, chummy with eve1yone, and loud. Thoipe had invited Munoz and others
to come to his house for karaoke. Munoz and got into their car, and once in the car they
had a conversation about Tho1pe's inappropriate behavior. Munoz texted Tho1pe that she wasn't
feeling well at 7:46 p.m. because she did not want to attend karaoke.

Munoz' statement is corroborated by the text messages provided. The text string (attached as
exhibit) shows Tho1pe texting Munoz, "What happened to you all you." At 4:35 p.m. A later text
from Munoz to Tho1pe at 7:46 p.m. reads "Hey!! We're not gonna make it I'm not feeling well
have fun!" followed by a microphone emoji.

statement is consistent with Munoz. saw Tho1pe's hand go straight down to

Munoz's leg. Munoz's calf was exposed below the knee, and Tho1pe squeezed her calf muscle
on her bare skin. As he squeezed Munoz' calf, Tho1pe said, "This is sexual harassment by the
way I should stop." looked at him and his eyes got wide because he couldn't believe what
he just saw. was confused and annoyed, but didn't want to make a scene in the restaurant.
was concerned because Tho1pe is the Mayor and didn't want to jeopardize his job or
Munoz' job.

During Tho1pe's inte1view, he denied the incident. Tho1pe did not have a recollection of going to
La Plazuela on that pa1ticular date, and said when he went there it was for meetings that included
Munoz. Tho1pe also stated that events with LMCHD office staff were organized by
However, stated she did not organize or attend any after hours events with LMCHD
staff. said there have been no team building events with LMCHD staff due to pandemic,
and it would have been her responsibility to schedule them.

Allegation #2: Executive Director Lamar Tho1pe made inappropriate comments to Jocelyn


This allegation is sustained.

After carefully reviewing the statements and documentation provided, including those from
numerous witnesses and the complainant, there is sufficient evidence to supp01t this allegation.

During Munoz' interview, she stated while at work, Thorpe often commented about dating.
Thorpe made comments that he needed to get laid, and discussed sexual encounters while at

statement provides coIToboration that Thmpe discussed his marital status with
in the office. COMPLAINANT said Thmpe asked her to read a letter he wrote to his ex-wife.

Thorpe denied making any statements about his personal life to Munoz or Thorpe.

Allegation #3: Executive Director Lamar Tho1pe made inappropriate and vulgar comments to
COMPLAINANT then grabbed her buttock, while at a work conference in Monterey.

This allegation is sustained.

After carefully reviewing the statements and documentation provided, including those from the
witness and the complainant, there is sufficient evidence to suppoti this allegation.
said while at a work conference in Monterey, she met Th01pe, Munoz and for
drinks. While returning to her car, Tho1pe commented that he wanted to "drill her down" and
that her "ass looked fat in those jeans." Tho1pe then grabbed her buttock. COMPLAINANT said th.is
behavior was unwanted and offensive. During COMPLAINANT .interview, she was

Munoz and were walking behind Tho1pe and COMPLAINANT Munoz said she observed that
Tho1pe was walking in a zig-zag fashion consistent with alcohol consumption, and was "hanging
on" COMPLAINANT Munoz confnmed that COMPLAINANT was upset immediately afte1ward, and asked
Munoz and to walk her to her room.

also coIToborated COMPLAINANT statement. said he saw Tho1pe consuming alcohol, and
supported Munoz statement that asked them to walk her to her room. said
although he was not watching closely when and Tho1pe were walking in front of him,
has observed Tho1pe get "handsy" when he drinks. said he witnessed another
occasion where Tho1pe was drinking and grabbed Munoz by the leg.
Other documented behavior by Tho1pe is consistent with this incident. On July 27, 2021,
posted a photo of herself on Facebook and Th01pe commented, "Hey good looking"
followed by the "heart-eye" emoji. COMPLAINANT provided a screenshot of this interaction which is
attached to this repo1t. COMPLAINANT said she was upset about this as was . Tho1pe later
commented about it at work and said he should remove the comment, but he did not.

Tho1pe denied that he touched COMPLAINANT at any time, and denied he made any inappropriate
comments to her. fu fact, he stated COMPLAINANT commented to him that "It's yoms if you want it"
implying she would be willing to engage in a relationship with him. Tho1pe said upon returning
from the conference, he immediately repo1ted this to Patt Young. However, both Tho1pe and
Young agree that Tho1pe only said an uncomfortable situation occmTed and Th01pe did not
provide any details. Th01pe and Young discussed Tho1pe writing a letter to booking Rhonda
Bmk or the district's attorney Gary Bell.

Tho1pe did neither. fu his interview, he stated he sent a ce1tified letter describing the
circumstances to his personal attorney, Kevin Sullivan. Sullivan later produced the letter, which
is attached as an exhibit. Proof of ce1tified mail was not provided. When asked again by the
investigator for the ce1tified mail receipt and relevant text messages, Sullivan replied he received
the letter via United States Postal Service. No text messages from Tho1pe were received.



Witness Advice
At the beginning of each interview, all interviewees were advised of the following:

1. The investigator was a neutral fact finder investigating a complaint on behalf of the
Los Medanos Community Healthcare District.
2. The investigator would both record the interview and take notes dming the interview
and based on the recording and notes, would prepare a summaiy statement to be
included as pai1 of the final repo1t.

3. The pa1ties interviewed were asked not to discuss the subject matter of the inte1view
with other employees. They were all advised that they had a right not to be retaliated
against for paiticipating in this inte1view process and/or for making the original
complaint. They were advised to repo1t any suspected retaliation to their supe1visor or
Human Resomces personnel.

Witnesses Interviewed
r ,


Jocelyn Munoz Complainant Interim Outreach Specialist October 8, 2021


•,, \

Witness #1 Non-employee October 12, 2021

I '

Witness #2 October 29, 2021

Patt Young Witness #3 Board Chai1person November 5, 2021

Dannisha Owens- Witness #4 Board Member December 27, 2021



Witness #5 December 28, 2021

Witness #6 Janua1y 6, 2021

LamarThmpe Respondent Executive Director October 29, 2021


Interview Summaries


On October 8, 2021, at 9:30 a.m., a recorded interview was conducted with COMPLAINANT at
the Ironhouse Sanitaiy District conference room in Oakley, California. COMPLAINANT is a Conmmnity
Outreach Specialist and has been with LMCHD since Janua1y of 2020. COMPLAINANT identified
herself as . COMPLAINANT also stated she is

On October 8, 2021, at 9:30 a.m., a recorded interview was conducted with COMPLAINANT
is a COMPLAINANT with the Los Medanos Conununity Healthcare
District. She has been with the district since Januaiy of 2020. COMPLAINANT identified herself as

said she first met Thorpe when she applied for a job with LMCHD. She was scheduled
for an interview about a grant. COMPLAINANT was connected to LMCHD through a grant she had
received. She was supposed to meet him at the office, but she did not have a car at that time.
Thorpe offered to pick her up at her home. COMPLAINANT thought it was strange, but agreed to it. They
had a conversation about the grant, then Thorpe told her he had an opening at LMCHD. Thmpe
hired her on as an employee.

A couple months after she was hired, COMPLAINANT was seated in Tho1pe's office. She was talking
about , and became slightly upset. Th01pe shut the door to his office and walked
over to her and said, "Come here." COMPLAINANT stood up and Tho1pe gave her a hug. COMPLAINANT
described it as a full-frontal prolonged hug. Tho1pe rnbbed her back and said, "It's going to be
okay." COMPLAINANT was shocked because Tho1pe is her boss and they weren't friends. COMPLAINANT
pulled away and left the office right afte1wai·ds.COMPLAINANT did not say anything to him because
she was shocked. COMPLAINANT said they were not friends and she felt ve1y uncomfo1iable with this
unwelcome hug. COMPLAINANT said the office doesn't have windows and she doesn't believe anyone
witnessed this incident. and were working in the outer office at
the time. no longer works there.

