1542 Jeffrey D Zients Oge 278e

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Termination Report | U.S. Office of Government Ethics; 5 C.F.R. part 2634 | Form Approved: OMB No.

(3209-0001) (Updated Nov. 2021)

Executive Branch Personnel

Public Financial Disclosure Report (OGE Form 278e)

Filer's Information
Zients, Jeffrey D

Coordinator of the COVID-19 Response and Counselor to the President, White House - Biden-Harris Administration

Date of Termination: 04/05/2022

Other Federal Government Positions Held During the Preceding 12 Months:


Electronic Signature - I certify that the statements I have made in this form are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge.

/s/ Zients, Jeffrey [electronically signed on 05/16/2022 by Zients, Jeffrey in Integrity.gov]

Agency Ethics Official's Opinion - On the basis of information contained in this report, I conclude that the filer is in compliance with applicable laws and regulations (subject to
any comments below).
/s/ Kozmycz, Marina M, Certifying Official [electronically signed on 05/18/2022 by Kozmycz, Marina M in Integrity.gov]

Other review conducted by

/s/ Kozmycz, Marina M, Ethics Official [electronically signed on 05/18/2022 by Kozmycz, Marina M in Integrity.gov]

U.S. Office of Government Ethics Certification

Zients, Jeffrey D - Page 1

Data Revised 05/18/2022

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1. Filer's Positions Held Outside United States Government

1 Children's National Hospital - Washington, Non-Profit Chairman 9/2019 1/2021

District of

2 PT Fund, Inc Washington, Corporation Co-Chair 9/2020 1/2021

District of

2. Filer's Employment Assets & Income and Retirement Accounts


1 Facebook Inc. N/A Reclaimed $12,000

Director Fees


2.1 Primecap Odyssey Agg Growth Fund Yes $1,000,001 - $100,001 -

(POAGX) $5,000,000 $1,000,000

2.2 Cash N/A $1,001 - $15,000 None (or less

than $201)

3 Cranemere Inc. 401k No Employer 401k $8,550

Match for prior

3.1 Vanguard Growth Index Fund Adm (VIGAX) Yes $15,001 - None (or less
$50,000 than $201)

Zients, Jeffrey D - Page 3

3. Filer's Employment Agreements and Arrangements

1 Cranemere Inc. New York, New I will continue to participate in this defined contribution 1/2020
York plan, but the plan sponsor no longer makes

4. Filer's Sources of Compensation Exceeding $5,000 in a Year

(N/A) - Not required for this type of report

5. Spouse's Employment Assets & Income and Retirement Accounts


1 IRA No

1.1 Cash N/A $1,001 - $15,000 None (or less

than $201)

6. Other Assets and Income


1 iShares Preferred and Income Securities ETF Yes $5,000,001 - $100,001 -

(PFF) $25,000,000 $1,000,000

2 SPDR Gold Shares (GLD) Yes $5,000,001 - None (or less

$25,000,000 than $201)

3 SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY) Yes $5,000,001 - $100,001 -

$25,000,000 $1,000,000

Zients, Jeffrey D - Page 4


4 Vanguard Growth Index Fund ETF Class Yes $5,000,001 - $50,001 -

Shares (VUG) $25,000,000 $100,000

5 Federated Municipal Obligations Fund Yes $5,000,001 - $201 - $1,000

Automated Shares (MOTXX) $25,000,000

6 Vanguard Cash Res Fed MM Adm (VMRXX) Yes $1,000,001 - $1,001 - $2,500

7 Vanguard Dividend Growth Fund Investor Yes $5,000,001 - $100,001 -

Shares (VDIGX) $25,000,000 $1,000,000

8 Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Yes $5,000,001 - $100,001 -