In March 2020, Thorpe confided in COMPLAINANT about his maniage and asked her to read a letter he
wanted to send to his ex-wife for her birthday. COMPLAINANT described the letter as a personal and
emotional apology. Thorpe asked her what she thought of the letter and COMPLAINANT told him it was
good. COMPLAINANT was uncomfortable discussing this personal issue with Thorpe. Thorpe then asked
to call a location and ask for his wife to determine if she was at a particular location.
doesn't remember the location, but Thorpe gave her the number to call.

did not see Thorpe throughout the rest of 2020 due to the pandemic.

Thorpe suggested COMPLAINANT become his Facebook friend to gain access to a work page. On July
27, 2021, COMPLAINANT posted a photo of herself on Facebook and Thorpe commented, "Hey good
looking" followed by the "heart-eye" emoji.. This made COMPLAINANT very uncomfortable and she
showed agreed it was not appropriate for her boss to comment in
that mam1er. showed the photo to the investigator, and provided a screenshot of this
interaction which is attached to this report.

The next day at the office, Tho1pe commented on the post to all their colleagues. Tho1pe said,
"Hey Did you all see Jocelyn's picture on Facebook last night? She was looking good last night
and I put a comment on there and I don't know what thought." COMPLAINANT told
Tho1pe, didn't think it was appropriate." Th01pe replied, "I gotta take that down" then went
to his office. Tho1pe did not take the comment down.

Tho1pe did not ask about , and would refer to her as Mrs. COMPLAINANT in meetings.
Single women at work were addressed by their first name. COMPLAINANT never confided in Tho1pe
about anything personal, or about her relationship with

Tho1pe frequently asked the work group if they wanted to go out after work and get drinks.
never went out with the group because she wanted to maintain a professional
relationship with eve1yone. COMPLAINANT also has volunteers in
the community, and doesn't really have ti.me. was aware that others went out after
hours with him, and that he had friendships with them outside of work.

On August 30, 2021, COMPLAINANT went to a California Special Di.strict Association (CSDA)
conference in Monterey. She had a ve1y busy day, so she was aiTivi.nglater than her colleagues.
texted Munoz to ask how things ai·egoing and where to meet them. Munoz told them
which bar they were at, and COMPLAINANT joined them at approximately 9:45 p.m. COMPLAINANT did not
recall the name of the bar. When she ani.ved, Munoz, , and Tho1pe were there. It appeai·ed

PAGE o OF 44
to COMPLAINANT that they already had several drinks. Thmpe said, "Let's all get a round of shots!"
Thorpe ordered a round of tequila shots. Tho1pe was not acting the same as she was used to,
because he was saying vulgar things. Tho1pe said that" and"
regarding something that happened in Antioch. Tho1pe was using the te1ms to
that he didn't approve of. COMPLAINANT is not sure what he meant by his comments,
because he wasn't talking about anything in paiticular. COMPLAINANT was shocked because he is the
Executive Director, and making these comments. Tho1pe's speech was slmred, and his tone was
louder than usual. COMPLAINANT and Munoz tried to change the subject, and then suggested they leave
the bat·. and Tho1pe suggested one more bat· to end the night, so COMPLAINANT drove them to
the next place. said he "wanted to get fucked up" and ordered a round of shots.

As they left the bar and walked to COMPLAINANT cai·, Tho1pe and COMPLAINANT were walking side by side,
on his left, in front of and Munoz. Tho1pe leaned into COMPLAINANT and put his aim
around her. At this point in the interview, COMPLAINANT became emotional and had to take a break
from the inte1view. She said Tho1pe said things to her she never thought a boss would say to her.
could not repeat what he said and said she wrote it down. She showed what she wrote
to the investigator. Tho1pe said "I want to bend you over and drill you down so hard. Your ass
looks so fat in those jeans."

said Tho1pe was not talking loudly, but in a n01mal voice. As he was saying these
things, Th01pe moved his aim down around COMPLAINANT waist, then grabbed her left buttock with
his left hand and squeezed it. COMPLAINANT said, "No, no, I'm mairied!" and pulled away while
pushing him with her elbow to create some space. Th01pe kept repeating that he wanted to drill
her down. As they got to the car, no one said anything. The car ride back to the hotel was quiet.
Munoz was seated behind COMPLAINANT As they anived and were exiting the cai·,COMPLAINANT looked at
Munoz and said, "Please, I need you to walk me back to my room." and Munoz walked
back to her room. That is when discovered that Tho1pe was in the room next
to hers. Tho1pe opened his door and peeked out to see who was in the hallway. COMPLAINANT went
into her room and locked the door. COMPLAINANT said she was sitting on the edge of her bed, frozen.
She called what happened. COMPLAINANT said she wasn't sure if she should
stay at the conference or if she was safe. COMPLAINANT decided to stay.

The next morning, COMPLAINANT received a call from Tho1pe about 7:45 a.m. He asked COMPLAINANT to
come to his room. She knocked on his door, and walked straight past him to the window away
from Th01pe. Tho1pe said, "What happened yesterday was inappropriate, it won't happen again."
said, "You're right, it was not appropriate. Let's go to breakfast." COMPLAINANT said she just
wanted to get out of the room as soon as possible. COMPLAINANT said that was the last conversation
she had alone with Tho1pe.


11 44
Later the same day, Tho1pe, Munoz, and COMPLAINANT were at lunch. They were talking about the
topics available at the conferences and sexual harassment was one of them. Th01pe laughed and
said that he should probably go to that after last night. No one else laughed. COMPLAINANT did not
think it was funny. COMPLAINANT and Munoz did attend the Sexual Harassment training, but Tho1pe
did not. COMPLAINANT and Munoz began talking about all the incidents with Tho1pe.

That evening, , Munoz and COMPLAINANT went to dinner down the street from the hotel. Tho1pe
texted and asked if they were going to the conference reception. (COMPLAINANT later provided the text
messages which are attached as an exhibit.) COMPLAINANT and Munoz did not respond to his text. A
short time later, Tho1pe walked by them. Tho1pe "flipped them off' and commented about them
"being haters" and not inviting him to their dinner. COMPLAINANT couldn't tell if Tho1pe had been
drinking, but she did not think Tho1pe was joking. His expression was serious. COMPLAINANT said they
are not friends, and he is the executive director, and she did not think his behavior was
appropriate. commented, "That's not cool."

The next day September 1, 2021, they hadn't seen him all day. In the afternoon, Tho1pe texted
them asking them to go drinking. Tho1pe asked if they wanted to go to house.
had never met and didn't understand why he'd want to go there. Munoz
responded but did not respond to the text. COMPLAINANT provided the text that is attached as
an exhibit. COMPLAINANT Munoz and went to dinner that night and did not see Th01pe.

The last day of the conference, COMPLAINANT saw Tho1pe and Munoz at breakfast. The only empty
seat was next to Tho1pe. Also present were Patt Young and Dennisha Owens-Marsh, board
members from LMCHD.

When COMPLAINANT was driving home after the conference, she was ve1y upset and
. She said it was really hard. COMPLAINANT was concerned about what she was
feeling, and how
was also concerned about her job. At this point, COMPLAINANT and
asked to take a break in the interview. said it was ve1y hard to work and despite being
told she did not have to report to Tho1pe, he has sent her emails. Tho1pe has not attempted to
discuss anything with her since she filed her complaint.

said the only other person harassed by Tho1pe that she is aware of is Munoz. Munoz
told her about her own experience with Tho1pe. COMPLAINANT said Tho1pe always appears to be
"hunting" or looking for female companionship. At the conference, he saw a woman he felt was
attractive. Tho1pe said to COMPLAINANT and Munoz, "I should go to lunch with her!"


1 44
said her other area of concern is Thorpe's work ethic. COMPLAINANT said Thorpe would
make her the acting executive di.rector. She would get paid a n01mal wage attending extra
meetings and doing extra work while Thorpe was doing other things. COMPLAINANT said the district is
on auto-pilot and there is no one at the captain's seat right now. Thorpe has been largely focused
on his mayorship in Antioch. works for both LMCHD and Antioch. Much of
the time, Thorpe and are working on issues pertaining to Antioch. COMPLAINANT said Thorpe
is rarely working on things pe1taining to LMCHD. COMPLAINANT provided text messages where
Thorpe asked her to fill in for him as executive director. COMPLAINANT had no prior experience as an
executive director. COMPLAINANT said Thorpe is supposed to be at LMCHD full-time, but is rarely

When asked if she had anything to add, COMPLAINANT said she feels she has been taken advantage of
in the workplace and not protected by anyone. COMPLAINANT said she needs to stay cautious in all
regards and it's ve1y stressful for her to get her job done. COMPLAINANT also named as
someone who may have witnessed some of the unprofessional comments made by Tho1pe in the

Credibility assessment
answered all questions complete~y and wUhout hesitation. COMPLAINANT was appropriately
emotional when describing events. She provided text messages and screenshots of her Facebook
account which corroborated her statement.

Jocelyn Munoz

On October 8, 2021, at 11:39 a.m., a recorded interview was conducted with Jocelyn Munoz at
the Ironhouse Sanitaiy District in Oakley, California. Munoz is an Interim Outreach Specialist
and was hired on October 1, 2020. Munoz stated she recently gave her two-week notice to end
her employment with LMCHD, due in pait to the circumstances smTounding her complaint.
Munoz identified herself as

Munoz said she has been with her boyfriend

Munoz said the incident she reported in her written
complaint was on Friday, June 11, 2021. Munoz said she was just getting off work around 3:00
p.m. and Th01pe invited her and to hang out via text. Munoz said she had to go home first,
and later received a text at 4:35 p.m. from Tho1pe asking where she was. Munoz said she would
be on her way. Munoz later provided the text message which is attached as an exhibit.

When Munoz and anived, Tho1pe was there with a woman who she thought might be
Tho1pe's date. Munoz could not remember the woman's name. When Munoz aiTived, Thorpe
3 44
said, "You know when your boss tells you to be somewhere, you show up on time." The four of
them sat at the bar, and was seated between Munoz and Tho1pe. Tho1pe already seemed
like he had a few drinks and was talking to other people at the bar.

A short time later, Tho1pe walked over to Munoz and stood between Munoz and . Munoz
was wearing knee length pants, and her calf was bare. Tho1pe reached down and grabbed
Munoz's calf with his hand. Tho1pe said, "This is sexual harassment I should stop." Munoz said,
"Dude, what the hell, why are you being crazy?" Thorpe said, "I shouldn't have done that" then
walked away. Munoz said this was her boss, and the Mayor, and she did not know what to do.
Munoz told she wanted to leave. As Munoz was telling Tho1pe she was leaving, he
wanted to know where they were going. Munoz said "Vine and Green." Tho1pe said, "Let's all
go." It was awkward because Munoz did not want them to go, but she didn't say anything.
Tho1pe then said, "Let's just karaoke at my house!" Munoz said Thorpe began inviting random
people to go to his house for karaoke. Munoz believed Tho1pe was drunk because he was super
animated, chummy with eve1yone, and loud.

Munoz was confused and upset. She and got into their car and she asked , "What
the hell was that?" At one point, she was also mad at for not doing anything. Munoz was
concerned about what Monday morning was going to look like. Later on, Munoz texted Tho1pe
that she wasn't feeling well at 7:46 p.m. (Text attached as exhibit.)

Munoz said this was the first time Tho1pe and had met in person. Munoz had gone out
after work for drinks with a group from work that included Tho1pe about four times. Munoz
never went alone with him for drinks.

Tho1pe told her he is very single and needs to get laid. Munoz said he said this to her on more
than five occasions, both at work during work hours and at the after-hours events where they had
drinks with other co-workers. Tho1pe was on Instagram and dating apps tiying to find people to
date. Munoz thought maybe she told him about it because he needed dating advice, but Tho1pe
would say he wanted to get laid which Munoz thought was "TMI" (too much info1mation).
Munoz said his was often there when Tho1pe would make those
comments. Tho1pe also made comments about women such as, "She's hot, I should go tell her
something." Munoz said this would happen almost eve1y time she hung out with him. Tho1pe
would also make comments such as, "I'm the Mayor, people need to respect me." One time
Tho1pe said, "I don't even know how I've gotten this far, I don't even know what I'm doing half
the time." Right before the conference, Tho1pe went to Miami for a conference. He returned and
told Munoz about how he was getting wild on a party boat in Miaini. Tho1pe told Munoz about
another ti-ipto Mexico where he had sex with the baiiender. Usually, Tho1pe made these
comments in front of Munoz and . Munoz said she felt super awkward about his


14 44
comments but did not say anything directly about it. Munoz would tell Thmpe, "You 're so
crazy." Thorpe would respond, "You know I'm crazy."

At the conference on August 30, 2021, accompanied Munoz because Munoz was
concerned about Tho1pe. Tho1pe anived and texted M1moz.He told Munoz he had just been in a
car accident but was going to come and meet Munoz and . Tho1pe seemed to be in a bad
mood, and said, "I hate these fucking things, and I got into a fucking car accident." They had a
beer together, then went their separate ways for a few hours. At 9:00 p.m., Munoz, Tho1pe and
got into an Uber and went to a bar. Tho1pe said, "I want to get fucked up, I'm tiying to
drink." Munoz said she and were discussing how they thought the hotel was haunted, and
Tho1pe was getting annoyed with the conversation. Tho1pe said, "Let's order another drink."
Tho1pe was drinking tequila. COMPLAINANT anived and they had a shot. suggested they go to
another bar and order a beer because he was tired of shots. Tho1pe was saying, ''No, let's get
shots, we're getting fucked up tonight." Munoz wanted to leave so she could attend the
conference in the morning.

As they walked out, COMPLAINANT and Th01pe were walking in front of and Munoz. Munoz
noted that Tho1pe was acting grabby like he did that night at La Plazuela. Munoz saw Tho1pe
grab COMPLAINANT by the waist. Munoz couldn't hear what he was saying to COMPLAINANT Munoz did not
see Tho1pe grab her buttocks. They got into the car and COMPLAINANT drove them to the hotel. When
they anived at the hotel, COMPLAINANT grabbed Munoz firmly by the shoulder and said, "Jasmine,
please, walk me to my room!" and M1mozwalked COMPLAINANT to her room and went inside.
They noticed Tho1pe's room was next door to COMPLAINANT As they left COMPLAINANT room, they saw
Tho1pe peek out the door of his room but not say anything. Munoz asked if they were being too
loud, and said goodnight.

The next day, August 31, 2021 around 11:00 a.m., Munoz was texting with COMPLAINANT about the
next seminar. Munoz was walking to COMPLAINANT room and saw Tho1pe. The three walked together
to the seminar. Munoz and COMPLAINANT left the seminar a little early and waited outside. Munoz
showed COMPLAINANT the photos from the night before. (Munoz provided the photos which are
attached as exhibits.)