Admiral Class Shares (VTSAX) $25,000,000 $1,000,000

9 Vanguard Federal Money Market Fund Yes $250,001 - None (or less
Investor Shares (VMFXX) $500,000 than $201)

10 PRIMECAP Odyssey Aggressive Growth Fund Yes $5,000,001 - $100,001 -

(POAGX) $25,000,000 $1,000,000

11 Federated US Treasury Cash Reserves Yes $5,000,001 - $201 - $1,000

Institutional Shares (UTIXX) $25,000,000

12 Morgan Stanley Bank Deposit Program Cash N/A $5,000,001 - Interest $201 - $1,000

13 Merrill Lynch Bank Deposit N/A $100,001 - Interest None (or less
$250,000 than $201)

14 2025 Massachusetts Ave, LLC N/A

14.1 Commercial Real Estate, Washington, DC N/A $5,000,001 - Rent or Royalties $100,001 -
$25,000,000 $1,000,000

14.2 ML Bank Deposit (cash) N/A $1,001 - $15,000 Interest None (or less
than $201)

15 Gold Bars N/A $1,000,001 - None (or less

$5,000,000 than $201)

16 Maine College Savings No None (or less

than $201)

Zients, Jeffrey D - Page 5


16.1 Franktemp Growth & Inc A (NAAAQ) Yes $50,001 - None (or less
$100,000 than $201)

16.2 MFS Equity Portfolio A (NAAAZ) Yes $250,001 - None (or less
$500,000 than $201)

17 U.S. Based bank #1, Cash N/A $250,001 - Interest None (or less
$500,000 than $201)

18 U.S. based bank #2 (cash) N/A $15,001 - Interest None (or less
$50,000 than $201)

19 Commercial Real Estate (Bethesda, MD)held N/A $500,001 - Rent or Royalties $201 - $1,000
through 8804 OGR LLC $1,000,000

20 Vanguard Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund Yes $5,000,001 - $15,001 -

Admiral Shares (VUSFX) $25,000,000 $50,000

21 Vanguard Short-Term Tax-Exempt Fund Yes $5,000,001 - $15,001 -

Admiral Shares (VWSUX) $25,000,000 $50,000

22 Vanguard Short-Term Investment-Grade Fund Yes $5,000,001 - $100,001 -

Admiral Shares (VFSUX) $25,000,000 $1,000,000

23 iShares Preferred and Income Securities ETF Yes $5,000,001 - $100,001 -

(PFF) $25,000,000 $1,000,000

24 SPDR Gold Shares (GLD) Yes $5,000,001 - None (or less

$25,000,000 than $201)

25 Loan to family members N/A $500,001 - Interest $5,001 - $15,000


26 U.s. Based bank #3 (CASH) N/A $1,001 - $15,000 Interest None (or less
than $201)

7. Transactions

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8. Liabilities


9. Gifts and Travel Reimbursements



Zients, Jeffrey D - Page 7

Summary of Contents

1. Filer's Positions Held Outside United States Government

Part 1 discloses positions that the filer held at any time during the reporting period (excluding positions with the United States Government). Positions are reportable even if the
filer did not receive compensation.

This section does not include the following: (1) positions with religious, social, fraternal, or political organizations; (2) positions solely of an honorary nature; (3) positions held as
part of the filer's official duties with the United States Government; (4) mere membership in an organization; and (5) passive investment interests as a limited partner or non-
managing member of a limited liability company.

2. Filer's Employment Assets & Income and Retirement Accounts

Part 2 discloses the following:

● Sources of earned and other non-investment income of the filer totaling more than $200 during the reporting period (e.g., salary, fees, partnership share, honoraria,
scholarships, and prizes)
● Assets related to the filer's business, employment, or other income-generating activities (1) that ended the reporting period with a value greater than $1,000 or (2) from
which more than $200 in income was received during the reporting period (e.g., equity in business or partnership, stock options, retirement plans/accounts and their
underlying holdings as appropriate, deferred compensation, and intellectual property, such as book deals and patents)

This section does not include assets or income from United States Government employment or assets that were acquired separately from the filer's business, employment, or
other income-generating activities (e.g., assets purchased through a brokerage account). Note: The type of income is not required if the amount of income is $0 - $200 or if the
asset qualifies as an excepted investment fund (EIF).