Tho1pe exited the seminar, and he, Munoz and COMPLAINANT met at an oyster bar. Tho1pe was
on the phone a lot during hmch. Tho1pe was staring and thinking but not engaging in
conversation. Munoz said she could sense the tension. Munoz pulled out the brochure for the
conference and was going through it. M1mozsaid, "Look, there is a sexual harassment one."
Tho1pe laughed and said, "Sexual harassment? Yeah, I should probably go to that after yesterday


15 44
As they left, Tho1pe ran into a vendor he had seen before. Tho1pe had commented to Munoz that
he should get her number and that it seemed like she wanted him. Munoz thinks her name was
. Tho1pe walked off in her general direction and said, "I'm tiying to drink."
responded, "I'm down." Tho1pe hung back as COMPLAINANT and Munoz began walking in the
direction of the seminar. Munoz asked Thorpe ifhe was coming with them, and he said he didn't
know. Munoz told him to do whatever he wanted, and Tho1pe put his fingers together and made
a face that Munoz inte1preted as sneaky.

Munoz and COMPLAINANT walked away and were sitting in the lobby. COMPLAINANT struts telling Munoz
what happened the night before. COMPLAINANT told Munoz that Tho1pe grabbed her buttocks. Munoz
said she saw Tho1pe put his aim ai·ound her neck and be grabby, but felt bad she did not see that
Tho1pe grabbed her buttocks. Munoz began apologizing because she felt guilty that she didn't
know and didn't say something. Munoz told COMPLAINANT what happened to her at La Plazuela.
Munoz had never told anyone else at the disti-ict. Munoz saw Tho1pe walking into the conference
and said "What are you doing? I thought you were going to hang out with homegirl." Tho1pe
said, "Oh no I fucked up last night. I probably shouldn't have done that" and left.

Munoz and COMPLAINANT went to the sexual hai·assment seminar. It made Munoz realize that they had
to say something about Tho1pe's behavior. Afte1ward, Munoz and COMPLAINANT went to happy hour
alone and talked more about what happened. joined them later and they sat outside. There
was a Faimer's market on the sti-eet.Tho1pe texted Munoz, asking if they were at the mixer.
Munoz did not answer (Munoz provided the texts which ai·e attached as exhibits.) Tho1pe walked
by a few minutes later and saw the three at the table. Tho1pe went over to them, flipped them off,
and said, "What's up haters?" Munoz said Tho1pe was serious and not laughing as he flipped
them off Munoz was shocked at his behavior. Tho1pe walked away.

On September 1, 2021, at 5:24 p.m., Th01pe texted and wanted to know if they would go to
with him. Munoz replied that she had ah-eady made plans for dinner. Munoz said
is Tho1pe's who lives in Santa Crnz, and Munoz has no idea why
Tho1pe would want Munoz to go to his house.

A sho1t time later, Tho1pe knocked on Munoz' hotel room door. When Munoz didn't answer, he
called and asked if she was in her room. Tho1pe said he wanted to talk to her about some things
and asked to meet in the lobby. She was ve1y uncomfortable with any conversation with Tho1pe
and asked to go to the lobby with her. When they aITivedin the lobby, stayed his
distance. Tho1pe said to Munoz, "This is going to be ve1y uncomfo1table, but I've got to do it. I
need you to be honest with me. Are we cool?" Munoz said, "Yes, what's going on?" Tho1pe said
he wanted to make sure eve1ything was okay and that she didn't take offense to Th01pe flipped
them off Munoz said it was kind of weird, and told Tho1pe it wasn't the first time he had flipped
her off Munoz explained that about a week prior, she declined a lunch invitation from Tho1pe


16 44
and because she brought her lunch . Tho1pe responded by flipping her

Tho1pe said he considered Munoz a friend, but he is also the executive director and he gets the
two things confused. He said he didn't see an issue with flipping her off. Munoz told him what
he did made eve1yone super uncomfo1table. Munoz also told him it wasn't the first time he had
done something like that and Th01pe said, "When?" Munoz told him it was at La Plazuela.
Munoz told him she felt he crossed a boundaiy that night. Tho1pe asked if there was anything he
could do to make it better. Munoz said an apology. Tho1pe said he apologized to COMPLAINANT
yesterday, and asked ifhe should apologize to Munoz's boyfriend. Munoz said Tho1pe said
"boyfriend" sarcastically instead of using his name.

Tho1pe walked into the restaurant where was waiting for Munoz. Tho1pe sat in front of
and said he was sony he put him in that situation. Munoz saw Tho1pe shake
hand. Tho1pe said, "I'm going to go and reflect now."

On September 2, 2021, the last day of the conference, Munoz saw Tho1pe and asked him a
question about reimbursement. Munoz was t1ying to find COMPLAINANT but Tho1pe was walking with
her and asked "You still don't seem okay." Munoz tried to change the subject and said she was
tired. Munoz told Tho1pe, "As a friend, that has got to stop. It's going to get worse. And we can't
hang out and drink anymore." Tho1pe said he agreed. Munoz said that was the last conversation
she had with Th01pe.

Munoz said Tho1pe has made hea1t eyes posts on her Instagram photos which she felt were

Munoz said she submitted her resignation because she did not receive a timely reply from the
board about her complaint. She felt the matter was serious. Th01pe was not supposed to be
directly contacting Munoz or COMPLAINANT but he was sending them emails directly instead of going
through Rhonda Burke. Munoz contacted Patt Young who said Tho1pe "must have forgot" or
that Burke forgot to tell Tho1pe. Munoz wondered if Tho1pe was going to forget that he wasn't
supposed to come to the office.

Credibility assessment
Munoz answered all questions completely and without hesitation. Munoz provided text messages
which corroborated her statement. She did not appear to have any motive to fabricate her



On October 12, 2021 at 3:00 p.m., a recorded interview was conducted with via
Zoom. has known Munoz for and considers her his
girlfriend or pa1tner. met Thorpe through Munoz at a sushi restamant in Antioch in May
or June of 2021. Tho1pe offered a contracting job at LMCHD. ended up
working for a month or two as a identified himself as

At the end of June or early July, 2021, and Munoz saw Tho1pe again at La Plazuela in
Antioch. They were having drinks with Tho1pe and another female colleague. doesn't
recall the female colleague's name. They were seated at the bar, with Munoz to left and
the unknown female to his right. On the opposite side of the unknown female sat Tho1pe. They
all had several drinks. thinks he had fom drinks himself but did not keep track of Tho1pe.
said they both had shots, margaritas and beers. Eve1yone was drinking, but Tho1pe was
kind of buzzed. said Tho1pe was getting loud, being energetic and talking with strangers.
Tho1pe made comments to others in the bar about being the Mayor of Antioch.

Tho1pe came over to Munoz and and had a brief conversation. saw Tho1pe's hand
go straight down to Munoz's leg. Munoz's calf was exposed below the knee, and Tho1pe
squeezed her calf muscle on her bare skin. As he squeezed Munoz' calf, Tho1pe said, "This is
sexual harassment by the way I should stop." looked at him and his eyes got wide because
he couldn't believe what he just saw. was confused and annoyed, but didn't want to make
a scene in the restamant and was concerned he was the Mayor and didn't want to jeopardize his
job or Munoz' job. Later, Munoz and spoke in the car. Munoz apologized for Tho1pe's
behavior, but was mad at Tho1pe. thought it was disrespectful to both of them.

said Tho1pe behaved in ways that made him believe he disrespected and the
relationship between and Munoz. Tho1pe would call Munoz while was present and
on speake1phone. Instead of using name, Th01pe would refer to as "her
boyfriend." Tho1pe would ask if her boyfriend was around. said they had met several
times already, and Tho1pe had hired him to do work for LMCHD. There was no reason not to
address by name. said it was a sign to him that Tho1pe was disrespectful or had
ulterior motives. The behavior was odd and did not sit well with was aware that
Tho1pe had asked Munoz to lunch in March of 2020, but that nothing ever came of it.


1 44
When they went to the conference on August 30, 2021, Tho1pe called Munoz while was
present. Munoz's phone was on speaker. Tho1pe asked, "Did yom boyfriend come?" Munoz
responded, "Yes, here. You're on speake1phone." Later that evening, , Munoz
and Tho1pewent to have drinks. Each had about three rounds at the table, and showed
up later, approximately 9 or 9:30 p.m. They ordered a round of shots, then left to go to another
bar. said all were a little buzzed except COMPLAINANT doesn't recall any collllllents
made by Thoipe abou1 , but does recall that Tho1pe's attitude was off and
weird. At times, Th01pe seemed a little checked out. tried to make small talk with Tho1pe
but Tho1pe did not reciprocate. felt Tho1pe didn't appreciate that he came to the
conference with Munoz.

Tho1pe said, "I want to get fucked up." bought a round of shots at the next bar. When they
returned to the hotel from the bar, and Munoz were walking about ten to fifteen feet
behind Tho1pe and was talking to Munoz and looking around, and not really
paying attention to what was happening in front of him. He could hear some conversation
between COMPLAINANT and Tho1pe, but couldn't make out what they were saying. said Tho1pe
was shaky due to his drinking. described it as walking in a s01t of zig zag pattern, but not
falling down. doesn't recall seeing Tho1pe touch COMPLAINANT Munoz told they had to
walk to her room. didn't understand since they were at the same hotel, but he
agreed. and Munoz walked to her room and hung out for a minute. Th01pe was
already in his room at this point. As Munoz and said goodnight to COMPLAINANT Th01pe
peeked out of his room and they said goodnight to him. said he did not know the extent of
what happened until he got back to his room and Munoz filled him in.

said he has not socialized with COMPLAINANT before. didn't see any fli1ting between
and Th01pe. did not appear intoxicated. couldn't specifically say he saw
Tho1pe put his hands on However, he said Th01pe is a friendly guy who is handsy and
touches people, especially when he is drinking. Dming the evening, Tho1pe tapped Munoz on the
shoulder while talking to her.

The next morning, Munoz and went to get coffee. left on his own while Munoz was
at the conference. Around 10:30 am, Munoz texted him to meet for lunch. , Munoz,
and Tho1pe all had lunch and described it as awkward and quiet. recalls
comments were made about going to a sexual harassment seminar that was part of the
conference. Tho1pe said something to the effect, "Maybe we should go take these sexual
harassment course next" then looked at the girls awkwardly. described Thoipe as sullen.

Munoz and COMPLAINANT attended the sexual harassment seminars. Afterward, the three went to
Alvarado Street for dinner. Munoz and COMPLAINANT were discussing the events of the day before
and talking about Tho1pe's behavior in comparison to the seminars they had just


1 44
attended. Thorpe was calling Munoz, but she wasn't answering. Thorpe walked by and
said, "There's Lamar." Tho1pe was on the phone, but saw , COMPLAINANT and Munoz. Tho1pe
walked by them and said, "I see how it is!" Tho1pe "flipped them off' using both middle fingers.
A few minutes later, Tho1pe walked by with the foot, and again flipped them off and walked
away. Tho1pe was not smiling or laughing, and said he looked offended that they were
ignoring him.

and Munoz were upset about Tho1pe flipping them off and making comments. The next
day, Tho1pe kept texting Munoz, then asked about going to house. said
used to work for LMCHD and is pait of an
(Later determined to be
). thought that was an odd request. said lives in San Jose and it
made no sense to go there. Munoz told she thought Tho1pe was wonied about doing
something inappropriate and wanted to get ahead of it by

Tho1pe asked to meet Munoz in the lobby. told Munoz he would go with her to the lobby
then meet her at Alvarado Street. Once in the lobby, Thorpe said hello to , then left
to go to Alvarado Street. Tho1pe and Munoz began following, and could hear Munoz and
Tho1pe talking about the night before. Tho1pe said, "I wish didn't walk away, I just
wanted to address both of you and the situation from last night." kept walking and could
still see them but couldn't hear them. entered the restaurant first and got a table. Tho1pe
entered sho1ily afte1ward, and sat down across from . Tho1pe said he owed him an apology
and shouldn't have put in that position. Th01pe said, "What I did was inappropriate. I
shouldn't have put any of you guys in that position. I'm sony." shook his hand as a means
of settling the issue. said he was going to have a beer. Tho1pe said he was going to go to
his room and reflect a bit. has not seen Tho1pe since then, and has not had any
communication with him.

said Munoz resigned her position in pa1t due to this situation. Munoz was upset that she
did not get a timely response from the board. Munoz had sent a ve1y detailed email to the Board
(per the handbook) and didn't get a response from anyone for three or fom days. Munoz reached
out again and expressed her frnstration and disappointment that she had not received a response.
Munoz did not feel her complaint was being taken seriously and told she did not feel safe.
Munoz then took a week off because she , and reached out
again. When she did not hear anything, Munoz resigned from her position.

Credibility assessment
answered all questions completely and without hesitation. statement was
corroborated by other witness statements.


On October 29, 2021, at 11:40 a.m., a recorded interview was conducted with in the
Community Garden at Los Medanos Community Healthcare District. Erin Lagomgue of RGS
was also present. is the and has been with the district for
SIX years. identified himself as

said he has not witnessed any inappropriate behavior by COMPLAINANT or Thorpe.

said he doesn't see Thorpe regularly as has
worked primarily with in the garden. said has always been serious
about her job, and he has not witnessed her behave in any unprofessional manner.

Patt Young

On November 5, 2021, at 1:40 p.m. a recorded interview was conducted with Patt Young via
Zoom. Young is the board president for the Los Medanos Community Healthcare District.
Young identified herself as

Young is the board chair and has been with the Board for five and a half years. Young met
Thorpe when he interviewed for his cmTent position in October of 2019. Young said she was at
the conference with Thorpe, COMPLAINANT and Munoz. Young said board member Dannisha Owens-
Marsh also attended the conference. Young did not socialize with Tho1pe, COMPLAINANT or Munoz
outside of the conference. The conference held two mixers in the evenings. Young said Munoz at
one of the mixers, and saw her have one beer. Young gave Munoz her drink ticket as she was not
going to use it. COMPLAINANT was not at either mixer. Tho1pe was at both mixers, and Young doesn't
recall seeing him drink alcohol.

Tho1pe, COMPLAINANT and Munoz did not discuss going out in front of Young, and Young noted
nothing unusual about their interactions dming the conference. On September 2, 2021, Young
saw the three at breakfast and did not note anything unusual. After Young anived home on
September 2, 2021, she received a call from Tho1pe. Tho1pe told Young that something had
occmTed at the conference that distmbed him. Tho1pe did not elaborate, but said he put it in a
letter to give to bookkeeper Rhonda Bmke. Tho1pe said he hoped the letter would never be
needed. Tho1pe was a matter of fact. Young said, "I guess you're not going to tell me?" Tho1pe
did not say anything more. Tho1pe didn't mention COMPLAINANT or Munoz. Young said the call lasted
less than two minutes.


1 44
Young received the letters from Munoz and COMPLAINANT the following week. Young asked Burke
about the letter from Thorpe, but Burke told Young she didn't know what she was talking about.
Young asked Thorpe ifhe gave the letter to Burke, and he said, "No, I decided to give it to my

Young said she received the complaints via email. She missed the first email from COMPLAINANT and
called her to apologize. Young said she doesn't have much contact with COMPLAINANT because she
works in the garden. Munoz has been working at home, and Young had never met her in person
until the conference. Young was not aware of any of the employees meeting for drinks after
work. Young believed that Thorpe was the only person in the office full-time.