3. Filer's Employment Agreements and Arrangements

Part 3 discloses agreements or arrangements that the filer had during the reporting period with an employer or former employer (except the United States Government), such as
the following:

● Future employment
● Leave of absence
● Continuing payments from an employer, including severance and payments not yet received for previous work (excluding ordinary salary from a current employer)
● Continuing participation in an employee welfare, retirement, or other benefit plan, such as pensions or a deferred compensation plan
● Retention or disposition of employer-awarded equity, sharing in profits or carried interests (e.g., vested and unvested stock options, restricted stock, future share of a
company's profits, etc.)

Zients, Jeffrey D - Page 8

4. Filer's Sources of Compensation Exceeding $5,000 in a Year

Part 4 discloses sources (except the United States Government) that paid more than $5,000 in a calendar year for the filer's services during any year of the reporting period.

The filer discloses payments both from employers and from any clients to whom the filer personally provided services. The filer discloses a source even if the source made its
payment to the filer's employer and not to the filer. The filer does not disclose a client's payment to the filer's employer if the filer did not provide the services for which the client
is paying.

5. Spouse's Employment Assets & Income and Retirement Accounts

Part 5 discloses the following:

● Sources of earned income (excluding honoraria) for the filer's spouse totaling more than $1,000 during the reporting period (e.g., salary, consulting fees, and partnership
● Sources of honoraria for the filer's spouse greater than $200 during the reporting period
● Assets related to the filer's spouse's employment, business activities, other income-generating activities (1) that ended the reporting period with a value greater than $1,000
or (2) from which more than $200 in income was received during the reporting period (e.g., equity in business or partnership, stock options, retirement plans/accounts and
their underlying holdings as appropriate, deferred compensation, and intellectual property, such as book deals and patents)

This section does not include assets or income from United States Government employment or assets that were acquired separately from the filer's spouse's business,
employment, or other income-generating activities (e.g., assets purchased through a brokerage account). Note: The type of income is not required if the amount of income is $0
- $200 or if the asset qualifies as an excepted investment fund (EIF). Amounts of income are not required for a spouse's earned income (excluding honoraria).

6. Other Assets and Income

Part 6 discloses each asset, not already reported, (1) that ended the reporting period with a value greater than $1,000 or (2) from which more than $200 in investment income
was received during the reporting period. For purposes of the value and income thresholds, the filer aggregates the filer's interests with those of the filer's spouse and dependent

This section does not include the following types of assets: (1) a personal residence (unless it was rented out during the reporting period); (2) income or retirement benefits
associated with United States Government employment (e.g., Thrift Savings Plan); and (3) cash accounts (e.g., checking, savings, money market accounts) at a single financial
institution with a value of $5,000 or less (unless more than $200 in income was received). Additional exceptions apply. Note: The type of income is not required if the amount of
income is $0 - $200 or if the asset qualifies as an excepted investment fund (EIF).

Zients, Jeffrey D - Page 9

7. Transactions

Part 7 discloses purchases, sales, or exchanges of real property or securities in excess of $1,000 made on behalf of the filer, the filer's spouse or dependent child during the
reporting period.

This section does not include transactions that concern the following: (1) a personal residence, unless rented out; (2) cash accounts (e.g., checking, savings, CDs, money
market accounts) and money market mutual funds; (3) Treasury bills, bonds, and notes; and (4) holdings within a federal Thrift Savings Plan account. Additional exceptions

8. Liabilities

Part 8 discloses liabilities over $10,000 that the filer, the filer's spouse or dependent child owed at any time during the reporting period.

This section does not include the following types of liabilities: (1) mortgages on a personal residence, unless rented out (limitations apply for PAS filers); (2) loans secured by a
personal motor vehicle, household furniture, or appliances, unless the loan exceeds the item's purchase price; and (3) revolving charge accounts, such as credit card balances,
if the outstanding liability did not exceed $10,000 at the end of the reporting period. Additional exceptions apply.

9. Gifts and Travel Reimbursements

This section discloses:

● Gifts totaling more than $415 that the filer, the filer's spouse, and dependent children received from any one source during the reporting period.
● Travel reimbursements totaling more than $415 that the filer, the filer's spouse, and dependent children received from any one source during the reporting period.