Young said Thorpe has not confided in her much about his personal life. Young recalled that last
year, he mentioned to her that he was now a Young did not have anything further
to add.

Dannisha Owens-Marsh

On December 27, 2021, at 11:05 a.m., a recorded interview was conducted with Owens-Marsh
via Zoom. Owens-Marsh was an employee of LMCHD from Febrnaiy 2020 until the end of July
2020. Owens-Marsh resigned to run for the boai·d ofLMCHD, and was appointed in December
2020. Owens-Marsh identified herself as . Owens-Marsh also stated she

Owens-Marsh was with Boai·d Member Patt Young. She also had
previously been acquainted with other board members during community work, but did not know
any other employees ofLMCHD before she was hired.

Young told Owens-Mai·sh that LMCHD needed office help because some staff members had
quit. Owens-Mai·sh agreed to assist, and met with Thorpe in the office. Owens-Marsh said it was
a casual interview, but she did submit a resume. Owens-Marsh and Thorpe discussed the job
parameters and pay. Owens-Mai·sh did comment that she needed to
. The only personal question Thorpe asked her was

Owens-Marsh worked in the office for about six weeks, until Covid-19 became an issue. During
that time, and COMPLAINANT were employed there. and M1moz were not
working there. Most of the employees were remote by the end of March. Owens-Marsh said she
did not socialize with any other employees outside of work, and doesn't recall anyone suggesting
they go to lunch or go out after work. Owens-Marsh mostly worked in the conference room and
2 44
was in the main office, while COMPLAINANT mostly worked in the garden. Although friendly,
their conversations were mostly about work. Owens-Marsh and COMPLAINANT sometimes talked about
. Owens-Marsh said COMPLAINANT was never fli1tatious or inappropriate, and was ve1y
graceful and helpful. Owens-Marsh did not observe anyone else in the office behave
inappropriately, including and Thmpe.

During the time Owens-Marsh worked there, Tho1pe was either in his own office or off-site
talking to grantees. Tho1pe did not discuss anything personal with Owens-Marsh, and Owens-
Marsh believed he was maiTied and As a supervisor, Owens-Marsh said Tho1pe was
direct and answered her questions. Owens-Marsh did not have any issues with him as a
supervisor, and no one else complained to her about him.

During the conference, Owens-Mai·sh did not notice any unusual behavior. Owens-Marsh said
she did not see Munoz or COMPLAINANT much. COMPLAINANT was at one of the mixers, and Tho1pe showed
up at the same mixer later. Owens-Mai·sh did not see either drink to excess or behave in any
unusual manner. Munoz also had breakfast with them one morning. Owens-Marsh and Munoz
did not take the same training sessions.

came to breakfast the last day. COMPLAINANT Young, Tho1pe and Owens-Marsh sat down

and talked with personnel from some other healthcare districts. COMPLAINANT spoke to a few of the
other people there. Owens-Marsh did not notice anything unusual about anyone's behavior.
Munoz, COMPLAINANT and Tho1pe did not mention going out after hours. Owens-Marsh didn't see any
of them drinking to excess. Tho1pe did not comment to Owens-Mai·sh about being uncomfo1table
about anything. Munoz and COMPLAINANT also did not comment about being uncomfortable.

On December 28, 2021, at 10:00 a.m., a recorded inte1view was conducted with
via Zoom. has been an at LMCHD since December 2020.
identified herself as

said she was hired after responding to an online job posting at LMCHD. sent
her resume to Tho1pe, and had an inte1view with him via Zoom. did not know Tho1pe
prior to her employment, and does not work for him at the City of Antioch. explained
that she has access to Tho1pe's full calendai· as , therefore schedules his
LMCHD commitments around his mayoral duties.

In December 2020, the staff was working remotely. and others retmned to the office in
June 2021. said she works with , who repo1ts to her. COMPLAINANT and Munoz were
3 44
also working in the office; however, COMPLAINANT was primarily in the garden. said she had
lunch with Munoz once, but did not socialize after hours with anyone in the office. said
she was not asked to join the others after work, and did not hear them discussing going out after

Regarding team building events, said there were none while she worked there due to
Covid-19. said if one was suggested, it would have been her job to schedule it.
said there was a credit card that they could use for that type of event, but she did not use it.
said if anyone got together outside of work, she was unaware of it and it was not an
official team building event.

Munoz and occasionally discussed their personal lives while at work. said they
mostly talked never witnessed Munoz behave
unprofessionally in the workplace and did not observe any fli1iatiousbehavior by Munoz.

only saw COMPLAINANT in passing as she worked primarily in the garden. never
witnessed behave inappropriately and did not observe any fli1iatious behavior by

said Tho1pe did not confide in her about her personal life and she doesn't know if he is
manied or divorced. is aware Tho1pehas because there will be entries on
Tho1pe's calendar about never witnessed Tho1pe behave
unprofessionally in the workplace and never saw him be flniatious.

said Th01pe is pretty busy at work. As a supervisor, said Tho1pe is patient

about work issues and "doesn't shut you down." She described him as "pretty laid back."

did not attend the conference in Monterey.

On Januaiy 6, 2022, at 12:06 p.m., a recorded interview was conducted with

1san for LMCHD and has been with the District for three
years. identified herself as

was hn·ed after applying for the position and being interviewed by Patt Young and a
fo1mer employee named , who at that time was Tho1pe.
retired and was hn·ed to replace her. primarily works with


24 44
and has limited contact with other employees at LMCHD. did not attend the conference
in Monterey, and has not heard any comments about anything that happened there.
stated she has not witnessed any inappropriate or unprofessional behavior in the
workplace by anyone. said she has had brief conversations with Munoz and COMPLAINANT
about and holidays, but nothing more personal than that. said she has not had
personal conversations with Thorpe about his marital status or dating.

said she did not organize any gatherings after hours with other employees ofLMCHD.
said she and Thorpe have some mutual friends, mostly people who work at the City of
Antioch. 1s and knows a few members of the City Council.
said this group socializes sometimes, and has been at Thorpe's home for karaoke.
doesn't recall organizing any of these events, but said they did not include LMCHD
staff. has not gone out to La Plazuela with staff from LMCHD.

specifically said she did not witness Thorpe behave in a fliitatious or inappropriate
manner at work. She also did not see Munoz or COMPLAINANT behave in that manner.

When asked about Thorpe's managerial style, said he is mostly professional and
sometiines silly. She said they have fun in the office but nothing inappropriate.

Lamar Thorpe

On October 29, 2021, at 9:53 a.m., a recorded inte1view was conducted with Lamar Tho1pe at
the Los Medanos Community Healthcare District office at 2311 Loveridge Road, Pittsburg, CA.
Also present was Tho1pe's attorney Kevin Sullivan and Erin Lagourgue ofRGS. Tho1pe is the
Executive Director and has been there for over 2 years. Tho1pe identified himself as

Tho1pe was asked about the conference in Monterey. Tho1pe said the first evening, he met up
with Munoz and her boyfriend. Tho1pe stated he could not recall the boyfriend's name. Tho1pe
said they were at a bar that was not at the hotel but he could not recall the name of the bar.
an-ived and met them. The four decided to walk to a different restaurant that had a bar.
Tho1pe did not remember the name of the second bar or what time it was. Tho1pe said he

After the second bar, the four left and walked to COMPLAINANT car. Tho1pe was walking alongside
and Munoz and her boyfriend walked about ten to fifteen feet behind them. COMPLAINANT
began telling Tho1pe she found him attractive, thought it was sexy that he was Black and
Mexican, and loved that he spoke Spanish. COMPLAINANT commented to Tho1pe, "It's yours if you
25 44
want it." Tho1pe said he believed that she was offering to have a romantic relationship with him.
Tho1pe laughed and ignored the comment. When they got into COMPLAINANT car, Tho1pe got in and
pretended to be asleep. When they aITived at the hotel parking lot, Tho1pe said he was going to
bed. It was his impression that COMPLAINANT Munoz and her boyfriend were going to a British pub.

Tho1pe specifically denied any physical contact between himself and COMPLAINANT He denied
touching her on the shoulder or anywhere else during the night. When asked how many drinks he
had consumed over the course of the evening, Tho1pe said, "I don't recall. I don't know why
that's relevant. It's like asking me ifl ate shrimp or a steak. You're investigating au incident
that's been complained about and I'm here to answer those questions." Th01pe did not answer
the question until his attorney instructed him to do so. Tho1pe said he had one drink at the first
bar and one drink at the second bar. At one point, he recalled Munoz' boyfriend ordering
tequila shots at the second bar, but Tho1pe said he did not drink his. Tho1pe denied putting his
arm around COMPLAINANT and denied grabbing her buttocks. Thorpe said he did not make any
comments about how COMPLAINANT looked in her jeans. Tho1pe did not see them again until the next

The next morning, he had a conversation with COMPLAINANT in his hotel room about where to park
their cars. Tho1pe told COMPLAINANT to follow him to a different lot. They got coffee and walked to
the parking lot. When asked if he talked to her about the night before, Tho1pe said he may have
told her ''Not to wony about last night." Th01pe said COMPLAINANT told him she understood and
offered her apologies.

Tho1pe, Munoz and COMPLAINANT attended the morning session of the conference, but Munoz and
left early. Later that day, Tho1pe told Munoz and COMPLAINANT they couldn't "skip out" on
the sessions. Tho1pe, COMPLAINANT Munoz and Munoz' boyfriend had lm1chtogether. Tho1pe did not
recall any discussion of which breakout sessions they were going to attend. Thorpe does not
recall any conversations about the sexual harassment session, and did not attend it himself.
Tho1pe said he did not have dinner with them and did not see them at dinner. Tho1pe coITected
himself and said he was at the Faimer's Market nearby. Tho1pe said he saw COMPLAINANT Munoz and
Munoz' boyfriend out having dinner. He stopped by and said, "Hey how ya doing?" Tho1pe
denied calling them "haters" and denied flipping them off.

On September 1, 2021, around 2:00 a.m., Tho1pe recalled that COMPLAINANT television was ve1y loud
in the adjacent room. He tried to text her but did not receive a response. Hotel staff knocked on
her door but did not get a response. Tho1pe tried to text Munoz, but she did not respond either.
Tho1pe said he ultimately switched rooms because the television was so loud.

That evening, Tho1pe invited COMPLAINANT and Munoz to go to the home of one of their consultants,
, who has a home in Monterey. Th01pe said, "They all know ." Munoz invited


26 44
Thorpe to dinner with her and her boyfriend, however Thmpe told her he was going to

Thorpe was asked ifhe knew COMPLAINANT before she came to work at LMCHD. Tho1pe replied,
"I'm not sme what that has to do with your investigation." When asked again, Tho1pe said he
first met COMPLAINANT because she had received a grant from LMCHD and owed them money.
Tho1pe said he had to meet with her to get the money. Tho1pe said they had a conversation about
the money, and Tho1pe learned about COMPLAINANT prior work in community gardening. Thorpe set
up an interview with COMPLAINANT however COMPLAINANT car broke down, so Tho1pe offered to pick her
up. Tho1pe brought COMPLAINANT to the district office, gave her a tour, and introduced her to some of
the staff. A week later, he offered COMPLAINANT a job at LMCHD.

Tho1pe was asked if he recalled a conversation after COMPLAINANT was hired abou
Tho1pe said he did not remember the conversation and did not remember giving her a hug.
Tho1pe denied ever discussing any other personal issues with COMPLAINANT and denied showing her a
letter he wrote to his ex-wife.

Tho1pe was asked ifhe remembered commenting on a photo of COMPLAINANT on Facebook in July
2021. Tho1pe said he did not remember. When specifically asked if he posted "Hey good
looking" with a heart eye emoji under a photo of COMPLAINANT Th01pe said, ''No, I don't recall that."
Tho1pe also said he didn't remember commenting about her photo to anyone in the office the
next day. When asked about inviting staff to go out for drinks after work, Tho1pe said generally
would organize staff going out. COMPLAINANT was invited but never attended.

At this point in the inte1view, Th01pe's attorney requested a short break to speak to his client.
After the short break, Tho1pe said he recalled saying to COMPLAINANT and Munoz "You're all hating
on me." Tho1pe said it was good-natured. Tho1pe still denied flipping them off.

Regarding the June 11, 2021 incident at La Plazuela, Tho1pe said he did not recall that date
specifically. Tho1pe said his meetings with Munoz at La Plazuela were meetings with Senate
staff from Sacramento. Tho1pe was asked about a specific day when he was there with Munoz,
and another woman. Th01pe did not remember. He was asked ifhe remembered grabbing
her calf and saying, "This is sexual harassment, I should stop." Tho1pe said that never happened.

When asked if he ever met Munoz at La Plazuela alone, Tho1pe provided a detailed description
of an incident where a strange man had been following him and recording him on his phone. The
person followed Th01pe to La Plazuela. Tho1pe sent out a text to several people asking for help,
and Munoz arrived shortly afte1ward. Tho1pe then clarified he never met Munoz for drinks


Thorpe was asked ifhe invited co-workers to his home for karaoke after work. Thorpe said
would "put the karaoke things together."

Thorpe denied any workplace conversations with Munoz about his relationship with his wife. He
also denied discussing his dating life, having sex or needing to get laid. He specifically denied
having the conversation about his trips to Miami or Mexico.

Thorpe said he never commented to Munoz and dming the conference that first night of
the conference that he "wanted to get fucked up." Thorpe denied having a conversation with
where he apologized to him. Tho1pe said he never apologized for his behavior to anyone
at the conference or any other time.

Tho1pe said immediately upon returning from the conference he called Patt Young. He said the
situation occU1Tedat the conference he was uncomfortable with and that he was going to write a
letter to document it. Thorpe said he didn't know what he should share with her so he didn't
share specifics with her. Young he was going to look at the policy manual since he didn't know
what his process was. At first, Tho1pe said Young told him to write a letter, but then said he
didn't remember who suggested he write it down. He wasn't sme what he could share with the
board because it was a personnel matter. Tho1pe prepared a letter which he sent to his personal
attorney, Kevin Sullivan. He was going to send it to Rhonda Burke but he decided since she was
a contractor and not an employee that he would just send it to the attorney. Tho1pe said the letter
described what occU1Ted.When asked if he sent it via email or regular mail, Tho1pe said regular
mail. Sullivan inte1jected and said it was sent ce1iified mail.

Tho1pe was asked for the name of the hotel he was staying and he could not recall. Later, he was
asked if was the MatTiott or Portola hotel, he confinned it was Po1tola.

Tho1pe said he could review his text messages and provide them. When asked if he had anything
to add, Tho1pe said, "I'll just emphasize,

Credibility assessment

Thorpe was vague in his responses, and at several points in the interview did not respond to the
question asked. Several of his statements were contradicted by other statements and evidence
provided, such as the text messages.