For purposes of this section, the filer need not aggregate any gift or travel reimbursement with a value of $166 or less. Regardless of the value, this section does not include the
following items: (1) anything received from relatives; (2) anything received from the United States Government or from the District of Columbia, state, or local governments; (3)
bequests and other forms of inheritance; (4) gifts and travel reimbursements given to the filer's agency in connection with the filer's official travel; (5) gifts of hospitality (food,
lodging, entertainment) at the donor's residence or personal premises; and (6) anything received by the filer's spouse or dependent children totally independent of their
relationship to the filer. Additional exceptions apply.

Zients, Jeffrey D - Page 10

Privacy Act Statement

Title I of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, as amended (the Act), 5 U.S.C. app. § 101 et seq., as amended by the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act of 2012
(Pub. L. 112-105) (STOCK Act), and 5 C.F.R. Part 2634 of the U. S. Office of Government Ethics regulations require the reporting of this information. Failure to provide the
requested information may result in separation, disciplinary action, or civil action. The primary use of the information on this report is for review by Government officials to
determine compliance with applicable Federal laws and regulations. This report may also be disclosed upon request to any requesting person in accordance with sections 105
and 402(b)(1) of the Act or as otherwise authorized by law. You may inspect applications for public access of your own form upon request. Additional disclosures of the
information on this report may be made: (1) to any requesting person, subject to the limitation contained in section 208(d)(1) of title 18, any determination granting an exemption
pursuant to sections 208(b)(1) and 208(b)(3) of title 18; (2) to a Federal, State, or local law enforcement agency if the disclosing agency becomes aware of violations or potential
violations of law or regulation; (3) to a source when necessary to obtain information relevant to a conflict of interest investigation or determination; (4) to the National Archives
and Records Administration or the General Services Administration in records management inspections; (5) to the Office of Management and Budget during legislative
coordination on private relief legislation; (6) when the disclosing agency determines that the records are arguably relevant to a proceeding before a court, grand jury, or
administrative or adjudicative body, or in a proceeding before an administrative or adjudicative body when the adjudicator determines the records to be relevant to the
proceeding; (7) to reviewing officials in a new office, department or agency when an employee transfers or is detailed from one covered position to another, a public financial
disclosure report and any accompanying documents, including statements notifying an employee's supervising ethics office of the commencement of negotiations for future
employment or compensation or of an agreement for future employment or compensation; (8) to a Member of Congress or a congressional office in response to an inquiry made
on behalf of and at the request of an individual who is the subject of the record; (9) to contractors and other non-Government employees working on a contract, service or
assignment for the Federal Government when necessary to accomplish a function related to this system of records; (10) on the OGE Website and to any person, department or
agency, any written ethics agreement, including certifications of ethics agreement compliance, filed with OGE by an individual nominated by the President to a position requiring
Senate confirmation; (11) on the OGE Website and to any person, department or agency, any certificate of divestiture issued by OGE; (12) on the OGE Website and to any
person, department or agency, any waiver of the restrictions contained in Executive Order 13770 or any superseding executive order; (13) to appropriate agencies, entities and
persons when there has been a suspected or confirmed breach of the system of records, the agency maintaining the records has determined that there is a risk of harm to
individuals, the agency, the Federal Government, or national security, and the disclosure is reasonably necessary to assist in connection with the agency's efforts to respond to
the suspected or confirmed breach or to prevent, minimize, or remedy such harm; and (14) to another Federal agency or Federal entity, when the agency maintaining the record
determines that information from this system of records is reasonably necessary to assist the recipient agency or entity in responding to a suspected or confirmed breach or in
preventing, minimizing, or remedying the risk of harm to individuals, the recipient agency or entity, the Federal Government, or national security. See also the OGE/GOVT-1
executive branch-wide Privacy Act system of records.

Public Burden Information

This collection of information is estimated to take an average of ten hours per response, including time for reviewing the instructions, gathering the data needed, and completing
the form. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Program
Counsel, U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE), Suite 500, 1201 New York Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20005-3917.

Pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act, as amended, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and no person is required to respond to, a collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid OMB control number (that number, 3209-0001, is displayed here and at the top of the first page of this OGE Form 278e).

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