2 44
Documents provided by COMPLAINANT

Hey need you to fill in for the

next three days

As acting ED

Call me

When you see this

Mon, Jul 12, 3:15 PM

Lamar, is there an ED report for

the board meeting?

Mon, Jul 12, 4:45 PM


Just give a verbal one

Mon, Jul 12, 7:59 PM

Meeting went great!


Lamar (BOSS) >
Thu, Jul 22, 10:18 AM

Are you at garden

I just left to Home Depot 10

minutes ago, do you need me
to unlock office for you?


Here now just parking

Thu, Jul 29, 2:44 PM

July 27 at 10:20 AM · 1~

"I'll be the roots, you be the tree, pass on the fruits that
were given to me ... Legacy .. you're part of something way
bigger " #29 #littlesprouts #founder #ceo #501c3
#volunteer #mother #laboroflove #community
#partnership #cococounty

r/:JLike CJComment ~ Share


2 mos Like Reply More

Lamar Thorpe
•• hey good lookin!
2 mos More


1 44
Tue, Aug 31, 5:49 PM

Lamar (BOSS)

G Y'all at this reception?

Wed, Sep 1, 5:24 PM

Lamar (BOSS)

Yo y'all wanna go to
G house
Jocelyn (LMCHD)

Thanks but I made plans for

G dinner!! Tell hola



Come join us we draaaankinu

Wed, Sep 1, 2:33 AM

Your tv is loud

LTurnoff your tv.

Documents provided by Jocelyn Munoz


3 44
I'm bccrcno~



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MGmail Lisa Ban.ayat <'lban:aya·t@g-mall~c,om>

Lamar Thorpe
1 message

Kevin Sullivan <ksullivanlegai@gmail.com> Thu. Nov 11, 2021 at 4:49 PM

To; Usa Banayat <lbanayat@rg.s..ca ..go-,,,,>, Lisa Banaya1 <.lbana.yeiil@gmail.com>

Attached ls a copy ol tne 1enet' ltlat rr,;y client provided me

Kevin S. Sullivan
Lew Office o1 Kevl,1 S. Sulllvan
3251 SteoITTo.rSt.reel
Sen Frnr,aaco, CA 941123
415-441-1052 (phone)
415-931-4117 (lax)
lululllvo"l"O&l@gmo .com
www.kevinsullivanlegat.com (website)

t'.) Tho,pe Letter.,p,clf



LoiMedanol HeaUbcare
Communtty Ol!trlct

2311 Loveridge Road, Pittsburg, CA94565

September 3, 2021

Kevin sumvan, Esq.

255 North Mar1<etStreel
Su[te 125
San Jose,CA95110

Dear Mt. Sullivan, Esq.:

I write this out of an abundance of caution related to a conference I'm currentty attending in
Monterey Bay. The conference is betng hosted by CSOA. I'm tlere In my role as encutive
d!roctor of the Los Medanos Community Healthcare District.

At the con~e. on the night.or August 31, 2021, as part orour team building, my
colleagues and I visited restaurants in the area. It was here that I was put into a highly
uncomfortable sltuallon, as my COMPLAINANT diredly tnformed me that
she found me to be very attractive and wanted 10putSUea romantic relationship with me for
quite some time.

To not make uie situation awkward, I acted as If I did not understand what she was saying
and ignored the topic. When 1did this, I could se.ethat she was beginning to become very
visibly agllated. Because or that, I knew 11was time to end the team building night.

Wilh me, that night was Jocelyn Mul'toz and her boyfriend. They could not hear the oontents
of the conversation betwffn COMPLAINANT and me, as we were walking about 15 feet ir, front or

The morning of September 1, 2021, COMPLAINANT Joselyn, and her boyfriend reached out to me
regarding that day's confereooe events and team building. Given the awkw.trd environment
created the night before, and as the leader or the team, I took It upon myself to indirectly
address the issue. Again, I d1dnot want to embarrass COMPLAINANT but I:wes also aware of how
the situation could negatively Impact team morale, therefore I approached lhe•check-in as a
team wellneu ctieek.

I want to clearly state ror the record that I am not formally filing a complaint with the Los
Medenos Community Health Care District-Human Resouroes because I do not want to


1 44

Jeopardizeher Job.She ts a very Importantmembel'of our team. and I also know as a

from her employmenl I'm currentty
wortting on mal<Jngher position full-UmeWithincreased pay.Although she clearty made a
mistake,my hope is that il does not occur again. However, if sl\odoesdecideto continue
lhis Inappropriateconversationwtth me, I want to have something on Ille record, ai I will go
to Human Resources if she decides to pursue this topic with me again.

Lastly,I went to also make clear that COMPLAINANT'S statementsto me on the night of August 31,
2021,came as a complete wrprise to me. From the moment I met her, our relationshiphas
always been very professional In nature.At no point did I ever create an environmentwlth
her where she oould confuse my lnteracilOnsas en attempt to cross our relationShlpfrom
professlonelto romantic. Likewise, I never fell she was seeking to cros.sthe professlonal
hne, thus why I am treating this as a on~tlme mistake.

I did, hOwever,1nf00'0 the LMCHOBoard PresidentPatt Youth on September2, 2021, of this

letter and its general nature wllhout naming Involvedparties, per LMCHD policy.


Lamar Thorpe
ExecutlveDirector, Los MedanosCommunityHealthcareDistrict


4 44

M Gmail Lisa Banayat <lbanayat@gmail.com>

Re: Interview
1 message

Kevin Sulllvan <ksullivanlegal@gmail.com> Thu, Dec 23, 2021 at 1:45 PM

To: Lisa Banayat <lbanayat@rgs.ca.gov>

The letter was sent to me by USPS and arrived on or about September 8, 2021 in my office.

Kevin S. Sullivan
Law Office of Kevin S. Sullivan
3251 Steiner Street
San Francisco, CA 94123
415-441-1052 (phone)
415-931-4117 (fax)
www kevinsullivanlegal com (website)

On Tue, Dec 21, 2021 at 3:16 PM Lisa Banayat <lbanayat@rgs.ca.gov> wrote:

Hello Mr. Sullivan,

During Mr. Thorpe's interview, he mentioned he would search for text messages relevant to his
statement. Also, you mentioned the letter he wrote to you was sent by certified mail.

Let me know if you would like to provide either text messages or the certified mail receipt before I close
my investigation.

Thank you,
Lisa Banayat

From:Kevin Sullivan <ksullivanlegal@gmail.com>

Sent: Thursday, November 4, 202111:38 AM
To: Lisa Banayat <lbanayat@gmail.com>
Cc:Lisa Banayat <lbanayat@rgs.ca.gov>
Subject: Re: Interview

I will send you the letter my client sent to me on monday when I return to the office. I have been out all week with a
I am also hoping that the investigation will be includinq interviews of the other people who attended the
conference (Patt Young and Dennisha March) as well as my who he works with and was
around during his interactions.

Kevin S. Sullivan
Law Office of Kevin S. Sullivan
3251 Steiner Street
San Francisco, CA 94123
415-441-1052 (phone)
415-931-4117 (fax)
www.kevinsullivanlegal.com (website)


3 44


You are hereby notified that you are being interviewed in the course of an administrative fact
finding being conducted on behalf of the Los Medauos Community Healthcare District regarding
allegations of possible misconduct.

While you have the right to remain silent and not incriminate yourself during the course of any
criminal investigation, you are hereby notified this is an administrative fact finding only and you
are now asked to fully and truthfully answer all questions asked of you during this investigative

Any failure or refusal by you to fully and truthfuUy answer all questions may be considered
insubordination and may lead to administrntivc discipline, including possible termination from

Any statements made by you in response to this order cannot be used against you 111 any

Lamar Thorpe·


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